INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL

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INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
Your technology partner for machining
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL

    don't want to do everything
    differently. But many things
                                   up oppor-
                                               always find new ways to
                                               get more for you out of
                                                   your processes.


and industry highlights 2022
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL

New Products for Titanium Machining                      4
Solutions for Fluid Technology                           6
Internal and External Machining of the Stator Housing    8
Technology Partner and Complete Supplier in the
Die & Mould Sector                                      10
Machining carbide with PCD solid head milling cutters   12
Highly Productive Milling in Stainless Steel            13
Exciting and Unique Gems                                14
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
4                INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics

                                                                                                                Example of a torsion joint
New Products for                                                                                              Highly stressed chassis part made of titanium

Titanium Machining
The low thermal conductivity of titanium, to-        each have two cutting edges and are available
gether with its high tensile strength, means         with corner radii from 0.8 mm to 4 mm.                               FEATURES
that the tools are subjected to high thermal and
mechanical stresses. The new MAPAL titanium                                                              - Diameter: 32 – 125 mm
                                                     An equally new cutting material concept min-
range features sophisticated heat dissipation        imises wear and the formation of built-up on        - Available as shoulder & shell end face milling
and heat-resistant coatings. As a result, compar-    the cutting edges. There are two different sub-       cutters
atively high cutting values can be achieved with     strates to choose from. In addition to a wear-re-   - Available radii: 0.8 mm / 2 mm / 3 mm / 4 mm
high process reliability at the same time. Com-      sistant universal grade, a temperature-resistant
pared to conventional solutions on the market,       high-performance grade has been developed
25 to 35 percent longer tool lives are achieved.     with which cutting speeds of up to 70 m/min                       ADVANTAGES
                                                     can be achieved.
                                                                                                         - New insert topography for optimal cutting
 1   NeoMill-Titan                                   The tool body has also been newly developed           behaviour
                                                     for the high-tech inserts. With ideally adapted     - Efficient and variable cooling concept
Indexable insert milling cutters with a bite
NeoMill-Titan is the name for a whole family of      shapes, the chip flutes transport the chips out       increases tool life
milling cutters with indexable inserts for titani-   of the shear zone. The unequal spacing of the       - Perfect solution for roughing and medium
um machining: Shell end face milling cutters in      inserts provides additional stability and smooth      machining
slip-on and shank versions, as well as shoulder      running.                                            - 25 to 35 percent longer tool lifes are achievable
milling cutters are part of the standard portfo-
lio. The topography of the indexable insert has      Variably designed coolant outlets make the
been redesigned from scratch for optimum chip        regulation of the flow rate of each individual
formation and removal. The indexable inserts         insert possible.
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics                         5


                                                Variably designed coolant outlets allow for the regulation of
                                                the flow rate of each individual insert.



 2   OptiMill-Titan-HPC                                 3    MEGA-Speed-Drill-Titan                                                FEATURES
Versatile roughing and finishing                       Cost-efficient and productive
                                                                                                                - High thermal stability due to heat-resistant
The OptiMill-Titan-HPC four-edged shoulder             The high-speed drill MEGA-Speed-Drill-Titan is
milling cutter is a versatile tool. The solid car-     characterized by cost efficiency with maximum
bide end milling cutter can perform roughing           productivity. The double edge solid carbide drill        - Sophisticated heat removal
operations and can also be used for a finish cut.      is equipped with four guiding chamfers for opti-         - High stability
                                                       mum roundness. To bring the maximum coolant              - Cost efficiency with the highest possible
The special cutting edge preparation produ­            flow to the main cutting edge, the coolant is di-          productivity
ces clean surfaces and allows finishing up to          rected backwards along the shell surface. In this
a working depth of 2xD. The core diameter of           way, the guiding chamfers experience maximum
this milling cutter rises from the cutting edge to     cooling, dissipating the generated heat effective-                     ADVANTAGES
the shank, giving it greater stability. The spacing    ly. A new design of the chip flute produces small
of the cutting edges as well as the helix of the       chips. The convex main cutting edge ensures              - High process reliability and up to 35 percent
spirals are unequal to achieve smooth running.         high stability and long tool life. The drill is avail-     higher tool life
The coating, which contains silicon, proves to be      able from diameter 3 to 20 mm in length 5xD.             - Low cycle times due to high cutting data
highly heat-resistant, counteracts the tenden-                                                                  - Efficient coolant flow to avoid friction and
cy to adhesion and, together with the polished         Typical parts that can be created with the                 heat at the cutting edge
chip spaces, ensures optimum chip removal. The         drill, which achieves a cutting speed of up to           - Avoidance of chipping and built-up edges
OptiMill-Titan-HPC is available from diameter 4        40 m/min, are structural parts in the aerospace
to 25 mm. Special dimensions are possible.             industry, for example, brackets for the wing box
                                                       or the landing gear with its numerous bores.
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
6                  INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics

Solutions for Fluid Technology

For the materials often used in fluid tech-               Everything depends on the main bore                  steps. Next, a solid carbide tool or, in the case of
nology, cast iron, steel, stainless steels and            Manufacturing valve housings is the supreme          larger parts, a tool with indexable inserts passes
non-ferrous metals, MAPAL offers econo­                   discipline in the hydraulics world. For many         through the entire bore. What the pilot drill has
mical process solutions through a high level              years, MAPAL’s expertise has been in demand          created for the first ridge is now produced along
of expertise in both bore machining and                   for the spool bore. The gap dimension with           its entire length. To prevent ring formation in the
milling applications. Customers have relied               the slide depends on the accuracy of this bore,      hollow chambers due to chips, MAPAL ensures
on MAPAL's expertise for many years, par-                 which is very narrowly defined in modern hy-         a soft cut during machining by using tangen-
ticularly for demanding machining opera-                  draulic valves, so that the hydraulic oil can only   tial technology. This can eliminate the need for a
tions for hydraulic parts in a wide range of              flow in the required direction. The roundness,       separate washing cycle in the process.
dimensions.                                               straightness and surface finish of this bore are
                                                          also crucial.                                        After this pre-machining, the classic fine bor-
                                                                                                               ing tool is used, finishing the bore extremely
                                                                             The first machining step          precisely. It has an adjustable cutting edge and
                                                                             takes the varying quality of      guide pads, which prevent the tool from being
                                                                             the blank parts into account.     displaced from ridge to ridge. This produces a
                                                                             Since the pre-cast bores are      high degree of straightness and an exact cylin-
                                                                             relatively imprecise, a precise   drical form.
                                                                             pilot bore must first be cre-
                                                                             ated in the first ridge. This     The bore quality can usually be improved to
                                                                             lays the foundation for cre-      such an extent that the sometimes still nec-
The required tolerances of the spool bore in terms of
roundness (2.5 μm) and straightness (1 μm) are achieved                      ating a good cylindrical form     essary three-stage honing process can be
in series production.                                                        in the subsequent machining       reduced to a one- or two-stage honing pro-
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics                        7

cess, or honing can even be eliminated alto-         Efficient machining with
gether. However in cases where three stages are                                                                          FEATURES
                                                     tangential boring tool
still needed, this process is considerably faster    The parts are 500x500 mm valve blocks made of       - High solution competence in fluid technology
thanks to the good pre-machining.                    spheroidal graphite cast iron 50, with three pis-   - Economical machining solutions
                                                     ton bores to be machined from both sides. Stock     - Process-reliable machining
High cost-effectiveness with                         removal can amount to 16 mm in dia­meter. The
standard tools                                       tangential boring tools with indexable inserts
In the machining of hydraulic parts, the focus       produce short rip chips, preventing rings from
is also on enabling economical machining with        being pressed into the gaps which then have to
the available standard portfolio. Examples of this   be removed at great expense. The operation time     - Complete process design and implementation
include the NeoMill programme for face milling       has been reduced by 15.33 minutes per part. The       from a single source
or the Tritan-Drill-Reamer that combines drilling    housings of the corresponding model were pro-       - Processes tailored to customer requirements
and reaming in one operation and guarantees          duced in a quantity of 500, which means a total
                                                                                                         - High efficiency also with standard tools
best drilling results with the new UNIQ DReaM        time saving of 128 hours.
                                                                                                         - Maximum precision
Chuck 4.5°.
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
8                 INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics

Internal and External Machining
of the Stator Housing
With increasing numbers of electric vehicles,     Three-stage solution for the stator bore            porting arc shaped land are used to avoid vibra-
not only very precisely manufactured parts        In the pot-shaped version of the motor hou­         tions. This also ensures that small chips are pro-
are required, but also the most efficient pro-    sing, the stator carrier housing is inserted into   duced, which can be easily removed. In the sub-
duction possible. One part that is particu-       the main housing as an intermediate hous-           sequent semi-finish machining, the complex
larly demanding in terms of machining is          ing. Typical diameters for the thin-walled alu-     contour path of the electric motor housing is
the motor housing for the electric motor.         minium part are between 200 and 240 mm on           pre-machined in such a way that the complete
MAPAL has already established a three-            the inside and between 240 and 260 mm ex-           fine machining with chamfers and radial transi-
stage solution for machining the stator bore.     ternally. Concentricity of the various bearing      tions can be produced to µm accuracy with the
The precision tool manufacturer now pre-          and mounting diameters is critical to the per-      finishing fine boring tool. The tools are individ-
sents a large tool for external machining.        formance of the electric motor, which requires      ually designed for the respective customer de-
                                                  very precise machining within tight tolerances.     pending on the stock situation, machinery and
                                                                                                      clamping setup. Different steps in the housing
                                                  The first of three steps for machining the stator   are taken into account with the cutting edge
                                                  bore is pre-machining with a boring tool. The       positions of the tools, as are cast-in or pressed-
                                                  blank has casting bevels that result in cutting     in steel bushings for bearings. While the major-
                                                  depths of up to 6 mm to be removed. For this        ity of the workpiece is machined with PCD, car-
                                                  purpose, special indexable inserts with a sup-      bide cutting edges are used for the steel area.

    Electric motor housing

                Stator carrier / Cooling Jacket
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics                             9

                                                                                                                                          Find out more about
                                                                                                                                          solutions for e-mobility at:

                                                                                                                                      WORLD FIRST
                                                                                                                                      Lightweight tool for
                                                                                                                                      external machining

World first for external machining                  Complete machining on machining centre
On the outside, the part features a helical cir-    Internal machining is possible very quickly and                    FEATURES
cumferential groove. Because the coolant later      accurately with the boring tools. In addition,
                                                    the outside can also be machined in the same      - Process-reliable complete machining of stator
flows through this groove after it’s been insert-
ed into the outer housing, the stator carrier is    clamping setup without moving. The machin-          housings
also known as the "cooling jacket".                 ing centre solution caters to customers who       - Internal and external machining of the stator
                                                    are embracing the transformation to e-mobili-       housing on a machining centre
MAPAL is presenting new external machin-            ty with existing machinery geared to machining    - New extraordinary external machining tool in
ing tools at the EMO in Milan. They are among       large cubic aluminium housings.                     lightweight design
the more unusual tools. After pre-machining, a
bell-shaped tool takes over the complete finish­    Those who start their production on a green-
ing of the outside. The specifically designed       field site can, of course, choose which machin-                 ADVANTAGES
lightweight tool is equipped with indexable in-     ing strategy is best for them. MAPAL has de-
serts and guide pads and was provided with          veloped an alternative machining solution in a    - Complete process design and implementation
bars in the right places to save as much weight     joint project with a machine manufacturer. In       from a single source
as possible and to get rid of chips through large   this case, the process was rotated 90 degrees     - High-precision manufacturing for optimum
openings. The fine machining tool promises          for use on vertical lathes.                         power development of the electric motor
high roundness and accuracy.                                                                          - Efficient and cost-optimised tool technology
                                                                                                      - Highest product quality, process reliability
                                                                                                        and cost-effectiveness
INNOVATIONS 2022 Your technology partner for machining - MAPAL
10               INNOVATIONS 2022 |Solutions for focus topics

                                                                                                            N Aluminum

P H Steel and hardened steel

                                                                                     K Cast iron

Technology Partner and Complete Supplier in the
Die & Mould Sector
Apart from tools and chucks, MAPAL sup-              The programme for the die & mould sector          Due to the high specialisation in the market
plies complete processes and the path to             forms a cross-section through MAPAL’s tool        segment of the die & mould sector and the
digital manufacturing.                               portfolio, from milling with fixed and replace-   significantly increasing demand for techno­
                                                     able inserts and drilling to countersinking and   logy and management solutions, the focus is
Companies that make dies and moulds expect           reaming. The portfolio comprises around 6,500     no longer on tool solutions only when select-
high process and product expertise from their        articles matched to the workpiece materials       ing the right machining partner. Machining
tool partner. This is because the tool life of the   used, such as steel, hardened steel, cast iron,   strategies, machine tools, workpiece clamping
moulds to be produced and the precision of the       aluminium and copper, as well as graphite.        systems, CAD-CAM systems and solutions for
moulded parts are enormously important for                                                             tool management are part of the machining
competitiveness in the manufacture of the end        Numerous highlights, such as the milling cut-     process and are decisive for efficient and eco-
products. Therefore, they require their tools to     ters with high-feed geometry, are part of this.   nomical manufacturing.
offer the highest levels of precision, a long tool   Both the solid carbide design of the OptiMill
life, and – above all – process reliability.         series and the variants with exchangeable in-     As a technology partner, MAPAL offers every­
                                                     serts enable machining with high stock re-        thing from a single source and covers all
It is precisely these aspects that make MAPAL        moval rates and can be used flexibly. In ad-      facets of the overall process.
successful in sectors such as the automotive         dition, the highlights also include the shoul-
industry, machine engineering and the aero­          der radius milling cutter OptiMill-3D-CS with
space industry. It’s therefore only logical to       its large operating radius or the drill reamer
also offer efficient and economical solutions        MEGA-Drill-Reamer, which combines two
for the complete machining process in the            work steps into one and is mainly used for cre-
die & mould sector.                                  ating dowel pin and ejector bores.
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Solutions for focus topics                  11

     N Graphite

                                                                                                                    Two working steps –
                                                                                                                    drilling and reaming –
                                                                                                                    combined in a single tool.

                                                    Shoulder radius milling cutters OptiMill-3D-CS                                        Find out more at:
                                                    Efficient semi-finishing and finishing on 5-axis machines
                         N Copper

- Complete range of tools, clamping technology,
  peripherals and services
- Technology partner with extensive machining
  and process know-how
- Customer-specific solutions

- All from a single source
- Tools for the highest precision, long tool life
  and process reliability
- Short delivery times
12              INNOVATIONS 2022 | Milling

Machining carbide with PCD solid head milling cutters

With new PCD solid head milling cutters,           possible to machine hard-brittle workpiece ma-
MAPAL is extending the possibility of machin-      terials with diameters from 2 to 6 mm.                              FEATURES
ing carbide and other hard-brittle materials to
                                                                                                       - Machining of carbide and other hard-brittle
smaller diameters.                                 To produce the perfect PCD tool according to
                                                   customer requirements, blanks are kept in stock       materials
Deep-drawing dies in the die & mould sector        in the appropriate sizes. PCD is more expensive     - PCD solid head milling cutters available in
are often made of durable carbide. Machining       than solid carbide, but thanks to the longer tool     diameter range from 2 to 6 mm
them by die-sinking or grinding is tedious. Ma-    life and shorter process times, break-even is
chining with coated solid carbide tools often      quickly reached. In tests, the new milling cut-
suffers from high wear and low tool life. PCD      ters managed significantly higher feeds per                       ADVANTAGES
tools are a cost-efficient alternative here.       tooth compared to solid carbide and therefore
                                                   a much higher machining volume.                     - Long tool lives
The punches and die moulds usually require tools                                                       - Short processing times
with diameters less than 6 mm. To execute these    In addition to carbide, hard-brittle materials      - High feeds per tooth and therefore higher
tool dimensions in PCD, full-head PCD must be      also include zirconia, a ceramic material used        machining volumes
used, since smaller milling cutters have no room   in dental technology. The new PCD solid head
for brazed-on cutting edges and their substruc-    milling cutters from MAPAL are also an alterna-
ture. With new geometry, number of cutting         tive to solid carbide in this area.
edges and arrangement, MAPAL now makes it
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Milling                         13

Highly Productive Milling in Stainless Steel
To ensure highly productive machining of            Initial applications underline the performance
stainless steel (Inox), MAPAL is launching          potential of the OptiMill-Tro-Inox: compared                          FEATURES
the OptiMill-Tro-Inox – a new, six-fluted           to well-known market solutions with four or
                                                                                                         - Six-flute trochoidal milling cutter for highly
solid carbide trochoidal milling cutter.            five cutting edges, the new six-flute trochoidal
                                                    milling cutter from MAPAL stands out with a            productive milling in stainless steel
In particular, high-temperature-resistant and       20 percent increase in material removal rate         - Diameter: 4 – 20 mm
tough workpiece materials of the ISO materi-        and has a 30 percent longer tool life. The tool      - Designs: 2xD and 5xD
al group M have a tendency to block the chip        achieves cutting depths of up to 5xD reliably in
flutes at high machining volumes, making reli-      one pass. The optimised helix angle also reduc-
able machining difficult. The OptiMill-Tro-Inox     es the extraction forces which increases process                    ADVANTAGES
solves this challenge through an optimal ratio      reliability.
between the number of cutting edges, chip                                                                - Multilayer coating counteracts adhesive wear
breakers and a new type of flute shape. The         The OptiMill-Tro-Inox is available in the dia­         and prevents adhesions
modern multilayer coating is another key ad-        meter range from 4 to 20 mm in the designs           - The tool reliably achieves cutting depths of
vantage of the six-flute solid carbide trochoidal   2xD to 5xD and will be available from stock from       up to 5xD in one pass
milling cutter. This counteracts adhesive wear      February 2022.                                       - 20 percent higher material removal rate and
and, combined with the carbide matched to the                                                              30 percent longer tool life compared to four
application, ensures optimum results.                                                                      or five cutting edges
                                                                                                         - Very high ductility for maximum safety
                                                                                                           against chipping
                                                                                                         - High thermal stability and oxidation
14            INNOVATIONS 2022 | Clamping

                       Call me

Exciting and Unique Gems

On the basis of a design study, MAPAL        Part of the concept is that the new products        Added to this are improved product properties,
launched products with unique appearance     not only look good, but that each design ele-       which MAPAL has achieved with UNIQ. The con-
and properties in November last year. Now,   ment also offers added technical value. A lower     tours bring more stability and higher accuracy
the high-gloss hydraulic chucks have also    tightening torque when tightening the actua-        to the overall system. Micro-vibrations are min-
been given their own product name: under     tor screw, clearly recognisable controls and re-    imised and the temperature in the tool stays
the name UNIQ, they represent the premium    duced risk of accidents when handling the hy-       lower. In addition to the visually recogni­sable
segment of MAPAL clamping technology.        draulic chucks benefit the worker first and fore-   features, the UNIQ tool adapters also incorpo-
                                             most. How the operator deals with the tool on       rate a completely revised and patented cham-
                                             the machine is also reflected in technical fac-     ber system. This has made it possible to redirect
                                             tors such as higher productivity, more process      the tensile forces so that they act as an addi-
                                             reliability and lower production costs.             tional clamping force on the tool. Tests show
                                                                                                 that this achieves extreme stability, a higher
                                                                                                 machining volume, better surface finishes and
                                                                                                 high long-term strength.
INNOVATIONS 2022 | Clamping                   15

The two hydraulic chucks UNIQ Mill Chuck
and UNIQ DReaM Chuck 4.5° with diameters of                        FEATURES                                    ADVANTAGES
12 mm and 20 mm respectively have already
                                                  - New product name UNIQ                        - Maximum stability at optimal use of
been launched because customer demand for
these sizes is highest. Announced product ex-     - Tool clamping diameter from 6 to 20 mm         resources
tensions are also based on customer require-      - Machine connection HSK-A63 and BT30          - Low actuation torque
ments and will extend the portfolio in terms      - High availability of stock                   - High long-term temperature resistance
of continuity.                                                                                   - Optimum surface finish
                                                                                                 - Dirt and corrosion-resistant
The first of these will be the additional diam-                                                  - Self-explanatory, simple handling
eters of 6, 8, 10 and 16 mm for hollow shank
taper A63 at the EMO. From January 2022, both
chucks will also be available from stock in the
same sizes with BT30 tool adapters.

                                                                                                                           REAMING | FINE BORING

                                                                                                                           SETTING | MEASURING | DISPENSING
                                                                                                                           DRILLING | BORING | COUNTERSINKING
                                                                                                                                                                                       Discover tool and service solutions now that give you a lead:
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  NEU22-EN-NE-01-115-0921-VVA Printed in Austria. Technical data subject to change without notice. © MAPAL Dr. Kress KG | Reprinting, in whole or in part, only with the approval of the publisher.
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