July/August 2021 - NASNPRO

Page created by Emma Ross
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
July/August 2021
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
                                                         WOBURN, MASSACHUSETTS • JULY 2021                                          INDEX
                                                                                                                                    2 Welcome

Hello Beauties, Warriors and Rockstars~                                                                                             4    Enlightenment on 10 Skincare Myths
We are more than half way through the year and several            •   Imagine being surrounded by a golden light of                      by Dr. Jayant N. Lokhand and Danné Montague-King
estheticians, therapists and owners have shared just how              protective energy
exhausted and worn out they feel after work. While yes, it is
normal to be tired after a busy day but many are unusually
                                                                  •   Burn sage prior to clients or after a particular draining     6    Managing Expectaions in a Post-Pandemic World
                                                                      guest. There are aura-cleansing sprays and odorless
exhausted. It is important to recognize the signs and                 sage                                                               by Joy Small
symptoms of being energetically drained.                          •   Wash your hands with salt and shake negative energy
The human body generates an electromagnetic field. When               off.
                                                                                                                                    7    Electrology is More Popular Than You Think
that field is easily disrupted, it can manifest in many ways      •   Anointing oil over doors and windows
                                                                  •   Shift the balance by walking barefoot in the grass or on           by Stephanie Holvick
including being sensitive to people and environments.
Being energetically sensitive means you’re picking up on              the beach
and absorbing energy from those around you. You may pick          •   Bathe in the sun for twenty minutes-just remember
                                                                      to wear sunscreen. Remember, the sun literally gives
                                                                                                                                    10 How to Build a Loyal Clientele
up the positive vibes and happy thoughts of others, but
when you pick up negative energy this is where the day may            energy to live on this earth, so if you want to re-ground        by Jacque Hansen
go downhill quickly.                                                  your energy, go and be with the sun
                                                                  •   If you are particularly down and can shift the energy
Most therapists and estheticians are empaths. As therapists,          you have picked up, call someone who is familiar with
                                                                                                                                    13 Holitstic Sexual-Wellness
healers and energy workers we tend to absorb our clients,             long distant Reiki                                               by Jimm Harrison
co-workers and employees energy. The physical body and            •   Prayer. It doesn't need to be religious, it can simply
mind are connected — it’s important to protect ourselves              be a way to state your intentions and desires with
utilizing the mind and our personal energy field.                     the world with the hopes of making them manifest.             16 Host and Keynote Speaker Biographies
                                                                      If you want to ground yourself, then pray for it. Pray
Empaths are attune and more sensitive to a person's
emotion and want to help. Picking up negative energy can
                                                                      for strength and solidity, state your favorite verse, just    19 Notes
                                                                      speaking it out loud will help
diminish your frequency, decrease your immune system              •   A good Bible verse for protection is Psalms 91
and play havoc with your own emotions. An energetic drain
can also cause headaches, exhaustion, dry mouth, sudden
                                                                  •   Turn the tv and the cell phone off in the morning and         23 Sponsor List
                                                                      right before going to bed. A couple hours of no screen
coughing and feeling anxious.                                         time will help clear the mind
Our bodies and minds are like sponges. Other people’s             •   Deep breathing. As soon as you become ungrounded,             Morning Session
energies can attach to our auras and bodies, which may                your breath will shorten. Breath is always your first
make us feel sad or bring on a sudden headache, creating a            cue that something is up, so listen to it. Once you’ve        Doors Open 9:00
feeling of being choked or anxious. In order to balance our           noticed it, simply take five long, deep breaths, four         10:00 Welcome by Denise R. Fuller and Host Jaclyn Luongo
                                                                      seconds in and four seconds out. This will bring an
energetic code and vibe, we must cleanse our energy.
                                                                      immediate calmness to your nervous system
                                                                                                                                    Honor Holly D. Brown founder of FAB
Every crystal type has a different purpose and may be best        •   After work, take off your shoes and walk in the grass         Barbara Devlin: Stop burning your client's skin! Time to unlearn old ways of thinking - Correct,
used to heal the body, protection or to tap and strengthen            or on the beach. Take deep breaths through your nose          Repair, Renew while supporting barrier function.
your intuition.                                                       and out the mouth. Place your left hand over your heart
                                                                      and gently pat your heart, letting your heart know that       Danné Montague King: 10 Commandments of Esthetics
Citrine is a great shield of protection stone. It protects your
aura by warning you that something dangerous is headed
                                                                      you feel its loving presence. Love yourself. Repeat, “I       Dr. Lokhande: Ingredient Specialist Q & A
                                                                      love you,” until you feel calm and connected.
your way. This gives you time to assess the situation and
                                                                  •   Take a bath filled with Himalayan salt or clay for at least
move or remove yourself.
                                                                      20 minutes.                                                   12:30 Lunch and Networking
Labradorite is a protective stone that deflects negative
                                                                  Choose one or all of these suggestions to help you ground
energy from the aura and forms a barrier against the
depredations of psychic vampires. It also removes the
                                                                  and re-ground yourself. The more of these tips you can            Afternoon Session
thought projections of other people from your aura.
                                                                  integrate into your life on a regular basis the better.            2:00 Jimm Harrison: Protecting skin from blue light, 5G, and RFR/EMR exposures with proactive
After work and before you get into your vehicle, shake your
                                                                  Together we learn. Together we grow. Be safe. Be well.            skin, body and environmental solution
hands and pull the energy down to your hands and shake.           As a licensed esthetician and educator, it is my heart's          Networking
Shake, Shake, Shake off the negative energy off and don't         desire for you to have the very best education and                3:30 Final door prizes and end of the day giveaway
take it home.                                                     resources.

Here are a few other suggestions:                                                Wishing you all the very best success~

•   Start your day with protective thoughts, affirmations
                                                                                 Denise R. Fuller
                                                                                 Founder of NASNPRO
                                                                                                                                                       •LEARN •GROW •NETWORK
    and meditation                                                               Licensed Esthetician
                                                                                                                                        facebook.com/NASNPRO             twitter.com/NASNPRO           instagram.com/NASNPRO

                                                                                                                                                               772.882.2300         NASNPRO.COM
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
Enlightenment on                                                                                  reflection of light is less compared to other face areas.
                                                                                                                              It is thinner but does not mean it is fragile and weak,
                                                                                                                              on the contrary it is robust (You can refer to stiches
                                                                                                                                                                                                   VIII. Myth - Moisture the Skin?
                                                                                                                                                                                                   There is no such thing called as ‘moisturization’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hydration is a physiological factor, and it is required

                            10 Skincare Myths
                                                                                                                              removal time by Surgeon for Blepharoplasty, it is just               for osmotic balance like any other organ in body. Skin
                                                                                                                              3 days compared to jaw line correction which requires                hydration is maintained through acid mantle (Sebum +
                                                                                                                              10-12 days). Let us not rush to address dark circles                 Sweat). In fact, most of so called ‘Moisturizers’ can block
                                             By Dr. Jay Lokhande & Danne M King                                               with bleaching agents, de-toning creams etc. because                 pores and skin perspiration shall stop and that is highly
                                                                                                                              systemic causes must get ruled out even before                       detrimental to skin health.
                                                                controlling sebum production and inflammation. Health         suggesting any such measures. Factors like Sleep,
                                                                of Sebaceous Glands and one’s attunement with normal          Smoke, Salt, Sensitivity to certain organic chemicals,               IX. Myth – Microdermabrasion, Micro-needling and
                                                                circadian hormonal rhythm are key factors for ACNE            and hereditary factors are points of considerations and              Dermaplaning Panacea?
                                                                prevention and care.                                          interventions! Under Eye Dark Circles may involve more               All these techniques are artificially induced mechanical
                                                                                                                              than one technique like pH balancing, resurfacing,                   micro-traumas and totally unnecessary because they
                                                                III. Myth - The More SPF in Sunscreen, better it is?          osmotic ratio balancing, and occlusion of supercharged               can cause subclinical chronic inflammation and micro-
                                                                One’s geographical location plays an important role in        bio-actives with life-style modification.                            granulomas as a result. It shall further lead to future
                                                                determining SPF strength requirement. After certain                                                                                micro keloids formation. Skin goes through intensive
                                                                percentage of SPF in Sunscreen, more SPF (80% etc)            VII. Myth – Wrinkles can be managed through Creams                   natural wear and tear mechanism anyway. And induced
                                                                has no meaning, and or it is redundant. How Sun Rays          only?                                                                such micro-traumas (in expecting rapid collagen
                                                                are falling on skin eg. tangential, direct, or indirect       Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) like peroxides,                        synthesis and removal of cellular debris) are completely
                                                                and for how long? along with the skin ethnicity are key       superoxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen, and                    futile! (We cannot also exclude the possibility of
                                                                deciding factors in how much and how often SPF is             alpha-oxygen, and lipofuscin can kick start wrinkles.                increasing oncogenic potential of epidermal cells out of
                                                                required in one individual. SPF requirement cannot be         Other factors are equally contributing like Pollution                induced micro traumas.)
                                                                simply standardized across the platform.                      Expose and State of Immunity. Endogenous ROS
                                                                                                                              (fraudulent metabolic by-products) and Exogenous ROS                 X. Myth - Peel! Peel! Peel! Every Day?
                                                                IV. Myth – Tanning is always required?                        (polluted atmosphere, heavy metals, tobacco, drugs)                  Exfoliation is not an endgame and top on that it is
                                                                Melanin is an important biological molecule, always!          can cascade many biochemical and gene interactive                    overdone for no rational reasons! Skin sheds more
                                                                Melanin synthesis is an extremely sophisticated Defense       pathways hampering Collagen Synthesis and immunity                   than million cells every hour. Deep Chemical Peels
                                                                Mechanism of Skin against UVB rays and certain                and just applying creams will not get rid of ROS and                 and Mechanical Peels are indeed un-natural. Chemical
                                                                external chemical irritants like organic amines, metals,      can be as wrinkles management. Underlying epidermal                  Peels are induced 1st degree burns. Mechanically
                                                                polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Tanning should be           biological disturbance must be tackled with Lymphatic                induced peels are microtraumas. The focus must be
                                                                dependent on ethnicity and intent behind it. Go for           and Enzymatic Epidermal System activation to remove                  internally removing of clogged, dead, and functionally
I. Myth - Skin Cleansing is necessary by Germicidal             it, if it is clinically required, but do not overdo it. The   ROS on regular intervals. Fillers for leveling up wrinkles,          redundant cells that are trapped in tight, gap, cadherins,
Substances?                                                     most important consideration in Tanning is to balance         are not at all workable as well because ROS cause                    and desmosome cellular junctions of epidermis and
Skin has profound Microbiome, consisting of Bacteria,           Sleep hours because melanin is regulated by MSH               nutritionally deficient skin and such skin will treat filler         Chemical and or Mechanical Peeling are nowhere close
Viruses, Fungi etc. and skin’s overall health is highly         (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) and MSH is further           molecules like nutrition and eat it up quickly. So, wrinkle          to this function.
governed and dependent on integrity of Microbiome.              reciprocated with Sleep hours.                                management should be a systemic sustainable act rather
Germicidal Substances present in soaps, detergents can                                                                        than occasionally preformed!
kill healthy microbiota along with targeted pathogens           V. Myth - Vitamins alone can fix Scar Revisions?
and it is highly detrimental to skin in terms of its            Vitamins and or Vitamers (Vitamins are made up                                                                                ≥
functioning and frequent use of such products will make         Vitamers eg. Vitamin A has Vitamers like Retinol,
skin prone to have inflammatory and xerodermatic                Retinal, a & B carotenoids, B carotene) are essential                           Dr. Jayant N. Lokhande, M.D. (Botanical Drugs): MBA - Biotechnology is an expert in Botanical Drugs & Biotechnol-
conditions.                                                     nutrients but they cannot be a pill or lotion for scar                          ogy Business Management. He has successfully strategized and formulated products for several cosmeceuticals, nu-
Skin Cleansers should rather contain pore openers, wax          revisions. Vit A, E, B, C, D, even K has role to play in                        traceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and medical foods companies globally. He has significant clinical experience especial-
dissolvers, and ‘make-up residue’ scavenging actives.           terms of Skin Nutrition but scar revision mandates                              ly in using Botanical Drugs and Medical Foods for Complex and Chronic Diseases. His other professional interests
Skin has innate and inherently built microbial resistance       further skin resurfacing to balance out epidermal                               are in Biodiversity Entrepreneurship, Bio prospecting, Medical Anthropology, Disease Reversal Therapeutics, and
                                                                                                                                                Ashtanga Yoga. He has special interest and practice in translating Yoga & Ayurveda Principles in Innovation, System
(that is one of the primary functions of skin) unless, it is    granulation and fibrotic tissues underneath. Vitamin C                          & Technology Development. He has edited and authored 3 books so far and that are published by Taylor & Francis.
wounded and or mechanically opened in certain derma-            if properly formulated can trigger collagen synthesis                           He is currently working as Chief Scientific Officer at DMK Skincare, and his responsibilities include Innovation and
procedures. Germicidal cleansers are required only in           through fibroblasts activity. Alone Vit E or C are not                          Product & Service End-User Education Development.
such limited circumstances!                                     enough for scar revision. It must be addressed with
                                                                other skin resurfacing techniques like epidermal pH           Danné Montague-King is a pioneer in his industry. Danné has seen the depths of depression associated with poorly functioning skin.
II. Myth – Dietary Intake of Oils can cause ACNE?               balancing, keratin stimulation, immunity enhancement,         In fact his everlasting passion was born from his dissatisfaction with his own acne as a teen. Many times he has shared the story of
ACNE Vulgaris is simply clogged Sebum in sebaceous              activation of adult epidermal stem cells etc. for deeper      how his parents would take him to lavish events where he would find a dark corner to hide away in, ashamed of this
                                                                                                                              blemished skin. Not understanding the condition completely, and after failed attempts from top US dermatologists to
glands and on long standing of such clogged                     and sustainable scar revisions.
                                                                                                                              cure his acne, Danné took things into his own hands and desperate for a cure, became his own guinea pig. A string of
sebum, it may get internally and locally infected with                                                                        breakthroughs, trials and tribulations, and many travels would follow, until he found his first true breakthrough in the
inflammation. ACNE is also highly influenced by mental          VI. Myth – De-Toners or Creams for Under Eye Bags/            60’s involving vitamin C therapy. That’s all it took to spark what would be decades of developing successful treat-
and hormonal health.                                            Dark Circles?                                                 ments and products that would combine to form the iconic brand that is DMK – sold throughout 30 countries. For 50
Dietary Intake of certain oils like Essential Fatty             Skin thickness is not the same on entire Face Area.           years Danné has lived by his motto: rebuilding skin, rebuilding lives. Dedicated to his craft, his practicing therapists,
Acids (Omega 3,6) are on the contrary, beneficial in            Specially Under Eye, it is comparatively thinner, so          and his clients, Danné is the founder of the DMK family and is responsible for rebuilding skin, and rebuilding lives all
                                                                                                                              over the world.
Page 4 NASNPRO July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 5
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
Managing Expectations in a Post-Pandemic World                                                                                                            Electrology is more
                                                        By Joy Small                                                                                     popular than you think…
   The world has been steadily moving since we                     As estheticians, we are sometimes unofficial therapists                                                         by Stephanie Holvick
each individually joined. The Covid-19 pandemic                 and that can quietly wear us down. Now, even more
                                                                                                                                 Electrolysis as most of know or have done is a
brought our world as we’ve all known it, to a halt,             so, post-pandemic. Daily goals are a positive thing and
                                                                                                                                 method of removing individual hairs from the body
which is something no one could have prepared for               can change daily. For example, one day at work your
                                                                                                                                 permanently.  A trained electrologist inserts an exceptionally
psychologically, emotionally, financially or professionally.    entire focus can be on making money, that’s natural,
                                                                                                                                 fine filament into the natural opening of the hair follicle
   Pre-Covid-19 we all were on a more even feeling              and maybe your goal is upselling at least one item to
                                                                                                                                 alongside the hair shaft. A tiny amount of electrical current is
playing field. The formula for business was fairly              each client. 15 months ago, your goal might have been
                                                                                                                                 then applied to create a chemical or heat energy reaction to
standardized: do marketing and networking, have an              bigger, however in a post-pandemic environment,
                                                                                                                                 destroy the hair growth cells.  Electrology is the only FDA form
online presence, engage your audience, provide great            we have to adjust our expectations for what we can
                                                                                                                                 of Permanent hair removal today.
service with realized results and typically, you’ll become      accomplish realistically. As mentioned earlier, some
successful. Of course, there is a range of success, but         businesses are flourishing, thank goodness! But
for this conversation, let’s define success as making           individuals in those businesses also have to adjust their
enough money to stay in business and pay your bills,            expectations and goals to increasingly succeed.
                                                                                                                                 While many estheticians, nurses, cosmetologists, and barbers
both professional and personal.                                    The next day, although you’re still focused on
                                                                                                                                 enjoy the practice of electrology not all states regulate
   Post-pandemic, it feels like that same formula isn’t         upselling, your goal can be keeping your spirits uplifted.
                                                                                                                                 this very intense highly specialized treatment.  
necessarily yielding the same results. When you drive           Not a frilly goal, but a legitimate aspiration in a post-
down any given street these days, it’s not uncommon             pandemic business day. Perhaps you impart wisdom
                                                                                                                                 Cindy Cassady owner of Cindy Cassady School
to see one business flourishing and across the                  and enthusiasm on a younger client just peeking into
                                                                                                                                 of Electrology Health and Beauty in Pensacola, Florida
street another formerly successful business closing.            our world of beauty. However, you fill your spirit,
                                                                                                                                 describes her 320-hour Electrolysis\Laser Hair Removal course approved by the State of Florida. Home study may
Commingle that with the toll of daily exhaustion                consider that when managing self-expectations. Even
                                                                                                                                 suffice for some of the didactic but all 200 clinical hours must be completed in the clinic under supervision to obtain
from a variety of concerns and anxieties, change of             though you might not have had to focus consciously on
                                                                                                                                 a license.
lifestyle, lack of social opportunities, and in some cases,     your emotional and mental well-being formerly, for right
                                                                                                                                 Also noted that if you plan on joining an association like the American Electrology Association, a minimum of
tremendous grief as well, and it seems glaringly obvious        now, it’s not something to overlook or undervalue.
                                                                                                                                 320 hours from a School of Electrology must be documented. With 200 hours of clinical hands on
that this is a time to manage, and possibly readjust, our          I’ve always found managing my client’s expectations
                                                                                                                                 accomplished under the watchful eye of an instructor.  Therefore, be aware that online schools generally do not fit
expectations.                                                   easier than managing my own. It’s probably from
                                                                                                                                 this requirement.
   Thankfully, it looks as though we’re on the road back        following one simple rule: under promise and over
to life as we formerly knew. Depending upon where               deliver. If I believe I can control a client’s acne or
                                                                                                                                 An electrology practice can be lucrative. Treatments range anywhere from several hundred to over a thousand
you live and your personal circumstances, this could            noticeably diminish the appearance of undesired
                                                                                                                                 dollars to be completed.  The treatments are spread out over multiple visits.  Technicians typically charge by
be a road you’ve been traveling for many months                 pigmentation or soften and plump the appearance of
                                                                                                                                 time.  $70.00 to $110.00 per hour may vary. Clients are seen in 15-, 30- and 60-min intervals.
now, or a road you are just embarking upon, or even             fine lines in say, four treatments, I’m going to tell them
just catching a glimpse of in the near distance. That           it will probably take six. If my client’s skin responds how
                                                                                                                                 The American Electrology Association estimates the average salary for a solo full-time electrologist somewhere
might be the thing that’s most unsettling about what            I expect, then guess what? I’ve just surpassed their
                                                                                                                                 between $25,000 and $50,000 per year.  
we are emerging from, we are not all operating from             expectations! And if it doesn’t, then I have two extra
the same perspective in terms of our levels of comfort          treatments, before they feel disappointed, and maybe
                                                                                                                                 Enrollment in Cindy Cassady School of Electrology Health and Beauty School has surged in the past few
outside of our protected environments, or the lengths           request a refund.
                                                                                                                                 years.  Reasons for this can be attributed to a few things:
of time that we have been venturing out into life. It’s an         As the world’s gears start grinding again, just
extremely individualized experience from which even             remember that almost everyone else, everywhere else,
                                                                                                                                 Laser? Really? Yes. Since 1995 Laser hair removal was all the rage.  Its popularity soared. Over the years it
two members of the very same household could have               in almost every profession is experiencing something
                                                                                                                                 became apparent that it was not as permanent as it was touted. While many enjoyed the outcome, others
two completely different take-away’s.                           similar, to one degree or another. Everyone’s life has
                                                                                                                                 were not even candidates.  Laser will not target red hair or blonde or grey. Higher Fitzpatrick clients were
   It feels as if there’s much, we can’t control these days,    changed on some level. Try to control the things you
                                                                                                                                 contraindicated because of the risk of burns and were turned away for fear of hyperpigmentation.  
so let’s focus on what we can control: how we feel, our         can and hold on to your happiness... it’s contagious!
goals and expectations. Maybe your 5-year plan needs
                                                                                             ≥                                                                                   The fact that hair was regrowing after laser treatments were
to be seriously reworked. Maybe your 1-year plan needs
                                                                                                                                                                                 finished led the FDA in 2007 to prohibit laser companies from
readjusting. Maybe your 6-month plan needs to be                Joy N. Small, LFS graduated from FIU in 1994 with a
                                                                                                                                                                                 making that claim, “Permanent Hair Removal.”  
entirely rewritten. If no one has told you yet, that’s OK.      Bachelor of Science in Communications, specifically Creative
                                                                Advertising, with a minor in Psychology. She began her career                                                    Many laser technicians turned to electrology to treat those
During a time when very few things feel completely OK,
                                                                as a Broadcast Copywriter, writing and producing radio and                                                       pesky unwanted hairs that simply would not treat with
it is completely OK to not exactly know, and to have to
                                                                television commercials. In 2013, Joy received her Associate of                                                   laser. Cindy went on to say that many of her students found
rethink your plans and dreams and efforts, based on our
                                                                Science in Paramedical Skin Care from Florida                                                                    the practice of electrology was an underserved market in their
new reality.                                                    College of Natural Health. Joy is the National                                                                   area, leading them to be the big fish in a small pond.  So
   Some people will find this a time of tremendous              Sales Manager for ECOmed. She enjoys being                                                                       much so that many of them rarely advertise because of the
growth while others struggle to figure out why the              able to help businesses grow and reach their
                                                                                                                                                                                 great demand.   Electrology take many sessions to clear unwanted
grass looks greener on the other side. If there’s               full potential. She loves educating and is
                                                                thrilled to be working with devices that are
                                                                                                                                                                                 hair. But when it’s gone it’s gone! Setting up multiple sessions the
anything close to a magic formula, it’s managing
                                                                                                                                                                                 new electrologist will see their appointment book fill swiftly.  
expectations - yours and your client’s.                         results-driven and dependable.

Page 6 NASNPRO July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 7
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
More reasons for electrology popularity  
The upper lip, chin, bikini line, & eyebrow hair removal is as popular as ever but over the years great light has
been placed on the electrology angels that assist those clients with conditions such as:

                                          Pseudofolliculitis Barbae  
Men and women who experience dark hair bumps, most likely with coarser, thicker hairs that grow in a C or S
shaped-pattern and are of African Descent. These clients can develop keloids or scarring from the ingrown hair
alone so best to take care at the “root” of the problem.  

                                          Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
                                                                                                                            The Skin Classic
The unfeminine symptom of this syndrome is the excessive heavy coarse hair caused by hormonal condition                     Treat various minor skin irregularites
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Treatment for the underlying condition, along with electrolysis, can free
those from shaving or repetitive waxing with this embarrassing condition.
                                                                                                                            usually in one treatment:
                                                                                                                            ● Skin Tags
                                           Transgender Hair Removal                                                         ● Milia
Another swell in the industry has been the transgender community. While going through the process of SRS or                 ● Fibromas
sexual reassignment surgery, testosterone blockers will help reduce body hair significantly over time, but to
accelerate the process electrology will aid in quicker results.   Because electrolysis is the only hair removal             ● Flat Hyperpigmentation
method approved by the FDA for permanent results, many SRS surgeons mandate electrolysis as part of the pre-                ● Cherry Angiomas
operation procedures and some insurance plans may even cover it.  
                                                                                                                            ● Sebaceous Hyperplasia
                                                                                                                            ● Telangiectasia
According to the busiest manufacturer in the USA of epilators, Rich Klukovich President of ClareBlend Inc in
Reno NV has also seen a tremendous increase in the number of epilators produced in the past few years.  He                  ● Blackheads                                    0
                                                                                                                                                             D ermLite DL10
                                                                                                                            ● Acne Pimples
also attributes this to the awareness that laser hair removal is not permanent and the fact that technicians need
not be laser certified or purchase excessively equipment.  Technology has been fine-tuned over the years                                                          always
but nevertheless remains basically the same.                                                                                ● Clogged Pores                      included
There are 3 different types of electrolysis.   

Galvanic is a chemical process. A DC (direct) current passes through the needle charging the moisture (H2O) and
salt (NaCl) naturally found in the follicle causing a chemical reaction. This chemical reaction produces sodium
hydroxide (lye). The lye destroys the hair follicle by chemical decomposition.  This is the most comfortable of the 3

Thermolysis produces heat. The AC current passing through the probe causes vibration in the water molecules
surrounding the hair follicle which produces heat that destroys the hair growth cells in the follicle. A higher intensity
current can be applied for less time in the follicle, or current can be used at lower intensity with longer timing.  This
modality can be a little uncomfortable but yield a quicker treatment.
The Blend Method combines the benefits of galvanic current with thermolysis current. A DC current is passed
through the probe, producing lye, which is then heated up by the AC current. The heat spreads the lye around the
                                                                                                                                                                                          e W a ra n ty includes Tra
follicle, ensuring proper damage to the hair follicle tissue. This is faster than Galvanic alone, but still more time                                                             Lifetim                    ity
consuming than Thermolysis. This combination has been found to be more effective in the rate of hair destruction                                                                             in Your Facil
over time.                                                                                                                                                                                            fessional Sup
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ongoing Pro
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ayment Plan
Whether looking for a new career in the aesthetic world or adding to your already existing practice electrology may                                                                     No Interest P
be worth taking a second look.                                                                                                                                                                    Available
Stephanie Holvick began her nursing career in 1982, specializing in surgery. Working in well-known institutes like
Emory University, Medical University of South Carolina, St. Joes Exempla, and Atlantic City Hospital Stephanie
was a mentor to new nurses in the OR. While working in the field of plastic surgery she took the first step into the
aesthetic nursing world by enrolling into the Beau Institute of Micropigmentation. Having the opportunity to work
with individuals who requested her services was very rewarding. Clients with visual impairments, those suffering
from Parkinson’s disease, burn victims, and alopecia had their self- esteem heightened with Micropigmentation.
She recently opened a clinic in Cape Charles, Virginia , is the owner of RNFaces and is a Diamond Sponsor for
NASNPRO.                                                                                                                    719-859-0707
Page 8 NASNPRO July 2021
July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
How to Build a
                                                  Loyal Clientele
                                                                      By Jacque Hansen

   Ever wonder how some skin professionals garner         rebook accordingly to your suggested protocol.
an income of six figures or more? After being in this        Lastly, ensure that you are retailing to your
industry for 30 years and working side-by-side with       clients. Did you know that the more products
some of the best, it all comes down to the same           you sell to a client, the higher the retention rate?
thing: loyal clientele.                                   The client will feel loyal to you because they have
   How does one create a loyal following? It’s quite      made an investment with you based on your home
easy really. It all comes down to ensuring that you       maintenance suggestions. At COSMEDIX, we
provide the best customer service to your client.         use the process called System Selling: a process
Yes, this includes building a relationship and being a    where you sell the client a minimum of three retail
professional expert, but personality alone will only      products. Why three? With three products your
get you so far. You must have processes in place          client is more than 75% likely to return to you. It
that will keep the client coming back.                    is important to note that this is not about pushing
   The first important process to put in place            products or hard selling the client into buying
is rebooking or prebooking. Never let a client            them, but rather the approach that you sell your
leave your location without booking their next            clients what they need to continue to drive results
appointment, as this is your insurance policy that        at home. How many have you worked tirelessly to
you will see them again in two, four or six weeks. If     subdue a client’s hyperpigmentation, only for them
they’re not on your books, you have no idea if they       to go home and use a moisturizer without SPF?
will come back, and you are simply assuming they          Totally frustrating! With System Selling, you can
will come back on their time frame. But you, the          educate the client on the three or more products
skin expert, are responsible for telling them when        they need to ensure results.
and why they need to return. I am sure we have all           Do not ever be afraid to suggest to someone
spent an hour or hours treating and addressing a          how to achieve the results they came in seeking.
client’s skincare concerns, only for them to come         You are the expert, so be the professional you are.
back months later and you must start from scratch.
By “rebooking” them for their next appointment
and/or series and explaining the processes in place,      With more than 20 years of experience specializing in the
                                                          cosmetology and skincare industry, Jacquelyn Hansen has
you can avoid having to restart and ensure that           combined her passion for skincare, education and sales into
your client will get the best results you agreed          a transformative career at COSMEDIX. As a graduate of
upon.                                                     North Dakota State University and licensed cosmetologist
   The second step is education. Let’s “face it”,         from the Aveda Institute, Jacque honed her diverse skillset in
                                                          a variety of education, sales, and product development roles.
people attempt to educate themselves on the               Previously, she worked as Director of Sales and Education at
products they put on their skin, but most are             Aveda, District Sales Manager for Dermalogica, Education
unaware of how the skin truly works. For example,         Manager for Goldwell, Director of Product Development and
many people know to wear SPF to help avoid                Education for a national haircare company. With 10 years of
the sun from causing “sunspots”, but how many             experience in medical aesthetics under her belt, she now leads
                                                          the way on education and sales as the National Sales Director
truly understand the factors that come into               at COSMEDIX. Jacque continues to transform
play with melasma or hyperpigmentation? Do                the sales team at the clean skincare brand,
they know that hormones, pregnancy, illness,
and side effects from some prescription drugs
                                                          constantly exceeding sales performance goals
                                                          and achieving record-breaking growth in new                                 LE AR N MO RE AT
                                                          business. Her innovative mindset and strong
can cause hyperpigmentation? This is where
                                                                                                                           CO SM ED IX. CO M/ PR O/ PR OF ES SIO NA L
                                                          focus on skincare education has allowed the
you, the skin expert, come in and educate your            COSMEDIX professional team to blossom
clients, explaining that it may take more than one        under her lead and is set to experience
treatment to get the results the client needs--then       another year of groundbreaking opportunities.

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Holistic Sexual-Wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                                            by Jimm Harrison
                                                                               SKINCARE PRODUCTS FOR ANYONE WHO
                                                                               WANTS TO SEE RESULTS – NATURALLY!                                      Orgasms are a biological delight. Not only are they a          HEALTH BENEFITS OF SEX ARE GOOD FOR THE SKIN
                                                                                                                                                      pleasurable experience, orgasms also have a multitude
                                                                               With spas offering multiple services, especially those that offer      of positive health related benefits. What’s more, orgasms      A healthy sex life and orgasms are well documented for
                                                                               Medical Aesthetic Technology, many are unaware of the long-            are good skin care! According to one study, orgasm             their positive effects on emotions and physical well-
                                                                               term effects of certain procedures and the upkeep required to sus-     improve skin firmness, elasticity, and radiance. With the      being. There is plenty of data accumulated over the
                                                                               tain results. Yon-Ka Paris is the leading skincare brand that offers   growing sexual-wellness market, the spa environment can        past three decades showing direct correlation between
    The Experience of Phyto-Aromatic Skincare
                                                                               customers high-end results through the production of cutting-edge      now include spa related products designed to enhance,          pleasurable experiences and good health (Resnick,
                                                                               aromatherapy and phytotherapy formulas. No matter the skin             promote and support healthy sexuality with the resulting       Stella et al. 2002). These benefits are the very core of
                                                                               type or specific needs, Yon-Ka’s products rely on in-house scientif-   improvement in skin condition.                                 health and wellness and includes stress relief, healthy
    YON-KA PARIS LEADS THE INDUSTRY                                            ic experts and take a precise approach to skincare and, with its                                                                      cardiovascular function and increased immunity - all
    IN PHYTO-AROMATHERAPY                                                      rare and perfectly dosed ingredients. Yon-Ka Paris is continuously
                                                                                                                                                      SEXUAL-WELLNESS IN THE SPA                                     beneficial to healthier skin.
                                                                               testing and surveying the effectiveness of each product to offer its
    In the wake of unprecedented times that have plagued our country,                                                                                                            The traditional sexual product      The simple connection between skin health and orgasm
                                                                               clients long-lasting solutions for their skin.
    prioritizing nutrition and wellness is essential to managing mental                                                                                                          market is composed of sex           can be seen in the benefits derived from a healthy
    health. As spas begin to reopen, there is a heightened awareness                                                                                                             toys and intimate products,         sex life and regular orgasm, in a general range of 4 or
    of the benefitting properties of aromatherapy and the impact it has                                                                                                          such as vibrators, lubricants       more orgasms per week. Masturbation, to completion
    on the entire body.                                                                                                                                                          and body oils. Now, with the        with orgasm, demonstrated “improved [skin] texture
                                                                                                                                                                                 label of sexual-wellness, these     and tone, as well as diminished sagging, fine lines
                                                                               THE YON-KA CLEAN STANDARD GUARANTEED.                                                             products have gone from             and wrinkles” (Trent, Nancy, 2020). There is also a link
                                                                                                                                                                                 taboo to health oriented self-      between estrogen, with an increase during sexual arousal
                                                                               The foundation that sets Yon-Ka Paris apart from other skincare
                                                                                                                                                                                 care.                               (van Anders SM, et al. 2009), and how “skin aging can be
    SKINCARE & PHYTO-AROMATIC BRAND –                                          solutions is the brand’s “clean standard.” Yon-Ka’s innovative                                                                        significantly delayed”( Stevenson S, et al. 2007).
    Yon-Ka Paris Has Challenged The Beauty Industry                            phytotherapy relies on the power of essential oils and plant                                     Understanding human sexuality
    With A Promise Of Total Body Rejuvenation That                             extracts to achieve the benefits of both aromatherapy and re-                                    has made great progress              The requirements for healthy skin, based on a holistic
    Only Nature Can Deliver.                                                   generative properties. By blending them with actives such as                                     over the past century, though        or beauty-inside-out model, are similar to the physical,
                                                                               hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, glycolic acid, peptides, and AHAs,                                   the topic has often been             emotional, and psychological health benefits derived
    Established in 1954 by Mühlethaler brothers Charles and Earnest            Yon-Ka’s products enhance the skin’s natural barrier rather than                                 relegated to private or hidden       from orgasm. A short list of health benefits from orgasm,
    and Earnest’s wife Cecile, Yon-Ka formulates products to rebalance         damage it with harsh chemicals that strip away its protection.                                   talk and along with negative         that are also good for skin health, would include:
    the skin in a symbiosis with holistic practices. After some time, the      Yon-Ka Paris remains committed to its promise to always use
                                                                                                                                                                                associations. The progression,
    two daughters of the family, Francoise and Catherine Mühlethaler,                                                                                                           especially since the sexual            • promoting heart health: lowering blood pressure,
                                                                               natural actives to meet a high “clean standard” of safety while
    joined together to cultivate what is known today as Yon-Ka Paris.                                                                                                           revolution of the 1960’s,                reducing risk of heart disease, stroke, and
                                                                               ethically and sustainably sourced.
    As a biochemist and aesthetician, the two had a passion for nature
                                                                                                                                                                                has been a slow opening to               hypertension
                                                                                                                                                                                a healthy relationship with            • reduce inflammation
    and what it could mean to wellness enthusiasts in all stages of life.      As the brand continues to expand its collection, Yon-Ka hopes
                                                                                                                                                                                human sexuality. Intercourse           • modulate immune function
    By merging scientific innovation, wellness, and beauty, they have          to connect with more spas, salons, and medical facilities, as we
                                                                                                                                                      has purpose and benefits beyond its primary function of          • better sleep
    created products that are both high performance and multi-sensory          all prepare to re-enter an incredible world of beauty, wellness,
                                                                                                                                                      reproduction. Humans are designed to desire sex, with            • satisfaction with mental health: increased self-esteem
    due to the olfactive properties of pure aromatic essential oils.           and nature.                                                            some great payoffs for the human body, mind, and skin              and self-love, improved relationships, and reduction
                                                                                                                                                      health.                                                            of emotional conflicts, anxiety and stress

                                                                                                                                                      Beauty is technically representative of sexual health.
                                                                                                                                                      The biological function of beauty is to display the            WHOLE BODY AND THE NIEC
                                                                                                                                                      reproductive health of a potential mate. Though, in our
   M O R E A B O U T YO N - K A PA R I S                                       enjoy an unforgettable wellness experience. In many cases, wellness
                                                                                                                                                      current culture having side-stepped beauty in this role        The skin is a highly complex organ linked to the immune
                                                                               establishments must choose between being natural, results-driven, or
   Yon-Ka Paris is a French luxury, aromatic, plant-based skincare line fea-                                                                          of reproductive health, beauty is still a good barometer       and sensory systems in a relationship called the neuro-
                                                                               luxury – but with Yon-Ka Paris, they get all three!
   turing products that are clinically proven, natural, vegan, cruelty-free,                                                                          and display of overall health and emotional wellness. The      immuno-endo-cutaneous (NIEC) network. This links
   and paraben-free. Celebrating over 67 years in the industry and owned                                                                              spa industry has long ago upped its game, and services,        bidirectional communications among the nervous system,
   and operated by women, Yon-Ka markets plant cell active-based skin-                                                                                in presenting beauty as health. Including sexual wellness      the endocrine system, and the immune system which are
   care rituals that offer anti-aging and healing outcomes. Currently, it is   For more information, images or interviews contact:                    is a logical progression. Introducing sexual-wellness with     in crosstalk with physical health (França K et al. 2017).
   featured in over 1,000 5-star resort spas, medi-spas, country clubs, and    AMAL AMGAAD                                                            the healthy benefit to beauty and skin, is wrapped within      The skin plays a vital role in this system.
   traditional day spas across the United States. Yon-Ka Paris takes pride     Head of Communications                                                 holistic spa health and beauty.
   in providing spas with a selection of 40 professional protocols and part-                                                                                                                                         It becomes obvious how sexual stimulation has direct
   ners with spas to support their commitment to excellence so guests can            amal@yonka-paris.com                  +1 (714)-766-9813          For clarity, this idea does not suggest or promote sexual      interaction with, and influence, on the NIEC network
                                                                                                                                                      contact, sexual services, or any similar service within the    when analyzing the complexity of neurotransmitter
                                                                                                                                                      spa environment.                                               release and the results on nervous function and immunity     
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July/August 2021 - NASNPRO
during orgasm. The sympathetic and parasympathetic              Any scent can be used to enhance sexuality, that              essential oils. Like any use of essential oils, a complete         chakra, can reduce tension and stress to promote
nervous systems are involved and trigger specific               includes synthetics and essential oils. Scent association     protocol is necessary. This means that poor diet, lack of          relaxation and therefore assist in an opening to
activity during sexual activity. Arousal involves hormones      and response is learned and programmed through                or improper exercise, unhealthy lifestyle, stressful work          sexual intimacy.
commonly released in stressful, or fight or flight, responses   memory, so the diversity of what scent is attractive will     habits and toxic environmental conditions would be             •   Jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum) - The
adding to the “exciting quality of orgasm” (Berlow, Yossi.      be determined culturally and through life experience.         recognized for their impairment to sexual-wellness. The            queen (or king) of aphrodisiac oils. Jasmine is a
2004). At orgasm the stress response immediately swirls         Though there are certain fragrances from nature that          opposite, a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle, would be        richly exotic, sweet-floral with animalic character
into the parasympathetic mode and calming of the body           seem to be genetically programmed attractors.                 encouraged for enhancement of sexual health with the               unmatched for its beautiful aromatic quality.
(Mitrokostas, Sophia. 2019). Endorphins and serotonin are       Body oils, aromatic diffusing, sprays and massage are         added skin vitality.                                           •   Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) - The subtle spice-note
released also promoting good mood and relaxation.               commonly used for intimacy and sexual pleasure, with                                                                             of nutmeg enhances and combines euphorically
                                                                both natural and perfume fragrances used. The main            Essential oil products can be designed to fit any                  with florals and cinnamon for a luscious addition to
Dopamine and oxytocin are two compounds with                    character of aphrodisiac and intimate fragrances are          fragrance category. Aphrodisiac lotions, creams and                sensual olfactory stimulation.
important functions in sexual wellness and released to          those that closely mimic human body odor (Jellinek P.         diffuser formulations may have florals such as ylang           •   Neroli (Citrus aurantium)- the citrusy-floral scent
create the phenomenal sensations at orgasm. These two           1997), ones from certain foods or spices (Hirsch, A. 1998),   ylang, neroli and rose, or spices and foods that include           of the orange blossom distillation provides a light-
transmitters are also understood for their importance to        and exotic tropical florals (Global Cosmetic Industry.        cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and chocolate, as well as                hearted crown to potions of love and intimacy.
skin health (Deing, Verena, et al. 2013). The big reward        2006).                                                        human-like odors (referred to as animalic in perfumery)        •   Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) - Famous for its
at orgasm has oxytocin as the primary influence for the                                                                       using angelica, jasmine and ambrette seed. The                     distinctive earthy, resinous, exotic and sensual scent,
sense of escape of space-time, ultimate euphoria, and           Essential oils are available in all of the mentioned          fragrance possibilities and combinations are endless.              patchouli is also a well known aphrodisiac. Excellent
a full-burst feeling of pleasure. Oxytocin has several          fragrance categories and are ideally suited as an             Sexual-wellness formulation                                        rejuvenating skin care oil as well.
functions in the human body, “triggering, or modulating         aphrodisiac, along with their potent skin rejuvenating        There’s a long list of essential oils, absolutes and           •   Sandalwood (Santalum album) - the indistinguishable
a full range of physiological functions and emotions:           effects. The oils are active by-way-of the olfactory          supercritical extracts that are included in aphrodisiac            intoxicating odor of authentic Indian sandalwood is
happiness, attraction, love, and affection” (Magon, N;          system and receptors on the skin surface, with response       formulation, and it should be mentioned most have                  a long recognized aphrodisiac with strong spiritual
Sanjay, K. 2011).                                               throughout the neuro-immuno-endo-cutaneous network            benefit to skin health.                                            connotations.
                                                                (Harrison, J. 2005). Through the sense of smell, essential                                                                   •   Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) Supercritical extract or
                                                                oils enrich the pleasure and arousal of orgasm. Some          Sexual-wellness essential oil combinations would be                absolute - the sweet scent of vanilla, inspiring
SEXUAL COMPLICATIONS                                            essential oils have been analyzed and shown to stimulate      ideal when incorporated into a:                                    feelings of comfort and peace, is on the list of
                                                                release of oxytocin (Tadokoro, Yuriko, et al. 2017) and                                                                          potent aphrodisiacs, especially for men.
Before moving on, there should some awareness placed            other feel-good neurotransmitters (Zhang, Kai and Lei          • Diffuser or room mist spray to create an enticing and       •   Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) - the sensual tropical
on sexual complications, which would also have negative         Yao. 2018; Villareal, Myra O., et al. 2017).                     intimate environment                                            sweet-floral fragrance of ylang ylang is a historically
effect on skin health. Lack of sexual desire, sexual                                                                           • Cream or lotion for intimate massage with                       sultry aphrodisiac.
discomfort, inability to orgasm, erectile disfunction and                                                                        appropriate slip and glide
other sexual issues may be, and likely are, related to          THE SEXUAL-WELLNESS CATEGORY                                   • Body spray having an additional cool sensation to          Here’s a sample formula that can be made for sexual-
health concerns and systemic imbalance in the body,                                                                              the skin when sprayed                                      wellness:
or are due to stress, PTSD and similar psychological            There’s an opportunity for spa and esthetics to offer the      • Essential oils are not recommended for lubrication or      Sultry and Intimate
concerns. Abuse or trauma are, of course, of direct             combined benefits of sexual-wellness and skin care that          wipes.                                                     28 drops Himalayan Cedar
cause in sexual disfunction. These same health concerns         may be exclusive and more appropriate to a professional        • Here are some examples of sensual essential oils           8 drops Patchouli
will often effect skin condition and aging due to the           spa-like experience. Though the product category does            that could be combined and diffused or added to a          6 drops Jasmine
resulting inflammation and stress hormones released             include vibrators and lubricants, it is the body oils,           base lotion or cream.                                      14 drops Ylang Ylang
from emotional impact. Where sexuality and skin health          massage lotions, facial care, diffuser blends, natural         • Ambrette seed absolute (Hibiscus abelmoschus) -            25 drops Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia)
are intertwined, the link would require recognition that        perfume and other products using essential oils and              distinctive for its subtle, musk-like aroma with floral    12 drops Orange (Citrus sinensis)
sexually based emotional and physical health, like any          fragrant botanical extracts, having the holistic properties      undertones. Though difficult to find in pure quality, it   Blend these oils into a 5 ml bottle. Can be used in a
imbalance of mind and body, may be involved with skin           to address emotions and skin health, that are ideally            is worth the search.                                       diffuser or add 3 drops per teaspoon (5 mL) of carrier
conditions that have been otherwise difficult to resolve.       suited to spa and esthetics.                                   • Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) or Himalayan            cream or oil, or use 30 drops per ounce in a spray bottle
These concerns would be directed to the appropriate             There are products available designed for sexual activity        Cedarwood (Cedrus deodara) - used as a woody               with water.
professional.                                                   and ready for use. These are mostly old school sex               base note with aphrodisiac, skin rejuvenation and
                                                                shop-like and other “aphrodisiac” lotions and creams.            anti-inflammatory effects.
                                                                The spa-wellness industry is ready for a new breed of          • Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - Included
SCENT, SEXUALITY AND SKIN HEALTH                                sophisticated sexual-wellness products. The spa and              in the base or middle note, cinnamon bark provides
                                                                esthetics environment is all about self-care, so this is         a strong aphrodisiac quality, though with concerns of                                    ≥
Scent has a profound and often controlling influence on         really a simple transition while expanding boundaries,           sensitivity. Cinnamon bark may add the right amount
sexual attraction, arousal and orgasm. The biological           and eliminating old notions, with the inclusion of sexual-       of spice and a tinge of heightened skin sensitivity
programming of human scent in sexuality has a history           wellness.                                                        when used at a recommended 1.5% or less of the
of evidence, especially in the centuries old perfume                                                                             total essential oil blend (with the total essential oil
                                                                                                                                                                                            Jimm Harrison is a master alchemical
industry’s quest for the ultimate aphrodisiac. The              ESSENTIAL OIL SEXUAL-WELLNESS PRODUCTS                           concentration, blend, added to a lotion, spray or
                                                                                                                                                                                            essential oil and botanical skin care
naturally occurring body odors, which includes those                                                                             cream at 2 to 3%).                                         formulator, consultant and educator, with
referred to as pheromones, play a significant role in           There is a long list of product categories that will fit       • Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) - the mind-quieting      extensive experience and knowledge in the
attraction and arousal. Driven by reproductive biology,         within a holistic spa sexual-wellness category, including        effects of frankincense assist in easing mental activity   science, art and metaphysical functions of
these are distinctive personal odors and provide allure         vitamins and herbal supplements, already a part of a             while emphasizing bodily sensations. Its unique            essential oils. Jimm has developed private
to who makes the best, most passionate, sexual partner          holistic spa and esthetic offering. The emphasis here is         aroma intensifies the natural fragrance of the skin.       label formulation and essential oil fragrance
(Furlow, F. 1996).                                              products that incorporate aromatherapy and the use of          • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) - The rose-like          branding for retail and spas internationally.
                                                                                                                                 notes of geranium, with its relationship to the heart
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                                  Jaclyn Luongo, is a leader of innovation in the spa industry; a licensed esthetician, make-up artist, esthetic
                                  instructor, author, beauty blogger and business consultant, with over 22 years of experience. She has
                                  worked with some of US’s top resorts and day spas and has trained in Europe, NYC, and Los Angeles with
                                  star make-up artists and skin specialists. In January of 2017 Jaclyn accepted a position on the Board of
                                  Directors for the Melanoma Education Foundation and NASNPRO Association. In 2019 Jaclyn published
                                  a book for the Beauty Industry Professional, Successful Selling in the Beauty Industry. In February 2021
                                  Jaclyn had the honor of accepting a position with the Global Wellness Institute to be part of and create
                                  their first mentor program. beautytomorrow.net                                                                    Intense. Innovative.
        Philanthropic Recipient

                             Holly D. Brown, esthetician and Oncology trained, suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and Sarcoidosis. She founded
!                            Looking & Feeling FAB, Inc. after developing a rash from chemotherapy infusions. When reporting the rash to
                             her Physicians, they responded with blank stares and silence. She knew there had to be something to help.              ENVIRON’S NEW
                             Holly soon found out there was no help to alleviate these devastating side effects leading to low self-esteem,
                             isolation, and decrease in quality of life. Holly is the founder of Looking & Feeling FAB, Inc. nonprofit 501(c)(3).
                             This organization is first nonprofit in existence that concentrates exclusively on treating these side effects. They
                                                                                                                                                    FOCUS-ON FILLER
                             have seen hundreds of skin reactions from chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, targeted and immunotherapies
                             and helped hundreds who would otherwise suffer in silence. As time goes on more and more in the medical                FACIAL TREATMENT
                             community and cancer world seek out the expertise of LFF after witnessing the drastic improvements their
                             treatments have made with compromised skin. lookfeelfab.org

        Keynote Speakers
                                                                                                                                                    Introducing Environ’s New Focus On Filler
                             Barbara Devlon, is the US Distributor and Educator for Anna Lotan PRO, Barbara brings with her 25 years of             Treatment, a technologically advanced new
                             industry experience, in the esthetic room as well as the classroom to her trainings. A former Master Esthetic
                             Educator at the Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics in Boston she trained the students in all aspects of            facial protocol designed to help smooth the
                             Chemical Peels, Laser, and other esthetic modalities. Meeting, the owners of Anna Lotan PRO opened her eyes            look of facial lines and restore a rejuvenated,
                             to treatment protocols and home care where Correction with Comfort is achievable with little to no downtime.
                             Her passion for education & esthetics makes her a respected and relatable educator. annalotan.us                       plumped youthfulness to the skin’s appearance.

                             Danné Montague King is pioneer in his industry, Danné has seen the depths of depression associated with                This 30 minute intense treatment is
                             poorly functioning skin. In fact his everlasting passion was born from his dissatisfaction with his own acne as a      recommended as a non-invasive alternative or
                             teen. He often has shared the story of how his parents would take him to lavish events where he would find a
                             dark corner to hide away in, ashamed of his blemished skin. Not understanding the condition completely, and            complementary treatment to Dermal Fillers.
                             after failed attempts from top US dermatologists to cure his acne, Danné took things into his own hands and
!                            desperate for a cure, became his own guinea pig. A string of breakthroughs, trials and tribulations, and many
                             travels would follow, until he found his first true breakthrough in the 60’s involving vitamin C therapy. That’s all   “Environ only seeks to complement what can be
                             it took to spark what would be decades of developing successful treatments and products that would combine             achieved by using Dermal Fillers. Luscious-looking
                             to form the iconic brand that is DMK – sold throughout 30 countries. For 50 years Danné has lived by his motto:
                             rebuilding skin, rebuilding lives. dannemking.com                                                                      skin is the mission and this will enhance the beauty
                                                                                                                                                    of well-placed Dermal Fillers.”
                             Dr. Jayant N. Lokhande, M.D. (Botanical Drugs), MBA - Biotechnology is an expert in Botanical Drugs &
                                                                                                                                                    ENVIRON SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS
                             Biotechnology Business Management. He has successfully strategized and formulated products for several
                             cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and medical foods companies globally. He has significant
                             clinical experience especially in using Botanical Drugs and Medical Foods for Complex and Chronic Diseases.            Set the benchmark of beautiful skin for life.
                             His other professional interests are in Biodiversity Entrepreneurship, Bio prospecting, Medical Anthropology,
                             Disease Reversal Therapeutics, and Ashtanga Yoga. He has special interest and practice in translating Yoga &
                             Ayurveda Principles in Innovation, System & Technology Development. He has edited and authored 3 books                 BECOME A STOCKIST NOW
                             so far and that are published by Taylor & Francis. He is currently working as Chief Scientific Officer at DMK          Contact DermaConcepts at
                             Skincare, and his responsibilities include Innovation and Product & Service End-User Education Development.
                                                                                                                                                    877-337-6227 or info@dermaconcepts.com,
                                                                                                                                                    and help make a real, lasting difference to
                             Jimm Harrison is a master aromatherapist with a background unlike any other expert in the field. With over
                             30 years of extensive experience in botanical health and natural beauty, specializing in the therapeutic use           the appearance of your client’s skin.
                             of essential oils, and has studied and worked with some of the top essential oil experts in the world. His key
                             areas of expertise include product development, formulation, and essential oil project management. He is a
                             renowned skin and beauty therapist, co-founded a successful organic skin care company, and owned a holistic
                             beauty spa in Massachusetts. He is known for resourcing the finest quality and sustainable natural ingredients,
                             and his Signature Blend Essential Oil Treatments set a standard for quality and innovation.He is an acclaimed
                             educator and has presented at the Harvard University School of Medicine and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
                             He has conceived and developed an Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Certificate Program for Bastyr University
                             School of Natural Medicine. He is a leading expert in natural essential oil skin care and speaks across the country.

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