Page created by Victoria Moran
QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

            JULY 2021
                   VETTELETTER— JULY 2021               Page 1
QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                               ABN 37 497 880 910

 BIRTHDAYS                                     3      JUNE FUNNIES                      21
 CLUB NOTICEBOARD                              4      CORVETTE OWNERS 10 COMMANDMENTS 22
 CLUB COMMITTEE                                5      MERCHANDISE                       23
 AGM NOTICE                                    6      CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS         24
 PRESIDENT’S REPORT                            7      MEMBER DRIVES                     25
 MEETING MINUTES                            8-10      RARE 1967 L88 Corvette         26-27
 TREASURER’S REPORT                           11
 Raffle/Lucky Door Winners & Tech Tips        13
 FUTURE RUNS / SAVE THE DATE               18-20

                                                15% DISCOUNT ALL CLUB MEMBERS

                                          JULY 2021
1     Peter GARDINER             8       John BARBA               22   Joe CATALONO
3     Glenn DALE                         Sonia BARRETT            25   Greg KEMPTON
4     Kevin HAWKE                10      John WREN                26   Diane FITZGERALD
      Simon TAYLOR               14      Brian MARSHALL           31   Sally GRAUE
6     Don CAMPBELL               15      Brett ANDERSON

                                         Front Cover:
                                 Modified 4 Door C7 Corvette

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                                     ABN 37 497 880 910

                                            CLUB NOTICEBOARD
                    This is the official Newsletter of the Queensland Corvette Club Inc.
•     Club meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm (unless
      otherwise noted in the club calendar) in the Gowan Room, Runcorn Tavern, Runcorn.
•     Membership
      Renewals $70 due 1st July / New members $70 pro-rata quarterly.
      For pro rata rates please contact Club Secretary.
•     Correspondence To:
                    Queensland Corvette Club Inc.
                    PO Box 1094
                    Sunnybank Hills
                    Qld. 4109
•     E-Payments
      Suncorp/Metway Bank— Queensland Corvette Club Inc.
                  Note: QCC Bank Account Number has Changed, Please update your records.
                                    BSB- 484799         A/C 167289740
      Please include your name & payment details and advise the Treasurer by email to ensure correct
      receipt of your payment.
•     Annual Business Advertising
      All Advertisements are full colour.
                     Full Page             $400.00
                     Half Page             $200.00
                     Quarter Page          $100.00
                     Business Card          $50.00
•     Member Classifieds
      Advertisements submitted will run in magazine and on web for minimum of three months. After
      three months advertisements may run on web only.
 Disclaimer: All advertising material is accepted on the understanding that it does not contravene the Trade Prac-
tices Act. No responsibility is accepted by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc. for statements made or the failure of
  any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of any advertisement shall not be construed as an endorse-
                                      ment by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc.

Clearly the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has sparked an emergency across our community & the World. A
situation that has developed and changes weekly. There can be no denying the exponential growth in
this virus’s spread, so as you are no doubt aware, there are a number of government restrictions and
health recommendations which are already in place, and new ones being introduced at times, we seem
to have respectable control of the Virus in Queensland, but this still will affect the way the Queensland
Corvette Club Inc. can operate in the future.
The Management Committee conveys to all QCC Members that they must comply with all the up to
date Government Regulations/Restrictions & respect your other Members & their Family on all Events/
Runs going into the future.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                          ABN 37 497 880 910

President                                  Secretary
Brad Stumer                                Nick Ladell
bradstumer@gmail.com                       nladell@yahoo.com.au
0414 730 833                               0407 267 838

                                           Lorna Mihill
                                           0419 756 394

                               MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
Vice President & Run                       Editor
Co-ordinator                               Tim Wolf
Don Campbell                               tim.wolf@aplng.com.au
dkcmdc@bigpond.net.au                      0467 733 426
0412 731 865

Acting Fundraiser’s                        Technical Tips
Brad & Sandy Stumer                        Mike Gocs
                                           0468 371 666

Website Co-Ordinator                       Equipment Officer
Mike Gocs                                  The Committee
mikegocs@gmail.com                         Equipment held at
0468 371 666                               Tony & Carol Golles

Merchandise Officer                        Safety Officer
Carol Golles                               Sandy Stumer
sellog52@outlook.com                       sandystumer@gmail.com
0403 181 432                               0419 776 247

Compliance/Technical Officer               Compliance/Technical Officer
C1—C3 Chris Carson                         C4–C8 John Bondok
carsonl88@hotmail.com                      jbondok@bigpond.net.au
0432 968 427                               0419 999 350

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                ABN 37 497 880 910

                          THE CLUB NEEDS YOU.
                      Our AGM is on Wednesday 4th August, so get involved
                      in the running of your Club, as it needs new and fresh
                           ideas every year. Step up and do a tour of duty.

             7.30pm Wednesday 4th August 2021
         The Gowan Room, Runcorn Tavern, Runcorn
              Directly after the General Meeting.
  NB: The existing Committee will stand down and where there are not enough
        candidates nominated, nominations will be taken from the floor.
    All written nominations must reach the President by mail or email
                     no later than Wednesday 28th July.

 Committee Positions Vacant:
 Executive Management:-        Management:-
 President                     Vice President / Events Co-ordinator
 Secretary                     Editor
 Treasurer                     Web Site Co-ordinator
                               Technical Tips
                               Merchandise Officer
                               Safety Officer
                               Equipment Officer
                               Compliance / Technical Advisors
                               Liaison Officer

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                       ABN 37 497 880 910

               PRESIDENTS REPORT JULY 2021
 Hi Corvetters, Apologies again this month for the late Vetteletter, all
 due to Tim & Family away for the 2-week school break and my workload
 currently is chaotic plus the end of financial year upon us and getting my
 books ready for my Accountant & the Tax Man. Hope you enjoy the read.

 Membership Renewals were due 1st July with a large majority having
 renewed, so thank you for those who have paid their fees and those who
 purchased $5 raffle tickets for the large Mother’s Carry Bag full of their product which will be drawn at
 the August AGM. Please take note that our BSB & Bank Account number is 484799 – 167289740
 as we still have several Members depositing into our old account which changed in March 2020, also
 please make sure you put your surname & member number in the reference field as we have had a
 couple with no reference to who they are so we have your money but don’t know who you are to
 update the database and keep in touch.
 This will be your last Vetteletter & any email correspondence if fees are not paid by end of July also for
 those who have Club Registration you will not be covered by insurance unless you are a Member of
 an Incorporated Club like QCC.
 Again, another small lockdown and restrictions put on us for a couple of weeks. This COVID thing is a
 real pain, but we must consider the wider implications and as a Club we cannot risk potentially
 exposing our members to any increased risk of spreading the virus. Due to the COVID restrictions in
 place (wearing of masks & the 1 person per 4sqm rule) the Committee made the decision to cancel
 the July Club Meeting at the Runcorn Tavern.
 It is just around the corner; it is time to start thinking about putting something back into your Club by
 helping or being on the QCC Committee. All positions will be vacated on the night and then these
 positions will be filled from the nominations received emailed or posted and if a nomination has not
 come in by Wednesday 28th July, nominations will be called from the floor by Members present at the
 August AGM. I have already emailed out the forms to all Members late last month but if you need a
 Nomination Form, please contact me and I will send it out to you.
 We do need new blood & new ideas for the Committee, so we need you to seriously think about how
 you can help your Club. Please give me a call if you want more info or would like to discuss your
 options in helping your Club to move forward.
 Jumpers & Jazz Weekend @ Warick / Sat 17th & Sun 18th July: If anyone would like to attend by
 doing the full weekend or just the Saturday or Sunday Car Show please let me know now.
 Corvette Classic at Sandstone Point / Sunday 25th July: Entry forms are on the CDUCC website.
 Please pre-enter to help make the day easier for the Organisers or you can bring it along on the day
 with the $20 Entry Fee. They are asking Entrants to arrive between 7.30-8.30 am.
 They will have to do the QR check-in, and this will be verified by hotel security personnel, so it
 is essential you have your QR code loaded onto your phone and ready to go.
 Peaks Crossing Private Car Show / Sunday 23rd August: The show this year has been restricted to
 200 vehicles only, so our Club has been allocated 5 display spaces with 3 already filled, so if you
 are interested or want more info, please get back to me asap. The donation at the gate is $30
 which goes to the Fassifern Valley Rotary Club also Neil and Jenny Summerson have generously
 donated a valuable gate prize.
 All the best for the month and be safe.

 Drive you Dream.

 Brad Stumer
 bradstumer@gmail.com / Mob: 0414 730 833

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                          ABN 37 497 880 910

                                       QLD CORVETTE CLUB INC.
                                   MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING

Meeting Opened: 7.35 P.M.

Present: Brad & Sandy Stumer, Nick Ladell, Lorna Mihill, Don & Brett Campbell,
      Mike Gocs, Brian Marshall, Anthony Arcus, Ian McGeary, Allen Wood,
      Gordon Walden, Robert & Lisa Zocaro, Doug & Gail Farmer, Mark Hall,
      John & Sue Weitenberg
Apologies: Neil Summerson, Nev & Carol Solomon, Frank Rigo, Glenys Gocs,
      Jim Beliveau, Mike Reptik

Business arising from Minutes from last meeting:
Brad Stumer advised that since the June magazine was still to be completed due to Club Concourse commit-
ments on Sunday 30th May, he did not ask if everybody had received their magazine, should be completed by
early next week.
Minutes of last meeting tabled for anybody who wants to read same.
Moved by: Brad Stumer         Seconded by: Lorna Mihill

Secretary’s Report:
Mail sent and received for the month of May 2021.

Correspondence In:                                 Correspondence Out:
Suncorp Bank Statement                             2 X New Membership Letters
25 Corvettes on the Coast Entrant Forms            2 X Introduction to QCC Letters
ABN Change of Details Form
NSW Corvettes Magazine
Automo Vehicle Valuations
Rosies Winter 2021 Newsletter
Mustang Club News Magazine

Moved that the above mail list represents a true and accurate record of all correspondence received and sent
for the month of May 2021.
Moved by: Sandy Stumer            Seconded by: Don Campbell

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                            ABN 37 497 880 910

Treasurer’s Report:
May 2021 monthly incomings and outgoings as per report which was read out at meeting was moved as true
and correct record. Now have 145 club members to date and 31 membership renewals for 21/22 received to
Moved by: Mike Gocs          Seconded by: Nick Ladell

Events Co-Ordinator:
16th May - David Hack Classic Meet at Toowoomba Aerodrome - Total of 12 Vettes attended. Ian McGeary ad-
vised a great day with plenty of sunshine.

30th May - Club Concourse - “Corvettes on the Coast 2021”
Don Campbell advised show was magnificent and drew a lot of attention.
If we get the opportunity to go back next year, we can fit a lot more cars than anticipated.
Our charities would have also done well on the day too as Camp Quality raised $506 cash,
Mothers Stall did well on the day and Club received another Mothers Pack for our membership raffle for 21/22.
Mia from Carrara Markets supplied advertising for the Club and loved the day in all with Channel 9 & 7 (Gold
Coast) media coverage, Courier Mail and GC Bulletin photo shoots including local radio coverage on the day to
Good team of supporters for event on the day and our pack up at end with a good team that all pitched in.
Sandy & Lorna teamed together to input data from judging for the day’s result for awards. We had 32 Corvettes
for our magnificent display of real classy cars.
Club Judges for the day were Glenn & Paul Dale, Don Campbell & Nick Ladell.

12th June - Saturday Night Dinner at Montezuma’s Mexican Restaurant at Mt Gravatt
Unfortunately, 4 other events happening on one weekend for the 12th and 13th June 29, 2021.

13th June - Willowbank Raceway - Parade Lap - We have 12 Corvettes, 2 Mustangs and CDUCC have 6 Vettes, so
we may invite the Cobra Car Club to join to achieve 30 cars in total for free tickets on the day.

20th June - Belvedere Hotel Cruise & Lunch Run at Woody Point - We will need numbers attending and report
will go in June magazine for details.

20th June - Sunnybank Rotary Club Car Show & Shine at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds
Contact Lee & Lixia Eaton if you are going @ $10 Entry Fee.

10th July - Lakeside Raceway for Performax Racing - Mike Reptik to be trip leader.

18th July - Jumpers & Jazz Warwick Weekend - Grand Automobile Display has also had a good show in the past.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                            ABN 37 497 880 910

25th July - CDUCC Corvette Classic at Sandstone Point Hotel
Brad Stumer also advised just so you all know that in case of us looking at entering the Corvette Down Under
Classic Car Show, they are stating the following on their Entry Form,
“Your car must be on full registration and travel at least 1000 km per year.”
This statement stops a lot of us from entering, as our cars are on club Rego and do not travel at least 1000 km a
year. Be advised that this clause has since been removed off their Entry Form.

15th August - Mudgeeraba Showgrounds - Gold Coast Show & Shine has always attracted a lot of cars. Now de-
cided that this will be Bob Mihill’s Memorial Run as he always attended this event.

29th August - Peaks Crossing Private Show & Shine - Brad Stumer will send out an email with all details for the
day, they have only invited 5 Vettes, and these will go out to last year’s entrants first.

19th September - Lakeside Raceway Breakfast & Laps with the Pontiac Club - We need at least 40 cars to attend.

Colin Wolf Memorial Run - To be advised at a future date maybe to a dam which he always loved to visit.

Carol Golles is away now.

Peter Lee from CDUCC commented on our website as to how good information can be accessed 24/7 and always
up to date.

Sandy Stumer raised $61.00 for tonight’s raffle.
Main Raffle - C1 Corvette Picture, LED Head Lamp, 2 Piece Tool Kit.
Lucky Door Prize - Cooler, Mini Torch Light, Sunglasses & Wooden spoon.

General Business:

Gordon Walden congratulated Brad & Sandy Stumer for all the organising of our Club Concourse on Sunday 30th
May event. Job well done and a round of applause from club meeting members.

Tonight’s raffle prizes drawn as follows:
Main Raffle: Won by Don Campbell.
Lucky Door Prize: Won by Mike Gocs.

Brad Stumer in closing advised to support our sponsors and charities.

Meeting Closed: 8.30 pm.               Next Meeting:    7th July 2021.

Next Committee Meeting: Tuesday 29th June 2021.
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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                              ABN 37 497 880 910

                                TREASURER’S REPORT

                       Queensland Corvette Club 01/06/2021 - 30/06/2021
Opening Balance as at                                                                  31/05/2021
         Suncorp Main Account                                                      $    23,564.20
         Suncorp Second Account                                                    $     1,102.40
         Suncorp Term Deposit                                                      $    40,000.00
         Petty Cash Float                                                          $        50.00
         Merchandise Cash Float                                                    $       100.00
         TOTAL                                                                     $    64,816.60
         Membership Renewals (55)                                    $ 3,850.00
         Membership Raffle                                           $   155.00
         June Meeting Raffle                                         $    61.00
         TOTAL                                                       $ 4,066.00
         Extra Trophy for Club Concourse per The Trophy Superstore   $     40.00
         Water for Goodies Bag at Club Concourse                     $     18.00
         Officeworks - Photocopying Vetteletters for June            $      6.40
         TOTAL                                                       $     64.40
CLOSING BALANCE AS AT                                                                  30/06/2021
         Suncorp Main Account                                                      $    27,345.80
         Suncorp Second Account                                                    $     1,322.40
         Suncorp Term Deposit - 6 months @ .3% - Matures 20/10/21                  $    40,000.00
         Petty Cash Float                                                          $        50.00
         Merchandise Cash Float                                                    $       100.00
         TOTAL                                                                     $    68,818.20

We specialize in providing all your Corvette Parts & Accessories.
      Contact us at: info@corvetteaustraliaexpressparts.com or Lee on Mob: 0419 734 319
   We stock more than a thousand corvette parts here in Brisbane. We can ship many parts
       overnight if required!! Browse around our on-line store or email your requirements.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                      ABN 37 497 880 910

       JUNE’S RAFFLE WINNER                            &           LUCKY DOOR PRIZE
               Don Campbell                                               Mike Gocs

                             MIKE’S TECH TIPS

 LEFT HAND DRIVE rules has caused a bit of confusion lately. Some people
 think it is NOW only 25 years instead of 30 years. The Rule has NOT changed—
 It is still applicable to cars 30 years or OLDER. A new RULING came in from the
 Federal Government on 10th December 2019 allowing LHD cars to be imported
 after this date and be registered if the car is 25 to 30 years OLD. HOWEVER, this new ruling does
 NOT allow cheaper Club Rego. 30 years or older cars can apply for Club Rego. This information has
 been obtained from the Department Of Transport and Main Roads.

 Covid 19 has caused everyone to consume MORE alcohol — well for their hands, I mean. I have
 read recent reports of a lot of car steering wheels being affected by the alcohol on our hands. Deterio-
 ration and peeling is occurring, and car dealers are putting it down to “usage”—not a warranty claima-
 ble item.

 1968 to 1974 Corvettes have neoprene oil lines going from the block to the oil pressure gauge. These
 deteriorate with engine heat and age, and an oil leak behind the dash is not something you want to
 deal with. Copper lines are available to replace the neoprene lines. Copper will last much longer!!
 Later Corvettes used an electrical sender mounted on the block. This is a better system, but you will
 have to buy an oil pressure gauge that runs off electrical pulses from the sender.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                             ABN 37 497 880 910

                     Belvedere Hotel, Woody Point / Lunch Run
We met at Macca’s at Springwood ready for
our 10.30am departure. When we arrived
there, Kaylene & Viv Gook were there waiting
to meet club members as they have been
Grey Nomads for the past few years. They
were unable to join us, but it was good to chat
about past club events.
The Morgan's & Campbell’s left Springwood
bound for Woody Point, but stopping in at the
Shell Nudgee to meet up with the Solomon’s,
Gocs & Woods & then we were on our way.
We arrived at Woody Point after a pleasant
drive, the weather was excellent, & despite it
being very busy, we all managed to secure a
car park. After signing in, we were shown to
our reserved area & spent a pleasant few
hours chatting & enjoying a lovely lunch, & a
pleasant view overlooking the bay. A surprise visitor arrived, Aaron O’Reilly, & it was great to see him & catch up
on all his news. At the end of our lunch, everyone made their own way home.
A good day was had by all! Thanks Don & Marina Campbell

                     Cooly Rocks On
      4 Corvettes from the Queensland Corvette Club attended
         Cooly Rocks On at Coolangatta / 12th June 2021.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                        ABN 37 497 880 910

               Mt Gravatt Showgrounds / Car Show & Family Day
9 Corvettes attended the Car Show at MT Gravatt Showground.
Thanks to Lee and Lixia for organising this event and providing
colourful assistants to make a perfect day even better.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                   ABN 37 497 880 910

                                        FUTURE RUNS
                                         SAVE THE DATE
WED, 7 JULY 2021              RUNCORN TAVERN                          QCC GENERAL MEETING


SAT, 17 JULY                  WARWICK WEEKEND
                                                                   GRAND AUTOMOBILE DISPLAY
SUN, 18 JULY 2021              JUMPERS & JAZZ


WED, 4 AUG 2021               RUNCORN TAVERN                       QCC AGM / GENERAL MEETING

                                                                  CHARITY DAY / SAUSAGE SIZZLE
SAT, 14 AUG 2021          REPCO MAX / MOSS STREET
                                                                         & VETTE SHOW

                                                                    GOLD COAST CAR SHOW
                                                                   BOB MIHILLS MEMORIAL RUN

SUN, 29 AUGUST                 PEAKS CROSSING                         PRIVATE SHOW & SHINE

WED, 1 SEPT 2021              RUNCORN TAVERN                          QCC GENERAL MEETING

SUN, 19 SEPT 2021            LAKESIDE RACEWAY                           BREAKFAST & LAPS

 NB: Below event information may or may not happen due to COVID-19 restrictions or weather. Please
              check and confirm details before looking at attending any of these events.
Munchies Car Meet / Every Friday Night from 6pm – Munch Inn Café, Elizabeth Street Shopping Centre -
                          28 Elizabeth St Cnr Beaudesert Rd. Acacia Ridge.
 Yank Tanks / Every 2nd Sunday / Cadillac LaSalle Club of Queensland. Pimpama City Shopping Centre,
                                   102 Pimpama Jacobs Well Rd.
Cars and Coffee / Every 3rd Saturday 5-8pm – Brisbane Car Meets & Cruising. Links Drive Yatala. Contact:
                                  Peter Freeman Mob: 0405 417 723
Joe’s Diner Car Meet / Saturday 4th Sept & 2nd Oct from 4-9.30pm 1084 Kingsford Smith Dr, Eagle Farm

                               NEW MEMBERS JUNE 2021
                                NO NEW MEMBERS THIS MONTH

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                         ABN 37 497 880 910

                         WARWICK WEEKEND / JUMPERS & JAZZ
                           Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th July 2021
Saturday July 17th / 8am Meet up with the Pontiac Club at the Puma Service Centre on the Warrego
Highway at Dinmore. Depart at 8.30

Travel west and via the Toowoomba Bypass to reach Oakey for morning tea in the town at 10.00.
Visit the Oakey Army Aviation Museum.

Travel to Meringandan Pub, north of Toowoomba, for lunch, arriving around 12 noon.

After lunch visit the nearby Highfields Pioneer Village for the afternoon. Café on site for afternoon tea.

Travel back into Toowoomba and to the selected motels for overnight accommodation. These are two ad-
jacent motels on Ruthven Street (New England Highway) heading south out of town.

Sunday July 18th / Depart Toowoomba and head to Warwick for the Jumpers and Jazz Festival.

Display in Leslie Park with local Car Clubs, rather than in the main street display, which will give more
flexibility and options to depart earlier.

      If anyone is interested in attending any part of this Run please let Brad Stumer know ASAP.
                         Mobile: 0414 730 833 / email: bradstumer@gmail.com

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                         ABN 37 497 880 910

                 CLUB MERCHANDISE

                   Car Sticker              $5
                   Polos                    $36
                   Dress Shirts             $45
                   Jackets                  $60
                   Name Badge               $12
                   Flags / $10 a pair or $6 each
                   Bucket Hats              $17
                   Caps                     $15
                   Chambray Shirts          $54
                   Demin Shirts             $74
                   Ladies 3/4 Sleeve        $49
                   Ladies Cap Sleeved       $46
                   Your Name on Shirt       $8

                                                   Your Name
                                                   Your Name

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                            ABN 37 497 880 910


        For customised Fibre Glass bits
        contact Simon on 0414 229 179.
        I can do very competitive prices
        and aim to make better products
        than come out of the US. Exam-
        ples shown but can do any parts.
                                                           C6 Mini-me
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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.               ABN 37 497 880 910

                   MEMBER’S RIDES

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                       ABN 37 497 880 910

  Rare 1967 L88 Corvette Sold at Mecum Auctions!
A one-of-a-kind 1967 Chevrolet Corvette L88 crossed the auction block at this past weekend’s Mecum
Auctions event in Glendale, Arizona. This Vette sold for US $2,965,000 (approx. AUS $3,706,000), which
makes it the third-most valuable 1967 L88 and the fourth-most valuable Corvette ever sold.

The Corvette, a Sunfire Yellow coupe, is one of just twenty Corvettes built that were equipped with the L88
option package. The L88 option was developed under the direction of Zora Arkus-Duntov. It provided custom-
ers with a bolstered version of Chevrolet’s 427-cubic-inch V8 engine. Although GM’s “official” engine output
rating was 435 horsepower, it has since been proved that the L88 Corvettes produced between 540 and 580
horsepower when new.

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QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                                                          ABN 37 497 880 910

All 1967 L88 Corvettes also came equipped with a heavy-duty M22 four-speed transmission, a performance
suspension package, a Positraction rear differential, upgraded brakes including heavy-duty disc brake callipers,
and a transistor ignition. Additional weight and power-saving measures, including the deletion of the car’s air
conditioning, power steering, and even the radio all helped to reduce the car’s overall weight and improve
performance. This L88’s primary purpose was to go fast – and boy does it ever!

 This Sunfire Yellow L88 Corvette coupe was fully restored and is believed to be the only example that still has
 its original numbers-matching engine. Many speculated that this detail would drive the Corvette’s sell price to
 beat the previous all-time sales record, which was set in 2014 by a red L88 coupe that sold for US $3,850,000
 (approx. AUS $4,812,000).

According to Hagerty’s Manager of Valuation Analytics John Wiley, the price paid for the Mecum car was just
2% percent below its expected value today and shows a strong market for classic cars. He also acknowledged
that the 2014 car crossed the auction block during a period when an available tax exemption on such sales was
available, enticing would-be collectors to spend more knowing they wouldn’t be hit with a tax bill after the
sale. The exemption has since expired.

Nevertheless, the sale of this L88 at this weekend’s Mecum auction proved that the car’s value rebounded
from a 2018 auction where it reached a high bid of US $1.7 million (approx. AUS $2,125 million). While an
impressive offer, it wasn’t enough to clear the car’s reserve price.

QCC                                      VETTELETTER— JULY 2021                                        Page 27
QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB Inc.                      ABN 37 497 880 910

                                       7 Smith Street, Glanmire, QLD 4570

QCC                VETTELETTER— JULY 2021                       Page 28
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