International Trade in Services - Country Codes

Page created by Deborah Porter

International Trade in Services

        Version 2018
Country codes according to Eurostat Vademecum 2018

     Alphabetical list of countries and territories

1C   International Monetary Fund                      PT   Azores
4A   European Union institutions
     (excluding ECB and ESM)
4C   European Investment Bank                              B
4F   European Central Bank (ECB)                      BS   Bahamas
4M   Single Resolution Board                          BH   Bahrain
4S   European Stability Mechanism (ESM)               UM   Baker Island
9A   Other international organisations                ES   Balearic Islands
     (excluding European Union institutions)          BD   Bangladesh
                                                      BB   Barbados
     A                                                FR   Basse Terre
AE   Abu Dhabi                                        BY   Belarus
TF   Adélie Land                                      BE   Belgium
PG   Admiralty Islands                                BZ   Belize
AF   Afghanistan                                      BJ   Benin
MU   Agalega Islands                                  BM   Bermuda
AE   Ajman                                            BQ   BES Islands
FI   Åland Islands                                    BT   Bhutan
AL   Albania                                          SC   Bijoutier
SC   Aldabra                                          SC   Bird and Denis
DZ   Algeria                                          PG   Bismarck Archipelago
WF   Alofi Island                                     BO   Bolivia
SC   Alphonse                                         BQ   Bonaire
AS   American Samoa                                   BA   Bosnia and Herzegovina
IN   Amindivi Island                                  BW   Botswana
SC   Amirante Islands                                 PG   Bougainville
TF   Amsterdam Island                                 NZ   Bounty Islands
IN   Andaman Islands                                  BV   Bouvet Island
AD   Andorra                                          BR   Brazil
AO   Angola                                           IO   British Indian Ocean Territory
AI   Anguilla                                         BN   Brunei
KM   Anjouan                                          BN   Brunei Darussalam
AQ   Antartica                                        PG   Buka
AG   Antigua and Barbuda                              BG   Bulgaria
NZ   Antipodes                                        BF   Burkina Faso
AR   Argentina                                        MM   Burma (Myanmar)
AM   Armenia                                          BI   Burundi
AW   Aruba                                            CH   Büsingen
SH   Ascension Island                                 CH   Büttenhardter Höfe
NZ   Auckland
PF   Austral Islands                                     C
AU   Australia                                        AO Cabinda
AT   Austria                                          KH Cambodia
AZ   Azerbaijan                                       CM Cameroon

NZ   Campbell                        EG   Egypt
CA   Canada                          SV   El Salvador
ES   Canary Islands                  TL   Enclave of Oecussi
PA   Canal zone (former)             GB   England
CV   Cape Verde                      PG   d' Entrecasteaux Islands
MU   Cargados Carajos Shoals         GQ   Equatorial Guinea
FM   Caroline Islands                ER   Eritrea
KY   Cayman Islands                  EE   Estonia
CF   Central African Republic        ET   Ethiopia
ES   Ceuta
IO   Chagos Archipelago                   F
TD   Chad                            FO   Faroe Islands
NZ   Chatham Islands                 FK   Falkland Islands
CL   Chile                           SC   Farquhar Islands and Desroches
CN   China                           FJ   Fiji
SB   Choiseul                        FI   Finland
CX   Christmas Island                FR   France
FM   Chuuk                           TF   French Southern Territories
PF   Clipperton Island               FR   French Guiana
CC   Cocos Islands                   PF   French Polynesia
SC   Coëtivy                         SC   Frégate
CO   Colombia                        AE   Fujairah
KM   Comoros
CG   Congo                                G
CD   Congo, Democratic Republic of   GA   Gabon
CK   Cook Islands                    EC   Galápagos Islands
NI   Corn Islands                    GM   Gambia
SC   Cosmoledo Islands               PF   Gambier Islands
CR   Costa Rica                      PS   Gaza Strip
HR   Croatia                         GE   Georgia
TF   Crozet Archipelago              DE   Germany
CU   Cuba                            GH   Ghana
CW   Curaçao                         GI   Gibraltar
CY   Cyprus                          SH   Gough
CZ   Czech Republic                  KM   Grande Comore
                                     FR   Grande-Terre
   D                                 PG   Green
DK Denmark                           GD   Grenada
FR Désirade                          GR   Greece
DJ Djibouti                          GL   Greenland
DM Dominica                          GB   Great Britain
DO Dominican Republic                TF   Grozet Archipelago
AE Dubai                             SB   Guadalcanal
PN Ducie                             FR   Guadeloupe
                                     GU   Guam
   E                                 GT   Guatemala
MY Eastern Malaysia                  GG   Guernsey
EC Ecuador                           GN   Guinea
GW Guinea-Bissau                            KR   Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
GY Guyana                                   RS   Kosovo
                                            FM   Kosrae
     H                                      OM   Kuria Muria Islands
HT   Haiti                                  KW   Kuwait
HM   Heard Island and McDonald Islands      KG   Kyrgyz, Republic
DE   Helgoland
PN   Henderson                                   L
VA   Holy See (Vatican City State)          MY   Labuan
HN   Honduras                               IN   Laccadive Island
HK   Hong Kong                              LA   Lao People’s Democratic Republic
UM   Howland                                LV   Latvia
HU   Hungary                                PG   Lavongai
                                            LB   Lebanon
     I                                      FR   Les Saintes
IS   Iceland                                LS   Lesotho
FR   Iles de la Petite Terre                LR   Liberia
SH   Inaccessible                           LY   Libya
IN   India                                  LY   Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
ID   Indonesia                              LI   Liechtenstein
IQ   Iraq                                   NC   Lifou
IR   Iran, Islamic Republic of              LT   Lithuania
IE   Ireland                                PG   Louisiade Archipelago
IL   Israel                                 NC   Loyalty Islands
IT   Italy                                  LU   Luxembourg
CI   Ivory Coast
     J                                      MO   Macao
JM   Jamaica                                MK   Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic
JP   Japan                                  MG   Madagascar
UM   Jarvis Island                          PT   Madeira
JE   Jersey                                 SC   Mahé
UM   Johnston Atoll                         SB   Malaita
JO   Jordan                                 MW   Malawi
DE   Jungholz                               MY   Malaysia
                                            MV   Maldives
   K                                        ML   Mali
YE Kamaran Island                           MT   Malta
KZ Kazakhstan                               FK   Malvinas
CC Keeling Islands                          IM   Man (Isle of)
KE Kenya                                    NC   Maré
TF Kerguélen Islands                        FR   Marie Galante
NZ Kermadec Islands                         SC   Marmelles and Récifes
UM Kingman Reef                             PF   Marquesas Islands
TW Kinmen                                   MH   Marshall Islands
KI Kiribati                                 FR   Martinique
KP Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of   TW   Matsu
   (North Korea)                            MR   Mauritania
MU   Mauritius                         PK   Pakistan
FR   Mayotte                           PW   Palau
ES   Melilla                           PS   Palestinian Territory
MX   Mexico                            UM   Palmyra Atoll
FM   Micronesia, Federated States of   PA   Panama
UM   Midway                            PG   Papua New Guinea
IN   Minicoy Island                    PY   Paraguay
DE   Mittelberg                        TZ   Pemba
KM   Mohéli                            TW   Penghu
MD   Moldova, Republic of              MY   Peninsular Malaysia
FR   Monaco                            YE   Perim
MN   Mongolia                          PE   Peru
ME   Montenegro                        PH   Philippines
MS   Montserrat                        PN   Pitcairn
MA   Morocco                           SC   Plate
MZ   Mozambique                        FM   Pohnpei
MM   Myanmar                           PL   Poland
                                       PT   Portugal
     N                                 SC   Praslin (including La Digue)
NA   Namibia                           SC   Providence
NR   Nauru                             US   Puerto Rico
US   Navassa
NP   Nepal                                Q
PG   New Britain                       QA Qatar
PG   New Ireland
NC   New Caledonia                          R
NZ   New Zealand                       AE   Ras al Khaimah
NI   Nicaragua                         FR   Réunion
IN   Nicobar Islands                   MU   Rodrigues Islands
NE   Niger                             RO   Romania
NG   Nigeria                           AQ   Ross Dependency
SH   Nightingale                       RU   Russia
NU   Niue                              RU   Russian Federation
NF   Norfolk                           RW   Rwanda
GB   Northern Ireland
VC   Northern Grenadine Islands             S
MP   Northern Mariana Islands          BQ   Saba
PG   Northern Solomon Islands          MY   Sabah
YE   North Yemen (former)              FR   Saint Barthélémy
KP   North Korea                       MU   Saint Brandon Islands
NO   Norway                            BQ   Saint Eustatius
                                       SC   St. François Islands
   O                                   SH   Saint Helena
PN Oeno Islands                        KN   Saint Kitts and Nevis
OM Oman                                LC   Saint Lucia
NC Ouvéa                               FR   Saint Martin (northern part)
                                       SX   Saint Maarten (southern part)
     P                                 TF   Saint Paul Islands
SC   Saint Pierre (Praslin)                         PF   Tahiti
FR   Saint-Pierre and Miquelon                      TW   Taiwan
VC   Saint Vincent and Grenadnes                    TZ   Tanganyika
WS   Samoa                                          TZ   Tanzania, United Republic of
SB   San Cristobal                                  TH   Thailand
SM   San Marino                                     TL   Timor-Leste
SB   Santa Isabel                                   TG   Togo
ST   Sao Tome and Principe                          TK   Tokelau
SA   Saudi Arabia                                   TO   Tonga
MY   Sarawak                                        TT   Trinidad and Tobago
TF   Scattered French Islands in the Indian Ocean   SH   Tristan da Cunha
GB   Scotland                                       PG   Trobriand Islands
SN   Senegal                                        PF   Tuamotu Islands
RS   Serbia                                         TN   Tunisia
SC   Seychelles                                     TR   Turkey
AE   Sharijah                                       TM   Turkmenistan
SL   Sierra Leone                                   TC   Turks and Caicos Islands
IN   Sikkim                                         TV   Tuvalu
SC   Silhouette
SG   Singapore                                           U
SI   Slovenia                                       UG   Uganda
SK   Slovakia                                       UA   Ukraine
NZ   Snares Islands                                 AE   Umm al Qaiwain
YE   Socotra and associated islands                 AE   United Arab Emirates
PF   Society Islands                                GB   United Kingdom
SB   Solomon Islands                                US   United States
SO   Somalia                                        UM   United States Minor Outlying Islands
ZA   South Africa                                   UY   Uruguay
GS   South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands       UZ   Uzbekistan
GD   Southern Grenadines Islands
KR   South Korea                                         V
SB   South Solomon Islands                          VU   Vanuatu
SS   South Sudan                                    VA   Vatican City
YE   South Yemen (former)                           VE   Venezuela
ES   Spain                                          VN   Vietnam
LK   Sri Lanka                                      VG   Virgin Islands (British)
SH   Stoltenhoff Island                             VI   Virgin Islands (US)
SD   Sudan
SR   Suriname                                            W
NO   Svalbard and Jan Mayen                         UM   Wake
HN   Swan Islands                                   GB   Wales
SZ   Swaziland                                      WF   Wallis and Fortuna
SE   Sweden                                         MA   Western Sahara
CH   Switzerland                                    WS   Western Samoa (former)
SY   Syrian Arab Republic                           PG   Woodlark and
                                                         associated Islands
TJ   Tajikistan                                          Y
FM Yap
YE Yemen

CD   Zaire (former)
ZM   Zambia
TZ   Zanzibar Island
ZW   Zimbabwe

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