Page created by Elmer Reed

           Chapter 1. General Regulations4
                 1. Competition Title                                4
                 2. Objectives of the competition                    4
                 3. Competition Brief                                4
                 4. Competition type                                 5
                 5. Official Languages and Measuring Units           5
                 6. Competition organization                         5
                 7. Schedule                                         6
                 8. Eligibility and Registration                     7
                 9. Site Visit                                       8
                 10. Inquiries and Answers                           8
                 11. Submission of Entries                           9
                 12. ‌Technical Committee members and operation     9
                 13. ‌Jury members and operation                   10
                 14. ‌Evaluation Criteria and Process              10
                 15. ‌Announcement of Evaluation Results           12
                 16. ‌Awards                                       13
                 17. ‌Conditions after winning the competition     13
                 18. ‌Copyright and use and return of entries      14
                 19. ‌Dispute                                      14

           Chapter 2. Design Guideline15
                 1. Background of the design competition            15
                 2. ‌Concept and prospect of National Library
                    of Korea Data Preservation Center               15
                 3. ‌Design brief and Site                         16
                 4. ‌Design Guideline                              23

           Chapter 3. Guideline of Submission Entries31
                 1. Submission Entries and Guideline                31
                 2. ‌Format of PIN and Panel Numbering             33
                 3. ‌Reference materials                           36
Chapter 1. General regulations 4

Chapter 1.


              1. Competition Title
                International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang

              2. Objectives of the competition
                National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang is to be built to prepare for
                saturation of National Library’s capacity through the utilization and remodeling of currently neglected
                International Broadcasting Center (IBC) of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and to secure
                long-term reliable preservation space and permanent preservation of national documents by
                establishing preservation environment for various media and high-tech restoration system.
                Accordingly, the international design competition seeks to obtain a creative and feasible optimal
                design that fits the status and role of National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center.

              3. Competition Brief
                • Ordering Organization: The National Library of Korea, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
                • ‌Location: 233 Yongsan-ri, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Former
                  International Broadcasting Center (IBC) of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
                • Structure: Steel frame (Currently: Permitted as a temporary building)
                • Site area: 145,297㎡
                • Special-Purpose Area: Planned Control Area
                • ‌Special-Purpose Zone: District Unit Planning Zone (Currently: Tourism Complex, Winter Olympics
                  special zone)
                • ‌Total floor area: 51,024㎡ in total,
                  ※ 1st phase area 37,246㎡ (Four-floor building) (can be changed within ±5%)
                • Use: Library in the category of education and research facilities
                • ‌Estimated construction cost: 41,058 million KRW (including VAT)
                  - ‌Total construction cost includes architecture, civil engineering, landscaping, mechanical
                   equipments, electricity, communication, firefighting, waste treatment, demolition, etc and it covers
                   development charges and facility charges too.
                   ※ Exhibition work, bookshelf in the library is to be ordered separately
                • Estimated design cost: 2,710 million KRW (including VAT)
                                           - ‌Including interior design cost (excluding exhibition space), related subsidiary
                                             service promotion cost, authentication costs, geological survey cost, etc.
                                           - Excluding authentication commission
                                           - Excluding design of automated storage facilities in storage stack
                • ‌Design period: 10 months after the contract of design service is signed (including licensing period
                  and holidays)
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 5

4. Competition type
4.1. Open competition for Korean and overseas architects (including corporations)

5. Official Languages and Measuring Units
5.1. Official Languages
    5.1.1. ‌The official languages of this competition are Korean and English. All official documents will
          be distributed in Korean and English, and should there exist any conflict of interpretation
          between Korean and English version, Korean version will take priority. But all submitted
          drawings and documents should be written in English.

5.2. Measuring Units
    5.2.1. All measuring units should use metric system.

    5.2.2. ‌The dates and times mentioned in regulations, guidelines, and Q&A of the competition should
          use Korean standard time. (GMT+09)

6. Competition Organization
6.1. Promoter
    6.1.1. ‌The promoter is The National Library of Korea, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism,
          The promoter should be responsible for financing the design competition and oversee all
          related matters. The promoter approves the decision of the jury and is in charge of follow-up
          measures for the outcome of the design competition and the contract.

6.2. Steering Committee
    6.2.1. ‌A Steering Committee is to be organized and operated for the smooth functioning of the

 Steering Committee members
                    • Cho, Young Joo             (Director General, National Library of Korea)
                    • Lee, Kwi Bok               (Director, National Library of Korea)
                    • Song, Ha Yub               (Professor, Chung-Ang University - PA)
                    • Park, Yeol                 (Professor, KwangWoon University)
                    • Eun, Dong Shin             (Chairman, EGA Group)
                   • Choi, Jung Mann (Chairman, Passive House Institute Korea)
                   • Oh, Dae Seok                (Managing Director, Passive House Institute Korea)
Chapter 1. General regulations 6

    6.2.2. ‌The Steering Committee will provide data and information produced during the competition
           period on the official website (, and participants are obligated to
           confirm this. Otherwise the participant is responsible for any disadvantage.

    6.2.3. Participants
           ‌           must promptly notify the steering committee of any changes in their information
           such as the contact during the competition period. Otherwise, the participant is responsible
           for any disadvantage.

6.3. Competition Management Team
    6.3.1. ‌The competition management team will proceed with the competition in compliance with
           design competition schedule and regulations. The professional advisor will supervise
           registration, Q&A, and submission of entries for the entrants, organize a technical committee
           to conduct technical review, and assist the entire process of the evaluation.

    6.3.2. ‌The promoter will appoint professional advisor (PA) as follows in order to facilitate functioning
           and management of design competition.
           • Professional Advisor: Song Hayub (Professor, Chung-Ang University)

7. Schedule
7.1. Timeline of the competition with all relevant deadlines
    7.1.1. The schedule is as follows.

            Schedule                     Date and Time                                    Note

          Announcement           April 29, 2021(Thu)

                                 April 29, 2021(Thu) ~
           Registration                                             Registration to be made through official website
                                 May 21, 2021(Fri) 17:00

                                 May 10, 2021(Mon) 10:00 ~       Inquiries to be registered on Q&A bulletin board system
     Inquiry Submission Period
                                 May 14, 2021(Fri) 17:00                       after signing in official website

       Response to Inquiries     May 25, 2021(Tue)                         To be uploaded on official website

         Entry Submission        Jul 27, 2021(Tue) 10:00~17:00

         Technical Review        Jul 29, 2021(Thu)

                                 1st Jul 30, 2021(Fri)
                                 2nd Aug 03, 2021(Tue)

     Announcement of Result Aug 05, 2021(Thu)                             To be announced on official website

    7.1.2. ‌The schedule may be partially changed according to the circumstances of the promoter and
           the government's quarantine guidelines, and the changes will be announced through the
           official website.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 7

8. Eligibility and Registration
8.1. Eligibility
     8.1.1. ‌As of the date of the announcement, a certified architect pursuant to 'Architects Act' of the
           Republic of Korea or the law of other countries may participate in the competition.

     8.1.2. ‌As of the date of the announcement, a certified architect pursuant to the law of other
           countries can not participate on one’s own in the competition, unless the architect has not
           opened a certified architect office yet.

     8.1.3. In
            ‌ the case of co-participation, each participant should be qualified according to 8.1.1 or
            8.1.2 and up to three people are allowed to co-participate. A certified architect pursuant to
            'Architects Act' of the Republic of Korea must be designated as the representative. Even if
            the office of the representative and co-participant is a joint representative, one of the joint
            representatives shall be designated as a participant.

     8.1.4. If‌ an entrant is registered as a representative and a joint participant, the entrant cannot
            participate in other joint team participating in this design competition.

8.2. Participation restrictions
     8.2.1. Employees and immediate family members of the competition promoter

     8.2.2. Jury
            ‌   members (including reserve juror), employees of the company to which the jury member
            belong and their immediate family

     8.2.3. P‌ rofessional Advisor (PA), employees of the company to which PA belongs and his immediate family

     8.2.4. ‌Architect offices or architects whose business registration is cancelled, suspended,
           disqualified, or temporarily closed as of the date of announcement

     8.2.5. Companies that fall under the following conditions cannot participate.
   If‌ the jury member has served as an executive or employee at the company within
                     the last 3 years (including outside director)
   ‌Architects who are working on a service or research contract with the jury member
                     as of the date of announcement

8.3. Registration period and method
     8.3.1. Period: April 29, 2021 (Thu) 10:00 ~ May 21, 2021 (Fri) 17:00

     8.3.2. Method: ‌Online Registration by filling out the basic information in the entry registration section
                      of the official website of the competition (

     8.3.3. ‌All participants can browse the provided reference materials when approved by administrator
           after registration. The provided reference materials cannot be used for any other purpose
           other than the design competition, and this is to be confirmed through the consenting
           procedure of 'Consent to use of provided data and consent to use of personal information'
           during registration process on the website.
Chapter 1. General regulations 8

     8.3.4. ‌After registration, the representative cannot be changed, and the change of a joint participant
            member must be registered by 17:00 on May 21, 2021 (Fri) through the registered account on
            the website.

9. Site Visit
9.1. On-site brief
     9.1.1. In accordance with the government's quarantine guidelines, on-site brief is omitted.

     9.1.2. However, considering the aspect of remodeling, a site visit is planned as follows.

9.2. Site Visit
     9.2.1. Schedule: ‌will be posted on the official website, and may change according to the government's
                      quarantine guidelines and the number of participants.

     9.2.2. How to apply: ‌Apply on the official website for site visit, and the number of attendee must be

     9.2.3. Number of tours: ‌3 people per each entrant team (up to 20 people including promoter staff
                                are allowed during the same time)

     9.2.4. Visit duration: ‌50 minutes per team, tour time will be posted separately on the website after application.
                           ※ Details will be posted on the website later.

10. Inquiries and Answers
10.1. Schedule
      10.1.1. Inquiry Submission Period: May 10, 2021(Mon) 10:00 ~ May 14, 2021(Fri) 17:00

      10.1.2. How
              ‌  to submit inquiry: Post on ‘Inquiries and Answers’ board of official website

      10.1.3. Response
              ‌       to Inquiries: May 25, 2021(Tue), Response will be posted on Inquiries of official

10.2. Notice
      10.2.1. ‌Answers to inquiries are to be posted collectively on the official website, and individual
               answers are not provided.

      10.2.2. Inquiries
              ‌        must be submitted through the official website (, and
               inquiries by e-mail or telephone are not accepted.

      10.2.3. Inquiries
              ‌        which are not directly related to the guidelines for design competition will not be
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 9

      10.2.4. ‌Answers to inquiries are regarded as additions or revisions to the competition guidelines, and
                 if the content of inquiries and answers conflicts with previously presented content such as
                 the design competition guidelines, the content of the inquiries and answers will be applied.

      10.2.5. ‌Entrants are responsible for any disadvantage when they don’t confirm inquiries and answers.

11. Submission of Entries
11.1. Date and method of submission
      • Submission by personal delivery: Jul 27, 2021 (Tue) 10:00~17:00
      • ‌Submission per post (including EMS) : Only entries arriving by Jul 27, 2021 (Tue) 17:00 will be
        accepted, and the entries that arrives after the deadline will not be received. To avoid unexpected
        delays or payment of customs duties, No Commercial Value should be indicated.

11.2. ‌Where to submit entries
      • The location will be annouced on the official website later.

11.3. ‌Notice
      •‌All submissions must arrive in one package, and the organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage
        caused by packaging problems. All entries must be submitted in one package, and the ordering
        organization is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the packaging problems of entries.
      •‌An entrant can only submit one entry, and if it is confirmed that an entrant has submitted
       duplicate entries, the entrant will be disqualified.
      • Submitted entries cannot be revised, changed, or supplemented.

12. Technical
    ‌        Committee members and operation
12.1. Organization of Technical Committee
      12.1.1. ‌The technical committee for technical review is composed of architectural experts
                 in architecture, structure, and environment, and library experts, and the number and
                 organization is determined by the steering committee according to the number of entries.

      12.1.2. Professional Advisor will participate in technical review and support operation and review.

12.2. Operation of Technical Committee
      12.2.1. ‌The technical committee reviews whether the submitted entries comply with the
                 competition guidelines and the quantitative requirements of the guidelines, and prepare a
                 report on the results of the technical review.

      12.2.2. P‌ rofessional Advisor (PA) should report the results of the technical review to the jury committee.
Chapter 1. General regulations 10

13. Jury
    ‌   members and operation
13.1. Jury members
     13.1.1. The jury committee consists of five jurors and one reserve juror as the following list.

      No.         Name                             position / company                            Speciality         Note

       1    Kim, Sung Min                  Vice President / EGA ACM Architects

                               Professor / School of Architecture, Seoul National University
       2    Kim, Jin Wook
                                               of Science and Technology

       3     Kim, Hye Lim             President / HYUNSHIN Architects & Engineers               Architectural Jury member
       4    Woo, Eui Jung                  CEO / Metaa Architects & Associates                     Design

                                  Professor / School of Architecture & Building Science,
       5        Daniel Valle
                                                  Chung-Ang University

       1    Kim, Myung Sun        Professor, Division of Architecture, Sunmoon University                       Reserve juror

13.2. Operation of the jury committee
     13.2.1. The jury committee opens with the attendance of jury members and Professional Advisor (PA).

     13.2.2. ‌The jury committee appoints the chairman of the jury at the first meeting, and decides on
                the evaluation criteria and process.

     13.2.3. ‌The jury member who do not participate in the evaluation will lose qualification as jury
                member, and the reserve juror will succeed to the qualification.

14. Evaluation
    ‌         Criteria and Process
14.1. Technical evaluation criteria
     • The main review items during the technical review include the following.
     • Deductions and elimination are subject to review criteria and methods of the jury.

        Items                                                       Details

       Violation • ‌Violation of relevant laws (direct/egress stairs, evacuation distance, building line, attached parking
      of the law   lot, landscaping area, etc.)

                    • Exceeding the allowable gross area

                    • Omission of main programs

                 • Concerns on excess over the estimated construction cost due to excessive design
        of the   • Exceeding the standard number of design description and drawing plates
                 • Omission of the content required in the guideline e.g. sections

                    • Omission of requilred drawings and documents

                    • Structure that cannot be remodeled

        Other       • Other decisions made by the jury during the main evaluation
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 11

14.2. Evaluation Criteria
     14.2.1. Main evaluation criteria are as follows.

           Items                                                             Details

                        • Land use and planning
                        • Convenience of using facilities and spaces
                        • Appropriate circulation of pedestrian and vehicle
                        • Suitable design of landscape and outdoor space

                      • Appropriate planning of preservation, management, office, and amenities
                      • Innovative planning of specialized spaces for reading, experience, and exhibition
       Spatial design
                      • Efficient connection and utilization of indoor and outdoor spaces
                      • Economically feasible planning considering future expansion

      Landscape and • Harmony with surrounding natural scenery of Pyeongchang tourist area
       harmony with • Excellence in the elevation design plan
       surroundings • Appropriate planning of color and materials

                        • Rational approach of remodeling
                        • Rational and feasible construction cost for maintaining and changing the existing structure
         Technical      • Excellent eco-friendly design techniques
         planning       • Appropriate planning for Zero Energy Certification and Green Building Certification
                        • ‌Preservation environment maintenance by media and excellent security and disaster prevention

14.3. Evaluation Process
     14.3.1. The evaluation process is decided through the resolution of the jury.

     14.3.2. ‌The evaluation begins with a description of the competition background and guidelines by
              Professional Advisor (PA).

     14.3.3. During
             ‌     the evaluation, the technical review results report submitted by the Technical
              Committee is confirmed and reflected in the evaluation after discussion and resolution of
              the jury.

     14.3.4. Presentation
             ‌           (2nd evaluation) of entrants’ works will be conducted for 5 or less finalists
              after the first evaluation, and the venue and time will be announced later.

     14.3.5. If submissions are fewer than 5, the first evaluation may be omitted.

     14.3.6. ‌The chairman of the jury prepares a judging report that includes the reasons for the
              selection of the winning work, evaluation process and contents. The jury members sign the
              completed report and submit it to the orderer.

14.4. ‌Presentation process
     14.4.1. Finalists
             ‌        who have passed the first evaluation should give a presentation at the second

     14.4.2. ‌Finalists of the second evaluation should submit a separate presentation file (PDF) to official e-mail
             by 12:00 on August 02, 2021 (Mon). However, the presentation file can contain only the contents
             included in submitted drawing plates and design description, and entrants are responsible for any
             problem such as font copyright in the submitted file. (Video clips are not allowed)
Chapter 1. General regulations 12

      14.4.3. In
              ‌ principle, 15 minutes presentation and 15 minutes Q&A session will be assigned for
              each finalist, but if the jury committee makes a separate decision, it will be followed

      14.4.4. ‌The number of presentation attendee is limited to three or less, including one presenter,
              and only the employee of the representative company can be the presenter. (The presenter
              should submit employment certificate on the day of announcement)

      14.4.5. ‌The presentation can be made in Korean, and the competition promoter will provide
              simultaneous interpretation in English. Questions can be asked in Korean or English, and
              simultaneous Korean-English interpretation will be provided.

      14.4.6. Interpretation
              ‌             time for the presentation is not included in the presentation time, but
              simultaneous interpretation time for Q&A is included in the inquiry time, and the entrant
              cannot raise an objection to any delay caused by the interpretation.

      14.4.7. The jury committee will decide turns of presentation by lot after the first evaluation.

      14.4.8. ‌The presenter and the attendee must attend the designated place by the time appointed
              by the promoter on the day of the evaluation, and the finalist who do not attend the
              presentation will be excluded from the presentation list.

      14.4.9. If‌ the presenter makes any act that may disrupt fair presentation, such as expressions
              that violate anonymity, comparison with other entries, explanation of contents that are
              not included in submitted presentation file, and timeout, the chairman of the jury may
              immediately stop the presentation.

14.5. ‌Disqualification
      14.5.1. If‌ the submitted document contains any false information, for example, entrant's

      14.5.2. If the jury committee determines disqualification for violation of the guidelines.

      14.5.3. If the entrant is the case of restrictions on participation in 8.2.

      14.5.4. If‌ the submitted entry is proved to have imitated other’s work or have already been
              submitted to another design competition.

      14.5.5. If‌ the entry is opened to the public (including online, offline and related media) before the final
              result of evaluation is announced.

      14.5.6. If‌ the entrant damages fairness and anonymity by making contact with the jury member in

15. Announcement
    ‌           of Evaluation Results
15.1. Announcement of Results
      15.1.1. Evaluation
              ‌         results will be posted on the official website according to the schedule after the
              evaluation finishes, and only winners will be notified individually.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 13

      15.1.2. ‌The announcement date can be changed depending on circumstances of the promoter, and
              the change will be notified on the official website.

16. ‌Awards
16.1. ‌Awards and design service contents
      16.1.1. Awards to the winners are as follows.

                  Rank                     Awards and Proceedings with the Design Project(Taxes and duties included)

       1st Place Winner(1 entry)       Certificate of merit and basic and working design

       2nd Place Winner(1 entry)       Certificate of merit and 50 million KRW

       3rd Place Winner(1 entry)       Certificate of merit and 30 million KRW

       Runners-up(2 entries)           Certificate of merit and 10 million KRW per each team

      16.1.2. ‌The winner may not be selected by the jury committee depending on the quality of the entries, and
              the awards may vary depending on the evaluation results and the project progress.

      16.1.3. The representative will receive the compensation.

16.2. ‌Invalidation of Winning
      16.2.1. Even
              ‌   after the awards are announced, the winner that is proved to have violated any
              significant issue corresponding to disqualification 14.5 can be eliminated by the decision
              of reconvened jury committee with a majority attendance of the jury members.

17. Conditions
    ‌         after winning the competition
17.1. Compensation and conditions for competition winner
      17.1.1. ‌The winner as the preferred bidder has preferred bidder status to negotiate the basic
              and detailed design contracts (hereinafter referred to as the contracts) with the ordering
              organization and if competition winner is not selected, the ordering organization may re-
              announce the ‘International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation
              Center, Pyeongchang’.

      17.1.2. ‌The winner must sign a contract within 10 days from the date of the announcement of the
              results of the design competition in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of
              the Republic of Korea. However, depending on the circumstances of the organizer and the
              project progress conditions, the contract conclusion period may be adjusted in consultation
              with the contract party.

      17.1.3. If‌ the winner gives up the design right or faces a situation where he or she cannot
              perform the design due to unavoidable circumstances such as ‘invalidation of winning’,
              the next runner-up becomes the preferred bidder, and in this case, the total amount of the
              compensation paid to the next runner-up should be returned.
Chapter 1. General regulations 14

     17.1.4. Design
             ‌     contracts should be made in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such
             as the 「Act on Contracts to which the State is a Party」. The contract is written in Korean,
             based on the task order in accordance with the regulations of the National Library of Korea.

     17.1.5. ‌The architect of the design should make sure of completing the design within the range of
             estimated construction cost.

17.2. ‌Contractor's design service scope
     17.2.1. Details of task follow the task guideline at the time of the service contract.

18. Copyright
    ‌        and use and return of entries
18.1. General Parameters
     18.1.1. ‌Entrants must ensure that the submitted entries do not infringe on the exclusive right of the
             third party's intellectual property rights (if the third party's intellectual property rights are
             used, a document certifying the authority for use such as the third party's consent must
             be attached.), and entrants are responsible for any problem related to intellectual property
             rights, and all damages to the ordering organization or other third parties, and should
             compensate for the expenses incurred to the ordering organization. Infringement of other
             people's copyright can cause invalidation of winning.

     18.1.2. ‌All rights (including copyright and ownership) of the entries remain with the entrant. If
             necessary, the ordering organization may transfer or obtain a license for use of the entries,
             and in this case, a separate agreement with the participant shall be made.

     18.1.3. However,
             ‌       the ordering organization can use the entry for non-profit and public interest
             purposes such as reproduction, exhibition, distribution, rental, public transmission, and
             creation of secondary works for publication, for the purpose of exhibition, public relations,
             and business plan establishment without separate compensation and consultation with the
             entrant. The submission of entries is regarded that the participant has agreed to the term.

     18.1.4. Other
             ‌    copyright-related individual issues shall be subject to the copyright laws and

     18.1.5. Submitted
             ‌        entries, excluding winning works, will be notified of the return period, and
             submitted works that are not returned until the deadline of the return period will be
             voluntarily processed by the ordering organization.

19. ‌Dispute
    • ‌The Design Competition shall be held pursuant to relevant laws and regulations of Korea and for
      any dispute over the competition, it shall be mediated or decided by the court of jurisdiction in the
      relevant region of the Republic of Korea.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 15

Chapter 2.


             1. Background of the design competition
             1.1. Project Background
                 1.1.1. Social background
                       • ‌By establishing National Data Preservation Center, National Library of Korea seeks to play
                          its role as a national library and improve permanent preservation of national documents
                          through their systematic preservation, restoration management and distribution.
                       • ‌National Library of Korea endeavors to pass down knowledge and cultural heritage to
                          future generations, provide information without time and space limit through digitalization,
                          reduce information gap and lay the foundation for academic development through scientific
                          preservation and management of library resource.

                 1.1.2. Functional background
                       • ‌As a representative library of Korea since its opening in 1945, National Library of Korea
                          has played a major role in guaranteeing the right of equal access to various media
                          and information for all, but is facing lack of storage due to continuous accumulation of
                       • ‌Accordingly, National Library of Korea promotes the establishment of National Data Preservation
                          Center to secure a stable storage space for national documents and create preservation
                          environment for each media type in response to diversification of information media in order to
                          provide permanent preservation of national documents.

                 1.1.3. Economic background
                       • ‌Looking at the symbolic aspect of the project, the project is a successful example of using
                          the symbol and idle facilities of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. To be more precise,
                          it is expected that the project will bring about economic benefits including construction
                          cost reduction, prompt process and shortening of construction period by utilizing unused
                          facilities, revitalization of the local economy through job creation in Gangwon-do province
                          and securing experts in the field of data preservation and restoration.

             2. ‌Concept and prospect of National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center
             2.1. ‌Prospect of National Data Preservation Center
                 • ‌Leap forward and become “National Library for preservation of national documents that
                   remembers and inherits the lives of Korean people”
                 •‌Implementation of innovative architecture and storage system to establish a smart management system for
                   national documents and knowledge resources
                 • ‌Spread and sharing of new knowledge and culture contents through re-creation of knowledge
                   information and data
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 16

2.2. ‌Value of National Data Preservation Center
    2.2.1. Symbolic meaning
          • ‌Renovation into National Data Preservation Center by using Olympic facilities for the first
             time in Korea
          • ‌Reinforcement and complementation of National Library of Korea’s function as a national
             data center through establishment of National Data Preservation Center
          • ‌Comprehensive preservation and representative preservation center of various domestic
             libraries and archives’ documents

    2.2.2. Conservation of national knowledge and culture
          • ‌Capacity to perform core functions of national preservation library by creating long-term
             and expandable preservation and restoration management system of the new concept for
             national knowledge and information resources
          • ‌Reinforcing crisis management capabilities and establishing a foundation for permanent
             preservation management against disasters such as fires and earthquakes and usage
             damage through distributed preservation of national documents
          • ‌Development of knowledge information media and establishment of permanent preservation
             system for digital resources such as online data

    2.2.3. Hyperconnectivity of Knowledge
          • ‌Minimizing the information gap among the public and preparing ground for academic
             development by providing information without time and space constraints through
             digitalization of national documents.
          • ‌Responding to new information knowledge circulation methods such as data sharing,
             opening and utilization through systematic digital preservation as well as physical collection
             of knowledge and information resource

    2.2.4. Creativity
          • ‌Provision of opportunities for re-creation of knowledge content through exhibition planning
             that shows the combination of traditional materials and digital technology
          • ‌Creating new industries for local community by developing and operating complex culture
             creation, education, practice, and tour programs

3. Design
   ‌     Overview and Site
3.1. ‌Design Overview
    • ‌Project Title: International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center,
    • Ordering Organization: The National Library of Korea, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
    • ‌Location: 233 Yongsan-ri, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Former
      International Broadcasting Center (IBC) of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
    • Structure: Steel frame (Currently: Permitted as a temporary building)
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 17

    • Site area: 145,297㎡
    • Special-Purpose Area: Planned Control Area
    • ‌Special-Purpose Zone: District Unit Planning Zone (Currently: Tourism Complex, Winter Olympics
      special zone)
    • Total floor area: ‌51,024㎡ in total,
                         ※ 1st phase area 37,246㎡ (Four-floor building) (can be changed within ±5%)
    • Use: Library in the category of education and research facilities
    • Estimated construction cost: 41,058
                                   ‌     million KRW (including VAT)
                                           - ‌Total construction cost includes architecture, civil engineering,
                                             landscaping, mechanical equipments, electricity, communication,
                                             firefighting, waste treatment, demolition, etc and it covers
                                             development charges and facility charges too.
                                             ※ Exhibition work, bookshelf in the library is to be ordered separately
    • Estimated design cost: ‌2,710 million KRW (including VAT)
                                   - I‌ ncluding interior design cost (excluding exhibition space), related subsidiary
                                     service promotion cost, authentication costs, geological survey cost, etc.
                                   - Excluding authentication commission
                                   - Excluding design of automated storage facilities in storage stack
    • ‌Design period: 10 months after the contract of design service is signed (including licensing period
      and holidays)

3.2. ‌Design Scope
    • Design scope site: Inside of the site boundary line in the provided reference materials
    • ‌Design scope of building: Exterior change can include the entire building permitted as a temporary
      building, and the area of the facility is limited to the area suggested in the guidelines and within
      the range of phase 1. However, creative proposals are allowed within the range of the proposed
      construction cost.
    • ‌Design competition proposal must present a master plan that includes the scope of the 2nd phase
      of development.
    • ‌The design scope of the facility interior is limited to the scope of the 1st phase suggested in the
      proposal by the promoter, but the preferred bidder should include the entire building including the
      exterior for all other administrative treatments such as licensing when carrying out the design
      after signing a contract.
    • ‌When reinforcement of foundation slab structure is required according to provided reference
      materials, it must be included in the design scope as the construction must be completed at the
      same time for the 1st and 2nd phase development areas, and the construction cost must not
      exceed the total planned construction cost.
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 18

3.3. ‌Site Circumstances
    3.3.1. Aerial photograph of the site

                                             [Figure 1] South Aerial View

              [Figure 2] North Aerial View                                  [Figure 3] West Aerial View

              [Figure 4] East Aerial View                                    [Figure 5] NE Aerial View
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 19

3.4. ‌Site Circumstances
    3.4.1. Topography and natural environment

          • ‌Pyeongchang-gun is located in the center of the Taebaek Mountains, with an average altitude
            of more than 600m. Odaesan, Gyebangsan, Hwangbyeongsan and Daegwanryeong are
            located in the north, and the Charyeong Mountains diverges from Odaesan in the west, which
            makes a sloping terrain toward the south from high three sides, east, north, and west.
          • The site is surrounded by mountains to the northeast and slopes to the southwest.

                                                      [Figure 6] Site Plan

                                                   [Figure 7] Cross-section

                                            [Figure 8] Longitudinal cross-section
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 20

3.4.2. Adjacent roads and outdoor circulation

      • ‌As the site is in contact with Solbong-ro and Yongsan 1 Bridge, smooth traffic flow is
           expected without congestion.
      • ‌It is expected that the Namjakgolcheon Stream, Alpensia Resort, and Yongpyeong Resort
           located in the south of the site can contribute to the expansion of public transportation
           networks, increase in the effect of attracting guests and enhancement of convenience.
      • ‌As there is a crosswalk on the road facing the main entrance of the site, it is expected that
           the flow of pedestrians will be concentrated.

                                                    Circulating Route

                                                                                                Boundary of District
                                                                                                    Unit Plan

                                                                              Main entrance
              West entrance (vehicle)                                          (pedestrian)

                                           [Figure 9] Current status of outdoor circulation

                                 [Figure 10] Panoramic view of the SW side, west approach (vehicle)

                       [Figure 11] Panoramic view of the SE side, main entrance to the south side (pedestrian)
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 21

3.4.3. Outside of the existing building

      • ‌The exisiting building is composed of prefabricated panels of steel structure, and has not
         been used since the Winter Olympics.

           [Figure 12] SW Aerial View                                                [Figure 13] NE Aerial View

               [Figure 14] SW view                                                      [Figure 15] SE view

      [Figure 16] South vehicle circulation                               [Figure 17] South main entrance (pedestrian)

  [Figure 18] NE exterior and vehicle circulation                         [Figure 19] NW exterior and vehicle circulation
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 22

3.4.4. Inside of the existing building

      • ‌Existing air conditioning facilities are in a state of shutdown, and only the minimum amount
         of power required for maintenance is being supplied.

              [Figure 20] 1F Lobby                                 [Figure 21] 1F Corridor

    [Figure 22] 1F Former Broadcast Studio-1              [Figure 23] 1F Former Broadcast Studio-2

          [Figure 24] 2F Office Lobby                               [Figure 25] 3F Office

              [Figure 26] 4F Office                                   [Figure 27] Roof
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 23

4. ‌Design Guideline
4.1. ‌Basic direction
    4.1.1. Symbolism of National Data Preservation Center

           • ‌The National Data Preservation Center should be a creative platform emphasizing the core
             preservation role of the representative knowledge and cultural heritage of Korea and its
             functionality and symbolism as a data processing center.
           • ‌The National Data Preservation Center contains symbolism of the world first zero-energy
             building retrofit rather than simple reuse of idle buildings left after the Winter Olympics, and
             the proposal should realize these ideals.

    4.1.2. Function and re-creation as a national knowledge and information resource platform

           • ‌The National Data Preservation Center is a space for data processing and re-creation rather
             than data backup. Therefore, the space should be planned to accommodate these ideas.
           • ‌Considering flexibility of indoor space and expandability of outdoor space, it is necessary
             to secure flexibility and expandability of space in preparation for functional change and
             expansion of the storage stack in the future, and to determine book stack layout according
             to the prediction of the amount of storage.
           • ‌In the building, preservation library and the reading, exhibition, administration,
             management, etc. should be planned as a spatial layout to allow efficient management and
             operation through an organic relationship with each other.
           • ‌Each facility should enable automatic management such as office automation (OA) and
             integrated security system (IS) from electricity, communication, mechanics, disaster
             prevention, and furniture, and should meet functions such as preservation, data restoration,
             digital archive, and data center.
           • ‌The indoor environment, such as the temperature and humidity of each media storage
             stack, must be maintained in accordance with the relevant laws of Cultural Properties,
             Materials, and Records in Korea, and secure comfort of office space.

    4.1.3. Visible library and regional connectivity

           • ‌National Data Preservation Center should be a library that includes specialized spaces such as
             reading, exhibition, experience, and creation in order to spread culture, improve local image, and
             play a role as a tourism resource beyond its preservation function.
           • ‌Automated facilities in National Data Preservation Center should meet required functions
             and be utilized as exhibits, and be created as a cultural space linked to the local tour course
             by opening visually.
           • ‌In addition to the basic unit space, spaces to improve the utilization rate of citizens,
             such as leisure and rest facilities for local residents should be reviewed in National Data
             Preservation Center, so that it can play a role as a center for local culture. For this purpose,
             outdoor space plan is needed.
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 24

     4.1.4. Safety and convenience by reusing existing facilities

           • ‌The project is a successful case of remodeling and utilizing idle facilities, and the situation
              of existing buildings must be carefully reviewed, and, in particular, it should be designed so
              that it does not disrupt structure, fire prevention, firefighting, and waterproofing, as it must
              perform the function of preserving various important and special media.
            • ‌Since the space has to accommodate more than 600 staffs with countless various
              preservation media, their convenience must be considered deeply, and the interior and
              exterior spaces for a comfortable working environment must be organically linked with
              functional circulation.

4.2. ‌Design guidelines
• ‌All distributed reference materials are opinions and research results of individual service agencies,
  and they are only for reference, without guaranteeing the appropriateness of the related content by the
  ordering organization. Thus the entrant must present a plan to meet the current conditions of site and
  building. This commonly applies to all disciplines, including structure.
• ‌If it is concluded that the proposal can not be realized because of significant difference from the
  current conditions of building and site, even after the preferred bidder is selected and the contract
  is made, it is attributable to the winner. And when it is impossible to proceed normally within the
  estimated construction cost budget, the winner should present an appropriate and reasonable
  alternative to it. However, if the proposed alternative deviates from the intention of the proposal and
  examination, all responsibility for this lies with the winner.

     4.2.1. Present Conditions

           • ‌The area of proposed programs is limited to the space of the 1st phase suggested in the
              reference materials, but within the scope of the proposed construction cost, the entrant can
              put forward a proposal in a free and creative way.
           • ‌However, the plan of this competition should be proposed as a complete master plan that
              includes the 1st and 2nd phases, and the application of the gross floor area in the later
              phase of licensing and approval will cover the entire building.

     4.2.2. Outdoor space planning

           • ‌An outdoor experience space linked to the National Data Preservation Center can be
              planned, and the organic relationship should be considered in connection with the
              surrounding landscape in the planning of outdoor space.
           • ‌It is necessary to consider the convenience of pedestrian access to the building from the
              outdoor space.
           • ‌The number of parking on the site should be planned in accordance with mandatory
              number of parking spaces and should take into account visitors, buses, handicapped
              persons, unloading and emergency parking.
           • ‌The change from an existing temporary building to a general building should meet various
              related laws and regulations, such as landscaping area and sewage treatment plan.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 25

      • ‌A creative plan that match the natural scenery of Pyeongchang including nearby tourist
        complexes should be provided.
      • ‌Outdoor space plan that can serve as a landmark for revitalizing the local economy should
        be provided.

        2nd Phase                                                               1st Phase

                                            [Figure 28] Phased spatial area

4.2.3. Floor Plan

      • ‌A floor plan and section plan should be provided to meet efficiency and function of space utilization,
        and preservation of national documents in the storage stack.
      • ‌Based on the reference materials provided, the masterplan should meet stack layout and
        area of storage stack and consider expansion in the future.
      • ‌A circulation plan that can utilize the automated system for classifying, returning, and
        storing books and articles linked to the storage stack as a visual element of another exhibit
        and tour should be reflected, and the composition and method should be proposed in a
        creative way.
      • ‌The proposal should secure structural stability reflecting appearance and design and the
        storage space should be easily accessible by vehicle and separated from the viewing
      • ‌Equipment spaces such as machine room and electrical room should be arranged efficiently
        for the purpose of control and management.
      • ‌Inside and outside buildings and parking lots should be prepared for safety accidents to
        prevent data damage and leakage.
      • ‌Convenience and comfort of working staff should be considered in the planning of office
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 26

4.2.4. Elevation plan

      • ‌People may recognize it as a facility for simple preservation purposes rather than a cultural
        facility due to a massive and monotonous box-shaped mass of National Data Preservation
        Center, and it is required to plan creative elevation.
      • ‌The proposal should meet the current laws, such as insulation and fire-resistance
        conditions, as well as artistic purposes.
      • ‌While the existing building and structure should be considered, but a reasonable and
        functional plan within the construction cost budget can be proposed if changes are needed
        to achieve the purpose of the competition.

4.2.5. Circulation plan and parking plan

      • ‌Major circulations such as user for each facility, employee, and data entry and exit traffic
        should be planned to integrate and separate as necessary.
      • ‌Pedestrian circulation should be planned to be safe and smooth in consideration of the
        relationship with vehicle traffic including parking lots on the site.
      • ‌Egress and entry circulation should be planned to enable quick and efficient response in
        case of fire or emergency.
      • ‌Attached parking should be planned to have more than 30% of the statutory parking lot
        as expanded type, and to facilitate access and turnover of large buses and large vans in
        consideration of the locational conditions of the site.
      • ‌10 or more business parking spaces for vehicles carrying and entering data, should be
        placed near the loading dock.
      • ‌Location and number of electric vehicle charging facilities in accordance with 『ACT ON
        VEHICLES』 should be planned.

4.2.6. Eco-friendly plan and energy saving plan The proposal should meet the certification plan below.
               • Green building certification excellent grade or higher
               • Zero energy building certification grade 5 or higher
               • Barrier-Free (BF) certification superior grade or higher
               •‌The mandatory ratio of renewable energy should follow the decision at the time of approval.
                 However, the certification plans should present items that reflect regional characteristics
                 and environment of Pyeongchang.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 27

                                         4.3. ‌Detailed Design Guidelines
                                                  4.3.1. Specific space programs

          Category                      Specific program            Area(㎡)      Ratio(%)                                               Note
                                         Director’s Office                50         0.13                                             1 person
                                    Contents Creation Room 1             150         0.40                                            10 persons
                                    Contents Creation Room 2           1,456         3.91                                           208 persons
                                    Contents Creation Room 3           1,988         5.34                                           284 persons
                                     Planning & Management
                                                                         311         0.83                                            40 persons
                   Office                 Division office
                                                                                              Electronic Media Restoration Room, A/V Media Restoration Room, Digital Forensic
                                      Electronic A/V Material
                                                                         577         1.55      Analysis Room, Microfilm material preservation & Restoration Treatment Room,
                                        Restoration Room
                                                                                                                          Media Conversion Room

Office Area                            Digital Preservation
                                                                         269         0.72                                            19 persons
                                         Division Office
                                        Conference Room                  740         1.99                         1 large room, 3 medium rooms, 1 small room
               complementary                    Storage                   24         0.06
                  facilities                Stack room                    20         0.05
                 Amenities                  Amenities                    453         1.22                                  Male/Female lounge, Gym etc.
                   Other             Server & Operation Room             392         1.05                         1 Server room, 1 operating room (4 persons)
                                                Library                  900         2.42
                Reading Area            Coworking Space                  480         1.29
                                    Service Preparation Room             170         0.46
                              Common Space                             2,960         7.95
                                    Subtotal                         10,940         29.37
                                      HM                               9,660        25.94     ※ ‌Classified by typology
                                     ASRS                              2,130         5.72       Entrants can propose bookshelf type and required area creatively in
                                                                                                consideration of the amount of storage (however, the total area is limited to
                                                                                                within ±5%)
                                                                                              ※ ‌Classified by function
                                                                                                - Low temperature storage (0℃)
                                                                                                - Rare bookstore (advanced science facility)
Library Area
                                                                                              ※ ‌Classified by type
                             Extinguishing Gas                         2,200         5.91       - Book library
                                                                                                - Non-book library (newspapers, drawings, pictures, etc.)
                                                                                                - A/V material library
                                                                                                - Electronic media library
                                                                                                - Administration museum library
                                                                                              ※ Rest space for librarians should be secured
                   Restoration Research Division Office                  227         0.61                                            20 persons
               Preservation & Management Division Office                 605         1.62                                            43 persons
Preservation                                                                                   Repair & restoration room, Studio, Editing room, Dry cleaning room, Mechanical
     &                     Book Restoration Room                         605         1.62
                                                                                                                         restoration treatment room
    Area                    Deacidification Room                         480         1.29                                    2 Deacidification devices
                              Sterilizing Room                           380         1.02                                       2 Sterilizing devices
                                    Amenities                            503         1.35              Restaurants, canteen, clinic room, security office, cleaner’s lounge
                                           Loading Dock                  630         1.69
                Loading Dock
Other Area                             Arrangement Room                  670         1.80
               Exhibition Room           Exhibition Room                 700         1.88                                   excluding exhibition works
                               Common Area                             7,516        20.18
                                    Subtotal                         26,306         70.63
                            Total                                    37,246         100.0

                                         ※ ‌Entrants can change areas of specific programs of office area and Preservation & Restoration Area freely the total area within ±20% of
                                           the standard area, and total floor area should stay within ±5%.
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 28

4.3.2. Library area Choice of book stacks layout
               • ‌Book stacks layout should be adopted by comprehensively considering various
                 items such as spatial conditions, types of data to be held, and economic conditions.
               • ‌Entrants should propose creatively storage methods and formats such as HM
                 (Harvard Method) and Automatic Storage (ASRS) by carefully reviewing storage
                 volume, but should arrange to achieve organic linkages between each space and
                 also should consider expandability for the future.

                 [Figure 29] View of manual high-density stacks (Source: Studio jaed website)

                [Figure 30] View of automatic high-density stacks (Source: DEMATIC Brochure)

               • ‌In addition, a reasonable space plan must be presented by examining the
                 interference with mechanical and electrical facilities according to each storage
               • The size and number must be decided in consideration of the type and amount of
               holding materials.
International Competition for National Library of Korea Data Preservation Center, Pyeongchang Design Competition Guideline 29

     Stack structure

                          • ‌A system such as double wall structure and double entrance door may be taken
                            into account so that stably maintain the optimal storage environment for each
                            medium by establishing a comprehensive air conditioning system such as constant
                            temperature & humidity, air pollution, and air supply by increasing the insulation
                            and shielding effect.
                          • ‌Effective and excellent fire-fighting system should be applied in order to minimize
                            the possibility of damage to documents.
                          • ‌It is necessary to design to facilitate management by RFID recognition gates at the
                            entrance to the stack for tracking the movement path of important documents and
                            managing the history. (network and power, etc.)

     Quantity of holding materials by medium

                                                            Category                                                          Total

                                                                                       Books                                  11,789,875
                                                                         Nonbook materials (map, etc)                            408,173

                                                                                Magnetic medium                                1,231,945

                                                                                 Optical medium                                  732,057

                       Audiovisual·Electronic media                          Photosensitive medium                                    7,927

                                                                              Plastics (records, etc.)                             10,037

                                                                               museum collections                                     5,809

                                                              Total                                                           14,185,822

      4.3.3. Loading dock/Arrangement room

              • ‌The facility should be designed to allow vehicle access and easy loading and unloading, and
                  it should face the outside air so that dust can be inhaled and discharged as the process of
                  receiving documents makes dust.
              • To facilitate unloading work, the parking lot size should be larger than the example below.

  Vehicle Aisle

Parking lot length

                      Parking Forklift
                     lot width width
                     3,000mm 1,651mm

              • ‌Arrangement room is used for a series of works such as attaching tags, sorting, packaging
                  into a storage box, loading onto book truck and ASRS picker robot, and it is necessary
                  to make sure efficient performance of the works, and to secure temporarily storage for
Chapter 2. Design Guideline 30

4.3.4. Preservation & Restoration Area

      • ‌Preservation & Restoration Area should be placed adjacent to stack room, and office,
        restoration rooms, and research & development room should be adjacent to each other.
      • ‌Restoration rooms should be organically linked with Deacidification Room, Sterilizing Room,
        and Restoration R&D Room, and space layout should be intuitive and efficient.
      • ‌Mass preservation treatment areas such as Deacidification Room and Sterilizing Room
        should be adjacent to Stack Room and loading dock, and should be divided from
        Restoration rooms.
      • Book Restoration Room should have a separate data storage room.
      • ‌Electronic A/V Material Restoration Room should be adjacent to the computer room in order
        to high-speed process digital conversion.

4.3.5. Exhibition Space

      • ‌Exhibition space allows to create a synergy effect with books equipped with digital curation
        and humanities lab provided by the National Data Preservation Center, and can hold
        exhibitions visually related to automated document storage system, so that the operation
        itself makes the place with a hamony of exhibitions and tours.
      • ‌In addition, in consideration of future ordering of additional exhibition space, it should be planned
        to be changeable without interfering circulation of users.

4.3.6. Office Area

      •‌General office circulation of staffs should be separated from circulation of general
        audiences. A separate entrance to National Data Preservation Center for staffs should be
        provided and it is required to minimize unnecessary safety management by making a single
      • ‌Employee's work space must be connected to the entire area in the building, and circulation
        should be functional. In addition, a connection to the public or exhibition area is required,
        and it should be planned to prevent visitors from going backwards along staff circulation.
      • ‌In addition, due to the nature of National Data Preservation Center, it is necessary to plan
        a circulation to restrict access of the public as well as the general staff to the space for
        documents that must be preserved.
      • ‌As there are no rest and convenience facilities nearby the facilities, it should prepare proper
        space divisions and conditions for a comfortable working environment.

4.3.7. Central control room

      • ‌For safety management in the building, it should be placed in a place of easy approach but
        the access of general public is denied.
      • ‌It should be designed so that operating facilities can be monitored and controled in the
        control room.
      • ‌Emergency communication networks of related organizations should be established to be
        ready for natural disasters and emergencies.
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