Interim Results FY21 The smart, sustainable and trusted way to buy, rent and sell - musicMagpie
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Important Notice NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OR REGULATIONS OF THAT JURISDICTION. This presentation has been prepared by musicMagpie plc (“musicMagpie”). By attending this presentation and/or reviewing the slides you agree to be bound by the following conditions. The release, presentation, publication or distribution of this document, in whole or in part, in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law or regulation and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. This presentation has been prepared solely for the stated purpose and the information contained in it, is strictly confidential. The content of this presentation has not been approved by an authorised person and no reliance should be placed on the presentation by any person engaging in any investment activity. It does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an offer or invitation to sell or other promotion of any securities. No statement in this presentation is intended to be a profit forecast. Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations (including under the Market Abuse Regulation, the AIM Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and the Prospectus Rules), musicMagpie does not undertake any obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The presentation may contain other statements containing "forward-looking statements" with respect to certain of the company's plans and its current goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition, performance, strategic initiatives, objectives and results. forward-looking statements sometimes use words such as "aim", "anticipate", "target", "expect", "estimate", "intend", "plan", "goal", "believe", "seek", "may", "could", "outlook" or other words of similar meaning. By their nature, all forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond the control of the company. As a result, the actual future financial condition, performance and results of the company may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in any forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date they are made. For the purpose of this notice, “presentation” means this document, any oral presentation, any question and answer session and any other written or oral material discussed or distributed during the presentation meeting. 2
Introduction Presentation team STEVE OLIVER IAN STOREY Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder Chief Operating Officer Our plc non-executive board members SMART for you | SMART for the planet MARTIN HELLAWELL DAVE WILSON ALISON LITTLEY Non-Executive Chairman Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Audit committee Chair Remuneration Committee Chair Chairman and formerly CEO of Softcat Plc Formerly CFO and COO NED and Remco Chair of Xaar plc and of GB Group Plc Norcros plc 3
Who are we? A leader of recommerce in the UK and US in the circular economy of consumer technology, books and disc media TP ranking TP ranking Value Add, Value Led e-Commerce Sustainability at our core Strong ESG Credentials Proprietary Technology Corporate Technology Recycling solution TP ranking Powered by “ALIVETP ranking WARP”, providing high Support of charitable initiatives barriers to entry Innovator and Disruptor Trust Disrupting the market through new mobile TP ranking TP ranking phone rental subscription service and 4.7* UK Trustpilot rating with 190k+ reviews SMARTDrop Kiosk Customer Ownership Scale World’s #1 transactional TP ranking Over 80% of UK consumer technology now TP reseller ranking on ebay & Amazon sold direct to consumer via musicMagpie store (based on feedback) 7.5 million £280 million+ 2 million+ 4 million+ CUSTOMER REGISTRATIONS PAID OUT TO UNIQUE VISITOR SESSIONS MOBILE APP WORLDWIDE CUSTOMERS PER MONTH DOWNLOADS 4 Source: Unaudited management accounts
H1 2021 Highlights A period of strong financial, operational and strategic progress; underpinned by significant margin improvement Financial Headlines Operational Headlines Revenue + 2.3% £72.8m Strong start from smartphone Rental service Gross Profit +24.1% £23.7m Adjusted EBITDA + 13.5% £6.2m Successful trial of SMARTDrop Kiosk Net Cash £6.4m Rental units contracted 7,500+ New Apple product now available on mM Store in UK SMART for you | SMART for the planet US Trade-In Partnerships signed Media and Books categories remain robust Mount Recyclemore at G7 to highlight e-waste 6
H1 2021 Financial Highlights A period of strong financial, operational and strategic progress; underpinned by significant margin improvement Revenue Gross Profit Gross Margin £72.8m + 2.3% + 3.7% CCY £23.7m + 24.1% 32.6% + 5.7% (H1 2020: £71.1m) (H1 2020: £19.1m) (H1 2020: 26.9%) SMART for you | SMART for the planet Adjusted EBITDA 1 Adjusted EPS 3 Net Cash 4 £6.2m + 13.5% 3.43p + 13.6% £6.4m + 14.8% CCY (H1 2020: £5.5m) (H1 2020: 3.02p) (H1 2020: Net Debt £(9.6)m) 1 Adjusted EBITDA is a non GAAP measure calculated as earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, equity-settled share-based payments and other non-underlying items 2 “CCY” indicates figures reported on a constant currency basis meaning that US Dollar results in the comparative period have been translated at the same exchange rate applied to current year US Dollar results 3 Adjusted EPS is calculated on Adjusted PBT and is given to exclude the effects of equity-settled share-based payments and other non-underlying items, all net of taxation, and is 8 therefore considered to show the underlying performance of the Group 4 Net Cash/(Debt) excludes lease liabilities
Group Income Statement Consolidated Profit and Loss 2021 2020 Change Revenue up 2.3% (3.7% on a constant currency basis) 6 months to 31 May £m £m £m with growth across all product categories Revenue 72.8 71.1 2.3% UK revenue accounted for 80% of Group revenue up - UK 58.1 54.5 6.6% 6.6% to £58.1m. Substitution of a net £2.0m of sales - US 14.7 16.6 -11.6% with success of rental model for current and future rental income streams (10.2% UK growth after LFL Gross Profit 23.7 19.1 24.1% adjustment for this). US down due to fewer purchases and sales from B2B sources Gross Margin 32.6% 26.9% 570 bps Gross margin up 570 bps to 32.6%, delivering absolute Operating Expenses (17.5) (13.6) 28.4% gross profit growth of 24.1% to £23.7m with continued pricing and product optimisation Adjusted EBITDA 6.2 5.5 13.5% SMART for you | SMART for the planet Operating expenses up to £17.5m with growth Depreciation and amortisation (1.5) (1.3) investment across IT Development, Data and Marketing Financial expense (0.8) (1.0) Adjusted EBITDA of £6.2m, up 13.5% (14.8% on a Adjusted PBT 4.0 3.3 22.8% constant currency basis) Share-based payments (17.4) (0.2) IPO Costs (3.9) - £21.5m of adjusting P&L items, relating to share-based Other non-underlying items (0.2) (0.5) payments costs on options which vested on IPO along Non-underlying finance expense (0.2) - with transaction costs Reported PBT (17.7) 2.6 Adjusted EPS (pence) 3.48 3.02 15.2% Adjusted EPS of 3.48p, up 15.2% YOY Reported EPS (pence) (17.27) 2.57 9
Segmental Analysis – Consumer Technology Revenue Establishment of rentals combined with strong margin growth Group (55% of sales mix) H1 21 £39.7m • Group revenue of £39.7m representing 55% of total revenue H1 21 H1 20 £39.4m + 0.8% • Top line growth impacted by shift to rental model – UK adding£2.0m net sales back gives LFL growth of 5.9% H1 21 £33.1m • UK revenue up 7.3% (13.8% with rental add back) to £33.1m H1 20 £30.8m + 7.3% H1 20 US • US revenue contribution down 22.5% from £8.5m to £6.6m, but H1 21 SMART for you | SMART for the planet £6.6m £3.1m drop in sales from B2B purchases so underlying sales from H1 20 consumer purchases up 25.6% £8.5m - 22.5% Gross Margin % H1 21 26.0% • Strong Margin Growth up 450 bps to 26.0% H1 20 21.5% + 450bps 10
Segmental Analysis – Disc Media and Books Disc Media (38% of sales mix) Books (7% of sales mix) 40.5% 40.8% 33.1% 36.5% £5.1m £27.1m £28.0m £4.6m + 3.2% + 740bps + 10.4% + 430bps H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 H1 2021 SMART for you | SMART for the planet Revenue Gross Margin Revenue Gross Margin Categories remain robust – cash cow with strong margins • Pandemic helped drive LFL sales growth in categories • Margin growth driven by better product selection, selling fewer new products, optimising pricing and increasing proportion of sales through mM Store • The second half is expected to see sales in the categories begin to return to more normalised pre- 11 pandemic levels, further increasing the % of consumer technology sales in the product mix
Balance Sheet – Strengthened by IPO Balance Sheet 2021 2020 Change As at 31 May £m £m £m Tangible Assets 4.7 4.3 0.4 Tangible Assets includes £1.3m NBV of Rental Assets Intangible Assets 8.5 8.1 0.4 Deferred Tax Assets 1.7 - 1.7 Inventories 6.3 6.1 0.2 Stock levels remain consistent in line with revenue Receivables 3.5 3.0 0.5 Receivables increase due to timing of platform receipts Net Cash/(Debt) 6.4 (9.4) 15.7 Cash of £6.4m after repayment of all external borrowings on IPO, with £15.0m primary raise SMART for you | SMART for the planet Current liabilites (11.1) (11.6) 0.5 Lease Liability (2.2) (3.0) 0.8 Shares classfied as debt - (1.2) 1.2 Repayment of shareholder preference shares on IPO Net Assets 17.8 (3.7) 21.5 Capital and Reserves 17.8 (3.7) 21.5 12
Cash Flow Consolidated Cash Flow 2021 2020 Change Adjusted operating cash flow pre-exceptional of 6 months to 31 May £m £m £m £6.0m giving cash conversion of 97.2% Adjusted EBITDA 6.2 5.5 0.7 £1.0m increase in receivables, due to timing, Working Capital (0.2) 0.5 (0.7) largely offset by inventory reduction Adjusted Operating Cash Flow 6.1 6.0 0.1 Exceptional Costs paid (4.1) (0.5) (3.6) Exceptional costs largely relating to IPO (£3.9m) Operating Cash Flow 2.0 5.5 (3.5) Taxation - - - Finance expense (2.0) (0.5) (1.5) Includes £1.0m of shareholder loan note interest Capex/Development (2.5) (0.8) (1.7) Capex includes £1.5m of Rental Assets Lease liability payments (0.4) (0.4) (0.1) Net share issue proceeds 14.5 - 14.5 SMART for you | SMART for the planet Repayment of borrowings (10.2) - (10.2) Foreign Exchange (0.2) - (0.2) Total Increase in Cash 1.2 3.8 (2.6) Repayment of total borrowings sees business Net Cash/(Debt) debt free with £6.4m cash balance at 31 May Opening Net (Debt) at 1 December 2020 (6.1) Repayment of borrowings (including shareholder interest) 11.2 Total additional borrowing capacity of £20m, Increase in Cash 1.2 comprising £10m available immediately and Closing Net Cash Balance at 31 May 2021 6.4 £10m accordion facility 13
Strategic Update Interim Results FY21
Rent a Phone Consumers • Financial flexibility Key Stats (as at 31 May) • Cost effective access to • Launched 21st October 2020 more desirable smartphones • Available on c. 70% of Apple/Samsung models • Annual opportunity to upgrade • 7,500+ subscriptions, building at 50+ rentals per day • Recurring revenue stream • £0.3m of revenues in H1 21 - forward contracted rental stream of £1.2m* • Greater revenue and margin £1,400,000 per unit vs outright sale • Zero acquisition cost at the £1,200,000 Forward contracted rental stream = £1.2m* end of the rental contract, musicMagpie £1,000,000 for guaranteed future sale inventory £800,000 SMART for you | SMART for the planet • More regular interaction £600,000 and deeper relationship £400,000 with the customer • Automatically involved the £200,000 next time a customer £0 decides to change their Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 handset *net of VAT 15
Kiosks Kiosks • Addresses consumer apathy (£16bn and 11 devices per UK household left in drawers) by making it even quicker and easier to sell to musicMagpie • Trial scheme went live in 20 retail stores in the North West with an aggregate footfall in excess of 400,000 customers per week in December 2020 • Over 1,250 devices traded through the Kiosks with a value of over £300,000 up to the end of May 21 • Average paid value per unit of £236, 41% higher than Magpie’s average SMART for you | SMART for the planet mobile transaction (£167)* • Nearly 40% of customers using SMARTdrop stated they wouldn’t have sold their old device otherwise • Expansion roll-out now being planned across Asda estate with a view to reaching 90% of population within a 15 minute drive – marketing will be ramped up in line with this increased coverage. 16 * Based on average purchase price of Apple and Samsung devices sold in Q2
Apple Apple New Product • New Apple Products now available for sale on musicMagpie Store in the UK • Phones delivered direct from Apple with 90 days of AppleCare SMART for you | SMART for the planet and Apple’s 12 month warranty included 17
Corporate Recycling Programme • February saw the launch of a corporate recycling programme for businesses looking to enhance their sustainability credentials raising cash in the process. • The service allows businesses to recycle their unwanted company smartphones, tablets and Apple computers in a safe, secure and sustainable way 1,000 devices traded initially 25,000 iPhone users on a three year cycle SMART for you | SMART for the planet Trade Up to Refurbished or New Corporate Rentals Other Professional Firms/International Employee Offers 18
USA - Gross Margin US strategic expansion through partnerships 26.3% 21 • Margin expansion delivered, growing 390 bps from 22.4% to 26.3% 22.4% • Turnover reduction from $21.5m to $20.2m attributable to reduced + 390bps business/wholesale (B2B) consumer technology purchases in H1 2021, ($4.9m to $0.8m) compared with prior year • Total consumer purchased sales (C2C) up 10.0% from $17.8m to $19.6m H1 20 H1 21 • Opportunities actively sought to deliver more B2B purchased sales in H2. Revenue Will lower margin % but incremental ‘hero offer’ product to drive customer sign up and engagement SMART for you | SMART for the planet $21.5m $20.2m • Evolution of trading opportunities with partnership arrangements B2B offering sizable new customer reach $19.6m $17.8m C2C + 10.0% C2C C2C 7m active users 2m registered customers H1 20 H1 21 Sales from consumer US C2B purchases (C2C) US B2B and business/wholesale purchases (B2B) 19
SMART for you | SMART for the planet Sustainability and ESG 20
Looking Ahead Outlook • Trading continues in line with management expectations in H2 • Rental momentum continues, with on average over 5o new contracts per day • Rental success expected to moderate short term top line growth before giving way to acceleration of EBITDA growth • First Apple new product launch cycle (Q4) with new product available through mM Store • Increased SMARTDrop Kiosk roll-out – anticipated capex of c£2.0m over the next 12 months funded from SMART for you | SMART for the planet existing cash and borrowing facilities • Expansion of trade-in partnerships and corporate recycling. • Gross margin expected to remain ahead of expectations mitigating any potential shortfall from B2B driven sales in US • Directors remain confident that full year Adjusted EBITDA will be in line with expectations 21
Summary Clear strategic avenues for future growth Leading the agenda on the circular economy Further development of key partnerships SMART for you | SMART for the planet Strong management team focused on delivering on strategic opportunities Rental service provides sizable opportunity for future profit growth 22
Q&A Interim Results FY21
Appendices Interim Results FY21
Non-Executives Biographies MARTIN HELLAWELL DAVE WILSON ALISON LITTLEY Non-Executive Chairman NED NED • Chairman and former CEO of Softcat Plc • Formerly CFO and COO at GB Group Plc • NED at Xaar, Norcros and Osborne Group • Led Softcat’s IPO • Worked in the TMT sector for 40 years • Remuneration committee chair of all • Also a director of Raspberry Pi and • Previously at Eazyfone, Codemasters, three Team17 Fujitsu, and Technology plc • Previously at Buying Solutions, an agency • Previously at Computacenter to HM Treasury; Diageo; and Mars 25
Management Team Biographies (1/2) STEVE OLIVER IAN STOREY CEO and Co-Founder Chief Operating Officer • Co-founded musicMagpie in 2007 • Joined musicMagpie in 2013, became CFO in • Has led the business since, overseeing 2015 and was promoted to COO on IPO its significant growth over 13 years • Qualified as a Chartered Accountant at • Previously FD and CEO of Music Zone Deloitte in 2001 and a Managing Director of The • Previously worked at UP Global Sourcing and Fragrance Shop iSOFT Group plc ROB CLARKE JON MILLER Head of Finance Chief Commercial Officer • Responsible for the P&L of the • Joined musicMagpie in 2018, and was Consumer Tech category promoted to Head of Finance on IPO • Joined musicMagpie in late 2016 as MD • ACCA qualified of Electronics • Previously Sales Director and Commercial Director of Brightstar, the UK’s biggest telecoms distributor LIAM HOWLEY SAM VESEY Chief Marketing Officer Chief Sustainability Officer • Joined musicMagpie in 2011 as Senior • Responsible for Sustainability across Online Marketing Manager and climbed the Magpie Group through ranks to become CMO in July • Joined musicMagpie in 2009 and has 2015 performed various senior roles • Responsible for Group Marketing and within the business eCommerce functions of business 26
Management Team Biographies (2/2) DAVID HILTON RACHEL COXON Chief Technology Officer Chief People Officer • Joined musicMagpie in late 2019 as Group • Joined musicMagpie in mid-2019 CTO • Heads up all ‘People’ strategy and • Responsible for entire Technology side of ‘Magpie Values’ the business • Previously Head of HR at Roadchef • Previously spent 12 years at Thomas Cook, • Various senior HR roles across since 2015 being Director of IT UK & North West of England Ireland and Group Digital Transformation JONATHAN BEIRNE Head of Customer • Responsible for entire ‘Customer’ function of business including CS, CX and UX • Joined the business in 2007 and has climbed seniority ranks to current Exec board position 27
Operations UK • Global Head Office in Stockport, Greater Manchester UK - Stockport • c.170,000 sq. feet processing distribution centres spread over two sites in North West (Hazel Grove and Macclesfield) • Employing 650 staff processing 16m items per annum USA • c.60,000 sq. feet processing and distribution USA – Atlanta, GA centres in Atlanta, Georgia • Employing 140 staff processing 4m items per annum 28
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