The following rules apply to the foals born in 2020 - Iowa Paint ...

Page created by Frank Duncan
The following rules apply to the foals born in 2020

I.     FUTURITY COMMITTEE                                             office fee the day of the show. It is the
       A. The Futurity Committee shall consist of at                  responsibility of the owner or exhibitor of each
          least three (3) members, one of which shall                 entry to complete the entry, fill in the exhibitor’s
          serve as the secretary. The IPHC President                  name, sign the form and pay the office fee and
          will appoint all Breeder’s Futurity committee               any other monies owed for that entry. All
          members, but the appointment(s) must be                     weanlings must be checked in and entries paid
          approved by the IPHC Board of Directors.                    before the posted deadline. Other age divisions
       B. The Futurity Secretary will maintain a list of              must have entries paid before entering their class.
          eligible horses, along with a record of                     It is also the responsibility of the owner and
          payments of nomination fees and will be                     exhibitor to verify current membership and
          accountable to the Iowa Paint Horse Club                    qualification of the exhibitor or any handlers.
          (IPHC) Board of Directors.                                  (Refer to III C-E).
       C. The Iowa Paint Horse Club Treasurer and/or             F.   Any and all premiums earned will be mailed to
          the Iowa Paint Breeder’s Futurity Treasurer                 owners as soon as administratively possible,
          will maintain financial records, an accounting              provided all rules and responsibilities have been
          of Futurity income, expenses, and                           met.
          disbursements and will be accountable to the           G.   Social Security number of the person receiving
          Iowa Paint Horse Club (IPHC) Board of                       premium must be presented to Futurity Secretary
          Directors.                                                  and premium earned will be reported to IRS in
       D. The Futurity Committee reserves the right to                accordance with current laws.
          make decisions on the requests for                     H.   All entries are subject to the rules. Any
          reclassifications, substitutions, and/or                    violations of the rules will result in
          refunds. In the case of an unusual request or               disqualification and forfeiture of any
          circumstance, the Futurity Committee will                   monies earned. Any entry may be subject to
          present the request to the IPHC Board for                   drug testing. The exhibitor, owner or
          their consideration, and their decision will                representative of the owner must deliver the
          be final.                                                   horse to the drug testing station
                                                                      immediately after exiting the arena. Owners
II.    RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FUTURITY                               or exhibitors found in violation of the rules
       PARTICIPANTS                                                   may automatically be subject to testing at
       A. It is the responsibility of all IABF                        following futurities.
          participants to know and abide by all the              I.   If the class is required to show two goes, the
          rules as published.                                         number of paybacks will be determined by the
       B. Failure to meet Futurity responsibilities                   number of entries judged in the first go. Horse
          (membership, payment schedule, etc.) will                   must be shown by the same exhibitor in all
          disqualify nominated horse and all payments                 goes entered. Entry is NOT required to show in
          will be forfeited.                                          both goes.
                                                                 J.   All specific deadlines set within these rules will
III.   GENERAL RULES                                                  be enforced, NO EXCEPTIONS.
       A. All futurity eligible horses must be                   K.   All provisions of the Stallion Service Agreement
          registered with the APHA, AQHA, ApHC,                       are binding under the IABF rules.
          ABRA or PHBA. ORIGINAL
          REGISTRATION PAPERS must be                      IV.      FUTURITY AUCTION
          presented and matched to the horse before              A. The IPHC Board of Directors and/or the IABF
          showing.                                                  Committee reserves the right to refuse any stallion
       B. There can be no substitution for any horse                service donated. Each stallion’s service may be
          entered in the Futurity. In the case of                   donated only once.
          withdrawal from competition,                           B. The minimum bid requirement at Auction, per
          disqualification, or death, all fees paid are             stallion service, will be $175 or ½ of the advertised
          forfeited and shall remain in the Futurity                fee plus $25, whichever is greater. Payment is due
          fund to be distributed as purse.                          day of Auction.
       C. Owner, exhibitor and handler of Futurity               C. The IPHC Board of Directors and/or the IABF
          entry must be current IPHC members.                       Committee are not responsible for technical
          Exhibitor must be the same under all                      communication issues during the auction.
          judges. All IPHC rules will apply.                     D. “NO SALES” A stallion service which does not
       D. In the event that a handler is permitted in               sell before the bidding closes on that stallion may
          the class, these handlers must meet all                   be purchased at $100 over the minimum bid
          association and IPHC rules for exhibitors                 requirement (Refer to IV-B) postmarked no later
          in that class.                                            than May 1st after the auction date. Earliest
       E. Each Futurity entry will be charged an
postmark will determine the buyer if more                addressed in the rules must be stated in this
           than one late purchase is made on the same               agreement.
           service. Stallion donor will be notified by        G.   Stallion owner may require health papers or
           Futurity Secretary in the case of late                  vaccination records of mares coming on-
           purchases.                                              farm.
      E.   Stallion owners whose donated services are         H.   If a shipped semen permit is held on a
           not sold either at auction or by way of late            stallion, shipped semen must be available
           purchases are not eligible for any mare                 for futurity breeding purchased at auction.
           nominations.                                       I.   Stallion owners shall see that the mare (and
      F.   All forms, rules, and other materials for               foal if applicable) is properly taken care of
           continuance in the Futurity will be                     at all times while in their care.
           available on the IPHC website. It is the           J.   Stallion owners must make a good faith
           responsibility of each service donor                    effort to get mares in-foal.
           and/or service purchaser to acquire                K.   Stallion owner reserves the right to AI mare
           these forms.                                            as an alternative to live cover, at mare
                                                                   owner’s expense.
                                                              L.   Stallion owners have the right to call a
                                                                   veterinarian when deemed necessary, at the
      A. Auction Purchases are due day of Auction
                                                                   mare owner’s expense.
          and are payable to Iowa Paint Breeder’s
                                                              M.   Owners of stallions whose donated service
                                                                   sells at auction or by way of late purchase
      B. In case of a Void purchase check, stallion
                                                                   may nominate up to two (2) mares.
          owner will be notified and given 30 days
                                                                   Payment requirement for the first mare
          within which to purchase the fee at a
                                                                   nominated is a minimum of $175 per mare
          minimum of $175 or ½ of advertised stud
                                                                   or ½ of the advertised stud fee PLUS $25,
          fee PLUS $25, whichever is greater, to stay              whichever is greater. Payment for the
          eligible in the Futurity.                                second mare nominated is a minimum of
      C. Any and all insufficient funds checks,                    $175 per mare or ¼ of the advertised stud
          checks from closed accounts or any other                 fee PLUS $25, whichever is greater.
          reason a check cannot be paid to IABF will               Stallion owner mare nomination fees must
          be automatically re-deposited(if applies). If            be paid and postmarked on or before
          returned a second time, the purchase, entry,             December 1 of the year service was sold. A
          nomination, membership, etc. will become                 signed Stallion Owner Authorization Form
          null and void(refer to II-B). All bank                   must accompany any mare nomination sent
          charges will apply and will be paid by                   in by a person other than the stallion owner
          owner.                                                   when using the stallion owner nomination
VI.   STALLION OWNER RIGHTS                                   N.   Owners of stallions wishing to guarantee
      AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                         sale of their stallion’s service at auction
      A. The futurity committee reserves the                       must have payment equal to or greater than
         right to refuse any stallion.                             the minimum bid requirement into the
      B. All Stallions nominated to the auction must               Futurity Auction office prior to the
         be in good standing and listed with their                 commencement of the Auction. Payment
         respective associations.                                  will be returned if a greater bid is obtained
      C. Stallion fee listed on the IABF Stallion                  at auction.
         Service Agreement must by your highest               O.   After all obligations are met between the
         advertised fee.                                           stallion and mare owners, the stallion owner
      D. Stallion fees may not be sold under “Private              is required to provide mare owner with a
         Treaty” or Futurity Only” specials.                       breeder’s certificate.
      E. Stallion owners may charge “Chute Fees”,             P.   The stallion owner at the time of
         “Booking Fees”, or “Special Farm Fees” as                 nomination will receive 10% of the futurity
         defined in the rules (Refer to XVI), but this             winnings from resulting foals that
         fee must not exceed $300.                                 participate in the IABF.
      F. Stallion owners may require mare owners to
         sign a Farm or Ranch Breeding contract;           VII.    MARE OWNER RIGHTS AND
         however, fees listed in that contract shall not           RESPONSIBILITIES
         override those printed in IABF rules and the         A.   Services may be used on a registered APHA,
         IABF Stallion Service Agreement, copy of                  AQHA, ApHC, APRA, PHBA or TB mare, under
         which must accompany the stallion contract.               the condition that the resulting foal is eligible for
         Any additional fees to the mare owner not                 registration with one of the following association
APHA, AQHA, ApHC, APRA, PHBA.                                     D. Nominated mares producing a lethal white
      B.   Mare must be broke to lead.                                            foal as verified by written veterinary
      C.   Stallion owner has the right to call a veterinarian                    statement will be reclassified or owner
           when he deems necessary at the mare owner’s                            may request a substitution of a different
                 expense.                                                    mare to be bred to the same stallion to be
           D. It is the mare owner’s responsibility to pay in                reclassified. Monies from this service fee will
                  full all vet charges related to their mare’s care          be moved with the resulting foal to the year of
                  while at the Stallion Owner’s farm.                        eligibility.
           E. All agreements, including shipped semen, are             E.    In the event of the death of a stallion, or should
                  between the mare owner and stallion owner.                 the stallion be sold or moved from the location
                  IOWA PAINT HORSE CLUB and IOWA                             stated on the contract, a written statement must
                  ALL BREED FUTURITY ACT ONLY AS                             be sent to the Futurity Secretary, postmarked
                  AGENTS.                                                    on or before July 1st of the foaling year of
           F. Stallion owners may require mare owners to                     eligibility.
                  sign a Farm or Ranch Breeding contract,              F.    Should other circumstances arise, a written
                  however, fees listed in that contract shall not
                                                                             statement with supporting documentation must
                  override those printed in IABF rules and the
                                                                             be sent to the Futurity Secretary, postmarked on
                  IABF Stallion Service Agreement, a copy of
                                                                             or before July 1 of the foaling year. The IPHC
                  which must accompany the stallion contract.
                                                                             Board of Directors and/or the IABF Committee
                  Any additional fees to the mare owner not
                  addressed in these rules must be stated on this            will make the final ruling.
                  agreement.                                           G.    A $25 service fee will be retained on all refunds.

 VIII.      NOMINATION OF MARES                                       X.    WEANLING FUTURITY
           A. All mares, including open mares, must be                  A. Refer to all General Futurity Rules (Section III).
              nominated and mare nomination forms                       B. Foals resulting from services purchased through
              returned to the Futurity Secretary                           this Futurity Auction, by way of late purchases or
              postmarked on or before December 1st of                      approved reclassifications must be identified on the
              the year the service was purchased. Late                     form provided in the Futurity packet and sent to the
              mare nominations will be accepted only with                  futurity secretary, postmarked on or before July 1
              a $100 late fee if postmarked on or before                   of the weanling year.
              December 31st of the same year. The                      C. In the case of embryo transfers, only one foal
              futurity committee recommends sending                        resulting from the nominated mare and the
              mare nominations by certified mail                           purchased stallion will be eligible for the Iowa
              accompanied by a self-addressed stamped                      Paint Breeder’s Futurity.
              envelope.                                                D. To make the foal eligible for the weanling year,
           B. All Mare Nomination Forms must be                            there will be a nomination fee of $25 payable by
              accompanied by a copy of mare’s                              July 1 of the weanling year. Late Payment made
              Registration Papers, including front                         July 2- July 31 of the weanling year will be $50.
              and back.                                                    Late Payment made August 1- October 1 of
                                                                           weanling year will be $75. In case foal is sold,
IX.        USE OF SERVICE, RETURN                                          eligibility remains with the horse.
           PRIVILEGES, RECLASSIFICATIONS,                               E. A one-time non-refundable fee of $155 payable
           REFUNDS                                                         on or before July 1 of the weanling year will
           A. Service must be used in the year                             make the foal paid up and eligible for the
              purchased or donated.                                        weanling, yearling and two year old futurity
           B. Any request for consideration of                             classes. Paying this fee after the weanling year
              reclassification, refund or substitutions must               will result in the addition of all late fees to this
              be made in writing, stating mare’s name and                  one-time fee. If this one-time fee is paid, each of
              stallion’s name, reason for request and                      the respective forms for the foal's weanling,
              include a written veterinary statement to be                 yearling and two year old classes must still be
              sent to the Futurity Secretary, postmarked on                sent by the stated deadlines.
              or before July 1s of foaling year.                        F. Weanling entries will be split by age and sex:
           C. Nominated mares that did not become                                  • In the case of 45 or more paid entries
              pregnant, or produce a live, viable foal will                           per sex: three (3) classes - early,
              be reclassified and allowed a return service                            intermediate and late (any foals already
              only one time and only the year after                                   gelded will go into their corresponding
              purchase. Monies from this service fee will                             stallion class).
              also be moved with the resulting foal to the                         • In the case of 44 or less paid entries per
              year of eligibility.                                                    sex: two (2) classes - early and late.Age

splits will be made by the Futurity                           Futurity and will not be allowed to change.
                committee at designated times the                        E. For the Yearling Futurity, 60% of the
                weekend of the Iowa Paint Horse Club                          accumulated purse will be pro-rated into 3
                Futurity Show. In case of a mid-point                         yearling halter classes: fillies, geldings and
                falling on a date which is more than one                  stallions and one longe line class (solid paint bred
                foal’s birth date, all foals born on that                 included), according to how many entries show in
                date will go into the same class to put as                each class. Each class will pay back one (1) place
                near equal number as possible into each                   for each two (2) entries up to a maximum of 16
                class. In the case of an odd number, the                  paybacks per class. Ties will not be broken;
                early class will be the larger.                           premiums will be added and split.
        G. 20% of the gross receipts pertaining to the
           weanling division will be held back for                 XIII. TWO YEAR OLD WESTERN PLEASURE
           their ongoing yearling and two-year-old                 A.    Refer to all General Futurity Rules (Section III).
           Futurities. The balance of the gross                    B.    Providing previous eligibility and nomination fees
           receipts of the weanling division, less                       have been paid and regardless of whether or not the
           expenses, will be divided proportionately                     horse was shown in either the weanling or yearling
           according to how many entries show in                         Futurities, a nomination fee of $100 will be due and
           each of the weanling classes.                                 postmarked on or before April 1 of the two year old
        H. Each class will pay back one (1) place for                    year to make the horse eligible for the Western
           each two (2) entries shown – a minimum of                     Pleasure Futurity. Late Payment postmarked on or
           4 placings will be paid, not to exceed                        between April 2 and August 1 is $200. Late
           payment of 16 places. Ties will not be                        Payment postmarked on or between August 2 and
           broken; premiums will be added and split.                     October 1 have a maintenance fee of $300. In case
                                                                         of transfer, eligibility remains with the horse.
XII.    YEARLING FUTURITY                                                Eligible breeding stocks are included. A COPY OF
        A. Refer to all General Futurity Rules (Section                  REGISTRATION PAPERS MUST
             III)                                                        ACCOMPANY NOMINATION FEE.
        B. To keep the yearling eligible for the 2-year-           C.    If the yearling nomination fee was not paid, the Two
             old Futurity, there will be a nomination fee                Year Old can be reinstated by paying the late yearling
             of $30 due and postmarked on or before                      nomination fees in addition to the Two Year Old
             April 1 of the yearling year. Late Payment of               nomination fees. There will be a nomination fee of
             yearling nomination fee made April 2 until                  $190 due and postmarked on or before April 1 of the
             August 1 is $60. Late Payment of yearling                   Two Year Old year. Late Payment of Two Year Old
             nomination fee made August 2 until March                    nomination fee made April 2 until August 1 is $290.
             31 of the two year old year is $90. . The $90               Late Payment of Two Year Old nomination fee made
             nomination fee is due by October 1 if the                   August 2 until October 1 is $390. A COPY OF
             foal intends to show as a yearling. A COPY                  REGISTRATION PAPERS MUST ACCOMPANY
             OF REGISTRATION PAPERS MUST                                 NOMINATION FEE.
             ACCOMPANY NOMINATION FEE.                             D.    If they foal has never been nominated, it can be
        C. If the weanling nomination fee was not paid, the              reinstated by paying all late fees up to the Two Year
             yearling can be reinstated by paying the late               old year. There will be a nomination fee of $265 due
             weanling nomination fees in addition to the                 and postmarked on or before April 1 of the Two Year
             yearling nomination fees. There will be a                   Old year. Late Payment of Two Year Old nomination
             nomination fee of $105 due and postmarked on or             fee made April 2 until August 1 is $365. Late Payment
             before April 1 of the yearling year. Late Payment           of Two Year Old nomination fee made August 2 until
             of yearling nomination fee made April 2 until               October 1 is $465. A COPY OF REGISTRATION
             August 1 is $135. Late Payment of yearling                  PAPERS MUST ACCOMPANY NOMINATION
             nomination fee made August 2 until March 31 of              FEE.
             the two year old year $165. The $165 nomination       E.    Fees received after the postmarked date of October
             fee is due by October 1 if the foal intends to show         1 will not be accepted.
             as a yearling. A COPY OF REGISTRATION                 F.    Purse will consist of the remaining 40% of the
             PAPERS MUST ACCOMPANY                                       previously collected purse, all of the 2-year-old
             NOMINATION FEE                                              nomination fees, any reinstatement fees, any
       D. Yearlings may go into the Halter Futurity or                   unclaimed premiums, plus any miscellaneous
           Longe Line Futurity, but not both, and this                   funds less expenses and will be pro-rated by the
           must be specified to the Futurity Secretary by                number of entries that show in each division –
           the time designated at the Futurity Show. Any                 Open and Non-Pro. Each class will pay back one
           yearlings paid up but not specified as Longe                  (1) place for each two (2) entries shown – a
           Line or Halter by the deadline will                           minimum of 4 placings will be paid, not to
           automatically be entered into the Halter
exceed payment of 16 places. Ties will not be                     Paint Horse Club decisions, actions, rules or
          broken; premiums will be added and split                          regulations, to reimburse the Iowa Paint Horse
          equally. “Day Money” of 15% of the purse will                     Club for its reasonable attorney fees, court costs
          be paid on 5 places per judge.                                    and other reasonable expenses incurred in
        G. Non-Pro 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure                           defense of such suit; and that no action will be
             entries must specify which division to the                  commenced, whether in law or equity against the
             Futurity Secretary by the time designated                   Iowa Paint Horse Club in any court other than the
             at the Futurity show. Horses not specified                  Iowa District Court for Polk County, Iowa.
             will be automatically entered in the Open
             division and will not be allowed to change.          XVI.     DEFINITIONS
             Copy of current Youth or Amateur/Non Pro              A.    Chute Fee – A one-time charge for act of breeding
             card must accompany entry. Registration                      the mare. This is different than an artificial
             Association rules of ownership apply. NO                     insemination or collection fee.
             TEMPORARY CARDS WILL BE                               B.    Booking Fee – A charge to get on the schedule
             ACCEPTED.                                                    for a breeding to a certain stallion.
                                                                   C.    Special Farm Fee – Fees that cannot be backed up
XIV.      SPECIAL AWARD                                                   by a vet bill or itemized proof of any other nature.
       A.   As an incentive to IABF participants to show           D.    Collection Fee – A charge for the act of collecting
            their horses as weanlings, yearlings and 2                    semen from a stallion. This may be performed by
            year olds, $1500 will be set aside from the                   the stallion owner or a veterinarian.
            proceeds of the stallion auction. $500 will            E.    Futurity Only - A special price other than a
            be awarded to the owner of the horse                          studs usual advertised fee.
            accumulating the most points, $500 will be             F.    Artificial Insemination Fee – A charge for the
            awarded to the Breeder, (owner of dam at                      act of inseminating a mare with semen.
            time of breeding), and $500 will be awarded            G.    Semen shipping Fee – Fees incurred from
            to the donor of the stallion services. (The                   action of shipping semen from stallion location
            horse must be shown all three (3) years).                     to mare owner location.
                                                                   H.     Counter to Counter Fee – A charge to ship
XV.       MISCELLANEOUS RULES                                             semen by airline so it can be picked up at an
        A. Those found in violation of IABF Rules                         agreed upon airport.
           could face the following:                               I.    Vet Charges – Fee(s) from a veterinarian
                  a. Notification of IABF findings for                    for treatment of a specific animal. This may
                  further investigation by the                            include, but is not limited to, trip charges,
                  applicable registration association.                    medicine administered, service provided, supplies
                  b. Up to a five-year suspension from                    used, etc.
                  IABF for the participant, or any horses          J.     Late Fees – Fee that becomes payable in
                  transferred from the individual during the              addition to the original fee when a deadline is
                  suspension period beginning with the date               missed.
                  of violation.                                    K.     Foal ID – A form completed and sent to the
        B. The IPHC Board of Directors reserves the right                 IABF secretary to put the date of birth, sex and
            to interpret, amend and enforce the above rules.              name (if available) of the foal on record.
            Any decision concerning the application or             L.    Nomination Fee – Fee paid for ongoing
            interpretation of these rules by the IPHC Board               participation in the IABF.
            of Directors shall be final. Any person                M.    Maintenance Fee – Fee paid on a two year old to
            participating in this Futurity including, but not             participate in the two year old western pleasure
            limited to, owners, exhibitors, handlers and                  class of the IABF.
            consignors shall indemnify and hold harmless           N.    Nominated Mare – Mare who has been bred by
            the Iowa Paint Horse Club, its officers, directors            stallion purchased in the stallion auction and
            and employees from and against all claims,                    whose Mare Nomination Form was received
            demands, causes of actions, and expenses of                   prior to December 1 st or December 31st with a
            ever y kind including attorney fees, arising out of           late fee, of the year the stallion fee was
            or related in any manner to the acts or omissions             purchased.
            of an owner, exhibitor, handler, or consignor, or
            the actions of any animal under the care,
            custody or control of the owner, exhibitor,
            handler or consignor. Every person and legal
            entity by participating in this Futurity does
            thereby agree.
         C. If unsuccessful in an attempt to overturn Iowa
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