Wednesday, March 9, 2022
gives final
of year             COUNTY
Vol. 14 No. 15                                                                                   Wednesday, March 9, 2022
   4   Opinion               Shakespeare
  11   Showcase             Festival to
                            present one
                            man show in
                             West Valley
                              City                                       COUNTY
   Smithsonian exhibition, H20 Today, comes to
     Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
from Deena Pyle                            explores the diversity and challenges     water-related programs and events.     water, its unique properties, and
 For Iron Count y Today                    of our global water sources, as well as   Playing in the Frontier Homestead      easy ways to conserve it! See it in
                                           Utah’s unique relationship with water.    Theater, see “Water for Our Future”,   the Special Exhibits Gallery at the
    The Smithsonian’s H2O Today                H2O Today asks the question,          a short video from the Central Iron    Museum.
explores the beauty and essential          “What does water mean to you?”            Country Water Conservancy District         This special event will take place
nature of water, our planet’s lifeblood.       In addition to hosting H2O Today,     focusing on the past and future of     through May 31st, 2022. For more
Through immersive content, interac-        the Frontier Homestead State Park         water in Iron County. “H2O How         information, visit www.utahhuman-
tives, and digital media, the exhibition   Museum is offering a variety of           Miraculous” shows the wonders of

       What is the

                                                             story on page 8                                                                           Courtesy CICWCD
2 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                                                              news                                                        Iron County Today

       “Where will I
       sleep tonight?”
                      local organizations offer opportunity to Help support teens in need

                                                                                                                                                                                                   getty images

from Nancy Pearson                                        support and care for these teens.                                     Youth Futures was founded             young person on an individual basis,
 For Iron Count y Today                                   CAIFA is holding a Drive By Drop Off                              in 2012 to provide safe shelter,          with resources and loving support,
                                                          Donation Event to benefit “Youth                                  resources, guidance and diverse           encouraging them on their path for
    No one would argue that it’s                          Futures.”                                                         support to homeless, unaccompanied,       the future.
cold outside in Cedar City and Iron                          This Drive By Drop Off will be                                 runaway or at-risk youth in northern         Currently Youth Futures operates
County! Winter is here and we are                         held March 17 from 3-7 p.m. at Christ                             and southern Utah. The mission            an overnight shelter for teens in
huddling inside as the temperatures                                                                                                                                   Ogden and St George, Utah. Plans are
    Did you know that there are more
                                                                 “There are more than 200 teenagers                                                                   underway for a shelter here in Cedar
                                                                                                                                                                      City as well.
than 200 teenagers under 18 years
old who ask the question “Where will
                                                                  under 18 years old who… have no                                                                        Please plan to participate in CAIFA
                                                                                                                                                                      Women’s Auxiliary Spring Event on
I sleep tonight?” These young people                               permanent place to call home”                                                                      March 17 at Christ the King Catholic
have no permanent place to call                                                                                                                                       Church! And thank you in advance for
home, and so they find “shelter” on                       the King Catholic Church in the                                   of this program is met through an         your generous donations!
the sofas of friends and relatives, in                    northwest corner of their parking                                 overnight shelter facility, drop-in          For more information please
cars or vans, on street benches or in                     lot at 690 Cove Drive, Cedar City.                                services, and street outreach to youth    contact Deb Cowan at 435-590-2224
the canyons in tents. We may not see                      Many items are needed including:                                  ages 12-17, regardless of their circum-   or
them, and so we forget. (FYI – shelter                    bed linens, towels, toiletries, office &                          stances. Programs connect with each
at the Care and Share is not available                    school supplies, snack foods, pajamas,
for people under 18 years of age).                        sweatpants, socks, gift cards and
    But CAIFA (Cedar Area Interfaith                      more. Please visit: YouthFuturesUtah.
Alliance) Women’s Auxiliary has not                       org for a complete list of needed
forgotten. The Women’s Spring event                       items. You can also email: info@yfut.
will give YOU the opportunity to help                     org or call (383-405-9460).

  Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s Department and Cedar City Police Department.
  Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty.

         FEB. 28             Summer Brasher                    MARCH 4                   Jonathan Nez
                             Cedar City, UT                                              Cedar City, UT
  Jerry Azule                Drug Court Violation         Isaac J Cross
                                                          Cedar City, UT                 Intoxication, Public
  Cedar City, UT
  Intoxication, Disorderly   Christopher S                DUI                            Urination, Fraudulent
  Conduct                    Doubek                                                      Unemployment Comp
                             Parowan, UT
                                                          Daniel J Engstrom
  Darin T Dejuncker                                       Cedar City, UT                 Christy K Beam
                             Sexual Battery, Voyeurism    DRUG – Poss C/S,
  Enoch, UT                                               Paraphernalia                  Child Endangerment,
  Prob/Parole Violation      Michael T                                                   Burglary, Retail Theft
  Matthew S Lasley           Cedar City, UT                    MARCH 5                   Timothy E Henry
  Cedar City, UT             DV – In Presence of Child,
  DRUG – Poss C/S,           Drive w/o Ins
                                                          Briony L Bull                  Enoch, UT
                                                          Cedar City, UT                 Retail Theft, Burglary, Child
  Paraphernalia                                           DRUG – Poss C/S, Susp/Rev DL   Endangerment
                                  MARCH 2
       MARCH 1                                                 MARCH 6                   Christopher R Wilson
                             Nathaniel, D
  Jeremy Black               Yamashita                                                   Enoch, UT
                                                          Edward J Kociela
  Cedar City, UT             Enoch, UT                    Cedar City, UT                 Speeding, Poss Dangerous
  Sexual Abuse of a Child    Retail Theft                 DUI                            Weapon by Restr.
Iron County Today                                                                 news                                                          Wednesday, March 9, 2022       3

       Why I am running for office in District 71
by Dallas J. Guymon                                                                                                                         political parties than the people they
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                                                                     are supposed to serve. Our current

                                                                                                                                            state representatives have proven the
             y name is Dallas J. Guymon                                                                                                     adage that one can love their state,
             and I am running to be                                                                                                         but not their government. I love Utah.
             your Utah State House                                                                                                          And by our growing census, more
Representative in District 71. I hope                                                                                                       and more people are falling in love
that in this short introduction I may                                                                                                       with our great state and even greater
answer why I am running for office,                                                                                                         county.
and hopefully leave with you a good                                                                                                             We need politicians now more
first impression.                                                                                                                           than ever who will remember the
    I am running because Iron County                                                                                                        people when they write their bills
has given me so much. Iron County                                                                                                           and place their votes. I will be that
has offered me an education, a career,                                                                                                      representative who remembers the
and most importantly a beautiful                                                                                                            people. I want to represent all Utahns
loving wife. When a community has                                                                                                           no matter their religion, ethnicity,
done so much for me, the least I can                                                                                                        gender, sexual-orientation, or any
do is serve it in return. And I plan to                                                                                                     other identity because the most
do just that.                                                                                                                               important identity they have to me is
    I am running because I want to                                                                                                          citizen. And as your representative, I
help solve the challenges facing us                                                                                                         will ensure that everyone’s rights are
today. I believe President Theodore                                                                                                         protected.
Roosevelt put it best when he said                                                                                                              Thank you for taking the time to
that “It is not the critic that counts…                                                                                                     read my introduction. I hope to get
(but) the man who is actually in the                                                                                                        to know each of you over these next
arena...” I am running because I want                                                                                                       months and years. I want to become
                                                                                                          photo courtesy Dallas J. Guymon
to be that man in the arena. I want to                                                                                                      the best representative of your needs,
                                           Dallas J. Guymon is running for office along with the support of his loving wife, Haley.
fight on our community’s behalf.                                                                                                            so please email me at electdallas@
    It goes without saying that we are    issues can be solved. Not by myself           not Salt Lake to Southern Utah.            if you have any questions,
in a trying time. We have been tried      alone, but by every person. I want to             I am running because I believe                  concerns, or if you just want to get to
by an unstable economy, government        work for our local leaders and ensure         that people should come before poli-                know me better. I am always trying to
overreach, lack of adequate health        that they have the resources they             tics. It is amazing, but not surprising,            learn and improve.
care, and disconcerting water             need to succeed because local issues          to see that George Washington was                       Now I wouldn’t be a good poli-
shortages. These issues threaten          require local solutions. I want to            right when he warned that politicians               tician if I didn’t ask, Can I count on
every Utahn, but I believe that these     bring Southern Utah to Salt Lake and          would become more loyal to their                    your vote this November?
4 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                                                    news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                             Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the
 Support your                                                                                                                                                                                               week
                                                                                                                                                                                                            "Can anything

local librarians                                                                                                                                                                                            be stupider
                                                                                                                                                                                                            than that a
                                                                                                                                                                                                            man has the

W           hen one pictures the iconic
            librarian in movies and
            commercials, they’re often
portrayed as grumpily stamping
returned items and irritably patrolling
                                                                                                                                                                                                            right to kill me
                                                                                                                                                                                                            because he lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                            on the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                            side of a river
the aisles of dusty books looking for                                                                                                                                                                       and his ruler
loud people to shush.                                                                                                                                                                                       has a quarrel
    Not so at our wonderful libraries                                                                                                                                                                       with mine,
throughout Iron County! Yes, I’m                                                                                                                                                                            though I have
including our school librarians and                                                                                                                                                                         not quarreled
owners of our reputable bookstores
as well. With smartphones at our                                                                                                                                                                            with him?"
fingertips that can access nearly                                                                                                                                                                           Blaise Pascal
all the books in any library across
the world, don’t underestimate the
                   value of a library or

                                                                    Check these statistics out, mate!
                     the assistance of a
                            Because there’s
                            much more to                         Bryan Gray is a syndicated                               growing chasm between the “haves”                        property. (Dividends and capital
                            libraries than                       contributor to and not an employee                       and “have nots”. Adjusted for infla-                     gains are taxed at a lower rate than
                            books.                               of this newspaper. His opinions are                      tion, median incomes in Utah have                        paychecks and interest.) Yes, the
                               Helpful                           solely his own and not those of Iron                     been flat since 2002. Some 20% of                        easiest way to become wealthy is to
        Corey            librarians can                          County Today.                                            Utahns are spending at least half or                     have wealthy parents or grandpar-
   Baumgartner not only help you

                                                                                                                          more of their income on housing.                         ents. A $10,000 investment in the
     Managing Editor   find a good book,                                 rom listening to people, the                     An international report on income                        S&P 500 stock index in 1961 is worth
                       movie, or website,                                most common dissatisfaction                      claims that 95% of the economic                          more than $3 million today. Yet a
but libraries are also great places                                      with life is the inability “to                   growth since 2019 was grabbed by                         majority of Americans still have
to hold important meetings, classes                              get ahead financially.” Incomes                          the wealthiest 1% of Americans                           minimal or no participation in a
and safe places to study with reliable                           rise, but cost-of-living also                                                                                             company 401k or individual
access to computers and printers.                                jumps. Savings rates are                                                                                                  Roth IRA accounts.
    Sure, you may get shushed once in                            meager, and more families                                                                                                     Even illegal ways of

a while, but having access to the vast                           feel like they are pushed                                                                                                 avoiding taxes favor the
knowledge contained within those                                 out of the so-called middle                                                                                               wealthy. A tax expert
hallowed walls is worth your time and                            class.                                                                                                                    for the Americans for
effort! Next time you’re at the library,                             Some of this has to do                                                                                                Tax Fairness noted that
say hello to a librarian. Tell ‘em Corey                         with our lifestyle. Compared           Bryan Gray                                                                         decreased budgets for the
sent you.                                                        to our parents’ generation,                                                              Internal Revenue Service
                                                                 most of us dine out more,                                                                                                 have led to severely
                                                                 travel more frequently, have                                                                                              reduced audits on the
Word of the week                                                 a different idea of a “starter home”,        while 70% actually lost ground.
                                                                 drive automobiles with all-inclusive (Even worse international news: 85
                                                                                                                                                                                   wealthiest 1% whom, he said, fail
                                                                                                                                                                                   to report an average of 20% of
                                                                 features, and devote a larger                individuals in the world have more                                   their income. If they are caught,
Eleemosynary:                                                    portion of our income on phone,              combined wealth than the poorest                                     of course, they are penalized
Benevolent, philanthropic; relating to                           internet, television, and other              3.5 billion.)                                                        with an additional 75% fee. But
alms, derived from and dependent on                              technological devices and services.              A Utah financial advisor                                         there’s a silver lining for rich tax
charity, or charitable donations. Yeah,                          Our expectations have soared, and            editorialized last week that the                                     cheats. The penalty is capped at
you’re right, charity is a much easier                           with that comes a cost. We are a             wealth-gap partially results from                                    $100,000. As he wrote, “If you’re
word to say, but a more difficult concept                        society that pays for conveniences           our tax system in which workers                                      trying to avoid $50,000 in tax, the
to genuinely generate for any generation.                        (bottled water?).                            are taxed at a different rate than
Why is that?                                                         But it is true that there is a           those who invest in stocks and                                                             see statistics » 8

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                         Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                          Stormee Anderson
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                     N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12
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     Cedar City, Utah 84721                 Elise Obermire                                                                                                    Circulation
        Ph: 435-867-1865                    Office Manager                        Patti Bostick                         Tom Zulewski                                                                Wendy Hanson
       Fax: 435-867-1866                    officemanager@                        Sales Representative                  Sports reporter                       Stephanie Millett                     Parowan/Paragonah
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  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Iron County Today                                                                  news                           Wednesday, March 9, 2022   5

to the Editor                                   Time to declare war
Response to "Don't
Steal Our Water"
                                               on the cartels – Part 4
    I'm writing in response to the             by Edy Meredith          
letter printed in the March 2 Iron              For Iron Count y Today                Why are the Mex-China

County Today from Gib Yardley,                                                    drug cartels being given
concerning Iron County stealing                        oreign Terrorist           unfettered access to pass
water from Beaver County.                              Organizations (FTOs)       through our open borders
    I agree with everything Mr.                        are designated by the      with dangerous fentanyl? I
Yardley says until the last para-              U.S. Secretary of State under      recommend the following
graph where he recommends the                  section 219 of the Immigration     excellent book by Peter
solution being to buy Parowan                  and Nationality Act (INA)          Schweizer: “Red Handed: How
farms and ship Parowan water to                and play a critical role in        American Elites Get Rich
Enoch and Cedar City. Parowan                  the fight against terrorism        Helping China Win”. It identi-
Valley has been dealing with                   and violence coming into           fies more than 20 Republicans
concerns for maintaining our own               the U.S. through open U.S.         who have sold out to China
water aquifers and have been                   borders. FTO designations          along with Democrats who
meeting with representatives of                also prevent US citizens from      are also lobbying on China’s
the Utah Division of Water Rights              supporting or helping FTOs.        behalf. I am happy to note
exploring ways to conserve and                 Many U.S. citizens are angry       that Utah’s two U.S. Senators
recharge our aquifers.                         at the federal government          are not mentioned in the
    We have farmers and ranchers               and Biden administration for       book as collaborators with the
concerned as to how they can                   failing to protect our nation’s    Chinese government-CCP or
maintain their productivity and                borders. People see that open      drug cartels.
livelihoods with the benefit of                borders are not a challenge or         In Chapter 4 about Silicon
water. We have Parowan home-                   even a crisis but an invasion      Valley, you might be surprised
owners concerned as to how they                of our country. Governors          to find out not just how cozy
can maintain their homes and                   of border states (all U.S.         Silicon Valley leaders are
neighborhoods with the blessing                states are now border states       with China, but many of them
of water. I can guarantee the plan             because of Biden policy) are       openly buddy up to China,
doesn't include draining those                 demanding that the Biden              including Tim Cook of
aquifers and sending the water                 administration declare                   Apple, Mark Zuckerberg
down the road to Enoch and Cedar
City. Sorry guys.
                                               the Mex-China drug
                                               cartels as FTOs.            op/           of Facebook, and Bill
                                                                                          Gates, one of the
    We live in a desert, the water
supply is definitely limited. Where
is the wisdom in building homes
                                                   When I participated
                                               in a group phone call
                                               with Utah Senator Lee 2
                                                                           Ed             world’s richest men
                                                                                         who helped build a
                                                                                        massive technology
and businesses and populating                  weeks ago, not one person            industry. Gates has helped
our land with more people than                 asked Senator Lee about            China’s military-industrial
that land has natural resources to             the fentanyl crisis which is       complex develop. If you can’t
support? Some call that progress,              now the leading cause of           afford to buy the book (it’s
and you can't stop progress. Money             deaths of U.S. citizens 18-45      an excellent investment), you
drives progress but that doesn't               years old. They asked about        can request it to read through
guarantee a good outcome. Look                 inflation. Later that same         Interlibrary Loan at the Cedar
at Los Angeles and Owens Valley.               week at the Lincoln Breakfast      City library for $3.00.
Neither have had a good outcome.               I asked Senator Lee about              Enough collaboration
Owens Valley has been turned to an             the fentanyl crisis, but he        with our avowed enemies; let
alkali sink and many Los Angelenos             didn’t know or didn’t want         freedom ring throughout the
are sleeping and defecating in the             to talk to me about it there. I    land as we fight against soft
streets. Not a good outcome.                   am declaring that it doesn’t       and hard tyranny. What will
    Our mayors, city councils and              matter if inflation is at a        awaken Americans to the war
county commissioners should be                 40-year high when fentanyl         with Communist China? The
establishing building moratoriums              is killing hundreds of thou-       U.S. needs to ban lobbying
and taking time to solve the                   sands of Americans through         on behalf of Communist
infrastructure problems they                   inadvertent consumption            Chinese military and intelli-
already have.                                  (Fentanyl can be consumed          gence-linked companies, keep
                                               through the air, food, and in      such companies off American
Boyd Moss                                      touching surfaces coated with      stock exchanges, and pass a
                                               it unknown to the victim). For     new law to prevent American
                                               information about fentanyl,        universities and businesses
  Submit your letter to the Editor on our      please go to the following link:   from aiding Chinese military
    website, or by          and intelligence projects.
  emailing it to news@ironcountytoday.         fentanyl.                          Another excellent book is by
   com or bring/mail them to 389 N 100
   W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters          Members of the public          Elbridge Colby: “The Strategy
    must be signed, be brief (generally        can anonymously report tips        of Denial” that recommends
    under 300 words in length), list the       about criminal activity and        U.S. domestic, governmental,
     author’s city and give the writer’s       fentanyl on You can       and military focus on China’s
  telephone number (phone number will
   not be printed). We reserve the right
                                               also submit anonymous tips         threat to the citizens and
  to edit all letters for length or content.   to save your own life or the       governments (local, state, and
   For letters arriving electronically, we     lives of others to the U.S.        federal) of the United States.
  will use the author’s e-mail address in      Marshalls Service (USMS) by        Being forewarned should help
             lieu of a signature.              emailing the tip line at usms.     us to be forearmed!
6 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                      news                                                                Iron County Today

                Iron County                                                                   Coal Creek flows to the Cedar Valley. Its water is used for
                                                                                             agriculture irrigation, and recharges the valley’s underground

       Water Stewards
                                                                                             aquifer. The State has implemented a Groundwater Management
                                                                                           Plan in an effort to restore the aquifer’s health, and the underground
                                                                                           basin will be managed similarly to the surface water rights of a creek.

 from Ashley Langston                     GMP for the Cedar City Valley. This
  for iron county today
                                          plan will slowly curtail water rights
                                          based on water right priority date,
 Q & A with Spencer Jones                 or seniority. The most senior water
                                          rights will be given priority, and
 Get to Know Your H2O: Central Iron       water rights junior to July 1934 will
 County Water Conservancy District        be slowly reduced. Municipalities in
 appreciates questions submitted by       the valley (Cedar City, Enoch City
 community members about the Pine         and the District) stand to have their
 Valley Water Supply Project and          current groundwater rights reduced
 other local water needs. As part of      by 75 percent by the year 2070.
 its role as steward of water in Cedar        A GMP regulates water rights
 Valley, the District is working with a   similar to how surface water is
 group of experts, community members      regulated in a stream or river. Some
 and elected officials to help prepare    years, water is sufficient in a stream
 viable solutions for the future and to   which results in all water right
 respond to community questions and       holders receiving water. However,
 concerns about emergent water issues.    on drier years, when stream flows
                                          are low, only senior water right
     This week’s question from the        holders (those who were first to
 community is answered by Spencer         obtain water rights) will receive that
 Jones, Board Member of the Central       water, as they have priority.
 Iron County Water Conservancy                Through the plan’s priority reg-
                                                                                                                                                             Courtesy CICWCD
 District and the Groundwater             ulation schedule, the use of junior
 Management Plan Committee.               water rights will not be allowed
                                          unless the aquifer is balanced and        “The Cedar City Valley aquifer is currently
 Question: What is                        the aquifer can safely sustain itself
                                                                                    being over-drafted by approximately 7,000
 the Groundwater                          at a higher usage than safe-yield of
 Management Plan? How
                                          21,000 acre-feet. This could be done
                                          through voluntary arrangements
                                                                                     acre-feet per year, or in other words more
 will it affect Cedar Valley?             among the community to manage
                                          withdrawals from the aquifer by
                                                                                    groundwater is being used from the aquifer
                                                                                        than what we receive in our valley.”
 A:  According to the Utah Division
     of Water Rights, the Cedar City
 Valley aquifer is currently being
                                          efforts different than priority date
                                          or through adaptive management
                                               which could postpone water           professionals to understand the              information on the Pine Valley
 over-drafted by approxi-                         right curtailments if             valley’s underground aquifer and to          Water Supply Project specifically
 mately 7,000 acre-feet per                         groundwater levels stabilize    determine responsible solutions for          and the Cedar Valley’s water
 year, or in other words                              through other means.          the community as it strives to meet          situation in general, please visit
 more groundwater is                                       The GMP will have a      local water challenges. For reliable
 being used from the                                   large impact on the Cedar
 aquifer than what we                                 Valley, but it is important
 receive in our valley. A                            that the aquifer be sta-
 declining aquifer can cause                       bilized and balanced. The
 soil compaction, fissures, loss                District, along with other local
 of storage, increased pumping            entities, is working hard to mitigate
 costs, etc.                              that impact by helping balance
     This is a problem, and the           the aquifer through conservation,
 State has one tool to help fix that      recharge, reuse, and importation
 problem, which is through priority       projects. Some recent projects
 regulation of water rights through       include LESA irrigation conversion
 a Groundwater Management Plan            for agriculture fields, the Quichapa
 (GMP). The GMP is an effort to bring     Recharge Project, and the Pine
 the valley’s aquifer back into balance   Valley Water Supply Project.
 by only allowing water rights to be
 used that are within a sustainable
 amount. That sustainable amount          Several special interest groups
 has been determined to be approxi-       have recently moved their focus
 mately 21,000 acre-feet per year.        to the Cedar Valley, and have
     In 2016, the State held its first    been spreading misinformation.
 public meeting regarding the             The Central Iron County Water
 development of a GMP for the Cedar       Conservancy District was created
 City Valley. A group of water users in   by a vote of Cedar Valley residents
 the valley then formed a committee       more than two decades ago. It
 to assist in the development of the      has consistently been dedicated
 plan. Many meetings were held to         to developing and stabilizing the
 find the best way to implement this      valley’s water supply through
 GMP.                                     conservation, recharge, reuse, and
     In January 2021, after several       importing of water for the benefit
 years of planning and discussion         of all current and future water
 with the public, the Utah Division       users in the region. All the District’s
 of Water Rights implemented the          efforts utilize scientists, experts and
                                                                                                                                                             Courtesy CICWCD
Iron County Today   news   Wednesday, March 9, 2022   7
8 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                              news                                                                    Iron County Today

utah Legislative update: Week 7
  Dear Friends and Neighbors,                   Honoring the Life and Achievements of         support of Ukraine. I joined my col-           slavery. Freedom for those slaves finally
                                                Helen Foster Snow. Helen was born in          leagues in the Senate and House and the        came with General Order Number Three,
  The 2022 Legislative Session has now
                                                Cedar City in 1907. Years later, she moved    Governor and Lt. Governor and Utahns           announced June 19, 1865, by Union Army
  adjourned Sine Die. That means we
                                                to Asia to pursue writing. Under the pen      as we stood in solidarity with Ukraine.        General Gordon Granger. The holiday has
  are done passing bills until next year,
                                                name Nym Wales, Helen, at risk of her         Earlier that day, the entire Legislature       been celebrated on June 19 in various
  or sooner if the governor chooses to
                                                life, reported on major events in Asia        voted unanimously to pass H.C.R. 21            parts of the country since 1865.
  call us into a special session at some
                                                in the 1930s, including the Chinese Civil     Concurrent Resolution Concerning the
  point during the year. The Legislature                                                                                                     H.B. 238 State Holiday Modifications
                                                War, the Korean Independence move-            Conflict in Ukraine, which denounces
  addressed many tough issues this                                                                                                           provides for the observation of June-
                                                ment, and the Second Sino-Japanese            Russia for its unprovoked invasion and
  session with a spirit of cooperation and                                                                                                   teenth National Freedom Day each year
                                                War.                                          urges the federal government to take
  collegiality. It has been a true privilege                                                                                                 as a holiday throughout the state. Like
                                                                                              action to restore peace in Europe.
  to represent you at the Capitol this          Helen’s work as a journalist and                                                             many state holidays, if Juneteenth falls
  legislative session.                          industrial organizer had a worldwide                                                         anywhere from Monday to Friday, it will
  I will send a session wrap-up email next
                                                impact. Her insights on Chinese politics      Utah Rural Jobs Act                            be observed on Monday. If it falls on a
  week, in the meantime, here are the
                                                and factions were delivered to President      Amendments                                     Saturday or Sunday, it will be observed
                                                Franklin D. Roosevelt, and her ideas were                                                    on the following Monday. H.B. 238 passed
  highlights from week 7:                                                                     Based on the recommendations from
                                                endorsed by notables such as First Lady                                                      in the House and Senate and will be sent
                                                                                              a recent legislative audit, H.B. 25 Utah
                                                Eleanor Roosevelt and Prime Minister                                                         to the governor.
                                                                                              Rural Jobs Act Amendments provides tax
  Budget Highlights                             Jawaharlal Nehru of India. Additionally,
                                                                                              credits for interested parties to invest
                                                she was twice nominated for the Nobel
  The Legislature passed the final budget
                                                Peace Prize in 1981 and 1982 for her work
                                                                                              in eligible small businesses in rural          Election Security
  and funded education and social services                                                    Utah. Rural small businesses are an
                                                promoting peace and progress in the                                                          Utah’s elections are the most secure
  at record levels while significantly                                                        important part of our local economies
                                                world. In 2009, the United States-China                                                      and well-run in the nation. Our state
  investing in water and infrastructures.                                                     and communities. This bill will help small
                                                Cultural Exchange Committee placed a                                                         has taken extraordinary measures and
  We also implemented a $193 million tax                                                      businesses thrive. H.B. 25 passed in both
                                                bronze statue of Helen Foster                                                                implemented procedures to ensure our
  cut for Utahns, the second tax cut in two                                                            the Senate and the House and
                                                Snow in the Main Street Park,                                                                election process is fair and safe. We do
  years.                                                                                               was sent to the governor for his
                                                Cedar City. Helen continues                                                                  not shy away from taking opportunities
  Budget highlights include:                                                                             consideration.                      to review elections or other processes to
                                                to be recognized in China
                                                through museum exhibits,                                                                     enhance security and efficiency. Utah is
  » $193 million in tax cuts.
                                                books, news articles, video                                 First Responder                  a national leader in elections, and part
  » $383 million for education, a 9%           documentaries, dramatized                                   Mental Health                    of the process is inspecting the system.
     increase.                                                                                                                               H.B. 313 Election Security Amendments
                                                TV series, and a memorial                                   Services                         includes a number of provisions that
  » $124.6 million for the state’s basic                                                                      First responders often put    further secure the integrity of our
     school formula, bringing the total         Helen Foster Snow was an                                      themselves in harm's way for   elections. This bill:
     increase in the value of the Weighted      exceptional Utahn whose
     Pupil Unit (WPU) to 6%.                    pioneer heritage positively
                                                                                  Sen. Evan Vickers the health and safety of our             » Ensures individuals are not voting in
                                                                                                             community. This can some-
                                                                                   Utah Senate District 28                                      multiple states in the same elections.
                                                impacted the world stage. It                                 times result in significant
  » $9.6 million ongoing and $9.4 million
                                                was my privilege to honor a                                  trauma for first responders.    » Requires voters to show a valid
     one-time spending for early literacy
                                                woman who had such a strong reputa-             H.B. 23 First Responder Mental Health           identification when registering.
     outcomes improvements to increase
                                                tion of empathy, cooperation, integrity         Services Amendments supports these
     3rd-grade reading scores across the                                                                                                     » Provides 24-hour video surveillance for
                                                and industry.                                   heroes by requiring all first responder
     state.                                                                                                                                     ballot drop boxes.
                                                                                                agencies to provide mental health
  » $15 million to fund housing                                                                resources for employees, spouses,
                                                Diabetes Prevention                             children and retirees. The bill also sets
                                                                                                                                             » Ensures ballots are only printed within
                                                Program                                         up a process to administer grants to
                                                                                                                                                the state.
  » $55 million to help address                H.B. 80 Diabetes Prevention Program                                                          » Includes registration audits.
                                                                                                these agencies to help them carry out
     homelessness.                              helps patients on Medicaid enroll in the        the resources. First responders are there    Utah is the gold standard for elections
  » $1 billion for transportation              National Diabetes Prevention Program.           when we need them most, and it is our        because we are proactive and always
    infrastructure.                             This program focuses on healthy eating          responsibility to do what we can to          looking for ways to improve our election
                                                and physical activity, helping prevent          support them. H.B. 23 passed in both the
  » $38 million for improved access to                                                                                                      process. H.B. 313 continues to enhance
                                                type 2 diabetes. Currently, the state is        Senate and the House and will be sent to
     outdoor recreation and state parks.                                                                                                     our state elections process. It passed in
                                                responsible for a significant portion of        the governor for consideration.              both the Senate and House and will go to
  We were able to fund important issues         medical costs for Medicaid patients. This
                                                                                                                                             the governor for his consideration.
  and programs while still strategically        program will alleviate medical expenses
  planning for the future because of sound      and help people in our communities              Juneteenth                                   Thank you again for your wonderful
  fiscal policy.                                change their lifestyles to improve their        Last year, the federal government            support as we conclude the regular
                                                health. H.B. 80 passed in both the Senate       officially recognized Juneteenth as the      session of the Utah Legislature. I
                                                and the House and is now with the               holiday commemorating the end of             appreciate each of you for your insight,
  Honoring the Life and                         governor for consideration.                     slavery. When Abraham Lincoln signed         ideas, and feedback as we have worked
  Achievements of Helen Foster                                                                  the Emancipation Proclamation on             through some important and difficult
  Snow                                          Ukraine                                         January 1, 1863, enforcement of the          issues. Please continue to reach out to
  This week we honored the legacy of                                                            proclamation relied on the advancement       me anytime at, or
                                                Monday night, the Utah State Capitol            of Union troops. As the most remote          you can text or call 435-817-5565.
  Helen Foster Snow, a Cedar City native,
                                                glowed in blue and yellow as an                 state in the confederacy, Texas was the
  by passing S.C.R. 9 Concurrent Resolution                                                                                                  Sincerely, Evan
                                                estimated 2,000 Utahns showed up in             last confederate state with institutional

statistics                                     Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, or Mark
                                               Zuckerberg. But one should heed
« Continued from page 4                        the advice of the Utah financial
                                               expert who notes the advantage
threat of a 75% penalty ($37,500)              of investing in property or a solid
can be daunting. But if you’re trying          stock portfolio. Call it “paying
to avoid $3 million in tax, that               yourself first.” Start small and let
$100,000 penalty is trivial.                   volatility in the market work to
    There will always be a distinct dif-       your advantage.
ference between individual incomes.                The decline in the middle class is
Education, family structure, geogra-           concerning. It is a middle class that
phy, work ethic, willingness to accept         separates us from developing coun-
risk, and even dumb luck will con-             tries. But complaining about “not
sistently be major factors in income           getting ahead” does nothing about
levels, and demonizing entrepreneurs           solving the problem, and don’t rely on
will only stall the economy.                   either political party to solve it either.
    None of you reading this will              Pretend you are playing chess…It’s
equal the income of Bill Gates,                your move.
Iron County Today                                                                news   Wednesday, March 9, 2022   9

                   public & health
Utah teens invited to                      Youth mental health
enter lights, camera,                      first aid training event
save! video contest                            If you are an adult who has
                                           a heart for working with youth
   Zions Bank is accepting submis-
                                           (Coaches, music/dance/theater
sions for the Lights, Camera, Save!
                                           instructors, Scout leaders, church
video contest. Organized by the
                                           volunteers, school teachers and staff,
American Bankers Association
                                           after school program staff...) please
Foundation, the national competition
                                           join us for this youth mental health
encourages teens to use video to
                                           first aid training event.
communicate the value of saving
                                               This event will help teach you how
money and inspire their peers to
                                           to identify, understand and respond to
become lifelong savers.
                                           signs of mental illness and substance
                                           abuse disorders in youth. This 6-hour
                                           training give those of you adults who
                                           work with youth the skills you need to
                                           reach out and provide initial support to
                                           children and adolescents (ages 6-18)
                                           who may be developing a mental health
                                           or substance use problem and help
                                           connect them to the appropriate care.
                                               This course will be offered in a
                                           blended format: 2 hours of online
                                           pre-course work and 4.5 hours in
                                           person. We will offer snacks and
                                           refreshments for the in-person ses-
                                           sion, as well as materials to continue
    To participate in the contest,
                                           to refer to after the course. Note that
students ages 13-18 may create a
                                           this is a secular, basic mental health
video, no longer than 30 seconds, on
                                           training course.
saving and using money wisely and
                                               This life-changing event will be held
submit a link to the video along with
                                           on Saturday, March 19th, from 1-5:30pm
a completed entry form to Zions Bank
                                           at the Community Presbyterian
by March 31.
                                           Church, 2279 N Wedgewood Lane,
    Zions Bank will host the first
                                           Cedar City, UT. Registration is capped
round of judging and select one
                                           at 20 participants. Please contact
winner from Utah and one winner
                                           Pastor Robyn Eddy at pastorrobyn@
from Idaho. The winner from each
                                  or call 435-586-8891 to
state will receive $500 from Zions
                                           reserve your spot.
Bank and advance to compete on the
                                               Come and learn how to help make
national level for a prize up to $5,000.
                                           the lives of our youth healthier and
Videos will be judged on their quality,
message, content and the criteria set
forth by the contest’s official rules.
                                           Pastor Robyn Eddy, Community
Following are some general                 Presbyterian Church
    Visit to
read the official contest rules and        Daylight saving time
view winning videos from last year’s
contest. Limit your video’s length
                                           starts March 13: turn
to a maximum of 30 seconds. Make           your clocks forward!
sure all the work is yours. Don’t
use copyrighted material, including
music, movies, and books. Get the
permission of other people — includ-
ing classmates and friends — fea-
tured in your video. Keep brand logos
and labels out of your video. Remove
clothing labels, sports teams, car
emblems, store logos, and all other
identifiers from your video. Videos
can be about any personal finance
topic, from savings to budgeting to
paying for college.
    More information is available at and an entry
packet may be downloaded at www.
Contact Kallee Feuz for more infor-
Completed entries are due March 31,

Kallee Feuz
10 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                    news                                                            Iron County Today

         Romney, colleagues press White House for
         accounting of trillions in COVID spending
     WASHINGTON — After President         Rescue Plan Act into law, Congress had     Yet the information is 90 days old in      request?
Biden reiterated in his State of the      already approved over $3.8 trillion in     some cases and offers no insight as to         As of March 3, 2022, how much
Union address his plans to ask            COVD-19 relief. All told, the nearly $6    what those communities actually did        of the funding made available under
Congress for additional COVID-19          trillion in spending on COVID-19 is the    once they obtained the grants.”            the American Rescue Plan remains
funding, U.S. Senator Mitt Romney         single greatest expenditure of public          “By 2021, Biden’s top aides intensi-   unspent, unobligated, or undisbursed?
(R-UT) led 35 of his Republican           funds on one effort in the history of      fied the work to improve the oversight         As of March 3, 2022, how much
colleagues in a letter to the President   the nation.                                process, particularly after the passage    of the funding under the American
requesting an accounting of how the            However, since passage of the         of the American Rescue Plan last           Rescue Plan has been obligated, but
federal government has allocated          American Rescue Plan in February,          March. Yet the efforts failed to satisfy   not disbursed for more than 6 months?
trillions in taxpayer funds to combat     questions are mounting about where         lawmakers, federal watchdogs, health           How much money has the govern-
the pandemic. Specific answers to         exactly the additional money has gone.     professionals and ethics experts, a        ment spent to date on vaccines and
these questions are vital before               A recent investigative report         dozen of whom said in interviews           testing? Please provide a specific list
Congress considers additional COVID-      from the Washington Post headlined,        that they have struggled to answer         of these expenditures and accompa-
19 funding requests from the White        “’Immense fraud’ creates immense           the most basic questions — including       nying metrics used to evaluate their
House:                                    task for Washington as it tries to         how much money has been spent, and         effectiveness.
                                          tighten scrutiny of $6 trillion in emer-   how, in critical areas such as testing.”       Of the $350 billion made available
Dear Mr. President:                       gency coronavirus spending” details        (emphasis added)                           under the American Rescue Plan to
     Recent news reports indicate the     the federal government’s shocking              Before we would consider               state and local governments, how
Administration is poised to request an    failure to provide the American public     supporting an additional $30 billion       much has been used to date for
additional $30 billion from Congress      with a faithful accounting of how it       for COVID-19 relief, Congress must         vaccines and testing? Please provide
for its response to COVID-19. While       has spent its money.                       receive a full accounting of how the       a specific list of these expenditures
we have supported historic, bipartisan         “Nearly two years later, however,     government has already spent the first     and accompanying metrics used to
measures in the United States Senate      the stimulus data is voluminous            $6 trillion.                               evaluate their effectiveness.
to provide unprecedented investments      yet vexing — for the public and the            In an effort to better understand          Does the Administration have plans
in vaccines, therapeutics, and testing,   government alike. The spending portal      your reported request for supple-          to make available real-time data about
it is not yet clear why additional        does not offer a real-time, detailed       mental appropriations related to the       all COVID-19 spending to the public?
funding is needed.                        view as to the way cities, states,         COVID-19 pandemic, we respectfully             We strongly believe Americans
     Since March 2020, the federal        schools, hospitals and others actually     ask the Administration to answer the       should continue to take precautionary
government has borrowed trillions         have deployed broad swaths of the          following questions:                       measures to protect against the
of dollars to combat the virus            cash they received. In education, for          When does the Administration plan      pandemic, and it must be an urgent
and provide relief to families and        example, federal records show more         to request an additional $30 billion in    priority that the trillions of taxpayer
businesses. By March 11, 2021, the day    than $81 billion set aside for school      COVID-19 relief funding, and if it does    dollars already appropriated are being
you signed the $1.9 trillion American     districts in response to the pandemic.     so, what would be the purpose of the       spent effectively.
 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                                                                                                                                    11

  Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

Give ‘Em Hell, Harry!
             Utah Shakespeare Festival to present one man show in West Valley City

by Liz Armstrong                            story about United States President      hands he comes to life in hilarious         most influential leaders of the twentieth
 For Iron Count y Today                     Harry S. Truman, the play garnered       and profound ways. I’m delighted to         century. As vice president, he assumed
                                            its title from the 1948 election, when   share this exciting production with our     office when Franklin D. Roosevelt
    If you long for the days when pol-      supporters shouted, “Give ‘em hell,      audience.”                                  passed away only weeks into his fourth
iticians tackled big problems, worked       Harry!” during his speeches.                  The play chronicles Truman’s           term and as World War II was nearing
together, and got things done, then              “When we saw the tape of Fred       life, from childhood to the two terms       an end. This put Truman in the position
you won’t want to miss Give ‘Em Hell,       Grandy as Harry Truman, we knew          he served as president. Sometimes           to make the difficult decision to drop
Harry! The Utah Shakespeare Festival        right away we needed to present this     ridiculed by his opponents as “the little   the atomic bombs on Japan.
will be presenting the one-man show         play,” said Executive Producer Frank     man from Missouri,” Truman would                The play captures Truman’s indom-
March 29 to April 2 at the West Valley      Mack. “Truman is a fasci-                                  leave the presidential    itable spirit and infectious humor—
Performing Arts Center in West Valley       nating historical                                                   office as one    best depicted in his famous photo
City, Utah.                                 character, and                                                            of the     holding a newspaper aloft with the
    Tickets for both evening and            in Fred’s                                                                            inaccurate headline “Dewey Defeats
matinee performances are now on                                                                                                  Truman” the morning after he won the
sale. Visit www.wvcarts for details or to                                                                                        election. It also reflects his particularly
purchase.                                                                                                                          American leadership philosophy that
    The play will star Fred Grandy,                                                                                                  still resonates today, including his
who has experience in both theatre                                                                                                      description of the voting booth
and politics. As an actor he is best                                                                                                       as “the most valuable piece of
known for his role as “Gopher”                                                                                                               real estate in America.”
Smith on the hit television                                                                                                                        In 1975, the play
series, The Love Boat. As a                                                                                                                     premiere was hosted
politician he served four                                                                                                                         by Truman’s daughter
terms as a Republican in                                                                                                                            at Ford’s Theatre.
the United States House                                                                                                                              President Gerald Ford
of Representatives,                                                                                                                                   was in attendance,
representing Iowa’s                                                                                                                                    and the play then
sixth district.                                                                                                                                         went on a six-city
    The play was                                                                                                                                         tour and has been
written by Samuel                                                                                                                                         re-staged many
Gallu and will be                                                                                                                                          times since.
directed by Hunter                                                                                                                                              For more
Foster, who will also                                                                                                                                       information on
be directing Clue                                                                                                                                            the play and to
at the Festival this                                                                                                                                         purchase tickets,
summer.                                                                                                                                                      visit
    A biographical                                                                                                                                            harry.

                                                                                                                                                               photos courtesy USF
12   Wednesday, March 9, 2022                                            showcase                                                                  Iron County Today

 Shrek, an antidote SoundScapes: An evening with
  to our anxiety? Dr. McKay Tebbs, Dr. Lynn Vartan                                          7:30 p.m. in the Thorley Recital              “This soundscapes concert
                                                         by Ashley H. Palmer
by Mary Anne Andersen                                    SUU Public Relations Coordinator   Hall at SUU’s Music Building.                 is an opportunity to hear
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                                                                   This performance will feature                 the unique combination of

                                                            Southern Utah University’s      music played on the guitar and                electric guitar and vibes in a
         Saturday afternoon—startlingly blue skies,      Department of Music is excited     percussion instruments. This                  modern compositional setting.
         blindingly bright sun, shockingly cold air      to announce a collaborative        concert is free and open to the               I always get excited when a
         when we got out of our car and hurried                                                                                           composer like Timo Andres
toward the high school doors. We entered with                                                                                             calls for guitar pedals like the
relief but immediately forgot the weather as we                                                                                           octave pedal to be used in the
stepped into a world of activity. The hallway was                                                                                         score. We’ll also be playing a
lined with tables on which stood sewing machines                                                                                          jazz piece composed by Gary
and fabric which spilled over into boxes on the floor.                                                                                    Burton. Dr. Vartan is a prolific
A student sat cross-legged on the floor in front of                                                                                       musician and I am very excited
a large blank poster on which she was applying                                                                                            to perform this concert with
a black marker: ”Sh___”. Thumping music was                                                                                               her.”
coming from the auditorium as we dodged various                                                                                               Dr. Tebbs earned a doc-
fairy-tale characters and found seats in front of                                                                                         torate degree from the USC
the stage. It was the first costumed rehearsal of                                                                                         Thornton School of Music and
the theater department’s spring musical and we                                                                                            has over 20 years’ experience
immediately felt at home. We do theater.                                                                                                  as an educator. He performed
    The director, our daughter, was shouting                                                                                              with Tuacahn in St. George,
instructions to the three singing princesses on                                                                                           Theater West of Scottsbluff,
stage, but how they could hear her was a question.                                                                                        NE and was a special guest
A young man was working on a set of stairs on                                                                                             performer on the Nebraska
stage left, using a power tool to drive some screws.                                                                                      Public Radio show Friday Live.
The girls lifted their skirts and stepped around                                                                                          Dr. Tebbs was a featured solo-
him. “Careful’, the director shouted; the girls half                                                                                      ist in the contemporary guitar
jumped the last two steps, never missing a beat of                                                                                        concerto Chaos Theory by
their songs. The techie never looked up.                                                                                                  James Bonney and performed
                        Then Shrek and his donkey                                                                                         with many different jazz and
                        appeared on stage. The music                                                                                      pop artists.
                          ended, thanks to the sound                                                                                          Dr. Lynn Vartan, Director
                           technician and we were                                                                                         of Percussion at SUU, says,
                            able to hear dialogue——                                                                                       “Music is sound of course, but
                            well, most of it. (Still                                                                                      the range of colors and styles
                            setting screws in those                                                                                       you can make from the waves
                            stairs.) The actors were                               Dr. McKay Tebbs
                                                                                                                                          of sound is endless. For this
                           trying to play “off book”,                                                                                     program, Dr. Tebbs and I will
                         but occasionally they had                                                                                        be sharing colors and styles
                       to yell, “line”, as they forgot                                                                                    together as well as playing
                  their next words. One of the young                                                                                      some solos to take the listener
women, who turned out to be Fiona, shouted                                                                                                in so many directions. The
“line’ and the girl with the script in front of her                                                                                       combination of percussion and
answered “Now!” That was her line: “Now”, and we                                                                                          guitar is so fun to play in!”
laughed along with her.                                                                                                                       A devoted ensemble
    The director called for a ten-minute break                                                                                            musician, Dr. Vartan has
and the choreographer took over. “Skeletons”, she                                                                                         been actively involved with
shrieked and a troop of masked skeletons tried                                                                                            Southwest Chamber Music,
to enter through the archway in the back of the                                                                                           the violin/percussion duo
stage. A techie had been working there the entire                                                                                         61/4 which she founded with
time, doing something with what looked like a                                                                                             Shalini Vijayan, and a duo
rolled-up screen, and he never stopped, either, as                                                                                        percussion group Exacta that
the skeletons stepped around him to work through                                                                                          she formed with Tambuco’s
their dance to the choreographer’s clapping                                                                                               Miguel Gonzalez and Duo
and arm-waving. “Our turn”, yelled the rats, in                                                                                           LinLynn with percussionist Wei
sequined tuxedos, furry ears, and tap shoes. They                                                                                         Chen Lin. In addition to her
were trying to help each other with tricky steps.                                                                                         role as Director of Percussion
(We learned later that none of them had ever tap-                                                                                         at Southern Utah University,
danced before.) In the seats around us, students in                                                                                       Dr. Vartan is also the Director
crazy yellow straw hats were laughing and calling                                                                                         of the A.P.E.X. Events Series
out to their friends.                                                                                                                     at Southern Utah University
    As we watched the camaraderie and just plain                                                                                          and hosts the weekly podcast
fun around us, I felt like I was seeing the sure                                                                                          The A.P.E.X. Hour. Dr. Vartan
antidote to the staggering amount of mental                                                                                               is endorsed by the Paiste
health issues teachers at all levels have seen in                                                                                         Corporation, Remo Inc., and
their students this year. Students of all ages are                                                                                        Marimba One.
                                                                                                      photos courtesy SUU Dept of Music
finding only anxiety and exhaustion filling their                                   Dr. Lynn Vartan                                           Experience this electrifying
days. Here is joy, I thought, creative work among                                                                                         concert of sound, color, and
friends— music, dance, and make believe. And                                                                                              style on Tuesday, March 22,
wearing beautiful costumes.                              performance with Dr. Lynn          public.                                       2022. For more information
    As we left, the young woman had finished her         Vartan and Dr. McKay Tebbs in         Dr. McKay Tebbs, Director                  about the Department of
poster: “Shrek, the Musical”, March 24th.” We will be    a concert titled SoundScapes       of Undergraduate Music                        Music at SUU, please visit
there, Honey.                                            on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at     Technology at SUU, shares,          
Iron County Today                                                                showcase                                                  Wednesday, March 9, 2022          13

Students share their talent at ensembles concerts
by Ashley H. Palmer
                                              The piano and string ensembles may seem small, but their creative talents pack a powerful musical punch.
 SUU Public Relations Coordinator

    SUU’s Department of Music will
present two days of ensemble con-
certs. The SUU Brass and Woodwind
Ensembles perform Monday, March 21,
2022, followed by the SUU Piano and
String Ensembles on Tuesday, March
29, 2022. Both performances will be
presented at 7:30 p.m. in the Thorley
Recital Hall of the SUU Music Building.
These concerts are free and open to
the public.
    Dr. Laura Grantier, Director of
Woodwinds at SUU, shares, “I'm very
excited for the Woodwind Ensemble                                                                                                                                SUU Dept of Music
because the students are performing
very challenging and diverse music.
Composers such as Mozart, Ibert,
                                              “The small ensemble concerts are proof of                                                one. One of the exciting aspects of
                                                                                                                                       this particular arrangement is that we
Perkins, and Lecuona offer a wide range        how music truly brings people together.”                                                will have an engineering major play at
                                                                                                                                       the same piano as a freshman music
of musical creativity for the students
and the listener.”                            Dr. Christian Bohnenstengel, SUU Associate Professor of Music                            education major and a senior piano
    The students participating in these                                                                                                performance major, for example. The
ensembles work diligently to perfect        and Economics double major from              I love performing with smaller groups         small ensemble concerts are proof
their instrumental abilities each           Southern California, says, “It has been      like these since it allows for a more         of how music truly brings people
semester. As they practice, they learn      really fun preparing for this concert        personal connection with the music            together.”
and grow as artists, ensemble mem-          with the Flute Choir since we will be        and the players.”                                 Be inspired by the brilliance of
bers, and professionals. The final payoff   playing a few pieces that are all fun and        Dr. Christian Bohnenstengel,              these talented SUU students on March
of their hard work are these semester       exciting in their own ways, including        Associate Professor of Music at SUU,          21, 2022, and March 29, 2022, at 7:30
concerts. Not all students who par-         one of my favorites, Malagueña. We           says, “The piano ensemble has been            p.m. in the Thorley Recital Hall of the
ticipate in the ensemble classes are        have a bunch of different ensembles          focusing on pieces for six and eight          SUU Music Building. For more infor-
majoring in music, but all of them have     performing, including the Clarinet           hands this semester. We will be               mation about the Department of Music
a passion for music.                        Quartet and Brass Ensemble, so this          performing these works on four pianos         at SUU, please visit
    Kira Swann, sophomore Math              will be a very musically diverse concert.    with three to four students at each           music/.
 14                                                                                                                                   Wednesday, March 9, 2022

                                                                                                         Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

                                                                                                                                        Courtesy Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary

    Utah's own Best Friends Animal Society
recognized as a top workplace in national survey
from Michelle Sathe                       from providing a fair wage, great          and be recognized as one of the top     working to end the killing of dogs
 Best Friends Animal Societ y             benefits, and time off to recharge,        workplaces in the country. Knowing      and cats in America’s shelters by
                                          needs of each individual can look          this award is based on feedback         2025. Founded in 1984, Best Friends
    KANAB — Best Friends Animal           very different. As an organization         from staff really shows how we truly    is a pioneer in the no-kill movement
Society is excited to announce it has     based on kindness, being one of the        come to work loving what we do and      and has helped reduce the number
been named one of the Top Places          best places to work is so important to     who we do it with,” said Best Friends   of animals killed in shelters from
to Work in the USA by Energage.           who Best Friends is and its mission to     Animal Society CEO, Julie Castle.       an estimated 17 million per year to
These awards, based on employee           bring the country no-kill by 2025.         “I couldn’t be prouder to see the       around 347,000. Best Friends runs
surveys, highlight the uniqueness of          Best Friends is headquartered          amazing success our organization has    lifesaving programs all across the
Best Friends Animal Society and how       in Kanab, UT, where it is the largest      been able to accomplish and I look      country, as well as the nation’s largest
its people-first culture is creating a    employer in Kane County. There are         forward to what we will continue to     no-kill animal sanctuary. Working
thriving environment for its employees.   additional Best Friends Lifesaving         go together.”                           collaboratively with a network of
    As an organization, Best Friends      centers in Los Angeles, New York, and                                              more than 3,300 animal welfare and
puts a focus on cultivating a thriving    Salt Lake City, as well as lifesaving      About Best Friends Animal               shelter partners, and community
environment and always prioritizing       programs in Houston and Atlanta.           Society                                 members nationwide, Best Friends is
staff. Providing a safe, inclusive and        “It’s incredible to see Best Friends      Best Friends Animal Society is the   working to Save Them All®. For more
equitable workplace is so important;      Animal Society be given this award         leading animal welfare organization     information, visit
Iron County Today                                                       life                                                  Wednesday, March 9, 2022     15

                                                    procure and secure the freedoms we have

                                                                                                            the    rut
                                                       today. And in these days, it seems to take
                                                         even more to protect them.

                                                                      War is no respecter of people,
                                                                   places, or holidays. Our 4th of July
                                                                    could have just as easily been the
                                                                                                             Less Traveled
                                                                    9th of March, right? It’s not the       Corey Baumgartner

                                                                   day that matters as much as the
     was saving this particular Rockwell
                                                                  outcome. Thankfully, our Country
     rut rightfully for the 4th of July, but
                                                                  had a great outcome. That’s why
     feel that now is an even better time
for a reminder to remember and cher-                              we celebrate so much on the 4th of
                                                                  July, and also on May 21st (Armed
                                                                                                              “We truly come to
ish the freedoms we hold dear—and
protect more dearly—as we witness                                 Forces Day), May 30th (Memorial         appreciate something and/
the war between Russia and Ukraine…
along with many other countries who now
                                                                  Day), November 11th (Veterans Day)
                                                                and other special holidays devoted to       or someone even more
fear the possibility of another world war.                    our brave men, women and animals that
                                                            have sacrificed and continue to do so, for
                                                                                                          when we are faced with the
    It is often that we truly come to
appreciate something and/or someone
                                                            our freedoms.                                   threat of losing them.”
                                                                Nevertheless, it’s most often that
even more when we are faced with the
                                                            the 4th of July is when we tend to focus      an embittered Germany during WWI (July 30, 1916).
threat of losing them. This includes
                                                            even more fiercely on freedom. It’s our       Lady Liberty’s arm and torch were injured by flying
our freedoms. It took a lot of precious
                                                             Independence Day, a time to celebrate        debris from the nearby explosion of a munitions
Time, Talents and Treasures to
                                                             the freedoms that we have been               depot. Also, during renovations in 1984, the torch
                                                             entrusted with and to honor those who        was replaced with copper and covered in 24-karat
                                                             gave (and continue to give) their lives      gold leaf, with floodlights that keep our “symbol of
                                                             for those freedoms. However, what if         enlightenment” lit during the darkest night.
                                                             we didn’t have a 4th of July? What if            While we keep watch on the world, may we also
                                                             we didn’t have the Statue of Liberty,        keep (repair and protect) the torch of love and hope
                                                             or couldn’t see the flashy fireworks,        burning bright within our hearts and hearths. Even
                                                                    or feast on bratwursts? What if       without the drama and danger elsewhere, we each
                                                                     we couldn’t hear the explosions      must do our parts to protect each other, beginning
                                                                     from those fiery celebrations, or    within the walls of our own homes. Because there
                                                                   join in the festivities of food and    are many things out there in the world waiting to
                                                             fun? Would we still be grateful for and      sabotage the peace and happiness in our homes;
                                                       protective of our freedoms?                        including our marriages, families, friendships.
                                                          In this interesting illustration, brave             May we each become bright beacons that give
                                                      workmen are renovating Lady Liberty’s torch.        hope and courage to our homes and communities,
                                                     It was damaged during an attack of sabotage by       no matter our challenges.
                                  norman rockwell
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