Page created by Larry Rodriguez
                                       From July 5th to 12th, 2021

                                                     © 2021 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved
© 2020 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved                                                1

                 ETHIOPIA – 07/05/2021 :                          NIGERIA – 07/06/2021 :
                 Ethiopian         government                     Kaduna : Has Nigeria failed
                 chooses to foster period of                      to stop kidnappings ? :
                 silence in Tigray : Ethiopian                    Nigeria said Thursday it had
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed In an address to          sent special police units to go after gunmen
parliament on Monday expressed that his             who kidnapped several dozens of students in
federal government has chosen -- not out of         an attack on a school on Monday morning.
military necessity, to foster a period of silence   (Africa News-Article Link)
to reflect on what is to come as far as the
nations’ northern region Tigray -- the scene of                     GHANA – 07/06/2021 :
civil war for eight months.                                         Opposition youth activists
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                                    rally against federal police
                                                                    force : Thousands of activists
               GABON – 07/05/2021 :                 gathered in the streets of Accra on Tuesday.
               Children survive scavenging          They marched for justice in peaceful protest
               for items at garbage dump to         of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo's
               sell : Gabonese children             government and violence from the police --
wander around Mindoubé landfill in Libreville       who killed two and injured four demonstrators
in search of copper or aluminium items buried       in the south of the country at the end of June.
within the unsanitary and unsafe dozens of          (Africa News-Article Link)
metres high mountain of garbage -- which also
spans hundreds of metres in length.                               NIGERIA – 07/06/2021 :
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                                  Distressed parents await
                                                                  news of abducted students
                SENEGAL – 07/05/2021 : New                        in Nigeria's northwest :
                Senegal anti-terror laws            Distressed parents wait for news of their
                threaten rights, warns HRW :        children at a Nigerian school on Monday.
                Human Rights Watch on               Several of them gathered infront of the Bethel
Monday urged Senegal to revise new anti-            Baptist High School premises as news of the
terror legislation that it warned could stifle      kidnapping broke Monday afternoon.
government criticism by punishing political         (Africa News-Article Link)
speech and protests as "terrorist acts".
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                                   TUNISIA – 07/06/2021 : Local
                                                                   charities in Tunisia's south
               EGYPT – 07/05/2021 : Egypt                          welcome migrants from sub-
               Unveils New Naval Base on                           Saharan Africa : Local charity
               Mediterranean Sea : Egyptian         organizations in Tunisia’s south are helping
               President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi       migrants from other African countries to
on Saturday led the inauguration of a new           integrate. In the under-developed southern
strategic naval base located on the                 city of Medenine, the migrants are being
Mediterranean Sea, near the country’s border        taught how to sow. (Africa News-Article Link)
with Libya. (The Defense Post-Article Link)

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ESWATINI – 07/06/2021 :                         SUDAN – 07/06/2021 : Sudan
                 Missed the ongoing crisis                       needs the ICC for more than its
                 in eSwatini ? Here's what                       Darfur war crimes : As
                 you need to know : Since          insecurity in the country increases, preventing
May, protests have rocked the small                human rights atrocities is as important as
landlocked southern Africa kingdom of              justice for al-Bashir regime crimes.
eSwatini. (Africa News-Article Link)               (ISS-Article Link)

                TOGO – 07/06/2021 : Nine                        GHANA – 07/06/2021 : Sandock
                jailed in first Togo pirate                     Austral and Petram Fortis team
                trial : Nine pirates who                        up to offer maritime security
                attempted to hijack a ship in      solutions to Ghana : Sandock Austral, the
Togolese waters in May 2019 have been              largest black-owned shipyard in Africa, and
sentenced to prison terms ranging from 12 to       Ghanaian defence contractor Petram Fortis,
20 years during a trial at a Lome court. (Africa   have teamed up to offer world class maritime
News-Article Link)                                 security solutions to Ghana through the newly
                                                   established joint venture Petram Sandock
                   ALGERIA – 07/06/2021 :          Maritime Systems. (Defence Web-Article Link)
                   200 sick after bathing in
                   suspected polluted water :                   SOUTH AFRICA – 07/06/2021 :
                   Nearly 200 people were                       More      border          security
briefly hospitalised on Sunday after swimming                   successes for SANDF soldiers
in seawater suspected to have been polluted        : SA National Defence Force (SANDF)
at Tenes, in northwestern Algeria, local           members deployed along South Africa’s
authorities and media said.                        borders on Operation Corona duty have
(Africa News-Article Link)                         recovered another stolen vehicle and
                                                   contraband. (Defence Web-Article Link)
               MALI – 07/06/2021 : Mali
               seeks to arrest son of ex-                       ZIMBABWE – 07/07/2021 :
               president Keita : Interpol                       Zimbabwe returns to strict
               has issued an arrest warrant                     lockdown     amid      vaccine
for this man; Karim Keita, the eldest son of       shortages : Zimbabwe has returned to strict
former president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita who        lockdown measures in a bid to combat a
was overthrown in 2020 by a coup.                  resurgence of Covid-19 amid vaccine
(Africa News-Article Link)                         shortages, information Monica Mutsvangwa
                                                   announced Tuesday. (Africa News-Article Link)
                LIBYA – 07/06/2021 :
                Promoting Lasting Stability                      BURUNDI – 07/07/2021 : East
                in Libya : Washington's long-                    African intelligence chiefs call
                term ambitions in the country                    for united front against
should be geared towards reducing the              terrorism : Rebel groups and terrorist forces
influence of Turkey and Russia.                    are in disarray and would soon be neutralised
(The Defense Post-Article Link)
                                                   across East Africa. (Africa News-Article Link)

 © 2021 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved                                   3
NIGERIA – 07/07/2021 : Over 120                           ETHIOPIA – 07/07/2021 :
           students missing after Nigeria                            Ethiopia says aid flights to
           school raid- church official :                            Tigray allowed, but none
About 125 students were still missing on                             appears to have taken off :
Wednesday but 28 others had been re-united         Ethiopia said on Wednesday that it had
with their families after an attack by armed       allowed humanitarian flights to its northern
men on a boarding school in Nigeria’s Kaduna       Tigray region this week, amid concerns that
state, the head of the Kaduna Baptist              aid is not reaching people facing famine, but
conference said. (Defence Web-Article Link)        the civil aviation head said no such flights had
                                                   yet left the capital. (Defence Web-Article Link)
            MOZAMBIQUE – 07/07/2021 :
            WFP       warns          displaced                   AFRICA – 07/07/2021 : Drones
            Mozambicans risk facing food                         in the hands of insurgents:
crisis, calls for help : The United Nations                      how Africa can prepare : Like
World Food programme is warning that                             in the Middle East, drones are a
hundreds of displaced people in Mozambique         new threat posed by armed groups and violent
risk facing an imminent food crisis.               extremists in Africa. (ISS-Article Link)
(Africa News-Article Link)

                                                                  TUNISIA – 07/08/2021 :
          SOUTH SUDAN – 07/07/2021 :                              Tunisia launches another
          South Sudan refugees long to                            domestic        patrol     boat;
          return home 10 years after                              authorises new 50 m vessel :
independence : A decade ago, South                 The Tunisian Navy has received another 27
Sudanese Rosa Ghobrial packed up her life in       metre long locally built patrol boat, and will be
Sudan to start anew in the newly independent       getting a locally built 51 metre offshore patrol
South, but she has since been stranded in a        vessel after its manufacture was approved by
ramshackle camp awaiting repatriation.             Defence Minister Ibrahim Bartaji.
(Africa News-Article Link)                         (Defence Web-Article Link)

          KENYA – 07/07/2021 : Protesters                        NIGERIA – 07/08/2021 :
          clash with police in Nairobi over                      India’s HAL training Nigerian
          Covid curfews, brutality : Dozens                      Army pilots : Hindustan
of angry protesters clashed with police in the                   Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has
Kenyan capital of Nairobi on Wednesday as          started flying training for Nigerian Army
they demanded an end to lockdowns and              Aviation pilots, who have joined the Indian
curfews put in place to combat the spread of       company’s Rotary Wing Academy.
the coronavirus. (Africa News-Article Link)        (Defence Web-Article Link)

         NIGERIA – 07/08/2021 : Bandits                           MALI – 07/08/2021 : Going for
         Kill 18 in Northwest Nigeria Raid                        gold      in    western        Mali
         : The “bandits” are known to hide in                     threatens human security :
camps in the Rugu forest which straddles                          Uncontrolled artisanal gold
Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, and Niger states         mining in Kayes is damaging the environment
from where they launch attacks on                  and fuelling trafficking and local conflicts.
communities. (The Defense Post-Article Link)       (ISS-Article Link)

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NIGERIA – 07/08/2021 :                          SOUTH AFRICA – 07/08/2021 :
                Nigerian          lawmakers                     SAMHS vaccination sites
                approve $2.4 billion to fight                   ensure countrywide coverage
                violence, fund vaccines :          : Military medical personnel are – as from
Nigeria’s parliament passed a 983 billion naira    today (Thursday, 8 July) – on COVID-19
($2.4 billion) supplementary budget on             inoculation duty in all nine South Africa’s
Wednesday to address rising insecurity in the      provinces and ready, willing and able to assist
country and fund COVID-19 vaccines.                the wider military community in its efforts to
(Defence Web-Article Link)                         beat coronavirus. (Defence Web-Article Link)

               MOZAMBIQUE – 07/08/2021 :                        TUNISIA – 07/08/2021 : 40
               SIPRI    warns      arms      for                migrants taken to Tunisia
               Mozambique         will       not                after boat failure : 40 migrants
necessarily end insurgency : As the                were rescued aboard trying to reach Italy on
Southern African Development Community             Wednesday after the vessel they were in
(SADC) mulls options with regard to military       broke down. (Africa News-Article Link)
intervention in Mozambique, the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute
(SIPRI) maintains adding new armament to                           NIGERIA – 07/08/2021 :
the Mozambican armed forces (FADM)                                 Bandits kill 18 in northwest
arsenal is not necessarily in the interests of                     Nigeria raid : Armed attackers
ending violence in the northern part of the east   known as bandits have killed 18 people in a
African country. (Defence Web-Article Link)        raid on a village in northwest Nigeria's Katsina
                                                   state, police told AFP Wednesday.
                                                   (Africa News-Article Link)
                D.R. CONGO – 07/08/2021 :
                Hope for end to eastern DRC                       SAHEL – 07/09/2021 : As
                violence : A new government                       France shrinks its Barkhane
                action plan in Democratic                         force, jihadi threat grows in
Republic of the Congo (DRC) can reverse the        the Sahel : During a grueling, weeks-long
tragic deterioration in the country’s east,        mission in northern Mali, French soldiers were
where thousands of human rights abuses are         confronted by a familiar threat: Extremists
committed against civilians by armed               trying to impose the same strict Islamic rule
militants, the senior UN official in the country   that preceded France’s military intervention
told the Security Council.                         here more than eight years ago.
(Defence Web-Article Link)
                                                   (Africa News-Article Link)

              D.R. CONGO – 07/08/2021 :                          NIGER – 07/09/2021 : Niger sets
              On the trail of the DR Congo's                     goal of returning 130,000
              dreaded ADF militia : For                          Nigerian refugees by year-end :
              more than twenty years, the          Niger and the state of Borno in neighbouring
Beni region of the eastern Democratic              Nigeria have struck a deal for the return this
Republic of Congo has been engulfed in             year of more than 130,000 Nigerian refugees,
conflict between rival rebel groups.               Niger's president Mohamed Bazoum said
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                   Friday. (Africa News-Article Link)

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MALI – 07/09/2021 :                             MALI – 07/09/2021 : Spanish
                  France to start closing                         NH90s arrive in Mali : The
                  military bases in Mali by                       Spanish Army has sent its first
                  the end of the year :                           NH90 helicopter to Mali as part
                  French             President      of the European Union Training Mission
Emmanuel Macron said Friday that France             (EUTM) in Mali. (Defence Web-Article Link)
would begin closing its bases in northern Mali
before the end of the year, as part of a                          SOMALIA – 07/10/2021 : At
drawdown of French troops fighting Islamist                       least nine dead in Al-
extremists in the Sahel.                                          Shabaab     suicide    car
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                                  bombing : At least nine
                                                    people pronounced dead after a car bomb
                   SOUTH        AFRICA       –      targeting a top police chief exploded in
                   07/09/2021 : South Africa        Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Saturday.
                   extends vaccinations to          (Africa News-Article Link)
                   under-50s as Covid cases
soar : South Africa announced Friday it would                       SOUTH           AFRICA        –
start vaccinating people under 50 years old as                      07/11/2021 : Supporters
the continent's hardest-hit country buckles                         demand Zuma's release via
under a vicious third wave of Covid-19                              fiery protests in KwaZulu-
infections driven by the Delta variant.             Natal : Roads block off several trucks and
(Africa News-Article Link)
                                                    commercial property set ablaze since Friday
                                                    in KwaZulu-Natal -- the home of former South
                    NIGERIA – 07/09/2021 :          African president Jacob Zuma, whose
                    Nigeria      getting     two    supporters have been on a fiery rampage and
                    presidential          AW189     looting spree in protest of his 15-month prison
                    helicopters        amongst      sentence. (Africa news-Article Link)
other acquisitions : The Nigerian
presidential air fleet will soon be receiving two
new AW189 VIP helicopters from Italy’s                              RWANDA – 07/11/2021 :
Leonardo Helicopters, while Super Tucanos                           Rwanda        deploys       1000
and Chinese unmanned aerial vehicles will be                        troops to Mozambique in
delivered this month. (Defence Web-Article Link)                    SADC anti-jihadist mission :
                                                    Rwanda sent members of its defence forces
                                                    and officers from its national police to northern
                 SOUTH        AFRICA        –       Mozambique on Saturday.
                 07/09/2021 : Soldiers not to       (Africa News-Article Link)
                 evict, assault or harass
                 Happiness            Village                        NIGER – 07/12/2021 : 49
residents : Parliament has been assured                              Killed in Niger Armed Attack
soldiers and other national defence force                            : Jihadist attacks targeting
personnel stationed at Marievale will not                            civilians have multiplied since
interfere in any way with people in the             the start of the year with more than 300 people
Happiness Village informal settlement               killed in three series of assaults against
adjacent to the Gauteng military base.              villages and camps in the west of the country.
(Defence Web-Article Link)
                                                    (The Defense Post-Article Link)

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