Pop Up Book Learning Media In Inclusive Schools

Page created by Ashley Diaz
Pop Up Book Learning Media In Inclusive Schools
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                                   ISSN: 00333077

Pop Up Book Learning Media In Inclusive Schools
 I Ketut Gading, I Wayan Widiana2, I Gusti Ngurah Perdana Merata Putra3, Ni Nyoman
Rediani4, Ikrima Maulida5
    Department of Guidance and Counceling, 2,3,4,5Department of Elementary Teacher Education
Faculty of Education, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia
e-mail: {iketutgading@undiksha.ac.id 1, wayanwidiana85@undiksha.ac.id2,
ngurahperdana49@gmail.com3 , nyoman.rediani@undiksha.ac.id4, ikrima@undiksha.ac.id5}

    Inclusive education in Bengkala village cannot currently be running well and conducive.
Students still show low social attitudes because students are still learning and playing with
other normal themes and experiencing students with special needs lack of confidence.
Therefore, teachers play an important role in the learning process and developing children's
social skills. This study aimed to analyze the effect of pop up book media on the fourth-grade
students' social science competency knowledge in inclusive schools. This research was a type
of pre-experimental research (pre-experimental research). The design used in this study was
one group pre-test post-test design. This study's population were 14 students in the fourth-
grade who were simultaneously used as samples. The data collection method used in this
research was the learning outcome test method. The data collection instrument used in this
study was an objective test consisting of 30 items. The data analysis used in this study was
the t-test for correlated samples. All tests were carried out using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. The
results showed that tcount was 18.56 thus it can be concluded that the pop-up book learning
media positively affects the fourth-grade students' social science competency knowledge in
inclusive schools.
Keywords: pop up book, inclusive school
Article Received: 10 August 2020, Revised: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020

Introduction                                            social disabilities or have the potential for
                                                        intelligence and special talents to obtain
     Inclusive schools are educational units
                                                        quality education according to their needs
that provide education for all students at
                                                        and abilities, (b) realizing education that
the same school without discrimination,
                                                        respects diversity and is not discriminatory
are friendly, and humanist to optimize the
                                                        for all students (Triyanto & Permatasari,
development of the potential of all students
                                                        2016). To realize these educational goals,
to become empowered and dignified
                                                        of course, a collaboration of three
human beings (D'alessio et al., 2010;
                                                        components is needed, policy, culture, and
Sabando et al., 2019; Spörer et al., 2020;
                                                        the learning process (Oswald, 2014).
Triyanto & Permatasari, 2016). Inclusion
schools provide equal opportunities for all                  The implementation of inclusive
children to participate physically, socially,           education must pay attention to how
and academically with their peers                       students will be taught. Inclusive students
(Diahwati et al., 2016; Sabando et al.,                 cannot face the same obstacles as other
2019). Education carried out in inclusive               normal children (Claudia et al., 2015). The
schools aims to (a) provide the widest                  research studies conducted focus more on
possible opportunity for all students who               teachers' attitudes in implementing
have physical, emotional, mental, and                   learning. Teachers think that they are not

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Pop Up Book Learning Media In Inclusive Schools
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                           ISSN: 00333077

competent in teaching inclusive children.         needs and normal students and student-
Teachers always hesitate and think                teacher relationships (Liu et al., 2015;
negatively about inclusive education (De          O'Connor et al., 2011; Sointu et al., 2017).
Boer et al., 2011).                               One of the subjects that can provide
                                                  opportunities for students to develop their
     Another problem is that in inclusive
                                                  social skills in Social Studies. Social
education in regular classes, students
                                                  studies are a compulsory subject in schools
experience       weaknesses      in      social
                                                  designed based on phenomena, problems,
relationships (Bossaert et al., 2013;
                                                  and social reality with an interdisciplinary
Schwab et al., 2018). Students with special
                                                  approach involving branches of social
needs have lower learning outcomes than
                                                  sciences and humanities such as
their peers without special needs
                                                  citizenship,        history,     geography,
(Zurbriggen et al., 2018). Previous
                                                  economics, sociology, and anthropology
research is more about how the learning
                                                  (Diacopoulos & Crompton, 2020). Social
outcomes of children with special needs in
                                                  studies learning aims so that students can
regular classes (Armstrong et al., 2011)
                                                  recognize concepts related to community
study outcomes and social attitudes of all
                                                  life, have the basic ability to think
students that must be considered (Schwab
                                                  logically and critically, have commitment
et al., 2020). So, it can be said that
                                                  and awareness of social and human scores,
inclusive education students have reduced
                                                  and have the ability to communicate,
social abilities and indirectly affect student
                                                  collaborate and be competent in society.
learning outcomes.
                                                  That is diverse at the local, national, and
     Based on the observation results,            global levels (Hutami & Hastuti, 2019;
students seemed to lack concentration in          Maulida et al., 2020; Rudi et al., 2016;
participating in learning, so that students       Rusmawan, 2013). Therefore, the social
did not understand the delivery of material       studies subject in elementary schools aims
provided by the teacher. Students also            to enable students to develop their
seem to pay no attention to the teacher.          knowledge, scores , attitudes, and social
Communication between teachers and                skills. To realize these learning objectives,
students is a little hampered because two         the     interaction      between    learning
students are mute. The learning media             components is needed. One of the
used are inappropriate because the teacher        important components of the learning
only uses image media to be boring during         process is learning media.
the learning process. Based on the results
                                                       However, as previously explained, one
of interviews conducted with fourth-grade
                                                  of the problems faced in inclusive schools'
teachers of SD Negeri 2 Bengkala, it was
                                                  learning is the media used. Likewise, in
found that the teacher had difficulty giving
lessons to some students because two              social studies learning media that is owned
                                                  is still very lacking. Currently, available
students had speech disorders or mute
                                                  learning media are only for normal
disabilities. This situation shows the
                                                  students. If this is allowed, it will impact
importance of communication and the use
                                                  the learning process. For inclusive
of learning media to increase students'
                                                  education, media presence helps increase
knowledge. Based on this description, it
                                                  students' knowledge and understanding
can be said that student-teacher, student-
                                                  (Sari et al., 2019). Learning media are
student social relations are very important
                                                  anything that can be used to transmit
because, with social relationships, students
                                                  messages in the form of information,
will find it easier to follow learning.
                                                  stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention,
     The teacher's role is very important in      and abilities of students so that they can
forming social relationships or fostering         encourage their interest in learning
interaction between students with special         (Hartini et al., 2017; Herayanti et al., 2017;

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                        ISSN: 00333077

Rahmi et al., 2019). Learning media helps      grade      elementary      school     science
children's psychological development in        knowledge because learning using
terms of learning because psychologically      snowball throwing assisted by pop up
teaching aids in learning media make it        book media has a positive towards the
very easy for students to learn because        competence of elementary students'
media can make abstract things more            science knowledge through stages in the
concrete (real). One of the media that can     learning process that trains students to
be developed and created to help children      make it easier for students to understand.
in inclusive schools is the pop-up book        The research results conducted by Nikmah
media.                                         et al., (2019) pop up book media affected
                                               student learning outcomes in fourth grade
     Pop up book learning media is a book
                                               SDN Sukorejo 02 Semarang. The average
that has moving parts or has three-
                                               post-test score is higher than the pre-test
dimensional elements and provides a more
                                               score after being treated using a shared
interesting visualization of the story,
                                               learning model. Besides that, the results of
starting from the display of images that
                                               the t-test calculation strengthen it. It is
can move when the page is opened
                                               obtained tcount for learning outcomes of
(Karisma et al., 2020; Masturah et al.,
                                               2.135 and ttable of 1.711 because tcount
2018; Mustika & Ain, 2020; Mustofa &
                                               (2.135)>ttable (1.711) then this shows that
Syafi'ah, 2018). This pop-up book's unique
                                               the t-test of learning outcomes is
visualization can stimulate students during
                                               significant. The results of research
the presentation of the material, develop
                                               conducted by Arifin et al., (2017) state that
their thinking capacity, and easily
                                               the ability to reason can be increased from
remember the book's material. Pop up
                                               a structural level to a multi structural level
book media can help teachers deliver
                                               with a very significant increase based on
learning material and can help students
                                               the t-test score, student learning outcomes
understand learning material. Pop up book
                                               also increase with the degree of difference
media also provides a special experience
                                               in pretest-posttest scores in the category is
for readers because it involves readers in
                                               based on N-Gain analysis. Students'
the story, such as sliding, opening, and
                                               positive response about guided inquiry-
folding parts of the pop-up book (Sentarik
                                               based learning assisted by pop-up
& Kusmariyatni, 2020). Some of the
                                               textbooks makes it very easy for students
advantages of pop up book media
                                               to reason, and learning becomes easy and
compared to other media are (1) it can
                                               interesting. With the pop-up book media, it
display images to be more attractive, (2) it
                                               will have a positive impact on learning
can be used as teaching materials which
                                               outcomes. Students are more interested in
can be used individually or in groups, (3)
                                               participating in learning.
its use is very practical and can increase
enthusiasm for learning students, (4) have          This study aims to analyze the effect
a unique appearance, and this is an            of pop up book media on the fourth-grade
advantage of pop up book media compared        students' social science competency
to other media, (5) has an image dimension     knowledge in inclusive schools. The
that arises when the page is opened            novelty of this research is applying pop up
(Masturah et al., 2018; Mustofa &              book learning media in inclusive schools.
Syafi'ah, 2018).                               The pop-up book learning media applied in
                                               this    research      increases    students'
     Analysis   of    research   findings
                                               knowledge, especially in social science
conducted by Diyantari et al., (2020) the
                                               learning. Research on pop-up book
snowball throwing learning model assisted
                                               learning media mostly researched science
by pop up book media has a significant
                                               material and improved science learning
effect on science competency in fourth-
                                               outcomes and is only applied in regular,

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                        ISSN: 00333077

not inclusive schools. However, in this         developed. Expert testing is carried out by
study, pop up book learning media was           providing a pop-up book media assessment
implemented to improve social studies           sheet to the experts consisting of two
knowledge in inclusive schools. Pop up          lecturers and one fourth grade teacher.
book media is suitable for use in the           Second, the second stage of this research is
learning process of speech hearing deaf         to apply pop up book media to all samples.
children because the learning style of deaf     Students in fourth-grade elementary school
children is visual and a little bit             are assisted in the learning process with
kinesthetic. It causes visual learning in       pop up book media, following the material
deaf children to lead to the eyes or vision.    being studied. Before being taught using
In the teaching and learning process, the       Pop Up Book media, the students first did
teacher uses visual media and uses body         a pre-test. And third, after the material has
language, and facial expressions.               been given, the final stage of this research
                                                is giving a post-test to determine changes
                                                in student learning outcomes after the
Types of Research                               application of pop up book media.
    This research is a type of pre-             Population and Sample
experimental research (pre-experimental
                                                    This research will be conducted in
research). The design used in this study
                                                Bengkala Village, Buleleng Regency, Bali
was a one group pre-test post-test design.
                                                Province. Bengkala Village is one of the
The treatment given in this study was the
                                                small villages with approximately 3031
use of pop up book learning media. Before
                                                most farmers (Aryawibawa et al., 2018).
the treatment was carried out, a pre-test
                                                Bengkala village is known as kolok village
was given to determine the student's social
                                                because there is a large writing community
science competency knowledge. After
                                                with julah mute. Children learn sign
treatment, the class was given a post-test to
                                                language from both parents directly. This
determine the change in the student's
                                                is different from places outside the village
social science competency knowledge. The
                                                (Moriarty, 2020). In Bengkala Village,
material presented in the pop-up book
                                                there is the only inclusive school in Bali,
learning media is material about economic
                                                where normal students study together with
activities and types of work. The research
stages are first, developing pop up book        "KOLOK" students. One of the primary
                                                schools chosen was SD Negeri 2
media. Media developed using ADDIE,
                                                Bengkala. This study's population was all
analysis,       design,       development,
                                                fourth-grade students at SD Negeri 2
implementation, evaluation. The stages of
                                                Bengkala, totaling 14 students. The
the analysis carried out include needs
                                                existing population is selected using a
analysis, student characteristic analysis,
                                                saturated sample technique using all
and material analysis. After the analysis
                                                population members as a sample.
stage, the planning stage (design), a pop-
up book media design is carried out with
material on economic activities and the
                                                Method of Collecting Data
types of work in fourth-grade elementary
school to draft the material to be outlined.        The data collected in this study were
In the media, after the draft material is       the students' knowledge competency
developed, it is continued with the             scores in the fourth-grade students of
development stage. At the development           social studies subjects. The data collection
stage, the pop-up book media was made           method used in this research is the test
according to the material being consulted.      method. The data collection instrument
An expert will test the pop-up book media       used in this study was an objective test
completed to review the media being             consisting of 30 items. The indicators for

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                            ISSN: 00333077

making objective tests can be seen in                analyzed using the product-moment
Table 1. Before using the instrument, it             correlation formula and the KR-20
was tested for validity, reliability testing,        reliability after completing the test
difficulty level, and item difference. The           questions. Of the 35 questions made after
test of this question was conducted outside          being analyzed, 30 questions were
the research area. The questions were                obtained that were feasible to use.

                                 Table 1. Objective test indicators
          Indicator                        Cognitive Level                      Number of
                                C1              C2       C3           C4
  3.3.1. State the          1,2,3,4,5,6,                                            12
  economic activities       7,8,9
  and livelihoods of        10,11,12
  residents in an area

  3.3.2 Describe the        13,14,15,1                                               4
  types of economic         6
  3.3.3 Describe the        17,18                                                    2
  types of work
  3.3.4 Cite examples       19,20,21,2                                               5
  of types of work in       2,23
  the neighborhood
  3.3.5 Determine the                                 24, 25,                        3
  type of person's work                               26
  in social life in the
  3.3.6. Distinguish the                                         27, 28              2
  types of economic
  activities carried out
  in the surrounding
  3.3.7 Distinguishing                                           29, 30              2
  the type of person's
  work in social life
  Total                                                                             30

Data Analysis                                        learning media. Data Before the pop-up
                                                     book learning media is applied, it is given
     The data that has been collected, both
                                                     a pre-test. Furthermore, after the pop-up
pre-test and post-test, will use the t-test.
                                                     book media was implemented, all fourth-
The t-test was conducted to determine the
                                                     grade students were given a post-test. The
effectiveness level of the pop-up book

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                            ISSN: 00333077

t-test is carried out for correlated samples         Pop Up Book media development
based on the pre-test and post-test scores,              This development research product is
provided that the t-table is at the 5%               a pop-up book media containing material
significance level, tcount. Thus, the tcount         on economic activities and work types.
score is greater than the t-table score, so          Economic activity materials and work
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. All          types are developed from basic
tests were carried out using SPSS 21.0 for           competencies (KD) in fourth grade. The
windows.                                             pop-up book media produced in this study
Result and Discussion                                can be seen in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

  Figure 1. Pop up book media content           Figure 2. The back cover of the pop up book

        The validity test was carried out at         media being developed. Expert testing is
the development stage following the                  carried out by providing a pop-up book
development model used, the ADDIE                    media assessment sheet to the experts
model. The stages of developing the                  consisting of two lecturers and one fourth
ADDIE model are analysis, design,                    grade teacher.
development, implementation, evaluation.                     The validity of the results of the
The stages of the analysis carried out               development of pop up book learning
include      needs     analysis,     student
                                                     media in (1) subject content experts are in
characteristic analysis, and material                very good qualifications with a percentage
analysis. After the analysis stage, the              of the achievement level of 97.3% and
planning stage (design), a pop-up book               there is no need for revisions to the
media design is carried out with material            material section, (2) according to learning
on economic activities and the types of              media experts, the media developed is
work in fourth-grade elementary school to            qualification is very good with a
draft the material to be outlined. In the            percentage of an achievement level of 90%
media, after the draft material is                   and based on input, suggestions, and
developed, it is continued with the                  comments, a few revisions are made to
development stage. At the development                improve the media, (3) learning design
stage, the pop-up book media was made                experts, the media developed is in very
according to the material being consulted.
                                                     good qualifications with a percentage of
An expert will test the pop-up book media            achievement level of 91.7% and input,
that has been completed to review the                suggestions, and comments are made a

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                        ISSN: 00333077

little revision in order to improve the                 The Pop Up Book learning media
media, (4) individual trials are in very        developed is suitable for supporting the
good qualifications with a percentage of        learning process in social studies subjects
achievement level of 95.8% and do not           for the fourth grade of the 2018/2019
need to be revised, (5) small group trials      academic year at SD Negeri 2 Bengkala. It
are in very good qualifications with a          cannot be separated from how the learning
percentage level of achievement of 93.6%        design is developed. This pop-up book
and no need for revision, and (6) field         design was developed by paying attention
trials are located the qualification is very    to more attractive visuals media developed
good with a percentage level of                 by paying attention to how a child interacts
achievement of 96.5% and does not need          with his learning bucket. Interesting media
to be revised. Based on these validation        will greatly assist students in the learning
results, the pop up book learning media         process. Interesting media certainly cannot
developed were suitable to support the          be separated from the combination of
learning process in social studies subjects     colors, types of writing, and images that
for the fourth grade of the 2018/2019           match the concepts being taught. In Pop
academic year at SD Negeri 2 Bengkala.          Up Book media, color can improve
                                                children's      feelings/psychology        in
Effectiveness of Pop Up Book Learning
                                                participating in learning (Sentarik &
         The pop-up book learning media's       Kusmariyatni, 2020). Apart from color, the
effectiveness level can be determined by        pop-up book media being developed has 3-
providing a multiple-choice test instrument     dimensional elements. Visually, 3D media
to all fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 2     has several functions,         the attention
Bengkala, as many as 14 students. Before        function to attract students 'attention. The
the pop-up book learning media is applied,      affective function, which is seen from the
it is given a pre-test first. Furthermore,      students' enjoyment of learning or reading,
after the pop-up book media was                 and the counterproductive function,
implemented, all fourth-grade students          provide context to help students
were given a post-test. The results of the      understand reading content (Septian &
post-test are then used to find the results.    Tampubolon, 2015). The development of
The average pre-test score was 49.71, and       pop-up book media in learning is very
the post-test average score was 91.21.          influential on students' enthusiasm for
Based on the pre-test and post-test scores,     learning because the design is attractive
the t-test is performed for correlated          and visualizes abstract material (Karisma
samples. The calculation results show that      et al., 2020; Putra & Parmiti, 2020). So,
db = 26, the t table score is obtained at the   the development of media following the
5% significance level of 2.056. Based on        child's characteristics will greatly help the
the calculations that have been done, the       learning process. The eyes will be more
tcount is 18.56. Thus, the t count, which is    attracted to beautiful colors and images,
18.56, is greater than the t table score, so    affecting students' feelings in participating
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.         in learning.
There is a pop-up book learning media's
                                                        The results of this study are
effectiveness in increasing social science
                                                supported by research conducted by
knowledge for fourth-grade students at SD
                                                Diyantari et al., (2020) that the snowball
Negeri 2 Bengkala, Kubutambahant,
                                                throwing learning model assisted by pop
                                                up book media has a significant effect on
Discussion                                      science competency in fourth-grade
Development of Pop Up Book Learning             elementary school science knowledge
                                                because learning using snowball throwing
                                                assisted by pop up book media has lead.

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                        ISSN: 00333077

Positive feedback on the competence of          psychological development in terms of
elementary students 'science knowledge          learning because psychologically teaching
through stages in the learning process          aids in learning media make it very easy
trains students to facilitate students'         for students to learn because media can
understanding. The research results             make abstract things more concrete (real).
conducted by Nikmah et al., (2019) pop up       So, learning media increases students'
book media affected student learning            interest in learning. It will be easier to
outcomes in fourth grade SDN Sukorejo           follow the learning and receive the
02 Semarang. The average post-test score        material being learned (Hidayat et al.,
is higher than the pre-test score, that is,     2020; Pratama, 2017; Suarni et al., 2013).
after being treated using a shared learning     Students' high motivation and interest in
model, besides that it is strengthened by       the learning process will affect student
the results of the t-test calculation, it is    learning outcomes. We know that visual
obtained tcount for learning outcomes of        media will greatly help students in
2.135 and ttable of 1.711 because tcount        Inclusion Schools, especially SD N 2
(2.135)> t table (1.711) then This shows        Bengkala, which consists of more deaf and
that the t-test of learning outcomes is         normal children. With the appropriate
significant. This study's results support the   media needed, students will be more
research conducted by Masturah (2018),          motivated. High student motivation in the
which found that the Pop Up Book                learning process will make learning more
learning media developed effectively            meaningful (Kusuma Wardani et al.,
improved student learning outcomes in           2017). Meaningful learning will be
social studies learning, which showed that      generated if students gain experience and
the average post-test score was 88.21           develop emotional intelligence, and the
greater than the average pre-test score.        learning process is carried out with a
53.33.                                          constructive approach (Angela, 2014;
                                                Kostiainen et al., 2018). meaningful
Effectiveness of Pop Up Book Learning
                                                learning will have an impact on student
        The results showed that tcount was      learning outcomes. Students obtain student
18.56. Thus, the t count score, which is        learning outcomes after carrying out
18.56, is greater than the t table score, so    knowledge, attitudes, and skills (Marfuah,
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.         2017). Students learn actively to develop
There is a pop-up book learning media's         and build their knowledge (Argikas &
effectiveness in increasing social science      Khuzaini, 2016; Ismail, 2018; Rencus,
knowledge for fourth-grade students at SD       2017).
Negeri 2 Bengkala, Kubutambahan,
                                                        Pop-up book media provide
Buleleng. So, the learning process with
Pop Up Book learning media positively           opportunities for students to interact with
                                                learning resources and peers. The
influences and improves student social
                                                existence of an interaction between all
studies learning outcomes. It is inseparable
                                                students without any differences will
from the application of the pop-up book
                                                greatly affect the child's psychological.
media that has been developed.
                                                Learning with peers will encourage
        Learning media are anything that        students to take an active role in learning
can be used to transmit messages in the         (Oh, 2019). The peer method enhances
form of information, stimulate the              learning by themselves, students through
thoughts, feelings, attention, and abilities    experiences which are feedback from their
of students so that they can encourage their    friends (Gabriele et al., 2016). Peers help,
interest in learning (Hartini et al., 2017;     guide, and support peers to build learning
Herayanti et al., 2017; Rahmi et al., 2019).    through interaction and collaboration
Learning      media      helps    children's    (Andersen & Watkins, 2018). Learning

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 1237-1249                        ISSN: 00333077

that involves peers will reduce anxiety and             Based on the explanation above, it
stress by being guided, assisted, and given     can be concluded that this study provides
peer feedback. Students will be able to         new findings that can help in the learning
increase self-confidence (Han et al., 2015;     process so that learning can attract and
Stone et al., 2013). Learning using pop up      make students in inclusive schools easier
book media will make students develop           to understand social studies learning
their social skills. We all know that           material so that learning objectives can be
inclusive education in regular classes,         achieved. Pop up book media is suitable
students experience weaknesses in social        for use in the learning process of speech
relationships (Bossaert et al., 2013;           hearing deaf children because the learning
Schwab et al., 2018), students with special     style of deaf children is visual and a little
needs have lower learning outcomes than         bit kinesthetic. It causes the deaf child to
their peers without special needs               learn visually towards the eyes or vision.
(Zurbriggen et al., 2018), so that with the     The teacher uses visual media, body
pop-up book media students will be more         language, and facial expressions in the
able to develop their social skills. It is      teaching and learning process. The pop-up
following the advantages of Pop up Book         book media increases the meaning of
media that are applied.                         students' learning process with hearing
                                                impairments in inclusive schools. The
        Pop up book media has several
                                                implications of this research can later be
advantages so that it is suitable to be used
                                                used as a reference and can be used to
to explain social studies material which
                                                teach any material in inclusive schools
tends to focus more on theory only. Pop up
                                                using pop up book media.
book media also provides a special
experience for readers because it involves      CONCLUSION
readers in the story, such as sliding,                  Based on the results of the data
opening, and folding parts of the pop-up        analysis that has been done, it can be
book (Sentarik & Kusmariyatni, 2020).           concluded that the pop-up book learning
Some of the advantages of pop up book           media can improve the competence of
media compared to other media are (1) it        social science knowledge for fourth-grade
can display images to be more attractive,       students in inclusive schools. It is
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increase enthusiasm for learning students,      pop-up book learning media or other
(4) have a unique appearance, and this is       media that are more attractive as learning
an advantage of pop up book media               media for students in social studies and
compared to other media, (5) has an image       other subjects.
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