Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions

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Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Jesús M. Busturia
Managing Director

May 2018
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Mission:                                     Vision:
To Design & Manufacture        To be a global player
floating foundations      in the coming market for
for Offshore Wind         Floating Offshore Wind
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Located in the Basque Country              Well positioned to serve North Atlantic markets

Good current suppliers for offshore wind
                                                        Home of offshore wind world leaders

                                                       Companies in the North of Spain are
                                                  participating in the offshore wind value chain,
                                                 being cost conscious to support the necessary
                                                                 reduction in LCoE
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
And also to new coming
       Southern markets

                    This information is confidential and belongs to NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, S.L.
May 2018                                                                                                5
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Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Floating Offshore Wind
Reasons to go deeper
     Limited shallow water locations.
                                                                                                                                 Source: Carbon Trust,
     Most of the wind resource lies in deep waters with less turbulence.                                                         Floating Offshore Wind:
                                                                                                                                 Market and Technology
     Reduced environmental impact                                                                                                Review, 2015

      • Less restrictions for deployment and reduced visual impact
     Huge potential around the world.
     Access to markets without extended continental shelf: USA, Japan, Norway,
     France, Portugal, Spain, …
     Even in the North Sea there are areas with high wind resource in deep waters
     Coastal areas with high energy demand.


                                      80% of the offshore wind resource    Giles Dickson, CEO WindEurope, FOWT 2017, Marseille
 The available continental shelf is     in Europe is located in Deep
            very small                       Waters > than 60 m
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Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
                           Four-columns semisubmersible floating
                           Rigid ring pontoon connecting the columns
                           with flat lower surface
                           Main deck consisting of four rectangular
                           shaped connections between column´s
                           upper end and transition piece (TP)
                           Simple support structure to manufacture
                            ▪    Compact dimensions
                            ▪    Few parts
                            ▪    No tubular joints
                            ▪    Steel construction
                            ▪    Standard catenary mooring
                            ▪    No need for large investment in port facilities
                           Draft adjustment and mean heel angle
                           compensation through active water
                           Simple installation procedure using a small
                           number of low-cost vessels.

              This information is confidential and belongs to NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, S.L.
May 2018                                                                                          7
                        No copy or transmission is allowed without a written approval.
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
                                                Preliminary Design                                                  Detailed Design
                                                                                                                                        Full scale
                 Technical            Conceptual           Economical
                                                                                     Basic Design / FEED         Detailed Design      manufacturing &
                 Feasibility            Design              Feasibility
                   2012 - 2013                  2014 - 2016                              2017 - 2018             2018 - 2019           2020 - 2021

                                       NREL 5MW, DTU 10MW, others                                                       Commercial WT
                                                                          Tank Testing
                               (2014) 1:60           (2014) 1:35                             (2018) ≈1:35        (2018)
 validation                      UC Cork            IH Cantabria                                Ifremer      SINTEF OCEAN

                                                                     Conceptual Design (2017)                  Detailed Design (2018-19)
 Third Party                                                                                Feasibility         PDR                    CDR
                                                                   CDR Ramboll
Verification &                                                                               DNVGL          Design Basis           Design Certif.
Certification                                                      Technology & Market Assessment
                                                                                                                Project risk management
                                                                            ORE Catapult

                                                                          Patent pending EP 16382658.9

                                             This information is confidential and belongs to NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, S.L.
May 2018                                                                                                                                                8
                                                       No copy or transmission is allowed without a written approval.
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
R&D Activities
Participating in various Regional, National and European R&D Projects
                                                                                                               CDTI – CIEN: FLOCAN2GRID
                                                                   DNV-GL Joint Industry Project               • New Solutions for Innovative Platforms and
                                                                                                                 Technologies associated to the evacuation and
                                                                                                                 network integration of Floating Offshore Wind
                                                                                                               • Budget: 9.5 MM€
H2020 SME Instrument
• New Floating Platform for offshore wind in deep
  waters                                                                                                       SODERCAN: I+C=+C
• Phase 1 awarded                                                                                              • SAFE: Development of a Motion Compensated
• EU contribution: 50.000 €                                                                                      Gangway to Access Marine Energy devices
                                                                                                               • Budget: 1.1 MM€
H2020 – LCE2: EERA Wind LIFES 50+ Project
• Optimize and qualify to a TRL 5, of two innovative
  substructure designs for 10MW turbines
• Budget: 7.3 MM€

                                                                                                               HAZITEK 2016 – Basque Country
                                                                                                               • Development of a Structure for Floating Offshore
                                                                                                               • Budget: 210 k€
                                                                                                               HAZITEK 2017 – Basque Country
                                                                                                               • FLOW
                                                                                                               • Budget: 3.2 MM€
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May 2018                                                                                                                                                            9
                                                     No copy or transmission is allowed without a written approval.
Jesús M. Busturia May 2018 - Managing Director - NAUTILUS Floating Solutions
Final Remarks
    NAUTILUS has developed a patent pending Floating Offshore Wind Foundation concept that has
    been recognized by various third parties:
     • Well-known Engineering Companies
     • Certification bodies
     • R&D institutions

    NAUTILUS is facing a detailed design process that will lead to the manufacturing and installation of a
    1:1 scale prototype.
    NAUTILUS design and installation procedures are in line with industry requirements to provide a
    LCoE reduction from current developments.
    NAUTILUS is very well known in the industry
     • Participating in the largest R&D EU financed Project regarding FOWT (Lifes50+)
     • Attending Conferences, Exhibitions and Events all over Europe and Japan
     • Establishing relationships with potential customers, suppliers and partners.

    NAUTILUS is performing a fund rising to secure enough financial resources to go ahead with its
    Strategic Plan

                                This information is confidential and belongs to NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, S.L.
May 2018                                                                                                            10
                                          No copy or transmission is allowed without a written approval.
Thank you, for your attention

Contact:                    Nautilus Floating Solutions, S.L.
Jesús M. Busturia           Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia
                            Edificio 612, Off. 11
Managing Director
                            E-48160 Derio, Bizkaia   Spain
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