Page created by Albert Woods
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Iron County
asked to
use less
water Amid
Megadrought     COUNTY
Vol. 14 No. 24                                                                                 Wednesday, May 11, 2022

   4   Opinion               SUU's Jones
  12   Showcase             selected
                           in fifth
                            round                                      IRON
                             of NFL
                               Draft                                 COUNTY
Amid Megadrought, community asked to use less water
from CICWCD                            experiencing its worst drought           reduce their water use.”                and by the time April rolled around,
 For Iron Count y Today                period in 500 years, Iron County and        “In Iron County, this means          southwestern Utah’s snowpack on
                                       its surrounding regions are experi-      we can no longer put off finding        the mountain was at just 66 percent
    Last summer Cedar Valley was       encing what scientists are calling a     solutions for our water shortage,”      of normal, which has declined quickly
part of an area of the United States   “megadrought.”                           said Paul Monroe, Central Iron          since then.”
elevated to “exceptional drought”          On April 21, Gov. Spencer J. Cox     County Water Conservancy District           Since its formation in 1997,
status for a lack of snowpack and      declared a state of emergency due to     General Manager. “For many years        the Central Iron County Water
rainfall. Despite a few storms that    the dire drought conditions affecting    we have been using more water           Conservancy District has been
looked promising, the situation has    the entire state. He urged all Utahns    than is being replenished from our
not improved. Now in 2022, and         “to carefully consider their needs and   underground water supply, or aquifer,             see megadrought » 3

            Festive Fiesta

                                                            story in life                                                                      corey baumgartner
2 Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                        news                                                          Iron County Today

     Introducing the Vision Iron County Working Groups
by Sophie Kronick
 Project Coordinator, Vision Iron Count y

Vision Iron County (VIC) is a volunteer effort dedicated
to collecting, tracking, and sharing information among
communities and stakeholders within Iron County. VIC
is focused on promoting long-term planning that pro-
tects and enhances quality of life for all Iron County
community members. We aim to provide a productive
forum for discussion and collaborative strategizing to
understand community priorities and create greater
awareness of shared resources and opportunities.

    In order to build a collaborative data project to
encourage future-focused decision-making, VIC is
establishing Working Groups. Working Groups will
                                                                                                                                                             getty images
unite residents and organizations to share ideas and
plans for their areas of interest and expertise. These     groups will engage relevant stakeholders, as well as   increasing exposure to ideas, resources, and priori-
groups are essential to VIC’s mission, advancing com-      the general Iron County community, with regard to      ties. This will enable decision-makers from differ-
munication and partnerships to maintain the bigger         their Focus Area. They will identify and report on     ent Focus Areas to identify ways they can help each
picture as we consider our future. VIC will create nine    Focus Area opportunities, challenges, concerns, and    other and contribute to shared goals. Rather than
Working Groups—one for each of our Focus Areas.            needs. The VIC Steering Committee, the central         duplicating efforts, this will increase collaboration
Focus Areas are: Arts, Entertainment, & Tourism;           coordinating body and leadership of VIC, will then     to leverage talent, efforts, and resources across
Community Character; Economic Development;                 share this information on the VIC website. This        disparate groups. Further, Working Groups give all
Education; Healthcare; Infrastructure; Land Use/           will allow the community and stakeholders across       interested community members an active voice in
Housing; Parks, Open Space, & Recreation; and              various Focus Areas to access current information      the future of Iron County, as they are open to the
Transportation. Amidst changes and dynamic forces          and initiatives.                                       public and welcome community involvement.
in Iron County—including growth, development, and              VIC recognizes the wealth of available infor-          All interested stakeholders within Iron County
technological advancements—we recognize that new           mation in our community, and the important work        are welcome to participate. No previous experience
areas of focus will emerge. As a long-term collabora-      that many individuals are already engaging in with     or expertise in the workforce or volunteering is
tive data project, VIC will adapt to reflect area trends   respect to the VIC Focus Areas. Working Groups         required to join these groups. Participants can be
and community desires.                                     are intended to promote cross-pollination between      employees, business owners, tenants, students,
    Working Groups will research, gather, and              Focus Areas, allowing Iron County stakeholders
analyze information specific to a Focus Area. These        to easily access information for different topics,                           see working groups » 7
Iron County Today                                                               news                                 Wednesday, May 11, 2022   3

megadrought                             on how we can conserve and
                                        optimize what water we have,
                                                                            it can be used to water plants
                                                                            or for cleaning. Make sure your
« Continued from page 1                 and we need your help,” Monroe      home is leak free and repair
                                        said.                               dripping faucets or running
working to create solutions                                                 toilets. For more ideas, visit
through conserving, recharging,        Here are some things you   
reusing, and finding new sources       can do:                                  We all need to do our part,
of water. The Pine Valley Water            First, schedule a free water     and if we make conservation a
Supply Project is currently            check, where a representative        lifestyle and establish patterns
in the Environmental Impact            will measure your use and your       of using less water, it will add up
Study process with the Bureau          need to create a plan. Go to www.    to a big savings. Each resident
of Land Management, and the            can create a mindset of mindful
District recently took a group         scaping or call 435-865-9901 to      water use.
to Colorado to explore a similar       schedule.                                While conservation is crucial,
water supply project.                      Second, identify a patch         the District continues to work
    Monroe said they are working of lawn you can remove this                on long-term solutions engaging
to make the project successful         summer. Only water and main-         state scientists and experts to
and to ensure the valley’s future.     tain lawns that are used and can     help ensure the Cedar Valley will
There is no single solution to the     be efficiently irrigated. Water-     have water for the future.
area’s water challenges though.        efficient plants can enhance curb        “Conserving starts with me
    In recent years the                       appeal and save water         and you,” Monroe said. “Each
District, with the help            Iron           when they replace lawn    community member can help
of local government           County and its        on park strips.         make a difference when they
agencies, has made          surrounding areas            Third, do the      water less.”
                           in the southwestern
                             United States are
                            experiencing what
                          scientists are calling a
                          “megadrought”, or its
                           worst drought period
                               in 500 years.

                                                                                                    Courtesy CICWCD

aquifer recharge projects a
high priority. Such projects are           “Conserving                      The Central Iron County Water
                                                                            Conservancy District (CICWCD)
an opportunity to conserve
thousands of acre-feet of water
                                          starts with me                    is charged with conserving,
                                                                            developing and stabilizing the
when available. In a drought year,        and you. Each                     Cedar Valley water supply for the
that extra amount captured is a
lower number, but the District is           community                       benefit of all current and future
                                                                            water users/consumers in the
continually working to expand
projects, so when there is water,
                                           member can                       region. The Water District educates
                                                                            residents about conservation,
it can be put to a better use.
    The District has helped
                                           help make a                      reuse and water import strategies

convert more than 2,000 acres            difference when                    as it strives to meet the challenges
                                                                            of an overdrawn aquifer, climate
of agricultural irrigation systems
to high-efficiency low-elevation         they water less.”                  changes, community growth and
                                                                            residential development. Efforts
systems to conserve water, and                                              include sustaining and bolstering
is partnering with Southern             Paul Monroe, Central Iron           the declining aquifer with recharge
Utah University Farm and Utah           County Water Conservancy            projects, designing personalized
State University Extension on an         District General Manager           home water use plans and
irrigation and crop management                                              managing the Pine Valley Water
trial to help optimize water            simple things. Turn off the water   Supply Project for meeting Cedar
supplies. It also provides resi-        when you brush your teeth or        Valley’s water needs into the future.
dential conservation programs           shave. Only run full loads in the   To Get to Know Your H2O and
for the public.                         washer and dishwasher. Don’t        learn more about how to conserve
    “The District’s focus is always     dump water down the drain if        water, visit
4 Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                                                     news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor
Freedoms, Faith                                                                                                                                                                                      of the
  and Fiestas                                                                                                                                                                                        week
                                                                                                                                                                                                     "Do what
I    t is such a great feeling to be able
     to experience life again. I realize
     that COVID changed our outlooks
and even some outcomes…some for
the worst and thankfully, some for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     you can, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                     what you
                                                                                                                                                                                                     have, where
better. And as the name implies—“Iron”
County—our strength and unity con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     you are."
tinue to help us overcome obstacles                                                                                                                                                                  Theodore Roosevelt
in our paths. So, this week, I’m taking                                                                                                                                                              (26th President of the
just a moment to express gratitude to                                                                                                                                                                United States)
                    everyone who helps
                       maintain and
                         improve the
                          unity in our
                              Where else
                          we can expe-
                          rience so many
                        great outdoor                           to the Editor
   Baumgartner events, especially
    Managing Editor    where our high-
                                                                Parental rights                                           continuance of racist attitudes is
                       school sports
and athletes still take time to honor                           trump social wrongs
                                                                                                                          a malicious lie. Traditional Theory
                                                                                                                          and Critical Theory proposed by
                                                                                                                                                                                        Want to submit a
our flag, country and heroes before
                                                                    Previously, a false flag argument                     Max Horkheimer were studies of                               letter to the editor?
EVERY game? How many other places                                                                                         how societies develop organically
                                                                was made casting more doubt on a
have a newspaper with the freedom                                                                                         (TT) and how those societies can be
                                                                parents confidence in rearing their                                                                                    Submit your letter to the Editor on our
to not only inform, but also inspire? I                                                                                   changed to the Ideal society (CT).                             website, or by
                                                                child. (Cyclops, April 20, 2022, pg. 5)
certainly don’t know of any other place                                                                                       Believing socialism to be the                            emailing it to news@ironcountytoday.
                                                                    It was implied that denying                                                                                       com or bring/mail them to 389 N 100 W,
where the arts and artists are not only                                                                                   cure to Capitalism’s inequalities, the
                                                                critical medical procedures injures a                                                                                  Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must
welcomed but encouraged.                                                                                                  Critical Theorists needed the working
                                                                child. False flag because in the argu-                                                                                be signed, be brief (generally under 300
    One (of many) case in point, last                                                                                     class to awaken to their plight and                          words in length), list the author’s city
                                                                ment the injury had already occurred,
week’s Fiesta Slow Roll. What was                                                                                         revolt. Proven correct when the                             and give the writer’s telephone number
                                                                mortality in the crosshairs leaving
unique about this event was that it                                                                                       Bolsheviks over-threw a Provisional                         (phone number will not be printed). We
                                                                the parent in the most undesirable                                                                                     reserve the right to edit all letters for
wasn’t just about biking, but about                                                                                       Gov in Russia, the same was expected
                                                                of predicament. Such is the burden                                                                                      length or content. For letters arriving
bringing us all closer together as a                                                                                      in Germany. But the foundation of
                                                                of the parent and that parent only, a                                                                                  electronically, we will use the author’s
community regardless of race, religion,                                                                                   Marxism was cracked when a Fascist                            e-mail address in lieu of a signature.
                                                                private matter not for social debate.
career and culture. That’s what makes                                                                                     dictatorship took over instead.
                                                                Outside eyes fail to comprehend the
our Iron County communities and                                                                                           Critical Theorists fleeing Nazism
                                                                personal and intimate matters of the                                                                               premise was the same, divide society
citizens the best!                                                                                                        subsequently settled in America.
                                                                unique family.                                                                                                     by vilifying their differences – the
                                                                    Additionally, parents have the                        Socialists seeking refuge in The Land
                                                                                                                          of Opportunity, oh the Irony!                            antithesis of The American Dream.
                                                                right to supervise the education of                                                                                    Confined to obscure corners of
                                                                                                                              Prosperity, the fruit of Capitalism
Word of the week                                                their child within the reasonable
                                                                confines of secular law that also                         again crushed Marxism particularly                       higher education, CRT matured in the
                                                                                                                                                                                   90’s with the intent to undo the racial
                                                                upholds rights to private matters.                        in America where any citizen can
HONORIS CAUSA                                                   Unfortunately, within the educational                     transcend their origins through hard                     progress made with the Civil Rights
                                                                                                                          work, education and good citizenship.                    Act by highlighting inherent charac-
For the sake of honor. A sign of respect.                       system a series on non-academic
                                                                                                                          This the Marxist hates because                           teristics faulting us for Color, Gender,
                                                                studies have crept in supplanting                                                                                  Religion, Affluency etc. “Content of
“May we each not only count, but cultivate                      the meaning of individual rights and                      some will succeed where others
those people, properties, possessions that                                                                                will fail. Deprived of the disgruntled                   Character…” no longer mattered.
                                                                freedoms. CRT, pre-school grade                                                                                        Our differences define US, Our
bring honor to our lives and to those                           sex-education and racial divisions to                     mindset of the suppressed worker
around us.”                                                                                                               Critical Theorists maneuvered to use                     hatred for those will destroy US!
                                                                name a few. CRT’s roots is Marxism.
                                                                To say CRT in a “nutshell” is the                         Race. Recall the 1960’s and 70’s? The
                                                                                                                                                                                   Jason Stolworthy

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                         Stormee Anderson
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                    N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12
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     Cedar City, Utah 84721                 Elise Obermire                                                                                                    Circulation
        Ph: 435-867-1865                    Office Manager                        Patti Bostick                         Tom Zulewski                                                               Wendy Hanson
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  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Iron County Today                                                                 news                             Wednesday, May 11, 2022   5

   The Republican elephant in the room
                                                           ten feet of a Democrat. Most caucus Republicans
                                                           see Mitt Romney as a traitor, Cox is a woke-sym-

  cyclops                                                  pathizer, and Joe Biden is the mark of the beast.
                                                           Caucus Republicans are not numerous, but they
                                                           are the power at county and state conventions.

  Bryan Gray                                                   BUSINESS REPUBLICANS – This group was at                                  one time the prime force of the party. They oppose
                                                           most government regulation, want low taxes, and feel
Bryan Gray is a syndicated contributor to and not an       that entrepreneurs and corporations can best lead
employee of this newspaper. His opinions are solely his    the country to prosperity. They figure the culture war
own and not those of the Editor or of Iron County Today.   issues – abortion, gay rights, book-banning, critical

                                                           race theory – are sideshows, too often getting in
      t’s an old saying: “Pay attention to what the        the way of the main event: the economy. Business
      national squabble between Fox News                        Republicans are not concerned about quibbling
      analyst Tucker Carlson and Utah                                  over a Dr. Seuss book or a transgender
Governor Spencer Cox puts a                                               athlete. They are more focused on
spotlight on the definition of a                                              interest rates.
“Utah Republican.” Are Cox and           “Are Cox and
                                                               FAMILY TRADITION
Sen. Mitt Romney outliers in
their own political party or          Sen. Mitt Romney       REPUBLICANS – These people
are they bearers of a rational
standard that most Utahns
                                     outliers in their own aren’t   actively involved in
                                                              politics and don’t follow
align with?                            political party or     current issues. They typically
     The definition of the
party is much like the               are they bearers of a vote     Republican simply
                                                              because their grandfather
oft-cited story of the blind
men appraising an elephant.         rational standard that often
                                                              and parents voted that way,
                                                                    due to the Republican
If you touch the trunk, you
think the elephant is a snake;
                                      most Utahns align them couldn’ttotell
                                                            opposition     abortion. Many of
                                                                               you who their
if you touch the tusk, you figure            with?”       current congressman is and most
it’s a knife; if you touch the skin,                                        don’t know the difference between
you might think it’s a canvas.                                           their congressional representative and
     Yes, Utah is a Republican state. Even at                        their Utah House member.
BYU-blue LaVell Edwards Stadium, we bleed red.
But Utah Republicans do not come out of a cookie               MODERATE REPUBLICANS – These men and
cutter. They can be classified into political tribes.      will call themselves “Reasonable Republicans.” They
                                                           are open to compromise, didn’t feel the pandemic
    CAUCUS REPUBLICANS – These are the                     restrictions were an infringement on their rights,
firebrands, often older, cranky conserva-
tive-to-the-core men and women who crave                                                   see elephant » 7
personal liberty over compromise (except when
it comes to gay rights or birth control issues) and
oppose anything that smells like it came within
6 Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                     news                                                       Iron County Today

 Trying, confusing and dangerous times – Part 4
by Edy Meredith                           achieved. Would citizens be brave        to the application of the kindly        communication over near and far
 For Iron Count y Today                   enough?                                  virtues in human relations such         distances through using ham radio

                                              Are you alarmed about the future     as tolerance, charity, good sports-     systems. Virtually every country
          istory repeats itself.          of liberty? How easily many in our       manship, the right of another to his    throughout the world has citizen
          According to Thomas Paine,      country submitted to the dictates of     views, integrity, the practice of not   ham radio clubs.
          written on December 19,         the untried authoritarian measures       doing to others what you would not          The most active ham radio
1776: “These are the times that try       of our federal government thinking       have them do to you…mutual trust,       club in Iron County is the Rainbow
men’s souls. The summer soldier           that all deaths were due to that         voluntary cooperation, and justice.”    Canyons Club (RCC). It meets
and the sunshine patriot will, in this    virus! People in the U.S. submitted          Citizens in Iron County are unit-   monthly at the Cedar City Senior
crisis, shrink from the service of                                                                                         Center at 489 E. 200 South on the
their county; but he (and she) that
stands it now, deserves the love and       “Citizens in Iron County are uniting                                            second Tuesday. Future meetings
                                                                                                                           will be at 7 pm on the following
thanks of man and woman. Tyranny,
like hell, is not easily conquered;
                                          and supporting each other by learning                                            dates: May 10, June 14, July 12, and
                                                                                                                           August 9. Fred Govedich, the head
yet we have this consolation with
us, that the harder the conflict, the
                                          technologies that lead to independence                                           of SUU’s Biology Department, is
                                                                                                                           the President of the RCC. If you
more glorious the triumph. What
we obtain too cheap, we esteem too
                                                  from authoritarians”                                                     miss the May meeting, please plan
                                                                                                                           to attend future meetings, and
lightly: it is dearness only that gives   to top-down coercive untested and        ing and supporting each other by        in the meantime begin your own
everything its value.                     unscientific measures to the threat      learning technologies that lead to      study of ham radio at the library
    Heaven knows how to put a             of covid, an illness that has been       independence from authoritarians        and on the internet. Each meeting
proper price upon its goods; and          shown to have a 96.8 per cent cure       whether they are claiming medical,      provides training, information, and
it would be strange indeed if so          rate. It is also said that hospitals     scientific, journalistic, political     assistance. There is also a 20-page
celestial an article as FREEDOM           were paid to attribute deaths to         expertise, or religious authority.      monthly newsletter delivered by
should not be highly rated.”              covid that most probably were due        Citizens throughout the world and       email, full of useful information.
Benjamin Franklin is also credited        to other factors and co-morbidities.     in Iron County are joining together     I’m looking forward to seeing many
with stating that at that time it was         Leonard Read states, “History, for   to do just that. One way Iron           of Iron County Today’s readers
uncertain whether the U.S. would be       the most part, is a record of vio-       County citizens are joining together    at the meeting. In future articles
able to keep the republican form of       lence…The alternative to violence        is through becoming knowledgeable       I will be sharing more ham radio
government that was so perilously         is love…Love, as used here, refers       about alternative methods of            information.
Iron County Today                                                                 news                             Wednesday, May 11, 2022   7

   Mayor's Minute: Geoffrey Chesnut, Enoch City
   There are great things                                  followed by "Speed Networking" at 5:30 pm and
                                                           finally a public mingle at 6 pm. There will be addi-
   happening in Enoch City                                 tional zing for the event with food trucks and a prize
                                                           drawing for those in attendance.
      Coming out of last year's difficul-
   ties there are many things and Enoch                    Enoch City Fourth of July Celebration:
                                                                Plan on the return of the Wings of Death compe-
   City worth being optimistic about. As                   tition. A hot wings competition like no other. Filled
   the mayor I plan on using this forum                    with spicy food and patriotic trivia. Thanks to local
   for outreach and a place to commu-                      businesses and Iron County the prize money for first
                                                           place the last two years has been $1000. So if you
   nicate those things for which we can                    think you have what it takes to survive 10 rounds
   be excited. A few things coming in the                  of progressively spicier hot sauce culminating in
   next three months include:                              sauces with more than 1 million Scoville points feel
                                                           free to sign up to compete. Preference will be given
                                                           to Enoch City residents, but every year we end up
   Enoch City Business Expo:                               having individuals from Cedar City come out and
       Usually the best thing Government can do            compete as well. We have also been able to Include
   when it comes to businesses is get out of the way.      games and activities for the kids from food eating
   This is what Enoch City strives to do. Enoch City is    competitions to bubble machines and I was
   growing and business opportunities are increasing       always plan on free hotdogs.
   in the community. In order to encourage this organic
   growth the Economic Development Committee of                After the difficulties of last summer
   Enoch City is sponsoring a Business Expo on June 23     I am looking forward to hopefully a
   at the Enoch City Offices. Government getting out of    summer filled with much more fun for all
   the way and simply providing a forum for businesses     those who live Enoch City.
   to make new contacts.
       It is an opportunity for businesses to gather and
   network creating new opportunities for all involved.    Geoffrey L. Chesnut,
   Beginning at 5 pm with local business booth set up,     Enoch City Mayor

« Continued from page 5

and don’t fear public schoolteachers are destroying
young minds. They want government to “get things
done” and they don’t like partisan hollering and
name-calling. They often wince at Sen. Mike Lee’s
comments and think Sen. Ted Cruz should be
shipped to a desert island.

    All of these four tribes are members of the Utah
Republican Party and, in a June Primary Election, the
Business and Moderate Republicans along with a por-
tion of the Family Tradition Republicans cancel out
the votes of the zealots of the Caucus Republicans.
    And that’s why Gov. Spencer Cox and Sen. Mitt
Romney win elections while the Tucker Carlsons
and other right-wing bores call them RINOs
(Republican in Name Only). There is no such thing
as a “Utah Republican.” The party is an assembly of
different views and different agendas, making the
June Primary Election more important in Utah than
the November General Election.

working groups
« Continued from page 2

volunteers with other organizations, and retired.
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey!
Interested in joining a Working Group?
    Contact or
(435) 586-4484 with your name and email address
to be added to our email list. For more information
about VIC, visit the VIC Facebook page at facebook.
8 Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                          news   Iron County Today

     Miss Iron County
   information meeting
                                                 from Karen Ence
                                                 For Iron Count y Today

                                                      The Miss Iron County
                                                 Organization is looking for young
                                                 ladies from Iron County, and College
                                                 students who have been in Iron
                                                 County for at least two years, who
                                                 are interested in representing Iron
                                                 County for 2022/2023 season.
                                                      An information meeting will be
                                                 presented on Monday, May 23, 7:00
                                                 pm at the Cedar City Library. Girls
                                                 ages 13 to 26 and their parents are
                                                 invited to come and learn about the
                                                 qualifications, talent requirements,
                                                 age break down as well as platform
                                                 information and ideas. Information
                                                 on participating in the Miss Utah
                                                 and Miss Utah Outstanding Teen
                                                 pageants will also be addressed. A
                                                 list of scholarships and awards will
                                                 be provided along with events that
                                                 the newly crowned royalty’s will be
                                                 expected to participate in.
                                                      The Miss Iron County Pageant
                                                 is sponsored in part by the Iron
                                                 County Fair and the Iron County
                                                 Commissioners. Please visit our
                                                 website at www.missironcountyut.
                                courtesy photo
                                                 com to see a schedule of events
 (Left to Right) Miss Iron County Andelin        or email us with any questions at
 Mbaki and Miss Iron County’s Outstanding
           Teen Tanley McCurdy         
Iron County Today                                                                  news                                                     Wednesday, May 11, 2022             9

                Iron County
       Water Stewards                      In Cedar Valley, approximately 28
 from Ashley Langston
  for iron county today
                                           inches of supplemental irrigation is
                                           required to meet the needs of a lawn
 Q & A with Kelly Kopp                     in a “typical” year. However, this is
                                           not likely to be a typical year and we
 Get to Know Your H2O: Central Iron        all need to do our part to conserve
 County Water Conservancy District         water. Lawns are very resilient and
 appreciates questions submitted           irrigation can be greatly reduced
 by community members about the            without killing the grass. It will go
 Pine Valley Water Supply Project          dormant, but it will recover in the
 and other local water needs. As part      fall when conditions are cooler and
 of its role as steward of water in        there’s more precipitation.
 Cedar Valley, the District is working         Lawns could be irrigated as little
 with experts, community members           as half an inch per week through
 and elected officials to help prepare     the entire growing season without
 viable solutions for the future and to    dying. This would take the 28 inches
 respond to community questions and        mentioned above down to about
 concerns about emergent water issues.     14 inches, saving 50 percent of
                                           lawn irrigation water.                  Residents can
    This week’s question from the              Dormant grass is                    learn how to
 community is answered by Kelly            not dead grass. In fact,               properly water
 Kopp, Professor and Extension             dormancy is an absolutely           their lawn by calling
                                                                                435-865-9901 to sign
 Specialist for the Department of          normal process for grasses            up for a free lawn
 Plants, Soils & Climate at Utah State     and is similar to what trees             water check.
 University, who specializes in turf-      do in the fall when they drop
 grass science.                            their leaves. Grasses are tough!
                                           The Utah State University had some
 Question: When should I                   research plots last summer that only
 start watering my lawn? How               received a half inch of irrigation per
 much water does it need?                  month, and in the fall, they recov-

 A:  The longer you wait to start irri-    ered just fine.
     gating, the deeper your lawn roots        For those planting lawn, the
 will grow, which helps promote health     Turfgrass Water Conservation
 and drought tolerance. The Cedar          Alliance has tested and certified
 Valley area had a few good rainstorms     many varieties of turfgrass species
 in April, so soil moisture heading into   that use 30 to 40 percent less water
 the growing season should be in good      than standard varieties. You can
 shape.                                    go to their website ( to
     Waiting until mid-May will            learn more and locate seed sources.                                                                                Courtesy CICWCD

 certainly pose no risk to your lawn.      Three waterwise species I can also
                                                                                         recommend are buffalo grass, blue            Additionally, lawns should be
                                                                                         grama and the fine leaf fescues. Tall    mowed on the highest setting your
                                                                                         fescue can also be very water wise if    mower will allow. This will shade
                                                                                         it has good soils in which roots can     the soil and reduce evaporation of
                                                                                         grow deep.                               water. Mowing higher also encour-
                                                                                             To make sure your sprinklers are     ages deeper rooting so that the grass
                                                                                         properly watering your lawn,                  can access soil moisture deeper
                                                                                         run them for a short time                        in the soil profile.
                                                                                         during the daylight hours                              During a drought,
                                                                                         and locate any leaks or                             we should also focus on
                                                                                         breaks that need to be                              priority watering. Trees
                                                                                         fixed before the irrigation                         come first as they provide
                                                                                         season starts. Raise                                shade and help cool your
                                                                                         any sunken heads and                               home. Shrubs should take
                                                                                         straighten any tilted heads                       second priority and peren-
                                                                                         to improve overall irrigation                  nials third. Turfgrass should be
                                                                                         efficiency. Also, make sure the spray    the last priority, because of all the
                                                                                         is not being blocked by overgrown        plants in your landscape, grasses are
                                                                                         plants.                                  the toughest and will recover when
                                                                                             Residents in Cedar Valley who        conditions improve.
                                                                                         are unsure about irrigation repairs          We can all do our part to make
                                                                                         or want to know how much water           every drop count during a drought
                                                                                         their lawn needs are encouraged to       by watering less. For more informa-
                                                                                         call (435) 865-9901 to schedule a free   tion on mindful water use, check out
                                                                                         Water Check. A trained specialist and
                                                                                         will come to your home, test your
                                                                                         irrigation system and leave you with
                                                                                         a customized irrigation schedule.        For reliable information on the
                                                                                         You can also view the Utah Division      Pine Valley Water Supply Project
                                                                                         of Water Resources’ weekly lawn          specifically and the Cedar Valley’s
                                                                                         watering guide on conservewater.         water situation in general, please visit
                                                                     Courtesy CICWCD
10 Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                     news                                                          Iron County Today

                                              public & health                                                                                 Bookings
                                                                                                                                              Below are bookings as
                                                                                                                                              reported by the Iron County

10 steps for healthy                          community and participating in group
                                              activities is also beneficial.
                                                                                              know you’ve handled it.
                                                                                                 However, you should never take a
                                                                                                                                              Sheriff’s Department and
                                                                                                                                              Cedar City Police Depart-
                                                                                                                                              ment. Those arrested are
aging during National                             Know Your Blood Pressure - Blood
                                              pressure can impact your cognitive
                                                                                              baby bird home. Most birds are protected
                                                                                              by state and federal laws, and it is against
                                                                                                                                              innocent until proven guilty.

Older Americans Month                         functioning. Visit your physician regularly     the law in Utah to possess wild animals                    MAY 2
     As part of National Older Americans      to check your blood pressure and make           without special permits.                        Jeffery L Caldwell
Month this May, the Alzheimer’s               sure it is in normal range.                                                                     Cedar City, UT

Foundation of America (AFA) is providing          See Your Doctor - Maintain checkups.        Leave it alone if it has feathers               DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia

10 steps for healthy aging.                   Health screenings are key to managing               If the baby bird is hopping around,         Leoner I Vanfleet
     “Each May during National Older          chronic illnesses, such as diabetes,            you’ve found a bird that almost isn’t           Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                              Theft, Forgery
Americans Month, we celebrate older           cardiovascular disease, and obesity, all        a “baby” anymore. These young birds
adults and honor them for their contri-       of which can impact brain health. Speak         are called fledglings. They have most of                   MAY 3
butions. Promoting healthy aging helps        with your physician about any concerns          their flight feathers and are very close to
                                                                                                                                              John K Bahe
ensure older adults remain a vibrant,         or questions you have about your health.        taking their first flight.                      Cedar City, UT
integral community members for many               Get a Memory Screening - Our brains             If the bird isn’t in danger, leave          Intoxication, Lewdness
years to come,” said Charles J. Fuschillo,    need regular checkups, just as other            it where you found it. This awkward             Ajani N Cox
Jr., AFA’s President & CEO. “Lifestyle        parts of our bodies do. Memory screen-          “hopping” stage typically lasts two to five     Cedar City, UT
choices such as eating a nutritious           ings are quick, noninvasive exams for our       days. It’s part of the natural process a        Assault

diet, getting proper sleep, and regularly     brains. AFA offers free virtual memory          baby bird goes through before taking its        Timothy D Karsten
exercising your body and brain, are all       screenings every weekday—visit www.             first flight. The parents are watching the      Cedar City, UT

steps individuals can take to promote or call AFA at 866-232-8484          baby bird and are still feeding it.             DRUG – Poss C/S, Stalking

brain health and wellness and potentially     to learn more about getting a free virtual          If you think the fledgling is in imme-      Alec D Rhodes
reduce their risk of developing a demen-      memory screening.                               diate danger, then move it carefully to a       Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                              Retail Theft, Criminal Mischief
tia-related illness.”                             For more information about AFA,             safer spot nearby. However, if you can’t
     AFA offers the following 10 steps for    call 866-232-8484, visit,        catch the bird, just leave it alone.                       MAY 4
healthy aging:                                follow us on Twitter or connect with us
     Eat Well- Adopt a low-fat diet high      on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.             Don’t feed the bird                             Manuel D Cabrera
                                                                                                                                              Cedar City, UT
on fruits and veggies, like strawberries,                                                         While it’s fine for its parents to feed     Intoxication, Threat w/Weapon,

blueberries, and broccoli. Take daily         Sandy Silverstein,                              the baby bird, you shouldn’t attempt to         Disorderly Conduct

vitamins. Limit intake of red meats, fried    Alzheimer's Foundation of America               give it food. Birds have a very specific diet   Ariel Cauich-Yam
and processed foods, salt, and sugar. In                                                      and feeding them something that’s not           Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                              Disorderly Conduct
general, foods that are “heart healthy” are                                                   part of their diet can kill them.
also “brain healthy.”
     Stay Active - Physical activity
                                              Found a baby bird on                                “While robins and some bird species
                                                                                              can safely eat worms, others can’t,”
                                                                                                                                              Dawn H Medina
                                                                                                                                              Cedar City, UT

increases blood flow to the brain and         the ground? Here’s                              Stringham said. “So don’t try to feed baby
                                                                                              birds or other wildlife that you may see.

                                                                                                                                                         MAY 5
can also help improve mood and overall
wellbeing. Brisk walking benefits brain       what to do…                                     You may think you are ‘helping’ them, but       Austin J Duran
health, while aerobics can boost your             It’s a beautiful summer day so you          it usually does more harm than good.”           Cedar City, UT
heart rate, and weight training builds        decide to go for a nice walk around your            Just place the bird back on its branch      Retail Theft

strength and flexibility.                     neighborhood. You are strolling along the       or in its nest, and let its parents feed it.
                                                                                                  Don’t bother or move bird nests that                   MAY 6
     Learn New Things - Challenge             sidewalk when suddenly you hear loud
your brain by starting a new hobby            chirping near your feet. You look over          have eggs or baby birds in them.                John G Bayles III
like playing tennis, learning to speak a      and see a baby bird lying on the ground             While bird species that nest in the         Paragonah, UT
                                                                                                                                              Phone Harassment
foreign language, trying a cooking class,     near a tree trunk. What should you do?          eaves of buildings may seem like a
or something you have not done before.            It is not unusual to find a baby bird on    nuisance, it’s unlawful to disturb nests        Sandra J Clantz
Even something as simple as brushing          the ground during this time of year. Many       that have eggs or baby birds, and you can       Enoch, UT
your teeth with your non-dominant hand        birds are hatching and often leave their        be cited for doing so.
                                                                                                                                              Anngela N Hoover
stimulates the brain by forcing it to think   nests before they are able to fly. Some             You can take measures to prevent            Enoch, UT
outside of its normal routine.                may also be blown out of nests during           birds from building nests on your home          DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia
     Get Enough Sleep - Getting a con-        spring thunderstorms.                           or property, but you have to do it before       Javier Parra
sistent sleep every night is key; at least        “Baby birds usually chirp and               nesting season begins. Once a nest has          Cedar City, UT
seven to nine hours is ideal. Having a        call from the nest, waiting for their           a bird inside it — and there are eggs or        Prob/Parole Violation

good sleep environment is also helpful.       parents to bring food to them — and             baby birds in the nest — you need to
                                                                                              wait until after the baby birds have left                  MAY 7
Insomnia or sleep apnea can have serious      sometimes, that results in them falling
physical effects and negatively affect        from their perch,” Utah Division of             the nest in order to remove it to prevent       Jesse J Fay
memory and thinking.                          Wildlife Resources Migratory Game Bird          future nesting.                                 Beaver, UT
                                                                                                                                              Theft – Value at/over $5000
     Mind Your Meds - Medication can          Coordinator Blair Stringham said.               What to do with baby ducks:                     Malik A Drye
affect everyone differently, especially as        The most common baby birds that                                                             Cedar City, UT
you age. When getting a new medication        people find are robins (which nest in trees)        If you find a duckling on the ground        DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia
or something you have not taken in            and swallows (which build their mud nests       that looks like it’s been separated from
                                                                                                                                              Jarren T Feltner
a while (whether over the counter or          in eaves and on the sides of houses).           its parents, don’t move it or try to put it     Cedar City, UT
prescription), talk to your doctor or local       If you find a baby bird on the ground,      in water. Baby ducks should be left alone,      Assault
pharmacist.                                   there are a few things you should do:           unless they are trapped in a storm drain        Richard C White
     Stop Smoking and Limit Alcohol -             If the bird is very small and still         or somewhere else dangerous, like in a          Cedar City, UT
Smoking can increase the risk of other        featherless, you should place it back in        swimming pool.                                  Criminal Trespass, Poss C/S,

serious illnesses, while too much alcohol     its nest. If you can’t find the nest, put the       If you do discover a duckling in a          Paraphernalia

can impair judgment and cause acci-           bird on a branch safely out of reach of         storm drain, you can contact the nearest        Richelle L Winn
dents, including falls, broken bones, and     dogs and cats.                                  DWR office to report it or contact your         Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                              Drug Court Violation
car crashes.                                      “The baby will squawk, and its parents      city officials.
     Stay Connected - Social interaction      will find it,” Stringham said.                      For more information about how to                      MAY 8
and maintaining an active social life are         Unlike with some other wildlife species,    safely handle a baby bird encounter, visit
                                                                                                                                              Damien S Lewis
very important for brain health, cognitive    you don’t need to be concerned about            the Wild Aware Utah website.                    Cedar City, UT
stimulation and mood. Invite friends          leaving your scent on the bird. Most birds                                                      DRUG – Poss C/S
and family over for a meal, board games,      do not have a good sense of smell so if you     Officer Faith Heaton Jolley,                    Benjamin Luna
or just to hang out. Engaging in your         pick a baby bird up, its parents won’t even     Division of Wildlife Resources                  Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                              Retail Theft
Iron County Today   showcase   Wednesday, May 11, 2022   11
 12                                                                                                                Wednesday, May 11, 2022

                                                                                              Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

      'pulling on our humanity'                                                                         Sophia K. Metcalf
           festival                                                                                         Sophia K. Metcalf is also debuting
                                                                                                        at the Festival this season in the
      Announces CAST                                                                                    roles of the ethereal Ariel in The
      OF 'THE TEMPEST'                                                                                  Tempest and Citizen and Musician
                                                                                                        in All’s Well That Ends Well. Work
                                                                                                        at other theatres includes Guilty
from Utah Shakespeare Festival                                                                          Party at Cosmic Cherry Arts Festival
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                                 and Twelfth Night with The Acting
                                                                                                        Company (both in New York City),
    “I’m excited by this cast because it                                                                Twelfth Night with the Irvington
is truly a diverse group of imaginative                                                                 Shakespeare Festival, Gilgamesh with
artists that value language and poetry,”                                                                Counterbalance Theatre Company,
said Cameron Knight as he prepares                                                                      and The Penelopiad, Human Error,
to direct The Tempest this season                                                                       Book of Will, and Macbeth at the
at the Utah Shakespeare Festival.                                                                       University of California–Irvine.
“I believe this will allow us to really                                                                 Metcalf also appeared in the Netflix
unpack the questions in this play that                                                                  film I Am No Longer Here.
pull on our humanity.” This group of
actors includes actors with years of                                                                    Aidan O’Reilly
experience, including past work at the                                                                      Aidan O’Reilly is returning for
                                             Jasmine Bracey            Freedom Martin
Festival, as well as actors whose faces                                                                 his second year at the Festival to
will be new to Festival audiences.                                                                      play Caliban in The Tempest and
    The actors are:                                                 “I’m excited by                     the Fool in King Lear. In the 2021
Jasmine Bracey                                                    this cast because                     season, he played Cerimon in Pericles,
                                                                                                        Richard in Richard III, and Angelo
    Jasmine Bracey is returning to the
Festival this year to take on the magical
                                                                      it is truly a                     in The Comedy of Errors. Other
                                                                                                        theatres he has worked at include
Duchess Prospero in The Tempest. In                                diverse group of                     Prague Shakespeare Company, Marin
2021, she played to great acclaim at
the Festival as Belarius in Cymbeline                            imaginative artists                    Shakespeare Company, American
                                                                                                        Shakespeare Center, City Lights
and Mrs. Dickson in Intimate Apparel.
She has also worked at numerous
                                                                that value language                     Theatre Company, Renegade Players,
                                                                                                        Avalon Players, Sonoma Valley
other theatres, including Asolo                                 and poetry. I believe                   Shakespeare Company, Arkansas
Repertory Theatre, Goodman Theatre,
Steppenwolf Theatre Company,                                     this will allow us to                  Repertory Theatre, and Studio
                                                                                                        Theatre of Little Rock. A graduate
Chicago Shakespeare Theater,
American Blues Theater, Berkeley
                                                                  really unpack the                     with honors from the Royal Academy
                                                                                                        of Dramatic Art, O’Reilly is a member
Repertory Theatre, Alley Theatre,                                  questions in this                    of Actors’ Equity Association.
Guthrie Theater, Resident Ensemble
Players, The Acting Company, Ten
                                                                  play that pull on                     Amara Webb
Thousand Things, Chicago Dramatists,
and Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival.
                                                                    our humanity”                           Amara Webb returns to the
                                                                                                        Festival after appearing as Sister
She has also appeared in the television     Sophia K. Metcalf     Cameron Knight, Director              in The Pirates of Penzance and
series New Amsterdam and Chicago                                                                        Ensemble in Ragtime in 2021. This
P.D. and has performed voiceover work.                                                                  year in The Tempest she will perform
She is a member of Actors’ Equity                                                                       the role of Miranda; and in All’s Well
Association and SAG-AFTRA.                                                                              That Ends Well, Diana. She has played
                                                                                                        numerous roles at other theatres,
Freedom Martin                                                                                          including Henriette in The Learned
    Freedom Martin is making his                                                                        Ladies and Sarah Chandler in The
debut at the Festival this season,                                                                      Living, both at Sargent Conservatory
playing the roles of Ferdinand in                                                                       at Webster University.
The Tempest and Edgar in King Lear.
Trained at the Juilliard School, the                                                                    Other members of the cast:
British American Drama Academy,                                                                         »»John Bixler as Sebastian, Ceres, and
National Youngarts Foundation,                                                                           Ensemble
and the Chicago High School for                                                                         »»Anatasha Blakely as Stephano and
the Arts, he has extensive regional                                                                      Ensemble
theatre experience. He has worked at                                                                    »»Steven Jensen as Gonzalo and
Definition Theatre, TimeLine Theatre,                                                                    Ensemble
the Artistic Home, Haven Theatre,                                                                       »»Kevin Kantor as Trinculo, Iris, and
and others, as well as at such aca-                                                                      Ensemble
demic venues as the Juilliard School,                                                                   »»Arizsia Staton as Antonio, Juno, and
Chicago Youth Shakespeare, and Fury                                                                      Ensemble
Theatre. He also appeared in the film                                             photos courtesy USF   »»René Thornton Jr. as Alonso and
Giving Voice.                                Aidan O’Reilly              Amara Webb                      Ensemble
Iron County Today                                                             showcase                                      Wednesday, May 11, 2022   13

                      The Yays have it!
by Mary Anne Andersen                                   gets about her spring cleaning. The lengthy article
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                               is full of cheery advice on how to clean my ceiling

                                                        fans, light fixtures, baseboards, and furniture. A
     remember so clearly the feeling as I walked        handy-dandy recipe for a non-toxic, homemade
     across the campus of the University of             cleaner is included. Sorry, I don’t have time for that.
     Utah. I had just finished my last final of the     Oh, wait. I do now. Count that as a boo.
quarter. (The U was on a quarter system back                   I can actually sit down just before lunch and
then. To give you an idea of how long                             read for a bit. When my days were so filled
ago that was, one of the hot topics                                 with teaching those sleepy college stu-
of debate at the time was whether                                      dents who had to drag to school at 9:00,
women students—“coeds” as we were                                       I had to wait until after dinner to read.
called—should be allowed to wear                                         Now, if my Puritan nature will allow
pants to class. I mean it was winter in                                  it—what with those dusty ceiling fans
northern Utah!) The feelings of relief,                                  whirring overhead—I can read when I
achievement were all encompassing. I                                    want to. That is a definite yay.
wondered what I would do with myself                                       I don’t mind yard work. There is
now that I didn’t have to study or prac-                            a visual sense of accomplishment that
tice every free minute. And that sense of                        isn’t acquired going up and down the stairs
being a balloon with its string cut occurred every       in the music building six or eight times a day.
term ending as long as I was in school.                 My glutes are sore after the first thirty minutes
    But here is what I didn’t know until years later:   outside, but I’ll toughen up. Yay for that one.
teachers have that same feeling of “hallelujah.” So         I can now purge my email from messages from
I look at my calendar right now and wonder how I        before the pandemic. That will surely be a desirable
will fill up several                                                                          way to spend
hours a week.                “Now, if my Puritan nature will                                  some free time.
                                                                                              Boo! Spring is
Let me count the
ways—good or
                             allow it—what with those dusty                                   here. I’d rather pull
                                                                                              weeds. Reading
                            ceiling fans whirring overhead—I
                                                                                                                      visit us
bad.                                                                                          a months-old
    I sit at the                                                                              email that I failed
breakfast table                  can read when I want to.”                                    to answer is an

and finish a                                                                                  embarrassment
cryptoquote word game from the newspaper. Then          that I am not going to entertain. Let the sender
before I leave the house for some minor errands,        think I failed to see it.
I actually talk to my husband for ten idle minutes.         I can make my husband’s favorite cookies and
Make that a definite yay.                               the oatmeal bread we love. Yay and yay. And can I
    That same newspaper tells me that it is the         actually come to feel that reading at 9:00 A.M. is  
time of year that the conscientious homemaker           not decadent? Maybe. But for now, the yays have it.
14                                                          Wednesday, May 11, 2022

                     Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

      Spring Fling

              In celebration of Cinco de Mayo and National Bike Month, the
            Spring Fiesta & Slow Roll hit the town last week as riders of all ages
             pedaled their decorated bikes, trikes and scooters along a designated
                path through Historic Downtown Cedar City. There were plenty of
              fun, Latin inspired activities to celebrate staying active and cultural
                 diversity in our community. The beautiful spring evening’s event
                was well-attended by hundreds of people and included many local
              businesses promoting safety, health, unity, along with craft vendors,
              food trucks offering plenty of delicious food and a live mariachi band
               (Baile Folklorico) that made sure the fiesta didn’t turn into a siesta.

                                                                    photos by corey baumgartner
Iron County Today                                                              life                                                   Wednesday, May 11, 2022      15

  “First Flight”                                                                                                 “What first flights do you
                                                                                                                 need/want to experience?
                                                                                                                 Don’t let fear and regrets
  the    rut
   Less Traveled
                                                                                                                  keep your life grounded
                                                                                                                   any longer. Today, it’s
  Corey Baumgartner                                                                                                 time to take flight!”
                                                                                                                     Which brings us back to this illustration of a

F      or those of you who have flown in an air-                                                                 woman experiencing her first flight. From her map,
       plane, do you remember your first flight? I                                                               marked with her red pencil, it would appear this
       remember mine. It was during an elementary                                                                isn’t a short commute. And while she does appear
school fieldtrip to the airport. It was fun until the                                                            to be somewhat nervous, she also seems to be
pilot of the small plane went up and down, up and                                                                enjoying her first time being amongst the clouds.
down. I didn’t throw-up but my first flight was                                                                  One wonders what she is seeing and thinking as
also my first time being airsick. Like being carsick,                                                            she looks out of the window down to the world
it didn’t bring any enjoyment to the journey. I’ve                                                               below. Is she excited not only because she’s finally
flown many times since then and thankfully have                                                                  flying, but because she’s on her way to visit some-
enjoyed the miracle that is flying.                                                                              one or someplace special? Perhaps she’s taking
    Sometimes, that’s how life is. You experience                                                                that trip she’s postponed for far too long—whether
a lot of ups and downs. Most times they aren’t                                                                   out of fear, finances, or any number of distractions
pleasant experiences. Some of them leave you sick                                                                and detours in her life. Is there a sense of relief and
to your stomach, cause a broken heart, or regrets.                                                               accomplishment in her countenance?
Nevertheless, you keep trying and flying, living and                                                                 What’s also interesting is that unlike many
loving.                                                                                        norman rockwell   of Rockwell’s illustrations, the main muse is not
    Sometimes you will experience the thrill of         matter how many first flights you’ve experienced         a younger person. I believe this is because he is
taking-off, and the gratitude of a safe landing.        in life, or how many storms you’ve had to endure,        subtly expressing and even challenging each of us
Other times you may feel the fear and doubt that        you’ve got to keep taking off and getting back in        to remember that it’s alright to experience first
come with having to endure the turbulence of            the sky. I know there’s a huge difference between        flights at any age and stage of life. And to not only
storms. Sometimes you’ll peer out the portals and       being airsick and surviving a crash landing, but the     experience them, but expect, embrace and enjoy
enjoy watching a seemingly microscopic world wiz        principle is the same—don’t allow fear to perma-         them!
by beneath you and other times you may be afraid        nently clip your wings, or failure to permanently            What first flights do you need/want to expe-
to look down and wonder if the wings will hold.         ground you from believing in and even beginning          rience? Don’t let fear and regrets keep your life
    The point to this flying metaphor is that no        again in love and life.                                  grounded any longer. Today, it’s time to take flight!
16    Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                                          life                                                                                      Iron County Today

20th Annual                                                                                                    calendar
  Seniors                                       ongoing opportunities

                                                                                         Al-Anon                                    Southwest Parkinson’s                   Pickleball Group
                                                    Government                           KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,          Alliance                                Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball
                                                                                         Cedar City) unless otherwise listed        2nd Tues, 1 pm. • Cedar City            Courts. Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2
                                                Cedar City Council                       Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm •          Senior Center, 489 E 200 S • Kristy     (indoors) & free (outdoors)

 on May 20
                                                Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City         Call for info: (435) 704-8984              435-559-9681.
                                                Hall, 10 N. Main St (435) 586-2950       Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435)
                                                                                                                                                                            Recharge With
                                                                                         559-3333                                   Widows Support Group                    Cognomovement
                                                Enoch City Council                       Hope for Today (Family Groups)             2nd Sat, 11-1pm • Sonrise Church.       Mon, 5:15-6:15 pm • Cedar Yoga
                                                1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900     Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333               These Free meetings begin January       Space (736 N Main, North Entrance).
                                                E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                                                     8th. Questions? 435-586-3640 or         Brain-body exercise helps
                                                                                         Alzheimer's Caregiver                                  harmonize your brain hemispheres,
                                                Enoch Planning                           Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30                                                     boost overall energy. $12 drop
from Kaycee Tidwell                             Commission                               pm, 4th Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to                                                     in /First time to studio is Free.
For Iron Count y Today
                                                2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall, or (435) 238-4998            Classes, Clubs                       541-291-7856.
                                                900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119      x8773                                          & Activities                        Rock Club
                                                Iron County Commission                   Alzheimer's/Dementia                                                               1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy,
  The Area Agency on Aging                      2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission         Tues, 5:30-6:30 pm • Cedar Library         Adult Barre/Modern                      201 W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch.
invites seniors from the five                   Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan            (303 N 100 E). Learn about/access
                                                                                         resources, connect with others
                                                                                                                                    Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness
                                                                                                                                                                            Learn about geology, find gems,
                                                                                                                                                                            fossils and minerals. Learn to
southwest Utah counties                         Iron County Democrats                    for support. Contact Lauren Willie         Club, 1615 N Main, Cedar City •         cut and polish and make jewelry.
                                                                                         435-359-4819, for         All levels, Free to members, or $8
(Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane,                  3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86
                                                W Center, Cedar City                     info and Zoom link.                        drop-in fee.                            Senior Yoga Classes
and Washington) to the 20th                     Iron County Republican                   ARP—Addiction                              Arthritis Foundations                   Mon, 10-11 am & Wed, 1-2 pm •
Annual Seniors Conference being                 Women                                    Recovery                                   Exercise                                Cedar City Senior Center (489 E 200
                                                                                         1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary           Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center, 489      S). Easy to do. Please bring own
                                                3rd Wed, 11:30 am.
held on May 20th, 2020, at the                  Tickets $20, https://www.                building, Main & 300 N, Parowan
                                                                                         Sun 7:30 pm • 85 N 600 W, Cedar
                                                                                                                                    E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained
                                                                                                                                    instructors. Range-of-motion
                                                                                                                                                                            mat. (435) 586-0832

Heritage Center, located at 105 N     
                                                                                         City, Rm. 102 – LDS bldg. Back             exercises, endurance-building
                                                                                                                                                                            Sewing Group
                                                Parowan City Council                     entrance. 435-218-9578                                                             Wed 9-2:30 pm • Cedar Senior
100 E in Cedar City, UT.                        2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35
                                                                                                                                    activities, relaxation techniques,
                                                                                                                                    and health education topics.            Center (489 E 200 S). Bring machine,
                                                E 100 N • (435) 477-3331
                                                                                         Bipolar 'Winged                                                                    cord, projects, supplies. No fees. All
    The “Roaring 20s” theme will make for                                                Warriors' Mental Health                    Book Club                               abilities welcome. Annie Anzalone
                                                                                         Tues, 6:30-7:30 pm • Parowan Library       2nd Thurs, 6 pm • Cedar Library 303     (702) 232-0063.
a fun and nostalgic time! For many people,
relationships are incredibly important.           Service groups                         (16 S Main St.). You don’t have to
                                                                                         fight this battle alone. Together we
                                                                                                                                    N 100 E.                                Southern Utah
                                                                                         are warriors. Ages 13+ (under 18,          Boy Scout Troop 1848                    Woodturners
Connections with others – loved ones,           American Legion                          must have parent/guardian)                 5th–17 yrs • Thurs 6:30 pm • Old        2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School
caregivers, and others – to provide great       Auxiliary                                                                           School Library, upstairs, west door,    wood shop, 703 W 600 S.
                                                3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303        Caregivers                                 next to Enoch City Business office.
support to seniors in their lives, from         N 100 E, Amer. Legion Conf. Room •       1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging         Text Bryan Fanton 435-327-1214
                                                                                                                                                                            StrongBoard Classes
maintaining relationships with old friends,     (435) 704-6654                           Offices, 585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City                                            M-W-Fri, 9 am • IFS Studio, 2390
                                                                                                                                    Cedar Chest Quilters’                   UT-56 #9, Cedar City. Improve core
to bringing together both older and younger     American Legion Post 74                  Celebrate Recovery                         Guild                                   strength, balance, stability. All
generations.                                    2nd Mon, 6pm, Cedar Library, 303         (Christian 12-Step) Wed 6:30 pm •          Thurs, 10 am • Cedar Senior             fitness levels welcome. Class size
                                                N 100 E. Veterans invited to learn       True Life Center, 2111 N Main, Cedar.      Center, 489 E 200 S. Projects for       limited to 8. Call (661) 436-0259 to
                                                about benefits, opportunities and        Through Christ we can be victorious        all abilities. Block of the Month.      register/reserve your spot.
                                                fellowship. Honor Guard provides         over any hurts, habits, hang-ups           Make friends, improve skills &
                                                military honors at Veterans funerals.    (Phil. 4:13) • Jeff J 801-638-1800, Gary                                           Tae Kwon Do Class
      Area Seniors invited                      • Post Commander Darrin Duncan           D. 702-303-5662.
                                                                                                                                    have fun. Visitors welcome. Info:
                                                                                                                                    Ms. Ronnie Badgett. 435-477-2243.       Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic
                                                                                                                                                                            Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
                                                (435) 704-1466.                                                           
       to have a roaring                        Bikers Against Child
                                                                                         Fri, 2-3 pm • Free online support          Cedar City ESL
                                                                                                                                                                            mo., ages 5+, any experience level
                                                                                                                                                                            (435) 865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon
      good time learning                        Abuse                                    group for survivors of Domestic
                                                                                         Violence, Sexual Assault. Safe to
                                                                                                                                    Wed, 7 pm • Free tutoring for
                                                                                                                                    English as 2nd Language. Cedar City
                                                                                                                                                                            Creek Crisis Center.
                                                1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott,                                                                                        Tai Chi For Health
          to stay safe                          1294 S Interstate Dr (Cedar Breaks
                                                Conference Room)
                                                                                         communicate, feel supported, share
                                                                                         perspectives on healing, recovery.
                                                                                                                                    Library (303 N 100 E).
                                                                                                                                                                            Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar
                                                                                         Join:        Cedar City Toastmasters                 Senior Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE
                                                Elks Lodge #1556                         canyoncreekservices.                       Thurs, 7 am • IHOP, 980 W. 200 N.       low-impact, health benefitting
                                                                                                                                    Find your voice, shape your future.     Seniors. Helps coordination, balance,
                                                111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)    LDS 12-Step General                        Be the leader & speaker you want to     flexibility, more. Maria Bailey,
   This year’s conference will include          586-8332                                 Addiction Recovery                         be. (603) 731-0116                      435-673-3548 x103. Pre-registration not
information and support measures you can        Lion’s Club                              Tues, 7:30 pm • Canyon View                                                        required. Space limited.
                                                                                         Seminary building 54 W. 1925 N.,           Cedar Professionals                     Take Action for Freedom
take to stay safe from abusive situations and   Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz    North entrance.                            Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill
                                                for mtg. info. Everyone welcome!                                                                                            Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N.
to keep up with important relationships.        (435) 590-2896                           Multiple Sclerosis                         Suites, 1477 S Highway 91, Cedar
                                                                                                                                                                            Airport Road, Cedar • Preserve
                                                                                                                                    City. Organization of business
   The conference will begin at 9 a.m.,         Marine Corps League                      3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s        people. Stimulate business              Constitution, Republic, voting laws,
and includes Keynote Speakers: Michael                                                   Center, 581 N Main. Caregivers             through exchange of ideas,              medical freedom, education, 1st &
                                                Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm           and those with MS                                                                  2nd Amendment Rights, ed. on CRT
                                                                                                                                    information, referrals. visit www.
Bahr, Utah Education Director, Utah             Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.
                                                                                                                                            & boarder illegal immigration, local/
                                                                                         Narcotics Anonymous                                                                county/state Legislature
Shakespeare Festival and Jessica Farling,       Rotary Club                     • (435)             Cedar Radio Control Club
Director/Curator Southern Utah Museum           Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W      635-9603                                   4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library,
                                                                                                                                                                            Top Bar Hive Bee
of Art, Breakout Sessions: Alissa Ranf, Adult
                                                800 S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244       KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,          303 N 100 E.                            Keeping
                                                                                         Cedar City) unless otherwise listed                                                1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
Protective Services, Teresa Burrell, Attorney                                            Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm               Color Country Pickleball                303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
                                                 Support Groups
and Author of the Advocate series; Olcott                                                Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                 M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar
                                                                                                                                                                            TOPS – Take Off Pounds
                                                                                         Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm            Stake Ctr), Paddles & balls supplied.
and Art Kaufman local musicians and             AA—Alcoholics                                                                       (435) 586-6345                          Sensibly
                                                                                         Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                                                      Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.
business owners and Kate Nederostek from        Anonymous
                                                                                         Candle Light Mtg • Sat, 9:30 pm            Color Country Winds                     • Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E.
the Division of Aging and Adult Services        (435) 635-3603 •         (Small room)
                                                Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara                                                 Wed • Come brush up on your band        Lose weight affordably. • 586-3233
Caregiver Support Coordinator.                                                           Women Only • Sun, 11 am                    skills to share with the community.     (a.m. mtg)
                                                (702) 232-6829
                                                KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,        Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm           Call Debbie at (435) 559-9609 for
   This year’s conference also includes                                                  • Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main, Cedar         time and location.                      Water Aerobics Class
                                                Cedar City) unless otherwise listed                                                                                         Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56
numerous volunteer opportunities, support       Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa,        (877) 865-5890
                                                                                                                                    Cub Scout Pack 1848                     N 600 W., Fun, up-tempo workout
and educational opportunities, and a com-       Noon                                     Nicotine Anon (12-Step)                    K-5th • Thurs, 5 pm • Old School        to music. Intensive cardio, full body
munity resource expo with local agencies        Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am      Fri 6 pm • KKCB 203 Cobble Creek           Library, upstairs, west side door,      muscle toning. Any fitness level.
                                                Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6            Dr. Ste. 201 (North Room), Cedar •         next to Enoch City Business office.     All ages. $3/class, including pool
and community partners. The first 200 to        pm Paiute Tribe, 440 N Paiute (435)      (435) 559-0394                             Text LaRee Kurtz 435-559-211.           admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text)
sign up will be provided with a free lunch.     586-1112 Ext. 307
                                                                                         Porn Addiction Recovery                    DAR – Bald Eagle                        Wellness Place
   The Area Agency on Aging-Five County         Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                                                               Chapter
                                                Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm
                                                                                         for Men                                                                            583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar
Association of Governments has been                                                      Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View                2nd Tues, 4 pm • Cedar City Library,    City. (435) 592-5308. Classes:
                                                The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. True        seminary building (54 W 1925 N).           303 N 100 E                   
providing services to frail elderly and         Life Center 2111 N. Main. • (702)        North entrance.                                                                    upcoming-classes
disabled adults for over 20 years. We have      802-1332 or (702) 533-7856                                                          Explorer Bible Club
                                                Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685        Pregnancy, Infant Loss                     Wed, 6:30-8 pm • 4yrs. to 6th grade,    Wellness Wednesdays
an experienced staff with extensive skills      N 300 E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925        1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families          Valley Bible Church (4780 N Hwy 91,     Wed Noon-1 pm • Create Better
                                                                                                                                    Enoch). 435-586-0253                    Health. ZOOM Mtg ID: 841 6308 8990,
and knowledge of community resources            Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am          of So. Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste.
                                                                                                                                                                            PW: health, Info: Kristi Sharp (435)
                                                                                         6, Cedar • www.southernutahshare.
who can access these services to meet the       My Story • Sat, 8 pm                     com                                        Hey Cedars Square                       986-2564,
needs of the aging population across five       Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual •                                                   Dance Club
                                                Sun, 11 am                               Senior Blind/Visually                      Mon, 6-8 pm • Cedar City Aquatic        To add your ongoing
counties - Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, and    What a Way to Start the Day •            Impaired                                   Center, 2090 W. Royal Hunt Dr.          opportunity to our calendar,
Washington - in Southern Utah.                  Su, W, F                                 3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City            Class caller is Susan Howard. $5.00     call 867-1865, ext.6 or email
                                                7-8 am • All are welcome                 Library                                    per person. INFO: Neil 909-477-9795.
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