Page created by Clyde Jimenez
We are a proud family owned and operated bull-breeding           sire we have used to date, and is stamping his
business of three generations so far. You couldn’t find a        progeny with real substance and style, backed up by
more perfect location to raise Simmental than at Gold            a very well-balanced set of figures and the structural
Creek - located in Matawai, 45km north-west of Gisborne.         integrity needed for the NZ agricultural environment.

We are delighted to present to you another line up of top-       When it comes to breeding, we are perfectionists.
quality sires, and continually push ourselves to put up the      Using performance driven genetics, we breed for
best we produce. We are always striving for consistency,         economically viable and productive cattle, with an
and this year’s line up is a reflection of this - helping you    emphasis on reproduction, structural soundness,
to take your operation to the next level.                        easy finishing and docility – all without compromising
                                                                 the growth rates the Simmental breed is known and
This year’s draft of bulls are powerful terminal sires with      valued for. Everything we do is underpinned by our
high growth rates. They are predominately polled, with a         commitment to you – our clients. Ultimately, we breed
quarter being homozygous polled, and many out of first           cattle to help enhance your bottom-line, and we believe
calving heifers, which gives us confidence our programme         what we have on offer here will do just that.
is moving in the right direction.
                                                                 We thank you for reading our catalogue and look
The offering also presents a unique opportunity to secure        forward to working with you.
a variety of genetics with rising two year bulls, rising one
year heifers, two semen sires and an interesting feature
lot, the pick of three outstanding R1 bulls, all up for grabs.
The make up of these pedigrees will be an outcross
for many herds, with genetics sourced from both New
Zealand and overseas, which we have infused and tested
to produce a result that is performing well in our NZ
climate and market. We are happy to do this for our clients
who have seen some great returns so far. One of the
sire’s that features heavily in the catalogue is Woonallee
Los Angeles, still the record priced Simmental bull in           Tom Sanson
Australasia. He has been the best performing imported            Stud Manager
WE BREED CATTLE THAT                                    WE FOCUS OUR EYE ON THE END PRODUCT                           The EBV provides the best current estimate of the
WILL ENHANCE YOUR BOTTOM-LINE                           We place great emphasis on producing faster finishing,        bull’s true generic merit for that trait, relative to the
We have over 150 fully registered pure Simmental        high yielding fleshy cattle. We want to put more meat on      overall base for the Simmental breed. EBV percentile
cows on the property with the aim of reaching           a smaller frame than traditional Simmentals, which is one     table (abbreviated) - Simmental animals born in 2018.
200 by the 2021 calving season. We have invested        of the main reasons for sourcing genetic material from
significant time and effort into searching for the      beyond the shores of New Zealand as well. To measure
right genetic material to enhance our breeding          the progress of our breeding programme and to select the      AVERAGE BREEDING VALUES FOR 2019 CALVES
programme here at Gold Creek. We run an extensive       best replacements, all cattle between 12 and 15 months are
Embryo Transfer Programme using the best sourced        scanned for eye muscle area, p8 fat, rib fat depth and IMF.    WEIGHT TRAITS
genetics from across the globe, all sourced via         We also closely monitor carcase yields on cull animals sent             BW        200      400       600
Woonallee Simmentals in Australia. Every year we        for slaughter, with most yielding in excess of 60%.            EBV      +0.7      +20      +36       +45
are flushing our very best cows and introducing a
range of genetics to continually lift the quality of    WHILST ENSURING THE FULL
calves produced.                                        PACKAGE IS TOP QUALITY                                         CARCASE TRAITS
                                                        Above all, all cattle must be structurally sound, mobile                EMA       RIB      RUMP      CWT
ENSURING WE ARE DELIVERING                              and capable in hill-country. Breeding females are assessed     EBV      +2.5      +0.3     +0.1      +25
WHAT OUR CLIENTS NEED                                   yearly, and all sale bulls are independently assessed by
We aim to breed predominantly polled cattle.            beef class assessor, Bill Austin. Cattle must be docile –
                                                                                                                       MILK                        SS
This is something our industry is increasingly          there are no exceptions here. In order to ensure this we
moving towards, and something we are seeing             continually assess for temperament.                            EBV      +8                 EBV       +0.5
our clients demand more. All bulls have 100k SNP
profiles and have been sire verified so you can         SIMMENTAL GROUP BREEDPLAN
                                                                                                                       DOC                         INDEXES
be sure pedigrees are correct. Incorrect pedigree       The values in this catalogue were calculated in the
information can drastically alter a bulls breeding      Simmental trans-tasman group breed plan evaluation.            EBV      +8                 MATERNAL         +83
values. All our bulls have also been service capacity   Each reported trait shows an EBV (estimated breeding                                       TERMINAL         +43
tested and semen tested so you can be confident         value) and its accuracy.
they are ready to go at mating time.
1. BE CLEAR ON YOUR OWN BREEDING OBJECTIVE                  3. PICK YOUR INDEX. ARE YOU BREEDING                          - They could be average for growth but really
  Start with where you are now.                                MATERNAL OR TERMINAL?                                        good on carcass traits.
  - What are you doing well and what do you think 		          Simmental NZ have specifically designed breeding            - Check out the bulls in this catalogue and
    you could/should be doing better? Calving 			             indexes for farmers looking for either producing              put a tick beside your important traits if they
    percentage? Average weaning weights?                      heifer replacements (Simmental Maternal Index)                meet your criteria.
    Growth rates?                                             or for all progeny being finished (Simmental
                                                              Terminal Index).                                           5. TRACKING YOUR PERFORMANCE. IN WHAT
  What is your current system and what role
  do your bulls need to play?                                 - The terminal index specifically focuses on                  WAYS COULD YOU TRACK THE PERFORMANCE
  - Do you finish all your calves or do you                     the bulls direct influence of calving ease, along           OF YOUR NEW BULLS?
    sell them store?                                            with strong pressure on traits influencing sale 		        - Do you buy bulls from other studs that
                                                                liveweights, dressing out percentage and meat yield.        you might be able to benchmark them with?
  - Are you looking to keep replacements or
    are you straight terminal?                                - The maternal index includes pressure on the direct 		     - Would you be interested to DNA test your
  - Are you cross breeding and looking to                       influence on the bull for calving ease and progeny 		       top or bottom calves, just to see what bulls are
    maximise hybrid vigor?                                      sale liveweights, but also the maternal aspect 			          performing the best? (DNA test would be
                                                                of these traits in his daughters. This index also           about $23 per calf)
  - What challenges are you currently faced with
                                                                places pressure on cow survival, weaning rates and
    that genetics may be able to help you with?                                                                           - Can you commit to recording performance
                                                                on carcass traits too, all while trying to keep the
    Calving issues?                                                                                                         every year to compare your progress? Weaning
                                                                weight of the mature cow down.
                                                                                                                            weights, scanning percentage, growth rates?
                                                            What role are you needing your bull/s from
                                                            Gold Creek to play?
At the end of the day, you go where your breeder is
going. Be sure to know where that is, and make sure         Terminal : Maternal : Both : One of Each.
that their stud objectives align with yours. Write a list
of a few inquiry questions you may wish to ask Tom          4. KNOW WHAT BREEDING VALUES ARE
before the sale. They might be something like;                 THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR YOU                                 JOHANNA SCOTT Targeted Breeding
  1.		 What are your key breeding objectives and              Once you have chosen your index, it is time to              mobile: 021 917 024
  		 what traits are most important in your stud?             look at the traits within that index. Two bulls             email:
  2. What performance can I expect from your bulls?           could have the exact same index – but have a
                                                              totally different role in your herd.
  3. What role do you think your bulls will
  		 perform in my herd?                                      - They could be strong on calving ease traits but
                                                                not as good for growth.
2ND ANNUAL                               ONLINE
SALE                                             AUCTION                                  AUCTION
INFORMATION                                      INFORMATION                              INFORMATION
  HEALTH                                         ON PROPERTY                              HOSTED BY BIDR®
  Gold Creek Simmentals have a C10 TB                                            as a HYBRID auction, with
  status, TB has never been detected in the      MONDAY 24 MAY 2021                       online bidding and a live-stream available
  herd. All cattle have been tested negative                                              on sale day, as well as the normal on-farm format.
  and vaccinated for bvd. All cattle tested
  for Mycoplasma bovis.                          SALE COMMENCES AT 2PM                    ONLINE PURCHASERS
                                                 INSPECTION OF CATTLE FROM 12             Must register on bidr® in advance of the
                                                 (lunch and refreshments available)       sale date, by visiting the website and using the
                                                                                          SIGN UP button, adding their contact information
  Gold Creek will cover up to                    ADDRESS                                  and nominating the agency they would like to
  $500 delivery.                                                                          purchase through an account held with that agency.
                                                 Gold Creek Sale Complex
                                                 4557 Matawai Rd, RD2                     Alternatively, purchasers can organise an agent
  GUARANTEE                                      Te Karaka                                from one of the agencies listed on bidr® to buy
  All cattle sold come with a two year           Gisborne 4092                            on their behalf. The bidr® team is always available
  structure and fertility guarantee. In the                                               to help purchasers get signed up and registered,
  rare case a bull is found to be infertile or   CONTACT                                  and the HelpDesk is proudly managed in-house
  incapable of natural service, Gold Creek       TOM & ADELINE SANSON                     from the Waikato.
  will refund or replace the bull provided       mobile: 027 248 9098
  the problem is not caused by injury or         email:
  disease incurred after taking delivery.                                                 BIDR®
                                                 CONTACT FOR AUCTIONEER                   phone: 0800 TO BIDR (0800 86 2437)
                                                 & BOOKING AGENTS                         email:
                                                 NEVILLE CLARK – E J Gordon livestock
  All cattle are registered with the NZ                                                   ALTERNATIVE CONTACT
                                                 home: 06 862 8620 mobile: 027 598 6537
  Simmental Breeders Association and
                                                                                          CAITLIN ROKELA - National Territory Manager
  are eligible for transfer.                     DEANO BRENSSELL – Fergus Rural
                                                 home: 06 862 6556 mobile: 027 863 8923   mobile: 027 405 6156

  Please feel free to contact us if you
  require assistance with accommodation
  reservations or transfer from Gisborne
  to the sale.
Buy and Sell
                                                                                      livestock on bidr®
                                     is here.                                         in 3 easy steps:
      Trade Livestock
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                                                                                  and add your        are interested in     online auction to
                                                                                 agency account            buying         bid for the livestock
                                                                                  under account                                you wish to
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                                                                                                  Contact your bidr® Representative
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 Real time      All livestock   Nationwide      Buy livestock   Full livestock
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                                                                                   NZ’s VIRTUAL SALEYARD | | 0800 TO BIDR
Generations of experience and
expertise has gone into bringing
you a superior level of Simmental
bulls. Here at Gold Creek, our bulls
are bred from outstanding pedigree,
showing great muscle structure and
carcase traits, while still being docile
and easy to work with.
We take great pride in presenting
to you the 2021 Gold Creek
Simmental bulls.


    Bulls in top 10% EBV

    Bulls in top 30% EBV
         HAIL MARY                                                                                  BORN: 18/09/2019
         We see Lot 1 setting the standard high for the 2021 bull sale. Hail Mary has               REG: 1690190047
         been a stand-out since day one - a highly mobile bull with a lot going for him.            EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         He is stylish and has great growth figures in the top 5%.                                  HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                    WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                            BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                    EBV     +2.7       +31    +60       +73
                                                                                                    ACC     72%        67%    70%       71%

                                                                                                    CARCASE TRAITS

                                                                                                            EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                    EBV     +2.1       -0.2   -0.4      +44
                                                                                                    ACC     51%        53%    52%       58%

                                                                                                    MILK                      SS
                                                                                                    EBV     +12               EBV       +0.8
                                                                                                    ACC     47%               ACC       71%

                        		       TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801      		       WAIKITE AK104
NOTES:                        KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)            WAIKITE NATION WIDE AN106
                                                                                                    DOC                       INDEXES
                        		       RISSINGTON AK287		           		       WAIKITE AK90		               EBV     -3                MATERNAL         76
                        SIRE: KERRAH D859                     DAM: TE RAUMAUKU AW31
                                                                                                    ACC     53%               TERMINAL         46
                        		       WAIKITE AW063		              		       TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AK38 AK38
                              KERRAH B59		                         TE RAUMAUKU AM16
                        		       KERRAH CY59		                		       TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AJ2
         HORSEPOWER                                                                                         BORN: 09/05/2019
         If you’re looking for a high impact sire, it’s hard to go past                                     REG: 1690190008
         Horsepower, enough to put him in as Lot 2. A meaty, homo-polled                                    EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         bull with massive volume and huge top-end growth at +85.                                           HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                            WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                    BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                            EBV     +2.8      +29    +56       +85
                                                                                                            ACC     69%       63%    66%       69%

                                                                                                            CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                    EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                            EBV     +1.3      -1.0   -1.0      +41
                                                                                                            ACC     47%       50%    50%       54%

                                                                                                            MILK                     SS
                                                                                                            EBV     +13              EBV       +0.5
                                                                                                            ACC     39%              ACC       68%

                        		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                      DOC                      INDEXES
                              GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04
                        		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)   		      GLEN ANTHONY AZ56		               EBV     +41              MATERNAL         83
                        SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)           DAM: GOLD CREEK WHIMSICAL E5
                                                                                                            ACC     49%              TERMINAL         52
                        		       BHR DOORN G629E		                		      WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                              WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)          GOLD CREEK WHIMSICAL
                        		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		            		      WILLOWBROOK WHIMSICAL AW17
         HONDURAS                                                                                      BORN: 25/09/2019
         A bull with huge early growth and a real sires presence.                                      REG: 1690190057
         Honduras is in the top 1% for 200 day weight and is sure                                      EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         to produce sale topping weaners.                                                              HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                       WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                               BW        200   400       600
                                                                                                       EBV     +3.4      +35   +63       +80
                                                                                                       ACC     70%       64%   62%       61%

                                                                                                       CARCASE TRAITS

                                                                                                               EMA       RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                       EBV     +2.6      0.0   0.0       +46
                                                                                                       ACC     41%       49%   49%       51%

                                                                                                       MILK                    SS
                                                                                                       EBV     +9              EBV       +1.6
                                                                                                       ACC     45%             ACC       49%

                          		       TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801   		      WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                 DOC                     INDEXES
                                KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)         WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                          		       RISSINGTON AK287          		      WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		             EBV     -7              MATERNAL         42
                          SIRE: KERRAH D859                  DAM: GOLD CREEK ADELLE
                                                                                                       ACC     55%             TERMINAL         42
                          		       WAIKITE AW063		           		      WILLOWBROOK LIME AL78
                                KERRAH B59		                      WILLOWBROOK AAN48
                          		       KERRAH CY59		             		      WILLOWBROO AK44
         HOCUS POCUS                                                                                           BORN: 06/05/2019
         Another impressive homo-polled son of Woonallee Los                                                   REG: 1690190006
         Angeles. Lot 4 is out of a first calving heifer - long and thick                                      EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         with a very good spread of figures.                                                                   HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                               WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                       BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                               EBV     +2.1      +27    +46       +63
                                                                                                               ACC     68%       62%    65%       67%

                                                                                                               CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                       EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                               EBV     +2.5      +0.3   +0.9      +33
                                                                                                               ACC     46%       49%    48%       53%

                                                                                                               MILK                     SS
                                                                                                               EBV     +16              EBV       +1.1
                                                                                                               ACC     39%              ACC       67%

                          		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		      WOONALLEE BHR TORNADO (P) (ET)
                                                                                                               DOC                      INDEXES
                                GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            WOONALLEE GOLDRUSH (P)
                          		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)   		      WOONALLEE VASTI B117 (ET) (AI)     EBV     +12              MATERNAL         84
                          SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)           DAM: GOLD CREEK XQUISITE E11
                                                                                                               ACC     48%              TERMINAL         47
                                   BHR DOORN G629E		                		      ORIPAK UNO AU494
                                WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		        CEDARWOOD XQUISITE AX0914
                          		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		            		      OAKDALE UBIQUITY AU53
         HONKY PONKY                                                                          BORN: 16/05/2019
         Very well balanced, high performing bull was used over heifers.                      REG: 1690190012
         Honky Ponky has been a stand out bull from a young age and                           EYE PIGMENT: 100/50
         would be a great option as a maternal sire as he’ll produce                          HORN: HORNED
         strong first cross calves.

                                                                                              WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                      BW         200   400       600
                                                                                              EBV     +1.4       +28   +53       +64
                                                                                              ACC     68%        62%   65%       59%

                                                                                              CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                      EMA        RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                              EBV     +2.8       +14   +1.8      +36
                                                                                              ACC     37%        44%   44%       50%

                                                                                              MILK                     SS
                                                                                              EBV     +15              EBV       +1.6
                                                                                              ACC     38%              ACC       47%

                          		       KERRAH WOW FACTOR AW60				       TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AU25
NOTES:                                                                                        DOC                      INDEXES
                                KERRAH AWESOME A404		           TE RAUMAUKU A15
                          		       KERRAH BW8014		         		       TE RAUMAUKU AP25		        EBV     +24              MATERNAL         102
                          SIRE: KERRAH E307                DAM: GOLD CREEK ELECTRA            ACC     45%              TERMINAL         46
                          		       KERRAH ZION Z366		      		       TE RAUMAUKU AT21
                                KERRAH B38		                    TE RAUMAUKU AW87
                          		       KERRAH BY38		           		       TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AJ37
         HANDSOME                                                                                         BORN: 13/05/2019
         Lot 6 is a son of high performing Charter, and has a low birth                                   REG: 1690190011
         weight with good calving ease. He stands on good feet and                                        EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         moves well. Will have no trouble covering the hills.                                             HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                          WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                  BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                          EBV     0.0        +19    +34       +44
                                                                                                          ACC     69%        63%    66%       68%

                                                                                                          CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                  EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                          EBV     +2.1       +0.5   +0.9      +26
                                                                                                          ACC     47%        51%    51%       54%

                                                                                                          MILK                      SS
                                                                                                          EBV     +15               EBV       +0.5
                                                                                                          ACC     42%               ACC       68%

                           		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		      EXODUS A023066 (IMP GER)
NOTES:                                                                                                    DOC                       INDEXES
                                 GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            GOLD CREEK ZEROX
                           		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET) SIRE:
                                                                     		      GLEN ANTHONY AW21		          EBV     +1                MATERNAL         100
                           SIRE: GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04           DAM: GOLD CREEK ULTRA E56            ACC     50%               TERMINAL         41
                           		       STEINADLER A041910 (IMP GER)		 		        TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801
                                 GLEN ANTHONY AZ56		                      KAPITI ULTRA AU4
                           		       GLEN ANTHONY AP104		             		      KAPITI RUTH AR4 (ET)
         HITMAN                                                                                        BORN: 21/08/2019
         A very well balanced bull by Los Angeles, out of a cow who                                    REG: 1690190025
         has produced three sale bulls and retained two daughters.                                     EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         Another good option for a maternal sire.                                                      HORN: HORNED

                                                                                                       WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                               BW         200   400       600
                                                                                                        EBV    +1.2       +25   +46       +67
                                                                                                        ACC    68%        63%   60%       58%

                                                                                                       CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                               EMA        RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                        EBV    +1.6       0.0   +0.4      +34
                                                                                                        ACC    37%        45%   44%       48%

                                                                                                       MILK                     SS
                                                                                                        EBV    +14              EBV       +0.6
                                                                                                        ACC    45%              ACC       46%

                       		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER			              		       STACHUS
NOTES:                                                                                                 DOC                      INDEXES
                             GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)		            STEINADLER A041910 (IMP GER)
                       		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		       HITZE                       EBV    +19              MATERNAL         99
                       SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK YULE AY17            ACC    51%              TERMINAL         47
                       		       BHR DOORN G629E		                       WAI-ITI POLDARK AP31
                             WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		     		       WAI-ITI ZARA AU134
                       		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		                   WAI-ITI AN49
         HUMDINGER                                                                                             BORN: 25/04/2019
         Out of a first calving heifer, humdinger, is just that! A bull with real                              REG: 1690190001
         presence and the stamp of his sire, Woonallee Los Angeles. Low                                        EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         birth weight with good calving ease and a smooth shoulder, he will                                    HORN: HORNED
         have no issue going over heifers.

                                                                                                               WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                       BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                               EBV     +0.1      +18    +36       +54
                                                                                                               ACC     69%       63%    66%       69%

                                                                                                               CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                       EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                               EBV     +0.8      -0.4   -0.2      +27
                                                                                                               ACC     47%       50%    50%       54%

                                                                                                               MILK                     SS
                                                                                                               EBV     +13              EBV       +0.1
                                                                                                               ACC     39%              ACC       68%

                         		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		               		      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                         DOC                      INDEXES
                               GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)              GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04
                         		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		      GLEN ANTHONY AZ56			              EBV     +18              MATERNAL         94
                         SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK WENDY F2
                                                                                                               ACC     49%              TERMINAL         43
                         		       BHR DOORN G629E		                  		      WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                               WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)            GOLD CREEK WENDY
                         		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		              		      KAPITI WENDY AW16
         HOLLYWOOD                                                                                          BORN: 12/05/2019
         Lot 9 is a well balanced and extremely quiet bull, out of                                          REG: 1690190010
         an exciting young cow who is currently being flushed                                               EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         for embryo transfer.                                                                               HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                            WEIGHT TRAITS

                                                                                                                    BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                            EBV     +2.5       +27    +47       +62
                                                                                                            ACC     69%        63%    66%       68%

                                                                                                            CARCASE TRAITS

                                                                                                                    EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                            EBV     +2.6       -0.2   +0.2      +34
                                                                                                            ACC     47%        50%    49%       54%

                                                                                                            MILK                      SS
                                                                                                            EBV     +11               EBV       +0.7
                                                                                                            ACC     39%               ACC       68%

                      		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		               		      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)
                                                                                                            DOC                       INDEXES
NOTES:                      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)              GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04
                      		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		      GLEN ANTHONY AZ56		               EBV     +25               MATERNAL         77
                      SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK ULTRA E24                 ACC     49%               TERMINAL         48
                      		       BHR DOORN G629E		                  		      KAREWA ZACH AZ1
                            WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		          GOLD CREEK ULTRA
                      		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		              		      GOLD CREEK YASMINE AY21
LOT 10
         HENCHMAN                                                                                        BORN: 17/08/2019
         For a long, growthy and powerfully built bull look no                                           REG: 1690190026
         further than Lot 10. Henchman is a powerful terminal                                            EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         sire with 600 day growth in the top 1%.                                                         HORN: HORNED

                                                                                                         WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                  BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                          EBV     +4.3      +30    +57       +89
                                                                                                          ACC     70%       64%    66%       68%

                                                                                                         CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                  EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                          EBV     +0.9      +0.5   +1.0      +38
                                                                                                          ACC     47%       50%    50%       54%

                                                                                                         MILK                      SS
                                                                                                          EBV     +11              EBV       +0.9
                                                                                                          ACC     45%              ACC       68%

                           		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		       TE RAUMAUKU AT21
NOTES:                                                                                                   DOC                       INDEXES
                                 GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AX45
                           		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)   		       TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AL4 AL4    EBV     +40              MATERNAL         75
                           SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)           DAM: TE RAUMAUKU AZ28
                                                                                                          ACC     49%              TERMINAL         45
                                    BHR DOORN G629E		                		       TE RAUMAUKU AR24
                                 WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		        TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AU102
                           		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		            		       TE RAUMAUKU AR69
LOT 11
         HURRICANE                                                                                   BORN: 22/08/2019
         Hurricane is a bull that structurally scores fives across                                   REG: 1690190030
         the board and has a set of figures up there with the best                                   EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         of them. He falls within the top 10% for docility and milk.                                 HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                     WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                             BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                     EBV     +2.1      +21    +42       +68
                                                                                                     ACC     70%       64%    67%       69%

                                                                                                     CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                             EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                     EBV     +0.2      +0.1   +0.4      +29
                                                                                                     ACC     47%       51%    50%       55%

                                                                                                     MILK                     SS
                                                                                                     EBV     +13              EBV       -0.3
                                                                                                     ACC     45%              ACC       67%

                        		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		               		      LYNMAR MONTY
NOTES:                                                                                               DOC                      INDEXES
                              GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)              CARIBOO RUTHERFORD AR33
                        		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		      CARIBOO KELLY AK2		      EBV     +30              MATERNAL         86
                        SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK YENTIL AY24
                                                                                                     ACC     51%              TERMINAL         39
                        		       BHR DOORN G629E		                  		      TAKIROA KEELEY AK20
                              WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)            WILLOWBROOK NONNA AN51
                        		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		              		      WILLOWBROOK AK11
LOT 12
         HIGH VOLTAGE                                                                               BORN: 29/05/2019
         We see Lot 12 scoring within the top 30% across the                                        REG: 1690190081
         board. He has a very appealing package, is dark red with a                                 EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         moderate frame and good performance.                                                       HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                    WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                            BW         200    400    600
                                                                                                    EBV     +2.4       +28    +49    +62
                                                                                                    ACC     56%        51%    52%    53%

                                                                                                    CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                            EMA        RIB    RUMP   CWT
                                                                                                    EBV     +2.4       +0.6   +0.7   +33
                                                                                                    ACC     36%        44%    44%    43%

                                                                                                    MILK                      SS
                                                                                                    EBV     +12               EBV    +1.0
                                                                                                    ACC     38%               ACC    44%

                            		       KERRAH WOW FACTOR AW60
                                                            		      WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                              DOC                       INDEXES
                                  KERRAH AWESOME A404		          WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                            		       KERRAH BW8014		        		      WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		           EBV     +19               MATERNAL      -
                            SIRE: KERRAH E307               DAM: GOLD CREEK NANCY D49
                                                                                                    ACC     46%               TERMINAL      -
                            		       KERRAH ZION Z366		     		      POTAWA REMUS AR5
                                  KERRAH B38		                   CARIBOO AX04
                            		       KERRAH BY38		          		      CARIBOO NANCY AN6
LOT 13
         HERBRAND                                                                                           BORN: 24/08/2019
         Another well balanced Woonallee Los Angeles son, this time                                         REG: 1690190031
         out of an impressive U-Mary daughter who has now had two                                           EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         sons to make it to sale.                                                                           HORN: HORNED

                                                                                                            WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                    BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                            EBV     +2.6      +28    +50       +57
                                                                                                            ACC     70%       64%    67%       69%

                                                                                                            CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                    EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                            EBV     +2.9      -0.3   0.0       +33
                                                                                                            ACC     48%       51%    50%       55%

                                                                                                            MILK                     SS
                                                                                                            EBV     +16              EBV       -0.3
                                                                                                            ACC     43%              ACC       68%

                     		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		               		      WOONALLEE BHR TORNADO (P) (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                      DOC                      INDEXES
                           GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)              WOONALLEE GOLDRUSH (P)
                     		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		      WOONALLEE VASTI B117 (ET) (AI)		   EBV     +18              MATERNAL         78
                     SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK U-MARY
                                                                                                            ACC     50%              TERMINAL         50
                     		       BHR DOORN G629E		                  		      TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801
                           WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		          WILLOWBROOK U-MARY AU14 (ET)
                     		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		              		      WILLOWBROOK FERGIE
LOT 14
         HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS                                                                           BORN: 23/09/2019
         Lot 14 is a bull that keeps getting better with age. He is a                                REG: 1690190055
         homo-polled bull, scanned as the highest actual rib and                                     EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         rump fats, and goes back to the Y3 cow, dam of Expector.                                    HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                     WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                             BW        200    400    600
                                                                                                     EBV     +2.9      +33    +48    +73
                                                                                                     ACC     70%       65%    68%    70%

                                                                                                     CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                             EMA       RIB    RUMP   CWT
                                                                                                     EBV     +2.2      +0.1   +0.1   +38
                                                                                                     ACC     48%       48%    48%    56%

                                                                                                     MILK                     SS
                                                                                                     EBV     +10              EBV    +2.3
                                                                                                     ACC     40%              ACC    69%

                              		       TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801    		      WILLOWBROOK RUBEN AR41
NOTES:                                                                                               DOC                      INDEXES
                                    KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)		        KAREWA ZACH AZ1
                              		       RISSINGTON AK287           		      KAREWA PEARL AP481		       EBV     +19              MATERNAL      74
                              SIRE: KERRAH D859                   DAM: GOLD CREEK MANIQUIN           ACC     52%              TERMINAL      40
                              		       WAIKITE AW063		            		      KERRAH AU62
                                    KERRAH B59		                       GOLD CREEK AY3
                              		       KERRAH CY59		              		      CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6
LOT 15
         HASH TAG                                                                                             BORN: 25/08/2019
         Lot 15 will not disappoint. He packs a lot of punch, with his                                        REG: 1690190032
         dam (Gold Creek Alise) having four sale bulls and a daughter                                         EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         retained. We see his growth and carcase rates in the top 5%.                                         HORN: HORNED

                                                                                                              WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                      BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                              EBV     +3.4      +33    +60       +84
                                                                                                              ACC     70%       64%    67%       69%

                                                                                                              CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                      EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                              EBV     +1.7      -0.8   -0.7      +43
                                                                                                              ACC     47%       51%    50%       55%

                                                                                                              MILK                     SS
                                                                                                              EBV     +12              EBV       +0.9
                                                                                                              ACC     44%              ACC       68%

                        		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER			              		      WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                        DOC                      INDEXES
                              GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)              WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                        		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)		   		      WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		             EBV     +32              MATERNAL         78
                        SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)             DAM: GOLD CREEK ALISE                     ACC     51%              TERMINAL         53
                        		       BHR DOORN G629E		                  		      KAPITI TALISMAN AT10
                              WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)            KAPITI WENDY AW16
                        		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		              		      KAPITI PINUP AP21
LOT 16
         HEAD HONCHO                                                                                 BORN: 21/09/2019
         Another high impact terminal sire with a strong genetic package                             REG: 1690190054
         that will not disappoint. We see Head Honcho’s growth, carcase                              EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         and scrotal size rates sit within the top 5%.                                               HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                     WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                             BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                     EBV     +3.9       +34    +65       +76
                                                                                                     ACC     72%        66%    69%       71%

                                                                                                     CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                             EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                     EBV     +1.6       +0.6   +0.7      +42
                                                                                                     ACC     51%        53%    52%       58%

                                                                                                     MILK                      SS
                                                                                                     EBV     +6                EBV       +1.9
                                                                                                     ACC     47%               ACC       70%

                            		       TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801				       WAIKITE NATION WIDE AN106
NOTES:                                                                                               DOC                       INDEXES
                                  KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)		      TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AU25
                            		       RISSINGTON AK287		       		       SINGING HILLS GEMMA AG25		    EBV     +25               MATERNAL         43
                            SIRE: KERRAH D859                 DAM: TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AX67             ACC     54%               TERMINAL         40
                            		       WAIKITE AW063		          		       WAIKITE MAESTRO AM59
                                  KERRAH B59		                     TE RAUMAUKU AR49
                            		       KERRAH CY59		            		       SINGING HILLS FINELLA
LOT 17
         HIGH FIVE                                                                                       BORN: 14/09/2019
         High Five is a very well balanced bull in this year’s                                           REG: 1690190042
         sale. He scored all fives on his beef class and was the                                         EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         last calf out of the top performing Y35 cow.                                                    HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                         WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                 BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                         EBV     +2.8       +24    +42       +49
                                                                                                         ACC     71%        66%    69%       71%

                                                                                                         CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                 EMA        RIB    RUMP   CWT
                                                                                                         EBV     +2.7       +1.0   +1.3   +27
                                                                                                         ACC     57%        54%    53%    57%

                                                                                                         MILK                      SS
                                                                                                         EBV     +7                EBV       +0.3
                                                                                                         ACC     44%               ACC       70%

                         		       TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801				      WAI-ITI POLDARK AP31
NOTES:                                                                                                   DOC                       INDEXES
                               KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)		      WAI-ITI WHIP-LASH AW128
                         		       RISSINGTON AK287		       		      WAI-ITI PALOMA AP98                   EBV     -6                MATERNAL         54
                         SIRE: KERRAH D859                 DAM: GOLD CREEK YOUNGER AY35                  ACC     54%               TERMINAL         30
                         		       WAIKITE AW063                    GRIMICH PARK PRIMUS S52 (IMP AUS)
                               KERRAH B59                       WAI-ITI WELCOME AU17 (ET)
                         		       KERRAH CY59              		      WAI-ITI WELCOME AL164
LOT 18
         HENDRIX                                                                                         BORN: 04/08/2019
         We see Lot 18 as a moderate, thick type of bull.                                                REG: 1690190016
         He is an imported embryo out of the Woonallee                                                   EYE PIGMENT: 100/50
         matriarch Regal C40.                                                                            HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                         WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                 BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                         EBV     +0.8      +18    +32       +33
                                                                                                         ACC     45%       44%    43%       29%

                                                                                                         CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                 EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                         EBV     +3.0      -1.4   -1.7      +21
                                                                                                         ACC     31%       36%    35%       38%

                                                                                                         MILK                     SS
                                                                                                         EBV     +11              EBV       +0.3
                                                                                                         ACC     44%              ACC       35%

                          		       KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH 418B		   		     KYKSO HADAU
NOTES:                                                                                                   DOC                      INDEXES
                                ANCHOR T RUSTY 59G (IMP AUS)        WOONALLEE HADAU A05032 (IMP AUS)
                          		       ANCHOR T HELGA 10Y		        		     RU-DEV CASSY		                     EBV     -9               MATERNAL         -
                          SIRE: STARWEST POL BLUEPRINT         DAM: WOONALLEE REGAL C40 (AI)             ACC     42%              TERMINAL         -
                          		       CHAMPS BRAVO (IMP CAN)		    		     DENHAM COURT SCHOOLY
                                PHS HOMOZYGOUS XCEPTIONAL           WOONALLEE REGAL X46
                          		       WCC WELLS’ PLD TALULAH 7T
LOT 19
         HAPPY HOUR                                                                                       BORN: 25/08/2019
         We see another bull born by favourite Woonallee Los                                              REG: 1690190033
         Angeles. Happy Hour is a great deep, long bodied bull                                            EYE PIGMENT: 100/50
         who’s dam is the Polly Waffle ET cow.                                                            HORN: HORNED

                                                                                                          WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                  BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                          EBV     +2.7      +26    +43       +65
                                                                                                          ACC     68%       62%    65%       67%

                                                                                                          CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                  EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                          EBV     +2.4      -0.6   -0.2      +32
                                                                                                          ACC     47%       48%    47%       53%

                                                                                                          MILK                     SS
                                                                                                          EBV     +14              EBV       -0.4
                                                                                                          ACC     43%              ACC       68%

                    		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		           		  BLINKBOU MODIST
NOTES:                                                                                                    DOC                      INDEXES
                          GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)       WOONALLEE BHR TORNADO (P) (ET)
                    		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET) 		  WISP-WILL ROSY		                          EBV     +4               MATERNAL         58
                    SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P) 		DAM: GOLD CREEK POLLY WAFFLE (ET)                   ACC     49%              TERMINAL         43
                    		       BHR DOORN G629E		              		  WOONALLEE BOULDER (ET) A06116 (IMP AUS)
                          WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		   WOONALLEE POLLY WAFFLE F133 (IMP AUS)
                    		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		          		  WOONALLEE POLLY WAFFLE
LOT 20
         HELSINKI                                                                                               BORN: 05/10/2019
          Lot 20 is a very tidy homo-polled bull out of the Clare                                               REG: 1690190063
         cow who has produced two sale bulls and a thumper of                                                   EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         a calf just weaned.                                                                                    HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                                WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                        BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                                EBV     +1.6       +23    +37       +48
                                                                                                                ACC     69%        62%    66%       68%

                                                                                                                CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                        EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                                EBV     +1.9       -0.6   -0.5      +25
                                                                                                                ACC     45%        49%    49%       53%

                                                                                                                MILK                      SS
                                                                                                                EBV     +14               EBV       +1.5
                                                                                                                ACC     37%               ACC       68%

                           		       WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)
                                                                  		      EXODUS A023066 (IMP GER)
NOTES:                                                                                                          DOC                       INDEXES
                                 WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90		                GOLD CREEK ZEROX
                           		       WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		         		      GLEN ANTHONY AW21		                   EBV     +27               MATERNAL         51
                           SIRE: GOLD CREEK EXPECTOR              DAM: GOLD CREEK CLARE
                                                                                                                ACC     50%               TERMINAL         35
                           		       KERRAH AU62		                 		      DDD SARGENT ROTE 211U (P) (IMP USA)
                                 GOLD CREEK AY3		                      GOLD CREEK AKAROA (ET)
                           		       CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6		         		      HIGH FIVE CLARE (P) (IMP AUS)
LOT 21
         HUMPTY DUMPTY                                                                                       BORN: 29/10/2019
         Another stylish Expector son, this time with some good                                              REG: 1690190075
         growth and carcase traits to go with the high docility.                                             EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         Also has a good scrotal size within the top 10%.                                                    HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                             WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                     BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                             EBV     +3.5       +31    +55       +76
                                                                                                             ACC     68%        62%    65%       67%

                                                                                                             CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                     EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                             EBV     +2.2       -0.5   -0.4      +39
                                                                                                             ACC     44%        50%    49%       52%

                                                                                                             MILK                      SS
                                                                                                             EBV     +12               EBV       +1.4
                                                                                                             ACC     37%               ACC       64%

                         		       WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)   		      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                       DOC                       INDEXES
                               WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90		                  GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04
                         		       WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		           		      GLEN ANTHONY AZ56		                EBV     +23               MATERNAL         63
                         SIRE: GOLD CREEK EXPECTOR                DAM: GOLD CREEK FIONA E1
                                                                                                             ACC     50%               TERMINAL         46
                         		       KERRAH AU62		                   		      WOONALLEE BHR TORNADO (P) (ET)
                               GOLD CREEK AY3		                        GOLD CREEK FIONA
                         		       CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6             		      WAI-ITI FIONA AU48
LOT 22
         HULK                                                                                              BORN: 12/08/2019
         We see Lot 22 as another Regal son - a moderate,                                                  REG: 1690190021
         soft bull that is very docile, with a structure that is                                           EYE PIGMENT: 100/50
         hard to fault.                                                                                    HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                           WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                   BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                           EBV     +0.8       +17    +32       +33
                                                                                                           ACC     45%        44%    43%       43%

                                                                                                           CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                   EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                           EBV     +3.0       -1.4   -1.7      +21
                                                                                                           ACC     31%        36%    35%       38%

                                                                                                           MILK                      SS
                                                                                                           EBV     +11               EBV       +0.3
                                                                                                           ACC     44%               ACC       35%

                             		       KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH 418B		    		     KYKSO HADAU
NOTES:                                                                                                     DOC                       INDEXES
                                   ANCHOR T RUSTY 59G (IMP AUS)         WOONALLEE HADAU A05032 (IMP AUS)
                             		       ANCHOR T HELGA 10Y		         		     RU-DEV CASSY		                   EBV     +1                MATERNAL         -
                             SIRE: STARWEST POL BLUEPRINT          DAM: WOONALLEE REGAL C40 (AI)
                                                                                                           ACC     42%               TERMINAL         -
                             		       CHAMPS BRAVO (IMP CAN)		     		     DENHAM COURT SCHOOLY
                                   PHS HOMOZYGOUS XCEPTIONAL            WOONALLEE REGAL X46
                             		       WCC WELLS’ PLD TALULAH 7T
LOT 23
         HALO                                                                                                BORN: 16/09/2019
         Lot 23 is a nicely balanced, honest bull to finish. He has a                                        REG: 1690190053
         strong female line, and would be a great option if you are                                          EYE PIGMENT: 50/50
         looking for a bull to breed replacement females.                                                    HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                             WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                     BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                             EBV     +1.2       +24    +40       +57
                                                                                                             ACC     54%        49%    51%       51%

                                                                                                             CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                     EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                             EBV     +1.2       -0.6   -0.8      +31
                                                                                                             ACC     32%        44%    43%       42%

                                                                                                             MILK                      SS
                                                                                                             EBV     +13               EBV       +0.7
                                                                                                             ACC     33%               ACC       40%

                          		       WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)   		      GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                       DOC                       INDEXES
                                WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90		                  GLEN ANTHONY CHARTER AC04
                          		       WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		           		      GLEN ANTHONY AZ56		               EBV     -                 MATERNAL         -
                          SIRE: GOLD CREEK EXPECTOR                DAM: GOLD CREEK YULE E4
                                                                                                             ACC     -                 TERMINAL         -
                          		       KERRAH AU62                     		      KAREWA ZACH AZ1
                                GOLD CREEK AY3                          GOLD CREEK ZARA
                          		       CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6             		      GOLD CREEK YULE AY17
                                              Rob Fergus: 027 449 6007
                                              Deano Brenssell: 027 863 8923
                                              Luke Bates: 027 4211 653

                                              Daryl Fergus: 027 209 2787
                                              Ross Mitchell: 027 404 8965


Rob Fergus, Deano Brenssell, Ross Mitchell,
        Luke Bates, Daryl Fergus

          Supplying Livestock throughout New Zealand
LOT 24
                                               GOLD CREEK J53 (ET)
                                               An impressive Expector son to start, we used Expector
                                               extensively in an ET program with fantastic results - great
                                               growth and as always docility is right up there!

                                               BORN: 22/08/2020 REG: 1690200053
                                               EYE PIGMENT: 100/100 HORN: HETRO POLLED

Here is an opportunity to secure
                                               WEIGHT TRAITS
genetics right at the forefront of our
                                                       BW       200      400      600
breeding programme. We are offering            EBV     +2.6     +28      +47      +70
the pick of three rising one year bulls,       ACC     57%      54%      54%      53%
with Gold Creek retaining the other two.
Selected from the top cut of our 2020          CARCASE TRAITS                                     INDEXES

drop, these calves offer a unique genetic              EMA      RIB      RUMP     CWT             MATERNAL        -

mix for most herds.                            EBV     +1.4     -0.3     -0.3     +35             TERMINAL        -
                                               ACC     36%      46%      45%      45%
To maximise your investment, Gold
Creek will grow your new herd sire until
                                               MILK                       DOC                     SS
required for the 2021 joining.
                                               EBV     +14                EBV      +31            EBV      +1.4
                                               ACC     42%                ACC      58%            ACC      46%

                                                 		      WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)   		       WAIKITE NATION WIDE AN106
                                                     WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90                     TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AU25
                                                 		      WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46             		       SINGING HILLS GEMMA AG25
                                                 GOLD CREEK EXPECTOR                     TE RAUMAUKU A22
                                                 		      KERRAH AU62                     		       TE RAUMAUKU AR37
                                                     GOLD CREEK AY3                           TE RAUMAUKU AW21
                                                 		      CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6             		       TE RAUMAUKU AT84
LOT 25
         GOLD CREEK J62                                                                                      BORN: 23/08/2020
         The second featured lot is of Los Angeles son,                                                      REG: 1690200062
         showing exceptional early growth out of the robust                                                  EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         D45 cow. A future star.                                                                             HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                             WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                     BW        200   400       600
                                                                                                             EBV     +2.7      +26   +42       +56
                                                                                                             ACC     68%       63%   59%       58%

                                                                                                             CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                     EMA       RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                             EBV     +1.9      0.0   +0.4      +27
                                                                                                             ACC     36%       45%   44%       48%

                                                                                                             MILK                    SS
                                                                                                             EBV     +12             EBV       +0.1
                                                                                                             ACC     42%             ACC       44%

                     		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		      DDD SARGENT ROTE 211U (P) (IMP USA)
NOTES:                                                                                                       DOC                     INDEXES
                           GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            GOLD CREEK ADMRIL (ET)
                     		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)   		      HIGH FIVE CLARE (P) (IMP AUS)         EBV     +14             MATERNAL         67
                     SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P) 		        DAM: GOLD CREEK MEGAN D45
                                                                                                             ACC     54%             TERMINAL         40
                     		       BHR DOORN G629E		                		      KERRAH AU62
                           WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		        GOLD CREEK AY4
                     		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		            		      CARIBOO MEGAN AM14
LOT 26
         GOLD CREEK J35                                                                                    BORN: 19/08/2020
         Lastly for our featured lots, we have the brother to Lot 5 - this                                 REG: 1690200035
         time by the out-cross Woonallee Notice. J35 has a nice balanced                                   EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         set of figures and is absolutely a herd sire in the making.                                       HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                           WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                   BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                           EBV     +2.3      +26    +44       +56
                                                                                                           ACC     69%       63%    58%       55%

                                                                                                           CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                   EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                           EBV     +3.2      +0.3   +0.4      +31
                                                                                                           ACC     33%       40%    39%       45%

                                                                                                           MILK                     SS
                                                                                                           EBV     +14              EBV       +0.8
                                                                                                           ACC     38%              ACC       44%

                        		        VIRGINIA WALKER 97W			                 		      TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AU25
NOTES:                                                                                                     DOC                      INDEXES
                              SIBELLE DIRTY HARRY 25Z		                      TE RAUMAUKU A15
                        		        SIBELLE GOLDA			                       		      TE RAUMAUKU AP25		        EBV     +5               MATERNAL         65
                        SIRE: WOONALLEE NOTICE N141 (P) (AI) (IMP AUS)   GOLD CREEK ELECTRA
                                                                                                           ACC     47%              TERMINAL         39
                        AUS)      WOONALLEE DIMENSION (P) (AI)		         		      TE RAUMAUKU AT21
                              WOONALLEE JULANI J47 (P)			                    TE RAUMAUKU AW87
                        		        WOONALLEE JULANI E222 (ET) (AI)		      		      TE RAUMAUKU 1501/AJ37
               TO STAND BY YOU. LITERALLY.

A bull is a big investment. Which is why FMG is right there with you to ensure you get the very best cover on sale day,
and the best service every day after that. That’s because we understand livestock insurance as much as we understand
the importance of personal service. So talk to your FMG Rural Manager about FMG Premier Bull Sales cover. All bulls
sold at auction up to $50,000 can be covered for 6.5% of the purchase price and those sold at FMG Premier Bull Sales
are insured at the fall of the hammer for 14 days free.* To find out more, call us on 0800 366 466 or visit
* Subject to standard underwriting criteria. Please note this is only a summary of FMG products and services and is subject to our specific product documentation.
For full details, refer to the relevant policy wordings at

We’re here for the good of the country.
LOT 27
         GOLD CREEK J34                                                                                   BORN: 19/08/2020
         J34 is a beautiful wedge shaped, feminine heifer, homo-polled                                    REG: 1690200034
         and out of the ever-consistent dam Y17 who has produced three                                    EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         sale bulls including Lot 7 in this year’s sale!                                                  HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                          WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                  BW        200   400       600
                                                                                                          EBV     +1.1      +24   +45       +66
                                                                                                          ACC     68%       59%   58%       57%

                                                                                                          CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                  EMA       RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                          EBV     +1.6      0.0   +0.4      +34
                                                                                                          ACC     37%       45%   44%       46%

                                                                                                          MILK                    SS
                                                                                                          EBV     +14             EBV       +0.5
                                                                                                          ACC     45%             ACC       46%

                          		       WAI-ITI HIGH RISER		             		       STACHUS
NOTES:                                                                                                    DOC                     INDEXES
                                GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)            STEINADLER A041910 (IMP GER)
                          		       WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET)   		       HITZE		                      EBV     -               MATERNAL         -
                          SIRE: WOONALLEE LOS ANGELES (P)           DAM: GOLD CREEK YULE AY17
                                                                                                          ACC     -               TERMINAL         -
                          		       BHR DOORN G629E		                		       WAI-ITI POLDARK AP31
                                WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)          WAI-ITI ZARA AU134
                          		       BHR KATHIE SA L055E		            		       WAI-ITI AN49
LOT 28
         GOLD CREEK J110                                                                                 BORN: 10/09/2020
         Lot 28 we see a very refined, sappy heifer - this time by sire                                  REG: 1690200110
         Expector. J110 has outstanding growth across all weight traits,                                 EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         and is homo-polled from another reliable cow family.                                            HORN: HOMO POLLED

                                                                                                         WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                 BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                         EBV     +3.0      +28    +45       +64
                                                                                                         ACC     68%       57%    57%       54%

                                                                                                         CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                 EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                         EBV     +2.2      -0.9   -1.1      +33
                                                                                                         ACC     34%       44%    43%       43%

                                                                                                         MILK                     SS
                                                                                                         EBV     +12              EBV       +1.1
                                                                                                         ACC     35%              ACC       43%

                           		       WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)   		      EXODUS A023066 (IMP GER)
NOTES:                                                                                                   DOC                      INDEXES
                                 WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90		                  GOLD CREEK ZEROX
                           		       WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		           		      GLEN ANTHONY AW21		          EBV     -                MATERNAL         -
                           SIRE: GOLD CREEK EXPECTOR                DAM: GOLD CREEK WENDY E51
                                                                                                         ACC     -                TERMINAL         -
                           		       KERRAH AU62		                   		      WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                                 GOLD CREEK AY3		                        GOLD CREEK ALISE
                           		       CARIBOO UTTERLY AU6             		      KAPITI WENDY AW16
LOT 29
         GOLD CREEK J112                                                                                       BORN: 12/09/2020
         Here we see J112 an extremely well balanced heifer, who                                               REG: 1690200112
         is very calm and quiet. She has a EMA of +3.1 - possibly                                              EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         the pick of the heifers for 2021.                                                                     HORN: HETRO POLLED

                                                                                                               WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                       BW        200    400       600
                                                                                                                EBV    +1.4      +20    +30       +38
                                                                                                                ACC    69%       57%    56%       56%

                                                                                                               CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                       EMA       RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                                EBV    +3.1      -0.1   -0.1      +21
                                                                                                                ACC    34%       41%    40%       43%

                                                                                                               MILK                     SS
                                                                                                                EBV    +11              EBV       0.0
                                                                                                                ACC    40%              ACC       44%

                        		        VIRGINIA WALKER 97W		                  		      WAI-ITI ROLLY POLEY AR80 (ET)
NOTES:                                                                                                           DOC                    INDEXES
                              SIBELLE DIRTY HARRY 25Z		                       WAI-ITI XPECTOR AX90
                        		        SIBELLE GOLDA		                        		      WAI-ITI WILLOW AP46		           EBV   -                MATERNAL        -
                        SIRE: WOONALLEE NOTICE N141 (P) (AI) (IMP AUS)   DAM: GOLD CREEK ULA
                                                                                                                 ACC   -                TERMINAL        -
                                  WOONALLEE DIMENSION (P) (AI)		         		      LYNMAR MONTY
                              WOONALLEE JULANI J47 (P)		                      CARIBOO ULA AU13
                        		        WOONALLEE JULANI E222 (ET) (AI)        		      CARIBOO HEIDI AH10
LOT 30
         PHAR LAP                                                                                       BORN: 05/03/2018
         We recently purchased Phar Lap at the Woonallee Elite Production                               REG: AUWEEP011
         bull sale. We felt he was one of the best bulls we had seen at the                             EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         prestigious event, with huge volume and performance. Structurally                              HORN: HETRO POLLED
         sound, polled and extremely docile, he epitomises the modern
         Simmental. Selling two packages of 10 straws.

                                                                                                        WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                                BW       200   400       600
                                                                                                        EBV     +2.7     +27   +41       +60
                                                                                                        ACC     60%      57%   57%       55%

                                                                                                        CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                                EMA      RIB   RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                        EBV     +1.2     0.0   +0.7      +28
                                                                                                        ACC     39%      45%   44%       48%

                                                                                                        MILK                   SS
                                                                                                        EBV     +18            EBV       +0.7
                                                                                                        ACC     45%            ACC       46%

                        		    WAI-ITI HIGH RISER			               		     BLINKBOU MODIST
NOTES:                                                                                                  DOC                    INDEXES
                           GLEN ANTHONY Y-ARTA AY02 (ET)		             WOONALLEE BHR TORNADO (P) (ET)
                        		    WILLOWBROOK URSULINA AU18 (ET) SIRE:		     WISP-WILL ROSY		               EBV     +12            MATERNAL         -
                        WOONALLEE LAS VEGAS (ET) (AI) (IMP) AUS)  DAM: WOONALLEE VASTI G52 (P)
                                                                                                        ACC     48%            TERMINAL         -
                              BHR DOORN G629E			                  		     LOCHEIM PRIMAL
                           WOONALLEE KATHIE B111 (ET) (AI)		           WOONALLEE VASTI C87 (ET) (AI)
                        		    BHR KATHIE SA L055E		               		     CONGOSIM VASTI 4DE
LOT 31
         KERRAH D859                                                                               BORN: 08/10/2015
         Kerrah D859 has made a real impact in the breed, with calves                              REG: 1667AD0859
         performing well in both New Zealand and Australia - now                                   EYE PIGMENT: 100/100
         a trait leader for 200, 400 and 600 day growth, as well as                                HORN: HETRO POLLED
         carcase and scrotal size. Selling two packages of 10 straws.

                                                                                                   WEIGHT TRAITS
                                                                                                           BW         200    400       600
                                                                                                   EBV     +2.0       +33    +65       +75
                                                                                                   ACC     91%        86%    88%       87%

                                                                                                   CARCASE TRAITS
                                                                                                           EMA        RIB    RUMP      CWT
                                                                                                   EBV     +2.2       +0.7   +0.9      +47
                                                                                                   ACC     67%        73%    72%       75%

                                                                                                   MILK                      SS
                                                                                                   EBV     +10               EBV       +1.9
                                                                                                   ACC     58%               ACC       83%

                          		        RISSINGTON ADMIRAL AA347		 		       WAIKITE AT102
NOTES:                                                                                             DOC                       INDEXES
                                TOKAWEKA HANDSOME AH801		            WAIKITE AW063
                          		        TOKAWEKA DESIREE AD426 (ET) 		      WAIKITE AR099		            EBV     +3                MATERNAL         93
                          SIRE: KERRAH XFACTOR AX187 (ET)       DAM: KERRAH B59
                                                                                                   ACC     85%               TERMINAL         50
                          		        POURIWAI GBK AG481		        		      KERRAH PUNCHBOWL AP122
                                RISSINGTON AK287		                   KERRAH CY59
                          		        RISSINGTON AE165		          		      KERRAH DU7190
CONDITIONS                                            HEALTH
OF SALE                                               AND SAFETY
1.		The sale will be conducted under the usual        UNDER THE HEALTH AND SAFETY AT
    terms and conditions of the N.Z. Stock and        WORK ACT 2015 WE ARE REQUIRED TO
    Station Agents Assn. A copy of these terms        ADVISE PEOPLE OF POSSIBLE HAZARDS.
    & conditions will be available in the office on
    sale day.                                         1.		Cattle Movement.

2.		Every lot will be at the risk of the purchaser    2.		Vehicles and Machinery.
    from the fall of the hammer.
                                                      3.		Cattle Yards, Slippery Surfaces.
3.		The agents can provide transit and period
    insurance if required.                            4.		Pavilion, Seating.

4.		Buyers are requested to leave the full address
    and specific delivery instructions with the
    booking clerk before leaving the sale.

5.		This catalogue has been compiled by the
    vendor. Care has been taken to ensure
    accuracy but no responsibility is accepted
    for any error or omission.

6.		All lots are sold exclusive of GST.

7.		Arrangements must be made with the
    auctioneer prior to the sale and settlement
    made on the buyers’ behalf within 14 days.
Once the hammer has fallen at auction the bull is now          locked in battle and serious injury can result.
yours! How you handle him from here will have a huge
                                                               If you have purchased only one bull, then find a mate
bearing on whether he will be a long-lasting member of
                                                               or two for him straight away (this could be steers or
your team or not. The stressors that you place him under,
                                                               quiet cows not older sire bulls). If you have bought
the level of nutrition that he receives, as well as several
                                                               multiple bulls from a number of different management
other factors can have a strong positive (or negative)
                                                               groups or studs it is often better to put them all together
effect on the eventual fertility of this animal.
                                                               at once. Introducing new bulls into a mob one at a time
Give your trucking operator clear instructions of what you     can lead to the new bull being given a very hard time
expect of them. Make sure they know what bulls can be          indeed by his contemporaries.
mixed together. If bulls are coming from long distances
                                                               Whilst the bulls are still new in their environment,
discuss where they can be rested off the truck etc. Give
                                                               take time to “train” them. Make sure they are familiar
all the details to the driver, including your name, contact
                                                               with the yards and how they work. During this time, you
details, delivery address (rapid number and road name),
                                                               can understand your new bulls and work the bulls that
the tag number and brand of your new bull(s) – it is not
                                                               are unsettled. Let them get use to you and how you
uncommon for bulls to be delivered to the wrong address!!
                                                               handle stock – because this will be different to where
When a bull is relocated to a new environment, the bull is     they have come from.
subjected to new viral, bacterial and parasite challenges.
                                                               Lastly and perhaps most importantly, ask the question
This is unavoidable. The key way to maintaining a healthy
                                                               about Mycoplasma bovis. Where the bulls are coming from
immune system is to ensure these animals have high
                                                               are they close to farm that has tested positive for M bovis,
quality nutrition (which can be a challenge at this time
                                                               do they trade a lot of cattle, do they have neighbours that
of the year), have had the appropriate animal health
                                                               trade a lot of cattle. For a lot of high country stations,
treatments (quarantine drench, lice treatment, BVD
                                                               sire bulls are the only animals that are bought on to the
vaccination etc), and ensure that they establish new social
                                                               property. You need to be weary about purchasing animals
groups quickly. Not adhering to these principles could
                                                               that say yes to any of the above questions. It is best to
have long-lasting negative effects on fertility.
                                                               have that uncomfortable discussion now, rather than have
When the bull(s) arrive at your farm, let them settle in by    an even more uncomfortable discussion with MPI later.
leaving them in the yards overnight and observe how they
are reacting to their new home. Give them fresh water
and good quality hay. If they are fighting you might have
to split them, depending on how serious it is. Two bulls
                                                                                       ANDREW CRIBB East Coast Vets
fighting is often less of a concern than 3 bulls fighting as                           mobile: +64 27 527 4229
sometimes the third bull will broadside one of the bulls                               email:
d ef fe ct ive a ni m a l he a lt h a dvice.

  EAST COAST FARM VETS                                           WAIROA FARM VETS

   06 868 8616                                                  06 838 3832
349 Childers Road, Gisborne                               77-79 Queen Street, Wairoa
                                                                 (At the old Wairoa Star Building)
Premier Bull cover
What is Premier Bull cover?
All bulls auctioned at this sale up to the value of $50,000 will                                Your bull’s value
automatically be covered under FMG’s Premier Bull cover for 14                                  Any bull covered under this policy must be purchased for
days at no cost to the purchaser.                                                               $50,000 or less. For any bull purchased over $50,000 talk to
                                                                                                an FMG representative.
Length of cover
To extend cover for the specified bull beyond 14 days you need                                  During the period of insurance, the specified
to tick Premier Bull cover 12 months on the Purchaser Instruction                               animal is covered for:
and Insurance Slip in this catalogue. The specified bull is then                                • Death or infertility as a result of accident, disease or illness.
covered for the remaining period of 12 months. The premium
                                                                                                • Transit.                            • Theft.
is payable to FMG and is in addition to the purchase price of
the bull.
If you require an alternative cover period talk to an FMG                                       What we will pay
representative.                                                                                 Fair market value of your specified bull, less any amount you
                                                                                                receive for the sale of the carcass, up to the amount shown on
                                                                                                the insurance certificate.

 Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip
 This slip MUST be completed and handed to the Booking Clerk before leaving the sale.

 Purchaser name:                                                                            NAIT No:

 Relationship to purchaser (if purchasing on behalf of):                                    FMG Client Account Number:

 Owner name:                                                                                                                       Owners DOB:*          /         /


 Postal address:

 Delivery address:

 Phone:                                                                                     Mobile:

 Lot:                                   Tag:                              $                                    Breed:                      DOB:

 Company to be debited:
 Transport instructions:

 FMG Insurance Cover:
 � 14 days - FMG Premier Bull cover (at no charge)                                          �     Extend cover to 12 months - FMG Premier Bull cover - 6.5%
 I consent to FMG contacting me in future to discuss other products and services. If you do not wish to be contacted, please tick here:                                �
 I acknowledge and agree for my personal information contained in this purchaser’s slip to be shared between the parties involved in this bull sale, including
 but not limited to the vendor or their representatives, livestock agencies, transport operators and FMG. The information is shared for the purpose of                 �
 completing the sale and purchase of the bull including insurance with FMG.
 WILL BE ACCEPTED      Signature of Purchaser or Agent:                                                                            Date:         /      /

* This is required to correctly identify you once cover is issued

Please note this is only a summary of the product and is subject to our specific product documentation. For full details, you
should refer to the policy document. You can get these documents, and any other information you need, from your FMG                 Call us on               Visit our website
representative, by calling us or visiting our website.                                                                              0800 366 466   

04/21 INHD
4557 Matawai Road, RD 2,
Te Karaka Gisborne 4092

        Gold Creek Simmentals

        027 248 9098
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