Journo-drones: a Flight over the Legal Landscape

Page created by Rhonda Hale
Journo-Drones: A Flight over the Legal Landscape

             erial newsgathering has
             long captured the public’s
             imagination. In 1906—just
             three years after Orville
Wright made the first sustained, pow-
ered flight—George Lawrence used
17 kites and steel wire to suspend a
46-pound camera into the air and
capture panoramic photos of San
Francisco following the epic earth-
quake and ensuing fires that ravaged
the city. Fifty-two years later, John
Silva changed the landscape of tele-
vision news reporting through the
KTLA5 “Telecopter,” ensuring that
news helicopters could deliver live                                                                                                                                              wikimedia
traffic updates and car chases alike
to the masses. Drones represent the
latest technological advance in the                              than two feet in diameter and weigh                               sensors to gather data about weather,
storied history of bird’s-eye news-                              just a few pounds. And they are inex-                             temperature, radiation, and other envi-
gathering. As journo-drones begin                                pensive. Today, a small Parrot AR                                 ronmental information that can be
to fly on the scene, journalists will                            drone, which can fly a few hundred                                used to supplement video recording.
need to navigate through existing                                feet in the air for about fifteen minutes,                            In the United States, The Daily,
state and federal laws and a rapidly                             costs only $300.1 The cost of a more                              News Corporation’s now-defunct tab-
growing thicket of new regulations                               sophisticated drone can range from                                let newspaper, was the first news outlet
and statutes. In this article, we seek to                        roughly $1,000 to $40,000, depending                              to use a drone for newsgathering. In
explain the emerging legal framework                             on its size, the distance it can travel,                          2011, The Daily flew camera-equipped
for journo-drones and examine areas                              and the time it can stay in the air.2                             drones to survey the flood-ravaged
in which further regulation and rule-                                Drones offer journalists many ben-                            landscape of North Dakota and the
making may develop.                                              efits for newsgathering. First, and most                          devastation wrought by tornadoes in
                                                                 obviously, drones have the ability to                             Alabama.5 Although on-the-ground
Why Journo-Drones?                                               capture incredible images, offering                               reporting might have given a close-up
Like the Telecopters of yesteryear,                              vantage points that previously could                              of destroyed buildings, and helicop-
journalists today are eager to put                               only be captured by helicopters at                                ter imagery could have displayed the
drones to work. Those drones, known                              far greater cost.3 In addition, drones                            destroyed horizon, The Daily’s news
in the technology industry and among                             offer viewpoints that helicopters can-                            drones were able to switch between
regulators as small unmanned aircraft                            not capture. Drones’ small size permits                           these vantage points effectively, offering
systems (sUAS), come in many shapes                              accessibility into otherwise hard-to-                             people perspectives that otherwise
and sizes. Some look like model air-                             reach areas, allowing versatility in                              could never have been seen. The Fed-
planes or helicopters. Others look                               vantage points that range seamlessly                              eral Aviation Administration (FAA)
nothing like the manned aircraft that                            from up above to up close, into tight                             was not impressed. The agency quickly
we have seen in the past, taking the                             spots, and in between obstacles. They                             investigated whether The Daily’s use
form of futuristic minispaceships with                           also are much less noisy than helicop-                            of drones violated FAA regulations.
multiple rotors. The drones that most                            ters, allowing them to record much                                Although the FAA did not take any
journalists would like to use span less                          less obtrusively. Because drones are                              action against The Daily, the news
                                                                 unmanned, they also eradicate the need                            of legal scrutiny was enough to chill
                                                                 for human safety considerations that                              many journalists from experimenting
Nabiha Syed is an associate in the New                           restrict manned aircraft. For example,                            with using drones for newsgathering.
York office of Levine Sullivan Koch &                            drones can easily fly over forest fires,                              The Daily’s early experience with
Schulz, LLP. Michael Berry is a partner in                       into dangerous conflict zones, and even                           drones gave a hint at their value as a
the firm’s Philadelphia office. The authors                      into erupting volcanoes, all without                              new reporting tool. That experience
thank Sophie Benjamin and Marla Kelley                           risking human life.4 In addition, drones                          does not stand alone. For example, in
for their assistance with this article.                          can be equipped with a wide array of                              2012 a hobbyist flying his drone over
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
the Trinity River in Texas noticed a                             to ensure the safety of aircraft and the                          entities (i.e., federal, state, and local
nearby creek with red rivulets, which,                           efficient use of airspace.”14 Safety is                           government agencies) can obtain a
upon closer inspection, were streams of                          at the heart of the FAA, as the 1958                              “certificate of authorization” to use
pig blood flowing from a local slaugh-                           act was passed in the aftermath of a                              drones.21 For example, U.S. Cus-
terhouse. After the “hobbyist reported                           tragic midair collision between a Trans                           toms and Border Protection holds a
his findings to [local officials,] . . . a                       World Airlines Super Constellation                                certificate of authorization and main-
lengthy investigation ensued.”6 Like-                            and a United Air Lines DC-7 over the                              tains a large cache of drones that
wise, in 2013, while Colorado was in                             Grand Canyon, which killed all 128                                serves as a “lending library” for other
the midst of horrific rains and flood-                           people on board the planes.15                                     public entities.22 Civil entities (i.e.,
ing, a private company used drones to                                In the years that followed, the FAA                           private companies) can seek a “spe-
map the floods in an effort to educate                           began to implement rules to allow air-                            cial airworthiness certificate.”23 Very
the public and assist authorities.7                              craft to safely navigate the skies. At                            few of these certificates have been
    Internationally, drones have been                            the same time, people began to build                              issued, with nearly all of them going
used to capture dramatic footage of                              and use model airplanes as a hobby.                               to defense companies like Honey-
protests in Kiev, typhoon damage in                              In 1981, the FAA issued Advisory                                  well and Raytheon and one going to
Thailand, cricket games in Australia,                            Circular 91-57, which asks hobbyists                              ConocoPhillips to monitor oil drill-
and Olympic events in Sochi.8 Report-                            to avoid flying their model airplanes                             ing in Alaska.24 Obtaining a special
ers in other countries also have used                            above 400 feet; within three miles of                             airworthiness certificate requires
drones to circumvent traditional lim-                            airports; and near full-scale aircraft,                           an especially rigorous showing of
its on access: in Australia, one media                           populated areas, or noise-sensitive                               how the drone system is designed
company used a drone to observe                                  areas such as parks, schools, hospi-                              and constructed, including software
refugee encampments on Christmas                                 tals, and churches.16 The Advisory                                development, control, and quality-
Island after being denied permission                             Circular, which was not promulgated                               assurance procedures.25 No media
to view the area.9                                               as a formal FAA rule, called for hob-                             entity has received a special airworthi-
    Just as drones have their advan-                             byists’ voluntary compliance as a                                 ness certificate. In general, neither the
tages, they also pose risks. Those risks                         means to ensure public safety. For                                certificates of authorization nor the
have made headlines over the past                                nearly a quarter century, it stood as                             special airworthiness certificates are
year. For instance, last fall, a drone in                        the FAA’s only administrative guid-                               broad grants of permission: almost
Manhattan caromed off a building,                                ance on small unmanned aircraft.                                  all are granted narrowly for specific
falling hundreds of feet and landing                                 Then, in 2005, as drone technol-                              times, locations, and operations.26
at the feet of pedestrians on the side-                          ogy developed and began to enter the                              Although the 2007 policy statement
walk below.10 In Brooklyn, a man was                             domestic marketplace, the FAA issued                              indicated that it would undertake a
killed when his own drone hit him in                             a memorandum outlining an interim                                 safety review of drones and possibly
the head.11 And a wedding photogra-                              policy for approving drones for domes-                            provide new rules as a result, no rules
pher’s drone accidentally flew into a                            tic use.17 That memorandum stated                                 were ever proposed.
groom who was posing for romantic                                that drone operators would “be held
images with his bride-to-be.12                                   accountable for controlling [their] air-                          FAA “Enforcement” in a No-Rule
    Perhaps the biggest news about the                           craft to the same responsible standard                            Regime
risks posed by drones involved Sena-                             as the pilot of a manned aircraft” and                            Recognizing the growing demand by
tor Dianne Feinstein’s claim that her                            explained that the FAA’s regulation                               companies, journalists, government
privacy had been invaded by one. Sena-                           concerning careless and reckless opera-                           agencies, and others to use drones,
tor Feinstein spoke to Politico and 60                           tion of an aircraft applied to drones.                            and frustrated by the FAA’s delay in
Minutes about an incident in which she                               The 2005 memorandum was sup-                                  promulgating regulations addressing
believes a drone was flown outside the                           plemented two years later by a new                                drone technology, in 2012 Congress
window of her house during a protest.13                          FAA policy statement on drones.18                                 enacted the FAA Modernization and
    Given these safety and privacy                               That statement allows hobbyists to                                Reform Act (“FMRA”).27 The act
concerns, and in light of The Daily’s                            fly drones under the Advisory Cir-                                requires the FAA to devise a “com-
early experience, journalism drones                              cular issued in 1981 but stresses that                            prehensive plan to safely accelerate
in the United States largely have been                           the circular “only applies to mod-                                the integration of civil unmanned
grounded. Yet, the technology contin-                            elers and thus specifically excludes                              aircraft systems into the national air-
ues to develop rapidly, and the demand                           its use by persons or companies for                               space” by September 2015.28 This plan
to use drones has grown exponentially.                           business purposes.”19                                             must address public, civil, and com-
The law has moved more slowly.                                       The 2007 policy statement further                             mercial use of drones of all sizes,
                                                                 provides that, except for hobbyists,                              including those drones that are of the
Early Legal Landscape                                            “no person may operate a UAS in                                   greatest interest to journalists—the
In 1958, Congress enacted the Federal                            the National Airspace without spe-                                category of “small” drones (i.e., any
Aviation Act, which established the                              cific authority.”20 The 2007 policy                               drone under 55 pounds).29
FAA and directed it to “develop plans                            statement explains that the FAA will
and policy for the use of the navigable                          authorize two types of entities to                                Cease-and Desist Letters
airspace and assign by regulation or                             use drones, and those entities oper-                              In the absence of formal rules reg-
order the use of the airspace necessary                          ate under different regimes. Public                               ulating drones, the FAA has relied
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
on its 2007 policy statement to issue                            were subject to FAA regulation and                                and the FAA’s view on the viability of
cease-and-desist letters to people                               purported to ban commercial use of                                the Pirker ruling, prospective drone
flying drones without FAA autho-                                 drones, Pirker argued that these pro-                             operators would be well advised to
rization. In many instances, the                                 nouncements were unenforceable                                    remain cautious given the FAA’s posi-
agency has sent cease-and-desist let-                            because they had not been issued                                  tion on its enforcement power and
ters to people and companies flying                              as formal rules consistent with the                               the political risks of drawing the ire
drones for commercial purposes,                                  Administrative Procedure Act. Thus,                               of regulators and politicians as they
whether those purposes are to take                               Pirker contended, the pronounce-                                  contemplate how to govern drones’
photos of houses for real estate pro-                            ments could not bind him, and the                                 domestic use.
motions, to deliver dry cleaning, or                             fine was unenforceable.34
to record images of baseball play-                                   On March 6, 2014, an NTSB                                     Philosophical Approaches to
ers at spring training.30 The FAA also                           administrative law judge agreed.                                  Regulation
has construed newsgathering to be a                              According to the judge, if the FAA’s                              As the Pirker case and appeal have
“commercial use,” sending cease-and-                             contention concerning the scope                                   proceeded, the FAA, Congress, state
desist letters to media companies that                           of its existing regulations were cor-                             legislatures, and local governments
have used drones in their reporting.31                           rect, its position “would then result                             have wrestled with how to regulate
In addition, in 2013, the FAA sent                               in the risible argument that a flight                             drones and how to address the safety
cease-and-desist letters to two pub-                             in the air of, e.g., a paper aircraft, or                         and privacy issues that they raise.
lic universities with drone journalism                           a toy balsa wood glider, could sub-                               The possible fields of regulation fall
programs, one at the University of                               ject the ‘operator’ to” FAA’s existing                            into at least six categories that could
Missouri and the other at the Univer-                            regulations.35 Moreover, that judge                               implicate newsgathering: operators,
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln.32 The FAA                              held that at the time of Pirker’s flight,                         flight, property, devices, behavior,
required both programs to halt their                             “there was no enforceable FAA rule”                               and consent. Some of these catego-
operations and apply for certificates                            that governed Pirker’s drone.36 As the                            ries may be impractical, while others
of authorization before continuing.                              judge explained, Congress enacted the                             pose grave constitutional issues. Nev-
                                                                 FMRA because “there were no effec-                                ertheless, these six categories offer a
Huerta v. Pirker                                                 tive rules or regulations” in place.37                            framework to make sense of the flurry
The FAA has—just once—taken action                                   Not surprisingly, the FAA appealed                            of federal, state, and local legislation
to punish someone for flying a drone.                            the Huerta v. Pirker ruling almost                                and regulation emerging around the
Raphael “Trappy” Pirker, a well-                                 immediately. That appeal is pending. In                           use of drones.
known drone enthusiast and operator,                             announcing its decision to appeal the
was hired to obtain aerial photos and                            ruling, the FAA expressed concern that                            Regulating Drone Operators
video of the University of Virginia                              the administrative law judge’s decision                           Governments might permit only cer-
campus. On October 17, 2011, Pirker                              would impact the safety of national air-                          tain people or entities to fly drones.
operated his 4.5-pound Ritewing                                  space and emphasized its view that the                            For instance, regulations might pro-
Zephyr powered glider to snap a vari-                            appeal stayed the ruling.38                                       vide that only government entities can
ety of shots. The FAA alleged that he                                Following the judge’s decision,                               use drones. They might provide that
flew the drone at extremely low alti-                            however, some have questioned                                     only people with a valid, government-
tudes, through tunnels with moving                               whether the FAA has the author-                                   issued certificate or license can fly
cars below, and in close proximity to                            ity to send cease-and-desist orders in                            drones. Alternatively, they might say
railway tracks and individuals, all in                           the absence of an enforceable law.39                              that drones can only be flown for cer-
violation of an FAA regulation stating                           Indeed, after the Pirker decision was                             tain purposes.
that “no person may operate an air-                              issued, a federal lawsuit was filed
craft in a careless or reckless manner                           directly challenging the FAA’s author-                            Regulating Flight
so as to endanger the life or property                           ity. In April 2014, Texas Equusearch,                             Governments might regulate the flight
of another.”33 In light of this alleged                          a non-profit search-and-rescue orga-                              of drones, specifically when, where,
violation, the FAA levied a $10,000                              nization that uses drones to find                                 and how drones can be flown. For
civil penalty against Pirker. (The pri-                          missing persons, filed a petition for                             example, some governments might
vate company that had hired Pirker to                            review in the federal district court                              consider allowing private drone use
operate the drone faced no fine, nor                             in Washington, D.C. alleging that it                              only during daylight hours, in places
did it receive a cease-and-desist letter.)                       received a cease-and-desist letter from                           with few people, and within the oper-
   Pirker fought the enforcement                                 the FAA ordering it to “stop immedi-                              ator’s line of sight (i.e., the operator
action in front of the National Trans-                           ately” its rescue efforts because they                            must be able to see the drone at all
portation and Safety Board (NTSB),                               are “illegal.”40 Equusearch claims that                           times). Alternatively, they might say
arguing that the FAA did not have                                it has no commercial purpose and                                  that drones can only be flown for cer-
any authority to fine someone oper-                              is asking the court to set aside the                              tain purposes.
ating a drone because it had not                                 FAA’s order. In its filings, Equusearch
issued any formal rules governing                                argues that the FAA has no power to                               Regulating Property Involved
their use. Although the FAA’s 2005                               issue cease-and-desist letters in the                             Governments might regulate drones’
memorandum and 2007 policy state-                                absence of formal rules. Regardless                               ability to record images based on the
ment claimed that drone operators                                of the merits of this legal argument                              property involved, treating public and
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
private property differently or distin-                          decade.42Although the Roadmap does                                Time Limitations
guishing between congested areas and                             not elaborate on what rules will ulti-                            The Roadmap states that small-drone
open spaces. Likewise, the regulations                           mately bind small drones, the 72-page                             nighttime operations will be reviewed
could restrict or prohibit recording in                          document does flag several catego-                                with a goal of “increased night oper-
places where people have a reasonable                            ries of possible regulation that should                           ations for public entities by 2015.”45
expectation of privacy.                                          be of interest to any drone operator                              This statement might suggest that the
                                                                 interested in newsgathering: pilot cer-                           FAA will not permit private citizens
Regulating Devices                                               tification, line-of-sight requirements,                           to fly drones at night.
Governments might regulate the                                   time limitations, technological con-
recording devices on drones, for                                 straints, and other constraints. One                              Technological Constraints
example, by restricting drones’ use of                           category not addressed is privacy.                                There are a number of technological
telephoto lenses or night-vision tech-                                                                                             means of ensuring safety and accounta-
nology. As drones are increasingly                               Pilot Certification                                               bility of drones, such as detect-and-avoid
seen as platforms for other types of                             The Roadmap made clear that the                                   technology to prevent crashing; return-
data journalism, including air qual-                             FAA wants to ensure that each aircraft                            to-base functionality to prevent lost
ity sensors or barometers, this kind of                          is “flown by a pilot in accordance with                           drones; information-assurance mecha-
regulation may be of particular note.                            required procedures and practices.”43                             nisms to prevent hacking; and possible
                                                                 Thus, some form of drone pilot cer-                               tools to allow for identification of
Regulating Behavior                                              tification seems likely. At this point,                           drones, such as radio-frequency iden-
Governments might regulate record-                               it is not clear whether any licensing                             tification (RFID) tags or registration
ing people engaged in certain                                    process would be as involved as the                               numbers. The Roadmap alludes to each
behavior. For instance, following                                process for obtaining certification to                            of these technologies.46 Should the FAA
California’s anti-paparazzi laws, leg-                           fly a manned aircraft or whether some                             require any of these systems for drone
islators might attempt to limit drones                           more easily attainable process will be                            flight, the market and cost of drones
recording people engaged in personal                             proposed. Should a pilot’s license be                             could change considerably. One of the
or familial activities.                                          required for the use of small drones,                             reasons that drones are so appealing at
Regulating Consent                                               fewer people will be qualified to fly                             the moment is that they are low in cost
Finally, governments might regulate                              them. If the licensing process is akin to                         and easy to purchase. Mandating that
the surreptitious use of drones. This                            the process needed to become certified                            drones contain sophisticated technol-
objective might be accomplished by                               to pilot a manned aircraft, the barrier                           ogy will drive up their cost and likely
requiring drone operators to obtain                              to entry will be high, and media com-                             will affect media outlets’ ability to use
consent before flying over private                               panies likely will need to work closely                           them for newsgathering.
property or filming someone. Alter-                              with other companies to produce and
natively, drone operators might be                               license content for drone use—not dis-                            Other Constraints
required to provide notice of where                              similar from how helicopter footage is                            The Roadmap declares that the forth-
they are flying or filming, or govern-                           obtained. In any case, some baseline                              coming small-drone regulations “may
ments might require drones to be                                 level of training and licensing is likely                         have operational, airspace, and perfor-
made more visible by requiring them                              to be required, particularly given the                            mance constraints.”47 The Roadmap
to be certain colors or sizes.                                   variant environmental factors that can                            itself does not address what these con-
                                                                 affect the flight of drones and thereby                           straints might be, but if, for example,
The FAA Takes Action—Roadmap                                     increase the physical danger that they                            the forthcoming regulations prohibit
As the Pirker case was progress-                                 can pose.                                                         flying over populated areas, that pro-
ing before NTSB, the FAA moved                                                                                                     hibition effectively would ban drones
closer toward fulfilling its congres-                            Line-of-Sight Requirements                                        from many metropolitan areas and
sional mandate under the FMRA. In                                The Roadmap indicates that small                                  greatly constrain the type of reporting
November 2013, the FAA released                                  drones will have to be operated within                            that can be undertaken. Similarly, if
its first annual Integration of Civil                            visual line of sight; that is, operators                          the FAA continues to follow a regime
Unmanned Aircraft Systems in                                     must always be able to see their drones                           similar to the existing certificates of
National Airspace System Roadmap                                 as they fly.44 Should the FAA ultimately                          authorization and special airworthi-
(Roadmap).41 The Roadmap is not a                                require that a drone remain in visual                             ness certifications, then small drones
set of regulations; rather, it is a guide                        line of sight as opposed to radio line                            may not be able to fly until gaining
for the type of regulations that the                             of sight (that is, remotely controllable),                        specific authority per flight to do so—
FAA hopes to eventually implement.                               then certain types of reporting (such                             severely hampering the use of drones
Notably, the Roadmap distinguishes                               as flying over forest fires, natural disas-                       for breaking news but likely not affect-
between the integration of larger                                ters, or even large protests) might be                            ing closed-set filming or preplanned
commercial drones and small drones,                              impossible. This kind of regulation thus                          events. Preregistration of a flight plan
whose proposed rule making is now                                would reduce some of the “access” ben-                            (submitting intent-to-fly and loca-
scheduled for late 2014; the integra-                            efits of drone journalism, i.e., a drone                          tion information but no requirement
tion will happen quite slowly, over                              can quickly retrieve content from loca-                           to receive approval) may strike a bal-
a period involving technical test-                               tions that are too remote or unsafe for                           ance between documentation and
ing and rule making that may span a                              an individual or team of journalists.                             newsgathering.
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
Test Sites                                                       statement” detailing who will oper-                               Some exceptions exist for taking off
In December 2013, one month after                                ate the drone, where the drone will be                            and landing.62 Under Oregon’s law,
releasing the Roadmap, the FAA                                   flown, what kind of data will be col-                             the property owner can seek injunc-
announced the establishment of six                               lected, how that data will be used,                               tive relief, “treble damages for any
test sites.48 The sites are designed to                          whether the information will be sold                              injury to the person or the property,”
be laboratories where policy mak-                                to third parties, and the period of                               and attorney fees if the amount of
ers and developers can assess various                            time for which the information could                              damages is under $10,000.63 Oregon’s
issues with drones and observe how                               be retained.53 The Markey bill also                               drone law also criminalizes certain
they operate in different settings. To                           requires that the FAA “create a pub-                              types of conduct, such as crashing
that end, the six sites are geographi-                           licly available website that lists all                            into an aircraft or firing bullets from
cally and climactically diverse, and                             approved licenses and includes the                                drones, to enhance safety.64
each will focus on different technol-                            data collection and data minimization                                Texas’s drone law, tellingly named
ogy and operational issues.49                                    statements, any data security breaches                            the Texas Privacy Act, permits drones
    The FAA, through its test sites,                             suffered by a licensee, and the times                             to capture images only under enumer-
offered an indication of how it might                            and locations of drone flights.”54                                ated circumstances.65 For example, it
approach the privacy question. In                                Similarly, the Safeguarding Privacy                               allows images to be captured by elec-
announcing the test sites, the FAA                               and Fostering Aerospace Innova-                                   tric and natural gas utilities for some
stated that it was “not . . . taking spe-                        tion Act of 2013, proposed by Sen.                                purposes and by real estate brokers
cific views on whether or how the                                Mark Udall (D-Utah), would pro-                                   looking to sell property, as long as no
federal government should regulate                               hibit any business or individual from                             person is identifiable in the image.66
privacy or the scope of data that can                            “willfully conduct[ing] surveillance                              The law also permits drones to cap-
be collected by” drones.50 Instead, it                           of another person” using drones and                               ture images of people on “public real
instructed each test site to create its                          would require drones to be clearly                                property,” of people “on real prop-
own privacy rules, explaining that test                          marked “with the name, address, and                               erty that is within 25 miles of the
sites and the drones that fly in them                            telephone number of the owner.”55                                 United States border,” and “with the
must comply with federal, state, and                             Though none has passed, these bills                               consent of the individual who owns
other laws protecting an individual’s                            suggest how privacy concerns may be                               or lawfully occupies the real property
right to privacy. The FAA also has                               addressed at the federal level.                                   captured in the image.”67 Texas, how-
required each site to have publicly                                  In the absence of federal legis-                              ever, has outlawed using drones to
available privacy policies as well as a                          lation and regulation, a number of                                capture images of people or privately
written plan for data use and reten-                             states have leaped into the legal quag-                           owned property “with the intent to
tion. Finally, the FAA requires that                             mire.56 To date, 43 different states                              conduct surveillance on the individ-
the test sites implement an annual                               have considered drone legislation,                                ual or property.”68 Significantly, the
review of privacy practices and allow                            with nine passing laws regulating                                 law does not define surveillance. This
for public comment.51                                            the use of drones.57 All nine of those                            offense is a misdemeanor, and the
                                                                 states have placed restrictions on the                            law states that a person can defend
Legislation Looms                                                government’s use of drones. Almost                                against the law by showing that she
Commercial drone use has not escaped                             all of these laws revolve around pro-                             has destroyed the image as soon as
the attention of federal and state leg-                          tecting citizens’ privacy, particularly                           she realizes it was captured and has
islators. Unsurprisingly, privacy is                             from intrusion by law enforcement.58                              not disclosed it to anyone else.69 The
a central concern, and that concern                              Two states have placed moratoriums                                law likewise makes it a misdemeanor
could impact journalists’ ability to                             on government agencies’ ability to use                            to possess, disclose, distribute, or oth-
use drones for newsgathering.                                    drones until the summer of 2015.59                                erwise use an image after capturing it
    In Congress, legislators have pro-                               Three states—Oregon, Texas, and                               in violation of the law.70
posed three major bills focusing on                              Idaho—have passed laws regulating pri-                               In addition to these criminal pro-
the privacy implications of both                                 vate use of drones, which could have an                           visions, Texas has created a private
data collection and data storage.                                impact on journalists in those states.60                          cause of action for owners and ten-
For example, the Preserving Ameri-                               Each state has taken a different tack.                            ants of private property. That action
can Privacy Act of 2013, proposed                                    Oregon centers its rule on private                            allows them to enjoin an “imminent
by Rep. Ted Poe (R-Tex.) and Rep.                                property. In doing so, it has created a                           violation” of the criminal provisions
Zoe Lofgren (D-Cal.), would pro-                                 private cause of action that a private                            and to seek civil penalties, includ-
hibit private drone operators from                               property owner can assert against                                 ing $5,000 for “images captured in a
capturing “highly offensive” data                                a drone operator if (1) a drone has                               single episode” and $10,000 for the
involving “personal or familial activ-                           flown less than 400 feet above the                                disclosure or distribution of “any
ity . . . in which the [person] ha[s] a                          owner’s property at least one time,                               images captured in a single episode.”71
reasonable expectation of privacy.”52                            (2) the property owner has notified                               An owner and tenant also can recover
Meanwhile, the Drone Aircraft Pri-                               the drone operator that he does not                               actual damages if she can show that
vacy and Transparency Act, offered                               consent to the drone flying over his                              the images were disclosed or distrib-
by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), would                               property, and (3) the operator sub-                               uted with “malice.”72 Furthermore,
require that drone users obtain a                                sequently flies the drone less than                               the prevailing party can collect rea-
license and submit a “data collection                            400 feet above the property again.61                              sonable attorney fees.73
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
Finally, Idaho has passed the most                           has not acted on any of the drone bills                           seclusion that the plaintiff has thrown
sweeping legislation on private drone                            yet, bills pending in that state should                           about his person or affairs.”84
use. Its law prohibits people from                               be watched closely because its courts                                 Given small drones’ dexterity in
using drones “to photograph or oth-                              do not recognize any torts remedy-                                flight and ability to film inconspicu-
erwise record an individual, without                             ing alleged invasions of privacy and                              ously, it is conceivable that drone
such individual’s written consent, for                           because the state contains an FAA test                            operators might intrude in a plain-
the purpose of publishing or otherwise                           site location.                                                    tiff’s private affairs in their attempt to
publicly disseminating such photo-                                   All of these legislative efforts can                          gather information.85 Although jour-
graph or recording.”74 The law, which                            be seen as measures to prevent the                                nalists generally cannot be held liable
would undoubtedly face constitutional                            rapid expansion of drone use in the                               for intrusion when the subject being
challenges if enforced, allows a person                          absence of clear guidance from the                                recorded is in a public place, even that
to assert a private cause of action and                          FAA. It remains to be seen whether                                kind of newsgathering might pose
recover either $1,000, or “actual and                            more states will rush to pass drone                               some risk of an intrusion claim when
general damages,” whichever is greater,                          laws in the aftermath of the Pirker                               it involves drones.86 Indeed, under
plus attorney fees, and “other litiga-                           decision or if they will wait to see the                          certain limited circumstances, drone-
tion costs reasonably incurred.”75                               FAA’s proposed small-drone rules                                  assisted recording may come close to
    Local governments have also                                  anticipated later in 2014. Either way,                            the type of stakeout that one federal
jumped into the fray. For example,                               journalists and their counsel should                              court has admonished. In Wolf-
Conoy Township, Pennsylvania,                                    keep a close eye on state legislators in                          son v. Lewis, the court considered a
has passed an ordinance prohibit-                                the coming months and years.                                      plaintiff’s claims against a television
ing remote-controlled aircraft from                                                                                                station whose camera crew camped
being flown above another person’s                               Tort Law                                                          outside of his home to obtain foot-
property without the property own-                               Amidst this thicket of legislation,                               age for a report on the high salaries
er’s permission.76 A violation of that                           reporters and media attorneys should                              paid to executives in the health-care
ordinance can be punished by a fine                              not forget that existing state tort law                           industry.87 The court entered a pre-
of up to $300.77                                                 and statutes of general applicability                             liminary injunction prohibiting the
    Among the many states considering                            serve to regulate drones and provide                              camera crew from invading the plain-
legislation to restrict private drone use,                       many avenues of potential liability.                              tiff’s privacy, as well as stalking and
two states that are home to many media                           Some of the possible legal pitfalls are                           harassment, finding that the con-
companies, California and New York,                              the same ones that pose risks for more                            tinued surveillance “display[ed] a
are considering bills that could impact                          traditional methods of newsgather-                                cavalier disregard for the right of
journalists’ ability to use drones for                           ing and reporting. Others raise new                               ordinary citizens to enjoy the soli-
newsgathering. Last year, the California                         concerns.                                                         tude and tranquility of their lives”
Senate passed a bill that would extend                              As with all newsgathering that                                 and their “right to be let alone.”88 The
California’s antipaparazzi, wiretap,                             involves audio and video recording,                               court reasoned that such an injunc-
and Peeping Tom laws to cover audio,                             journalists who use drones must be                                tion would be narrow so as not to
video, and images obtained by drones.78                          aware of common-law torts and stat-                               impair legal newsgathering activi-
In addition, that bill provides that infor-                      utes addressing their subjects’ privacy.                          ties. Given this ruling and similar
mation obtained by government-agency                             In the common-law context, drone                                  decisions finding intrusions in other
drones would be accessible under Cali-                           operators must consider the tort of                               contexts, sustained recording of a
fornia’s Public Records Act.79                                   intrusion upon seclusion. As news-                                space or continually tracking some-
    Several drone-related bills also are                         room counsel know all too well, the                               one with a drone, even if done from
pending in New York. Two proposals                               intrusion tort has two necessary ele-                             a public place, may be actionable
underscore the threat that new legisla-                          ments: (1) a person “intentionally                                under certain circumstances in some
tion might pose to the press. One bill                           intrudes, physically or otherwise,                                jurisdictions.89
would create a felony for “surrepti-                             upon the solitude or seclusion of                                     The flip side of the intrusion tort,
tiously view[ing], broadcast[ing], or                            another or his private affairs or con-                            which addresses gathering information
record[ing] another person . . . at a                            cerns,” and (2) “the intrusion would                              in a manner that invades someone’s
place and time when a person has a                               be highly offensive to a reasonable                               privacy, is the publication of private
reasonable expectation of privacy.”80                            person.”82 As the comments in the                                 facts tort. A person commits that tort
The second provides that a person                                Restatement (Second) of Torts sec-                                if he publishes or broadcasts private
would commit a misdemeanor by                                    tion addressing intrusion explain,                                information about someone else if the
using a drone “to conduct surveillance                           the tort can be committed through                                 disclosure of that information would
of or to monitor any individual inside                           “the use of the defendant’s senses,                               be highly offensive to the reasonable
his or her home or place of worship                              with or without mechanical aids, to                               person and the information is not a
or within the closed confines of their                           oversee or overhear the plaintiff’s pri-                          matter of legitimate public concern. In
property or other locations where a                              vate affairs, as by looking into his                              general, media companies only publish
person would have a reasonable expec-                            upstairs windows with binoculars.”83                              information if it is newsworthy. Nev-
tation of privacy,” unless the person                            Critically, the intrusion tort requires                           ertheless, it is conceivable that drone
is doing so for “lawful purposes.”81                             the defendant to pry into a private                               operators might capture images of
Although the New York legislature                                place or “otherwise invade[] a private                            people’s private affairs that are then
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
broadcast and give rise to potential                             appear barely to miss the tops of the                             intentional and unreasonable inva-
liability.90                                                     trees.”97 The noise literally frightened                          sion that interferes with a person’s
    State tort law also protects peo-                            dozens of the farmers’ chickens to                                enjoyment of his land.103 Courts have
ple against physical harm that drones                            death and destroyed his ability to use                            allowed nuisance claims when a prop-
might cause. For instance, if a drone                            the property as a chicken farm. The                               erty owner is regularly subjected to
crashes into a person, that person can                           Court sympathized with the farmer’s                               flying objects, such as golf balls fly-
assert claims for battery or negligence,                         plight but placed limits on a prop-                               ing onto his property because an
just as she could pursue a claim if                              erty owner’s ability to state a takings                           adjoining driving range fails to repair
she were hit by a ball or other flying                           claim based on airplanes’ flight over                             the net that was supposed to block
object.91                                                        his property. It held that a landowner                            them.104 These kinds of claims pro-
    In addition to these common-                                 “must have exclusive control of the                               ceed because there is a continuing
law tort claims, drone operators who                             immediate reaches of the enveloping                               possibility that a ball could be hit
record audio need to be aware of their                           atmosphere” and that a taking occurs                              onto the private property.105 The same
states’ wiretap statutes. Those stat-                            only when the government engages in                               theory could be applied to drone
utes create crimes and private causes                            activity that has a “direct and imme-                             operators. If a drone is flown across
of action that can be asserted against                           diate interference with the enjoyment                             someone’s property on several occa-
people who intentionally intercept                               and use of the land.”98 In light of                               sions, the property owner might use
audio communications if the speakers                             the Causby decision, the Restatement                              the law of nuisance to seek an injunc-
have a reasonable expectation of pri-                            provides that “flight by an aircraft”                             tion preventing the operator from
vacy.92 Drone operators also should                              constitutes a trespass if “it enters into                         flying his drone over the property in
be aware of stalking, harassment,                                the immediate reaches of the air space                            the future.106
Peeping Tom, and other statutes                                  next to the land” and “interferes sub-
that circumscribe conduct involving                              stantially with the [owner’s] use and                             Conclusion
recording or following individuals.93                            enjoyment of his land.”99                                         As drones begin to take flight in the
    Some states might have other stat-                               Nevertheless, the Restatement also                            United States, their operators must
utes that drone operators should                                 states that a trespass can be com-                                navigate a patchwork of property,
know. For instance, in California,                               mitted “above the surface of the                                  safety, and privacy laws. Legisla-
drone operators need to understand                               earth.”100 And the comments to the                                tors and government officials appear
that state’s antipaparazzi law. That                             Restatement explain that “it is an                                poised to pile on new statutes and
law creates a cause of action for                                actionable trespass . . . to fire projec-                         rules. Although some regulatory
“constructive invasion of privacy,”                              tiles or to fly an advertising kite or                            guidance is necessary, the pub-
which is committed when someone                                  balloon through the air above [land],                             lic should remember that today’s
“attempts to capture, in a manner that                           even though no harm is done to the                                drone enthusiasts are not so differ-
is offensive to a reasonable person,”                            land or to the possessor’s enjoyment                              ent from George Lawrence and his
an image or recording of a person                                of it.”101 Indeed, the Restatement                                early experiments with kites, wires,
“engaging in a personal or familial                              includes the following illustration:                              and cameras to explore the world
activity under circumstances in which                            “A, while hunting birds on a pub-                                 through a new vantage point. To pro-
the plaintiff had a reasonable expecta-                          lic pond, fires shot across B’s land                              tect this period of exploration and
tion of privacy, through the use of a                            close to the surface. The shot do not                             the nascent drone industry, jour-
visual or auditory enhancing device”                             come to rest on B’s land, but fall into                           nalists and press advocates should
if the image or recording “could not                             another public body of water on the                               remain engaged in the political
have been achieved without a trespass                            other side of it. A is a trespasser.”102                          process and speak out against pro-
unless the visual or auditory enhanc-                            This illustration highlights that fly-                            posed legislation and regulation that
ing device was used.”94                                          ing drones above a person’s property,                             might unnecessarily restrict the use
    Existing state law also protects                             even for just a moment, might consti-                             of drones or thwart the develop-
people’s interest against having drones                          tute a trespass. Given these conflicting                          ment of this emerging technology.
flying over their property, most nota-                           Restatement provisions, it is not clear                           Instead, we should see how drones
bly through the law of trespass. At                              how courts will treat drone flight                                evolve, observe how they are used,
common law, “ownership of the land                               over private property and what drone                              allow existing state laws to perform
extended to the periphery of the                                 activity might constitute a substantial                           their remedial function, and look to
universe.”95 The potentially sweep-                              interference with a property owner’s                              journalistic ethics to guide the use
ing nature of that rule, however, was                            enjoyment of his land. Drone opera-                               of drones for newsgathering. In the
abrogated following the advent of air-                           tors, however, must understand their                              meantime, any reporter thinking
planes and the Supreme Court’s 1946                              state trespass laws before flying and                             about using a drone must understand
decision in United States v. Causby,                             remain current about the state of the                             the existing legal landscape and
which involved a Fifth Amendment                                 law in this area as it evolves.                                   closely follow this rapidly changing
takings claim by a chicken farmer                                    A property owner over whose land                              area of the law.
who lived near a runway.96 The gov-                              drones routinely fly also might be
ernment used the runway for Army                                 able to assert a claim for nuisance.                              Endnotes
and Navy aircraft, which would fly                               A nuisance claim requires a showing                                  1. Parrot® AR.Drone 2.0, Radioshack,
over the farm “close enough . . . to                             that the defendant has committed an                     
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
index.jsp?productId=19182216&utm_                                drone-company-helps-colorado-                                     16, 2014),
source=GooglePLA&utm_medium=                                     emergency-until-fema-says-no.                                     drones-over-america-60-minutes/.
pla&utm_term=55056260&gclid=CJjHxs                                  8. See, e.g., Ukraine: Dramatic Drone                              14. 49 U.S.C. § 40103(b)(1).
foq70CFQLA4AodpAgAAA&gclsrc=ds                                   Footage Captures Battle for Central Kiev                              15. History: A Brief History of the
(last visited Mar. 24, 2014).                                    Square—Video, Guardian (Feb. 19, 2014),                           FAA, FAA,
    2. Nick Kelley, Drones Buzz Sochi:                                                  history/brief_history/ (last modified
UAVs Are Changing the Way We Watch                               video/2014/feb/19/ukraine-dramatic-                               Feb. 1, 2010, 6:06 PM).
Sports, Outside Online (Feb. 11, 2014),                          drone-footage-captures-battle-kiev-                                   16. FAA, AC 91-57, Model                          square-video; Mark Corcoran, Drones Set                           Aircraft Operating Standards (June
the-field/Drones-Buzz-Sochi.html.                                for Commercial Take-Off, Australian                               9, 1981), available at http://www.faa.
    3. Operating a helicopter for news                           Broadcasting Corp. (May 24, 2013,                                 gov/‌documentLibrary/media/Advisory_
coverage costs approximately $1,000 per                          8:09 AM),                                  Circular/91-57.pdf.
hour, including the cost of the personnel                        news/2013-03-01/drones-set-for-large-                                 17. FAA, AFS-400 UAS Policy
required to fly it. See Andrew Dodson, TV                        scale-commercial-take-off/4546556;                                05-01, Unmanned Aircraft Systems
News Choppers Flying High Once Again,                            Typhoon Haiyan: New Drone Footage                                 Operations in the U.S. National
TVNewsCheck (Aug. 8, 2013), http://                              Shows Destruction of Tacloban,                                    Airspace System—Interim Operational                               Philippines, MSN News UK (Nov.                                    Approval Guidance (Sept. 16, 2005),
tv-news-choppers-flying-high-once-again/                         21, 2013),                                available at
page/1.                                                          video-clips?videoid=4a45b02d-b37c-9a69-                           AFS-400_05-01_faa_uas_policy.pdf.
    4. Brian Skoloff & Tracie Cone,                              2f64-413917d9b3fd; Angela Charlton,                                   18. Unmanned Aircraft Operations
Firefighters Use Drones to Battle Yosemite                       Sochi Drone Shooting Olympic TV, Not                              in the National Airspace System, 72
Rim Fire, Huffington Post (Aug.                                  Terrorists, Associated Press (Feb. 10,                            Fed. Reg. 6689-91 (Feb. 13, 2007)
28, 2013), http://www.huffingtonpost.                            2014, 11:35 PM), http://wintergames.                              [hereinafter 2007 Guidance] (to be
com/2013/08/28/drones-yosemite-fire_                                                 codified at 14 C.F.R. pt. 91), available at
n_3833528.html; Phoebe Magdirila,                                olympic-tv-not-terrorists. For a summary                
In the Philippines, Drones Are Used for                          of international legal approaches to                              reg/media/‌frnotice_uas.pdf. The FAA
News Reporting and Rescue Operations,                            drone use; see Zach Garcia, What Flies                            Modernization and Reform Act of 2012
Tech Asia (Jan. 22, 2014), http://www.                           When It Comes to Drone Laws Across                                (FMRA), Pub. L. No. 112-95, 126 Stat.                          the Globe, Mo. Drone Journalism                                   11 (Feb. 14, 2012), specifically requires the
reporting-rescue-operations/; Leslie                             Program (Apr. 19, 2013), http://www.                              FAA to update this guidance. Id. § 332(b)
Kaufman & Ravi Somaiya, Drones Offer                                                 (3).
Journalists a Wider View, N.Y. Times                             what-flies-when-it-comes-to-drone-laws-                               19. 2007 Guidance, supra note 18, at 6.
(Nov. 24, 2013), http://www.nytimes.                             across-the-globe/.                                                    20. Id. at 5.
com/2013‌/11/25/business/media/drones-                              9. Corcoran, supra note 8.                                         21. Fact Sheet—Unmanned Aircraft
offer-journalists-a-wider-view.html?_r=0;                           10. Jim Hoffer, Small Drone Crash                              Systems (UAS), FAA (Jan. 6, 2014),
Thomas Davis, Drone Flies into an Active                         Lands in Manhattan, WABC-TV N.Y.,                       
Volcano, DroneHire Blog (Mar. 13,                                N.Y. (Oct. 3, 2013), http://abclocal.                             sheets/‌news_story.cfm?newsId=14153.
2014),                                                          22. Tim Cushing, CPB “Discovers”
drone-flies-into-an-active-volcano.                                 11. J. David Goodman, Remote-                                  an Additional 200 Drone Flights It
    5. Kashmir Hill, FAA Looks Into                              Controlled Model Helicopter                                       Didn’t Originally Include in Its FOIA
News Corp’s Daily Drone, Raising                                 Fatally Strikes Its Operator, N.Y.                                Response, TechDirt (Jan. 15, 2014,
Questions About Who Gets to Fly Drones                           Times (Sept. 5, 2013), http://www.                                1:18 PM),
in the U.S., Forbes (Aug. 2, 2011, 3:52                                                  articles/20140115/09150425884/cbp-
PM),                                remote-controlled-copter-fatally-strikes-                         discovers-additional-200-drone-flights-
kashmirhill/2011/08/02/faa-looks-into-                           pilot-at-park.html?_r=0.                                          it-didnt-originally-include-its-foia-
news-corps-daily-drone-raising-questions-                           12. James Nye, Fail! Photographer’s                            response.shtml.
about-who-gets-to-fly-drones-in-the-u-s/.                        Drone Smacks Groom in the Head                                        23. 2007 Guidance, supra note 18.
    6. Alexandra Gibb, Droning the Story,                        As He Looked for the Perfect Shot,                                    24. See, e.g., Jennifer Lynch, FAA
Tow Center for Digital Journalism                                Daily Mail Online (Aug. 16, 2013,                                 Releases Lists of Drone Certificates—
(May 29, 2013),                            4:00 PM), http://www.dailymail.                                   Many Questions Left Unanswered,
blog/droning-the-story/; see also Kashmir                                                     Electronic Frontier Found. (Apr.
Hill, Potential Drone Use: Finding Rivers                        Fail-Photographers-drone-smacks-groom-                            19, 2012),
of Blood, Forbes (Jan. 25, 2011, 11:50                           head-looked-perfect-shot.html.                                    deeplinks/2012/04/‌faa-releases-its-
AM),                                   13. Kathryn A. Wolfe, Dianne                                   list-drone-certificates-leaves-many-
kashmirhill/2012/01/25/potential-drone-                          Feinstein Spots Drone Inches from Face,                           questions-unanswered; Wesley Loy, FAA
use-finding-rivers-of-blood/.                                    Politico (Jan. 15, 2014, 4:15 PM),                                Clears Way for Use of Drones by Oil
    7. Kelsey D. Atherton, Before                                                  Industry Off Alaska, Anchorage Daily
FEMA Arrived, Private Drone Mapped                               senator-dianne-feinstein-encounter-                               News (Aug. 24, 2014), http://www.adn.
Colorado Flooding, Popular Sci.                                  with-drone-technology-privacy-                                    com/‌2013/08/24/3041131/faa-clears-the-
(Sept. 17, 2013, 1:34 PM), http://www.                           surveillance-102233.html; Morley Safer,                           way-for-drones.html.                           Drones over America, 60 Minutes (Mar.                                 25. Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
(UAS): Certifications and Authorizations,                        Come Out of the Shadows, Wired (Mar.                              On the Future of Unmanned Aviation in
FAA,                                   10, 2014, 6:30 AM),                         the U.S. Economy; Safety and Privacy
initiatives/uas/cert/ (last modified Mar. 19,                    threatlevel/2014/03/‌drone-pilots-flying-                         Considerations: Hearing Before the S.
2013 10:56 AM).                                                  high/, with Jeremy Barr, It’s Probably Not                        Comm. on Commerce, Sci. & Transp.,
    26. Id. Since 2006, FAA reports that                         “Game On” for Drones, Despite Judge’s                             113th Cong. (Jan. 15, 2014) [hereinafter
it has granted approximately 1,400                               Ruling, Poynter (Mar. 7, 2014, 7:07                               Hearing] (testimony of Michael Huerta,
certificates of authorization and only 100                       PM),                          Admin., FAA), available at http://www.
special airworthiness certificates, despite                      mediawire/242530/its-probably-not-game-                 
widespread interest from the public and                          on-for-drones-despite-judges-ruling/.                             Serve‌&File_id=2b62541a-5da5-4789-
private sectors alike. Id.; see also Unmanned                       40. Texas Equusearch Mounted                                   b73e-47aeeb4e9563.
Aircraft Systems: Continued Coordination,                        Search and Recovery v. Federal Aviation                              50. As FAA Administrator Michael
Operational Data, and Performance                                Administration, No. 14-1061 (D.D.C., filed                        Huerta has explained, the privacy policy
Standards Needed to Guide Research                               Apr. 21, 2014)                                                    will “apply by contract” to the test sites.
and Development: Testimony Before the                               41. FAA, Integration of Civil                                  Hearing, supra note 48. A copy of the
Subcomm. on Oversight of the H. Comm.                            Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in                                Federal Register notice detailing the final
on Sci., Space, & Tech., 113th Cong. 5                           the National Airspace (NAS) Roadmap                               test site privacy requirements is printed
(2013) (statement of Gerald L. Dillingham,                       (1st ed. 2013) [hereinafter Roadmap],                             at 78 Fed. Reg. 68,360 (2013), available at
PhD, Dir. of Gov’t Accountability Office,                        available at                  
Physical Infrastructure Issues).                                 initiatives/‌uas/media/uas_roadmap_2013.                          er?objectId=‌090000648147d799&dispositi
    27. FMRA, Pub. L. No. 112-95, 126                            pdf. The Roadmap was explicitly required                          on=attachment&contentType=pdf.
Stat. 11 (Feb. 14, 2012).                                        as part of the FMRA. See Pub. L. No.                                 51. As of the date this article was
    28. Id. § 332(a)(1).                                         112-95 § 332(a)(2) (2012). The FAA Joint                          written, none of the six sites has published
    29. Id. § 332(a)(2).                                         Planning and Development Office also                              privacy or operating policies.
    30. Jason Koeber, These Are the                              developed a “Comprehensive Plan” to                                  52. Preserving American Privacy Act
Companies the FAA Has Harassed for                               safely accelerate the integration of civil                        of 2013, H.R. 637, 113th Cong. § 3119f
Using Drones, Motherboard (Feb. 6,                               drones into the national airspace system.                         (2013), available at http://beta.congress.
2014, 3:20 PM), http://motherboard.vice.                         See FAA Joint Planning & Dev. Office,                             gov/‌bill/113th-congress/house-bill/637.
com/blog/these-are-the-companies-the-                            Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)                                      53. Drone Aircraft Privacy and
faa-has-harassed-for-using-drones.                               Comprehensive Plan: A Report on the                               Transparency Act, H.R. 2868, 113th
    31. See Hill, supra note 5 (describing                       Nation’s UAS Path Forward (Sept.                                  Cong. (2013), available at https://www.
the FAA’s scrutiny of the Daily drone).                          2013), available at                 
More recently, the FAA reiterated this                           about/office_org/headquarters_offices/                            text.
position in its Roadmap. See infra note 40.                      agi/‌reports/media/UAS_Comprehensive_                                54. Press Release, Markey Drone
    32. See Koeber, supra note 27.                               Plan.pdf.                                                         Privacy Legislation to Prevent Flying
    33. See generally Huerta v. Pirker, No.                         42. See Roadmap, supra note 40, at                             Robots from Becoming Spying
CP-217, at 2–3 (NTSB Office of Admin. Law                        58. The FAA estimates that 7,500 small                            Robots (Mar. 19, 2013), http://www.
Judges Mar. 6, 2014), available at http://www.                   drones will be in the national airspace                                                 over the next five years. Hearing, supra                          markey-drone-privacy-legislation-to-
    34. Id.                                                      note 48, at 3.                                                    prevent-flying-robots-from-becoming-
    35. Id. at 3 (emphasis in original).                            43. Roadmap, supra note 40, at 9, 34, 52.                      spying-robots.
    36. Id. at 2–3.                                                 44. Id. at 33.                                                    55. Safeguarding Privacy and Fostering
    37. Pirker, No. CP-217, at 7.                                   45. Id. at 58.                                                 Aerospace Innovation Act of 2013, S.
    38. Press Release, FAA, FAA Statement                           46. Id. at 29.                                                 1057, 113th Cong. §§ 262–63 (introduced
(Mar. 7, 2014), available at http://www.                            47. Id. at 34.                                                 May 23, 2013), available at https://www.                             48. Press Release, FAA, FAA Selects                  ‌text.
cfm?newsId=15894. The Pirker decision                            Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research                                   56. The proliferation of state and local
includes the following notation: “Please                         and Test Sites (Dec. 30, 2013), available at                      drone regulations prompts questions of
note that the NTSB Administrative Law                                             federal preemption. See John Villasenor,
Judge’s dispositional order is not a final                       news_story.cfm?newsid=15576.                                      Observations from Above: Unmanned
Board decision in this matter. This order is                        49. The sites are centered at the                              Aircraft Systems and Privacy, 2 Harv.
appealable to the full five-member Board                         University of Alaska, the entire state of                         J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 457 (Spring 2013),
and is not of precedential value.” Pirker,                       Nevada, New York’s Griffiss International                         available at
No. CP-217, at 1. That notation cites to                         Airport, the North Dakota Department                              wp-content/uploads/2013/04/36_2_457_
49 C.F.R. § 821.43, which states that “[t]he                     of Commerce, Texas A&M University,                                Villasenor.pdf. Those questions are
filing of a timely notice of appeal with the                     and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and                            beyond the scope of this article.
Board shall stay the effectiveness of the law                    State University. Id. The FAA has stated                             57. The National Conference of State
judge’s initial decision or order, unless the                    that long-term integration of drones                              Legislatures maintains links to state
basis for the decision or order is that the                      will depend on the test sites for the                             legislative activity surrounding unmanned
Board lacks jurisdiction.”                                       development of sustainable operational                            aircraft systems. See 2013 Unmanned
    39. Compare David Kravets, After Recent                      procedures, as well as new technologies                           Aircraft Systems (UAS) Legislation,
Ruling, America’s Commercial Drone Pilots                        developed to assuage safety concerns.                             NCSL,
Published in Communications Lawyer, Volume 30, Number 3, June 2014. © 2014 American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
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