Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems

Page created by Sherry Mccormick
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems

 Jan 4th ~ 8th, 2023 in Kyoto

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Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
World Peace in 2023? My son is
From January 4th to 8th 2023, Kyoto Lesson is proud
 now prime
to host the World Peace Game (WPG), a hands-on
geo-political simulation that gives players the minister?
opportunity to explore the economic, social, and

 Why WPG?
environmental crises impacting the world's nations and
the imminent threat of war.

 For almost 40 years since its development in the U.S.
 The goal of the game is to
 the program has been supported as a way to stimulate
 achieve greater prosperity free thinking and creativity, to help participants realize
 their own potential, and to help them acquire a variety
 while avoiding conflict. of important skills as they work feverishly to complete
 In effect: create world peace!! seemingly insurmountable tasks in a timely manner.

 In the process, participants will acquire important skills
 required for future society, such as the ability to think
 deeply, negotiate, make decisions, and collaborate, as
 well as the attitude to face unanswerable questions
 and seek solutions.

Enjoy the challenge
and the fun in an
intensive English
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
How do you play? How to win
 Solve all challenges within the time limit
 The children will be divided into teams of four hypothetical
 countries with different land areas, assets, etc., and and increase the assets of all countries.
 international organizations. 25-35 players will play for 15-20
 hours (3h x 5 days)

 The Four-tier tower
 The game is played in a tower with the assets, facilities,
 military equipment, etc. of each country placed on top of each
 other. The tower is designed to show the world's situation at a




Crisis Report reflects the real issues in the world. Children Sea
work through a series of declaration times and negotiation
times to resolve the issues and achieve prosperity for all

 A facilitator certified by the World Peace Game
 Foundation will facilitate the entire event.
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Key People

 John Hunter: Rina Mochizuki:
 Creator of World Peace Game World Peace Game Master Class Facilitator
In 1978, as an elementary school teacher in Virginia, he Having been inspired by John Hunter’s Ted Talk, Rina
created the prototype for the World Peace Games for his Mochizuki became a certified facilitator of World Peace
students. In 2011, a documentary about the games was Game in 2015. Since then, she has been working on
released, and he has been a featured speaker at TED spreading this work of peace in Japan, and also in
conferences. He has spent over 40 years playing the Singapore, where she resides currently. In spring of 2021,
Game with his students, and trained facilitators around she became one of 17 Master Class facilitators around the
the world, until he retired from the practice of the Game world, chosen and trained by John, and now able to train
at the end of 2021. teachers to become WPG facilitators. She has a teaching
 background as an English teacher both in Japan and

 To date, the World Peace Game has been
 implemented in 34 countries, including the United
 States, New Zealand, Austria, Mali, France,
 Taiwan, South Korea, and Mexico.
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Reserve a
 seat for


 Jan 4th (Wed) 2023
 13:00 ~ 16:30
 Jan 5th (Thu) ~ 8th (Sun)
 9:00 ~ 12:30

 Participants must attend all 5 days
 Kyoto Lesson is a provider of English-based after-
 school programs that harness students’ creativity and
 Location critical thinking. Let's build something together!

 Kyoca Food Laboratory
 Kyoto,Shimogyo Ward,
 Sujakushōkaichō, 1-1
 Contact us: hello@kyotolesson.com
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Our programs boost
 students' English-speaking

Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Our Weekly Classes

 English Fluency Coders
A tour through science, arts, Drama By designing, building, and discussing
mathematics, and social sciences. Every the art of software design, students
month focuses on a new theme. Express your best self, learn learn problem solving and programming
Together, we study and discuss the improv techniques, and perform algorithms that they can apply in their
topics, then do a great activity. Our for live audiences! daily lives. Programming isn’t just about
motto is “English Fluency through Fun”! computers, it’s about learning how to
 think clearly!
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
Our approach If we’re doing our job, students won’t
 even realize they’re learning. It’s not about
 simply studying English, it’s about
 learning and reinforcing English through
Why do families choose us? activities kids love to do.
While eikaiwa help students with
reading and writing proficiency in a
typical academic environment, our
classes build advanced conversational
fluency, critical thinking and general
knowledge through fun group activities.
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
 Our content-based English
 curriculum is divided into 1-
 SCIENCE month cycles, each focusing on
 one of four themes.
Students carry out coherent conversations in
 English with competency and confidence. MATH
 They will also develop a deeper
 understanding of the world through our
 content-based curriculum.

 Ages 5+
 Thursdays 4pm - 6pm, OR
 Fridays 4pm - 6pm
 ¥ 20,000 / month

 Saturdays coming soon!
Jan 4th 8th, 2023 in Kyoto - Educational simulation aimed at solving global problems
English Drama
 Through active learning of
 drama techniques like
 projection, staging,
 movement, and spacing,
 young actors will engage in
 dramatic performances.

 Ages 5+
 Mondays 4pm - 5:30pm, OR
 Tuesdays 4pm - 5:30pm
 ¥20,000 / month

 Saturdays coming soon!
We offer two different tracks depending on the SCRATCH JR + TABLET
reading ability of the student. We can work with
schools to create bespoke programs that match For our younger learners, we'll start with the tablet-
their curricula and units of inquiry. students will based Scratch Jr, building Mazes and Platformers!
learn to write algorithms with logic games using
scratchjr and scratch, a visual programming

language developed by MIT.

 For our experienced learners, we'll learn advanced
 programming techniques using Scratch, the MIT-
 developed visual programming language. We'll
 build our own versions of classics: Mario, Pac-Man,
 Space Invaders, Battle Cats, and more!

 Ages 5+
 Mondays 5pm - 7pm, OR
 Fridays 4pm - 6pm, OR
 Saturdays 3:30pm - 5:30pm
 28,000 / month
Bundle Discounts

 ¥5,000/mo OFF
English Fluency Drama

 ¥10,000/mo OFF
English Fluency Junior Coders

 ¥10,000/mo OFF
 Drama Junior Coders

 ¥15,000/mo OFF
English Fluency Drama Junior Coders
Coming soon...
Refine your technical understanding of English through
teacher-supervised independent study. Students will
perform textbook exercises and master English
grammar, syntax, and vocabulary at a personalized

Ages 8+, Saturdays coming soon!
¥ 10,000 / month
9:00: Academic English
 10:30: Drama
 Noon: Lunch & Play

 13:15: English Fluency
 15:30: Junior Coders
 17:30: Time to go home!

Maximize English immersion in one action-
packed day! Parents may register for any
 number of classes. This is a tentative

 Email us to pre-register:
Web App Builders
 Build interactive websites and games
 using real-life web technologies.
 Through web-building, we'll learn
 typing, digital literacy, and how to use
 the internet safely.

 Ages 9+
 Saturdays 10:30am - 12:30pm

 ¥24,000 / month
What makes Kyoto Lesson's coding programs unique?
1/ Learn coding in English 5/ Top-rated programs
Practical English environments led by native speakers make English- Parents and children love our programs, earning us a perfect 5/5 on
learning more immediate, fun, rewarding and increase students’ Google Maps and we consistently receive 10/10 on parent surveys. Here
confidence in English. The variety of coding projects and challenges gives is glimpse at what parents have said about us in their reviews:
opportunities for children to develop all four major English skills: reading,
writing, listening, and speaking. Group projects and sharing with others ✩✩✩✩✩ “The efforts that have been put into running this coding course
help our students develop social skills and presentation skills. are immediately obvious. [...] A much valued and critical offering that sets
 up children for what will be a vital skill of the future.” - Scott

2/ Curriculum for the real world ✩✩✩✩✩ “A fun-loving educational program for kids. Teachers are great
 and patient.” - Jessica
We use technology stacks and tools relevant in the real world. Students
 ✩✩✩✩✩ "The teachers are happy and enthusiastic about teaching, and I
eventually learn to build code using the most in-demand programming
 can't help but look forward to the children going to the classroom." -
languages (JavaScript and Python) and the most commonly used libraries
and frameworks. Just like in real startups, certain projects require
working as a team. This reinforces long-term learning and builds
collaborative skills. Faster learners are further expected to help others.
Teaching what they’ve learned is a sign of true understanding. 6/ Connected with large tech
 companies and startups
3/ Highly-experienced teachers Our more advanced students are invited for visits with tech companies,
 with opportunities to earn positions on projects with high-level tech
Our teachers have several decades of combined experience in teaching
 teams. For instance, we had a group of our students presenting to
and working in computers and technology. They inspire students to
 Japan’s Google Translate team a translation project they built in one of
move out of their comfort zones, take on new challenges, and grow
 our coding camps and received incredible praise:
creatively. No problem has a unique solution in coding. Rather than
following a single script or ready-made answers, we provide tools,
 “To be very honest, I was very impressed. This work is quite impressive.
templates, and guidance and work together with students as they work
 [...] But let me continue because I am so excited. You have found the very
out their own solutions to the problems that arise.
 fundamental problems in Japanese to English translation. I am also
 impressed by your methodology. [...] What you did is quite right.
 Methodology wise. Please continue doing it“ - Hideto K., Head of Google
4/ Build first, Theory second Translate Japan.

A major element in our approach is learning-by-doing, to give children
practical experience that strengthens their comprehension. Students
design their own projects and are encouraged to experiment freely. The
goal is to prepare for the unpredictability of real-life challenges while
understanding that trial-and-error is a necessary part of growth and
Custom programs Some ideas:
 We are seeking great partnerships with
 schools in Kansai. Our teachers are ready
 to design custom English-based, after-
 school programs that complement other
 wonderful curricula!

Our process
 Music Mixers YouTube Video
1. Our team will suggest neglected content

2. Group brainstorm session. What will make
this class AMAZING?!

3. We’ll match the right teacher for the job.

4. We’ll prepare a curriculum in 3-month cycles
that blows students’ minds! 

 3D Printing Electronics
English Holiday
 Every Spring, Summer, and
 Winter, we host camps that
 stimulate children creatively,
 intellectually, and physically.

 Activities are multidisciplinary,
 using skills and topics across
 Art, Math, Science, Social
 Studies, History, Music,
 Movement, among others.
 Each day features a variety of

 Learn more about upcoming camps:
Where to find us
 Community Lab N5.5
 (250M from Gojo Station)

 529 Izumicho, Shimogyō ku,
 Kyōto City, Kyōto 600-8188

Contact us
Email: hello@kyotolesson.com
Web: https://kyotolesson.com

 Check out our
 Who we are
 Our teachers have several decades of combined
 experience in teaching and technology. They inspire
 students to take on new challenges and grow creatively.
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