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PROPRIETARY CUSTODIAL FLOWS SHOW THAT INVESTORS ARE INCREASINGLY ATTRACTED TO COUNTRIES WITH ROBUST IMMUNE RESPONSE RATES. VACCINATING AT LEAST 0.33% OF THE POPULATION DAILY HAS BECOME CRITICAL TO ACHIEVING HERD IMMUNITY. BY DANIEL TENENGAUZER iverging vaccine rollouts how far, and how fast, vaccine distri- iFlow showed that back in late 2020 D are having an outsized impac t on markets, favoring countries inves- tors were avoiding such as the U.S., U.K. and Israel, while negatively impacting bution efficacy can shape spending and production. A return to normal in some of the more efficient economies could allow some policy normalization, lifting yields to levels that are more attractive. investors were eschewing U.S. gov- ernment bonds in favor of China and Eurozone fixed-income markets. In the backdrop were hopes for sig- nificant fiscal easing in the U.S., which economies with comparatively slow Conversely, countries delivering one could result in higher inflation as house- distribution. shot of the vaccine to less than 0.3% holds deploy savings accumulated Instead of selling U.S. dollars and of their population each day will likely throughout lockdown, and expecta- piling into international equities and underperform. tions of a switch in the decade-old pat- currencies, investors temporarily For now, investors are keeping an tern known as U.S. “exceptionalism,” increased their U.S. bond buying, eye on global coordination efforts. where the U.S. dollar, U.S. Treasury and seeing that falling infection rates in the Although speedy progress may be U.S. equities outperformed the rest of U.S. may deliver herd immunity sooner offset by new strains arriving from the world. than predicted, possibly as soon as South Africa, Manaus in Brazil or New Fast forward to February 2021 and April or May. York, with inoculation failing to last iFlow insights demonstrated a flip- The U.K. begins a phased reopening longer than a few months, herd immu- flop, with marginal demand for U.S. March 8, after daily new infection rates nity should be possible in the fourth bonds improving, particularly since have fallen 90% since January. In Israel, quarter of this year in most economies. the second week of January all the way where weekly new deaths dropped 61% up until the last week of February. A in February, more than 60% of the pop- FLOWS FLIP-FLOPPED 70bp increase in 10-year Treasury bond ulation has received at least one dose of SINCE U.S. ELECTION yields to as high as 1.6% so far in 2021 the Pfizer-BioNTech jab. Vaccine impact is already showing up briefly drew meaningful flows away Investors’ recent about-face toward in asset flows. Following the U.S. pres- from Eurozone fixed-income markets markets showing improved immuniza- idential elections, a proprietary data- back to the U.S. bond market. tion amounts to a reconsideration of base from BNY Mellon Markets called At the same time, clouds are forming
Speed is a more critical element than vaccine type. Assuming immunity holds for six months, a country should vaccinate 60% of its population within 180 days to achieve inoculation. in the geopolitical outlook and denting bond managers, according to iFlow. about 15,000, rising back above 18,000 the attractiveness of international mar- Next, in figure 4 (see page 8), we more recently. The same could be said kets ranging from the Eurozone to Latin looked carefully at the patt erns in about France, where daily new cases America. Lackluster efforts to achieve demand for U.S. debt. While the fourth increased from 13,000 in early January global herd immunity could dent those quarter of last year was still about a to 21,600 more recently. While the economies. swing from U.S. bonds to international number of new cases collapsed in In the chart above (see figure 1), we ones, demand for the U.S. fixed-income Spain, the number of daily new deaths illustrate these trends with the help of market has since improved. In fact, spiked to the highest levels observed iFlow signals for global bond markets. iFlow data show a few weeks of mar- since the outbreak started a year ago. These include flows in and out of both ginal inflows into U.S. bonds between Moreover, with the exception of the sovereign and corporate debt mar- January and February 2021, although Chile, the vaccination pace in Latin kets we analyzed. We show flows in and there is a risk to this continuing if America has been extraordinarily out of bond markets across all coun- hopes for robust vaccine rollout in the slow. This could be the backdrop for tries covered by iFlow. Eurozone and China start to improve. a sharp turnaround in demand for Between early December 2020 and Scored flows turned negative for bonds within the region, as shown in early March 2021, scored flows (aver- Eurozone fixed-income markets in the figure 1 above. aged daily net buying, scored by the same period as they entered positive economy’s standard deviation over territory for U.S. bonds. VACCINATION PACE the period studied) were most neg- A key reason for the swing away DEFINES INVESTMENT ative in the U.S. but most positive in from Eurozone bonds in January Mu c h o f t h e m a rke t d ive r ge n c e China and the Eurozone. China, the and February this year is, in our can be explained by vaccination Eurozone and G10 commodity cur- opinion, the lackluster vaccination rollout efficiency and its impact on rencies such as Canada, Australia and progress there. hospitalizations and death rates. New Zealand hold the most appeal for New cases in Italy have been flat at Speed is a more critical element
CRITICAL CONDITION New hospital admissions in the U.K. have been falling after two shots were administered 700,000 5,000 1ST SHOT 2ND SHOT 4,500 600,000 NEW ADMISSIONS 4,000 500,000 3,500 Number of Admissions Number of Shots 400,000 3,000 2,500 300,000 2,000 200,000 1,500 1,000 100,000 500 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7/ 2/ 7/ 2/ 7/ /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /0 /1 /1 /2 /2 01 06 11 16 21 26 31 05 10 15 20 25 12 12 12 12 12 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ SOURCE: NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE FIGURE 2 than vaccine type. Assuming immu- in Israel, 10,561 infections were doc- Even more encouragingly, for people nity holds for six months, a country umented, of which 5,996 were symp- 80 years and older, the research found should vaccinate 60% of its population tomatic COVID-19 illness, 369 required an overall 81% reduction of hospital within 180 days to achieve inoculation. hospitalization, 229 were severe cases admissions by the fourth week in the Countries able to vaccinate 0.33% of and 41 resulted in death. The study Scottish study. In short, in the U.K. their population with one shot every took place from December 20, when and Israel, vaccines should already be day can achieve a comfortable 60% Israel’s national vaccination drive was helping to reduce the COVID-19 burden immunization rate. This estimate is launched, to February 1. It also coin- in national healthcare systems. obtained by the simple ratio of 60 per- cided with Israel’s third and largest We focus on hospitalization rates (see centage points over 182 days, or six wave of coronavirus infection and figure 2 above) and escalation for two months (60 ÷ 182 = 0.33). illness. reasons. First, a meaningful reduction One study, which has been peer Meanwhile, from December to of extreme outcomes may encourage reviewed and published in the New mid-February, separate researchers skeptics to vaccinate. Second, the most England Journal of Medicine, took analyzed a data set covering all of concerning worry over the past year 596,618 people who were newly vac- Scotland’s population. Of 5.4 million has been overwhelming healthcare cinated in Israel and compared them people covered in the study, 1.1 mil- systems. with unvaccinated controls. Two lion (or 20%) were vaccinated with the So far, the most encouraging data are doses of the mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech first dose of either Pfizer-BioNTech or emerging out of the U.S., the U.K. and vaccine reduced symptomatic cases AstraZeneca. Among the 8,000 people Israel, countries running the fastest by 94%, hospitalizations by 87%, and hospitalized in Scotland in the period, vaccination pace. Since early January, severe COVID-19 infection by 92%. less than 1% (or 58 people) came daily new cases in the U.S. declined During a mean follow-up of 15 days from the vaccinated group. from as high as 250,000 to 70,000.
A daily vaccination pace reaching 0.3% to 0.45% of the global population should, in our opinion, support herd immunity at some point in the fourth quarter. In the U.K., the number of new cases the pandemic, according to the study. into a milder illness. dropped from 58,000 to 6,300. These findings highlight the chal- Assuming a six-month immunity For Israel, the number of new cases lenges of fast and widespread deploy- window, a pace of delivering one shot declined from 8,400 to 3,600 and, ment of a variety of vaccines across to 0.33% of the population each day even though hospitalizations remain borders. This is perhaps the back- would achieve 60% immunity after six high because of mutant strains of the drop of temporary reversals observed months (0.33 * 182 = 60%). The range virus and people’s tolerance of social in iFlow back toward the U.S. bond of vaccination pace would be as fol- distancing is waning, the country has market, found in our own iFlow data lows: 0.27% of the population getting more than 55% vaccinated. At the discussed above. one shot daily to reach 50% immunity current pace, the E.U. would take 10 within six months, or 0.41% of the pop- months, at best, to get there. arlier estimates based on ulation vaccinated daily to reach 75% SPEED REMAINS THE PRIMARY RISK More recently, worries about Variants of Concern (VoCs) raised some alarm E highly effective vaccines held that within the immu- nity window of six months, 50-60% of the population would have to be vaccinated in order to create herd immunity also within six months. The current vaccination pace stands at 1.1% of the population receiving daily vaccines in Israel and 0.68% in the UAE. For the U.K. it is also quite robust bells that vaccines may not help achieve effects. At 70% vaccine effectiveness, at 0.58% (see figure 3 below) as it is in herd immunity after all. A Harvard the threshold for herd immunity will the U.S. at 0.54%. Additional countries University study, however, shows that rise to roughly 75%. at rates above 0.33% are Morocco, Chile herd immunity might be achieved if According to the Harvard research, and Turkey. vaccine rollout is fast enough. Even given high success ratios of the vac- In the Eurozone the pace remains if vaccine effectiveness falls to 70% cines, a second-best outcome would sluggish, at 0.2% in Spain, 0.17% in from 95%, the world still has a path to be the development of milder symp- Germany and 0.18% in France. Italy is achieving herd immunity and ending toms — essentially turning COVID-19 even lower at 0.17%. Canada is at 0.15%.
HOT SHOTS The pace of daily vaccinations is robust in Israel, the U.S. and the U.K. 2.5 % of Population Vaccinated Daily (Weekly Rolling Average) ISRAEL UK 2.0 US BRAZIL EU 1.5 CHINA INDIA 1.0 0.5 0 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4/ 1/ 8/ /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /1 /2 /2 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 01 12 12 12 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 3/ SOURCE: NATIONAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS, OUR WORLD IN DATA FIGURE 3 Even more disturbing, the largest and 1 and is now at 0.2%. Most of the lag- four-fold decrease in the risk of asymp- most populous countries are regis- ging economies will likely double these tomatic infection amongst healthcare tering very low vaccination strides: daily vaccination paces over the next workers who had been vaccinated for Brazil is vaccinating only 0.11% daily, several weeks. 12 days or more (75% protection). The with India and Indonesia at 0.03% and In the U.K., extending the gap level of asymptomatic infection halved 0.04%, respectively. between the first and second shot was in those vaccinated for less than 12 This global divergence is concerning crucial to helping a wider share of the days. because inoculation may never reach population get at least partially inocu- We believe that such a convergence the desired levels of 60-75% within the lated. Now Portugal is adopting a sim- in inoculation speed will be the har critical six-month immunity window. A ilar approach. Some academic papers binger supporting similar patterns to vicious circle may therefore evolve as now agree that as long as the health those observed toward the last few more potent variants emerge. system obliges by a second shot admin- months of 2020. In other words, flows The good news is that countries are istered within the immunity window, may seep back out of U.S. bonds into improving their pacing and do become tail-risk outcomes of the disease are international markets as those econo more efficient as a larger variety of unlikely. mies speed up. jabs are approved and start mass pro- A study released in February by Nevertheless, bumps along the duction. The U.K., for instance, began Cambridge University Hospitals NHS road will continue to reflect diverging at 0.12% of its population vaccinated Foundation Trust (CUH) and the approaches from different countries’ daily as of December 14, reaching University of Cambridge analyzed vaccination policies. Many countries 0.58% now. Israel started at 0.09% on results from thousands of COVID-19 are opting to vaccinate different target December 20, and now stands at 1%. tests carried out on a single dose of groups with essential workers being The E.U. started at 0.01% on December Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. It found a classified differently between China,
FLIP-FLOP Recent weeks have seen outflows from U.S. bonds dissipating as investors hoped for a reopening, while inflows into Eurozone fixed income collapsed 2.0 US FIXED INCOME 1.5 EUROZONE FIXED INCOME 1.0 Percentage Change 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 1/ 6/ 1/ 5/ 0/ 5/ 0/ 14 29 13 28 /0 /1 /3 /1 /3 /1 /3 1/ 1/ 2/ 2/ 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 Indexed to October 1, 2020 SOURCE: BNY MELLON FIGURE 4 the E.U. and the U.S., for instance. India despite its manufacturing prowess, and China rollouts have been slow so there is a risk of supply shortages given far, but their vaccine may prove to be the country’s commitment to overseas more robust against VoCs than those in orders. On the other hand, Beijing may the West. want to avoid the impression of pri- The Serum Institute of India (SII) oritizing overseas commitments over has obtained authorization to manu- domestic needs. Doing so would boost facture the AstraZeneca Oxford vac- global recovery hopes but delay China’s cine. It will supply the vaccine to the border reopenings. Indian government but also to a large Such global efforts will be the number of low and middle-income main indication of a global recovery, countries. SII also has contracts in assuming a daily vaccination pace place to manufacture Novovax, which reaching 0.3% to 0.45% of the global is the world’s largest vaccine man- population in short order. This pace ufacturer by number of doses pro- should, in our opinion, support herd duced and sold globally, deploying immunity in the fourth quarter. doses in approximately 170 countries iFlow will continue to track Daniel Tenengauzer is Head of Markets around the globe. these developments quite closely. Strategy at BNY Mellon Markets. China has belatedly acknowledged Ebbs and flows in global bond and Questions or Comments? Write to the inadequate speed of its vaccina- equity markets are increasingly more tion program and is now targeting 40% likely to mirror these very same or reach out to your usual of its population by June. However, vaccination milestones. relationship manager.
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