Kapsch TrafficCom Index - "What UK citizens think about traffic today and in future"
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Agenda. Kapsch TrafficCom Index 1. MARKET RESEARCH 2. QUESTIONS 3. RESULTS 4. IMPRINT / DISCLAIMER 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 2
Kapsch TrafficCom Index “What UK citizens think about traffic today and in future“ MARKET RESEARCHh study design ▪ N=1,000 ▪ representative of the population in the UK professional market research institute (online panels) survey period ▪ March 2020 results rounded to whole numbers all data in percent Traffic Index 2020 by Kapsch TrafficCom – international survey done in 9 countries with 9,000 citizens: USA (N=1,000), UK (N=1,000), Australia (N=1,000), Germany (N=1,000), Austria (N=1,000), France (N=1,000), Spain (N=1,000), Argentina (N=1,000), Chile (N=1,000) 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 3
Kapsch TrafficCom Index “What UK citizens think about traffic today and in future“ QUESTIONS Q 1 - When thinking about traffic and road congestion in your country, how is the current situation? Q 2 - What are the negative effects of road congestion? Q 3 - When I drive, I prefer a route that … Q 4 - How has your behaviour changed in response to congestion? Q 5 - In your opinion: What should be done to reduce congestion? Q 6 - What do you think about the option to use toll roads? Q 7 - How should revenues collected from tolling be invested? Q 8 - When thinking about emissions caused by traffic, how is the current situation? Q 9 - What is your personal contribution to reduce emissions? Q10 - What should governments and authorities do to reduce emissions? 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 4
Question 1: When thinking about traffic and road congestion in your country, how is the current situation? Please rate the following statements. How happy are you with the traffic flow on roads…. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 in metropolitan areas and suburbs – on working days outside rush 8 29 53 10 hour within city centres – on working days outside rush hour 9 38 45 8 on regional roads - on working days 10 31 50 9 on national highways - on working days 13 35 44 8 on regional roads - during rush hours (e.g. holiday season) 16 38 39 7 in metropolitan areas and suburbs - during rush hours 17 42 34 7 on national highways - during rush hours (e.g. holiday season) 23 38 32 7 within city centres - during rush hours 28 41 24 7 Extremely unsatisfied unsatisfied satisfied extremely satisfied 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 6
Question 2: What are the negative effects of road congestion? Road congestion… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 limits access to employment and services 14 38 38 10 influences the number of trips I take 16 35 41 8 limits my quality of life in general 16 44 33 7 makes driving potentially unsafe 22 38 32 8 increases risk of health issues 23 38 31 8 costs me more 24 42 29 5 increases my stress level when I travel 31 40 23 6 increases my travel time 33 46 17 4 affects the environment and air quality in my area 38 37 19 6 very negative negative not significant not at all negative 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 7
Question 3: When I drive, I prefer a route that … 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 has the shortest travel time 3 3 14 19 24 37 has the most reliable travel time 3 3 13 22 29 30 has the shortest distance 3 4 18 22 25 28 has the lowest cost 4 6 20 23 21 26 positively supports the overall traffic situation 6 6 21 26 19 22 has the least impact on the environment 9 9 22 21 19 20 was recommended by a navigation app 12 8 20 22 20 18 has the least number of turns 16 17 26 15 12 14 1 = Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 = Strongly agree 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 8
Question 4: How has your behaviour changed in response to congestion? I am now more likely to… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 consider alternative routes 15 85 change my departure time 20 80 check traffic information before I leave 24 76 avoid non-essential travel 26 74 use a navigation app to select and modify my route 32 68 work remotely or at home more often 56 44 use public transport more often 58 42 move my home to a less congested area or change my job 70 30 use carpool or rideshare 71 29 use a toll road more often 74 26 No Yes 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 9
Question 5: In your opinion: What should be done to reduce congestion? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Improve traffic signal timing 3 5 20 27 23 22 Expand and improve public transport 4 5 16 22 22 31 Reduce cost to use public transport services 4 4 12 19 24 37 Spread traffic flow more evenly across network streets 4 5 20 30 24 17 Provide incentives for carpooling and high occupancy vehicles 7 6 22 27 21 17 Restrict vehicle access to city center 8 9 22 25 20 16 Charge for city center access (congestion pricing) 15 12 19 23 19 12 Implement tolling on highly used roads 23 13 22 20 12 10 Increase toll charges when travel congestion increases 23 17 22 19 12 7 Increase cost of parking 31 17 19 15 9 9 1 = Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 = Strongly agree 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 10
Question 6: What do you think about the option to use toll roads? Toll roads… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 are a good instrument if a fair tariff model is applied 35 65 help to avoid congestion 37 63 are a useful instrument to collect money to be reinvested in roads 38 62 are not great, but necessary to deal with congestion 39 61 provide more reliable travel times 41 59 are especially useful to deal with congestion in cities 43 57 that improve the quality of my travel are a concept I am happy to pay for 53 47 are useful on all highways and roads 53 47 are a good idea, because you pay for use 53 47 No Yes 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 11
Question 7: How should revenues collected from tolling be invested? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Finance the traffic infrastructure in general 6 5 16 26 23 24 Improve transportation services for the disadvantaged 7 7 20 24 22 20 Support research and development of new energy-efficient 7 6 19 25 24 19 transportation technologies Subsidize transit and non-vehicle transportation options for everyone 9 7 23 27 19 15 Pay for expanding and operating the toll road 11 10 24 23 17 15 Incentivize carpooling and ride sharing 11 12 24 23 17 13 Pay for emission trading 12 8 26 26 17 11 1 = Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 = Strongly agree 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 12
Question 8: When thinking about emissions caused by traffic, how is the current situation? Please rate the following statements. Emissions caused by traffic… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 urgently need to come down 3 4 15 21 23 34 are responsible for health problems 3 5 16 24 26 26 have significantly increased during the last years 3 3 15 23 26 30 need to get tackled with green transportation solutions 4 4 18 24 25 25 make quality of life in cities less attractive 5 6 16 26 23 24 are a problem where politics does not deliver solutions that work 6 6 24 28 19 17 are not a problem outside our cities 21 17 26 17 12 7 are not a problem in my country in general 27 21 22 16 9 5 are not a problem in our cities 37 20 16 12 9 6 1 = Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 = Strongly agree 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 13
Question 9: What is your personal contribution to reduce emissions? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 I support electric-powered small vehicles 28 72 I support lanes for high occupancy vehicles (cars with 2 or more 31 69 passengers) I support car-sharing initiatives 33 67 I would give up driving my car at designated times to improve air 37 63 quality in cities I support bike-sharing schemes 41 59 I accept to pay tolls to support emission reduction programs 46 54 I accept to pay tolls as compensation for the damage of my 51 49 emissions No Yes 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 14
Question 10: What should governments and authorities do to reduce emissions? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Invest in public transport in our cities for less driving with cars and 3 3 13 23 25 33 trucks Introduce access restrictions on roads for certain types of vehicles 5 5 16 27 23 24 (e.g. trucks, dirty vehicles) Strengthen international cooperation like the UN Paris climate 6 6 23 24 20 21 agreement Stop carmakers using combustion engines e.g. Diesel 9 8 21 20 20 22 Introduce digital payment technology (e.g. tolling) 10 10 23 22 18 17 Increase parking fees in city centers 25 16 18 18 13 10 Discourage private car journeys by law 30 19 17 17 10 7 1 = Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 = Strongly agree 7/2/2020 | Traffic Index 2020 UK www.kapsch.net | 15
Contact. Press contact Contact Kapsch TrafficCom Carsten Heer Carolin Treichl Rothenbaumchaussee 185 Executive Vice President 20148 Hamburg - Germany Marketing & Communications Phone: +49 (0)40 8 22 44 284 Am Europlatz 2 Carsten.Heer@econ-news.com 1120 Vienna, Austria newsroom@econ-news.com Phone: +43 50 811 1710 www.econ-news.com E-Mail: carolin.treichl@kapsch.net www.kapsch.net Please Note: The content of this presentation is the intellectual property of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and all rights are reserved with respect to the copying, reproduction, alteration, utilization, disclosure or transfer of such content to third parties. The foregoing is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Kapsch TrafficCom AG. Product and company names may be registered brand names or protected trademarks of third parties and are only used herein for the sake of clarification and to the advantage of the respective legal owner without the intention of infringing proprietary rights.
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