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January 3, 2021
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Fr. Jose
                                                             We would like to extend a warm welcome
Panthaplamthottiyil, CMI.                                        to all of our new parishioners!
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Bartlomiej Lukasz Gadaj
Fr. Mason Wiggins                                   Website: http://seaspcfl.org/                  Mission Chapel
                                                    Church, Rectory Office,                        St. Stephen’s Chapel
Retired Associates                                  School & Ministry Center                       2400 E. Highway 100, Bunnell, FL 32110
Fr. John McElroy                                    4600 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164    Church Hours
Fr. Mel Hemann                                      Phone: (386) 445-2246 • Fax: (386) 445-7808    7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Fr. George Sankoorikal                              School: (386) 445-2411                         Rectory Office & Ministry Center
Fr. Fred Parke (Pastor Emeritus)                    Emergency Phone: (386) 283-3420                9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Fr. James May (Pastor Emeritus)                     (after hours ONLY)                                                                  Holidays

Pastoral Ministry                                                                                                               Masses
Deacon Perlito (Tom) Alayu                                                                                                 Monday - Friday
Deacon Bob Devereux                                                                                                        7 am and 8:30 am
Deacon Jose Homem                                                                                                          Saturday 8:30 am
Deacon Ed Wolff                                                                                                             and 4 pm Vigil
                                                                                                                         Sunday 8, & 10 am and
                                                                                                                               12 noon.
Business Manager
                                                                                                                           ONLY IF NEEDED
Elizabeth Foran                                                                                                           there will be a Mass in
                                                                                                                          Seton Hall for the over-
Office Assistant                                                                                                            flow. Mass times (if
Mrs. Elaine Leonard                                                                                                        needed) will start 15
                                                                                                                         minutes past the hour of
Bookkeeper                                                                                                               the regular Mass time in
Leanne Rossi
                                                                                                                              Spanish Mass
Receptionist                                               “Your Gift Today is Our Treasure                                   Sunday 5 pm.
Carmen Cruz-Pritchard
                                                                   for Tomorrow”                                            Portuguese Mass:
                                                                                                                        First and third Saturdays
Maintenance                                                                                                                      at 6 pm
Jose Valverde                                       To ensure the    December 13                    December 20
                                                      protection                                                            Currently Mass at
School Principal                                       of those         Offertory                     Offertory            St. Stephen remains
                                                                       $21,650.00                                               suspended.
Barbara Kavanagh                                      around us,     Online Giving                    $18,037.50
                                                     the faithful       $3,943.00                  Online Giving             Office Hours
Director of
Christian Formation
                                                    are required      Immaculate                       $4,784.00            Monday - Friday
                                                        to wear       Conception                                             9:00- 4:00 pm
Katie Allio                                                             $2,703.00                 Christmas Flowers
                                                        masks     Total……$28,296.00                    $3,419.50          Church is open 7-4pm
Director of                                          or suitable
Youth Ministry                                       face cover-     Non Parochial
                                                                                                                              Sacrament of
Jeremy Vest                                              ings.     Religious Support                                         Reconciliation
                                                                        $3,055.00                     $26,241.00          Saturday- 2:45-3:45pm
                                                      Thank you                                                            Sunday-30 minutes
Music Director                                             &          Grand  Total                                            before Mass
Don Roy                                               God bless!       $31,351.00                                          & by appointment

Bulletin Editor
Phyllis Jenkins
                                                           myParish App                                        Online Giving
pjenkins@seaspcfl.org                               Daily Readings, prayers &                         Saves envelopes (saves parish $)
                                                    much more!                                        No need to write checks (saves
                                                    Go to the App Store or Google                     YOU $)
                   Cover                            Play and search for myParish. Or                  No missing donations while on
                                                    search the internet, myparishapp.com              vacation
            Franz Von Rhoden                        for the ability to find info on all               More efficient form of stewardship
               “Nativity”                           Catholic churches within the Diocese of            Go to www.seaspcfl.org and click
                                                    St. Augustine.                                            Online Giving link.

 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 2                                                 January 3, 2021
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St. Kurikose Elias Chavara: A Prophet of His Times
In 1818 he joined a seminary at the age of 13. Pretty              It was from the printing press he started the first local
soon his parents and only brother died of an epidemic              daily newspaper Deepika came out in 1887.
in the span of three weeks. The only people left at home
were the sister-in-law and her infant daughter. His                St. Chavara is now honored as the one of the most
uncles brought him home from the seminary with the                 influential figures of Kerala in the 19th century
hope that he would stay and take care of his sister-in-            primarily because of his contribution in the field of
law and niece. But he had other ideas.                             education. In 1846 he started the first Sanskrit school in
                                                                   Kerala where children were accepted regardless of their
He wanted to be back in the seminary to follow the                 religion and caste. While St. Chavara was the Vicar
divine call. When he decided to return, his uncles put             General of the Syro-Malabar Catholics, he took
him under house arrest. But he did not relent. He                  pioneering steps in 1864 in establishing schools with all
requested his eldest married sister to help his sister-in-         the Catholic churches in the state. It was a
law and niece. When she agreed, he                                                    revolutionary step unheard of in the
returned to the seminary.                                                             history of the Church in India. If
                                                                                      Kerala has achieved 100% literacy, it
In 1829, at the age of 24, he was                                                     is also because of the radical steps he
ordained a priest. Almost                                                             took in bringing primary education to
immediately, the newly ordained                                                       all the children of the state
priest – Kuriakose Elias Chavara                                                      irrespective of caste and creed.
(1805-1871) – became a shining star in
the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church,                                                    St. Chavara was also a true apostle of
founded by St. Thomas the Apostle in                                                 the sanctity of family life. He worked
India. Together with two other                                                       unceasingly for the spiritual renewal
diocesan priests – Thomas Palackal                                                   of families through parish retreats. He
and Thomas Porukara — he worked                                                      also formulated and published norms
hard to start an indigenous religious                                                and rules for leading an upright
congregation for men for the renewal                                                 Christian life. Some of his published
of the Church in Kerala. And the                                                     works include guidelines for the ideal
Congregation was founded on May                                                      Christian family life. His Testament of
11, 1831 at Mannanam in Kerala. But,                                                 a Loving Father which contains
both Fr. Palackal (1780-1841) and Fr.                                                guidelines for families is still very
Porukara (1800-1848) died before the                                                 popular among the people.
dream was fully realized.                           St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Fr. Chavara kept their dream alive and made his                    One of the greatest achievements of St. Chavara is the
religious profession on December 8, 1855 at Mannanam               Congregation he founded with the active support of
under the name Kuriakose Elias Chavara of the Holy                 Italian missionary Fr. Leopold Bccaro for women,
Family. On that day, as the Superior General of the                known as Congregation of the Mother of Carmel
Congregation, he received the vows of ten of his                   (CMC). This happened at a time when women in Kerala
companions. The Congregation he founded –                          were confined to their kitchens for life. The new
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate – is now the largest                 Congregation for women gave them great
indigenous religious congregation in India with 2000               opportunities to involve in the various ministries of the
priests and 1200 seminarians. The members of this                  Church including education and social work. Now
community now serve in 34 countries in different parts             there are more than 6500 sisters in this Congregation
of the world.                                                      who are serving in different parts of the world.

St. Chavara was an outstanding social reformer. He was             St. Chavara was the initiator of organized works of
a brilliant writer, excellent preacher and was an                  charity in Kerala. The first Home of Charity for the
inspiring champion of the Church who successfully                  elderly was established by him in 1869. He always used
fought against evil forces within and outside the                  to remind everyone that a day without a good deed of
Catholic Church. His achievements include the                      charity will not be counted in the Book of Life. He also
Congregation he founded for women, the two                         founded the first lay charitable organization in Kerala,
seminaries he established, the many schools he started             the Confraternity of St. Joseph for Happy Death.
and the printing press he designed with his own hands.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 3                                         January 3, 2021
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St. Chavara was well-versed in Latin, Italian, Portuguese,
Syriac, Malayalam and Tamil. He authored the first nar-
rative poem in Malayalam (Martyrdom of St. Anastasia),
the first short plays in Malayalam (Shepherd Plays), and
the first biography in Malayalam (Biography of Fr. Thomas
Palackal). His writings include Meditations, Compunction of
a Soul, Thukkasa (Liturgy Guidelines) and Mannanam

A zealous priest with a prophetic vision rooted in divine
intimacy, he was born in Kainakary in the district of
Alapuzha, Kerala. Chavara always led a holy life, com-
mitted to God and to His people. He had total confidence
in God and in His loving providence. He had great devo-
tion to the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Family, Blessed Vir-
gin Mary and St. Joseph. His constant advice to his spir-
itual children was, “live in the love of Jesus, sit with him,
walk with him, and talk with him always.” At the end of
his life he was able to say that he never lost the baptismal
grace he had received in baptism. After dedicating his
Congregation and all its members to the Holy Family he
breathed his last at 7.30 am on January 3, 1871.

Acclaimed by everyone who knew him as a saint, Chava-
ra was beatified by St. John Paul II in 1986 at Kottayam
during his visit to Kerala, India. He was canonized by
Pope Francis in Rome on November 23, 2014. Since he
always promoted family values, he is now known as one
of the patron saints of families. His feast is on January 3.
St. Chavara, pray for us.

             Funny Stories
Three Wise Women: While they were talking about the
story of the three wise men, a woman asked her parish
priest this question, "Do you know why God gave the
star to the wise men?" When he professed his ignorance,
she told him: "God knows men are too proud to ask di-
rections. If there had been three wise women instead of
three wise men, they would have asked for directions,
arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the sta-
ble, made a casserole, and given some practical
gifts!” (via Fr. Tony)

Gift Cards: At the Christmas Eve service at my church,
the pastor, quizzing some children about the nativity,
asked, “What gifts did the three wise men give the Christ
child?” “Gold!” one child yelled. “Frankincense!” shout-
ed another. After a pause, a third asked, “Gift cards?”

How can I help you? After pulling three double shifts in
a row, my brother Billy, a hotel clerk, was worn out. On
one of his few breaks, he went to the hotel restaurant to
grab a bite. When his food came, Billy, his mind in a fog,
bowed his head for the blessing and whispered these
words to God: “Good evening, Holiday Inn, how can I
help you?” —Bob Cook

See you in Church,
Fr. Jose
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 4   January 3, 2021
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Sunday Readings Explained– 77 - Fr. Tony Kadavil
               Epiphany of the Lord, Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mathew 2:1-12

       What Can I Give Him? I Will Give My Heart
Introduction                                                       Jerusalem from which the glory of Yahweh becomes
The Greek word Epiphany (epiphanos), which means                   visible even to the pagan nations. Thus, the prophet in
appearance or manifestation or showing forth, is used to           this passage celebrates the Divine Light emanating
describe       Jesus’   first    appearance     to     the         from Jerusalem and foresees all the nations
Gentiles. Originally the word Epiphany referred to the             acknowledging that Light, enjoying that Light and
visit of a king to the people of his provinces.                    walking by that Light. As a sign of gratitude for the
"Epiphany" refers to God’s Self-revelation as well as to           priceless lessons of Faith offered by Jerusalem, the
the revelation of Jesus as His Son to all                          nations will bring wealth by land and sea, especially
mankind. Epiphany is an older celebration than the                 gold for the Temple and frankincense for the sacrifice.
feast of Christmas, having originated in the East in the           Today’s Responsorial Psalm (Ps 72) declares that all the
late second century. In Italy and Spain, the gifts                 kings of the earth will pay homage to and serve the
traditionally associated with the Christmas season were            God of Israel and His Messiah. Thus, these two
exchanged on the feast of the Epiphany. Among                      readings express hope for a time when “the people of
Italians, it was believed that the gifts were brought by           God” will embrace all nations. As the privileged
the old woman, Befana (from Epiphany), whereas                     recipient of a Divine “epiphany”, Saint Paul reveals
Spanish custom attributed the gifts to the Kings or                God’s “secret plan” – that the Gentiles also have a part
Magi. While in the Western Church, the feast                       with the Jews in Divine blessings. Hence, in the second
commemorates the coming of the Magi as the first                   reading, St. Paul affirms the mystery of God’s plan of
manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, in the Eastern            salvation in Christ. Paul explains that this plan includes
Church, the feast also commemorates the Baptism of                 both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus implemented this Divine
Christ. The angels revealed Jesus to the shepherds, and            plan by extending membership in his Church, making
the star revealed him to the Magi, who had already                 it available to all peoples. Thus, the Jews and the
received      hints    of     Him     from the     Jewish          Gentiles have become “coheirs, members of the same Body,
Scriptures. Later, God the Father revealed          Jesus'         and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the
identity to Israel at his Baptism in the Jordan. In the            Gospel.”
synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus revealed himself as the               Hence, there are no second-class members of Jesus’
promised Messiah. Finally, Jesus revealed himself as a             Body, the Church. Paul declares             that he was
miracle worker at the wedding of Cana, thus revealing              commissioned by Christ to make this mystery known to
his Divinity. These multiple revelations are all                   the world. Today’s Gospel teaches us how Christ
suggested by the Feast of the Epiphany.                            enriches those who bring Him their hearts. Since the
                                                                   Magi came with joy in their hearts to visit the Christ
Scripture Readings Summarized                                      Child, God allowed them to see wondrous things. At
Isaiah 60:1-6, is chosen as today’s first reading, partly          the same time, today’s Gospel hints at different
because it mentions non-Jews bringing gifts in homage              reactions to the news of Jesus’ birth, foreshadowing his
to the God of Israel. Here the Prophet Isaiah, consoling           passion and death, as well as the risen Jesus’ mandate
the people in exile, speaks of the restoration of the New          to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19).

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 5                                      January 3, 2021
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dead before burial. It was a fitting “gift” for Jesus who
                                                                   was born to die. It was also sometimes mingled with
                                                                   wine to form an article of drink. (Mt 27:34) refers to it as
                                                                   “gall.” Such a drink was offered to, and refused by, our
                                                                   Savior before His crucifixion (Mk 15:23), as a stupefying
                                                                   potion. Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering, and af-
                                                                   fliction. The baby Jesus would grow to suffer greatly as
                                                                   a man and would pay the ultimate price when He gave
                                                                   his life on the cross to redeem all mankind, if they chose
                                                                   to believe in Him and receive this gift. In addition,
                                                                   myrrh was used an oriental remedy for intestinal
                                                                   worms in infants, a useful gift for a new baby.
                                                                   These gifts were not only expensive but portable.
                                                                   “Laden with gold and spices, the journey of the magi
Gospel Reading                                                     evokes those journeys made to Solomon by the Queen
Magi and the Star: The Magi were not Kings, but a                  of Sheba and the ‘kings of the earth’ (see 1 Kgs
caste of Persian priests who served Kings, using their             10:2,25; 2 Chr 9:24). Interestingly, the only other plac-
skills in interpreting dreams and watching movements               es where frankincense and myrrh are mentioned to-
of stars. The sixth century Italian tradition, that there          gether are in songs about Solomon (see Song of Songs
were three Magi, Casper, Balthazar, and Melchior, is               3:6, 4:6,14)” (Dr. Scott Hahn). Perhaps Joseph sold the
based on the fact that three gifts are mentioned in Mat-           gifts to finance the Holy Family’s trip to Egypt and
thew’s Gospel: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Ma-              Mary kept myrrh in her medicine chest.           The gifts
gi may actually have been Persian priests or Babylonian            might have been God’s way of providing for the jour-
astronomers or Nabataean spice-traders. Eventually,                ney that lay ahead.
however, they were pictured as representatives of dif-
ferent peoples and races. The Orthodox Church holds                Triple Reactions: The Epiphany can be looked on as a
that the Magi consisted of twelve Kings, corresponding             symbol for our pilgrimage through life to Christ. The
in number to the twelve tribes of Isra-                            feast invites us to see ourselves as images of the Magi, a
el. Commentary on the Torah by Jewish rabbis sug-                  people on a journey to Christ.        Today’s Gospel also
gested that a star appeared in the sky at the births of            tells us the story of the Magi’s encounter with the evil
Abraham, Isaac and Moses. Likewise, in the Book of                 King        Herod. This         encounter       symboliz-
Numbers (24:17), the prophet Balaam speaks of "a star              es three reactions to Jesus’ birth: hatred, indifference,
that shall come out of Jacob." Stars were believed to be           and adoration: a) a group of people headed by Herod
signs from God, announcing important events. Thus,                 planned to destroy Jesus; b) another group, composed
the brightness of the Light to which kings were                    of priests and scribes, ignored Jesus; c) the members of
drawn was made visible in the star they followed. They             a third group -- shepherds and the magi -- adored Jesus
were led by God’s power to Christ and brought gifts to             and offered themselves to Him.
him and his family—to Mary and Joseph—as Isaiah
and the psalmist foresaw.                                          A. The destructive group: King Herod considered
                                                                   Jesus a potential threat to his kingship. Herod the
Gifts: The primary, simplest symbolism of the gifts the Great was a cruel, selfish king who murdered his moth-
Magi brought to the Infant Jesus is that Gold represents           er-in-law, wife, two brothers-in-law and three children
His Kingship, Frankincense, His Divinity, and Myrrh,               on suspicion that they had plotted against him. Herod,
His humanity. Gold, frankincense and myrrh may also                in today’s Gospel, asks the chief priests and scribes
be thought of as prophesying Jesus’ future, gold repre-            where the Messiah is to be born. Their answer says
senting his kingship as well as His Divinity, frankin-             much more, combining two strands of Old Testament
cense a symbol of his priestly role , and myrrh, a pre-            promise - one revealing the Messiah to be from the line
figuring of his death and embalming. Gold was a gift               of David (see 2 Sm 2:5), the other predicting “a ruler of
for Kings, and the Magi accepted the baby Jesus as the             Israel” who will “shepherd his flock” and whose
king of the Jews. Gold is also a symbol of Divinity and            “greatness shall reach to the ends of the earth” (see Mi 5:1-3)
is mentioned throughout the Bible. Pagan idols were                (Dr. Hann). Later, the scribes and Pharisees plotted to
often made from gold and the Ark of the Covenant was               kill Jesus because he had criticized them and tried to
overlaid with gold (Ex 25:10-17).The gift of gold to the           reform some of their practices. Today, many oppose
Christ Child was symbolic of His Divinity—God in                   Christ and his Church because of their selfish motives,
flesh. Frankincense is highly fragrant when burned and             evil ways and unjust lives. Children still have Herods
was therefore used in worship, where it was burned as              to fear. In the United States alone, one and a half mil-
a pleasant offering to God (Ex 30:34), as frankincense is          lion innocent, unborn children are aborted annually.
a symbol of holiness and righteousness. The gift of
frankincense to the Christ Child was symbolic of his               B. The group that ignored Christ: The scribes, the
willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving himself           Pharisees and the Jewish priests knew that there were
up, analogous to a burnt offering. Myrrh was used by               nearly 500 prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures con-
the High Priest as an anointing oil (Ex 30:23) Myrrh was           cerning the promised Messiah. They were able to tell
used in ancient times for embalming the bodies of the              Herod the exact time and place of Jesus’ birth.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 6                                 January 3, 2021
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They were in the habit of concluding their reading from           ment of the Old Testament prophecy from Third Isaiah,
the prophets on the Sabbath day by saying, “We shall              that that all nations would be drawn to this Light. They
now pray for the speedy arrival of the Messiah.” Un-              would come to do homage and worship and praise the
fortunately, they were more interested in their own               Lord, the One Who would shepherd His people.
selfish gains than in discovering the truth. Hence,               Life Messages
they refused to go and see the child Jesus -- even                1. Let us make sure that we belong to the third
though Bethlehem was quite close to Jerusalem. Today,             group. a) Let us worship Jesus at Mass, every day if
many Christians remind us of this group. They prac-               we can, with the gold of our love, the myrrh of our hu-
tice their religion from selfish motives, such as to gain         mility and the frankincense of our adoration. Let us
political power, prestige and recognition by socie-               offer God our very selves, promising Him that we will
ty. They ignore Jesus' teachings in their private lives.          use His blessings to do good for our fellow men. b) Let
                                                                  us plot a better course for our lives as the Magi did,
C. The group that adored Jesus and offered Him                    choosing for ourselves a better way of life in the New
gifts: This group was composed of the shepherds and               Year by abstaining from proud and impure thoughts,
the Magi. The shepherds offered the only gifts they               evil habits, and selfish behavior, sharing our love with
had: love, tears of joy, and probably woolen clothes and          others in acts of charity.           c) Let us become
milk from their sheep. The Magi, probably Persian as-             stars, leading others to Jesus, as the star led the Magi to
trologers, were following                                                                       Him. We can remove or
the star that Balaam predict-                                                                   lessen the darkness of the
ed would rise,along with the                                                                    evil around us by being, if
ruler’s staff, over the house                                                                   not like stars, at least
of Jacob (see Nm 24:17). The                                                                    like candles, radiating Je-
Magi offered gold, in recog-                                                                    sus’ love by selfless service,
nition of Jesus as the King of                                                                  unconditional forgiveness
the Jews; frankincense, in                                                                      and compassionate care.
acknowledgment that he
was God, and myrrh as a                                                                  2. Like the Magi, let us
symbol of his human na-                                                                  offer Jesus God’s gifts
ture. “Like the Magi, every                                                              to us on this feast of
person has two great ‘books’                                                             Epiphany. (a) The first
which provide the signs to                                                               gift might be friendship
guide this pilgrimage: the                                                               with God. After all, the
book of creation and the                                                                 whole point of Christmas
book of Sacred Scripture.                                                                is that God’s Son became
What is important is that we be attentive, alert, and lis- one of us to redeem us and call us friends. God wants
ten to God Who speaks to us, who always speaks to our friendship in the form of wholehearted love and
us.” (Pope Francis)                                         devotion. (b) A second gift might be friendship with
                                                            others. This kind of friendship can be costly. The price
Light and darkness imagery: The Old and the New it exacts is vulnerability and openness to others. The
Testaments speak symbolically of the Real Presence of Good News, however, is that, in offering friendship to
God using the imagery of Light. The “pillar of fire” that others, we will receive back many blessings. (c) A
accompanied the Hebrews during the earlier phases of third gift might be the gift of reconciliation. This gift
the exodus journey, and the “burning bush” episode repairs damaged relationships. It requires honesty,
with Moses are two great examples from the Old Testa- humility, understanding, forgiveness and pa-
ment. In the New Testament, John’s Gospel is excep- tience. (d) The fourth gift of this season is the gift of
tional in its recognition of this ‘Light’ imagery as stand- peace: seeking God’s Peace in our own lives through
ing for God’s presence, He whose “Light shines in the prayer, the Sacramental life, and daily meditation on
darkness” (John 1). Similarly, the imagery of darkness the Word of God. It is out of humble gratitude that we
is used to represent the sinful lives of the chosen peo- give Him from the heart our gifts of worship, prayer,
ple. Their “darkness” – the sins of apostasy and idola- singing, possessions, talents, and time. As we give our
try, and their lack of a true spirituality – eventually insignificant, little gifts to God, the Good News is that
caused them to be led away into exile to Babylonia in God accepts them! Like the Magi offering their gifts of
587 B.C. After about seventy years during which they gold, frankincense and myrrh, we offer what we have,
could ponder the real reason for their misfortunes, the from the heart, in response to what that Child has given
prophet we refer to as “Third Isaiah” announced that to us - Himself.
their relationship with Yahweh was being restored: His Let us conclude with a 19th century English carol, Chris-
Light once more was to be restored to the Israelites (Is tina Rosetti’s A Christmas Carol, which begins, “In the
60:1-6). Once again, they are being called to be His serv- bleak midwinter.” The carol sums up, in its last stanza,
ants, focused on God and not on idols, worldly allure- the nature of "giving to the Christ Child.”
ments or distractions. The Light theme continues into               What can I give him, poor as I am?/If I were a
the Gospel today (Mt 2:1-12), where we see a “star”                 shepherd, I could give a Lamb./If I were a wise
shining in Bethlehem over the “true Light that shines in            man, I could do my part./What I can I give
the darkness,” the Child Jesus. Here we find the fulfill-           Him? Give Him my heart!”
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 7                                     January 3, 2021
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Divorced, Separated & Widowed
                                                                     St. Anastasia Parish
                                                                     5205 A1A South
                                                                     St. Augustine, Fl

                   St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic                  Cost-$60
                   School's volleyball team had an                   Informational session on January 19.
                   outstanding season under the                      For information on the series or to register call 904-471
                   leadership of Coach Marolf. The                   -5364 or email dre@saccfl.org
                   team played fabulously and had
                   a record of 8 wins and only two
                   losses. We are extremely proud                                  Temporary Hours
 of our team and all of their dedication to the sport.
                                                                                         CLOSED                           Shop
 Thanks also to Coach for his guidance and support!                                     Mon/Wed/Fri

                                                                                  Tues/Thurs after 8:30am Mass,
                                                                                   Saturdays after 4:00pm Mass
                                                                                and after ALL Masses on Sundays

                                                                        The 2021 missals are in and available at the Seton
                                                                           Shop for $4.00. Stop by and pick up yours.
                                                                                       See you in the Shop!

                                                                      Please place your canned goods in the collection bins found in
                                                                                    the gathering space of the church.

                                                                                Outreach Ministry
                                                                                             Mon, Wed, Fri
                                                                                              10am - 1pm
                                                                                               December 20
                                                                                    Pantry shelves are very LOW.
                                                                                   Please help us to help the needy!
                                                                                            Pantry Needs:
                                                                         Pork & beans; jelly; canned tuna, Ramen noodle

                                                                         Thank you for your continued generosity!

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In Memoriam                     Readings for the Week of January 3
                                                       We remember all our           Sunday          Solemnity of the
                                                       departed brothers and                         Epiphany of the Lord
                                                        sisters with love and                        Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11,
                                                              gratitude.                             12-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-
                                                                                     Monday          Memorial of Saint Elizabeth
                                                                                                     Ann Seton, Religious
Monday, January 4                                                   Eileen Heil                      1 Jn 3:22—4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-
7:00am Donald Bruder                                                                                 12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
8:30am Olga Oubina                                              August 28, 1967—     Tuesday         Memorial of Saint John
                                                                September 7, 2020                    Neumann, Bishop
                                                                                                     1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8;
Tuesday, January 5                                                                                   Mk 6:34-44
7:00am Jack Averell                                                                  Wednesday       Saint André Bessette,
8:30am Kuchman Family                                                                                Religious
                                                      Angela Gulotta
                                                                                                     1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-
Wednesday, January 6                                                                                 13; Mk 6:45-52
7:00am George Martin                                  August 5, 1941 -
                                                     December 17, 2020               Thursday        Saint Raymond of Penyafort,
8:30am Ron & Joan Conway                                                                             Priest
                                                                                                     1 Jn 4:19—5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14
Thursday, January 7                                      Eternal rest, grant                         and 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a
7:00am    Richard D. Candelmo Sr.                        unto them O Lord            Friday          1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-13, 14-
8:30am    Tara Rios                                    and let perpetual light                       15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16
                                                         shine upon them.            Saturday        1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5
Friday,     January 8                                  May they rest in peace.                       and 6a and 9b; Jn 3:22-30
7:00am      Thomas McNicholas                                                        Sunday          Feast of the Baptism of the
8:30am      Donald O’Brien Jr.                                   Amen.                               Lord
                                                                                                     Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps
Saturday, January 9                                                                                  29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3,
8:30am    Frankie Celico                            Those who stay                                   4bcd, 5-6 (3); Acts 10:34-38 or
4:00pm    Maureen Ramsey                            home and participate                             1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11
                                                    in the Mass through
Sunday,       January 10                            television or social               Please remember that you may still
                                                    media may come to                          donate to our parish
8:00am         Ruth Manning                                                                         by using
10:00am       SEAS Parishioners                     receive Holy                                 Online Giving.
12:00pm        Patricio Herrera                     Communion at 1:30
                                                    pm on Sunday in the church.               Go to www.seaspcfl.org
5:00pm (S)     Virginia Oliver Arce
                                                                                     Worship Aid for Mass/QR Code
                                                                 Free Covid          You can now view the readings for
                               * St. Stephens                      Testing           Mass by using our new Mass Wor-
                                                                                     ship Aids!     You can use your
                                                    The Health Dept. will offer      smartphone camera to “scan” the
                                                    free Covid-19 testing in the     QR code below – this will take you
                                                    church’s north parking lot on    to the Worship Aid for Mass! The
                                                    Fridays from 9:30 to 11:00 am.   QR code is posted in the gathering
                                                    No appointment is necessary      space in the church and you can al-
                                                    but is limited to 60 tests per   so go to our website at http://
                                                    Friday- north parking lot.       seaspcfl.org/worship-aids to down-
                                                                                     load the Worship Aid.
    Prayer Garden                                   Coffee and donuts
                                                    will not be held after
Our Prayer Garden is a peaceful place for prayer    the 8 and 10 o'clock
and meditation. Purchasing a brick in the Prayer    Masses on Sunday
Garden for someone who has died is a wonderful      December 27 and January 3,
                                                    2021 due to the Christmas and
way to remember that the person is still with you   New Year's holiday. This is a
in thoughts and through prayer. The purchase of     long standing tradition in
a brick is $100.00; please consider honoring a      consideration to our loyal
loved one. Contact the Rectory Office for more      volunteers but, will resume on
details.                                            Sunday, January 10, 2021.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 9                                      January 3, 2021
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January 3, 2021 - cloudfront.net
Ten Candles Burning in the Holy Of Holies                            Please Pray for Our Sick
                         January 2— January 8                       Alex Calder                                 Larry DeCamillo
                                                                    Alexander Lumag                                  Lee Dupont
                                                                    Anne Garbarino                                 Linda Perkins
                  IN MEMORY OF:                                     Ariana Marcette                               Linda Walezuk
    Roseann Bradley; Sheila Smith; David Widom;                     Ashley Clarke                                       Lisa Cass
                                                                    Barbara Johnson                                  Lisa D’Aleo
    Richard D. Candelmo Sr; Anthony Rodriguez;                      Betsy Masi                                      Liz Campbell
  Donald Byrnes; Rodolfo D. Pereda; Alvaro A. Florez;               Bob Plante                                         Liz Gentile
                  Elsa M. Craviotol                                 Bobby Phillips                                     Liza Sousa
                                                                    Bridgette Keiper                                 Louis Lubin
                                                                    Cash Krempecki                                    Lucy Denis
                          FOR INTENTIONS OF:                        Charlene Carbino                       Madison Hope DeVane
                            Maria Almei da                          Charles Salerno                             Margaret Berkley
                                                                    Christine Salerno                             Marie Martinez
                                                                    Courtney McCormick                            Marie Piscitelli
   In our Holy of Holies, we have ten candles always                David Vanoy                                     Mary Gaudio
 burning around the tabernacle, just as in the temple               Diane Purcell                            Mary Doris Kolesar
 in Jerusalem there were ten lights always burning                  Donald Major                                    Mary Wright
                                                                    Dorothea Gilbert                               Mary Zuccaro
 around the Ark of the Covenant. They indicate the                  Drude Riba                                   Mervin Winters
 presence of our precious Lord in the Blessed Sacra-                Elizabeth Cataldo                              Michelle Pinto
 ment.                                                              Estelle Bauer                                       Mina Bico
                                                                    Eugene Tantodonato                           Orietta Ritchotle
   The candles used are seven day candles and may be                Haidy N. Segouia                                  Ray Ramey
 purchased either in memoriam or for the intentions                 Harriette Acocella                         Raymond Lawson
 of a loved one for a $10 donation through the Seton                Jack Leger                               Remington Walczak
                                                                    Ilda J. Frazao                              Richard Heinrich
 Shop. This space lists the names of those for whom                 Jack Verrette                                Robert Dowling
 candles have been purchased.                                       Jacueline M. LaGrange                        Roger L. Muller
                                                                    James DeCastro                                      Ron Czier
                                                                    James Russell                             Rosemarie Modica
             Please Pray for Our Military                           Janet White                                  Rosita Hogwath
                                                                    Janice Matarazzo                                Roy Johnston
 Although we pray for all of our military, space does not           Jeannie Corra                                Sally Lombardo
         permit everyone’s name to be printed.                      Jennifer Sousa                           Salvatore Catapano
     Please advise when a person above is no longer                 Joanne DeSouza                            Sharon Harrington
  deployed so we can remove their name from our list.               Joanne Mulligan                                 Sharon Rains
                                                                    John Anthony Rivera                             Sonja Savage
 1st Lt. Brendan Leonard (US Army)                                  John Verboon                                  Tera Frassrand
     ENS Amanda Langhauser (US Navy)                                John Walczak                                       Terry Lilly
 Sgt. Patrick Prevot (US Army)                                      Jose Miguel Godoy                            Thomas Bradley
     SSGT Christian Rodriguez (USAF/Iraq)                           Joseph Bartolotta                        Thomas Sokolowski
 Lt. Col. Robert A. Forte (US Army/Iraq)                            Joseph Bentzley                               Timothy Earley
    Sgt. Thomas Loughery (USAF)                                     Joseph Pavon                                     Tom Dinger
 Lt. John Reidy (US Navy/Submarine)                                 Joseph Vascellaro                                 Victor Chin
    SSgt. Charles Salerno (USAF/Germany)                            Karen Murphy                                Vincent Positano
 Blaine Isom (US Air Force/Afghanistan)                             Kimberly Joyce                               Wendy Bentzley
    Sgt. James Allgor (US Army/Kuwait)                                                                             William Dunn
 Michael Alexander Alvarado (USAF)
    ETSN Luis V. AlmaJose (US Navy Submarine)
 MM3 Holden Garrison/ (US Navy)                                       Please contact the parish office if you wish to have the
    Kyle McCrossen (US Army/Iraq)                                              name of someone listed for 4 weeks.
 Terisa Toussaint (USMC/Iraq)
    Erin & Ben Walker (Iraq)                                                      As a courtesy please notify the office
 2nd Lt Christian San Miguel (US Army)                                            when the name can be removed or if
    Stephen Hayes (US Air Force/Iraq)
 Christian Gardner (Army National Guard)                                         you wish to have the name continued.

 Attention Ladies of the Parish:                                                Be sure to get the persons permission first!
 The Ladies Guild will begin our
 meetings on Thursday January 21 at                                                         Mass on TV
 9 am. We have not met since last                                                      for the Homebound
 February and are happy to be able to                                          https://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule
 start again. It has been a long wait for everyone but our                             Sunday Mass-8:00am
 hearts and prayers go out to all who have been affected            DIRECTV—Channel: 370
 by this virus. If you are not a member yet, we extend              DISH—Channel 261
 our invitation to all the ladies of our Parish to consider         SPECTRUM— Channel 169
 joining. Come to our meeting on Thursday, January 21
                                                                    ATT U—Verse—Channel 562
 in the Parish hall. Please contact Vivian at 386-693-6272
 for information or any questions. We are a spiritual               SIRIUS Radio—Channel 130 /XM
 and social group that supports our Parish.                         SPECTRUM– Channel 20
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 10                                   January 3, 2021
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                                                                    During this current time
                                                                    of COVID - 19 the hours
                                                                    of Adoration are Monday
                                                                    through Friday 6:30 am
                                                                    until 4:00 pm. Saturday, 7
                                                                    am until 4 pm and Sunday
                                                                    before and in between
                                                                    Masses until 1:30 pm.

                                                                    The Exposition and
                                                                    adoration of the Blessed
                                                                    Sacrament is on the first
2021 Respect Life Collection.                                       Friday of the month from 9
Join us in restoring the culture of life, one heart at a            am until 4 pm. We thank you for your cooperation
time, by supporting the 2021 Respect Life Collection,               and understanding during this time.
January 16-17. Proceeds directly benefit your parish
Respect Life ministry, 32 Pregnancy Resource Centers,               Please remember that if the Holy of Holies is filled
4 Maternity Homes, 2 Post-Abortion Programs Rachel’s                you are encouraged to pray in the main worship area
Vineyard and Project Rachel, and 3 College Campus                   of the church.
Ministry programs. To donate, use the envelope in your
church pew or donating electronically on the SEAS                    Anyone interested in spending time with Our
website. Thank you for changing “crisis to caring”.                  Lord in Adoration should call Gilda Sadio at
Your donation is vital to save precious lives.                       386-263-7935 for availability and information.
Mark your calendars. This year’s March for Life in St
Augustine will be held on Friday and Saturday January                 USCCB Addresses Ethical Concerns
15th and 16th, 2021. Friday night features a Leadership                 on New COVID-19 Vaccines
Training workshop for College Students, mass followed               On Dec. 14, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-
by the rosary, and adoration. The march on Saturday                 South Bend, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catho-
begins with a 9:00 am mass with bishop Estevez.                     lic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine, and
Speakers and entertainment follow. This year’s keynote              Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kan-
speakers are Patricia Sandoval and Pam Stenzel.                     sas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life
                                                                    Activities, issued a statement on the new COVID-19
Patricia Sandoval is a California-born daughter of                  vaccines. In their statement, the bishops address the
Mexican immigrants, is a renowned, full-time,                       moral concerns raised by the fact that the three vaccines
international pro-life and chastity speaker who was                 that appear to be ready for distribution in the United
miraculously raised from the ashes of post- abortion                States all have some connection to cell lines that origi-
syndrome (PAS) following three abortions,                           nated with tissue taken from abortions.
methamphetamine addiction, homelessness, and the
horror of employment at Planned Parenthood. Pam,                    With regard to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, they
Founder of ENLIGHTEN COMMUNICATIONS Inc.,                           concluded:
                                                                    “In view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the
tackles today’s tough issues of sex with candor, insight,           lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons
humor, and the challenge for young people to make the               to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and
healthiest choice and save sex for marriage.                        Moderna are sufficiently serious to justify their use, de-
                                                                    spite their remote connection to morally compromised
The Respect Life Ministry of SEAS is always looking for             cell lines.
new members of all ages. Our next meeting will be on                With regard to the AstraZeneca vaccine, the bishops
January 9, 2021 at 9:30 in the Cody Room.                           found it to be “more morally compromised” and conse-
                                                                    quently concluded that this vaccine “should be avoid-
                                                                    ed” if there are alternatives available. “It may turn out,
January 9                                                           however, that one does not really have a choice of vac-
2021 Diocesan Women's                                               cine, at least, not without a lengthy delay in immuniza-
Conference                                                          tion that may have serious consequences for one’s
Sponsored by the Family Life                                        health and the health of others,” the bishop chairmen
Office                                                              stated. “In such a case … it would be permissible to ac-
                                                                    cept the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., UNF Ad-                                     “Receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines ought to be
am W. Herbert University Cen-                                       understood as an act of charity toward the other mem-
ter, Jacksonville. Open to all women of the diocese. A              bers of our community. In this way, being vaccinated
virtual option is also being offered                                safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of
To register early https://family.dosafl.com/                        love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibil-
womensconference/                                                   ity for the common good.”
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 11                                     January 3, 2021
                                                                                            View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
  Every First and Third Sunday of the month after Noon
  Mass. One preparation class is required. Classes are offered
  every second Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Rectory
  Meeting Room. Please contact the Rectory office in advance.
  Holy Matrimony
  Please contact the Rectory office at least 8 months prior to       January 4
  wedding.                                                           St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  Anointing of the Sick                                              1774-1821
  If you or your loved one is in need of the Sacrament of
  Anointing please call the Rectory office. We also have             She is the founder of the first Catholic
  dedicated Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion            schools in the United States and is the
  to the sick and the homebound.                                     patron saint of Catholic schools,
  Sacrament of Reconciliation                                        widows, and seafarers. Elizabeth Ann Bayley
  Saturday 2:45-3:45pm, Sunday 30 minutes before Mass, & by appt.    Seton was born into a wealthy Episcopalian family in
                                                                     New York City.
  Eucharistic Adoration (* New Covid Hours –see page 10)                          January 5
  6 am to 12 midnight every day except during the time of
  Mass. Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament                         St. John Neumann
  from 9 am on First Fridays till 8.15 am next day.                               1811-1860
  8 am on weekdays; 4:30pm on Sundays (Spanish)                                   John Nepomucene Neumann CSsR was
  Miraculous Medal Novena                                                         a Catholic priest from Bohemia. He is
  After 8.30 am Mass every Tuesday.                                               the first United States bishop to be
                        Religious Education
  Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)                          January 6
  Classes for Grades 1-8 on Wednesdays and Thursdays from            St. Andre Bessette
  6.15 pm to 7.30 pm. For more information, please contact           1845-1937
  the Director of Religious Education at the Rectory office
  (386-445-2246; extension 112)                                      Commonly known as Brother André,
  Children’s Catechism Classes                                       he was a lay brother of
  All children from 1st through 8th grade who are not
  attending Catholic school should be attending PREP                 the Congregation of Holy Cross and a
  classes. Children preparing for the Sacrament of the               significant figure of the Roman
  Eucharist or Confirmation need to attend a two-year                Catholic Church among French-Canadians, credited
  catechetical program.                                              with thousands of reported miraculous
  First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion                      oil healings associated with his pious devotion
  Children preparing for the Sacrament of                            to Saint Joseph.
  Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist
  need to attend a two-year catechetical program which
  includes six Sunday classes of Sacramental                                       January 7
  preparation prior to each Sacrament.                                             St. Raymond of Penyafort
  Confirmation Formation                                                           1185-1275
  Children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation
  need two attend a two-year catechetical program                                  Catalan Dominican friar who compiled
  which includes three Sunday classes of Sacramental                               the Decretals of Gregory IX, a body of
  preparation and the annual Confirmation retreat.                                 medieval legislation that remained part
  For more information about Catechism, First Holy                                 of church law until the Code of Canon
  Communion or Confirmation, please contact Katie                                  Law was promulgated in 1917.
  Allio at 386-445-2246 extension 112.
  Please call the Director of Christian Formation at the             January 10
  Rectory office if any non-Catholic is interested in joining the    Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
  Catholic Church (386-445-2246; extension 112). Classes will
  begin in October.                                                  The Baptism of the Christ, or
              Holy Orders and Religious Life                         Theophany, is the feast day
  If you believe that you or someone you know has a                  commemorating the baptism of Jesus
  vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please contact       in the Jordan River by John the
                   frjared@saccfl.org                                Baptist.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 12                              January 3, 2021
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Diocese of St. Augustine- How to Report Abuse
ATTENTION: The Diocese of St. Augustine treats all allegations                      ATENCION: La Diócesis de San Agustín trata seriamente todas
of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a                  las acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, de manera rápida,
prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call                    confidencial y minuciosa. Para reportar Abuso, llame a la policía o
the police or the Department of Children and Families at (800) 962‐                 al Departamento de Niños y Familias al (904) 962‐2873. O llame al
2873. Or call the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (904)                   Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia a Víctimas (904) 208‐6979 o
208‐6979 or email inquiries@dosafl.com. To report abuse by a bish-                  envíe un correo electrónico a inquiries@dosafl.com. Para denunciar
op, call (800) 276‐1562 or visit www.reportbishopabuse.org.                         abuso por parte de un obispo, llame al (800) 276‐1562 o visite

PAUNAWA: Ipinagbibigay alam na lubos na pinahahalagahan                             Atenção: A Diocese de Santo Agostinho trata seriamente todas as
ng Diyosesis ng San Agustin ang mga paratang sa anumang uri ng                      Alegações de ma conduta sexual e lida com todas as alegações de
abusong sekswal, at agad na masusing sinusuri ang anumang ale-                      maneira rápida, confindencial e completa. Para denunciar o abuso,
gasyon habang pinananatiling kumpidensyal. Kung meron kayong                        ligue para a policia ou o Departamento de Criancas e Familias pelo
nalalamang alegasyon tumawag agad sa Pulisya o kaya ay sa De-                       telefone (904) 962‐2873. Ou ligue para o coordenador diocesano de
partment of Children and Families (800) 962‐2873. O tawagan ang                     asistência para as vítimas em telefone (904) 208‐6979 ou envie um
Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator sa (904) 208‐6979 o kaya                     email para inquiries@dosafl.com. Para denunciar abusos de um
ay mag‐email sa inquiries@dosafl.com. Kung ang irereport nyo                        bispo, ligue para (800) 276‐1562 ou visite
naman ay isang Obispo, tumawag sa (800) 276‐1562 o kaya ay                          www.reportbishopabuse.org
tumungo sa www.reportbishopabuse.org

                                                                    Ministries                                   Need to update this list? email pjenkins@seaspcfl.org

 Prayer And Devotional Groups             Queen Of Peace Prayer Group              Bingo                                      Seton Shop
 Adoration:                               Contact: Katherine Gribbin               Contact: Cathy Hrickewicz                  Contact: Sue Shierling
 Contact:Gildasadio1@Yahoo.Com            Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Parishlife@Seaspcfl.Org                    Sshierling1@Gmail.Com
 Bible Study                              Regina Pacis & Medjugorje Prayer Grp     Black Catholic Guild                       Spiritual Life Committee
 Contact: Pedyne Joseph 386 445-2246      Contact: Carole And Bob Storme           Contact: Elaine Toppin                     Contact: Carole Storme
 Bio Ethics                               Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Elainetoppin@Yahoo.Com                     Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Deacon Ed Wolfe                 Rosa Mystical Prayer Group               Extraordinary Ministers Of                 Seton Hall
 wolfepack@bellsouth.net                  Contact: Lucy Pono                       Holy Communion                             Contact: Larry DeCamillo
 Charismatic Prayer Group                 Rosary Cenacle Prayer Group              Contacts E.Leonardeleonard@seaspcfl.org    seton-hall@seaspcfl.org
 English Language Contact: Betti Masi     Contact: Marie Estabrook 386 447-0847    Home Sweet Home/Cleaning Ministry          St. Michael’s Ministry
 Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Rosary Makers                            Contact: Hilda Rausini                     Contact: Mike Tennyson
 Spanish Language: Lydia Figueroa         Contact: Salud Gaoat                     rita1947@aol.com                           miketennyson@gmail.com
 Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Salumel@Yahoo.Com                        Ladies Guild                               Sunday Hospitality
 Cursillo/Ultreya                         San Lorenzo Ruiz                         Contact: Sylvia Reyes                      Contact: Charlie Salerno 386 503-6288
                                          Contact: Deacon Tom/Necitas              Parishlife@Seaspcfl.Org                    Ushers
 Contact: Alise Mckinney:
                                          Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Lazos De Amor (Ribbons of Love)            Contact: Jamie Burns
                                          Spanish Prayer Group                     Contact: John Merced: 732-778-0363         Parishlife@Seaspcfl.Org
 Marina Medina (Spanish Coordinator)
                                          Contact: Alba Dimas                      lt195jm@gmail.com                          Greeters
 Velez41@Yahoo.Com                        Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org                                                          Contact: Jamie Burns
 Divine Mercy Prayer Group                St. Nino Prayer Group                    Contact:E.Leonard eleonard@seaspcfl.org    Parishlife@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Margarita Serrano               Contact: Teresa San Ramon 224 659-6044   Legion Of Mary                             Welcome Station
 Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               St. Padre Pio Prayer Group               Contact: Dave DiNardi                      Contact: JerryKuchman
 Evangelization                           Contact: Hilda Rausini                   Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org                 Parishlife@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Denise LaFrance                 Rita1947@Aol.Com                         Men’s Club                                 Youth Ministry
 Palmcoasthomestore.com                   Sunday Scripture Prayer Group            Contact: Charles Salerno                   Contact: DonnaRoane
 Knights of Columbus                      Contact: Pat Eccleston                   charlessalerno@att.net                     Droane@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Mike Tennysen                   Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Mother Seton Outreach                      Jeremy Vest Jvest@Seaspcfl.Org
 miketennyson@gmail.com                   Teams Of Our Lady                        Contact: 386 597-3359                      Faith Formation
 Lectio Divina Group                      Contact: Nate & Barbara Flach            Multi-Cultural                             Contact: Katie Allio Kallio@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Irma V. Catalan                 nwflach@aol.com                          Contact: Marina Medina
 Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Our Lady Of Perpetual Help               multicultural150@gmail.com                 SEAS Support Groups
 Lord of Miracles                         Contact: Teresa San Ramon 386 445-2246   Music Ministry                             Bereavement
 Contact: Zonny Carbonna 908 403-9194     Lay Carmelites                           Contact: Don Roy Droy7@Cfl.Rr.Com          Contact: Pam Cowles
 Natural Family Planning                  Contact: Ramonita Fiorentino             Gildasadio1@Yahoo.Com                      Healthministry@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: David And Marcela Medina        Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Prison Ministry                            Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support
 Marcedemedina@Hotmail.Com                Secular Franciscans                      Contact: Deacon Bob                        Contact: Pam Cowles
 Perpetual Adoration                      Contact: Debbie Womack                   Rdevereux@Aol.Com                          Healthministry@Seaspcfl.Org
 Contact: Gilda Sadio                     Debbie.Womack@Comcast.Net                Respect Life                               Health Ministry
 Portuguese Prayer Group                                                           Contact: Dave Flynn                        Contact: Pam Cowles
 Contact: Deacon Jose                                                              Dflynn49@Outlook.Com                       Healthministry@Seaspcfl.Org
 homem4@aol.com                           Service Groups                           Sacristans                                 Cancer Support Group
 Prayer Network                           Altar Servers                            Contact:                   @seaspcfl.Org   Contact: Louise Kummer
 Contact: Joseph Bartolotta               Contact: Elaine Leonard                  Seton Library                              Healthministry@Seaspcfl.Org
 Spirituallife@Seaspcfl.Org               Eleonard@Seaspcfl.Org                    Contact: Harriett Acocella                 Hospital Ministry
                                                                                   Paradise1416hv@Cfl.Rr.Com                  Contact: John Merced: 732-778-0363

                             Saturday                               Sunday                              Sunday                                 Sunday
  Jan. 9/10                  4:00 PM                                8:00 AM                            10:00 AM                               12:00 PM
                              Church                                Church                              Church                                 Church
   Lectors               Bill Klinkenberg                     Francine Rodino                        Don Overbey                          Kathy Timlin
                          Jennifer Troy                        Pedyne Joseph                          Marc Reyes                        Corinna Martinez

 Eucharistic                 Team # 2                               Team # 3                            Team # 4                              Team # 5

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 13                                                                  January 3, 2021
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