January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church

January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
   is a caring community
  of disciples, proclaiming
      the good news of
         Jesus Christ.

                                                January, 2022

“See, I am going to bring them from the land of the north, and gather them from the farthest parts of the
earth, among them the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labor, together; a great company,
they shall return here.” The words of Jeremiah lead us into our year of reading the Gospel of Luke. Luke
and Jeremiah show us our God, the God of Israel and the God of Jesus, a God who cares for broken
people. They are the sisters and brothers our Father is gathering home to Himself. The beautiful secret is
that we are all wounded. We aren’t alone. That’s part of who we are, right? When we wake up to the
healing we need… and to the healing our Father touches us with in His Son Jesus… we wake up to
salvation. We begin our journey home to our God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the New Year begins, our Wednesday evening Bible Study resumes on Zoom at 7pm. Make it part of
your New Year and your spiritual life. Or think about joining us for daily prayer on Monday evenings as
well as Wednesday and Friday mornings. There is also the chance to study Lutheran theology and other
aspects of our faith and spiritual life during our Friday Faith Conversations at 1230pm via Zoom. Sundays
before worship we chat over coffee and the issues of our day at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. And there is
much more. Keep an eye on the calendar.

Want to dig deeper into your faith life and help create the future of Grace? Join the Faithful Innovations
team. We will meet three times with others around the Synod… all from the comfort of your home on
Zoom. Faithful Innovations will teach us to think and dream of new ways to be the Church. We will meet
only three times: January, March and May. See what Faithful Innovations is all about and change the future
of our faith community. (More information is available at https://nglsynod.org/faithful-innovations/.)

“For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were all
made to drink of one Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

In July 2022, kids from across the country will gather in Minneapolis for the ELCA Boundless Youth
Gathering. We are hoping to send our Confirmation class. Your support for them is needed. Keep us all
in your prayers and consider making a gift to the church to help send our youth to Minneapolis. Thank
you deeply for thinking of our kids and their faith and our future.

A new Church year has begun and that means we have our Annual Congregational Meeting coming up.
We will meet Sunday, January 16th after worship in the sanctuary. If you are unable to be there in person,
you can join us on Zoom. Please be there, if your schedule permits. It is so very important that we hear
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
everyone’s voices at these meetings. This year we have only a few items. Our focus will be approval of the
budget and the election of two new Council members.

Our church has done well keeping COVID from coming into our sanctuary and spreading. The pandemic
is changing, but we will still maintain our attention. If you have cold or flu symptoms, please stay home
until you have recovered. Give yourself some time to recover. For people who wish to social distance in
worship, we suggest you sit on the West side of the sanctuary. Also, if you feel more comfortable with
masks, please wear them. It is perfectly fine to protect yourself as you believe is needed. We will continue
to monitor the numbers for our area and adapt as necessary.

My sermons are posted online at www.gracesouthrange.com/sermons/ and on YouTube at
https://www.youtube.com/user/cavalerima. If you want a copy of the service and the sermon, let Katie
know and she will add you to our mailing list.

Do you have dreams for our church? Have you had an idea you wish you could try out on our
congregation? Talk to me. Grace is your church. Let’s make it what you need it to be.

As always, I am here for you. Catch me on Zoom, call me at home or shoot me an email. We will get
through this together… I look forward to talking with you.

Be good to each other. Call each other. We are family.

With faith and hope and love,

Pastor Micah
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Kiitos Paljon                                   Notes from
                                                                      the office
 Thank you, Emily Raffaelli! Your musical talents
     make our worship service extra special.                           Would you like to
                                                                        start receiving a
                                                                        weekly devotion
                                                                       from the church
                                                                      office on Mondays?
                       Birthdays                                       Please send Katie
                                                                     your name and email
     Jarod Burkovich 3       Cameron Raffaelli 3                            address.
     Lauri Kneebone 7        Marianne Bohjanen 12                    Newsletter items are
     Brooke Tormala 11       Tina Puska 25                           due in the office the
     Roseanne Poisson 26     Isaac Jeannotte 29                        last week of the

                                                                       Please save your
                                                                      Econo receipts and
 Anniversaries                                                       return them to a box
                                                                     in the library. Grace
                                                                      receives 1% of the
Gary and Emily Raffaelli                                                 total receipts.
      January 1st
                                                                      If we do not have
                                                                       your birthday or
                                                                      anniversary, please
                                                                         let us know.

Weekly Activities at Grace                      ANNUAL MEETING
             Mondays                        Dear members of Grace;
     *Prayer Service 5:00pm*
         Wednesdays ~                       This is to inform you that our annual
      Prayer Service 10:00am                congregational meeting has been
    Cup of Grace at 10:15am                 scheduled for Sunday, January 16th,
      Bible Study at 11:00am                after worship. In case of inclement
     *Bible Study at 7:00pm*                weather, it will be held the following
          Thursdays ~                       Sunday, January 23rd. Please plan to
    Games at Grace 12:30pm                  attend either by Zoom or in person,
            Fridays ~                       whichever is more comfortable for
   *Prayer Service at 9:00am*               you.
*Friday Conversation at 12:30pm*
            (* By Zoom *)                   May God's peace be with you.
                                            Chris DeForge
                                            Council President
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
December Council Highlights

❖ We will give the tenants at the parsonage until
  January 31st to get their pre-qualification letter to us.      January
❖ We will need help from others who are willing to             Worship Text
  learn how to use Zoom to help with worship. Micah
  and Katie will teach them.
                                                                 Sunday, January 2
                                                                    John 1:1-18
                                                                  God with us; the
                                                              incarnation of the Word.
       Christmas Greetings from
                                                                Sunday, January 9
                        Janet Kokko                             Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
                  Tom and Cheryl Stimac                         The baptism of Jesus
                                                                 with the descent of
                         Chris Davis                              the Holy Spirit.
                       Bridgers family
                       Cavaleri family                          Sunday, January 16
                Karl and Carolyn Rundman                            John 2:1-11
                                                                The wedding at Cana.
               Chris and Marianne Bohjanen
                        Jean Baillod                             Sunday, January 23
                  Joe and Chris DeForge                               Luke 4:14-21
                       Sharon Maki                            Jesus reads from the scroll
                                                                 of the prophet Isaiah.
                Bill and Denise Hendrickson
                      Roseanne Poisson                           Sunday, January 30
                       Chris Parsons                                 Luke 4:21-30
                                                              Jesus says a prophet is not
                                                                    accepted in his
   Our Befrienders ministry is a group of church folk who
 want to be there for people when they need someone next
  to them. Whether it is sitting at home and having coffee
   or being with someone for an hour in the hospital, our
 Befrienders are there. We will also gather once a month to
    pray together and support each other in our ministry.
    Contact Pastor Micah or Katie for more information
       or to join us in this loving and fulfilling group.
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Faithful Innovations

                    Grace Lutheran Council is looking for 4 to 7 members
    to join us in 3 Faithful Innovations training sessions next year. These will be held by
        Zoom and in person. Please see Pastor Micah or Katie for more information.

                                 Themes and Dates
       January 22nd ~ “Tracing God’s Movement in our Lives and Neighborhoods”

   March 5th ~ “Learning by Doing: Using Action Learning to Discover God’s Leading”

        May 21st ~ “Sharing our Learning: Intentional Reflections on Our Actions”

                  Worship Servants for January 2022
                 Sunday           Sunday          Sunday          Sunday          Sunday
                  Jan. 2          Jan. 9         Jan. 16         Jan. 23          Jan. 30

 Ushers           Paul              Tom
                 Bridgers          Stimac
Counters           Jean            Cheryl           Bill             Joe            Jean
                   Katie          Marianne         Denise           Chris           Janet

Communion                         Tom and
                                Cheryl Stimac
 Reader           Janet
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Lutheran Dictionary
                                          by: Walter Lieder
                                      Concordia Publishing House
                                         Saint Louis, Missouri

Elder: In the Lutheran Church, one of body of laymen (board of elders, or vestry)
elected to assist the pastor in the performance of his official duties. Same as deacon (1
Tim, 3:8-13).

Jubilate: From Latin, “Rejoice.” The third Sunday after Easter, so called the first word
of the Introit for that day.

  Thank you for supplying Poinsettias
                     From LCW                                       Looking for members
            From Gloria in memory of                               to bake a cake for the
    Ryan and all those who we lost this past year.                   first Sunday of the
     From Chris and Joe DeForge in memory of                         month for birthday
  Roy and Lila Lystila and Joe and Theresa DeForge.                    and anniversary
      From Don and Sally Rule in memory of                         fellowship. Please see
      Roxanne, MaryAnn and Robert Raffaelli.                         Katie if interested.
            Sharon Maki in memory of
            Sonny Maki and loved ones.
From Janet Kokko, Bill and Mary Davis in memory of
  Jacob and Irene Kokko, Mary Erbetta and Liz Kro.
       Tim and Evelyn Lawless in memory of
         Vinny Kaster and Lynda Lawless

   Our Hearts to Their Homes
             Jean Simila at HCMC
             Lynn Neal at HCMC
            Susan Koskela at home
           Helen Sirvio at the Bluffs
          Gert Somero at the Bluffs
           Delores Paavola at home
         Gladys McCormick at HCMC
           Jan Mikkola at the Bluffs
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Congregational Contact Information

                                                               Grace Lutheran Council
           Volunteer Coordinators
Acolytes/Bell Ringers   Katie Bridgers        482-2011         Micah Cavaleri 281-9558
Altar Duty              Chris Davis           482-5567          Chris DeForge 482-8068
Communion               Chris DeForge         482-8068                 President
Counters                Marianne Bohjanen     482-8459
                                                                 Janet Kokko 482-2368
Funeral Servers         Chris Davis           482-5567               Vice President
Readers                 Cheryl Stimac         281-7909
                                                                 Heather Aro 482-0341
Ushers                  Katie Bridgers        482-2011
Greeters                Chris Davis           482-5567           Jean Baillod 482-3240
Gardening               Janet Kokko           482-2368         Bill Hendrickson 370-9690
                                                                Katie Bridgers 482-2011
           Building & Grounds Maintenance                        Laurie Aho 482-0817
     Tom Stimac 281-7910 Joe DeForge 482-8068                          Treasurer
     Tom Savola 281-5494 Katie Bridgers 482-2011

                        Jesus speaks...
            Walk in the Light with Me, and you
           will reflect Me to the watching world.

                                            In order to meet
                          Sunday              our monthly                  Grace
                           School             expenses, we              Lutheran is a
                          10:00am            need to take in              member
                        Discussion &           $6,810.00.                  of the
                        Coffee with                                     Evangelical
                        Pastor Micah        November giving               Lutheran
                          10:00am            was $7,811.00                 Church
                           Choir                                        in America.
                          10:15am           We have various
                                            options for you
                        Worship with          to continue
                        Pastor Micah         your giving.
January, 2022 - Grace Lutheran Church
Sunday              Monday       Tuesday         Wednesday            Thursday          Friday         Saturday

2                      3             4              5                     6                7              8
    11:00am Worship                                     10:00 Prayer          The Bluffs      9:00am
    12:00pm Birthday                                  10:15am Coffee           Worship        Prayer
     and Anniversary        5:00pm                  11:00am Bible Study                      12:30pm
       Fellowship           Prayer                    1:00pm Quilting          12:30pm     Conversation
                                                    7:00pm Bible Study          Games
                                                                               at Gace
9                      10            11             12                    13               14             15
   Sunday School                                       10:00 Prayer
10:00am Discussion                                    10:15am Coffee           12:30pm        9:00am
   10:15am Choir            5:00pm        6:30pm          11:00am               Games         Prayer
  11:00am Worship           Prayer        Council       Bible Study            at Gace       12:30pm
12:00pm Fellowship                        Meeting   4:00 Confirmation                      Conversation
 Worship & Music                                    7:00pm Bible Study
16                     17            18             19                    20               21             22
   Sunday School                                        10:00 Prayer           12:30pm
10:00am Discussion                                    10:15am Coffee            Games         9:00am
   10:15am Choir            5:00pm                        11:00am              at Gace        Prayer
 11:00am Worship            Prayer                       Bible Study                         12:30pm
  12:00pm Annual                                      1:00pm Quilting      2:00pm          Conversation
meeting with potluck                                4:00 Confirmation     Canal View
fellowship to follow                                7:00pm Bible Study     Worship

23                     24            25             26                    27               28             29
    Sunday School                                      10:00 Prayer
 10:00am Discussion         5:00pm                    10:15am Coffee           12:30pm        9:00am
    10:15am Choir           Prayer    7:00pm              11:00am               Games         Prayer
  11:00am Worship                    Befrienders        Bible Study            at Gace       12:30pm
 12:00pm Fellowship                                 4:00 Confirmation                      Conversation
                                                    7:00pm Bible Study
30                     31
    Sunday School
 10:00am Discussion         5:00pm
    10:15am Choir           Prayer
11:00am Worship with
   annointing of oil
 12:00pm Fellowship
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