July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online

Page created by Carl Brewer
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes
        Catholic Churches
Serving God by Serving His People

      July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
St. Joseph Mission Statement                                  Our Lady of the Lakes Mission Statement

We the Roman Catholic Faith Community of St. Joseph                The Catholic Parish of Our Lady of the Lakes in Balsam Lake,
Church In Amery, Wisconsin declare our parish mission is to        Wisconsin is a people of multiple ethnic and cultural traditions
know God, to love Him and to serve Him in this world. We           called to instill the teachings and love of Jesus Christ through
pursue this mission by celebrating the Eucharist and sharing       proclamation of the Gospel, celebration of the sacraments, and by
our faith, love, time, talents, and treasures with our families,   our works and actions in our parish community, and our civic
our communities and the world.                                     community.

   Parish Cluster Staff Information                                      Mass Schedule with Intentions
                 Pastor Fr. Gerald Harris                          Sunday July 3rd :
                                                                   +Karen Bjornson by Jerry & Patti Belle Isle
 SJ Administrative Assistant: Miranda Giampaolo
                                                                   8:30am OLL
 SJ Bookkeeper: Steve Rogers
                                                                   +Caron Fellner by Mark Fellner SJ 10:30am
 Faith Formation Coordinator: Crystal Siebenaler
                                                                   Monday July 4th:
 SJ Custodians: Mary Ann Larson, Dan Fleming,
                                                                   Office will be closed in Honor of Independence Day.
                    & Roger Waterman                               Tuesday July 5th:
 OLL Pastoral Associate: Sally Christiansen                        Communion Service 9am OLL
 OLL Coordinator of Faith Formation: Jo Agne                       Communion Service 9 am SJ
 OLL Custodian: Sandy Schommer                                     Wednesday July 6th:
                                                                   +Lavina Hill by Dennis & Joyce Hill 9 am SJ
                                                                   Thursday July 7th:
 ST. JOSEPH                                                        Communion Service OLL 9am
 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-4                                    +Laura Roettger by Charles & Marion Turner
                                                                   9am OLL
                                                                   Friday July 8th:
 P. 715-268-7717                                                   Communion Service SJ 9am
 EMAIL office@stjosephamery.org                                    Saturday July 9th:
 WEBSITE www.stjosephamery.org                                     + Bernice Jensen by Ken Dado OLL 6pm
                                                                   +Janelle Ahlin by Gerald Ahlin SJ 4pm
 OFFICE HOURS M-TH 9-4:30, FRI 9-12                                            Paul Todd Concert Update:

 507 W MAIN STREET, BALSAM LAKE                                      At this time, tickets are available on-line, using
 MAILING ADDRESS                                                     QR code on the posters, or personally from the
 PO Box 399, Balsam Lake, WI 54810                                   Front Office of SJ Church. (avoiding the
                                                                     convenience fee of online sales). They can also
 P. 715-405-2253
                                                                     be purchased at Chet’s Johnson Drug in Amery.
 EMAIL ourlady@lakeland.ws
                                                                     Closer to the date ticket sales will begin before
 WEBSITE www.ourladyofthelakes.ws                                    and after Mass at Both SJ and OLL.
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
                                                         Call Office @ SJ 715-268-7717 or Office @ OLL
                                                          715-405-2253 for information on getting Baptized. A baptismal
SJ: Amity, Ann Ailts, McKenzie Alexander, Bobbie
                                                         class for parents is required for a first child to be baptized.
Anderson, Rae Carol Anderson, Bill Bailey II, Julaine
Berglund, Sue Bowman, David Butler, Loren Brusletten,    Reconciliation/Confessions
Gail Clark, Colleen Dee, Angela DeLapp, Laurie Evans,    St. Joseph: Sat. 3-3:30 pm or by appointment.
Robert Fredrick, Ed Gresherner, Betty Grund, Karen       OLL: Sundays 8-8:15 am; 2nd Thurs. after 9 am Mass or by
Hampton, June Hendricks, Melissa Holland, Jackie and
Adam Jackson, Gerald John, Darlene Kearns, Ann           appointment.
Krisik, Barry Kobernick, Bob Lawrence, Brook             Marriage
Lawrence, Bob Jack Linehan, Mary Losness, Theresa        Preparation is required at least 6 months prior to the wedding.
Majchrzak, Dave Maus, Rosemary Myers, Brian Moll,
                                                         Call the church as soon as possible after engagement for an
Dave Myers, Logan Mott, Alex Olson, Patrick Phaneuf,
Lynn Ream, Pierce Steen, Levi Stephens, Shay             appointment.
Tilander, Colleen Tolliver, Logan Traynor, Marcia Van    Anointing of the Sick
Arnam, Scott Wolden, and our Military Service            If you or someone in your family is hospitalized, sick, or
OLL: Amity, Karen Bader, Mark Becker, Shay Billeci,      homebound and would like to receive communion or anointing,
Brandon Bielmeier, Marion Benzschawel, Jeff Bowers,      please call the parish office.
Jim & Lynda Burmeister, Greg Burnett, Riley C., John
Carlson, Joan Carr, Mickey Castellano, Peter Daly,        Due to patient privacy laws, no one can visit unless the patient
Elaine Donnay, Tom Dowd, Sandy Drennan, Cynthia                                 or family requests it.
Dunn, Dennis Felling, Michelle Frojker, Meredith
Ganley, Elizabeth Holmberg, Ken Jensen, Jeremiah
Johnson, Sharon Johnson, Don Kimmes, Rich Kotval,
Olive Klatt, Dustin Knutson, Brenda Mayer, Diane
McKenna, Kelly Mcmall, Ardis Miller, Michael Mulvaney,
                                                             Eventually, we all come to confront the
Peg Stary, Jeanette Simon, Bob Thompson, Jean                inadequacy of the English
Thompson, Mike Thompson, Charlie Turner, Michael             language. Shakespeare, Milton,
Vallant, Nadine Vanderhoof, Dorothy Wells, Sue               Alfred E. Newman... come close but
Wendell, Cher Wirth-Thompson, Azalea Wright, Dean            never quite get it right. I've planned
Yourchuck, Becky Zahler & our Military Service               this message for six months now and,
members.                                                     when the moment comes, I'm still at a
                                                             loss. In you all I've discovered new
                                                             meanings of words like faithfulness,
                                                             compassion, patience, generosity and
                                                             all the rest. I haven't merited the love
                                                             and kindness that's been shown me for
                                                             these eight years, and that's tough to
                                                             deal with. I'm left, sadly, with
                                                             "THANK YOU", now and forev-
                                                             er. God bless you all.

                                                                                     - Father Gene Murphy
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
Readings for the week of July 3, 2022

Sunday: Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 [1]/Gal 6:14-18/

Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9

Monday: Hos 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9/Mt 9:18-26

Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Ps 115:3-4, 5-6, 7ab-8, 9-10//Mt 9:32-38

Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7/Mt 10:1-7

Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9/Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16/Mt 10:7-15

Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-13, 14 and 17/Mt 10:16-23

Saturday: Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5/Mt 10:24-33

Next Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 37 or Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [9])/

Col 1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37

                               OLL                   SJ
                          June 25 & 26          June 25 & 26

   Adult Envelopes           $1551.00             $2923.00

   Visitors & Loose          $586.25              $467.00

   Mortgage Reduction           N/A               $165.00      Thank you to the following people for
   CSA Assessment          $33,751.00            $35,456.00    helping refresh the Rectory for Fr. Jerry Harris's

                                                               arrival :
  CSA Contributions        $28,251.00            $16,446.00    •    Members of the Knights for prepping and
                                                                    painting, moving furniture and power washing.

                                                               •    Roger Waterman and Dan Fleming for extra
           How To get the Bulletin sent to your email weekly
                                                                    maintenance and repairs.

                                                               •    Peggy Smith for deep cleaning.
             Go to https://stjosephamery.org/
                                                               •    Archer Restoration for Carpet Cleaning.
                *Click on Bulletin
                                                               •    Anonymous donors for purchasing new
                                                                    windows and blinds.
                * Click        Subscribe now
                                                               Your kindness and generosity are truly appreciated!

                *Type your information and then Subscribe
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
A warm cluster welcome to Father Jerry Harris. We
        look forward to your spiritual leadership of our cluster
        parishes. Let's extend a heartfelt welcome and show
        Father Jerry the many talents and commitments of
        our congregations. There will be many opportunities
        to meet and greet one another. Again, we look
        forward to your guidance. Welcome to St. Joseph and
        Our Lady of the Lakes parish cluster!

Father Gene Murphy’s Retirement Party! Farewell
you will be missed. Good luck on your Retirement
                  Father Gene!
July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
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July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online July 3, 2022 - Saint Joseph & Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Churches Serving God by Serving His People - Parishes Online
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