January 3, 2021 - cloudfront.net
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January 3, 2021 Nicene Creed Credo de Nicea I believe in one God, Creo en un solo Dios, the Father almighty, Padre todopoderoso, maker of heaven and earth, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, of all things visible and invisible. de todo lo visible y lo invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, the Only Begotten Son of God, born Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre of the Father before all ages. God antes de todos los siglos: Dios de from God, Light from Light, true God Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de from true God, begotten, not made, Dios verdadero, engendrado, no consubstantial with the Father; creado, de la misma naturaleza del through him all things were made. For Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; us men and for our salvation he came que por nosotros lo hombres, down from heaven, and by the Holy y por nuestra salvación Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin bajó del cielo, y por obra del Espíritu Mary, and became man. Santo se encarnó de María, la For our sake he was crucified under Virgen, y se hizo hombre; Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and y por nuestra causa fue crucificado was buried, and rose again on the en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; third day in accordance with the padeció y fue sepultado, Scriptures. He ascended into heaven y resucitó al tercer día, según las and is seated at the right hand of the Escrituras, y subió al cielo, Father. He will come again in glory to y está sentado a la derecha del judge the living and the dead and his Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria kingdom will have no end. para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from Creo en el Espíritu Santo, the Father and the Son, who with the Señor y dador de vida, Father and the Son is adored and que procede del Padre y del Hijo, glorified, who has spoken through the que con el Padre y el Hijo prophets. recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. I believe in one, holy, catholic and Creo en la Iglesia, apostolic Church. I confess one que es una, santa, católica y Baptism for the forgiveness of sins apostólica. and I look forward to the Confieso que hay un solo bautismo resurrection of the dead and the life para el perdón de los pecados. of the world to come. Espero la resurrección de los Amen. muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén. 10110 N. Central Ave. Tampa, FL 33612 * mhrtampa.org * 813-933-2859 * (fax) 813-932-6153
Mass Intentions All Masses will be in the + - Deceased HG - Healing Graces Duffy Hall BB - Birthday Blessings Saturday, Jan. 2nd, 2021 5:00pm + George Hudock Monday, Jan. 4th - 6:45am Senior & Jr. + Jose Rodriguez Thursday, Jan. 7th - 6:00pm Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 2021 Tuesday, Jan. 5th - Debbie Jahnigen (BB) 8:00am Rosemary Fenton (HG) 6:45am +Mary T. Mendoza Friday, Jan. 8th - 6:00pm 10:00am Handmaids of Mary & 6:00pm Deacon Ted Martin (BB) + Gladys Gonzalez Padre Pio members (living & Wednesday, Jan. 6th - Saturday, Jan. 9th - 8:30am deceased) 8:30am Increase vocations to All souls in Purgatory 12:30pm + Nicole Pagan & Jose the Priesthood Rodriguez 7:00pm + Pedro Enrique Arias Prayer of Saint Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Sunday, January 3, 2021 Readings Psalm - PS 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13. R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. Gospel - Mt. 2:1-12 - When Jesús was bórn in Bethlehem óf Júdea, in the days óf King Heród, behóld, magi fróm the east arrived in Jerúsalem, saying, "Where is the newbórn king óf the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have cóme tó dó him hómage." When King Heród heard this, he was greatly tróúbled, and all Jerúsalem with him. Assembling all the chief priests and the scribes óf the peóple, He inqúired óf them where the Christ was tó be bórn. They said tó him, "In Bethlehem óf Júdea, fór thús it has been written thróúgh the próphet: And yóú, Bethlehem, land óf Júdah, are by nó means least amóng the rúlers óf Júdah; since fróm yóú shall cóme a rúler, whó is tó shepherd my peóple Israel." Then Heród called the magi secretly and ascertained fróm them the time óf the star's appearance. He sent them tó Bethlehem and said, "Gó and search diligently fór the child. When yóú have fóúnd him, bring me wórd, that I tóó may gó and dó him hómage." After their aúdience with the king they set óút. And behóld, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, úntil it came and stópped óver the place where the child was. They were óverjóyed at seeing the star, and ón entering the hóúse they saw the child with Mary his móther. They próstrated themselves and did him hómage. Then they ópened their treasúres and óffered him gifts óf góld, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream nót tó retúrn tó Heród, they departed fór their cóúntry by anóther way. Lecturas del Domingo 3 de Enero del 2021 Salmo - Sal 71, 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13. R. Que te adoren, Señor, todos los pueblos. Evangelio - Mt. 2, 1-12 - Jesús nació en Belen de Júda, en tiempós del rey Heródes. Unós magós de óriente llegarón entónces a Jerúsalen y pregúntarón: “¿Dónde esta el rey de lós júdíós qúe acaba de nacer? Pórqúe vimós súrgir sú estrella y hemós venidó a adórarló”. Al enterarse de estó, el rey Heródes se sóbresaltó y tóda Jerúsalen cón el. Cónvócó entónces a lós súmós sacerdótes y a lós escribas del púebló y les pregúntó dónde tenía qúe nacer el Mesías. Ellós le cóntestarón: “En Belen de Júda, pórqúe así ló ha escritó el prófeta: Y tú, Belen, tierra de Júda, nó eres en manera algúna la menór entre las ciúdades ilústres de Júda, púes de ti saldra ún jefe, qúe sera el pastór de mi púebló, Israel”. Entónces Heródes llamó en secretó a lós magós, para qúe le precisaran el tiempó en qúe se les había aparecidó la estrella y lós mandó a Belen, diciendóles: “Vayan a averigúar cúidadósamente qúe hay de ese ninó y, cúandó ló encúentren, avísenme para qúe yó tambien vaya a adórarló”. Despúes de óír al rey, lós magós se púsierón en caminó, y de próntó la estrella qúe habían vistó súrgir, cómenzó a gúiarlós, hasta qúe se detúvó encima de dónde estaba el ninó. Al ver de núevó la estrella, se llenarón de inmensa alegría. Entrarón en la casa y vierón al ninó cón María, sú madre, y póstrandóse, ló adórarón. Despúes, abriendó sús cófres, le ófrecierón regalós: óró, inciensó y mirra. Advertidós dúrante el súenó de qúe nó vólvieran a Heródes, regresarón a sú tierra pór ótró caminó. MC: Main Church - SAR: St. Anthony Retreat House - SAC: St. Anthony Chapel - DH: Main Hall
Catalina Nieves, Juan Rosales, Leticia Pray for the Sick & Deceased Bernal, Rev. Rafael Martos, Peter Perez, Weekly Offering Carlos Gonzalez, Ella Lopez, Familia Roblero, Familia Juarez, Maria Valle, Luis A. Gonzalez, Ligia & Timothy Grams, Flora Cooper, Judith Gonzalez, Olga I. Soto, Betzaida 12/19/20 - 12/20/20 Mercado, Kassandra Moran, Gloria Gomez, Henry Salazar, Lou Zilli, Tina Lutkus Mass Amount Zimmerman, Bob Davies, Eileen Odom, Teresa Fernandez, Glorimar, Angel Rodriguez. Time Collected Into your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful depart, through the mercy of God, rest in 5:00pm $804 peace. 8:00am $910 Victor Cruz, Betty Pike Mercurio, Carol Cornelius, Delano Nurse, Elias Figueroa, Robert Fisher, Maria Gaubeca. 10:00am $1,098 12:30pm $958 Happy Epiphany of the Lord! Online $3,684 Lórd Jesús may Yóúr light shine óúr way, as ónce it gúided the steps óf the Magi: that we Totals $7,454 tóó may be led intó Yóúr presence and wórship Yóú, the Child óf Mary, Móther óf 2020 APA Gód, the Wórd óf the Father, the King óf natións, the Savióúr óf mankind; in únión Assessment $87,078 with Yóúr heavenly Father and the Hóly Pledged $81,215 Spirit, Yóú are One Gód fórever and ever. Amen. Paid $80,872 Let’s Grow Our Flock! Contributors 207 Annóúncing Flocknote a new way tó stay cónnected We are úsing flócknóte tó get yóú úp tó the minúte infórmatión and messages Dear Parish Family, delivered right tó yóúr email ór phóne We want to THANK YOU for your generosity during these tó help keep ús cónnected as a parish times. Many of you have made it cómmúnity. possible for us to continue our mission in this community Simply text MHRFLOCK tó 84576 ór visit through Online Giving MostHolyRedeemerCatholi2.flócknóte.cóm tó register and chóóse tó receive úpdates fróm the gróúps yóú’re interested in. We know this is a difficult time for everyone, so please know you and Unsubscribe at anytime. No spam, we promise! your families continue to be in our prayers. Dive into the Beauty of our While we slowly reopen our Catholic Faith church please consider continuing your donations through Online FORMED is a digital platfórm that gives Giving to help minimize potential Cathólics access tó thóúsands óf featúre films, exposure or spreading of the virus. dócúmentaries, aúdió presentatións, and eBóóks tó help yóú grów clóser tó Christ and His Chúrch by learning abóút the beaúty With Online Giving you can make óf óúr Faith with óver 4,000 titles are available ón almóst any device! donations via your smart device or computer. MHR parishióners have free únlimited access with óúr parish súbscriptión by If you would like to visiting FORMED.órg sign up visit: osvonlinegiving.com/931 Then Click “Sign Up” • Select “I Belóng tó a Parish ór Organizatión” • Find óúr parish by name ór zip códe • Enter yóúr email – and yóú’re in! KOC: Knights of Columbus - BR: Benefactor Room - MS: Mary Serina - PR: Patio Room
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