Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Page created by Andy Barnes
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Awards and Financial Support
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business
Schulich students have access to a full range of scholarships and awards which recognize
    excellence through academic achievement and extra-curricular involvement in the School
    and/or wider community. Through the generosity of alumni and friends, these scholarships
    and awards that are among the highest value offered to business students in Canada and
    around the world.

    Funding pathways make it possible for students with financial need to
    pursue a Schulich degree.


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Entrance        Continuing     Graduating     York University   OSAP          Leading Change
Awards          Student Awards Student Awards Awards            at a Glance   Through Student
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Schulich celebrates the accomplishments of incoming students through competitive entrance
scholarships, awards, and bursaries.

Seymour Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship                       Monika Federau Scholarship for Women in Business
In recognition of academic excellence and merit, Seymour Schulich,   The Monika Federau Scholarship for Women in Business will be
OC (Hon LLD ’03) has created the Seymour Schulich Entrance           awarded annually to a first year female student enrolled in the
Scholarship. The scholarships are presented to incoming BBA          BBA or iBBA program at York’s Schulich School of Business. The
and iBBA students who have demonstrated academic excellence.         recipient must be a Canadian citizen, or permanent resident.
Recipients will have been active in their communities and have       Selection will be based in a minimum grade of 90% for students
demonstrated leadership qualities either in school or through        entering from high school. The scholarship will provide recipients
extracurricular activities.                                          the opportunity to be mentored by the donor.
VALUE: $6,776 (5 scholarships available)
                                                                     Monika Federau is the Chief Strategy Officer for Intact Financial
Tanna H. Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship                      Corporation where she leads the development of corporate
In recognition of academic excellence and merit, Seymour Schulich,   strategies, and oversees branding, government relations and
OC (Hon LLD ’03) has created the Tanna H. Schulich Entrance          communications. She joined Intact in 2010 as Senior Vice
Scholarship. The scholarships are presented to incoming BBA and      President, Marketing responsible for national advertising,
iBBA students who have have demonstrated academic excellence.        communication and sponsorship strategies, as well as research
Recipients will have been active in their communities and have       and digital initiatives. Prior to Intact, Ms, Federau lived in Hong
demonstrated leadership qualities either in school or through        Kong working for a global life insurer where she was responsible
extracurricular activities.                                          for developing and executing strategies to enhance the company’s
                                                                     brand throughout Asia. Monika serves on the Board of the Toronto
VALUE: $6,776 (5 scholarships available)
                                                                     Financial Services Alliance as well as on the Board of the Interactive
                                                                     Advertising Bureau of Canada. Monika is committed to supporting
Edith Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Award                               young women seeking to make their mark in business, prompting
The Edith Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Award is presented to an        her to establish this scholarship.
incoming BBA or iBBA student who has demonstrated exceptional        VALUE: $1,000
academic ability in his/her high school graduating year and
demonstrates financial need. The recipient must be a Canadian
                                                                     The Sidney Award
citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario
resident and demonstrate financial need.                             The Sidney Award is awarded to an incoming Schulich School of
                                                                     Business BBA or iBBA student who demonstrates financial need
VALUE: $5,000
                                                                     and academic excellence (minimum 8.0 GPA). The recipient must
                                                                     be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an
Steven K. Hudson BBA/iBBA Entrance Award                             Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.
The Steven K. Hudson (BBA ’81) Entrance Award to be awarded          VALUE: $1,125
to a first-year student who has achieved first-class standing in
the senior year of high-school, has shown strong entrepreneurial
achievements and financial need. The recipient must be a Canadian
citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario
resident and demonstrate financial need.
                                                                        Award Selection Process
VALUE: $5,000

Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award                                 ADMISSION
                                                                        Applicants are considered for awards only if they have
The Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award is awarded to
                                                                        been admitted to the program of their choice.
an incoming Schulich School of Business BBA/iBBA student who
demonstrates academic excellence. The recipient must be a
Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an            SELECTION
Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.                        Recipients are selected for awards based on each award’s
                                                                        criteria. Selections are made by a Scholarships Committee
VALUE: $3,500
                                                                        that meet on a regular basis.

                                                                        Recipients will be notified via email if they have
                                                                        been selected to receive an award.

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Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business
“The Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award was not just an award or
 a confirmation of achievement, but more than anything it gave me the
 freedom of mind to pursue and focus on my education without having
 to worry about how to pay for it.”

 Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award, $2,500

                                                                        Awards and Financial Support 3
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Schulich offers a range of scholarships and awards that recognize the achievements of continuing
undergraduate-level students and support their educational costs.
The Cloud Managed Networks Award in Excellence and Innovation           Canaccord Genuity Diversity Award of Excellence
The Cloud Managed Networks Award in Excellence and Innovation           The Canaccord Genuity Diversity Award of Excellence (hereinafter
Cloud Managed Networks is a Canadian-based company specializing in      “Award”) was created to benefit BBA/iBBA and MBA students at the
cloud-based networking solutions and known for being at forefront of    Schulich School of Business. Canaccord Genuity (CG) and all of its
technological innovation.                                               affiliates aim to create a workplace where diversity is encouraged
                                                                        and in which all employees have the opportunity to realize their
                                                                        potential for excellence. To create economic opportunities in the
The Cloud Managed Networks Award in Excellence and Innovation is
                                                                        Black community and to encourage a more equitable future, CG has
distributed annually to a continuing BBA/iBBA student who displays a
                                                                        established a well-rounded awards program that will unlock the full
deep commitment to their learning journey (through evidence of
                                                                        potential of Black students pursuing a career in capital markets/
academic excellence, engagement and leadership), as well as their       wealth management. The Award will be given annually to one (1)
personal commitment the principles of excellence & innovation.          third-year Black BBA/iBBA student and to one (1) incoming Black
Applicants to the Award must demonstrate, through the submission of     MBA student who demonstrate both academic excellence (minimum
a two-page essay and resume, their consistent efforts to honour the     GPA of B+) and an interest in capital markets/wealth management.
principles and characteristics of excellence and innovation in their    The recipients will demonstrate exemplary leadership and
academic and extracurricular career. Recipients must demonstrate        interpersonal skills, as well as strong experience in community-
financial need. The annual recipient will be invited to a mentorship    building. Unique to this awards program is the immediate investment
lunch with the Co-Managing Partners of Cloud Managed Networks.          of an optional continuous CG mentorship throughout the year and an
                                                                        opportunity to interview for a summer internship. Applicants to the
VALUE: $10,000
                                                                        Award will be required to submit a detailed resume highlighting their
                                                                        leadership/community experience and passion for capital markets/
KPMG Undergraduate Scholarship                                          wealth management. Eligibility is not open to CG employees or their
The KPMG Undergraduate Scholarship is established by the KPMG           relatives.
Foundation. This award will be granted to a fourth year BBA/iBBA        VALUE: $10,000
student with a specialization in accounting. The successful candidate
must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership skills and financial   Freia and John A. Heber Business Scholarship
need.                                                                   dŚĞ&ƌĞŝĂĂŶĚ:ŽŚŶ͘,ĞďĞƌƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉǁŝůůďĞĂǁĂƌĚĞĚƚŽ
VALUE: $7,500 (2 scholarships available)                                ĐŽŶƚŝŶƵŝŶŐĨƵůůͲƚŝŵĞƵŶĚĞƌŐƌĂĚƵĂƚĞƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐĞŶƌŽůůĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ^ĐŚƵůŝĐŚ
The Devin Truax Memorial iBBA Scholarship                               ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞĂĐĂĚĞŵŝĐĞdžĐĞůůĞŶĐĞ;ŵŝŶŝŵƵŵϴ͘ϬKƌĞƋƵŝǀĂůĞŶƚͿŝŶ
The Devin Truax Memorial iBBA Scholarship is awarded annually to a      ƚŚĞŝƌŵŽƐƚƌĞĐĞŶƚLJĞĂƌŽĨƐƚƵĚLJ͘ For twenty years, John A. Heber
full-time fourth year Schulich School of Business iBBA student who      worked in York University's Department of FInance serving as
demonstrates academic excellence (minimum 7.5 GPA), financial need      Comptroller for eight years. Understanding the importance of higher
and a commitment to extracurricular volunteerism and community          education, Mr. Heber and his wife, Freia (nee Kaiser) Heber have
leadership. This Scholarship has been established in memory of          established this fund through a bequest to York University.
Devin Truax, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly during the       VALUE: $5,000
fourth year of his iBBA studies. This Scholarship reflects the values
associated with Devin’s time at Schulich, including his placement       HSBC President’s Award for iBBA
on the Dean’s Honours List, his student government leadership and
student ambassador roles, and his overall active involvement in         The HSBC President’s Award for iBBA is presented to the student
the Schulich community. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen,       with the highest academic standing after completion of the first 90
permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and         credits of the iBBA program. The award will be presented in the fall
demonstrate financial need.                                             of each year. This award has been created through a generous
                                                                        donation from the HSBC Bank Canada.
VALUE: $5,000
                                                                        VALUE: $3,750
Ernst & Young BBA Award
In recognition of academic excellence, demonstrated leadership and      The Toronto Dominion Bank Award
financial need, Ernst & Young has created the Ernst & Young Awards.     The Toronto Dominion Bank ǁĂƌĚis ĂǁĂƌĚĞĚto students
The awards are given to third year BBA and iBBA students who            registered in third or fourth year of the BBA and iBBA programs.
demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and financial need.         Successful candidates must have a minimum ŐƌĂĚĞƉŽŝŶƚĂǀĞƌĂŐĞ
Preference is given to students who are pursuing an Accounting          ŽĨϳ͘Ϭ(B+). The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent
specialization. Recipients will have been active in their communities   resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate
and have demonstrated leadership either in student government or        financial need.
other extracurricular activities. The recipient must be a Canadian      VALUE: $3,000
citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident
and demonstrate financial need.
VALUE: $5,000

4   Schulich School of Business
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business
“As one of the first scholarships I received, the
 York University Student Life Award made me
 feel welcome in the Schulich and York
 community at large, and emphasized the
 priority the university places on ensuring all
 aspects of student life are considered; a critical
 element in my decision to attend Schulich.”

 Schulich Service Bursary, $2,000
 York University President’s Scholarship, $5,400
 Seymour Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship, $6,050
 York University Student Life Award, $500

                                                            Awards and Financial Support 5
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Costco Canada Award                                                        Margaret Grace Harris Bursary
The Costco Canada Award will be given to an incoming full-time BBA         The Margaret Grace Harris Bursary was established through the
or iBBA student at the Schulich School of Business who demonstrates        generosity of the late Margaret Grace Harris. The bursary will be given
financial need and good academic standing. The recipient must be a         annually to an undergraduate or graduate business student who is in
resident of Ontario and either a Canadian citizen, permanent resident      need of financial assistance.
or protected person. The Costco Canada Award will be renewable in
                                                                           VALUE: $2,000
second, third and fourth year with the achievement of a minimum
6.0 overall GPA (B).
                                                                           RSM Canada Scholarship in Accounting
VALUE: $2,500 renewable ($10,000 over four years)
                                                                           Experience the power of being you with the RSM Scholarship in
                                                                           Accounting, established by RSM. This Award will be granted to a 3rd
Wigwanmen Scholarship                                                      year BBA/iBBA student with a specialization in accounting. Students
The Wigwamen Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in          must have a minimum GPA of 7.5 (A) and a competitive grade in
the BBA/iBBA, MBA/IMBA or one year specialized Masters program at          one second year course, which will be determined at the discretion
the Schulich School of Business. The recipient must be of                  of the award administrator. Preference will be given to a student
documented Indigenous descent, a Canadian citizen, permanent               who has commitments in at least two non-academic activities,
resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate          including but not limited to: part-time job, student group, volunteer
financial need.                                                            role, and sports team. The recipient of the scholarship will be
VALUE: $2,500                                                              offered the optional opportunity to have a coffee meeting and
                                                                           interview with the RSM team, with an understanding that there will
                                                                           be no guarantees on job placement. RSM is the leading provider of
The Citibank Canada Community Award                                        audit, tax and consulting services to the middle market, which is the
ǁĂƌĚĞĚƚŽĂƐĞĐŽŶĚLJĞĂƌͬŝƐƚƵĚĞŶƚŝŶƚŚĞĨĂůůͲƚĞƌŵǁŚŽ            engine of global commerce and economic growth.
ŚĂƐĂĐŚŝĞǀĞĚĂŵŝŶŝŵƵŵ'WŽĨϳ͘Ϭ;нͿĂŶĚĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞƐĂŶ                VALUE: $2,000
ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐŽƌƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐ͕ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐŽĨKŶƚĂƌŝŽĂŶĚ                  UBS Class of 2020 Award
ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞĨŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŶĞĞĚ͘dŚŝƐĂǁĂƌĚŝƐƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚďLJŝƚŝĂŶĂĚĂ        Established by the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Business Society
ŝŶƌĞĐŽŐŶŝƚŝŽŶŽĨƚŚĞĨŝƌŵ͛ƐĐŽŵŵŝƚŵĞŶƚƚŽĚŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞŝƌ            (UBS) Executive team in tribute to the class of 2020, the UBS Class
ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚŽĨǁŽŵĞŶ͕ĂďŽƌŝŐŝŶĂůƐĂŶĚƉĞƌƐŽŶƐǁŝƚŚĚŝƐĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ͘              of 2020 Award is given to a continuing 3rd or 4th year full-time
WƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞǁŝůůďĞŐŝǀĞŶƚŽƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐŝŶƚŚĞƐĞƚŚƌĞĞĐĂƚĞŐŽƌŝĞƐ͘dŚĞ       student who is enrolled in the BBA/iBBA program at the Schulich
ǁĂƌĚǁŝůůďĞĂĚũƵĚŝĐĂƚĞĚďLJƚŚĞ^ĐŚƵůŝĐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůŽĨƵƐŝŶĞƐƐKĨĨŝĐĞ       School of Business. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, as
ŽĨ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͘                                           well as leadership and contribution to the Schulich community
VALUE: $2,000                                                              through the submission of an application.
                                                                           VALUE: $1,500
The Isaac Akande Scholarship Trust Fund
The Isaac Akande Scholarship Trust Fund was created by the Family of       Keun-Chang Kim Memorial Award
Dr. Isaac Akande, an optometrist who often spoke of the need to            This award will be given to a Schulich School of Business
encourage young members of the black community to pursue                   undergraduate student with a minimum grade point average of 7.0
business as a career. The Scholarship will be awarded annually to a        (B+) who is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected
BBA, iBBA, MBA, IMBA student enrolled in first year who                    person and resident of Ontario, and who demonstrates financial
has been involved in extracurricular activities within the Black or        need. Preference will be given to students involved in an academic
wider community. The recipient will have demonstrated academic             exchange program to Korea or who demonstrate a commitment to
excellence (minimum B+ average) and financial need.                        community volunteerism. This award can be given in addition to
VALUE: $2,000                                                              other exchange program funding. Young-Rahn Woo has established
                                                                           this award in loving memory of her father.
                                                                           VALUE: $1,250
Michael Paul Sardella Award for International Studies
Established in memory of Michael Paul Sardella, who spent his last         Divakara Varma Memorial Award
few years working in Southeast Asia, this award recognizes his passion
for travel and the study of different cultures. It will be awarded to an   The Divakara Varma Memorial Award will be awarded to an
undergraduate or graduate Schulich School of Business student to           undergraduate student entering third or fourth year of the BBA/iBBA
travel abroad for internships with foreign organizations, as part of       program who demonstrates financial need. The student must have
their international program of studies. The recipient must have a          achieved a minimum 6.0 grade point average.
minimum GPA of 6.00 (B+) and demonstrate financial need. Recipients        The Divakara Varma Memorial Award was created by family and
must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons        friends to commemorate the life of Mr. Divakara (Dik) Varma
who are residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.               (1933-2017), a professional librarian for York University's Faculty of
                                                                           Administrative Studies and Public Services (1971-1994). Following
VALUE: $2,000
                                                                           retirement, he became a Senior Scholar (1994-2000).
                                                                           VALUE: $1,100

6 Schulich School of Business
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

General Motors of Canada Limited Bursary                                 Timothy A. Brown Startup Award for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs
The General Motors of Canada Limited Bursary is awarded first to         Timothy A. Brown teaches the Schulich Mini-MBA: Dentist Business
disabled students of the Schulich School of Business MBA/IMBA or         Leadership Program at the Schulich Executive Education Centre
BBA/iBBA programs, and then to students who have undergone a             (SEEC). Passionate about entrepreneurship and championing
personal hardship, such as the death of a parent, having the effect of   student success, Timothy establishes this Award to help Schulich
putting them under financial strain. Recipients must be Canadian         undergraduate students to jumpstart and succeed in their
citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of          entrepreneurial endeavours.
Ontario and demonstrate financial need.                                  The Award is designed to help one 2nd or 3rd year BBA/iBBA
VALUE: $1,000                                                            students afford the cost of education and help kick-start their
                                                                         entrepreneurial journey. The recipient demonstrates
Lawrence S. (Al) Rosen BBA Award                                         entrepreneurial spirit by submitting an outline of their own startup
This award is given to one third year BBA/iBBA student who               creation/concept and/or their contributions to the student
demonstrates academic excellence, leadership and financial need.         entrepreneurial startup community at Schulich, as well as
Preference is given to students who are pursuing an Accounting           demonstrate financial need. The recipient will also receive the
specialization. Recipients will have been active in their community      optional opportunity for quarterly mentorship sessions with the
and have demonstrated leadership either in student government or         Executive Director of Schulich’s Office of Innovation and
extracurricular activities. The student will demonstrate academic        Entrepreneurship. The Award will encourage the recipient to
excellence and will be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident            explore their startup ideas and advance their early-stage
or protected person and resident of Ontario who demonstrates             entrepreneurial aspirations. The Award will be adjudicated by the
financial need. In recognition of academic excellence, demonstrated      Office of Student Services and International Relations department
leadership and financial need, Al Rosen has created the Lawrence S.      at the Schulich School of Business.
(Al) Rosen BBA Award.                                                    VALUE: $1,000
VALUE: $1,000
                                                                         Winchcombe Scholarship Fund
MBA Class of 2007 Schulich Ambassador Award                              In memory of Owen and Millicent Winchcombe, two annual
The MBA Class of 2007 Schulich Ambassador Award is awarded to a          scholarships are awarded in the fall for scholastic achievement to
full-time undergraduate student at the Schulich School of Business       each of the top students entering second year of the full-time MBA
who demonstrates academic excellence, strong leadership and value-       program, and third and fourth year of the BBA/iBBA programs.
added judgment. Students must have a minimum 6.5 GPA and have            VALUE: $1,000
completed a minimum of 50 hours in the Schulich Ambassador
Program. The student must demonstrate financial need and be a
Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and a           Women In Leadership Student Award
resident of Ontario.                                                     This Award is established by the Women in Leadership student
VALUE: $1,000                                                            Association at the Schulich School of Business. The Award will be
                                                                         awarded to a continuing female Undergraduate or a Master’s level
                                                                         student enrolled in the BBA/iBBA or MBA/IMBA program. The
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award                              recipient must demonstrate high academic achievement (minimum
The Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award will be given            GPA of B+) and strong leadership attributes. Preference will be given
annually to a student in the BBA or iBBA program at the Schulich         to a student who demonstrates significant financial hardship.
School of Business, York University. The recipient must demonstrate      VALUE: $1,000
leadership skills, academic achievement (GPA 7.0), and commitment/
involvement in the LGBTQ+ community or causes. Award applicants          Carmen and Stanislaus Pinto Resilience Award
will be required to prepare a written statement to be considered for
the Award. Value: $1,000 per year.                                       The Carmen and Stanislaus Pinto Resilience Award was created to
                                                                         benefit undergraduate business students at the Schulich School of
VALUE: $1,000                                                            Business who demonstrate financial need. The award will be
                                                                         granted to domestic students who demonstrate leadership
The Thomas H. Beechy Award for International Exchange                    through extracurricular activities and academic excellence (6.0
Dr. Thomas H. Beechy has recognized the value of international           GPA). This award has been created in loving memory of Carmen
exchange in the learning process for our future business leaders. This   and Stanislaus Pinto, to celebrate the importance of education,
award is available to a second or third-year BBA/iBBA student who        strength and resilience.
intends to participate in an academic exchange, demonstrates             VALUE: $750
financial need, and has achieved a minimum 6.0 (B) in Schulich
courses. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent             Michael A. Katigbak Award
resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate        This award has been established through a gift from Michael A.
financial need.                                                          Katigbak, whose focus is on complementary medicine. It is awarded
VALUE: $1,000                                                            annually to a student with demonstrated financial need who is
                                                                         entering his/her first year of the BBA/iBBA program. Recipients must
                                                                         be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons,
                                                                         residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
                                                                         VALUE: $500

                                                                                                                   Awards and Financial Support 7
Awards and Financial Support - Schulich School of Business

Nicholas Gareri Award                                                     Maritime Life Award
This award is offered annually to a first-year BBA/iBBA student who       ǁĂƌĚĞĚƚŽĂzĞĂƌϯƐƚƵĚĞŶƚŝŶƚŚĞͬŝƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ͕ǁŚŽŚĂǀĞ
has demonstrated financial need. Recipients must be Canadian              ĂŵŝŶŝŵƵŵĐƵŵƵůĂƚŝǀĞŐƌĂĚĞƉŽŝŶƚĂǀĞƌĂŐĞŽĨϲ͘ϬϬ;Ϳ͘ZĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚƐ
citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of          ŵƵƐƚďĞĂŶĂĚŝĂŶĐŝƚŝnjĞŶƐ͕ƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐŽƌƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚ
Ontario and demonstrate financial need.                                   ƉĞƌƐŽŶƐ͕ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐŽĨKŶƚĂƌŝŽĂŶĚĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞĨŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŶĞĞĚ͘
VALUE: $500                                                               VALUE: $300

The Sam G. and Rose T. Reisman Award
                                                                          Gordon Charlton Shaw Award Fund
This award has been established by Sam G. and Rose T. Reisman to
provide an annual award to a deserving York University                    Through a generous donation from Schulich Professor Emeritus
undergraduate student with a preference given to those students           Gordon Shaw, two BBA/iBBA students will receive bursaries to assist
who are affiliated with the Schulich School of Business. Through this     them in second or third-year of their studies. Selection is based on
award, the Reisman family is pleased to show their support for York       financial need and strong academic standing (minimum GPA of 6.50).
University students. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent      The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or
residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate      protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial
financial need.                                                           need.
VALUE: $500                                                               VALUE: $250

                                                                          Stanley L. Warner Memorial Award
Class of ’97 BBA Bursary
                                                                          This award was established in memory of Stanley L. Warner, Schulich
Each year, a full-time BBA/iBBA student is selected to receive            Professor of statistics and economics, to celebrate his many
this bursary. The selected student will be in good standing, registered   contributions to the School and his field. The Schulich School presents
as a full-time student in the BBA/iBBA programs and demonstrates          the award each year to recognize a third or fourth-year BBA/iBBA’s
financial need. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent           academic achievement and extracurricular activities or contribution to
residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate      the community and/or university life.
financial need.
                                                                          VALUE: $250
VALUE: $500
                                                                          Gordon Charlton Shaw Achievement Award
The James Bray Bursary in Memory of Mrs. Anne Bray
                                                                          Through a generous donation from Schulich Professor Emeritus
This bursary is open to BBA/iBBA students who demonstrate financial       Gordon Shaw, the Gordon Charlton Shaw Achievement Award is
need to achieve their academic goals. Recipients must be Canadian         awarded annually to a third-year BBA/iBBA student who has
citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of          demonstrated academic excellence and has made a significant
Ontario and demonstrate financial need.                                   contribution to student life.
VALUE: $500                                                               VALUE: $200

Michael Bond Memorial Award                                               Bernadine Nightingale Scholarship
Awarded to a fourth-year BBA/iBBA student based upon academic             The Bernandine Nightingale Scholarship is awarded to a fourth-year
achievement. Student must demonstrate a special interest in the           BBA/iBBA student specializing in marketing who demonstrates strong
field of Operations Management and Information Systems or in the          academic potential.
field of Marketing.
                                                                          VALUE: Variable
VALUE: $400
                                                                          The BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference and Case Competition Award
The Joshua Tan Memorial Scholarship
                                                                          The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance to BBA
The BBA Class of 1996 has established this scholarship in memory of       and iBBA students who have been invited to attend competitions and
classmate Joshua Tan. The scholarship is awarded to a fourth-year         to act as more than just a participant in a conference. The purpose of
BBA/iBBA student withĂƐpecialization in Finance who has achieved        this award is to provide some financial assistance; it is not intended
a minimum GPA of 7.0 (B+).                                                to cover all travel/competition/conference fees.
VALUE: $350                                                               VALUE: Variable

Bruno Amadi Bursary                                                       The Schulich School of Business Alumni Bursary
ƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚĂŐŝĨƚĨƌŽŵƌƵŶŽŵĂĚŝ; ϳϵͿƚŽƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂ       Established by generous alumni contributions to the Schulich Annual
ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚǁŚŽŚĂƐĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚƚŚĞĞƋƵŝǀĂůĞŶƚŽĨĂƚůĞĂƐƚŽŶĞĨƵůůLJĞĂƌ       Fund, the bursary will support undergraduate and graduate Schulich
ŽĨƚŚĞͬŝƉƌŽŐƌĂŵǁŝƚŚĂŵŝŶŝŵƵŵĂǀĞƌĂŐĞŽĨϲ͘ϬϬ;ͿĂŶĚĂ         School of Business students, part-time or full-time, who demonstrate
ƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĂƚŝŽŶŝŶĞŝƚŚĞƌĨŝŶĂŶĐĞŽƌŵĂƌŬĞƚŝŶŐ͘dŚĞƌĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚŵƵƐƚďĞ     financial need.
                                                                          VALUE: Variable
                                                                          Bursary funding provided by:
VALUE: $300
                                                                          Schulich Annual Fund

8   Schulich School of Business

The following student awards are presented at graduation to recognize the achievements
of graduating students.

The Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial           Gordon Charlton Shaw Achievement Award - Convocation
Studies                                                                   ǁĂƌĚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƐƉƌŝŶŐŽĨƚŚĞLJĞĂƌƚŽĂŐƌĂĚƵĂƚŝŶŐͬŝƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͘
The Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial           dŚĞƐƚƵĚĞŶƚǁŝůůŚĂǀĞĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞĚƐĂƚŝƐĨĂĐƚŽƌLJĂĐĂĚĞŵŝĐ
Studies is awarded to a graduating undergraduate student who              ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͕ĂŶĚŝŶƚŚĞǀŝĞǁŽĨƚŚĞĂǁĂƌĚƐĐŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĞ͕ŚĂǀĞŵĂĚĞ
has pursued the Entrepreneurial & Family Business Studies                 ƚŚĞŵŽƐƚĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶƚŽƚŚĞ^ĐŚŽŽůĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞŝƌLJĞĂƌƐŝŶƚŚĞ&ĂĐƵůƚLJ͘
concentration and achieved high academic standing in the
                                                                          VALUE: $200
concentration and also demonstrates true entrepreneurial spirit and
VALUE: Medal and $1,500                                                   Governor General’s Silver Medal
                                                                          This medal is awarded annually at the Spring Convocation to a
The Bernard M. Wolf Prize of Excellence in the Certificate in             graduating student in the final year of an honours program who
International Management                                                  has shown the highest distinction in scholarship at York University.
Established by Professor Bernard M. Wolf, Professor Emeritus of           The recipient is chosen on the basis of academic excellence by
Economics and International Business at the Schulich School of            the Senate Committee on Admission, Recruitment and Student
Business, the Bernard M. Wolf Prize of Excellence in the Certificate in   Assistance.
International Management is awarded to a graduating                       VALUE: Medal
undergraduate student who has pursued the Certificate in
International Management (CIM) and has achieved the highest
academic standing.                                                        Murray G. Ross Award
VALUE: $1,000                                                             Named in honour of York University’s Founding President, this
                                                                          award is presented annually to a graduating student for scholarship
Alan and Esther Hockin Achievement Award                                  and outstanding participation in undergraduate student life.
This award is presented to the graduating BBA/iBBA student who has        VALUE: Medal
achieved the highest distinction in academic standing.
VALUE: $500

                                                                                                                      Awards and Financial Support 9

New and current students in the BBA or iBBA programs are eligible for a range of financial
assistance options, including entrance scholarships and in‐course awards given by York
University in recognition of scholastic achievement. For full details regarding scholarships,
awards and bursaries administered by York University, visit

York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships                          Work/Study Program
Students who applied for admission to the BBA or iBBA will be            The Work/Study Program at York University provides eligible
considered for a York University Automatic Entrance Scholarship.         undergraduate students (domestic and international) with the
This is a scholarship that does not require an application. Student      opportunity to develop professional skills and contribute to the
Financial Services will automatically determine which students are       university through paid, on-campus employment opportunities.
eligible for the award and make the appropriate allocation.              These on campus work experiences will enrich and complement
VALUE: $1,000 ‐ $16,000                                                  your classroom experiences. In addition, you will be given the
                                                                         support and tools needed to develop proficiency in core
Student Life Award                                                       competencies that will contribute to your long term personal and
                                                                         professional success and develop your capacity to lead. The
High School applicants are eligible for the Student Life Award           General Work/Study program provides student employees with a
(valued at $500) if their final admission average is 75% or greater,     broad range of opportunities to contribute in support roles while
all admission conditions are met, and acceptance of the offer of         developing valuable, relevant skills and work experience for the
admission is received by the date indicated in the offer letter. The     work place. These roles offer a learning and development
Student Life Award is applied to the student's YU Card at the start of   opportunity for Work Study employees to receive experiential on-
classes and is intended to help pay for books, school supplies and       the-job training, guidance and mentorship. Under the guidance of
meals on campus.                                                         permanent staff members, Work Study employees will provide
VALUE: $500                                                              support to their relevant department/faculty in clerical,
                                                                         administrative and technical capacities.Details are available online
York University Undergraduate Bursary                                    at:
The value of the bursary is variable and based upon financial need.
Applications are available on the York website after the beginning of
                                                                         Research at York (RAY)
classes in September. These bursaries are available to Canadian
citizens or Permanent Residents or Protected Persons.                    The Research at York (RAY) program was created to enhance both
Undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the York                the research culture of the University and the undergraduate student
Undergraduate Bursary, which is available online. International          academic experience. Through the RAY program, eligible
students are eligible to apply for the Emergency Bursary Fund.           undergraduate students will have the opportunity to participate in
                                                                         research projects with faculty members and/or fellow students, while
York Continuing Scholarships                                             receiving compensation at a competitive rate. Students who are
                                                                         awarded a RAY position cannot hold another RAY, Work/Study, CLAY
To be considered for all other York Continuing Scholarships,             or YES position concurrently. Details are available online at:
students must complete a Student Financial Profile by visiting the
Student Financial Services website at
Please note that international students are not eligible for most        Leadership, Engagement and Ambassadorship Program (LEAP)
continuing scholarships. Visit for more       LEAP positions focus on engaging undergraduate students in roles
information on international scholarships and bursaries. Questions       within the faculties, colleges, programs, or the university at large,
regarding financial aid can be directed to     that enhance the overall student experience at York university. LEAP
                                                                         roles allow students to develop skills such as leadership, peer
Undergraduate Residence Life Bursaries
                                                                         mentoring, and peer support within the University setting and are
This award is intended to encourage active participation in              less clerical in nature than the typical Work/Study position (e.g. less
residence life. Both new and continuing students are eligible to         than 20% clerical). Examples of positions include: YU Start Leader,
apply. Generally, applications become available late October and         Student Recruitment Ambassadors and Peer Educators/Mentors.
bursaries are awarded in December. Applications will be distributed      Details are available online at
through House Dons once they become available. Applicants must           programs.
be Canadian citizens/permanent residents who demonstrate
financial need and are living in one of the undergraduate
residences: Bethune, Calumet, Founders, McLaughlin, Stong, Vanier,
Winters. For details, visit
Value: Varies

10   Schulich School of Business
Awards and Financial Support 11

Students may be eligible for government student loan funding through the Ontario Student
Assistance Program.

OSAP at a Glance                                                                                                Eligibility
                                                                                                                OSAP is open to Ontario residents who are a:
Financial aid is available to students in the form of Canada and
Ontario Student Loans, through the Ontario Student Assistance                                                   • Canadian citizen
Program (OSAP).                                                                                                 • permanent resident or
                                                                                                                • protected person
OSAP is designed to relieve the financial burden of pursuing higher
education through a combination of repayable loans and grants. It is                                            Please see the government website ( for a detailed
a need-based loan program.                                                                                      breakdown of factors considered when determining your eligibility.

Loans are payment-free and interest-free as long as you are                                                     Maximum OSAP Assistance
enrolled as a full-time student for every term of assessment. At York                                           For OSAP maximums, please consult the OSAP website. Please note
University, to be considered a full-time student, students must be                                              that OSAP maximum loan amounts do not cover the full cost of
enrolled in at least 9.00 credits per term; credits cannot be averaged                                          tuition at the Schulich School of Business.
out over the year.
Changes in circumstances throughout the school year can affect                                                  Out-of-Province Students
OSAP entitlement for the year. Depending on the change, awards may                                              For information regarding other provincial student loan programs,
increase or decrease. Changes to course load, income or residence                                               please consult the website of your provincial student assistance office.
can all affect entitlement. To ensure that any change in entitlement
                                                                                                                Out-of-province student assistance information and website links are
is not detrimental to post-secondary studies, students should consult
                                                                                                                available at
with a representative from Student Financial Services.

       Cost of Living

     ESTIMATED EXPENSE*                           ON CAMPUS                                      OFF CAMPUS
     Average full-time tuition                    $9,619                                         $9,619
     (based on 30.00 credits +                    ($33,875 CDN for                               ($33,875 CDN for
     essential supplementary
                                                  international students)                        international students)

     Textbooks and                                $1,200 – $1,500                                 $1,200 – $1,500

     Housing*                                     $7,101 (residence, single room)                $0 (living at home)
                                                                                                 $11,000 (apartment)

     Meal plan/                                   $3,750 – $5,250                                $0 (living at home)
     groceries                                                                                   $4,000 (apartment)

     Personal expenses
                                                  $2,500                                         $4,000
     transportation and
     health care)

     Health and dental                            $262 (York Federation of                       $982 (UHIP + YFS health
     care                                         Students (YFS) health plan)                    plan)***

       * These are yearly costs based on a full-time student pursuing a BBA or iBBA for the Fall/Winter 2020-2021 session. For details
       *Learn more about housing options at
       **Totals are based on highest cost range for Canadian students. Fees are subject to change (
       ***Participation in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is mandatory for international students while in Toronto. For details,

12   Schulich School of Business

                                                                                       Learn more about sources of funding at:

                                                                                       and on York University’s future students
                                                                                                    webpage at:

How To Fund Your Studies
1. Keep your grades up                                                4. Apply for in-course scholarships & awards
Access Schulich and York’s top scholarships and entrance
                                                                      Once you are enrolled in classes, you can apply for in-course
scholarships by keeping up your average.
                                                                      awards for each academic session. A single application, called the
                                                                      Student Financial Profile (SFP) is used for scholarships, bursaries
                                                                      and on-campus employment programs. You should complete the
2. Apply for entrance scholarships & awards                           SFP to be considered for a variety of programs and funding.
The Online Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries Application is open
from December 1 to April 1 and is available through MyFile at Your York reference number (provided when         5. Explore on-campus job opportunities
you applied for admission) is required to complete the online form.
Apply early — you don’t need to wait for an offer of admission.       Many York students work on-campus to earn extra money, gain
                                                                      valuable experience and contribute to University life. Work
                                                                      in student services offices at a work/study position and gain
3. Apply for OSAP                                                     technical experience and knowledge to help you prepare for your
95% of students who are Ontario residents and apply for OSAP
receive loan and/or grant funding. The application opens in
November each year. Complete the application and submit all
necessary documents by June 30 to have funds for September

                                                                                                                Awards and Financial Support 13

Help create a new generation of leaders at the Schulich School of Business
by supporting scholarships, awards and bursaries for current and future students.

Invest in business leaders of tomorrow                                                 Leading Change
Pursuing a business degree isn’t easy. Students have to manage                         The 50th Anniversary of the Schulich School of Business heralded a
program fees, living costs, family demands, and, in some instances,                    half century of global business leadership and the launch of the biggest
international travel expenses. An offer of financial support can                       and boldest campaign in the School’s history: Leading Change.
prove to be the deciding factor both for talented students continuing
                                                                                       Leading Change is Schulich’s fundraising and alumni engagement
their post-secondary studies and working professionals returning
                                                                                       campaign seeking to raise $50 million by 2021. Schulich is Leading
to school to upgrade their skills.
                                                                                       Change through Campus Expansion, Innovative Thinking, Research &
Attracting the best students and supporting them throughout                            Discovery, Alumni Engagement and Student Success.
their studies is a top priority of the Schulich School of Business and
                                                                                       Gifts to Leading Change to benefit Student Success will help
key to our ability to maintain a competitive student experience.
                                                                                       establish new, high value entrance scholarships, bursaries and awards
Some of our awards are among the highest value offered to graduate
                                                                                       for students. Endowed or term-funded awards will recognize the
business students in Canada.
                                                                                       academic merit of students applying to attend Schulich from other
By establishing new scholarships/bursaries/awards, you are                             countries or areas of Canada, while also aiding those who, otherwise,
investing in the business leaders of tomorrow, who will undoubtedly                    would not have the means to attend Schulich.
go on to make significant and meaningful contributions to the
global society for years to come. Help us ensure that a lack of financial
resources is never a barrier to current and future Schulich students.

“Gifts to the Schulich School of Business in the form of scholarships, awards and bursaries
 have a major impact on the achievements of our students. These achievements in turn contribute
 in a significant way to the School’s continued success.”
 Dezsö J. Horváth, PhD, CM
 Dean & Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Strategic Management, Schulich School of Business

         EXCELLENCE                                                                                               RECOGNITION

14   Schulich School of Business
At the Schulich School, we have a number of different categories of awards and
funding options, which include:

Award Types                                                                       Support Options
Scholarship                                                                       Creating an endowment
Scholarships recognize exceptional talent/promise or academic                     An endowed scholarship/bursary/award is a powerful opportunity
excellence in a program or specialization at Schulich, like finance or            for a Schulich donor to generate a lasting, long-term impact for
entrepreneurial studies. In some cases, scholarships may also                     future generations of Schulich students. With your generous gift, an
include non-academic criteria (i.e., leadership, volunteerism). All               endowment fund is permanently established at York University and
scholarships appear on a student’s transcript.                                    is responsibly invested, in perpetuity. Each year, a portion of the
                                                                                  interest income earned on your endowment gift is distributed to the
Award                                                                             student recipient(s) of your scholarship/bursary/award. As you can
Awards combine academic and/or non-academic criteria                              imagine, over time your endowed fund will build its financial strength
(i.e., leadership, volunteerism) and/or financial need. Awards appear             and deepen its impact. At the Schulich School of Business, gifts of
on a student’s transcript.                                                        $25,000 or more are eligible for endowment.

Bursary                                                                           Annually funded
Bursaries are designed to assist students who have financial                      As an alternative to establishing a permanent endowment,
need. Recipients must be in good academic standing. Bursaries do                  some donors consider providing crucial financial aid funding to
not appear on the student’s transcript.                                           Schulich students on an annual basis. Donors can establish
                                                                                  new annual scholarships/bursaries/awards by pledging support for
                                                                                  a minimum of three years. At the Schulich School of Business,
                                                                                  annual support of $1,000 or more will allow for the creation of a
                                                                                  new scholarship/bursary/award.

You can support Schulich’s financial aid program in many ways
To find out more about creating your own student award or making a gift to one of our existing scholarships or bursaries, please contact:
The Office of Development and Schulich School of Business (416) 650-8050


             IMPACT                                                                                                        SKILL

                                                                                                                                  Awards and Financial Support 15

Alan and Esther Hockin Achievement Award ....................................... 9                    RSM Canada Scholarship in Accounting ............................................... 6
Bernadine Nightingale Scholarship ...................................................... 8            Seymour Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship .............................. 2
Bruno Amadi Bursary ........................................................................... 8     Stanley L. Warner Memorial Award .................................................... 8
Canaccord Genuity Diversity Award of Excellence ............................... 4                     Steven K. Hudson BBA/iBBA Entrance Award .................................... 2
Carmen and Stanislaus Pinto Resilience Award .................................... 7                   Student Life Award ............................................................................ 10
Class of ’97 BBA Bursary ....................................................................... 8    Tanna H. Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Scholarship ............................ 2
Costco Canada Award ........................................................................... 6     The BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference and Case Competition
Divakara Varma Memorial Award .........................................................6                 Award .............................................................................................. 8
Edith Schulich BBA/iBBA Entrance Award ........................................... 2                  The Bernard M. Wolf Prize of Excellence in the Certificate in
Ernst & Young BBA Award .................................................................... 4           International Management ............................................................. 9
Freia and John A. Heber Business Scholarship ...................................... 4                 The Citibank Canada Community Award .............................................. 6
General Motors of Canada Limited Bursary ......................................... 7                  The Cloud Managed Networks Award in Excellence and Innovation . 4
Gordon Charlton Shaw Achievement Award........................................ 8                      The Devin Truax Memorial iBBA Scholarship...................................... 4
Gordon Charlton Shaw Achievement Award ‐ Convocation ............... 9                                The Isaac Akande Scholarship Trust Fund ........................................... 6
Gordon Charlton Shaw Award Fund .................................................... 8                The James Bray Bursary in Memory of Mrs. Anne Bray ..................... 8
Governor General’s Silver Medal ......................................................... 9           The Joshua Tan Memorial Scholarship ................................................ 8
HSBC President’s Award for iBBA ......................................................... 4           The Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial
Keun‐Chang Kim Memorial Award ........................................................ 6                 Studies............................................................................................. 9
KPMG Undergraduate Scholarship....................................................... 4               The Sam G. and Rose T. Reisman Award ............................................. 8
Lawrence S. (Al) Rosen BBA Award ........................................................ 7           The Schulich School of Business Alumni Bursary ............................... 8
Leadership, Engagement and Ambassadorship Program (LEAP) ........ 10                                  The Sidney Award ................................................................................ 2
Margaret Grace Harris Bursary ............................................................ 6          The Thomas H. Beechy Award for International Exchange ................. 7
Maritime Life Award ............................................................................. 8   The Toronto Dominion Bank Award .................................................... 4
MBA Class of 2007 Schulich Ambassador Award.................................... 7                     Timothy A. Brown Startup Award for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs ....... 7
Michael A. Katigbak Award ................................................................... 7       UBS Class of 2020 Award ..................................................................... 6
Michael Bond Memorial Award ........................................................... 8             Undergraduate Residence Life Bursaries .......................................... 10
Michael Paul Sardella Award for International Studies ........................ 6                      Wigwanmen Scholarship .................................................................... 6
Monika Federau Scholarship for Women in Business ......................... 2                          Winchcombe Scholarship Fund ........................................................... 7
Murray G. Ross Award .......................................................................... 9     Women In Leadership Student Award ................................................. 7
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award .............................. 7                          Work/Study Program ......................................................................... 10
Nicholas Gareri Award .......................................................................... 8    York Continuing Scholarships ............................................................ 10
Nissan Canada Leadership Entrance Award......................................... 2                    York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships ............................ 10
Research at York (RAY) ....................................................................... 10     York University Undergraduate Bursary ............................................ 10

  16 Schulich School of Business

                                        Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards

          On-Campus Residence | Off-Campus Housing | QUAD Student Living

 Entrance Scholarships & Awards | Government Funding | Campus Employment

Ontario Student Assistance Program | Estimates | How to apply | How to qualify

                                                            Awards and Financial Support 17
Global Reach. Innovative Programs. Diverse Perspectives.

      To get in touch with the Financial Aid office
      at Schulich please contact:

      Financial Aid
      Student Services & International Relations
      Schulich School of Business
      (416) 736-5303

      To find out more about creating your own student
      award or making a gift to one of our existing scholarships
      or bursaries, please contact:

      The Office of Development and Alumni Relations
      Schulich School of Business
      (416) 650-8050

      Last updated July 2021
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