International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari
International Safaris                    2020 Annual Catalog

Rovos Rail: African   New Peacock Bass   Argentina Riverboat
Wingshooting Safari     Safari Camp        Cast and Blast
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari
About the cover
Gary Kramer, who captured the spectacular
photograph on our cover, is a long-time friend
of Trek and member of our adventure travel
community. Gary recently produced a milestone
coffee table publication featuring descriptions
and self-captured photographs of all 34 game
birds found in the United States and Canada.
Copies are available at
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari
Each December when we put together          including our Rovos Rail South
this annual catalog for the new year,       African couples adventure featured
our team has the opportunity to reflect     on the next two pages of this catalog,
on the many blessings we receive            an incomparable Tanzanian photo
through our work here at Trek. The          safari (page 61), as well as a hosted
greatest of all these blessings is always   adventure we are planning for Jurassic
the relationships our team has with our     Lake (page 51). Additionally, we have
clients and the bonds that our clients      space available on the aforementioned
form with one another.                      adventures for 2020. Looking forward
                                            into 2020, we will also be promoting
Trek represents a community of              new trips in Iceland, Brazil, New         this was without exception the best
passionate adventurers that has formed      Zealand, Czech Republic, and Poland.      duck hunt I have ever been on." While
over the better part of five decades.       Do look for information on these          this has been a common sentiment over
Your passion for adventure is why we        destinations later in the year.           the years for those who have hunted
love what we do and why we work                                                       with us in Nicaragua, it is also worth
extremely hard to consistently deliver      You may not have considered this,         noting that all of our clients have
the experience of your dreams.              but every adventure Trek offers           reported that the country’s citizens
                                            can be customized as a couples or         treated them with high levels of
Those of you who have traveled with         family experience. It truly has been a    hospitality.
Trek for many years likely have found       wonderful trend in our industry that
fast friends while sharing time in the      more folks are sharing these adventures   Trek has always considered our
field, on the water and                                                                           responsibility as your agent,
around the table. The shared Your passion for adventure is why from both a fiduciary and
experience of hunting,                                                                            safety standpoint, as the
fishing or exploring a new        we love what we do and why we most critically important
culture with other passionate                                                                     component of our business.
travelers makes a new             work extremely hard to consistently For this reason, Trek leans
personal connection feel
like an old friend in a short
                                  deliver the experience of your dreams hard                            on our relationships
                                                                                                  with our partner outfitters
period of time.                           with their loved ones, and our team         to protect your interests above all
                                          takes great pride in being able to build    other concerns. It is also why we spend
Our couples adventures to places like     itineraries that offer something fun and time in country with our clients and
Baronscourt in Northern Ireland,          exciting for everyone. We would love to partners, a practice that few adventure
Morocco and Argentina bring people        include you on one of these adventures travel agents have in place. This gives
together in a magical way. We have so     next year to see you strengthen your        you real-time information allowing you
many testimonials from clients on these family bonds, make new friends and            to make solid decisions that is best for
three adventures alone from 2019 that     expand our Trek community.                  you, your friends and family.
we could not list them all in this space.
We often have groups of four or six       Nicaragua Update                            The entire Trek team wishes you a
people traveling together meet up with                                                happy, healthy and prosperous year in
others whom they have never met, and Many clients returned to Nicaragua               2020. We hope you will make time for
almost immediately the entire group       this year as the political situation in the new travel experiences and growing
becomes one. It is quite common for       country experienced sustained stability relationships, and we are here to
people who met on a Trek adventure        since a brief period of protest nearly      serve you in planning your next great
to plan a future trip together, and very  two years ago. We recently hosted a few adventure.
often these groups travel together for    groups down in Chinandega for a duck
many years thereafter.                    hunting experience that has no equal.

The new year brings opportunities for       One of our clients stated, "I have
new experiences and relationships,          hunted ducks on five continents, and           Milton Hanburry, Jr., President
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

    All Aboard the Rovos Rail!

          rek is excited to invite you    spur winged goose, which can reach
          to join us as we explore        a weight of up to 25 pounds, as well
          majestic South Africa via       as Egyptian geese, white faced duck,
luxury rail, an eight-day journey         yellow billed duck and red billed teal.
during which hunters will experience
a variety of exciting wingshoots and      We will visit the towns of Vryheid,
non-hunters will soak in the culture      Dundee, Ladysmith, Elandslaagte,
and spectacular game viewing of           Estcourt and Kroonstad, rolling across
Zululand. During this adventure           diverse South African landscapes in an
you’ll experience a most fascinating      Edwardian-era vessel equipped with
continent while fully immersed in         wood-paneled coaches, staffed by an
the romance of five-star rail travel.     attentive team of professionals focused
                                                           on providing you with
Along the way,            experience     zululand the experience of
hunters will have                                          a lifetime.
the opportunity to
                            and the romance
experience unique              of luxury rail            Rovos’ sleeper suites
African-style hunts                                      accommodate two
for guineafowl and francolin, as well   people, offering the option of twin
as wild ducks and geese. Non hunters    or spacious double beds. The train’s
will enjoy four different wild game     common areas include a non-smoking
viewing drives, a wine estate tour and  lounge car and a smoking lounge, with
tastings and a visit to the site of the an observation car at the tail.
first major battle between the British
Empire and the Zulu Kingdom.            All meals are served in the Victorian
                                        era atmosphere of the dining cars;
Guineafowl and francolin shoots are     lunch and dinner are complemented
driven by up to 120 chanting African    by a selection of fine South African
beaters, ensuring that many birds       wines. All meals are produced by an
are flushed close to our hunters. It is enthusiastic team of chefs who are
common to encounter such animals        responsible for ensuring that the needs
as kudu or warthog breaking through     of the guests are met and catered to.
the line. During waterfowl hunts,
you'll encounter a diverse variety      Join us June 4-11, 2020 on the African
of species, including the impressive    luxury rail adventure of a lifetime!

 contact us at or 1.800.654.9915 for more information
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

            High-Volume Dove

      ust as Cordoba stands as the premier
      destination in the world for high-             There is no place like cordoba for high-
      volume dove shooting, Guayascate
stands as the premier hunting lodge                      volume dove hunting. And there is no
in the Cordoba region. Guayascate’s
breathtaking setting, incredible food and             finer lodge in cordoba than Guayascate.
wine selection, spa and accommodating
staff deliver such a high-level experience, dove in a single moment, hour or day than or fly into Buenos Aires, where you
many Trek clients hold an annual date to what you will see here in the Piquillin trees can take a flight into Cordoba from
return to this special place, year after year. where the eared dove roosts. Due to the either the international airport (Ezeiza)
                                               region's rich agricultural environment and or the domestic airport (Aeroparque),
Owing to the vision, values and family the lack of natural predators for doves, depending on when you arrive to B.A..
culture of Trek’s Cordoba partners, H&H hunters are welcomed by the Cordoba
Outfitters, you are always treated as honored community for their positive impact on We offer a three-day option for $3,000 per
guests at Guayascate. And once you return crop protection. Unless you request it, hunter and a four-day option for $3,900
home, you’ll have a hard time deciding you will not shoot the same field twice. per person. Both prices include hunting,
whether the experience of Guayascate or                                                   food and double occupancy lodging,
the astonishing dove numbers were the In 2019, American Airlines initiated non- license, gun rental and ground transfers.
most memorable part of your adventure. stop service to Cordoba from Miami, Single rooms are available for an additional
                                               making this trip easier than ever for $100.00 per night. A $1,500.00 non-
It is estimated that there are over 20 million many Trek clients. Other options are to refundable deposit is required to confirm
eared dove in the Cordoba Province. It is fly into Santiago, Chile and connect for your reservation.
doubtful you will ever encounter so many a flight across the Andes into Cordoba,
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

                                                                                                 La Portenita
                                                                                                 High-Volume Dove

F       irst time hunters visit Cordoba
        to experience the region’s
        unfathomable dove population
and to shoot a pile of shells you’d need a
stepladder to see over. Those lucky enough
                                                   La portenita offers the authentic charm of
                                                   a working estancia and the most incredible
                                                       dove hunting you'll ever encounter
to stay at La Portenita during their first
visit often return frequently, as much        to set, when we will make our way back             for many Trek clients. Other options
for the accommodations as the hunting.        to the lodge for cocktails and appetizers,         are to fly into Santiago, Chile and
                                              followed by a full dinner and wines.               connect for a flight across the Andes into
La Portenita is a product of brothers                                                            Cordoba, or fly into Buenos Aires, where
Alex and Zeke Hayes’ vision to provide        La Portenita features six large bedrooms           you can take a flight into Cordoba from
their guests with the absolute finest         in the main house, as well as a separate           either the international airport (Ezeiza)
hunting experience                                                                                                    or the domestic
in all of South                                                                                                       airport (Aeroparque)
America. The lodge,                                                                                                   depending on when
which sits high on                                                                                                    you arrive to B.A..
the picturesque
countryside about                                                                                                     Trek’s most popular
an hour outside of                                                                                                    hunting programs
Cordoba city, offers                                                                                                  are three hunting
the ultimate in                                                                                                       days at $2,100/
service, cuisine and                                                                                                  hunter and a four
accommodations.                                                                                                       hunting day option
                                                                                                                      at $2,700 per hunter
Each hunting day at                                                                                                   to include shooting
La Portenita, your                                                                                                    with lodging, meals,
bird boy will meet                                                                                                    select wines, hunting
you in the pre-scouted field with plenty of   villa with three additional bedrooms. The          license, gun rental, and transfers. Airfare,
shells and cooler of cold drinks. Shooting    lodge also has a welcoming lounge room             shells & gratuities, are not included.
should be steady until lunchtime, when        outfitted with a full bar, as well as a recessed
a full Asado is served. Your field lunch      fire pit just outside the front door that          We also offer a junior hunter special
will consist of local cuts of beef, chicken   is popular for groups enjoying cocktails           when accompanied by an adult. The
and pork, accompanied by excellent            and conversation about the day’s hunt.             adult pays full price with a junior
salads, fresh bread and fine wines.                                                              hunter price of $1,500 (21 & under).
                                              In 2019, American Airlines initiated               A $1,000.00 non-refundable deposit is
After lunch, we will continue to shoot        non-stop service to Cordoba from                   required to secure spots.
until late afternoon when the sun starts      Miami, making this trip easier than ever
                                              1 (800) 654 9915                                                7
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

         Sierra Verde
              High-Volume Dove

         ordoba, Argentina is renowned
         as dove hunting’s mecca, owing              a favorite for those seeking quiet refuge
         to the estimated 20 million
resident eared doves that annually wreak              after days of relentless dove shooting
havoc on the region’s rich agricultural
expanse. When you visit Cordoba, it             and meticulously decorated interior fine wines. After lunch, we will continue
is your enviable task to do your part in        that gives Sierra Verde the feel of both to shoot until late afternoon, when the
protecting the region’s crop yield; but it is   a hunting lodge and a five-star hotel. sun starts to set, when we will make our
Trek’s responsibility to handle everything                                                   way back to the lodge for cocktails and
else to make your adventure outstanding.        Dove hunting in Cordoba is a shotgunner's appetizers, followed by a gourmet dinner.
                                                dream— it is not uncommon to shoot
Sierra Verde Lodge is the ideal place to        3-4 cases of shells per day and more. A magnificent view from the dining room
spend your evenings while in Cordoba,           A typical hunting day starts with a overlooks a manicured 10-acre lawn
relaxing and refueling for another day          wake-up call around 7 a.m. After a full where many sunsets are enjoyed each
of relentless shooting. Our clients often       breakfast, we will load into the vans for evening. Sierra Verde also has professional
remark that Sierra Verde feels like a home      the 30-60-minute drive to the field. massage therapists on staff to help you
away from home, and at the same time                                                         unwind and relax at the end of the day.
unlike any other place they’ve ever been.       Your pick-up boy will meet you in the
                                                pre-scouted field with plenty of shells and In 2019, American Airlines initiated non-
Throughout this boutique property,              a cooler of cold drinks. Shooting should stop service to Cordoba from Miami,
you’ll find many of the signature touches       be steady until lunch, where a full asado making this trip easier than ever for
of Trek’s Cordoba partners, H&H                 is served, consisting of local cuts of beef, many Trek clients. Other options are to
Outfitters: from the outdoor firepit and        chicken and pork, and accompanied by fly into Santiago, Chile and connect for
swimming pool, to the indoor hot tub            excellent salads, fresh baked breads and a flight across the Andes into Cordoba,
                                                                                             or fly into Buenos Aires, where you
                                                                                             can take a flight into Cordoba from
                                                                                             either the international airport (Ezeiza)
                                                                                             or the domestic airport (Aeroparque)
                                                                                             depending on when you arrive to B.A.

                                                                                            Trek’s most popular hunting programs are
                                                                                            three hunting days at $2,100/hunter and
                                                                                            a four hunting day option at $2,700 per
                                                                                            hunter to include shooting with lodging,
                                                                                            meals, select wines, hunting license, gun
                                                                                            rental, and transfers. Airfare, shells and
                                                                                            gratuities are not included.
8                                           1 (800) 654 9915
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

                                                                                              Pigeons & Dove

         he first season of our new Cordoba
         p i g e o n a n d d ove h u n t i n g         trek's hunters gave escondido lodge high
         program was a resounding
success, as clients reported high levels                  marks in its first year of operation
of satisfactions with both bird numbers
and Escondido Lodge. The lodge, which            Driving distance to the fields ranges        Lunch can also be taken at the lodge,
was renovated just last year, delivers the       between 15 and 50 minutes in our             where you can enjoy a siesta in your air
elevated standards of accommodation              luxury nine-passenger vans with air          conditioned bedroom. The afternoon
and service that serve as the hallmarks of       conditioning, refreshments and two-way       shoot continues until around 6 pm.
every property owned and operated by             radios. Each client shoots with their        Shooters are welcomed back at the lodge
our Cordoba partners, H&H Outfitters.            own experienced professional bird boy,       with appetizers and a refreshing towel.

Escondido Lodge is a                                                                                       American Airlines new
result of Trek's and H&H's                                                                                 non-stop      Miami       to
ongoing commitment to                                                                                      Cordoba option makes
innovation and to optimize                                                                                 your travel to the region
our wingshooting clients’                                                                                  much more streamlined
experience. Located just                                                                                   and gun friendly. Routes
beyond the Sierras de                                                                                      through Buenos Aires
Cordoba, Escondido is                                                                                      and Santiago will still be
situated within thousands                                                                                  operated on a daily basis.
of acres of land dotted with                                                                               No matter which route you
irrigation pivots watering                                                                                 choose, the friendly staff
fields of peanuts, soybeans                                                                                from Escondido will meet
and corn. March through                                                                                    your group after clearing
July, these crops offer an                                                                                 immigration and customs.
expansive food source                                                                                      From there, you will board
for migrating pigeon and                                                                                   H&H’s Cessna Grand
resident eared dove.                             who will provide shells, act as a loader, Caravan for a short flight to Escondido.
                                                 retrieve downed birds and keep cool
Pigeon hunting here is an excitement-filled      drinks ready. Shooting continues until Trips start at $3,995/hunter, based on
experience; you’ll shoot from blinds as large    noon, when the group gathers in a shady a minimum of four hunters, to include
birds drop down onto decoys set up by your       grove of trees for a traditional Argentine four night’s lodging, meals, drinks, select
bird boy. The dove hunting is a typical          asado (barbecue) complemented with wine/liquor, license and permits and
Cordoba high-volume, no limit                    salad, gourmet desserts and wines.         round trip private charter from Cordoba
experience. Our bird boys will keep your                                                    City. A $1,500/hunter non-refundable
guns loaded for action all day.                                                             deposit is required.
                                              1 (800) 654 9915                                          9
International Safaris - 2020 Annual Catalog - Rovos Rail: African Wingshooting Safari

 Malalcue lodge

     Duck, Dove, Pigeon & Perdiz

             alalcue Lodge delivers an
             incredibly unique mix of              Malalcue provides the chance for a wide
             hunts and a lodge setting that
 takes its guest's back to a time when life        range of species out of the same lodge
 was less hurried and great hunting was
 just steps away from your front door.        Malalcue gives hunters the ability to      Semenov has made many changes to
 This year, Trek has added a charter flight   shoot duck, dove, pigeon and perdiz all    provide the comforts of these “resorts”
 from Buenos Aires to Entre Rios, giving      out of the same lodge.                     without losing the character of Malalcue.
 you more time in the field than ever.
                                              With the growing popularity of super       The lodge has six deluxe rooms, five
 The beauty of Malalcue is you do not         lodges around Argentina these days,        remodeled bathrooms, a brand-new
 lose hunting days by traveling around        Malalcue is standing on its charm and      massage room and spa, along with
 Argentina searching for each species.        culture, as many hunters still enjoy the   re-designed porch and foyer to enjoy
 While other mixed bag outfitters use         feeling of being at an authentic hunting   that cocktail and cigar. Excellent
 several different lodges all hours apart,    lodge and not a resort. Outfitter Ariel    cuisine, impeccable service and instant
                                                                                                 camaraderie are all the more
                                                                                                 reason to visit Malalcue Lodge.

                                                                                                 Sportsman traveling to the
                                                                                                 Corrientes Region of Argentina
                                                                                                 will take an overnight flight from
                                                                                                 the U.S., landing in Buenos
                                                                                                 Aires. From there, you will take
                                                                                                 a charter flight to Esquina, which
                                                                                                 is just minutes away from the

                                                                                                 This is where the adventure truly
                                                                                                 starts, as you'll have four full and
                                                                                                 two half days of hunting ahead of
                                                                                                 you. The cost of this adventure
                                                                                                 is $5,700 per hunter, based on a
                                                                                                 group of four, including food and
                                                                                                 lodging, charter flights to and
                                                                                                 from Malacue, hunting license
                                                                                                 and transfers. A 50-percent non-
                                                                                                 refundable per person deposit is
                                                                                                 required to secure space.
10                                       1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                           Duck, Dove, Pigeon,
                                                                                           Perdiz & Dorado

        stancia Cortaderas has built its           extremely high-value mixed bag lodge with
        reputation on providing a unique,
        high-value cast-and-blast program             world class golden dorado fishing
within an upscale lodge setting. This year,
Trek and our partners in Entre Rios have                                                   massage therapists are at your disposal.
enhanced the program even more to                                                          The lodge's professional chef will deliver
include an extra day on the front end of                                                   the finest Argentine cuisine accompanied
the trip, with your choice of either a day                                                 by an excellent selection of wine.
room or city tour upon arrival in Buenos
Aires, as well as a complimentary night                                                    The mixed bag season at Cortaderas
at Cortaderas upon arrival in Santa Fe.                                                    runs from May to August with a price of
                                                                                           $4,695 per hunter. From September to
These enhancements will allow you to                                                       April, the program offers doves, pigons
recharge upon arriving in Buenos Aires                                                     and dorado for just $2,995 per hunter.
before enjoying four full days of one of the                                               These prices includes four full days
truly special fins-and-feathers adventures                                                 hunting (including one day of pigeons),
anywhere in the world. The improvements      River, so you'll waste no time getting into   unlimited fishing during your stay, five
to this program are delivered to you at      prime dorado waters. The Parana is one        night’s accommodations with meals,
no additional cost over what has always      of the most well known Dorado rivers in       drinks, select wine, hunting license, and
been of Trek's highest value adventures.     the world, and the team at Cortaderas         ground transfers related to the program.
                                             routinely delivers
With the mixed bag season in the fish in the 10-lbs.-
Province of Entre Rios ending in August, plus range.
most other lodges shut their doors until
May. This has allowed Cortaderas owner/ Cortaderas offers
outfitter Ariel Semenov the cream of the 10 spacious single
crop selecting fields and roosts giving our rooms with outdoor
guests the absolute best hunts possible. balconies, offering
Current dove populations in Entre incredible sunset
Rios exceed many other areas of South views of the river.
America. Additionally, you'll receive a Amenities include
day of pigeon hunting at no extra charge. WiFi, satellite TV,
                                             a full bar and an
If you're interested in marking the majestic outdoor fire pit.
Golden Dorado off your Treklist, the Ad d i t i o n a l l y, a
October-March time frame is optimal. full spa, including
Cortaderas is situated on the Parana sauna, jacuzzi and
                                          1 (800) 654 9915                                            11

       CAST & BLAST
        Ducks and Golden Dorado

 T                                                      this exciting new program is Argentina's
         he Parana Gypsy mothership has
         quickly become one of our most
         popular angling adventures, and                 most unique cast-and-blast experience
 this year we are adding an incredible new
 program for hunters. Trek is excited to         also be tempted to take the afternoon               The second level has a meticulously
 announce the addition of duck hunting           for R&R and to soak in the sights                   restored meeting area, where you’ll share
 to this program, creating one of the            and sounds of the majestic Parana.                  cocktails, meals and camaraderie. Just
 most unique and exciting cast-and-blast                                                             outside this area, you can relax on the deck
 adventures we’ve ever offered.                  The Gypsy's mobility allows us to                   between the day’s sporting sessions and
                                                 continually identify and operate from               after meals, perhaps enjoying a cigar, while
 The Paraná River system spans more than         new, unpressured areas within the upper             taking in the majestic vistas of the river.
 3,000 miles, providing a vast network           Paraná, which is an advantage to both
 of tributaries, deltas, marshlands and          hunters and fisherman no stationary                 The Parana Gypsy can be reached by
 lagoons. This massive ecosystem is the          lodge can possibly offer. During your               a 2.5-hour drive from Buenos Aires’s
 driving force behind some of the most           Gypsy adventure, we will rotate hunting             Ezeiza Airport to a private marina on the
 outstanding duck hunting you’ll ever            marshes and fish a variety of water types.          Parana followed by a fast boat ride to the
 experience.                                                                                         Gypsy. Its location will be determined by
                                                 T h e Gy p s y i s 7 0 ’ x 2 4 ’ t r i - l e ve l   weather and fishing conditions. Anglers
 Each morning, you’ll hunt from the              catamaran, built in the 1990s and                   may also arrive to the city of Rosario for
 comfort of an elevated blind, taking aim        recently refurnished and upgraded                   a shorter 45-minute route to the marina.
 at endemic South American species, such         to host a world-class hunting and
 as rosy-billed pochards, white-cheeked          fishing operation. The mothership’s first           Pricing is $3,850 for four nights and
 pintail, as well as silver and speckled teal.   level comprises four very comfortable               three and a half days of hunting/fishing,
                                                 double bedrooms and one single                      or $4,475 for five nights and four and
 After lunch on the mother ship, you’ll          room, each with en suite bathrooms                  a half days of hunting and/or fishing
 have the option to jump in a boat to            and equipped with air conditioning,                 and all ground transfers. A 50-percent
 experience some of the finest golden            heating, 24-hour electricity, and TV.               non-refundable deposit is required to
 dorado fishing in the world. You may                                                                secure space.

12                                               1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                        Dos Plumas
                                                                                        Pigeon & Dove

V                                               a unique combo hunt of pigeons over
         ery few lodges exist where you
         can shoot both pigeon and
         dove in any significant volume,        decoys and swarming bevies of dove
but Trek has discovered one of the
finest located in San Luis Argentina
with South Pioneers Outfitters. From
April through September, owner/
outfitter Ramiro de las Carreras host
clients on a fantastic combination hunt
operating out of his newly completed
Dos Plumas Lodge. With space for up
to ten hunters between five bedrooms,
Dos Plumas sits close to the fields
and offers a deluxe environment to
relax after each day’s shoot. Ramiro
employees a fully trained chef to
provide the traditional Argentine beefs,
lambs and sausages many familiar with
Argentina cuisine loves.

C o n sis t e nt high -volume pigeon exactly this along with hot-barreled               for many more years of successful hunts.
hunting is the new craze in international dove shooting satisfying anyone looking
wingshooting. We are excited to provide for a wonderful combination hunt. On            The best way to reach Dos Plumas is
                                                           your hunt to San Luis,       a flight connecting in Santiago Chile
                                                           you will experience          to Mendoza Argentina where South
                                                           both pigeons working         Pioneers will be on hand to transfer you
                                                           decoy spreads and            3.5 hours to the lodge. We suggest at
                                                           the pass shooting            least four full days of shooting with five
                                                           those searching for a        nights at the lodge, but can certainly
                                                           challenge.                   tailor the program to include as many
                                                                                        days as you wish.
                                                          For ward-looking
                                                          sustainability practices      The four-day hunt costs $3,150 per
                                                          h a ve e n s u re d t h a t   hunter including the hunting, lodging,
                                                          pigeon migration is at        meals, and lodge transfers. To secure
                                                          an all time high in San       space, Trek requires a 50% non-
                                                          Luis, paving the way          refundable deposit.
                                      1 (800) 654 9915                                            13

                Inti Malal
     High-volume dove and pigeon

           utfitter Gustavo Olsen has
           continued his legacy of success       prepare to shoot to your heart's content at
           at his highly anticipated Inti
 Malal Lodge near the city of Tucuman             this hotspot for high-volume dove hunting
 in Northern Argentina. Inti Malal sits
 on 225 acres and houses 14,000 square        their favorite drink. Sooth tired muscles     You are up early and out to the field for
 feet of comfort, offering eight bedrooms     by spending time in the indoor spa area       a three to four hour hunt over sorghum
 with private baths.                          with jacuzzi, massage section and sauna.      and sunflower fields before returning
                                              Chef Javier Painefilu delivers delicious      back to the lodge for lunch and siesta.
 A spacious and elegant common living         dishes including traditional meals and        Afternoon shoots are unique in that we
 and dining space, with a fully stocked       chef ’s specialties to keep hunters’ happy.   shoot either waterholes or roots areas.
 bar, extends into the outdoor gallery with
 a barbecue pit, where guest can socialize,   Dove hunting in Tucuman is a little           The afternoon waterhole hunts are
 enjoy wonderful meals and relax with         different than other areas of Argentina.      a sight to behold, with thousands
                                                                                            of dove circling small potholes or
                                                                                            lagoons. During June, July, August and
                                                                                            September, you will enjoy decoy pigeon
                                                                                            shooting for one day during your four
                                                                                            days of hunting.

                                                                                            A typical hunting package to Inti Malal
                                                                                            includes four days hunting with four
                                                                                            nights lodging. With new service from
                                                                                            Lima direct into Tucuman, the program
                                                                                            has gained strength as Lima has direct
                                                                                            service from many US cities. Hunters
                                                                                            may also connect in Buenos Aires to a
                                                                                            commercial flight landing in Tucuman
                                                                                            the same afternoon.

                                                                                            Both routes offer an arrival in time for
                                                                                            an afternoon shoot. This adventure is
                                                                                            $3,650 per hunter for doves or $3,950
                                                                                            for doves and one day of pigeon hunting.
                                                                                            A $1,500 non-refundable deposit is

14                                        1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                          San Martin &
                                                                                          Pampa Lodges
                                                                                          Decoying Duck Shooting

           uch of Trek’s longstanding
           Argentina waterfowl success        experience argentina's most exciting decoying
           can be attributed to Cano
St. Antonin and his Four Seasons                duck action and two outstanding lodges
Adventures. For nearly 20 years now,
Cano has been hosting Trek clients near     off around 3 p.m. and last until dark.         and a well stocked bar. Pampa Lodge is
the town of Lincoln shooting decoying       The four-day hunt fee is $3,750 per            operated by Puelo Expeditions who have
ducks in the finest habitat.                hunter with a 50% non-refundable               made every effort to ensure every hunter
                                            deposit required to reserve space.             has a comfortable stay while enjoying
San martin lodge                                                                           the mix of superb cuisine, exceptional
                                            Pampa Lodge                                    hunting and real Argentine hospitality.
Built in 1930’s and recently refurbished,                                                  Each morning you will rise to a full
San Martin Lodge combines modern            For hunters seeking an easy and close
                                            option to shoot ducks near Buenos Aires,       breakfast and head out with your
comforts and authentic charm. It has                                                       guide hunting decoying ducks with
a inviting living room,                     Trek is happy to offer Pampa Lodge.
                                                                                                     opportunities to shoot 11
nice dining room, six big                                                                            different species of ducks.
comfortable bedrooms and                                                                             Blinds are built with every
a gunroom.                                                                                           hunter in mind using hard
                                                                                                     bottom construction, raised
The B.A. Province region                                                                             platforms, or “bucket” style
is an ideal retreat for ducks                                                                        pits. Added to the overall
with many acres providing                                                                            waterfowl tradition will be
ponds and lagoons created                                                                            well-trained Labradors that
after the flood of Buenos                                                                            will fetch each bird you take
Aires in 1988. These areas                                                                           decoying into the spread.
have progressed into a
newly formed ecosystem                                                                                 If you want to experience the
perfect for the winter-                                                                                renowned perdiz hunting
feeding grounds of ducks.                                                                              of Argentina, this is an easy
From May through July,                                                                                 add-on during your stay at
the typical hunting day starts with         Located only 90 minutes from BA’s
                                            international airport, you can literally be    La Pampa to complement. The season
an early wake-up call and breakfast                                                        is May – July with hunting package
before heading out to the blinds.           enjoying coffee on the front porch only a
                                            couple hours after arriving in Argentina.      starting at $3,450 per hunter (three
                                            With seven deluxe rooms, the lodge has         day) and $4,495/hunter (four day) with
After the morning hunt, we head                                                            a 50% non-refundable deposit required
back to the lodge for lunch and a           a large living area with dining room and
                                            fireplace, traditional Argentine cuisine       to secure your spot.
siesta. The afternoons will get kicked

                                        1 (800) 654 9915                                            15

        la bellaca &
          La soffitta
            Pigeon, Perdiz & Dove

B                                                       the best of uruguay mixed bag hunting
       oth pigeon and perdiz typically
       rank very high on their list of
       desired species, yet few destinations
can offer quality hunts for both.              land offering prime perdiz habitat along      la soffitta
La Bellaca in Uruguay is one of the few.       with lush fields of Sorghum offering
                                               ample food for the pigeons and dove.          La Soffitta Lodge provides guests with
Built in 2014 as a vacation home for           Your mornings are spent walking behind        comfortable accommodations in close
his family, Luis Brown soon realized           a Brittany as the fog lifts out of the        proximity to some of the best high
the opportunity that exists around La          valleys, while your afternoons are spent      volume dove roost and perdiz habitat
Bellaca shooting decoying pigeons,             among a spread of decoys as a group of        in all of Uruguay. Built in 1897, but
                                                                     pigeons approach        fully remodeled in 2012, La Soffitta is a
                                                                     or enjoying high-       traditional Uruguayan estancia complete
                                                                     volume dove.            with five bedrooms, large common area,
                                                                                             dining room and sits on lush acreage close
                                                                     La Bellaca offers       to the Rio de la Plata.
                                                                     guests seven large
                                                                     b e d ro o m s w i th   Longtime Trek outfitter, Eduardo
                                                                     heated floors in the    Gonzalez will be the boots on the ground
                                                                     private bathrooms,      lending 30-plus years of experience to
                                                                     large living area and   hunters. With his kennel of trained
                                                                     a covered terrace.      Brittany Spaniels and some of the finest
                                                                     The lodge chef          Perdiz ground in Uruguay, you will enjoy
                                                                     will prepare fresh      morning walks flushing these speedy
                                                                     fish, famous South      upland fowl.
                                                                     American beef and
                                                                     even game from          Each afternoon will be spent shooting
                                                                     the field. Getting      high-volume dove in one of the many
                                                                     to Bellaca is easy,     roosts close to La Soffitta. Uruguayan
perdiz behind pointers and even dove.          as you will arrive in Montevideo where        asados complimented with wonderful
With Luis’ son Patrick at the helm,            RiverPlate Outfitters greet you then          wines will round out each evening.
Trek is happy to offer La Bellaca now as       transfers you about an hour to the lodge.
Uruguay’s most deluxe mixed bag option.                                                      Trip cost is $4,395/hunter and includes
                                               Trek’s typical package is three nights        three full and two half days of shooting,
Just north of the popular vacation city        lodging with two full & two half days         license and permits, lodging, meals,
of Punta del Este is a part of Uruguay         of shooting. Price for this is $3,870         drinks, wine and beer, and Uruguay
that very few hunters know even exists.        per hunter with a 50% non-refundable          ground transfers. A 50% non-refundable
It is off the beaten path with pasture         deposit required to secure a date.            deposit is required to secure a date.
16                                          1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                                   la ninette
                                                                                                   Dove, Perdiz & Golden Dorado

F                                                        Flush perdiz ahead of pointing brittanys
       or many years now, wingshooters
       have traveled to Uruguay enjoy
       the upland experience of shooting                 and scratch your high-volume dove itch
perdiz behind pointing dogs. While the
Perdiz are still thriving thanks to increased    With eight en-suite bedrooms, a large living      is $3,295 per hunter and the dove/dorado
habitat, few hunters are aware of the            room and porch overlooking the river, the         trip over four days is $1,995 per hunter
volume of dove residing in Uruguay and           lodge is perfect for large groups and quaint      (minimum group size of 4 hunters). A non-
opportunity to catch Golden Dorado.              enough for small family trips. During the         refundable deposit requirement of $1,000
                                                 combo months of May through July, you             per hunter is required to secure space.
Hector Sarasola’s Estancia Ninette gives you a   will find hunters thrilled with the liberal
chance to not only flush perdiz behind well-     perdiz limits and afternoons spent shooting       You can reach Ninette easily with daily flights
trained Brittany Spaniels, but to also shoot     dove close to the lodge. From September           from the US to Montevideo Uruguay or opt
high-volume dove only minutes from the           to April, those looking for a little different    to fly into Buenos Aires. Hector’s team will
lodge and yes, fish for the beautiful golden     trip can shoot dove and fish for dorado.          be there greeting you and transferring the
dorado. Ninette is located in the department                                                       group from either city, as both are a little over
of Soriano Uruguay and just outside the          In addition to the lodging and hunting, the       three hour’s drive to Ninette. If choosing to
city of Mercedes. The lodge sits high on a       affordability of Ninette is a major contributor   take advantage of Uruguay’s easy gun clearing
ridge overlooking the Rio Negro, one of          to the popularity of this adventure.              process, you will need to arrive and depart
the best Dorado rivers in South America.         The combo hunt price for four days hunting        from Montevideo.


       pigeon palace
                    Decoying Pigeons

  P                                                   experience the ultimate in decoying pigeon
        igeon Palace is a destination that
        lives up to its ambitious name,
        offering some of the best decoying             action at bolivia's pigeon palace lodge
  pigeon hunting you will find, anywhere.
                                                rotation of shooting venues has been       dining area and several comfortable
  Lodge owner Mozo Vidal developed his          paramount in providing sustained success   seating corners allowing hunters to
  scouting acumen for many years under the      of this program.                           stretch out and enjoy themselves.
  tutelage of international wingshooting                                                   During the hot days of the season,
  pioneer Erland von Schiedern. Mozo's          Mozo runs Pigeon Palace with a hands-      hunters can enjoy the swimming
  years of hard work and vision for             on style which has been a smash hit        pool at the center of the grounds.
  Pigeon Palace have delivered thrilling        with shooters worldwide. Located near
  adventures to thousands of hunters            the town of San Jose de Chiquitos in       Mozo’s wife Vicky will personally prepare
  over the better part of the last decade.      the Santa Cruz Province of Bolivia,        your meals, a mix of typical Bolivian fare
  Mozo's meticulous scouting and applied        Pigeon Palace is a spacious five-bedroom   of pork, beef and pasta, not to mention
  knowledge around pigeon behavior              lodge, with each room having en suite      the delicious deserts.
  ensured that Pigeon Palace was located        bathrooms, A/C and maximum capacity
  an area of Bolivia that is rich in the type   for 10 hunters doubling in the rooms.      For three full and two half days, we will
  of large grain agriculture favored by                                                    shoot over sorghum, corn and sunflower
  pigeons. Furthermore, his dedication to       The gathering place at Pigeon Palace is    fields near Mennonite farming colonies
  protection of the resource and careful        a large great room with bar, fireplace,    using decoy spreads and spinning
                                                                                           machines. That Trek has a great number
                                                                                           of clients book the same dates here, year
                                                                                           after year, is an indication of the volume
                                                                                           of birds and consistency of Pigeon Palace.

                                                                                           The season here is brief, running from
                                                                                           April through July and space does fill
                                                                                           quickly, so, if pigeon shooting is your
                                                                                           passion, this place is for you.

                                                                                           Our four shooting day trip runs $3,500
                                                                                           per person, based on double room
                                                                                           occupancy and single blinds. The
                                                                                           Bolivian government recently announced
                                                                                           that visas will no longer be required for
                                                                                           entry into the country, clearing a time-
                                                                                           consuming hurdle for our hunters.

  18                                       1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                           Las palomas &
                                                                                           Los Guaduales
                                                                                           High-Volume Dove

T                                                take aim at bolivia's Spectacular Dove display
       he beautiful country of Bolivia,
       rich in agricultural and natural
       resources, has been a favorite of          while staying at one of two premier lodges
Trek wing shooters for nearly 20 years.
Throughout this time, outfitter Jorge         Los Guaduales Lodge four years ago.          consistent shooting from beginning to
Molina and his family have taken the          This magnificent 22,000 square foot          end. As seasons are reversed below the
country’s wing shooting to an elite level.    lodge boasts the ultimate in luxury and      Equator, the July, August & September
                                              amenities includes a full spa.               months are the cooler ones in Bolivia,
Jorge’s original lodge, Las Palomas,                                                       meaning that the birds will tend to fly
was the first lodge to be located in          Perhaps equally impressive to producing      all day as opposed to just morning and
the Bolivia's prime agricultural areas,       such a spectacular second lodge is that      afternoon, so this is an outstanding time
making trips to and from the fields           Jorge, his family and long time staff have   to visit. In addition to the high volume
much easier. In the early years, this lodge   managed to maintain the highest level        dove shooting here, Jorge has added a
was the gold standard by which other                                                                        morning pigeon shoot.
lodges were measured. Jorge’s attention
to detail and personal service was a hit                                                                  Getting to Bolivia is
with Trek shooters and over the years                                                                     now easier than ever as
the business here multiplied to a point                                                                   American Airlines now
where one lodge was simply not enough.                                                                    offers daily, direct, non
                                                                                                          stop service, Miami-
Never one to rest on his laurels, Jorge                                                                   Santa Cruz at roughly
                                                                                                          half the flying time (and
                                                                                                          cost) to get to Argentina.
                                                                                                          The Bolivian government
                                                                                                          recently announced that
                                                          of service and personal          visas will no longer be required for
                                                          attention to each and            entry into the country, clearing a time-
                                                          every visitor they host.         consuming hurdle for our hunters.
                                                          Jorge Jr., acquiring
                                                          the entrepreneurial              The three shooting day trip at Las
                                                          gene from his father,            Palomas runs $2,250.00 per shooter and
                                                          has built a full scale           the four day is $2,895.00 A the deluxe
                                                          brewery just a five-             Los Guaduales, the three shooting day
continually reaches for an in improved        minute walk from either lodge.               trip is $2,695.00 and the four shooting
experience for guests. This pursuit of                                                     day adventure runs $3,395.00. Jorge
excellence was most recently shown            The prime shooting season in Bolivia is      offers a 50% discount to shooters under
in the completion of the beautiful            from April through October, with very        18 years of age. A $1,500 deposit is
                                                                                           required to guarantee space.
                                          1 (800) 654 9915                                          19

 the nicaragua
duck experience
      Blue-Winged Teal & Doves

         icaragua is a countr y of                jump on a short flight to nicaragua to
         outstanding rum, fine,
         hand-rolled cigars and, most           experience what our clients have called the
importantly, some of the most incredible
blue-winged teal hunting you'll ever              best Blue-Winged teal hunting on earth
experience. With shorter travel times
than most international destinations, this   Volcano, it’s game on
program is ideal for those with shorter      for the duck hunt of
travel windows; but, rest assured, the       your life.
hunting is world-class.
                                             During this adventure
Through the constant and thorough            you’ll stay at one of
explorations over the past 23 years by       the two top hotels in
our Nicaraguan partners Richard and          Chinandega, either
Marvin Townsend, Trek is in the optimal      the Hotel Farallones
region of the country to experience its      o r L o s Po r t a l e s .
massive migrations of migrating teal.        At each of these
The Chinandega lagoons are a truly           properties, you will
special place to hunt, and as day breaks,    enjoy single room
the action comes fast and furious. Early     accommodations and
decoying Teal appear out of nowhere, and     meals consisting of fresh seafood and       offering you three sessions of each over
as day breaks from behind San Cristobal      other local favorites.                      the course of your three days of action.
                                                                                         For shooters who just cannot get enough
                                                            The country of Nicaragua     ducks, during the early season months of
                                                            is easily accessed from      November and December, we are able to
                                                            the U.S. by all major        offer upgraded programs with additional
                                                            airlines, so getting there   duck hunting in lieu of dove shoots, on
                                                            is a breeze. Our shooting    an adjusted price basis.
                                                            headquarters is the town
                                                            of Chinandega, just over     We kick off this great trip in early
                                                            two hours from your          November and operate until mid
                                                            arrival city of Managua.     February. With this relatively short
                                                                                         season, this is one destination that always
                                                            Our program here is for      fills, so it is never too soon to get your
                                                            a combination of duck        dates reserved. Trip fee for this amazing
                                                            hunts and dove shoots,       shoot is $3,450.00 per shooter.

20                                      1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                      White-Winged Dove

M                                                 outstanding white-winged dove action
            ombacho Lodge is consistently
            a favorite among Trek hunters
            seeking a quick getaway, and         with advantageous travel times from U.S.
it's easy to understand what keeps 'em
coming back. Here is a place within a
three-hour flight from the U.S. where the environment for our guests, the lodge is The white wing shooting here is always
dove numbers are continually sufficient just five minutes from the historic town sporting, with hunters averaging 8-12
to allow hunters to blast through 500 or of Granada, it is perfectly situated.        boxes per session. If you have never
more shells per day.                                                                  before shot white wings, you are in for
                                          The attentive staff of the lodge will cater a treat, as these acrobatic dove will test
Mombacho Lodge, named for the to your every need, most often before your every skill.
region's landmark volcano, is the brain you even know you need it. Meals at
child of long-time outfitter Bruno Taino Mombacho are one of the highlights as Although the shooting here is virtually
who, along with his sons Frederico and Bruno and the boys hand pick the steaks, year round, dates do tend to fill quickly,
Carlo, own and personally operate the pork and fresh seafood that you'll enjoy. so, give us a call to find out the most
property. The lodge is located just 40 Carlo Taino is an aspiring chef, having current availability. The trip fee is $2,350
minutes from your arrival city, and traveled all over the United States and per person to include shooting, single
accommodates 10 hunters in single- Europe to study under some of the best. room accommodations, meals and open
room comfort. While the Mombacho So, don’t be surprised to see him donning bar as well as complimentary use of the
compound provides a serene, private an apron to work his magic.                       lodge's 12- and 20-gauge shotguns.


                 Driven Partridge

R                                                    experience one of the hottest touring
          iding in a caravan of camels across
          the Sahara, feasting on fresh-
          picked dates while watching an          destinations and a driven hunt like no other
indigenous Berber charmer coax a cobra
out of his hand-woven basket, hunting           displays, mazelike alleyways, centuries-old   Trek’s hunting headquarters in Morocco,
wild partridge along the foothills of           mosques and renovated riads, all of which     the Courrier Sud, is a peaceful home away,
the majestic Atlas Mountains— Trek's            come together to convey a rare feeling of     offering first-rate accommodations with
Morocco experience will provide you             being in a place that is, at the same time,   spectacular views of the countryside,
with so many moments that make you              authentically preserved and modern.           unrivaled hospitality and authentic
feel as if you're in a movie. This adventure                                                  Moroccan and French-inspired cuisine.
is a favorite among couples, due to the         The region we hunt, Domain Chafarni,          While our line of hunters is out in the
incredibly diverse itinerary we have            is an extension of over 7,000 acres of        field, the group at the Courrier Sud will
curated for you.                                undulated landscape, where craggy,            enjoy leisure time, day trips and the
                                                canyon-lined valleys meet Argania’s           meticulous attention of our gracious hosts.
Traversing the Moroccan countryside             mountain pines and arbustive vegetation.
imparts a surreal sense of wonderment           The hunting day at Domain Chafarni            From Taroudant, our group journeys
as the landscape transitions from               consists of 1,000-2,000 driven partridge      to the “red city” of Marrakech, which
seaside to the vibrant red sands of the         each day, with the birds flushing out in      takes its nickname from the rose-tinted
Sahara, from lush valleys to the snow-          bunches across the line. Well-trained dogs    sandstone used in its construction nearly a
capped Atlas Mountains. You'll also             deliver birds to each hunter’s feet and       thousand years ago. While in Marrakech,
experience Morocco's urban culture,             refreshments are always close at hand as      we will explore the Medina, a walled,
full of vibrant mosaic and architectural        the line closes in on its 400 bird limit.     medieval quarter of the city established
                                                                                              by the Berber empire in the 11th century.
                                                                                              Here, sprawling markets, palatial riads
                                                                                              and traditional shrines are magnificently
                                                                                              arrayed. Our tour also includes visits
                                                                                              to the Jemaa el-Fnaa market, Jardin
                                                                                              Majorelle, the Koutoubia Mosque and the
                                                                                              Ali Ben Youssef Medersa Islamic School.

                                                                                              The Price is 9,685€ per hunter, including
                                                                                              hunting, 5-star accommodations, meals,
                                                                                              touring and transportation. Non hunter
                                                                                              cost is 2,850€. Prices based on double
                                                                                              occupancy, and group size is limited to
                                                                                              eight hunters and 16 guests total.

22                                           1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                          pinos altos
                                                                                          Red-legged Partridge

          ctober 19-23, 2020 are the dates          immerse yourself in spanish tradition on
          for Trek's annual red-legged
          partridge shooting experience              this driven hunt and stay at pinos altos
at Estancia Pinos Altos in Spain. Trek
clients love this trip, and with limited
space available this fall, now is the time
to jump in!

Pinos Altos is legendary for its hunting
program catering to Americans and has
been Trek’s destination of choice for 15
years running. This wonderful estancia is
set in the famed La Mancha region just
two hours south of Madrid and in the
middle of 10,000 acres where Red and
Fallow Deer and Mouflon Sheep roam.

There are few places in Europe where
American hunters and their companions
are more welcomed than Pinos Altos.
Fernando Saiz and wife Koki, along with      distance. Evenings are a treat as we dine    the crest of a hill. The birds will come
partner Beltran Cotoner, are your hosts      on gourmet meals served family style and     flying fast and quick over the hill and
and are on hand during your entire stay.     accompanied by the ever-present Rioja        the shooting is fast and furious. These
                                             wines and delightful conversation.           are special affairs with traditional meals
Pinos Altos is a restored 16th century                                                    and an elegance depicting an era gone by.
estate that has been part of the Saiz        Each hunting day starts with a short drive   Among the non-shooting activities will
family for hundreds of years and is used     to the fields where you will draw pegs       be a trip to Toledo, and visits to nearby
as their personal vacation home and          for each of the of 4-5 drives depending      typical haciendas, small villages and
hunting lodge. This 10,000-acre estate is    on shooting conditions and consists of       historical points. You may also choose to
a perfect place to host a group of hunters   an allotted total of 600 partridge for the   go shopping for leather goods, porcelain,
looking for an expertly, organized driven    line of eight guns. You’ll have two drives   ceramics, pottery and local wines.
hunt, as well as an extremely inviting       in the morning followed by a delicious
atmosphere for non hunters. There            field snack and then two more drives         The Price is $14,500 per hunter and
are 14 expertly appointed bedrooms           followed by a huge elegant lunch. A line     $1,400 for the non-hunter, based on
with private baths, two living rooms,        of beaters- generally 40-50, will push       double occupancy a line minimum of
impressive dining room, and a terrace        the partridge over the shooters at their     eight guns with 600 birds a day. Includes
that overlooks the property as herds of      assigned pegs set about 15-30 yards down     accommodations, meal, wines and
red stag and fallow deer move in the                                                      Madrid transfers.
                                         1 (800) 654 9915                                            23

               Pheasant and Duck

C                                                        experience the lifestyle and hunting
        ombine the experience of life
        on one of Ireland's truly special
        estates with a traditional driven                  of royals at Baronscourt Estate
pheasant hunt, all shared by a group
of like-minded adventurers, and you      royalty from the 14th century onwards.         stands are located near three lakes in
truly have a trip of a lifetime. This is the
                                         Recently it has been renovated with            the Baronscourt Valley, making truly a
experience you can expect when you       new furnishings and artifacts depicting        dramatic and unique backdrop for driven
join Trek on our Ireland adventure at    the style for which it was originated,         hunts. Our line of shooters will enjoy
Baronscourt Estate, which we are hosting albeit with modern appliances and              three days hunting all at Baronscourt
October 5-9, 2020.                       technology. This is truly a family home        Estate, consisting of two days of 300
                                         with eight bedrooms, extensive library,        bag allotment for mallard and pheasant
Baronscourt Estate, situated in the game rooms, living room, informal and               and a 300 bag day of pheasant only.
beautiful countryside of County Tyrone, formal dining areas and various other
is home to the Duke of Abercorn, who beautiful common area spaces.                      In addition to this incredible shoot,
along with son Lord Jamie Hamilton,                                                     We have arranged a wonderful optional
serve as wonderful hosts to a handful of The Estate consists of 5,000 acres             local tour for non-hunters that includes
groups during the fall hunting season. featuring some 20 different drives for           a tour of the grounds, costal area and
This magnificent Georgian home was Ringed-neck pheasant and mallard ducks.              local handicrafts. If your time permits
constructed in the mid-1600’s and Each drive is distinctive, delivering guns            Trek can also arrange an extended trip to
adorned with original paintings of challenging opportunities. Some hunting              include the entire Emerald Isle. Reaching
                                                                                        Baronscourt is easy with daily flights into
                                                                                        Dublin and Belfast followed by a private
                                                                                        two-hour transfer.

                                                                                        The price for this spectacular adventure
                                                                                        is £11,500 per hunter. This includes two
                                                                                        days of 300 pheasant/ducks and one
                                                                                        day of 300 pheasant only presented to a
                                                                                        line of eight guns at Baronscourt Estate,
                                                                                        four night’s accommodations with all
                                                                                        gourmet meals, beverages and alcohol
                                                                                        that is to include some fine wines from
                                                                                        the Duke’s cellar!

                                                                                        Non-hunting guests are welcomed at
                                                                                        Baronscourt at no additional charge. A
                                                                                        50% non-refundable deposit is required.

24                                      1 (800) 654 9915

                                                                                    south dakota
                                                                                    upland game
                                                                                    Pheasant, Partridge & Grouse

        ocated just an hour northeast
        from Pierre, PNF is essentially         trek is proud to offer this trio of America's
        three different lodges in one using
a footprint of over 45,000 square feet                   finest upland game hunting lodges
all with single room status. The Main
Lodge was initially built in 1992 and cattle and game management. With over Tumbleweed Lodge
through the years of tremendous growth 150,000 trees planted and managing
Nelson continued to expand the Main cropland exclusively for wildlife, Of the three lodges we mention
                                            Firesteel not only offers excellent here, we have had more history with
                                            pheasant hunting, but their Hungarian Tumbleweed and are happy to continue
                                            Partridge and Sharptail Grouse are an a relationship going back 16 years or
                                            excellent addition to a great program. more. Don Bollweg and son Michael,
                                            There are three buildings offering 22 along with their wives figured out 30
                                            guest rooms and housing 28 lucky years ago that they were going to be
                                            hunters. Food and service is top notch second to none in the hosting of hunters.
                                            and you simply cannot go wrong with This is truly a family business with a
                                            a visit to Firesteel for your group of relaxing atmosphere that so many enjoy
Lodge to 12 rooms and including a friends or family. Price is $4,895 (two year after year. With 12,000 acres of
spectacular African room that could very                                              perfectly balanced crops and shelter
well be the best lounge in South Dakota.                                              where pheasant, grouse and partridge
PNF has over 12,000 acres of prime                                                    can sustain their growth, Tumbleweed
hunting land and can provide clients                                                  operates quality hunts year after year.
with as much as they wish to hunt. This
                                                                                      It’s easy to reach! Tumbleweed as it
is a tremendous destination for high-end
corporate groups. Prices starting from                                                is only 45 minutes from Pierre. Price
$5895.00 per person based on a group                                                  is $4,395 per person (two hunters)
of six and include four nights single                                                 and include four nights double room
room accommodations with meals,                                                       accommodations with meals, three
three days guided hunting a limit of five                                             days guided hunting with a limit of five
pheasant a day and much, much more. hunters) and include four nights double pheasant a day.
                                            room accommodations with meals,
                                            three days guided hunting a limit of five
firesteel creek lodge                       pheasant a day. A 50% non-refundable
                                            deposit is required to confirm your spot.
This wonderful ranch is located near the
town of Isabel just west of the Missouri
River. Owned and operated by the
Lindskov Family since 1934, Firesteel
is a still a working ranch with many
thousands of acres devoted to farming,

 poitahue ranch

                             Red Stag

        stancia Poitahue is truly a free
        range hunting paradise with
                                                  an unparalleled argentine experience for
        endless Calden forest, lush green           the spot-and-stalk big game hunter
plains, and sloped sand dunes providing
the habitat Red Stag need to thrive.        high-volume doves creating plenty of          stories and advice with hunters including
Located in the target rich province of      excitement in itself. Hunting is at its       his love of bow hunting.
La Pampa, this mixture of varied terrain    peak during the rutting
offers unique scenery for a natural         period of mid-March
hunting experience and opportunity          through April when stags
to take a medal stag on almost              will display their roar
40,000 acres of complete free range.        but hunting can be done
                                            through May. Due to the
Trek is promoting a no size limit package   immense size of Poitahue
for free range Red Stag, which gives you    and its location, they
an incredible opportunity to harvest        are able to customize
a world-class stag without regard for       hunts to fit most anyone
extra trophy fees. Should you tag out       regardless of physical
early, Poitahue offers other species like   abilities.
Blackbuck, Water Buffalo, Axis and
Fallow deer, European Boar, and several     Built in the early 1900’s,
varieties of goats and rams.                Poitahue has the nostalgia
                                            of a lovely old estancia but refurbished      Estancia Poitahue continues to innovate
A large dove roost is close by should       offering all the amenities of home            Argentina’s big game market simplifying
you prefer to shoot an afternoon of         including comfortable beds, relaxing          logistics to now incorporate an exclusive
                                                                atmosphere and even       charter flight from Buenos Aires’
                                                                Wi-Fi. As is the case     international airport directly to Santa
                                                                with every estancia       Rosa La Pampa. Within 90 minutes
                                                                Trek represents in        of landing in Santa Rosa, you will be
                                                                Argentina, the food       pulling through Poitahue’s gate. The
                                                                and level of service      program is seven nights with six full
                                                                is first rate. Seasoned   days hunting on a one-to-one guide to
                                                                manager, Santiago         hunter basis.
                                                                Rossi is a fixture each
                                                                season lending his        Pricing for this hunt is $6,850 per hunter
                                                                expertise of hunting      including one free range stag, round-
                                                                and guiding the world     trip charter from BA, lodging, hunting,
                                                                while also sharing his    meals, wine, beer and trophy cleaning.

26                                      1 (800) 654 9915
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