Invitation to Tender: Water for Tomorrow Decision Support Models

Page created by Eddie Patel
Invitation to Tender: Water for Tomorrow Decision Support Models
Invitation to Tender:
Water for Tomorrow
Decision Support Models
Published: 22 September 2021


Water Resources East (WRE) is a partner in the Interreg Water for Tomorrow (WfT)
project, along with the Environment Agency and Rivers Trust (lead partner). WfT
aims to increase access to water in water scarce catchments in the France
(Channel) England region, with long-term benefits that include resilience to
climate change and drought.

To achieve these aims, WfT will develop new tools for abstractors that will better
enable them to access and share water once the needs of the environment have
been met. These include:

   •   Multi-sector water resource management plans. These will determine how
       much water is available & when, how much is required & when and
       preferred options for reconciling the two.
   •   For options based on water sharing, a new Catchment Management System
       (CMS). This will use agreed rules for allocating the available water, which
       will be based on a combination of abstraction licencing strategies and the
       new multi-sector water resource management plans.

The WfT programme is based on the following Work Packages (WPs):
   1. WP M: Project Management (responsible partner: The Rivers Trust)
   2. WP T1: Water Resource Planning (responsible partner: BRGM)
   3. WP T2 Water Resources Management Systems (responsible partner: WRE)
   4. WP T3 Management System Implementation (responsible partner: EA)
   5. WP C: Communication (responsible partner: The Rivers Trust)

A full list of WPs is provided in Annex A.

Invitation to Tender: Water for Tomorrow Decision Support Models
Within these WPs, WRE is either lead or co-lead on the following:

   •   T1.2.2 (Water Resource Models): co-lead on the development of technical
       models within the Broadlands Rivers catchments with a specific focus on
       developing hydrological, public water supply, agriculture, climate change
       and growth metrics
   •   T2.1.3 (Decision Support Models): lead on the development of complex
       decision support models (Catchment Management System) in the EN
       Broadland Rivers catchment pilot, and
   •   T3.1.2 (New Data Management and Decision Support Systems): lead on
       implementing a Catchment Management System that utilises smart
       technology and new data sources to enable a flexible approach to water
       allocation and rapid water sharing during periods of water scarcity


This Invitation to Tender relates to the second of the work WPs:
   • T2.1.3: Decision Support Model Build
The detailed specification for T2.1.3 is set out in Annex B.

Tenders should be submitted to by midday on
Thursday 14th October 2021. Note that WRE is not bound to accept any
tenders if it so chooses to do so.

Tenders should include the following:
   • Technical methods
   • Anticipated data and model requirements
   • Project governance, including named project manager and project director
   • Detailed programme
   • Staff members who will deliver the work
   • Financial proposal including staff rates, hours and expenses
   • Review of risks and how risk will be managed
   • Previous staff and corporate experience (do not send generic information
      or brochures)

Tenderers are welcome to partner with other organisations where good value can
be demonstrated.

WRE Terms and Conditions will be used for the contract and will be provided

Evaluation criteria are set out in Annex C.

Invitation to Tender: Water for Tomorrow Decision Support Models

The programme for all three WRE-led tasks is provided below.

Deadline (end of    T1.2.2 Water                 T2.1.3 Decision        Options
month)              Resource Model               Support Model          Development
September /                  Procurement completed and contracts awarded
October 2021
October 2021        Commence liaison             Scoping workshop       Generic options
                    with participatory
                    modelling task                                      WRE options
November 2021       Draft scoping report         Draft scoping report   workshops
December 2021       Final scoping report         Final scoping report   Option refinement
January 2022
February 2022                                                           WRE catchment
March 2022                                                              workshops
April 2022          Draft    model       &       Draft model &          Draft report &
                    report                       report                 database
May 2022            BVA report                   Final model &          Final report &
                                                 report                 database
June 2022           FVA report
July 2022           Final model &
August 2022
September 2022                                   Planning workshops
October 2022                                     Workshop report

Annex A: Full list of WfT deliverables with WRE deliverables highlighted

 Work Package     Reference        Deliverable         Number Deadline
T1 Water Resource   T1.2.1  Water System                5 no. December
Planning                    Visualisation Models                2021
                    T1.2.2  Water Resource              3 no. June 2022
                            Models (WRE co-lead)
                    T1.2.3  Guidance Resource Pack      1 no.    March
T2 Water Resource   T2.1.1   Water Resource             5 no.    March
Management                   Management Strategies               2023
Systems             T2.1.2   Data Review Workshop       5 no.   August
                    T2.1.3   Decision Support           2 no.   October
                             Models (WRE lead)                   2022
                    T2.1.4   Guidance Resource Pack     1 no.    March
T3   Management     T3.1.1   New Data Collection        3 no.    March
System                       Process                             2023
Implementation      T3.1.2   New Data Management        3 no.    March
                             and Decision Support                2023
                             System (WRE lead)
                    T3.1.3   Implementation of Water    5 no.    March
                             Resource Management                 2023
                    T3.1.4   Guidance Resource Pack     1 no.    March

Annex B: Specification for T2.1.3 Decision Support Model

General Approach

The decision support model will be developed using an approach based on the
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) that WRE use for multi-sector
regional water resource planning.

A summary of the generic steps in an RDM-process is given below (from RAND):

In the WRE MO-RDM process, the regional water resource model (or simulator)
has been built using the PyWR code, while portfolio selection is via the BORG
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). Trade-offs between the pareto
optimal portfolios is explored using parallel axis plots which are produced using
Polyvis. Using this approach, the risks associated with uncertainty are managed
by searching for & selecting portfolios that perform robustly in a range of plausible
future scenarios.

This approach includes:
   • Working with stakeholders and planners to determine water resource
      planning metrics of interest and any related threshold values
   • Using the metrics, thresholds & MOEA to search for portfolios of
      options which perform well or robustly in most plausible future scenarios
   • Using parallel axis plots or similar visualisation tools to explore trade-offs
      between the pareto-optimal portfolios which are returned by the MOEA and
      then select the preferred portfolio(s)

The model needs to be developed for a set of Broadland catchments (see Annex
D), but it is important that lessons are learnt for future application to other
catchments. This may include more detailed future application where this is
limited for example by the programme.


   1. Problem characterisation & decision framing:
            Using the RAND XLRM framework, with results summarised in the
            first part of a scoping report. To be completed jointly with the WfT
            project partners and contractors for T1.2.2 and Options Development
            (T1.2.2 is the Water Resources model and delivers a numerical
            model which is used in the decision support tool).

   2. Decision support model development and testing:
             Develop the approach for the decision support process, with attention
             to the links between this decision support task and T1.2.1 (the
             Participatory model which is delivering a visualization tool which
             simulates key processes using high-level data). Write up as the
             second part of the scoping report.

   3. Formulating and executing the search. Based on iterative refinement and
      a progressively more sophisticated/complex approach (i.e. “start simple”).
      This includes testing and confirmation of the preferred approach to the
          • Spatial and temporal aggregation of metrics or any other model
          • Number and type of search metrics & thresholds which are used
          • Number and type of tracked metrics which are used
          • Any decision-relevant scenarios which are used, and preferences
             among these
          • Any related policy “decisions” including, for example, the treatment
             of specific sectors in the search process
          • Any non-modelled factors which should nonetheless be incorporated.

   4. Processing the search results, including verification of the MOEA outputs
            The verification & validation tests should be agreed with the project
            partners as part of the scoping process.

To assist with stakeholder input to the planning process and to validate the
results, the following related activities will also be undertaken:

   5. Preparation    of     trade-off visualisation tool. This   will     be web-
      based and allow for the following:
         • Representation of the modelled system, including critical input &
            output data and the option portfolios, and
         • Visualisation of the trade-offs between different portfolios of options

6. Support for a Planning workshop
      • Preparation through training workshops for participants
      • Preparation and management for two day-long planning workshops
      • Note: these workshops will form part of the overall WfT project
        engagement plan

7. Identification of scenarios for use in stress testing on the preferred portfolio
   of options, for input to a final vulnerability analysis (see T1.2.2)

8. Reporting, including all related quality assurance. This should also capture
   lessons learnt for wider application e.g. through a series of guidance notes.

Annex C: Evaluation Criteria

Element    Criteria       Description                     Proportion of
                                                          total score
Quality    Technical      Understanding of requirements      30%      70%
           method         and clear proposal to deliver
           Governance     Project management structure        5%
                          and experience in key roles
           Programme      Realistic programme that            5%
                          meets required deadlines
           Staff          Qualifications and level of        10%
           Risk           Understanding and proposed          5%
           management     management
           Previous       Quality of recent relevant         15%
           experience     experience
Cost       Price          Total price and value for          30%     30%
                          money considering staff input
                          and experience
TOTAL                                                      100%    100%

Annex D: Broadland catchments

The Broadland catchments comprise the catchments of the rivers Bure, Waveney,
Wensum and Yare. It is intended that catchment models will be produced for all
4 catchments, at least to their tidal limits.

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