American College of Cardiology

Page created by Terrence Vega
American College of Cardiology

                                                                                              MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
The American College of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific Session, ACC.19,
will be in New Orleans, Saturday, March 16 – Monday, March 18, 2019. ACC media
and communications policies provide journalists, investigators and public relations
representatives with information about the rules for promoting and covering the
Annual Scientific Session. Questions about these policies may be directed to Media

Relations Associate Director Nicole Napoli,

GENERAL EMBARGO                                SOCIAL MEDIA
POLICY                                         Communicating about the ACC Annual
                                               Scientific Session by way of social media is
Late-Breaking Clinical Trials and Featured
                                               encouraged within embargo restrictions.
Clinical Research are embargoed until
                                               Photographs from ACC.19, including
the start of the session in which they are
                                               images of single slides from sessions, are
presented. Posters and Oral Presentations
                                               allowed to be shared via social media.
are embargoed until official publication
                                               The Twitter hashtag for the 68th Annual
in the meeting proceedings, which is
                                               Scientific Session in New Orleans is
approximately two weeks before the start
                                               #ACC19. Follow @ACCMediaCenter and
of the meeting. Some abstracts may be
                                               @ACCinTouch for meeting updates.
held longer or released earlier to support
additional media promotions.
                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION, SCROLL
Lead authors of these abstracts will be        DOWN OR FOLLOW THE LINKS TO:
notified in advance if this occurs, and lead
authors are responsible for notifying all
authors and other relevant stakeholders        COMMUNICATIONS
of the embargo time. Members of the
media, investigators, organizations issuing
press releases and others with access to
research accepted for presentation during
                                               FOR JOURNALISTS
the ACC Annual Scientific Session are
required to abide by the embargo policies.

Violation of ACC embargo policies can
result in removal of the research from the     POLICIES
scientific program, removal of individuals
and/or companies from the meeting,
                                               FOR INDUSTRY
revocation of media credentials, and/or
withdrawal of embargo access for one year
for journalists and/or news organizations.
                                               FOR INVESTIGATORS

                                                                                                            MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS

                                                     To qualify, journalists must register and must be
Media registration for ACC.19 begins in the fall     prepared to provide the following:
of 2018. Properly credentialed members of the        • Media identification (such as an international,
media receive access to complimentary media              accredited press pass or an official media-
registration, an embargoed press kit, daily press        outlet-issued credential)
briefings, additional interview opportunities
                                                     •   Examples of the journalist’s work, preferably
and access to the on-site Media Center, which
                                                         with bylines, that represent the type of
includes workspace, interview rooms and the
                                                         news coverage they expect to generate at
Exhibitor Newsroom.
                                                         the ACC Annual Scientific Session. (Scientific
                                                         research studies/papers, textbooks, textbook
MEDIA REGISTRATION                                       chapters and continuing medical education
QUALIFICATIONS AND                                   •
                                                         materials do not qualify as news coverage)
                                                         Journalists who received credentials for
REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION                                   previous ACC meetings must submit bylined
Journalists who are employed by accredited               coverage of the previous meetings.
news organizations attending the ACC Annual          •   If meeting coverage is behind a paywall,
Scientific Session for the purpose of developing         journalists must provide the ACC with a user
editorial news coverage of the meeting are               name and password for full access to the
eligible for media credentials. Registration at          website. This access will be used solely for the
previous ACC meetings does not guarantee                 purpose of verifying eligibility and confirming
approval.                                                coverage post-meeting.

To be eligible for media registration, journalists
                                                     FREELANCE JOURNALISTS must provide a
in all categories must be directly involved in the
                                                     letter of assignment from a qualified publication or
creation of news content for organizations that
                                                     media outlet in addition to the items listed above.
meet these criteria:
• Publish original editorial news coverage in a
    regular news section
•   Have complete editorial freedom from
    advertisers, funders and/or sponsors
•   If sponsored, the outlet has multiple sponsors
    (no single-sponsor publications)
•   Advertisers, sponsors, paid editorial and
    other funding sources are clearly identified

                                                                                                    MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR JOURNALISTS                         (CONTINUED)

                                                 •    Industry representatives
NEWSLETTER MEDIA must submit three               •    Staff or freelancers representing
issues of the newsletter and copies of                non-media websites and/or for-profit
three bylined news articles. Newsletters              company websites that do not have

must also describe how the publication is             independent editorial staff
distributed and details about the audience.
If a representative was registered as media      •    Publishers, executive staff, sales
at a previous ACC meeting, at least one               representatives, advertising, marketing
of the newsletter issues submitted must               and public relations personnel
include the resulting editorial coverage,             associated with books, magazines,
and at least one issue must demonstrate               broadcast outlets, websites or other
the newsletter provides original, regular,            media outlets
ongoing editorial news content that              •    Writers, editors or contributors to single-
meets the criteria for news organizations.            sponsor publications, including in-house
Newsletter media that meet the above                  or industry publications or websites
criteria may register one representative.        •    Personnel who work in their
                                                      organization’s exhibit (Individuals who
REPRESENTATIVES FROM ONLINE                           work in the exposition must register
TRADE MEDIA, BLOGS, MEDICAL                           as exhibitors. Dual registration is not
PUBLISHING COMPANIES, HEALTH                          allowed. These personnel may be eligible
CARE ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS                         for access to the Exhibitor Newsroom.)
                                                 •    Representatives of organizations that
provide representative samples of past
                                                      produce publications, videos and/or
work. The publication/media outlet they
                                                      other media intended for internal use,
represent must produce/publish regular
                                                      marketing, advertising, financial analysis
and ongoing original news coverage, have
                                                      or public relations purposes
editorial freedom and, if sponsored, have
multiple sponsors that are clearly identified    •    Representatives from medical education
(single-sponsor outlets are not eligible).            companies attending the ACC Annual
                                                      Scientific Session for the purpose of
DOCUMENTARY FILM CREWS AND                            creating continuing medical education or
VIDEO PRODUCTION COMPANIES must                       other commercial educational content or
submit a written request no less than three           recruiting writers
weeks prior to the start of the meeting that     •    Editors, writers and scientific advisory
includes information about the company,               board members for journals that do not
the purpose of attending the meeting, a               have editorial news sections (For journals
synopsis of the film/video/documentary                with editorial news sections, only
and information on the sources of financial           personnel directly involved in gathering
support for the project.                              and writing independent news coverage
                                                      in a regular news section are eligible with
                                                      appropriate documentation.)
                                                 •    Staff from public relations firms,
                                                      advertising agencies or production
The following are not eligible for media
credentials or access to the Media Center
and embargoed media materials.                   •    Representatives of corporate, academic
• Financial or industry analysts                      or hospital public relations, advertising

                                                                                                      MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR JOURNALISTS                          (CONTINUED)

    or marketing departments
•   Physicians and other medical providers        FILMING, VIDEOTAPING, AUDIO
    seeking Continuing Medical Education          RECORDING AND PHOTOGRAPHY
    credit. The appropriate paid registration     • Camera tags are required for media

    is required to obtain CME credit/                using professional grade photography
    documentation                                    equipment, which is defined as cameras
                                                     with interchangeable lenses, and all
•   Individuals reporting meeting news via
                                                     video cameras and camcorders whose
    social media platforms only
                                                     primary function is videography.
                                                  •    Camera tags are required for anyone
ON-SITE GUIDELINES FOR                                 with a media badge and any type of
JOURNALISTS ACTIVITIES                                 camera wishing to take photographs or
NOT ALLOWED                                            video in the general exhibit hall, including
• Sales, marketing or representing a                   Learning Destinations.
  company for the purposes of obtaining
  advertising, subscriptions, selling video       •    Camera tags are NOT required for
  production, or other products or                     journalists using non-professional grade
  services from any registrant or exhibitor            still cameras or camera phones taking
                                                       photographs, video or audio to aid
•   Misrepresentation of role or activities to         in developing original news coverage
    obtain media registration                          outside the exhibit hall or for single
•   Sharing or distributing embargoed media            images to illustrate original coverage
    materials beyond those immediately                 within guidelines provided.
    involved in development of the news           •    Registered media may photograph,
    coverage prior to the end of the                   videotape or record audio from any ACC
    embargo                                            press conference, in designated areas
•   Developing materials or collecting                 within and immediately outside the press
    materials to assist in development of              conference room, and in interview rooms
    continuing medical education programs              in the media complex with the express
    or materials. Soliciting presenters                permission of individuals appearing in
    or writers for CME programs or                     the video.
    publications                                  •    Registered media may take photos
•   Soliciting manuscripts                             (non-flash only) and record audio in the
•   Publishing or posting presentation                 poster hall and in the session rooms for
    slides, news conference slides, abstracts          use in developing or illustrating original
    or posters or substantial portions of              coverage or for social media purposes
    these materials with the exception of              (See Social Media section for more
    images of single slides from sessions              information). Video is not permitted in
    shared via social media. (Slides, posters          the poster hall or session rooms at any
    and other presentation materials are               time. Substantial portions of posters,
    provided to the media solely to assist             presenter slides and presentations
    in the development of original news                may not be photographed, copied or
    coverage and not for copying, sale or              reproduced in any form for resale or
    redistribution.)                                   replayed for commercial use.

                                                                                                    MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR JOURNALISTS                          (CONTINUED)

•   Registered media may video record             not distribute or publish the information
    in most other public areas of the             while the embargo is in effect. The embargo
    convention center with permission of          policy also applies to news releases or other
    participants whose images could be            communications from outside organizations

    captured so that they are identifiable.       that include embargoed information
•   Photography, videotaping or recording         scheduled for presentation at the ACC
    must cease if it is deemed unwanted,          Annual Scientific Session.
    disruptive, or a hazard by any
    representative of ACC.                        The ACC reserves the right to bar from
                                                  this and future Scientific Session events
•   Registered media with official ACC            any registered media representative
    camera tags may photograph and/or             who attempts to obtain advertising
    record video of the general Exhibit Hall      or subscriptions from any exhibitor or
    with explicit permission from individual      registrant, who promotes the marketing
    participants and exhibiting companies         objectives of a single company or institution,
    whose booths, images or trademarks            or who otherwise misuses media privileges
    are captured. Media personnel must            to engage in activities other than journalistic
    obtain prior permission from the specific     pursuits.
    exhibiting companies before taking
    photographs, audio recordings or video        All meeting materials including but not
    recordings of (or within) individual          limited to slides, news conference slides,
    booths.                                       abstracts, posters or any substantial portion
•   Registered media personnel must obtain        of the above mentioned materials are owned
    prior permission from the ACC Expo            by the American College of Cardiology. The
    Department and specific Learning              American College of Cardiology reserves
    Destination participants before taking        all copyrights in meeting materials including
    photographs or video of (or within)           but not limited to the materials mentioned
    Learning Destinations. Contact ACC            above.
    Media Relations staff for assistance
    getting permission.                           By accepting a complimentary media
                                                  registration, journalists agree to abide by
VIOLATION OF ACC POLICIES                         ACC embargo policies related to studies
By accepting a media registration for the         scheduled for presentation during the
ACC Annual Scientific Session or accepting        Scientific Session. Violations of the embargo
ACC embargoed materials through email,            policy can result in expulsion from the
fax, regular mail, from the ACC’s media           meeting, revocation of media credentials for
kit, thumb drive or embargoed media               the current year and next year, and removal
newsroom website, journalists acknowledge         from access to embargoed ACC journal
the embargoed information is for their use        information.
in preparing media coverage and they will

                                                                                                               MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
                                                         through the Ancillary Event Request Website

                                                         approval process. Only ACC.19 exhibitors,
Each year a limited number of studies accepted           universities and nonprofit organizations may
for presentation during the ACC Annual Scientific        request permission to hold investigator meetings
Session are featured in the ACC press program.           (visit for more information).
The ACC will notify lead investigators if their
submission has been selected for inclusion in the
official ACC press program. The ACC welcomes the
                                                         REQUIRED DISCLOSURES
participation of institutions in promoting research to   If a company believes that it is required for legal
be presented at the ACC Annual Scientific Session.       reasons to release information about a study prior
All promotions must fall within the ACC Embargo          to the end of the embargo, the company must notify
Policy and the ACC’s Communications Policies             the ACC Media Relations Department in advance
for Industry. For questions, please contact ACC          in writing. The written notification must provide
Media Relations Associate Director Nicole Napoli,        the legal rationale for requiring early disclosure.                                         Notification must also include who would receive
                                                         the information, how and when the information
                                                         would be disclosed, and a description, template
PROMOTIONAL MEDIA ACTIVITIES                             release, or copy of any press releases or other
Organizations with an interest in research being         public statements that would be distributed. With
presented at ACC.19 may not conduct promotional          appropriate advance notice, the ACC can provide
media activities that disclose results of the research   general advice about how such disclosures might
prior to the end of the embargo period or during         impact its inclusion/continued inclusion in the ACC
the official program times of the ACC meeting.           program. The ACC reserves the right to remove the
Promotional media activities refer to any activities     presentation from the Late-Breaking Clinical Trials
that involve multiple news media outlets, satellite      program, to remove the study from consideration
media tours or corporate receptions.                     for a press release or other promotions, or to
                                                         remove the study from the scientific program
If a member of the media breaks an embargo as            entirely.
a result of an organization sharing information or
conducting an interview prior to the end of the
embargo, the ACC may enforce sanctions against
the reporter or media outlet and/or the researcher
and organization that released information ahead of
the embargo release.

Embargoed research can be discussed during
closed investigator meetings for participants in
the trial. These meetings must be held at the ACC
Annual Scientific Session, provided they are held
during the designated time slots as outlined in
the Ancillary Event Guidelines and are approved

                                                                                                    MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR INDUSTRY                      (CONTINUED)

EXHIBITOR NEWSROOM                                 Releases must be submitted to Media
                                                   Relations Associate Director Nicole Napoli,
Exhibitors can register staff members for, for review at least two

access to the Exhibitor Newsroom, which            weeks before the start of the meeting with
includes workspace, Internet access and            “ACC.19 Press Release for Review” in the
the opportunity to include approved press          subject line. Releases submitted within two
releases related to the meeting in the online      weeks of the meeting cannot be guaranteed
press kit. For more information or to              timely approval and may not be eligible for
register for the Exhibitor Newsroom, visit         inclusion in the exhibitor newsroom or online                    media kit.

PRESS RELEASE                                      SUGGESTED SCIENTIFIC
GUIDELINES                                         SESSION/ACC LANGUAGE
Press releases announcing activities at the
ACC Annual Scientific Session must meet
                                                   FOR PRESS RELEASES
the following guidelines:                          The American College of Cardiology
• Include a reference to the ACC Annual            Annual Scientific Session brings together
    Scientific Session in the body of the          cardiologists and cardiovascular specialists
    release, preferably in the first two           from around the world each year to share
    to three paragraphs. Suggested                 the newest discoveries in treatment and
    language for identifying the meeting:          prevention. Follow @ACCMediaCenter,
    “. . . presented at the American College       @ACCinTouch and #ACC19 for the latest
    of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific         news from the meeting.
                                                   The American College of Cardiology
•   Include presentation time and forum            is a medical society that serves as
    at the meeting for presentations               the professional home for the entire
    referenced                                     cardiovascular care team. The mission of
•   Abide by embargo policies (Press               the College is to transform cardiovascular
    releases with embargoed information            care and to improve heart health. The ACC
    cannot be distributed until after the end      leads in the formation of health policy,
    of the embargo period.)                        standards and guidelines. The College
•   Do not suggest an endorsement of a             operates national registries to measure and
    product or service by the American             improve care, provides professional medical
    College of Cardiology. Releases may            education, offers cardiovascular accreditation
    provide background paragraphs about            to hospitals and institutions, disseminates
    the Scientific Session and/or the ACC,         cardiovascular research and bestows
    but not as a boilerplate that suggests it is   credentials upon cardiovascular specialists
    an ACC-sponsored release.                      who meet stringent qualifications.
•   Must not be scientifically misleading or
    ethically questionable

                                                MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR INDUSTRY                   (CONTINUED)


The ACC Annual Scientific Session typically
registers more than 250 medical, health,
general news and business reporters from
U.S. and international trade publications,
newspapers, wire services, popular news
outlets and health information websites. The
ACC does not share, rent or sell current or
past media registration lists in any form.

Public relations and industry representatives
will not have access to the Media Center,
except for the Exhibitor Newsroom with
the appropriate registration. Company
or product literature, statements or news
releases may not be distributed in the
adjacent hallways and areas around the
Press Conference Room or Media Center,
and industry representatives are prohibited
from soliciting media or loitering in those
areas. For more information on Exhibitor
Newsroom Registration, visit
Exhibitor-Newsroom. Registration includes
posting media materials in the official media
kit and gaining access to workspace in the
Exhibitor Newsroom.

                                                                                                           MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS

EMBARGO POLICIES                                         ABSTRACTS
Except for a small number of abstracts identified for    Abstracts accepted for poster or oral
additional media promotions, abstracts accepted          presentation at the ACC Annual Scientific
for presentation in poster sessions or as oral           Session will be published to coincide with the
presentations are under embargo until they are           Session as an online supplement to the Journal
posted in the online program, Monday, March 4,           of the American College of Cardiology (JACC).
2019, at 8 a.m. Eastern Time. Authors will be notified   Abstracts not accepted for presentation are
of a different embargo time if their abstract is         not published and will not be disclosed outside
identified for media promotion.                          of the ACC and persons associated with the
                                                         selection process.
Abstracts accepted as Late-Breaking Clinical
Trials or Featured Clinical Research remain under        Responsibility for compliance with any disclosure
embargo until the scheduled start of the session         or nondisclosure requirements resides with
in which they are to be presented. Contact ACC           researchers and/or research sponsors.
Media Relations Associate Director Nicole Napoli,, if you have questions about
embargo times.

Abstracts accepted for presentation in any format
at the ACC Annual Scientific Session may not
be presented at other U.S. national meetings or
international meetings held in North America or
published in journals prior to the embargo time
set by the ACC. See important instructions below
for studies being considered for simultaneous

Presentation or discussion of scientific research
results at industry events or press conferences
prior to the scheduled ACC Annual Scientific
Session & Expo scientific presentation is considered
an embargo break and strictly forbidden, except
in closed investigator meetings that meet
requirements outlined in Industry Event Guidelines.

                                                                                                      MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS
FOR INVESTIGATOR                        (CONTINUED)

SIMULTANEOUS PEER-                              the ACC Media Relations Department to
                                                assist in development of press materials
REVIEWED JOURNAL                                and/or to plan participation in a press

PUBLICATION                                     conference. Investigators whose abstracts
                                                are accepted are obligated to cooperate
If an accepted work is being considered         in these promotional activities if asked.
for publication in a peer-reviewed journal,     Embargo release times for abstracts chosen
it is the responsibility of the author or       for promotion may be different than other
presenter to notify the journal of the          abstracts in the same category. ACC Media
scheduled presentation at the ACC               staff will communicate actual embargo
Scientific Session and to notify the ACC        information to the author identified in the
Media Relations Department immediately of       submission process as the lead author. The
the publication’s name and a contact at the     author is responsible for communicating
journal. Many journals have expedited online    embargo information to all other authors
publication, which can move very quickly,       and relevant stakeholders. These abstracts
so it is important to promptly communicate      may also be withheld from the initial online
information about possible publication in       posting of the meeting proceedings.
order to avoid an embargo violation, which
could result in the research being removed
from the ACC Annual Scientific Session          PRESS BRIEFINGS
program.                                        Investigators presenting research at an
                                                ACC press briefing are permitted to invite
If your research is being considered for        other authors named in the study plus one
publication, immediately contact ACC            company or institutional representative
Media Relations Associate Rachel Cagan,         to attend the briefing and must submit The ACC will coordinate         the names of these guests to ACC staff
simultaneous release with the publication.      in advance. Guests of press briefing
                                                participants may not engage in promotional
PROMOTION/PRESS                                 discussions during the briefings, inside the
                                                briefing room or immediately outside the
CONFERENCES                                     briefing room.
A limited number of abstracts will be chosen
                                                These policies were last updated July 20, 2018, and
for additional promotion by the ACC Media
                                                are subject to change. Please check with the ACC
Relations Department. Promotion may             Media Relations Department for further updates.
include participation in a press conference
and/or a press release or inclusion in tip
sheets for the media. Investigators whose
work is chosen for a press conference
and/or press release will be contacted by
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