Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School

Page created by Virginia Bush
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
Vol. 2021-2022 No. 4                                                                December 2021

                              Jaguar Jottings
                                 Your Johnsburg Central School Newsletter

                                                     part of that team is all of our staff, who we work
                   Superintendent’s                  with to gather information.

                                                     The process starts when we are notified that a
                       Corner                        student has tested positive for COVID
                                                     19. Public Health or parents inform us. We
                                                     have to contact trace back two days from the
                                                     student’s first symptoms. That means that a
                                                     student may leave school on Tuesday not
                                                     feeling well and get tested that afternoon. If their
                                                     rapid test comes back negative, but their PCR
                                                     comes back positive on Friday, we have to go
                                                     back to Monday to do our contact tracing.
Contact Tracing- How it Works.                       We then begin to interview all the student’s
                                                     teachers. We ask questions like: where does
                                                     the student sit in the classroom (all teachers
                                                     have seating charts), does everyone wear their
We got through September and most of October,
                                                     mask (this is one of our COVID policies), are the
but the end of October and November have
                                                     students sitting at least 3 feet apart (this is one
been very busy. And, it seems like with cold
                                                     of our COVID policies), are your windows open
weather here and more events happening
                                                     (having fresh air in the room is important), have
inside, the number of cases are going up.
                                                     you done any group work, is there a student who
Therefore, our quarantines have increased, and
                                                     spends more time with the student who tested
many parents do not understand how this
                                                     positive and are they less than three feet apart,
process works. I thought I would take this
                                                     and was it for more than 15 minutes, and lastly
opportunity to go through what I have learned
                                                     is there anything else you would like us to
and how we work through the process of
                                                     know? Because our staff and students are
quarantines.                                         doing such a great job following our policies, we
                                                     have seen very few quarantines in our
First, and most importantly, the school never
quarantines. We do not have the authority to
quarantine; only Warren County Public Health
                                                     Next, we look at common areas like the cafeteria
has that authority. But, the school does work
                                                     and the bus. We look at the breakfast -
hand in hand with the County to gather
                                                     lunchroom seating charts and talk to the
information to make informed decisions on who
                                                     monitors to see who sits next to the student who
needs to be quarantined. I want to share this
                                                     tested positive. Prior to the week starting
process of communicating with you so as a
                                                     November 15, all students were 3 feet apart, and
parent, you have a better idea of why we are
                                                     we knew that because they were eating with
taking some of the actions we are here at
                                                     their masks off, both students on either side
                                                     were going to be quarantined. And if a student
                                                     was sitting at a round table, that may mean up to
Also, it is important to know that there is a team
                                                     three students. At this point, all students are
here at school that gathers the information
                                                     sitting 6 feet apart in the cafeteria. This was
shared with the County. The team consists of
                                                     accomplished by having some elementary
our school nurse, Mrs. Arilio, our school
                                                     classes eat in their classrooms and changing
principal, Mrs. Flanagan, and myself. The other
                                                     some lunchtimes. Now, because they are 6 feet
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
apart, we should not see as many quarantines
from the cafeteria.

Next, we look at the bus, morning, afternoon,
and, when needed, sporting transportation. At
the start of the year, Public Health looked at
quarantining the student sitting with the positive
case and up to 11 other students sitting around
them. They have recently changed their policy
to quarantine only the student sitting with the
positive case and the student sitting across from
them. If the positive case sits alone and next to
a window and the person sitting across from
them also sits alone and against the window,
this person may not be quarantined. It also
depends on the length of the bus ride as well as
if masks were worn.

We also try to talk to the student and the parent
to see if they have additional information that we
need to consider or investigate. This process is
not quick but is very important. I cannot say
students have not picked the virus up here at
school, but I can say that we continue to create
the safest place possible.                                  Principal’s Message
We have a few different outcomes when a
student is identified as a possible
exposure. They may have to quarantine for ten
days from the last exposure to the positive case,
or they may only get a phone call asking them to
monitor for symptoms and get tested if they start
not feeling well. This is all dependent on what
the investigation reveals.

Everyone must realize as we work through this
epidemic, protocols are constantly changing. As      Kathie J Anti-Bullying Assembly
everyone learns more about this virus, how it is     Kathie J, a native of the North Creek area,
transmitted, and what the vaccine can and can’t      visited JCS on Monday, November 15th. She
do, protocols have to be examined and changed        presented to students in grades 4-8. Kathie J is
if needed.                                           a radio and tv personality in Denver and has her
                                                     own tv show. She has been visiting schools in
As you can see, this is not an easy process, but     the Denver Metro Area for over 15 years to talk
it is worth it if we are keeping our students safe   about the importance of education and how to
while here at school. We will continue to follow     stand up against bullying. Kathie J visited JCS
the National, State, and County guidelines as we     students to talk about what bullying is. Why do
work through this epidemic. We will get through      people bully? How to recognize bullying. How to
this, and it will become part of our history. We     combat it. Why bullying is a community problem
have to stay strong and do our part.                 and why adults cannot be bystanders. She
                                                     shared her own experiences with being bullied
 I would also like to extend warm holiday wishes     as well as fighting limited thinking within her own
to you and your family. I hope the New Year          family and friends to become all she was meant
brings you good health and peace.                    to be. Thank you, Kathie J for spending time with
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
Lost & Found
Lost & Found is located in the hallway outside
the cafeteria. Please ask your child to stop by
and take a look. Lost & Found will be packed up
                                                        K-4 Student of the Month – June
and sent to good will over each school break;
Christmas, winter, spring, and at the end of the
school year.
                                                    PreK-4 Student of the Month – November
                                                             (Listed Alphabetically)

ASP/Late Bus                                                    Annabella Frizzell
Until further notice, there is no longer an After             Audrie Knickerbocker
School Program or a daily 4:45 late bus. A
                                                                 Ava Pesquera
Thursday only late bus will run each week.
Students must sign up by 12:30 in the principal’s               Bently LaBounty
office.                                                         Charlie Campbell
                                                                 Destiny Facey
                                                                 Hayley Smith
                                                                 Hazel Branch
                                                                Isabella Bennett
Stuffed Jiggy Jaguar                                           Josie Lyn Beaudrot
Stuffed Jiggy Jaguars are for sale in the
principal’s office for $10 each. These would                     Kayla Waldron
make a great stocking stuffer!                                   Rhys Olesheski
                                                                  Shelby Facey

Report Cards/PT Conferences                          Physical Education – Hannah Sauer-Jones &
Report cards will be sent home with PreK-6                             Alex Fish
students on Friday, November 19th. Grade 7-12                  Art – Josie Lyn Beaudrot
report cards will be mailed. Grade PreK-3
                                                                Music – Orion Altman
parent/teacher conferences have already been
                                                               Library – Sophia Moffitt

                                                     Students in grades PreK-4 are having a
                                                    great school year! Keep up the hard work!
Check out our Johnsburg Central School page
on Facebook.

   Heather Flanagan
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
Pre K      2nd Grade

               3rd Grade

  1st Grade
               4th   Grade
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
“The best gift I have ever given someone was

           DECEMBER                                   these little pompom animals I made in an art
                                                      club. We glued colored pom poms together and
                                                      we drew faces on them and put pipe cleaners for
                                                      feet. I made my mom a ladybug reindeer and a
                                                      thing that was just random. I put a bunch of pom
                                                      poms on fabric and glued eyes on it. I also
                                                      trimmed them and made the pom poms a bit
                                                      shorter. That wasn’t all. I made an origami box
of the month!                                         and put them in it. I think that is my favorite gift
   This month’s Question of the Month was             because it's homemade and my mom still has
      asked to our fourth grade classes,              them to this day and I'm very glad I made them.”
                                                      Harleigh Donohue
“What is the Best Gift You Ever Gave
                                                      “The best gift I have ever given someone was for
                                                      my dad. It was a magnetic tool holder for tools. It
        Mrs. Olesheski’s Class:                       would hold hammers, wrenches, and even
                                                      screwdrivers. He really liked it. He used it all the
“The best gift I've ever given someone was snow       time and it was very helpful for him. His bag
boots. I gave my mom the snow boots for               didn’t really work, that’s why I bought it. That is
Christmas. They were waterproof and warm so           the best gift I ever got for someone.” Finn Morris
my mom wouldn’t get frostbite. They are also
really easy to get on. She really loves them and      “The best gift I ever gave someone was a photo
still wears them to this day. They are white and      of my sister and I gave it to my family members
black and they dry really quickly. My mom loves       so they have photos of us. We put it in a photo
them.”                                                frame with hearts on it. They loved it so much I
Charlie Campbell                                      am happy I did. It felt good to do that and make
                                                      them happy. We just took new photos for them.”
“The best gift I’ve ever given someone was a          Gracie Morse
motion camera to my Papa. I gave it to him last
year and he started using it in the winter,           “The best gift I have given someone was for my
summer, spring and fall. He loves seeing pictures     older sister Alene. She is the best older sister
of foxes and deer. Sometimes apples fall off the      ever so I had to give her a gift. I got her a glass
tree and deer would come eat them. He gets            heart and she loved it. It had sparkles on it. She
videos of young ones with spots. I think they are     was so happy!” Mia Pace
the cutest. The foxes sometimes look like cats. I
think the gray foxes are the cutest. The videos       “The best gift I’ve ever given someone was a
are really hard to see because they only come out     picture of me holding a sign that said Best Dad
at night. You can barely see them but the parts       Ever. I gave it to my dad. He really liked it. He
you can see make you know the gift was worth          said it was the best Father’s Day gift ever!
the money.” Elizabeth Dague                           He liked it because it had a black border. I was
                                                      holding the sign in a grassy meadow. It was
“The best gift I’ve ever given someone was when       sunny out so I was squinting!” Jozy Sherman-
I gave my friend a toy. He really liked it. That’s    Cavanaugh
the best gift I’ve given.” Dom Donohue

“I gave my brother a Beyblade called Sprisin for
his birthday and he liked it because it is the best
Beyblade.” Logen May
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
Mrs. Morris’s Class:                         The best gift I ever gave was a gift to my dad
                                                       that was for no reason. The gift was a photo of
                                                       my dad and I standing together on a trip we had
The best gift I gave someone was when I bought         been on. The photo was in a blue picture frame.
Valentine’s Day gifts for my grandma. I used my        When my dad opened the gift he said, “Oh
own money that I had earned and saved up. I            boy!”
gave my grandmother roses, a mug, and the very         Cohen Moos
last velcro plush sloth that was in the store. My
grandmother was very happy with the gifts.             The best gift I ever gave was the gift I gave my
Leon Bills III                                         parents for their first anniversary. It was a heart
                                                       shaped picture frame made out of purple, blue,
The best gift I ever gave someone was a hug to         and pink clay for them to display a photo of the
my grandmother because gifts from stores don’t         two of them on their wedding day.
matter. What matters is family and having each          Ava Pesquera
other. My grandmother loved the hug I gave her.
Alyssa Church                                          The best gift I ever gave someone was a
                                                       Christmas gift I gave my brother Ryan. The gift
I gave my sister a nice bracelet at the fair one       was a Harry Potter Lego set. My brother enjoys
time. She was so happy because she wanted me           Harry Potter and he was happy I bought it for
to learn about giving instead of getting. It was       him.
the best gift because I felt really good about          Hayley Fink
myself because I made my sister very happy.
This year I am getting my sister something for         The best gift I gave was to my little sister Ellie. It
Christmas that may be the best gift ever but we        was a plastic doll that had a tub that included a
will have to wait and see.                             play shower hose and a tubby drawer that you
Kameron Pardick                                        could wash the baby in. The gift was expensive
                                                       and she enjoys playing with it now.
The best gift I gave was the lotion I gave to Mrs.     Addie Morin
Turcotte last school year. It was the best gift ever
because I got it from her favorite store
Rydeabetty. The lotion smelled really good. My
favorite thing about it was Mrs. Turcotte’s
response to the gift.
Ellie Ordway

I gave my mom myself which was the best gift.
Now that I am older I am able to help her with
things. I can help her play fight against my dad
so she can win. I am a good gift for my mom
because I can watch my baby brother Owen,
wash the dishes, put water in the fridge, and can
cook mac and cheese. I am a good gift because I
can help my mom with many things around the
house. (My baby brother Owen is a good gift
Olivia Owens
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
6th graders in Ms. Corr's class created a Jaguar
turkey and invited others to share what they are
                  thankful for.

Mr. Rathbun’s Technology Classes showing their
              finished products.
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
  Help us plan the next 10 years of
  Ski Bowl Park. Please take the
  survey as we value your ideas.
  Visit https://www.surveymonkey.c         Information provided by Mrs. Bruce
  om/r/SDHYLRH or scan the QR
  Code below!

                                                    College Acceptances

                                          Charlize Bernard has been accepted to
                                          Siena College.

     OUR JUNIORS                                         Scholarships
   "The Junior Class would like to
   extend a huge thank you to             1. Burger King Scholars -Scholarship
   everyone who supported their
                                          ranges from $1,000 to $50,000. Criteria is based
   Soccerfest Concession Stand
                                          on grade point average, work experience,
   fundraiser. A very special thank
                                          extracurricular activities and community service.
   you to Mrs. Erika Patton and Mrs.
                                          Apply online:
   Julie Allen for their guidance and
                                          Application deadline is December 15, 2021.
   assistance helping the Junior
   Class pull off a successful
                                          2. Elks National Foundation
   "Did you know the JCS Junior           Legacy Awards: Legacy Awards are
   Prom Committee is hosting the          $4,000 scholarships for children and
   Holiday Spirit Week Fundraiser         grandchildren of Elks members.
   again this year? Get those ugly        For more information see the website
   sweaters and tacky holiday   
   clothing ready! Look for their flyer   cy.cfm
   coming home with your student          Application deadline is February 7, 2022.
   the first week in December.
   Thank you for supporting this
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School
3. Medical Scrubs Collection
Scholarship: This $1,000 scholarship is for
a student who is a senior with a minimum                                        Tour a SUNY
cumulative GPA of 3.0 who is pursuing a degree
in the medical field such as therapy, nursing,
medicine, nutrition, laboratory science, dentistry,
                                                                               Take a virtual tour of
                                                      the SUNY colleges, schedule an on campus
Apply online at
                                                      tour or register for their Open House. Visit
Application deadline is December 15, 2021

4. 2022 KPMG Future Leaders                              Virtual
Program: KPGM Future Leaders Program-                  College Tour
Funded by proceeds from the KPMG Women’s
PGA Championship and KPMG Women’s                       Websites
Leadership Summit, the KPMG Future Leaders
Program affords top female high school seniors
across the country the opportunity to enhance
their personal growth through college
scholarships, a leadership development retreat
(location to be disclosed at a later date or this
may be virtual), a mentoring relationship with a
woman business leader, and an introduction to
golf. The 2022 KPMG Future Leaders Program
application – includes an overview of the
program, instructions on how to apply and a list
of specific criteria needed to qualify for the
program. Applications can be accessed at
Application deadline is February 1, 2022
Winners will be notified by April 15, 2022

   On-line Scholarship Websites (select pay, then select grants,
scholarships tab)
Jaguar Jottings - Johnsburg Central School or Zach Pierson

                                                It is important to make sure your child is
                                                prepared for physical education class. It has
                                                been getting colder and colder as the days
                                                go by and we will still be taking the students
                                                outside as often as possible. Please have
                                                your child prepared with a warm coat and/or
                                                sweatshirt and winter hat and gloves for this
                                                fall season. Please contact us if your
                                                child(ren) needs warm clothes for this fall or

Our Winter Sports season is now underway.       Coach Pierson and Coach Gonyo want to
Our busy Game and Meet schedule will be         thank all the students for continuing to follow
starting up at the beginning of December.       our rules and expectations when it comes to
There are a number of home basketball           mask wearing and bringing warm clothes to
games coming up this month. Come out and        go outside in! We look forward to the rest of
support our teams! The Modified games will      the year as we focus on the health and
start at 5:00 PM and the Varsity games will     wellness of the students at JCS! Please
start after those at around 6:30.               encourage your child(ren) to continue to be
                                                active outside of school!
December 8th: Boys Modified and Varsity vs
          Newcomb in Minerva                    Go Jags!
December 9th: Girls Modified and Varsity vs.
           Wells in Johnsburg                   Coach Pierson
 December 14th: Girls Modified and Varsity      Coach Gonyo
           vs IL/LL in Minerva
 December 17th: Boys Modified and Varsity
         vs Bolton in Johnsburg

For home games, we are asking that you
stay masked at all times and to follow our 3
foot social distancing guidelines. There will
be no food or drinks allowed in the gym to
try and avoid having our masks off while we
are in the gym.

Elementary Basketball will be starting in
January. We will be having a 5th grade
team, 6th grade team and a 3rd and 4th
grade combined program on Saturdays.
Participating players will have to wear masks
at all times in the school building. Coach
Pierson and Coach Gonyo will send home
more information prior to Christmas break. If
anyone is interested in coaching or
volunteering please contact Allison Gonyo
Few quick reminders as we head into winter.
Please be sure to pack snow clothes and extra
clothes should your child get wet while playing
out in the snow. I have limited extra clothing
here in the health office, so please remember to
pack extras for your little ones.

November brought some hopeful news with the
emergency approval for the COVID-19 Pfizer
vaccine for children 5-11. I would encourage
everyone who is interested or even unsure, to
discuss this with their child's pediatrician or
health care provider. There are many
opportunities to receive this should you be
interested in it for your child.
There are also many places offering booster
COVID-19 vaccines for anyone in need. Please
visit the following site from Warren County
Public health for information on vaccine clinics
being offered through them:
Walgreens in North Creek is also offering th
COVID-19 vaccine for ages 5 and up. It is very
easy to book online as well.
Here is the link:

Please be sure to keep your child(ren) home if
they are sick and have them evaluated.

Hope you all enjoy your holidays this month!

As always, please contact me with any questions
or concerns. I will be happy to answer or find the
answers for you!

Be well,

Mrs. Amber Aurilio, RN JCS School Nurse
518-251-2921 ext 5
Confidential Fax 518-251-2367
The JCS Pop Singers Celebrate the Holiday
                                                Season with the Town Of Johnsburg

 Music Department Concerts Return!

Please join us Thursday, December 16th at
6:30 PM in the JCS Gymnasium for our first
concert in almost 2 years. The elementary
band and chorus will be performing holiday
selections for your listening pleasure.

Given the circumstances with Covid-19, we       Friday evening at 5:30 pm, join the Town of
are asking that each student limit attendance   Johnsburg, local community pastors, and the
to 4 guests per student. We also request        JCS Pop Singers for Christmas Carols at the
that children under 2 do not attend due to      Lights On! Tree Lighting (located just across
them being unable to wear masks.                the street from the Phoenix Inn). Come sing
                                                with us, and ring in the Holiday Season.
*We will be recording the entire concert and
uploading to the JCS Music Department           Also this Saturday at 11:30 am the JCS Pop
YouTube page.*                                  Singers and Jiggy will be seen in the Annual
                                                Lights On! Parade atop of the Garnet Lake
We thank you for flexibility and                Volunteer FD trucks singing your favorite
understanding during these unprecedented        carols! Be sure to see all the festivities,
times. We are so excited to perform again,      including the North Country Singers Concert
and are doing our best to keep our students,    at TPCC, FREE on Sunday, Dec. 5th at 2
staff, and community safe.                      pm!

Tuesday, January 11th 7pm: High School
Concert (Grades 9-12)
Thursday, January 20th 7pm: Junior High
Concert (7th&8th grade)
                                           JCS BREAKFAST

     MONDAY             TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY               FRIDAY
 Fresh fruit and                       Juice       1       Juice           2   Juice          3
 vegetables used                       Fruit               Fruit               Fruit
                                       Yogurt              Bacon & cheese      Choice of Cereal
 Price:                                Cereal              on a bagel          Toast
 Students K-12 Free
 Adult: $2.50
                                       Muffins             Cereal              Jelly
                                       Milk                Toast / Jelly       Milk
 Juice             6 Juice            7 Juice            8 Juice           9   Juice          10
 Fruit               Fruit              Fruit              Fruit               Fruit
 Pancakes            Egg & cheese on Breakfast pizza       Breakfast           Bagel w/ cream
 Syrup               an English         Hash browns        Smoothie            cheese or P.B.
 Cereal              Cereal             Cereal             Cereal              Cereal
 Toast / Jelly       English / Jelly    Toast / Jelly      Muffins             Toast / Jelly
 Milk                Milk               Milk               Milk                Milk
 Juice            13 Juice           14 Juice           15 Juice         16    Juice          17
 Fruit               Fruit              Fruit              Fruit               Fruit
 Waffles             Yogurt             Sausage            French toast        Scrambled eggs
 Syrup               Cereal             breakfast sand.    Syrup               Cereal
 Cereal              Muffins            Cereal             Cereal              Toast
 Toast / Jelly       Milk               English / Jelly    Toast / Jelly       Jelly
 Milk                                   Milk               Milk                Milk
 Juice            20 Juice           21 Juice           22 Juice         23                  24
 Fruit               Fruit              Fruit              Fruit
 Mini Pancakes       Ham Bk.            Choice of Cereal Breakfast pizza
 Syrup               Sandwich           Toast              Hash browns
 Cereal              Cereal             Jelly              Cereal
 Toast / Jelly       English/ Jelly     Milk               Toast / Jelly
 Milk                Milk                                  Milk
                 27                  28                 29                30                 31

BREAKFAST MENU IS SUBJECT TO                                           CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                                 JCS LUNCH
    MONDAY                    TUESDAY WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                FRIDAY
Juice is offered daily    Sandwiches &
                                    Chicken Patty 1          Beef Ravioli   2     Chicken Taco 3
along with fruit for      Salads are made
                                    On a bun                 Vegetables           Lettuce/ tomato
grades 9-12               daily as part of the               Bread sticks
                          lunch options                      Fruit
                                                                                  French fries
All bread products                  Vegetables               Milk                 Rice
are whole grain                     Fruit                                         Fruit
enriched                            Milk                                          Milk
Hamburger         6 Chicken       7 Hamburger      8         Chicken            9 Spaghetti    10
Am. Cheese          Tenders         Gravy                    Caesar salad         w/ meat sauce
Rice                French fries    Potatoes                 Muffins              Vegetables
Vegetables          Vegetables      Biscuits                 Fruit                Bread sticks
Fruit               Muffins         Vegetables               Milk                 Fruit
Milk                Fruit           Fruit                                         Milk
                    Milk            Milk
Tomato soup 13 Hot Turkey 14 Hot dog             15          Tacos        16      Popcorn      17
Toasted cheese      Sandwich w/     On a bun                 Lettuce/ tomato      Chicken
Vegetables          Gravy           Mac & Cheese             French fries         French fries
Fruit               Potatoes        Vegetables               Rice                 Muffins
Milk                Vegetables      Fruit                    Fruit                Vegetables
                    Fruit           Milk                     Milk                 Fruit
                    Milk                                                          Milk
Hamburger 20 Chicken Patty 21 Meatball            22         Cheese Pizza 23                   24
Am. Cheese          On a bun        Sub                      Vegetables
Pasta               Tots            Baked chips              Muffins
Vegetables          Vegetables      Vegetables               Fruit
Fruit               Fruit           Fruit                    Milk
Milk                Milk            Milk
                 27              28               29                        30                31

Dec. 2021 Upcoming After School Activities ~ from the Johnsburg Youth Committee

JYC Funding support is from the Cloudsplitter Foundation, Stewarts Shops, Charles R Wood Foundation and the
Community Fund for the Gore Mtn. Region.

                 JYC Family Ornament Hunt
             Friday, Dec. 17, 4-6 pm                                            Free Event – for all ages!

        Sign in with your family group (with masks, socially distanced) at the
        upstairs lobby of Tannery Pond Community Center between 3:30 and 4:30
        pm, 12/17
        Bring your flashlights and headlamps… but everything will be “hidden”
        in lit areas.
        Get a map and a bag and go collect ornaments that will be “hanging out”
        around North Creek. Return with your treasures to TPCC (by 6 pm) for
        great prize(s)!

                         Questions? Contact Kate at 518-251-9083,


                         Ski Swap and Sale
                  Sat. Dec. 11th 10 – 12, Sodom Scout Hall
                  Outfit your family for the season... with SKIS
                  (alpine or cross country), SNOWBOARDS,
GOGGLES, BOOTS, POLES, HELMETS and other winter gear!!!!
Prices are LOW, LOW, LOW to allow our local kids to get on the
mountain! Donations of gently used equipment are appreciated (no outdated/old
gear, please). Bring gear to donate to Sodom Scout Hall 4-5 p.m., Dec. 10th or 10-
12, Dec. 11th Proceeds benefit the Johnsburg Youth Committee… Thanks!
                                               More Community Events:

Lights On Johnsburg: Dec. 3rd, 5:30 pm, watch for more details…Kids Art Fair at Tannery Pond Community
Center, Dec. 4, 12-2 pm. Fun for kids of all ages! Pick up a “take-out” art kit with a variety of holiday and winter
themed projects.

"Santa's Christmas Caboose!" Inside is a model train and miniature village, and a festive light display is
outside! Open for public tours Fri., Dec. 4, 5- 7pm, and Sat. Dec. 5, 4 - 6pm. Also Dec. 11 and 12 (same
times). There will be a collection bin for donating items that are needed by many families in the area,
such as: toothpaste, soap, feminine hygiene products, and other non-food essentials. Social distancing
and mask wearing please.
Over 1,200,000 Families Did This!

Over 1,200,000 families have signed up to receive free children’s books for their children. This includes nearly
100 families in the Town of Johnsburg who have also enrolled their kids in the Imagination Library program.
And it’s free and easy! Dolly Parton started an international program, Imagination Library, for any child from
birth until their 5th birthday to have a quality children’s book mailed directly to their home each month. She
understands the value of books in the life of a child. There is no cost to you because our local chapter receives
generous grant funding from the Glenn and Carol Pearsall Foundation as well as the Charles R. Wood
Foundation. Interested? Just sign up… registration forms are available at JCS, the town library, or attached to
the monthly JCS Newsletter. Thanks, Ann Arsenault Imagination Library, Johnsburg Chapter

                               Sign up your child today!
                       Simply fill out the form below and mail to:
                           Johnsburg Central School District
                                     165 Main Street
                                 North Creek, NY 12853
                                     (518) 251-2921

Dolly Parton’s IMAGINATION LIBRARY Official Registration Form
Privacy Statement: This information will not be used for any purpose other than those related to the Imagination

1ST Preschool Child’s FULL Name________________________________________________

Child’s Date of Birth ____/_____/_____ Sex: M F         Phone_______________________

2nd Preschool Child’s FULL Name _______________________________________________

Child’s Date of Birth ____/_____/_____ Sex: M F         Phone ______________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name _______________________________________________________

Child’s Home Address ________________________________________________________

 CITY                              STATE                     ZIP CODE
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