In Search of the Essence of Value

“W         hat is your end-to-end flow for creating value to your customers?” Klaus asked
           Christoph once again.
   It was proving harder to answer than Christoph had expected. He had already explained what
he did on a daily basis as a project manager. But how to determine precisely which part of it
was valuable and what was the specific flow to generate it? That’s what Klaus was insisting on
   The project manager was puzzled. His task had been to just take the necessary steps to steer
work assignments. Why should there be any particular flow and how would that help anyway?
The year was 2011.
   Since then, Christoph has learned to define a project as a concept that would eventually bring
revenue to the company and an improvement to the client. To learn what is going on with each
project, all he has to do is enter the Kanbanraum - the Kanban room (Fig. 1).
   Five Kanban boards, one resource allocation board and two dozen plastic tubes filled with
colored plastic balls to track time spent on all company activities – the Kanbanraum paints the
full picture that Christoph would need as Head of Project Management at Austrian company
   For the past two years the Kanban Method has spread like a virus through the company. This
is the story of a business that found its true form to suit function through the visibility of kanban
systems and the questions raised along the way.

   Visotech was established in the         see as collusive behaviour – the result    another in order to reach equilibrium,
outskirts of Vienna in 1999 as a           of vertical bundling. Now millions of      working with a commodity, which by
software shop by Johannes Puller           EU citizens were paying too high a         its nature is difficult to store and has to
and Wolfgang Eichberger. In the first      price for the commodity.                   be available on demand. With various
few years of its existence, the small         So in the early 2000s, the EU           producers, using both coal and natural
company created software products          passed legislation aimed at liberalizing   gas as input resources, with multiple
for various industries. One of the first   the market and creating conditions         energy trades happening all the time,
developers on board was Stefan and         for competition. The big energy            a lot of data would need to be at hand
one of the industries Visotech aimed at    companies would no longer be allowed       to make critical decisions and to avoid
was the energy market.                     to be producer, seller and owner. The      mismatches between the output and
   By the beginning of the 21st century,   processes of electricity generation,       the necessary input.
the European energy market had             trading, transmission, distribution, and       The need for software systems to
started undergoing a lot of changes.       supply/sales were finally broken up and    operate such a complex market was
In the decades before, coming out          separated.                                 evident. Visotech just happened to be
the Second World War, local energy            The immediate effect of this            at the right place in the right time. Its
markets had been established as            unbundling meant that in order to          product Periotheus had been designed
natural monopolies. Producers of           perform essential activities such          with the goal to communicate, organise
electricity had been responsible for the   as scheduling, switching, enabling         and visualise all the data exchanges
entire energy value chain all the way to   and disabling of energy as well as         happening on a daily basis in the
the end consumers.                         exchange of meter readings, billing and    energy value chain, including energy
   This model had been believed to         invoicing, sophisticated ways for data     trading. With the legislative changes
be the most efficient way to allocate      transmission and handling had to be        creating an exciting new opportunity,
electricity production. But the natural    invented.                                  Visotech decided to drop all other
monopolies had created what the               The stakeholders would have             products it had been working on and
European Union institutions came to        to constantly transmit data to one         focus purely on the energy market.

The Development Problem                     productive. Assignments, in fact, took     its steps and individual tasks with the
                                            a lot more time and the quality also       facilitation of a Kanban board. The
   By 2008 the development team
                                            suffered as a result. In the context of    transparency creates conditions to not
had grown to six people and the level
                                            the energy market, each feature has to     simply follow the progress of tasks but
of sophistication of the product had
                                            be of utmost quality. The off-chance       also to see the big picture in order to
helped Visotech acquire a substantial
                                            of a defect escaping into production       make necessary changes to the process
number of clients. The bigger the
                                            has to be avoided at all cost since any    and improve delivery. In addition, the
product got, the larger its scope
                                            error can result in millions of lost       method parses the work into smaller
                                            revenue or wasted energy and natural       tasks, which are easier to monitor as
   “We had hundreds of cases in the
                                            gas supplies. To mitigate this risk, the   they progress.
tracking tool at the time,” Stefan says.
                                            Visotech developers and management             Christoph also thought that smaller
   Deciding which tasks to pick up
                                            were spending ever more time on            tasks would help creating the diversity
next was frustrating for the developers.
                                            complicated and relentless testing and     the developers craved. As smaller tasks
Tracking down what people are
                                            reviewing.                                 are completed faster, task switching
working on was very difficult and time-
consuming for Johannes. Knowing                                                        would decrease and as a result the
when they would be ready – virtually                                                   quality would increase. It seemed just
                                            A Resolution                               what the developers needed.
   The tasks were ambitious in scope           In 2009, Christoph Rissner, the             Johannes liked the idea of a visible
and sometimes took months for               Head of Development, heard about the       board. Physically moving pieces of
completion. Struggling to cope with the     Kanban Method from his friend Klaus        paper that represent individual tasks
many parallel tasks and without a clear     Leopold.                                   as they get a step closer to being
prioritisation, the developers ended up        “Everyone was wondering how             completed sounded to him like a nice
doing what was universally thought of       we could improve our situation and         way to know what’s going on.
as a solution: they multitasked.            when Christoph came back inspired              “Having a to-do list on a digital
   “I think we did it also because we got   by Kanban, it was not hard to convince     document somewhere was never his
bored by working on the same thing for      us,” Stefan says.                          thing,” Christoph Walch says.
extended periods of time,” Stefan says.        The method, Christoph explained,            Christoph Rissner, Stefan and the
   But as it is well understood by now,     was based on visualizing explicitly        rest of the developers sat down and
constant task switching was in no way       the current process of work through        designed the board with five columns.

          Figure 1 - The Kanbanraum.
They took all of their tasks from the      for. Providing this information proved
                                           difficult for Johannes. Even though he
                                                                                      “Everyone was
bug tracking system and created tickets
for them. The big ones they broke up       had the visibility of the development      wondering how we
into smaller pieces, which was meant
to ensure that no one would get bored.
                                           Kanban board, the task completion
                                           rate varied tremendously as it
                                                                                      could improve our
Little by little, delivery time improved   depended on the very communication         situation and when
and the team decided to start releasing    with the clients involved. The client
with a set frequency - every three         driven integration was no longer just      Christoph came back
months.                                    development work, but also involved        inspired by Kanban,
   It was a commitment. The effects        a lot of coordination and negotiation
became evident soon after. The             over the phone and in person.              it was not hard to
company began acquiring more                   “It might be done next week, or
                                           next month, or maybe next quarter,”
                                                                                      convince us.”
and more newcomer clients into the
developing energy market. The need         Johannes would tell his clients.           with the internal development. After a
for project managers to oversee those          With more clients, the amount          couple attempts, it became evident that
clients and for technical support          of client-specific work increased          the team would not be able to design
engineers to help them with issues         and chaos began creeping in again.         the system by themselves. Christoph
was becoming obvious. So the two           Johannes decided to assign one person      Rissner knew exactly who to call.
departments were created.                  from Development entirely for the             “We have been visualising our work
   The clients of Visotech were            integration with the hope that would       with the aid of the Kanban Method
positioned at all the various points of    improve the situation.
                                                                                      principles you told me about, but I
the energy market. In those specific           “I think it quickly became             think we need your help now, Klaus.”
roles as producers, traders, operators     unbearable for him,” Stefan says.
and sellers they had their own specific         So Johannes assigned two more
needs.                                     people to the task, prompting              The Kanban Coach
   “Periotheus was always built on         the formation of what is now the               “Why are we all here?” Klaus asked
the notion that it must allow for a        Integration Department.                    the four people that sat in front of
lot of adaptations and integrations            “We began working within our own       him. He had arranged with Johannes
without running the risk of breaking,”     group, separate from Development,”         and Wolfgang to come for a two-day
Christoph Walch elaborates.                Murat Gürol says.                          workshop to help them create a kanban
   Visotech had made a clear promise           But still the problem wasn’t           system for the Integration Department.
it would serve its users fully and         resolved. Since there was no visibility    But before he could help them do that,
provide for any need that may have         for Johannes on what people were           he needed to understand why they
arisen in the complex energy business.     working on, it was difficult to say        wanted that Kanban board in the first
Encouraged to give suggestions, more       when something would be ready. It          place.
of the clients made individual requests.   was difficult for the project managers         By 2011, when he got the call from
Some could sensibly be added to the        to steer the process. In the end it was    Christoph, Klaus had been involved
general product and used by everyone,      proving impossible to know whether         with Kanban, teaching classes and
but others were too special and            the most important features for the        coaching teams throughout Austria,
context driven. They required a lot of     clients are being worked on and            South Germany and Switzerland
additional information and back and        whether the deadlines would be met.        via his small consulting company
forth communication. Yet, regardless           So it was quite natural to then turn   LEANability. The change management
of the nature of the requests, a promise   to what people knew had helped the         method was already helping many
was a promise and had to be kept.                                                     teams, but for the method to work,
                                           first time around - Kanban.
                                                                                      it needed a very clear understanding
                                               “We tried to outline the steps,
                                                                                      about its purpose from those who
                                           but because of the back and forth
The Integration Problem                                                               wanted to come onboard with Kanban.
                                           communication it was more difficult,”          “They were pretty open to me and
   Eventually providing the desired        Murat says.
features turned out to not be enough.                                                 very determined to succeed, is it was a
                                               Incorporating all the scenarios that   nice difference from the usual skeptical
The clients wanted to also know when
                                           external communication necessitated        looks that I get as an external coach,”
they could expect what they had asked
                                           was not as clear cut as it had been        Klaus says.
He gave the participants, including      and day out for many months and                 The most important thing was to
Wolfgang and Christoph Walch, some           assumed it should be easy to make the       make work explicit for everyone to
theory about the Kanban Method               work process explicit. But the various      see. Seeing the workflow and how it
and then moved to what he believed           scenarios still confused them.              went through the system allowed for
was the essence of any business and             They assumed everything was              conclusions if it was performed in the
where Kanban held its true potential         important until Klaus stopped them          smartest and most efficient way or not.
- determining the most valuable thing        and questioned those assumptions. In        Seeing the work and the policies that
that the company does.                       a way, he was preparing them to start       surround them was a starting point
    “We had a long discussion about the      seeing the Kanban board not simply          to initiate conversations about the
difference between working on tasks          as a status report of the way things are,   importance of each task and how it
and generating value for the customer.       but as a vision how they can be done        contributed to what was considered of
I wanted them to understand there is a       better.                                     value.
big distinction between the two,” Klaus         After the first day the board was            Above all, the employees of Visotech
says.                                        a mess. But they did not give up. On        understood that value was not created
    It took them a while to define value.    the second day they picked up from          efficiently when work is passed on
It took them even more time to come          where they had left off the day before.     from one department to another
                                             By the end of the second day they           blindly. It is a common effort and a
to an agreement on the end-to-end
                                             came to a common understanding              failure to understand that created
flow of creating that value to their
                                             and agreement about the flow that           unclear specifications that impeded
clients. What they came up with was
                                             constituted valuable working. The first     efficiency.
that it’s not about the individual efforts                                                   “My purpose as a coach was to get
                                             ever Kanban board of the integration
of boxed departments. It is about                                                        them out of the habit of just working
                                             department was ready with twelve
making one common effort to create           columns, a backlog and an input queue       without paying too much attention and
well-functioning systems, which serve        (Fig. 2).                                   get them into a conscious and mindful
the demanding needs of the complex              In retrospect, those two days were       state where they could differentiate
energy market.                               tedious and difficult. “It took us          what was meaningful,” Klaus says.
    Next they moved onto designing           almost two days to talk about how
a kanban system for the integration.         work works,” Murat says. But going
Murat and his two other colleagues           through the process had set in motion
had been tackling their tasks day in         a company-wide understanding.

     Figure 2 - The first ever Kanban board.

The Journey Continues                        management were being added to
                                             it. Each new version brought new
                                                                                       “My purpose as a coach
    The idea of value puzzled Christoph      features and fixed defects. But the       was to get them
Walch in particular. How could
project management contribute more
                                             clients of Visotech were worried that
                                             each new version of the product could
                                                                                       out of the habit of just
purposefully to it?                          affect something else in the system.      working without paying
     “I think initially we had seen
Kanban as a board on the wall that
                                                 “We could not make them switch
                                             to the new version and we wanted
                                                                                       too much attention
helps us monitor how tasks progress          them to feel comfortable and              and get them into a
in general, but after the workshop I
started looking for more concrete proof
                                             confident,” Stefan says.
                                                 That comfort had a price though
                                                                                       conscious and mindful
we were doing a good job,” he says.          - each version that a client was          state where they could
    It elevated bottlenecks that when
addressed could improve how fast
                                             using had to be constantly and fully
                                             maintained. Massaging older versions
                                                                                       differentiate what was
Visotech delivered and how well it met       of the product had become just            meaningful.”
its deadlines.                               as important for Visotech’s clients
    Christoph Walch was not the only         as innovating it. Visualizing and         about the first Project Management
one whose mind was restless after            managing that complexity became of        board.
Klaus had left. The developers quickly       the essence. That meant even more             In the Kanban community that sort
came to the conclusion that the way          projects between the teams.               of board is known as a Portfolio level
their board was designed did not give            That was not the only external        one, which is particularly helpful for
a clear view of the valuable pieces of       complication the company                  executives who need an overview of all
work.                                        experienced.                              the company’s activities.
    “We do not just develop features                                                       To design the board took a few
                                                 “We figured out that we switch
for our product, but we also have                                                      iterations. Yet, this time it was easier,
                                             between tasks all the time in the Care
support cases, quality improvements,                                                   because the project managers had
                                             and Roll out columns because tickets
and others. We figured that when you                                                   learned to look for the steps that create
                                             got stuck for approval by external
have a multitude in the same column,                                                   actual value.
                                             figures,” Murat describes.
it is very difficult to get an idea of the                                                 “We decided to indicate the effective
                                                  The problem appeared throughout
distribution of effort towards quality,”                                               development or integration work that
                                             the swim lanes that the team had
Stefan says.
                                             outlined: Support; Short term; Mid        is performed just in one column -
    Soon the development team
                                             term and Long term development of         Doing. There was no need to copy the
changed their board and their mindset.
                                             new features.                             steps that were already present on the
The first was the introduction of
                                                 Christoph Walch wanted to better      other boards,” Christoph says.
horizontal swim lanes, which would
                                             manage the multitude of projects              The board of the project managers
differentiate between that variety. They
                                             and resolve all impediments. The          was designed to have an Upcoming
introduced an Expedite, Dedicated,
                                             integration department was in             column, which was for the preparation
Support, Regular product development,
                                             constant contact with the clients but     of all necessary information. When all
Important quality improvement and
Cosmetic improvements. They kept             could not deal with the delays. Clearly   that was compiled, the ticket would
the columns as they were: Ready              the role of a project manager had         move along to Ready for propose,
for taking; Development; Waiting             become more critical. To deal with it,    Propose, Waiting for acceptance and
for review; Review; Waiting for              Christoph and Johannes decided it         Ordered. The Doing column came
acceptance; Acceptance, but also added       was time for the next Kanban board        next where the big project ticket
an additional one, Documented. It was        in the Kanbanaraum.                       would stay, while either development
the first time documentation appeared            “I did not see a point in outlining   or integration would break it down to
as an obvious value creating activity        the steps I took, but rather the steps    smaller tasks and transfer them to their
that deserved to be on the board.            a project went through, from the          boards. After completion, the ticket
    “A detailed description how our          moment it was first conceived all the     would bemoved to Done, Roll out and
product is used is of the essence for our    way to being delivered and paid for       Go live. There was a check list on top of
clients,” Stefan says.                       by our client. That was the end-to-       each column, which helped determine
    Periotheus was getting complex           end flow Klaus had been relentlessly      if a ticket was ready to get to the next
and more subsystems such as Risk             asking about,” Christoph explains         step.

Figure 3 - The Resource Planning Wall divided in columns for each month and swim lanes for
      Development, Integration and Technical Support.

   Among the Kanban boards in the            Christoph learned to always include      for improvements. Up to this point,
Kanbanraum something else was born.       some slack in his planning. But it was      the support group had used a simple
The mastermind of planning - the          not just to forecast for something          digital tool to organise all the cases that
Resource Planning Wall (Fig. 3).          taking longer than expected.                came their way.
   “The reason for this board was            “We have this rule that resources           “Within our team we knew well
that we needed a visual tool to get the   can be planned for a maximum of             what was going on but the others
longterm view of our resources, which     80 percent. The rest of their time is       had no visibility,” Robert, one of the
we did not have with our Kanban           for meetings and collaboration as           technical support engineers says. The
boards,” Christoph Walch says.            well as learning and improvement            order of taking support cases and
   The planning board felt at home in     opportunities,” Christoph continues.        dealing with them was not established
the Kanbanraum. Christoph would              Serving their clients was important,     as a set policy.
allocate time slots for each project      but constant learning was as important.        “In the digital tool, which no one
based on the estimations he received.     On the integration board, Murat and         could see, I could easily rearrange the
Christoph and Johannes could finally      his colleagues decided to make an           tasks and not take the next in line,”
give a very clear and precise ETA to      indication for when a particular person     Robert says.
their clients.                            will not take a task. It would be because      The backlog also included support
   With a new big picture view as well    they know the domain all too well and       cases, which originated from inside
as a zoom in on the specific effort,      it would a good idea to have someone        the company. Colleagues would drop
steering the multitude of concurrent      else experiment and investigate it.         by the room of the tech support, give
projects became much easier for                                                       Robert a case and leave. Robert would
Johannes, Christoph and the rest of                                                   make a note of that and put it in the
the project managers. Whenever a task     Room For One More                           backlog eventually. But in the mind of
would bump into some impediment,             To represent the entire value stream     the tech support team what mattered
especially delayed feedback from the      in the Kanbanraum, there was just           the most were the external support
client, a project manager would put a     one more board missing, that of the         cases. Value, after all, was directly
black magnet on the project ticket and    Technical Support team. It had always       serving the clients.
do everything necessary to resolve it.    been the source of most suggestions

“Why do you think a request that            Once the board was put up, they           One of the new practices that tech
came from your colleagues is automat-       decided to have the backlog accessible   support initiated was a dailt fifteen
ically of less value,” Klaus asked Robert   for everyone to see when their case      minute stand-up meeting. “The other
and his colleagues.                         would be taken. “It was our desire       colleagues had been doing those for a
   The coach had come once again to         to be open about our work so no          while. Once we started having them, I
help with the creation of the technical     misunderstandings would occur,”          immediately began enjoying the chance
support board. With a complicated           Robert says.                             to spread knowledge and get at least a
workflow, a lot of communication               With a more sophisticated explicit    little involved with each task. It gives a
with the clients and varying tasks such     process and definitions of “done” for    wider view and a feeling of belonging,”
as the weekly update of the servers         each column, tech support began          Robert says.
in addition to support, designing the       tackling cases more efficiently.              What Robert did not know is that
board would obviously be difficult.         They figured out how to deal with        the daily stand-up meetings of his
   As Robert explained how the              the less important and non-urgent        colleagues had transformed and were
backlog was fed and who the                 improvement cases that they had been     helpful now because everyone always
stakeholders were, Klaus noticed the        ignoring before.                         looked at the same direction - the
obvious discrimination. He wanted to           “Even though our clients do not get   upper right corner of the board.
help Robert and the others understand       an immediate gain from these minor
that the only distinction should be         improvements, in the long run those
between lack of and presence of value.      tasks prevent problems from eventually
It was important for all cases to be        occurring, such as the preventable
treated equally and judged upon the         crash of an unstable server,” Robert
content not the sender.                     says.

Figure 4 - Tubes with balls in colours corresponding to each department. Each ball indicates two hours labour. KVP
stands for continuous improvement and is part of the red segment, which indicates internal work. Other groups
of tubes are split in Projects and Client Support. These tubes provide a quick and clear view of each department’s
effort in each designation.


W       hile overall the energy market is a very stressful place to operate, on the premises of
        Visotech, life is calm. After years of constant thinking about what is value to their
customers and how to change and improve their processes to generate that value, the creators and
maintainers of Periotheus feel more confident they are serving their clients well.
   “We meet the deadlines much much better, we are better at projects,” Christoph says.
   Project managers have become very good at prioritising, while development, integration and
support enjoy doing their work, striving to improve it. When a decision daunts Johannes, as he
sits with a client, he no longer has to give vague ETAs or make decisions on a gut feeling. He has
all the information he needs.
   The only thing he has to wonder about is how the energy market would evolve once household
appliances become smart and start making the energy supplier decisions. When that happens,
Visotech will have a new kind of value chain stakeholder to serve – artificial intelligence.
   But until then the same Kanban boards will keep changing, always aligned with new
discoveries of what constitutes value.

                                   About Kanban University
      Kanban University works to assure the highest quality coaching and certified training in Kanban
      for knowledge work and service work worldwide. Our Accredited Kanban Trainers™ and Kanban
      Coaching Professionals™ follow the Kanban Method for evolutionary organizational change.
      Kanban University offers accreditation for Kanban trainers, a professional designation for Kanban
      coaches, and certification for Kanban practitioners.


                                      © Copyright 2021 Kanban University
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