Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports

Page created by Carolyn Walker
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
Knight Frank
Research Reports

Irish Housing

Market International
Investor Report 2021
March 2021
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
I R I S H H O U S I N G M A R K E T I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N V E S TO R R E P O R T 20 2 1

                                       HOU S ING M A RK E T                                                                   ECONOMIC DRIVE RS

        Key                            The Irish housing market is supported       Demand & Supply                            The Irish economy has been the             Driven largely by strong activity in these
     Take-Aways                        by two key fundamentals – a fast                                                       fastest growing economy in the EU          two key sectors, Irish GDP grew by
                                       growing economy and a fast growing
                                       population. Population growth is the
                                                                                   Demand is strong across all
                                                                                   categories with first time buyers
                                                                                                                              since 2014. 2020 was no exception,
                                                                                                                              despite the shock of the Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                         3.4% in 2020. Growth is expected
                                                                                                                                                                         to rebound further this year, with               Why Ireland?
                                       strongest in Europe, driven by a natural    very active in the new homes               pandemic. The structure and profile        expectations that GDP will increase
                                       increase combined with net inward           market. Investor demand for Private        of the Irish economy is quite unique.      by 3.6% plus, increasing to over 4% in
                                       migration.                                  Residential Schemes (PRS) has been         Economic activity is driven by high        2022.
                                                                                   unprecedented, with 40% of investor        value adding sectors and multi-national
                                       Demographic Drivers                         spend in commercial property in            companies, who have invested heavily       The consumer is expected to rebound
                                                                                   2020, invested in large residential        in property, production and people.        strongly as the Covid-19 vaccine

                                       The population is currently estimated       schemes. This trend is expected to                                                    programme is rolled out, boosted by
                                       to be almost 5 million and is forecast      continue in 2021 and 2022, reducing        As a small open economy, English           household savings which are at an all-
1.   Population Growth                 to reach 6 million by 2051, growing at a    the supply of new units available          speaking and with a highly educated        time high.                                             Dublin is the
     » Fastest growing population      rate of 0.69% per annum.                    for individual purchase. In order to       work-force, Ireland has been very                                                                 capital city of
        in Europe                                                                  meet natural demand, an estimated          successful in attracting Foreign Direct    Overall, despite the shock of the global
                                       30% of the population live in Dublin. One   28,000-30,000 house completions            Investment. Dublin, as the capital city,   pandemic, the Irish economy has                        Ireland - the
                                       third of the Irish population are under     (including single houses, houses in        is home to the European head-quarters      shown that decades of investment in                    fastest growing
                                       the age of 25, giving Ireland one of the    a development and apartments) are          of multi-nationals such as Google,         Research & Development, education
                                       youngest, most dynamic populations in       required per annum. While annual           Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Amazon and    and infrastructure has paid dividends,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                economy in EU

                                       the world.                                  completions have increased in recent       Microsoft to name just a few.              allowing the economy to continue to flex
2.   Strong natural demand for                                                     years, averaging 18,500 since 2016,                                                   and grow and meet global demand for
     housing                                                                       there is still a considerable shortage.    Many of these multi-nationals have also    expert products and services.                             Ireland is home
                                                                                   Despite the additional challenge posed     invested in commercial buildings and
                                                                                   by Covid-19 lockdown periods in 2020,      they tend to “cluster” in central Dublin   Multinational Companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to Top Global
                                                                                   there was a surge in completions in        locations, which has become known          Driving the Economy                                       Companies
                                                                                   between lockdowns with just over           as a Tech Hub. Coupled with this, the

                                                                                   20,000 completions. The appetite           pharmaceutical and medical devices         Tech Hub
3.   Supply lags demand                                                            of international investors for housing     sectors, along with other manufacturing
                                                                                   investment in Ireland combined with        companies, are also very high value                                                                  Education &
                                                                                   normal housing demand means that a         adding.
                                                                                   shortage of housing stock will remain                                                                                                           Talent
                                                                                   a challenging feature of the housing
                                                                                   market for the foreseeable future,         The contribution of the
4.   Prices increasing steadily                                                    sustaining rents and putting upward        TMT sector to overall                                                                   »   Ireland is in the Top 10 Globally
     since 2013                                                                    pressure on prices.                                                                                                                    for quality of the education
                                                                                                                              GDP growth in 2020                                                                          system
     2020                                                                          Prices                                     was 37%, while industry

                                                                                                                                                                         All of the world’s top pharma
     Apartments      5.1% Dublin
                                                                                   Prices have been consistently
                                                                                                                              (including pharma)                         companies and 14 out of 15 of the
     		              4.8% Nationally                                               increasing on an annual basis since        contributed 15%                            world’s top med-tech companies                            Tax Regime
                                       Ireland’s population
     New houses      1.2% Dublin                                                   2013. 2020 saw a 2% increase in new                                                                                                             12.5% corporation tax
                                       growth and unique                           units, with apartments increasing more
     		              2.1% Nationally
                                       economic growth profile                     than houses.

                                       support a natural long                      In summary, given the demographic and
                                       term source of demand                       economic profile of Ireland, the housing
                                                                                   market is set to remain very active                                                   18 out of 25 of the world’s top financial                 Lifestyle
                                       for housing
                                                                                   over the coming years. Sustainability                                                 services companies
5.   Density, creative design,                                                     combined with a requirement for a
     planning & work/life balance to                                               broader product offering to meet
     drive vision of the Future                                                    investor demand, is expected to drive                                                                                              »   400+ golf courses
                                                                                   value add across the sector.                                                                                                       »   Easy access hub to the US and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the rest of Europe
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
I R I S H H O U S I N G M A R K E T I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N V E S TO R R E P O R T 20 2 1

                                                        40%               16%                     9%                  9%                       10%                         6%                        6%                      4%
                                                 Industry & Pharma        TMT          Distribution, Transport,   Professional             Public Sector               Real Estate            Financial Services         Construction
                                                                                        Hotels & Restaurants                                                                                                               & Other


Population by Household Size

                    24%                              29%                               17%                                       17%                                       9%                                       4%

HOU S ING S U PPLY VE RS U S DE M A ND                                                                            HOU S E PRICE





                2011          2012    2013   2014     2015      2016   2017     2018    2019      2020
                     Demand per annum        Supply per annum

Source: CSO & Knight Frank Research
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
I R I S H H O U S I N G M A R K E T I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N V E S TO R R E P O R T 20 2 1

HOW M UCH S PACE WIL L                                                                                      F O R T WIL L I A M , B L AC K RO C K ,                        14 3 M E RRION ROA D, DU B L IN 4
                                                                                                            CO DU B L IN

Dublin compares favourably to London,
New York and Hong Kong across a
range of metrics as illustrated in the
infographic. Examining the purchasing                        N E W YO RK
power of one million euro in Dublin, one
can purchase approximately 4.75 times      KO N G
the amount of prime space than in Hong
Kong and between 3 and 3.5 times the
amount of prime space than in London
and New York.

Dublin...................... 133 sqm                                                  D U B L IN
New York................ 42 sqm
London.................... 38 sqm              LO N D O N
Hong Kong.............28 sqm

Knight Frank Research as of Q4 2020.
Local property tax and transaction taxes
apply.                                                                                                      »   Gated development of four unique houses                    »    Chic, contemporary apartments & penthouses
                                                                                                            »   Four bed houses with parking and terraces                  »    Spectacular sea views from many homes
                                                                                                            »   Close to UCD & Blackrock College                           »    Moments from beach & easy access to city

NE W RES IDE N T I A L                                 T HE CO L L EC T IO N , S HRE WS B U RY
                                                       ROA D, D U B L IN 4
                                                                                                            T HE PINN AC L E , M O U N T
                                                                                                            M E RRION , CO DU B L IN
                                                                                                                                                                           M O N T E RE Y, S A N DY M O U N T,
                                                                                                                                                                           DU B L IN 4
IN 202 1

                                                       »    Gated development of seven substantial houses   »   Boutique development of apartments & penthouses            »    Nine contemporary designed gated houses
                                                       »    Ireland’s number one address                    »   Incredible views out over Dublin Bay                       »    Prime location near Sandymount Village & Beach
                                                       »    Super-Prime embassy location                    »   Prime residential location with great amenities            »    Bright living spaces, gardens and roof terraces
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
                                                                                              James Meagher, Director
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              Ray Palmer-Smith, Director
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              Evan Lonergan, Director
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              Peter Kenny, Director of Residential
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              Guy Craigie, Director of Residential
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              R E S E AR CH
                                                                                              Joan Henry, Chief Economist & Head
                                                                                              of Research
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

                                                                                              Robert O’Connor, Senior Business Analyst
                                                                                              +353 1 634 2466

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Dublin PRS Tenant         Dublin Office Report      Dublin PRS Market    Wealth Report 2021
Survey                    Q4 2020                   Snapshot Q4 2020

Knight Fran Research Reports are available at
Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports Irish Housing Market International Investor Report 2021 - Knight Frank Research Reports
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