Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

    About Youth to Work
    The Youth to Work programme seeks to position and equip young
    people with skills and opportunities to create economic and
    employment changes across the economy for sustainable and
    measurable impact.

    In this sense, the young people become implementers of change, rather
    than standalone programme beneficiaries.

    Small & Medium Enterprises play a vital role as they are key in housing
    the young people for the duration of the program.

                    About Futuremakers
                    Futuremakers by Standard Chartered is the bank’s global initiative to
                    tackle inequality.

                    The ambition is to raise USD75 million between 2019 and 2023 to
                    empower the next generation to learn, earn and grow.
                    The bank promotes greater economic inclusion for disadvantaged
                    young people (under 35 years) through education, employability and
                    entrepreneurship programmes.

                    With a focus on supporting girls, young women and people with visual
                    impairment from low-income households because this is where the need
                    is greatest.

                                     Projects implemented by
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                                                   Our Impact

    The program is designed around an enterprise placement-
    based model, It uses a structured five-month work placement
    to provide Business Development Services (BDS) to strengthen                                           180   young people
    the performance of SMEs. The BDS support centers around the                                            placed within SMEs
    following components: Diagnostic, Analysis, Action Planning,                                           to provide business
    and Implementation.                                             168 enterprises                        development support
                                                                    supported with
                                                                    business development

                                                                                                                    10,000 + onsite
                                                                                                                    consulting days delivered
                                                                    1,500 +                                         by Junior Associates
                                                                    youth have received
                                                                    employability and
                                                                    entrepreneurship training

                                                                                                490 SME staff have
                                                                                                received capacity
                                                                                                building training

    Projects in 3 countries: Ghana, Uganda & Zambia
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                                    Programme Structure

                     The programme is designed around an enterprise placement-based model. It uses a structured 14-week work
                    placement Business Development Services (BDS) initiative to strengthen the business performance of SGBs. The
                                  components of the programme are; Recruitment, Placement and Post-placement.

    Application      Assessment                           Audit                 Analysis                    Active                 Continued
                     day                                                                                    citizenship            PPD support

                                                          Action                Implementation              Access to              Alumni
                                                          planning                                          network                Network

              Recruitment                                            Placement                                     Post-placement
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                 Programme Structure

    Pre-placement training
    A structured two-week pre-placement
    training sessions are conducted for Junior
    Associates (JAs) to prepare them for their
    enterprise placement using Chartered
    Management Institute (CMI) learning
    modules. The training is designed to give
    Associates a theoretical and practical
    approach to implement change in
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                                           Programme Structure

                                                                    Audit                            Analysis
                                                                    ●   Junior Associate             Challenges staff and
                                                                        verifies information         Junior Associate analyse
                                                                        from business                findings from audit,
                                                                        diagnostics on SME.          identifying areas for
                                                                    ●   Junior Associate             further support
                                                                        conduct an in-depth
                                                                        audit in a specific
                                                                        business area
    Enterprise placement
    Junior Associates will be assigned to an enterprise
    where four days in a week, they will work within the
    SMEs to conduct business diagnostics, co-create
    recommendations and implement the short-                        Implementation                   Action
    term recommendation with key staff within the                   support                          planning &
    enterprise. Based on their skills and experience,                                                recommendation
    Junior Associates will be assigned to a specialist              ●   JA provides
    pathway where they will be providing support                        implementation support       Challenges staff
    to the enterprise. The pathways support will be                     using Challenges tools and   and Junior Associate
    delivered in are: Finance, Sales & Marketing and                    templates                    work with business
    Operation                                                       ●   JA presents business owner   owner to develop
                                                                        with deliverables at the     action plan based on
                                                                        end of the placement         recommendations
                                                                                                     from audit
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group


                                              Active Citizenship JAs
                                              will deliver employability
                                              training to 800+ youths
         JAs will be linked
         to opportunities
         with our partners to
         further enhance their
         development and
         professional growth

                                                          JAs will be supported
                                                          as they transition
                                                          into employment/

               JAs will join our network of
               alumni engaging with each
               other and other youths in
               different countries
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                                   Support Structure



            Online                   Consultants
            Resources                & Business
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                         Programme Benefits

     On-going training            An opportunity to
     and support from             develop your current
     Challenges during            skill set to improve your
     placement                    employability after the

    An opportunity            Access to best-
    to gain valuable          practice resources
    insight into all          to guide you on
    areas of an               placement
Junior Associate Information Pack - The Challenges Group

                                                     Application Requirements

     The Junior Associates that work with             Be 21-30 or (21-35 for persons with                      Interest in small business development
     us form one of the strongest pillars             disabilities)                                            and entrepreneurship
     of our programme. Selection process
                                                      Hold a relevant university degree OR                     Excellent communication, critical
     acknowledges young people from diverse
     backgrounds, including but not limited           Have a sound understanding of finance,                   thinking and problem-solving skills
     to Finance, Accounting, Computing & IT,          operations or sales and marketing for
     Applied & Social Sciences, Management,           business, demonstrated through previous
     Communications, and Marketing,                   work experience
     making our approach an inclusive way
     of providing professional and personal
     development for young Zambians,
     prioritizing individuals who Take Initiative,
     are Proactive and are Open Minded.
                                                      Competent in the use of MS packages                     Ability to travel to training and placement
                                                      especially Excel & Word.                                location in Lusaka.
                                                      Previous internships and voluntary                      Ability to commit to a 14-week full-time
                                                      work experience are an added                            placement
                                                                                                              Knowledge of a local language is an
                                                      Must be fluent in both written and                      added advantage.
                                                      verbal English

                                                      The Youth to Work programme is an inclusive and equal opportunity programme. Female
                                                      candidates and persons with disability are encouraged to apply. The placement is not a
                                                      paid position, although Junior Associates receive a monthly allowance to cover programme
                                                      related expenses during the 14-week placement.


     How I wished I could relive the moment.        The Youth to work Programme unlike other              Youth to work programme
     The Youth to work program has been the         programmes involves the imparting of skills           has helped me understand
     best learning experience I have ever had       and capacity building for young people on the
     as a young person. I am confident to have      programme. It forced me to constantly think outside
                                                                                                          how daily operations of each
     learned, experienced, and pretty much          the box, meet my deliverables on time and manage      individual contributes to the team
     understood the essential values for growth     my expectations with regards to exactly what is       performance. The programme
     that my academic education probably            expected of me in both the workplace and even in      has also equipped me with skills in
     overlooked. I cannot think of a better place   running my own business. It also gave me a platform   project management and business
     to have been than with the challenges          to network with not only other young people from
     team.                                          vast backgrounds but also business owners and
                                                                                                          strategic planning. It has already
                                                    professionals from whom I learnt valuable lessons     started opening opportunities for
                                                    through their experiences.                            me

     Paul Asare Bekoe                               Chansa Beauty Chiwele                                 Emmanuel Oluka
     Junior Associate - Precious Premium Salt       Junior Associate - The Hydrotherapy Centre            Junior Associate
     Ghana.                                         Zambia.                                               Uganda.

     For more information

              Email the Programme Admin at:

                 The Challenges Group Website:

                 The Standard Chartered Foundation:

                 Challenges_Zm           Challenges zambia

                 +260 767643069
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