Page created by Jessica Schroeder
Spring 2021

Examining Visitor Use Trends in
                       Glacier National Park
            Glacier National Park has seen a 40% growth in visitation since 2012. This
            unprecedented increase in popularity has implications for protecting natural
            and cultural resources, as well as for providing a quality visitor experience.

Thanks in part to your generous donations, social scientists from the University of Montana’s College of Forestry
have been helping park managers understand visitor use patterns and trends in Glacier National Park over the
past decade. The data was recently compiled into a Story Map to help show where, when and how many people
are hiking on the trails throughout the park. This allows managers to know if there are any shifts in hiker patterns
on trails, and to help them make science-based decisions on protecting the trails for a range of opportunities:
from very popular areas with many people and amenities, to areas where visitors can experience more solitude.
Managing for this range of opportunities also ensures a quality visitor experience and protection of resources. To
     learn more about this project, we caught up with UM’s College of Forestry PhD candidate, Jaclyn Rushing.

                                Can you tell us a little                                                                        I reached out to Jenn Thomsen, Associate Professor of     empirically-grounded decisions to protect visitor
                                bit about you?                                                                                  Park, Tourism, and Recreation Management, because         experience and natural and cultural resources. This
                                I grew up in Corvallis,                                                                         she presented the results of the visitor use study at a   program is unique in how much long-term data we
                                Oregon. Most of my                                                                              luncheon in 2018. From getting to know her more, I        have. UM and Glacier have been partnering to monitor
                                time was spent outside                                                                          learned that we have a very similar approach, and that    visitor use since 2005, and the trail monitoring has been
                                raising horses and                                                                              UM provides incredible opportunities to work with a       going on since 2011. We’re going on 10 years of trail
                                dogs, trail running,                                                                            breadth of institutions: from local conservation groups   data collection, which provides a valuable perspective
                                biking around trails and                                                                        to international natural resource organizations.          of long-term trends. Not many parks have that much
                                town, and eventually                                                                                                                                      longitudinal data. The story map is a great addition
Jaclyn Rushing                  camping, backpacking,                                                                           Have there been any surprising discoveries from           to our program because it creates an accessible and
Field Research Technician
                                skiing, and climbing.                        Hikers traverse snow on Hidden Lake trail. / NPS
                                                                                                                                this research?                                            engaging way to share all of our long-term data. It is
I got my Bachelors from the University of Oregon                                                                                The results of the visitor use monitoring research are    intended for the public: to set expectations for future
in Environmental Studies and Romance Languages             What led to your interest in this PhD program at                     not really surprising for those of us who live, work,     visitors, to show trends for people who are more
(French and Spanish). It was at UO where I was             UM? How did you end up in Glacier?                                   and play in the park. It validates what we have all       interested in the numbers, and to educate people about
introduced to environmental research and education.        During my Masters, I took a road trip through the                    been feeling: visitation is increasing. Superintendent    the science of visitor use monitoring.
My experiences facilitating place-based environmental      west and visited Glacier. I wanted to do whatever I                  Jeff Mow and others refer to Glacier originally as a
education through the Environmental Leadership             could to work in Montana. I applied and got an                       backpacker’s park. That is changing and we have the
Program is what launched me into interpretation in         Interpretive Internship (funded by the Conservancy)                  numbers to support it. A lot of visitors ask us what we
parks and protected areas. I received my Masters in        in 2017. I worked as an interpretive and education                   are doing and are really interested to hear about the
the College of Forestry from Oregon State University.      ranger from 2017 until Spring 2020, and then as a field              number of people using the trails.
My research focused on place attachment and                research technician for the visitor use monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                                            Scan the QR Code to view the
constraints to park visitation for diverse racial and      project in Summer 2020. I get really excited about                   Why is this research important for park managers
ethnic groups. I love teaching, research, asking sticky                                                                         and for visitors?
                                                                                                                                                                                            Glacier National Park Visitor
                                                           using research to help support natural resource
questions, and learning, so I went on to pursue a PhD.     management. I love thinking creatively and                           The research allows park managers to monitor and            Use Monitoring Story Map or
                                                           collaboratively with managers and other researchers.                 identify shifts in visitation patterns, and to make         visit
were able to access information about the park. “After
                                                                                                                                                                             all of this hiking, I found people asking me where
                                                                                                                                                                             they should go. I realized that there was an itch that
                                                                                                                                                                             needed to be scratched,” said Jake.

                                                                                                                                                                             “When I was dreaming up the project, I’d really
                                                                                                                                                                             never heard of the Glacier Fund, now the Glacier
                                                                                                                                                                             Conservancy. Kristen and I find it so important to not
                                                                                                                                                                             only donate, but to amplify their work to others who
                                                                                                                                                                             have not heard of them. It’s one way to give back to
                                                                                                                                                                             the park that we love so much.”

                                                                                                                        Jake and Kristen Bramante in Glacier National Park   Jake and Kristen will celebrate the 10th anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                             of the hike at a special donor thank you event with

                                                                                                         Why we Give                                                         Glacier Conservancy donors on the evening of May
                                                                                                                                                                             27th. The event will be held virtually so that supporters
                                                                                                         Ten years ago, Jake Bramante started out on an                      from around the world can come and thank Jake, and
                                                                                                         amazing adventure that would change his life, and                   spend some time talking about his work here and in
                                                                                                         change the way visitors experience hiking in Glacier                other parks in the west.
                                                                                                         National Park. Taking his first step onto the McDonald
                                                                                                         Creek trail on May 17th, 2011, Jake began a five                    Since publishing Day Hikes of Glacier National Park,
                                                                   Recording on Grinnell Glacier / NPS   month journey to become the first person to hike                    Jake has published similar maps for Zion, Yellowstone,
                                                                                                         Glacier’s 734 miles of trails in one year. With the                 Grand Teton, Yosemite, Olympic, and Rocky Mountain
Headwaters Podcast                                                                                       encouragement and support of Glacier Fund Executive                 National Parks, bringing his engaging passion and
                                                                                                         Director Jane Ratzlaff, Jake put one foot in front of the           exceptional understanding of the landscape to help
 Since its debut in December 2020, Glacier                                                               other, day after day, through rain and snow, sun and                visitors experience our national parks. Through it all,
    National Park’s brand new podcast,                                                                   wind, to explore every trail in this park that had come             Jake and Kristen remain grounded in Glacier, and have
    Headwaters, has already captivated                                                                   to mean so much to him.                                             given generously in time and treasure to the work of
  thousands of listeners across the world.                                                                                                                                   the Glacier Conservancy.
                                                                                                         Like many of the world’s great innovations, Jake didn’t
Featuring a variety of stories taking place in different                                                                                                                     “We really feel blessed to call Glacier home and
                                                                                                         know where this path (pardon the pun) might lead him
regions of the park, listeners go on a journey with                                                                                                                          make it a priority to help out with this important
                                                                                                         when he started. He launched a website called
Rangers Michael Faist and Andrew Smith to learn                                                                                                                              work. Whether you can give a little or a lot, it’s that
                                                           Streaming Stats                      and invited people to join him both on
all about human history, wildlife, and many other                                                                                                                            act of giving that makes a difference to the park and,
                                                                                                         the trail and to follow him virtually during his journey.
features that make Glacier so unique.                                                                                                                                        honestly, to yourself. It’s kind of like hiking. You can
                                                                                                         Visit the website to see videos from the beginning
                                                              Over 100 5-star reviews                                                                                        get as much enjoyment out of a one-mile hike as you
                                                                                                         and end of Jake’s journey that year, a journey that
The first of its kind for Glacier National Park, the                                                                                                                         can a 15-mile hike – it’s all about the experiences along
                                                                                                         could not have anticipated the impact Jake and Kristen
podcast is allowing the park to connect with visitors                                                                                                                        the way and the people you take it with.”
                                                                                                         would have here in Glacier and beyond.
in new and exciting ways. Season 1 is available               Nearly 3,000 listeners
wherever you get your podcasts and has already                on Apple Podcasts
                                                                                                         With the help of his wife, Kristen, Jake created the Day
earned over 100 5-star reviews. Be on the lookout             and Spotify                                                                                                    Scan the QR Code to get 10%
                                                                                                         Hikes of Glacier National Park Map Guide. The map is
for Season 2 coming later this year, thanks to your                                                                                                                          off the Hike 734 Map Guide or
                                                                                                         printed on weather resilient stock and includes Jake’s
donations to the Glacier Conservancy.                                                                                                                                        visit
                                                                                                         ranking system and spot-on hike descriptions, which
                                                                                                         immediately and forever changed the way visitors                    Offer expires July 1, 2021
2020 Photo Contest                                                                                        Upcoming events 2021
Congratulations to the 2020 Glacier Photo Contest winners! Stay tuned for the 2021 contest in November.                                For more details or to register visit


                                                                                                                        21    Wednesday
                                                                                                                              Glacier Book Club: The Voices of Rivers / 6:30 - 7:30 pm

                                                                                                                              Backslope Brewing Community Benefit Day


                                                                                                                              Glacier Conversations: The Last Glacier: Images of Our Changing Landscape with the Hockaday
                                                                                                                              Museum of Art / 6:30 - 7:30 pm
                                                            2ND Comet Neowise by Ryan Hanson
     1ST Grinnell Goats by Brady Jochim
                                                                                                                        11    Tuesday
                                                                                                                              Glacier Book Club: The Nature Fix / 6:30 - 7:30 pm
                                                                            I truly discovered my passion
                 As an avid traveler, there is
                 nothing I enjoy more than
                                                                            for photography in Glacier
                                                                            National Park while on a
                                                                                                                        27    Donor Thank You Event: 10 Year Anniversary of Hike 734 with Jake Bramante / 6:30 - 7:30 pm

                 visiting somewhere on my                                   camping trip with my father.       June
                 bucket list and being able                                 From its soaring peaks and

                 to share those experiences             many waterfalls to its colorful wildflowers,                          Tuesday
through my photos. I love to hike and this              Glacier is a wondrous place for a photographer.                       Glacier Conversations: Native Plant Nursery / 6 - 7 pm
park offers hundreds of miles of trails with
magnificent views of dramatic peaks, glacial
                                                                                                                              Columbia Falls Market / 5 - 7 pm
lakes, and a chance of mountain goats!
                                                                                                                        23    Wednesday
                                                                                                                              Glacier Book Club: Mortal Fall / 6:30 - 7:30 pm


                                                                                                                              Sunday - Thursday
                                                         3RD Mt. Saint Nicholas by Mark Norton
                                                                                                                      11-15   Virtual Backpacker’s Ball Week
                                                                        Montana became my home in
                                                                        2017 and is often the focus of my
                                                                        photography with Glacier National

                                                                        Park often as the centerpiece. I
                                                                                                                              Fee Free Day
                                                                        feel incredibly fortunate to be able

                                                     to explore and capture the unmatched beauty                              Tuesday
                                                     and adventure one can find in Glacier and in the                         Glacier Book Club: Through Glacier Park / 6:30 - 7:30 pm
                                                     wilderness areas in western Montana.
                                                                                                                              Fee Free Day                                                         Mountain Goat / Angela Goin
Wilderness,                                       Wilderness                                               Wildlife                                                Wonder

   Wildlife, and                     “Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the
                                              human spirit.” - Edward Abbey
                                                                                          “Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we will.”
                                                                                                         - Theodore Roosevelt
                                                                                                                                                  “Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic
                                                                                                                                                       table. Even a tiny fleck of it stops time.”
     Wonder                                                                                                                                                        - Diane Ackerman

     Looking forward to projects
                                    Mapping the Character of Glacier’s Wilderness         Owls in Glacier                                         Reaching for the Stars
     happening in Glacier in 2021
                                    This exciting, ongoing project uses GPS               In 2014, Glacier participated in a statewide study      This year will mark the second full-season of
                                    technology, and state-of-the-art mapping              of wintering owls in Montana. That study detected       operation for the park’s Dusty Star Observatory
                                    technology, to provide park leadership with           few Great Grey or Boreal Owls in or near the park,      and the fifth year since the designation of
                                    actionable data about threats to the park’s           resulting in these species remaining designated by      Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park as the
                                    wilderness character and how those threats vary       the Montana Natural Heritage Program as Species         first transboundary Dark Sky Park in the world.
                                    across Glacier’s landscape – most of which is         of Greatest Inventory Need. This year, state-of-        We’ll celebrate with the return of dark skies
                                    recommended wilderness. This work provides a          the-art research methods developed by the Teton         programming on both the east (St. Mary) and west
                                    critical path forward for the future development      Raptor Center will be implemented here in Glacier       (Apgar) sides of the park, including ranger-led star
                                    of a Wilderness Management Plan; an integral          to survey for these two rare species of owls using      viewing programs with engagement from tribal
                                    step towards the permanent protection of              both systematic playback calls and automatic            partners to share traditional “star stories,” critical
                                    Glacier’s wilderness ecosystem.                       receiving units. This is the first-ever survey of its   to a cultural appreciation of Glacier’s night sky. The
                                                                                          type in Glacier and will help educate stakeholders      Dusty Star Observatory, dark skies compliance,
                                    Trail and Resource Preservation                       about the population of Great Grey and Boreal           and evening programming are all funded through
                                    The Conservancy’s vibrant partnership with the        Owls and whether Glacier might provide a breeding       private donations to the Glacier Conservancy, and
                                    Montana Conservation Corps (MCC) continues            habitat for future species growth.                      are supported by the park, Blackfeet Community
                                    this year as the Glacier Conservation Corps will                                                              College, and the Big Sky Astronomy Club.
                                    be hard at work protecting the park’s landscape.      Protecting a Keystone Species
                                    This impactful program provides opportunity for       For thousands of years, a mutual system of              Full STEAM Ahead
                                    dozens of young people to gain leadership skills      reliance has existed and developed between              Training tomorrow’s leaders is critical work in
                                    and hands-on experience in a way that makes           the Clark’s Nutcracker, the White Bark Pine, and        the park and at the Glacier Conservancy. After a
                                    a positive impact on the ecosystem. As you are        the Limber Pine. Today, that system of mutual           successful pilot project last year, and thanks to a
                                    hiking in the park, you’ll likely see MCC members     dependence is collapsing and threatens the              generous donation from a private donor, our friends
                                    out and about. Please take a minute to get to know    future of all these keystone species in Glacier         at the Glacier Institute will join park staff in hosting
                                    them, and thank them for their service.               and beyond. Wildlife Biologist Lisa Bate will lead      a summer Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
                                                                                          the park’s research efforts to inventory the park’s     and Mathematics (STEAM) camp for 6th to 8th grade
                                                                                          Clark’s Nutcracker population, track birds to           girls. This groundbreaking program provides hands-
                                                                                          survey movements, identify at-risk White Bark and       on experiences and mentorship opportunities
                                                                                          Limber Pines, collect seeds from healthy trees,         at a critical juncture in the educational growth of
                                                                                          and plant 6,000 seedlings to provide for future         students. Thanks to our donors, there is no fee
                                                                                          reforestation to turn the tide in protecting this       for the program, making it available to all who are
                                                                                          delicate balance of Glacier’s ecosystem.                interested in exploring this emerging new field.

Cracker Lake / James McDonough
Annual Report
                                       glacier national Park Conservancy

2019                                                           2020
ASSETS                                                            ASSETS
                                                                                                                                  Telling the financial story of 2020 for the Glacier National Park Conservancy requires both
CURRENT ASSETS                                                 CURRENT ASSETS                                                     transparency and context. When comparing the income statement and balance sheet from 2019 to
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                       $2,879,468     Cash and Cash Equivalents                         $ 3,427,945
  Current Promises to give, net of discount        $157,736      Current Promises to give, net of discount           $ 316,068
                                                                                                                                  2020, you’ll see that the pandemic had a significant impact on the Conservancy’s income for 2020.
  Prepaid Expense                                    $71,207     Prepaid Expense                                      $ 84,511
                                                                                                                                  Fortunately, because of your strong support, 2020 ended with our having a stronger balance sheet
  Inventory                                        $422,466      Inventory                                           $ 451,164

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                              $3,530,878   TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                 $4,279,688    than at the end of 2019. During 2020, the Conservancy operated with a balanced budget and
OTHER ASSETS                                                   OTHER ASSETS                                                       supported over $1.9 million dollars in projects in the park that could be safely implemented during
  Investments                                     $3,045,168     Investments                                        $2,953,756
  Property and Equipment, Net                      $756,054      Property and Equipment, Net                         $716,192     the pandemic. Additionally, $800,000 in support will be provided to the park this year for projects
  Total Other Assets                              $3,801,222     Total Other Assets                                 $3,669,948
                                                                                                                                  that had to be delayed until 2021 because of the pandemic. By working closely with Superintendent
TOTAL ASSETS                                      $7,332,100   TOTAL ASSETS                                         $7,949,636    Mow and the team at Glacier National Park, our public-private partnership turned the challenges of
                                                                                                                                  the past year into opportunity. This annual report shows the result of that successful work and the
LIABILITIES                                                    LIABILITIES                                                        powerful impact your support continues to have all across Glacier National Park. I invite you to take
   Accounts Payable                                  $39,426      Accounts Payable                                   $163,669
   Accrued Expenses                                  $72,276      Accrued Expenses                                     $58,691    a close look at the financial standing of the Glacier National Park Conservancy and do not hesitate
   Agency Funding Payable                          $183,354       Agency Funding Payable                             $184,713
   Grants Payable                                 $3,139,644      Grants Payable                                   $ 2,466,248    to contact me directly with questions. Thank you for being an important part of our Glacier family.
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 $3,434,701   TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  $ 2,873,320.4

NET ASSETS                                                     NET ASSETS
UNRESTRICTED                                                   UNRESTRICTED
   Undesignated                                    $956,680       Undesignated                                      $1,087,066
   Board-designated                               $2,099,892      Board-designated                                  $2,761,204                           Rick Bennet                       Doug Mitchell
RESTRICTED                                                     RESTRICTED                                                                                Board Chair                       Executive Director
   Temporarily Restricted                           $334,449      Temporarily Restricted                              $650,039
   Permanently Restricted                           $506,378      Permanently Restricted                              $578,007

TOTAL NET ASSETS                                  $3,897,399   TOTAL NET ASSETS                                     $5,076,316

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Almost a Dog Mountain / Brady Jochim

           STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES                                        STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                                  WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES
REVENUES AND SUPPORT                                           REVENUES AND SUPPORT
   Sales                                          $4,372,258      Sales                                             $1,926,044
   Contributions                                  $2,931,504      Contributions                                     $2,692,688
   Investments and other income                    $236,495       Investments and other income*                      $525,338

TOTAL REVENUES, SUPPORT AND GAINS                 $7,540,257   TOTAL REVENUES, SUPPORT AND GAINS                    $5,144,070                                                   12% Management and General Expense
EXPENSES                                                       EXPENSES
COST OF GOODS SOLD                                $2,067,057   COST OF GOODS SOLD                                    $890,710                                                    20% Fundraising Expense
PROGRAM EXPENSES                                               PROGRAM EXPENSES
    Funding to National Park Service              $2,704,407       Funding to National Park Service                 $1,151,035
    Funding to Agencies                              $22,200       Funding to Agencies                                      $0                                                   68% Program Expense
    Supportive Services                           $1,209,528       Supportive Services                               $958,260
MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL                              $419,913   MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL                                 $356,945
FUNDRAISING                                         $767,773   FUNDRAISING                                            $601,783

TOTAL EXPENSE                                     $7,190,878   TOTAL EXPENSE                                       $3,958,732

CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                                $349,380   CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                                $1,185,337
NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF THE YEAR                 $3,548,018   NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF THE YEAR                   $3,890,979

NET ASSETS, END OF THE YEAR                       $3,897,399   NET ASSETS, END OF THE YEAR                          $5,076,316

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Almost a Dog Mountain / Brady Jochim

Our audited financial statements are prepared by                * Investments and other income includes $375,178
Anderson ZurMuehlen & Co., P.C. Missoula, MT                     in federal and state Covid-19 related grants.
2020                    By the Numbers
                                                                         $1.9 million
                                                                         In funding to Glacier National Park
                                                                                                                       61 projects
                                                                                                                       Completed because of your support

 674%                              2                                                 4,798                                       3
 Increase from 2019 in Distance    Electric car charging stations                    Native plants were propagated               Electric vehicles purchased
 Learning programming that         purchased for installation at Apgar               at the Columbia Falls High                  replacing existing gas-powered
 reached over 3,000 students and   and St. Mary Visitor Centers                      School greenhouse                           vehicles for campground staff
 teachers in the U.S. and Canada

                                   56                                                25
 1ST                               Historic images and 615 document                  Glacier Conservation Corps
 Season of the new Glacier         pages from the park's original                    participants contributed 2,973
 Headwaters podcast launched       "Nature Notes" added to the                       hours to critical park projects
                                   Montana Memory Project

 24                                90                                                Snowmobiles purchased to
 Students from local Boys and      Archaeological reports from                       improve the park's search and
 Girls Clubs spent a week          1960-1990 were digitized by                       rescue efforts
 camping, hiking and learning in   five cultural interns
 the park through the Glacier in
 Focus program
                                                                                     Citizen scientists
                                   10                                                volunteered 4,664 hours
                                   Middle school girls attended
 New fire-retardant cedar           the first annual STEAM camp
 shingle roof installed on the
 Historic Lake McDonald Ranger
 Station barn

                                                                                                                                      Grinnell Glacier Overlook / Kayla Bodri
                                                       $6,646 AND OVER

                                LOGAN PASS Circle
Anonymous                    Dennis and Phyllis            National Park Foundation      Mo and Cathy Stein            Dane and Joan Wells                                                                                                                                                                      Bob and Paula Sandman         The Phoenician
Al & Nancy Burnett              Washington Foundation      Nemacheck Family              Russ and Barbara Tabbert      Whitefish Community                                                                    $1,000 - $6,645                                                                                   Perri Schelat                 The SahanDaywi Foundation
   Charitable Foundation
Zak and Susie Andersen
                             John and Dana Donovan
                             Tom and Cindy Downing
                                                                                         The California Notley
                                                                                                                       Wild Tribute
                                                                                                                                                                                          GRINNELL Circle                                                                        Greg and Cyndi Olson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Diane and Glenn Schlichting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Thomas Scott and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fred and Shelby Thompson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thrive Talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 John and Lisa Owen
Applied Materials            Everybody Solar                  Family Foundation          Thomas O. Brown               Xanterra-Glacier National                                          Brian and Shannon Haycox      Tim and Karen Kirwan          Catherine McVea                                              Sarah Rada-Scott           Carol Timmis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Joe and Dede Pahl
Julie Asher Lee              Glacier Bank                  Bill and Ann Payne               Foundation                    Park Lodges                                                     Rick and Jane Hays            Bill and Laurie Klein         Jerry and Rhona Meislik                                   Jon and Misty Scurlock        Jeannine and David Trousdale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Chad and Carrie Parker
Tom and Louise Bannigan      Glacier Institute             P.D. Jackson Foundation       Vacation Races                                             First Interstate Bank                                                                                                                                       SECGC                         True Water Fly Shop
                                                                                                                                                                                          Nancy and Michael Heine       Kootenai Resource             Karen Mercaldo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Parks Project
Lana and Joe Batts           John and Sarah Graves         Pursuit                       John and Kris VanDenburgh                                  Tup and Megan Fisher                                                                                                                                        Gary Shaye                    Michael Tumey
                                                                                                                                                                                          Jim and Linda Hendrickson        Corporation                Kathy Mercord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tony and Marylou Patterson
Rick and Lavonne Bennet      John Grove                    Joe and Beverly Raudabaugh    Mary Warner                                                Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc.                                                                                                                         Jamie and Janna Shennan       LeRoy and Trish Unruh
                                                                                                                                                                                          Joel Hester                   Franklyn Kraus                Merrill Lynch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rod Jones and Nancy Perot
BNSF Railway Foundation      Izaak Walton Inn              The Steele-Reese                                                                         Flathead Lake Lodge                                                                                                                                         Kevin and Adele Sink          Tom and Debbie Walker
                                                                                                                       Diana Cooper                                                       Louis and Kathrine Hill       Sue and Al Laing              Andrew and Monica Midler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nancy Peterson
Janet Brandt                 Ms. Judith F. Lomax              Foundation                                                                            Jay and Catherine Flynn                                                                                                                                     Catherine Smith               Ron Waterman and Ann
                                                                                                                       Linda Cornutt                                                      Ken Hoagland                  Velora LaMynyon and           Richard Miles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jim and Gayle Prete
Ken Butler                   Mark and Mary Ann Miller                                                                                               Peter and Jenifer Flynn                                                                                                                                     Dennis Smith                    Lauer Waterman
                                                                                                                       Katherine and Gordon Cross                                         Jim Hollensteiner                Wayne Anderson             Randy and Teresa Minchew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Eric Pucek
Charter Communications       Montana Coffee Traders                                                                                                 Frank G. and Gertrude                                                                                                                                       Hervey Smith                  Todd Weaver
                                                                                                                       Lesley and Cliff Dales                                             Mary and Robert Hoolsema      Barb and Cameron Lancaster Minnesota Land Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tom and Teresa Quinn
John Chase                   David and Nancy Mueller                                                                                                   Dunlap Fund                                                                                                                                              Tad and Eileen Smith          Orrin and Barbi Webber
                                                                                         Scott and Becca Bracewell     Ian and Nancy Davidson                                             Allen Ingling                 Julie and David Lichte        Doug and Julie Mitchell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Annette Ready
Randy and Susan Chesler                                                                                                                             Marilyn and Bruce Fredrickson                                                                                                                               Ned Sohl and                  William West
                                                                                         Quincy and Matthew Bream      Allison Davis                                                      Lynn Jepsen                   Jean Light                    Blake and Lori Mobley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dan Reckerd
Karen and Nick Chickering                                                                                                                           Fun Beverage, Inc.                                                                                                                                             Kathryn Sohl Beasley       Robin Wheeler Azqueta and
                                                           Christine Beckman and         Leslie Breaux                 Katy and Brad Dolesh                                               Paul and Ann Jeremiassen      Marcia Litchfield             Montana Shirt Company
Trudy Corwin                                                                                                                                        Audrie Garagiola                                                                                                                                            Tim Speyer and Cathy Weber      Norberto Azqueta
                                                              Ted Mitchell               Dalena Brennan                Nicole and Don Donester                                            Jesco Marine and              Carol Lugar                   Diane and Mikel Moore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tori Reich
                                                                                                                                                    Don and Mary Ann Garner                                                                                                                                     David and Kaitlin Steinmetz   Ardy and Steve Whisler
                                                           Belton Chalets, Inc.          Matt and Tara Brister         Joseph Dopilka                                                        Power Sports               Keith Lyum and Rachel Field   Todd Zondlo and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Teri and Norbert Reis
                                                                                                                                                    Margaret Gilbert                                                                                                                                            Rosanne and Robert Stocker    Dave and Sue Wickersham
                                                           Noel Bennett                  George and Gretchen Bristol   Dorrance Family Foundation                                         Steven and Pat Johnstone      Kirk and Kristina MacKenzie      Melissa Murphy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 John and Beth Repke
                                                                                                                                                    Glacier Guides and Montana Raft                                                                                                                             Bill Strickler                Wild Coffee Company
                                                           David and Kara Benson         Susan and Will Brooke         Renae Dorrity                                                      Fred and Sarah Jones          Idelle Manning                Kerry and Tim Mushkin
                             Anderson ZurMuehlen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 River Science Institute Inc.
                                                                                                                                                    Jodi and Michael Glaser                                                                                                                                     Ed and Shirley Sullivan       Ann Williamson
                                                           Ken and Gail Berry            Carrie Byles and Greg Ryan    Jackie Dyer and                                                    Mona and Jack Jones           Steven Marquardt              Netflix
                             Elizabeth and David Baker                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dean Robbins
                                                                                                                                                    Bill and Valerie Goodwin                                                                                                                                    Steve and Linda Swartley      Joan Winstein
                                                           Linden Berry                  Charles and Marty Campbell       Keith Hammonds                                                  Monica Jungster and           Alan Mawdsley                 North Shore Veterinary
                             Steve and Jane Baldock                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kathie Roos and
Anonymous                                                                                                                                           David Gordon                                                                                                                                                Symetra Financial             Bet and Doug Wise
                                                           Carol Bibler and Jim Watson   John and Pat Case             Katelynn Eckert                                                       Chuck Brasen               Jan Mayo                         Hospital
                             Albert Balducchi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Neal Blossom
Lynda Lees Adams                                                                                                                                    Don and Joan Gorowsky                                                                                                                                       Jeff Talbot                   Joe Wollack
                                                           Rebecca Blickenstaff          Charlotte and Edward          Kathleen Eden                                                      JW Cole Financial             Larry and Barbara McBride     North Valley Hospital
                             Kitty Banner Seemann                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Roger Rosentreter
AGL Foundation DAF                                                                                                                                  Alan and Sallie Gratch                                                                                                                                      Bob and Liza Tamashunas       Randy and Susan Woods
                                                           Allen and Chris Blum             Wheeler Foundation         Paula Edsall                                                       Bob and Patricia Kahmann      Libby and Murray McCabe          Foundation
                             Mike and Kristi Barham                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Walter Rowntree and
Hal and January Akselrad                                                                                                                            Joe and Cindy Gregory                                                                                                                                       Jim and Denise Taylor         Darrell Worm and Karen Leigh
                                                           James Bodner                  Jeff and Carolyn Clark        Jeri Engle                                                         Keen Footwear                 Bruce and Karen McCaul        Gretchen Notley
                             Diane Barlow and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Laura Reynolds
Tran and Barb Alfrey                                                                                                                                Keith Grossoehme                                                                                                                                            Cheryl Taylor                 Raymond and Diane Young
                                                           Brent and Liz Bohne           Brian and Marie Clark         Bing and Mary Ewalt                                                Kenneth Yarus Fine Art        Jim and Liz McDonald          Vince O’Brien
                                David Laney                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Stacy Rudnicki
Richard and Karen Allen                                                                                                                             Dottie Hall and J.J. Leary                                                                                                                                  The H & R Block Foundation    Chris and Cheryl Zabel
                                                           Gary Bolhuis and              Ron Cohn                      Beth and Finn Ewing                                                Teeky Kenny and               Scott McFarlane               Mark O’Keefe and
                             Gretchen Platt and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sam Starns Adventure
AmazonSmile Foundation                                                                                                                              Ellen Halter                                                                                                                                                The Huckleberry Patch         Madeline Zielinski
                                                              Mary Siwer Bolhuis         Gregg and Liz Cole            Mark Ferris                                                           Michael Caudill            Hope McGowan                     Lucy Dayton
                                Charles Bartberger                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Elopements
Rob and Marcey Anderson                                                                                                                             Peggy and James Hamilton                                                                                                                                                                  Earl and Joan Zinkham
                                                           Doug Bonham                                                 Fifth Pocket                                                       Jim and Barbara Keppel        Jeanette and Mike McKee
                             Roger and Beth Barth                                                                                                   Kelly Harrington
Corey and Jill Anderson                                                                                                                                                                   Marc and Joanna Kerner
                                                                                                                                                    Susan Hay Patrick

                                                                                       MONTHLY GIVING                                                                                                                                                                            Larry Pittis                   William Kirby Smith and

                                                              Guardians of glacier                                                                                                                                                                                               Susan and                         Sara C. Smith              Barbara and
                                                                                                                                                                                          Bill and Janet Kappa          Annie Kurz                    Megan Meagher                                             Dennis Smith                    Aaron Winkleman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sam Porrovecchio
                                                                                                                                                    Don and Candy Hartman                 Kevin Karnatz                 The Lamb Family               Jim Mechem and                                            Marci Tasche                  Jacqi Wittmeyer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Chuck Pribbernow
                             Steve and Barb Benson         Mary Lisa Carenza             Nancy DeCou                   Jay and Catherine Flynn      Bill and Linda Harvey                 Fred and Barbara Kastner      Bruce and Teresa Latimer         Jean Anne Swope                                        Marcia Tourtellott            Jason Wolz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Carolyn Radakovich
                             Colleen Billman               Amber Carlsrud                Nick Descamps                 Candice Fritschner           Kristopher Hassett                    Tomi Kent and Fred Luety      Scott and Erin Leedom         Patricia Minnick                                          Summer Trottier               Kathleen Yanamura
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Paul J. Rana
Anonymous                    Tiffany Blasingame            Mary and Peter Carparelli     Lauren and                    Kristine Fritschner          Rick and Jane Hays                    Ronald and                    Krisstyn Leiter               Helen Bailey Moen                                         Linda VandeKop                Ernest Young
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Karen and Stephen Recher
Mim Allison                  Stephen Bockhold and          Guy and Connie Carter            Timothy Descamps           Gloria Gardiner              Joel Hester                              Carla Kerekes Martin       Tihomir Liptak                David Moore                                               Darrell Vandover              Rick and Patty Zalabowski
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Donald and Denise Rivera
Michael and Melissa Altese   Annmarie Geniusz              Yonghee Cho                   Corby and                     John and Katie Gates         Nancy Heuer                           Soo Uok Kim                   Avery Little                  Chris Moore                                               Peggy Vaughan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Denice Roberge
Christopher Altwies          Lynda Boepple                 Anna and Jason Christensen       Shannon Dickerson          Katherine Gates              Benjamin Holstine                     Peggy Kincaid                 Mary Lois Hall                Steve Motsco                                              Jessica Wade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Angela Romain
Rhonda Andersen              Gary Bolhuis and Mary         Anne Christensen              Ruth Dillon                   Colby Genry                  Bruce Howard and                      Laurel King-Davis             Angelique Louie               Jeff and Amy Mow                                          Matt Wallace and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Greg Rutzen
Timothy Anderson                Siwer Bolhuis              Doug Clayton                  John Dorland                  Janelle Gentry                  Barbara Bond-Howard                Bill and Laurie Klein         Stephanie Maj                 Paul and Leslie Mulligan                                     Danielle LeBlanc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Joe Sandbulte
Tom and Barbara              Adrian Borkholder             Beth Coopey                   Stacy Dubuc                   William Grant                Nancy Inglis and                      David and Andy Knaggs         David, Sally, Jack, and       Kerry and Tim Mushkin                                     Karen Watson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 John Satterwhite
   Armentrout                Peggy Brewer and Don Moe      Linda Cromwell                Richard and Margie Eglsaer    Adam Green                      David Dellwo                       Jim and Donna Koch               Luke Masri                 Sowmya Narayanan                                          Roy Weinstein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Perri Schelat
Susan Atkinson               Gina Bridgeman                Brenda Cullen and             Todd Eliason                  Keith Green                  Daniel Innis                          Becca Kohl and                Parker Massman                David Nowicki                                             Maria and Alex Wheeler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Karel Shane
Barbara Bage                 Rachel and David Buck            Joseph Farrell             Ann Eversley                  Melanie Guerra               Ashley Johnson                           Kirby Lambert              Linda McAffrey                M.J. and Dave Orkowski                                    Kevin and Kathleen Whitton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Paul and Laureen Sherling
Rebecca and Steven Barth     Deb and Glenn Burfeind        Don and Janet Cutshall        Tom Facey                     Andrew Guglielmo             Mike Johnson                          Matthew Kramer                George and Colleen McCabe     Liana Parakesyan                                          Jason Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Susan Shermer
Taylor Beach                 Zeshun and Charlene Cai       Jill and Mitch Dahl           Lisa Felix                    Leilani Hadd                 Brian Johnson                         Lisa Kudelka                  Michael McCarren              Stephanie Pariza                                          Ashley Williamson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Valerie Shideler
Keith and Cathy Beck         Nick and Katie Cantrell       Pauline and John Davey        Kyle Ferguson                 Laura Hall-Knapp             Nicholas Jolley                       Pam and Chris Kuhl            John McIntyre                 Ngoc Pham                                                 Sue Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Suzanne Shields
Glacier National Park Conservancy
                402 Ninth St. W. • P.O. Box 2749
                Columbia Falls, MT 59912

    FSC Logo        Printed on Forestry Stewardship Council
                    certified paper with BioRenewable Ink.

Cover photo: Grinnell Goats / Brady Jochim

                                                   2021 Wolf Shirt
                                                              Available in Park Stores

                                                                                         2021 Glacier Wolf T-Shirt $28
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