Junior Football 2020 - SportsTG

Page created by Lawrence Carlson
Junior Football 2020 - SportsTG
Club Sponsors
Support from our sponsors helps provide the
equipment and facilities the kids need to play sport.

If you are able to help support the club financially or
donate good and services, please email
                                                          Maiden Gully YCW Eagles
                                                                    Junior Football

                                                                        Keep up to date
                                                           All club news, events, training and game information is
                                                           communicated on Team App. Download the app from the
                                                           App Store or Google Play and search for ‘Maiden Gully
                                                           YCW Eagles’.

                                                          Follow us at facebook.com/mgycwfnc
Junior Football 2020 - SportsTG
2020 Coaches
                                                                              Club Volunteers
                                                                              Our junior club relies on volunteers and we have been able to fill many
    Age                Coach                         Contact                  roles for 2020. We are still looking for some more help to co-ordinate;
    U9               Jarrod Drum                  0421 850 833
                   Stewart Scoble                 0408 384 562                •     sponsorship enquiries
                    Danny Clapp                   0439 307 236                •     apply for grants to purchase supplies and equipment
                    Mark Douglas                  0437 279 452
                                                                              •     social/fundraising ideas
    U10            Nathan Cavalier                0417 128 252
                   Bryan Suckling                 0419 511 983                Many of these roles work best shared so you will not be alone.
                  Shaun Makepeace                 0408 037 044                If you can help, please email mgjfc@gmail.com.
    U12              Tim Tremain                  0408 574 922
                    Gavin Piazza                  0418 319 275                The club is committed to providing a safe environment for children to
                    Mathew Hoctor                 0439 208 045                play sport and therefore all volunteers are required to provide a current
                                                                              Working With Children Check with ‘Maiden Gully Junior Football Club’
    U14             Lance Brown                   0438 434105                 nominated as the volunteer club. WWC are completed online free at
                      Vacant                                                  workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au.

    U16             Paul Thomson                  0419 308 120
                                                                              Executive Committee Contacts
    U12                Vacant
                                                                              President                Allan Battersby        0488 497169
                                                                              Vice President           Stuart McKenzie        0457 608279
    U14                Vacant
    Girls                                                                     Treasurer                Michelle Bowman        0412 025928
                                                                              Secretary                Kristen Clarke         0414 881386
Game Day Volunteers
                                                                              Football Co-Ordinator    Gavin Piazza           0418 319275
Junior football games can only begin once all game day roles are filled. We
                                                                              You can email all your club contacts at mgjfc@hotmail.com.
encourage parents to speak to their coach and ask how they can assist in
the following roles;
Team Manager, central and goal umpires, time keeper and first aid. Under
12, 14 and 16 also require a scorer, water carriers, runner and boundary
Junior Football 2020 - SportsTG
Football Registration                                                      Football Uniforms
All football players and volunteers must be registered online at           The club provides all players with their playing jumper (to be returned
maidengullyycweaglesjfc.sportingpulse.net and click the Member             at end of season). Players must purchase their own
Access icon to register.                                                   socks and shorts from Sportspower, Hargreaves Street

                                                                           Protective Headwear
                                                                           The club highly recommends all players wear protective headwear
                                                                           during games and training. It is club policy for all under 9/10 and 12
                                                                           girls wear helmets during games. The club provides all junior players
                                                                           with a helmet (to be returned at end of season) or players can
                                                                           purchase their own.

Football Registration Fees                                                 The club highly recommends all junior players wear mouthguards
Under 9 & 10 and Under 12 Girls = $110
                                                                           during games and training.
Under 12 and Under 14 Girls       = $160
Under 14 and Under 16             = $170
Payment can be made by direct bank deposit to Bendigo Bank
BSB 633000 Account number 136342722. Remember to include a
                                                                           Football Boot Exchange
reference on your payment of the players surname and age group
eg. Smith10.                                                               We know that buying football boots for growing feet is expensive so
                                                                           the club runs a Boot Exchange program. There is a box provided at
                                                                           training where players can donate their pre-loved boots in exchange
Club Code of Conduct                                                       for another pair. This has worked successfully for the last few years
All players, parents/guardians and coaches are asked to adhere to          and we hope that this helps families with the financial
the Club’s Code of Conduct to ensure we are focused on providing a         cost of kids playing football.
fun, enjoyable, supportive and inclusive environment for all children to
play sport.
Copies of these will be emailed to all registered members and are
available on the clubs website.
Game Rules                                                                           Training Details
All junior football teams complete in the Bendigo Junior Football
League. The game rules of each age group vary to create a                    Age          Training                       Time
development pathway through the age groups. All the rules and
league policies are located on the BJFL website (see below);                 U9       Maiden Gully         Wednesday 4pm (starts17th April)
                                                                                    Recreation Reserve

                                                                             U10      Maiden Gully          Tuesday 4pm (starts 16th April)
                                                                                    Recreation Reserve

                                                                             U12       Marist College      Wednesday 4pm (starts19th Feb)

                                                                             U14       Marist College     Tues & Fri 4.30pm (starts 18th Feb)

                                                                             U16       Marist College       Tues & Fri 5pm (starts 11th Feb)

                                                                            U12        Marist College                    TBC
                                                                            U14        Marist College                    TBC
Game Day                                                                    Girls

The Bendigo Junior Football League season starts with under 12, 14,
16 and under 14 Girls on April 17th with the first few rounds of grading   Help support your club
                                                                           Did you know you can help the club earn money just by shopping with
Under 9/10 and under 12 Girls start on May 1st.                            selected stores? The below businesses offer a loyalty membership
A season fixture is made available after 4-6 weeks into the season.        program where every dollar you spend earns a percentage donated
The weekly draw is communicated via Team App each week until the           directly to the junior football club.
fixture is available.

The Maiden Gully YCW Eagles home ground is at
Marist College, Golf Links Road Maiden Gully.
                                                                           Simply nominate ‘Maiden Gully YCW Junior Football Club’ as your
                                                                           preferred club next time you are shopping in your local store.
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