Page created by Leon Benson

WHY MBCI?                                  MBCI is a Christ-centered middle and secondary school,
                                           equipping students to learn, love, and engage with the world.

LEARN                                      LOVE                                         ENGAGE
MBCI students learn in ways that           MBCI is a Christ-centered school, focused    MBCI students engage - with curriculum
prepare them well for success in post-     on the practices and values of a Christian   content, with their peers, with the culture
secondary study and in the workplace;      community. Our faith shapes and guides       that surrounds them, and with the
they also learn in ways that shape the     everything that we do, including valuing     broader community.
development of their character.            and caring for each student as a beloved
                                           child of God.                                We ask this of our students because
MBCI seeks to nurture the whole child                                                   learning that engages will help them
- spiritually, academically, emotionally   Our teachers and staff are committed to      develop the ability to be global citizens;
and physically. Students develop           creating an atmosphere in which every        to build strong friendships and
understanding as well as knowledge;        student belongs; where students build        connections; and to find their voices as
are provided with encouragement and        meaningful relationships with peers and      leaders.
support alongside rigorous and creative    mentors; and where they learn to look
learning experiences.                      beyond themselves, towards the many          Engaging with the world requires
                                           ways they can serve and care for others      curiosity, innovation, problem-solving
We believe passionately in designing       and the world around them.                   and collaboration - values that provide
and providing learning that cultivates a                                                the focus and framework in which MBCI
growth mindset - challenging students                                                   students learn and thrive.
to grow as problem-solvers, as well
as to pursue deep understanding and
mastery of content.

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11

MBCI invites students to develop the kinds of habits that will enable them to practice our
values: to learn, love, and engage with the world around us. These habits help teachers
frame and measure student learning, and ultimately, the thoughts, words, and actions
practiced by our graduates characterize them in distinct ways.

LEARNING & GROWTH                                                 LEADERSHIP
I have a growth mindset rooted in a foundational love of          I have developed the character and skills necessary to lead
learning that will remain with me my entire life. I am able       with integrity. I am able to communicate effectively in a way
to solve problems in creative and innovative ways, thinking       that positively influences those around me, and I have a
critically and with discernment in any situation.                 resilience that enables me to take on difficult challenges.

FAITH                                                             COMMUNITY
I have a clear understanding of what it means to live a Christ-   I have a strong commitment to working with others as
centered life, based on the teachings of Jesus. I am able to      stewards of the world. I am a community-minded citizen who
move into the world with compassion for all, because of the       places priority on collaboration and developing relationships.
faith modeled by my teachers, and it fosters the passion I have   I remain engaged and connected to the work of caring for our
for serving others.                                               environment and those in need.
Learning at MBCI is innovative, rigorous, and creative. We are committed to an inquiry-based,
student-centered approach - students and teachers work together, pursuing in-depth exploration
and mastery of content.


                      GENERATE CONCEPTS

                   GATHER INFO

RELEVANT                                                       EXPERT INPUT
MBCI teachers support students in
pursuing “real work for a real purpose”.
When learning is relevant - when it         COLLABORATIVE &
connects to the real world - students
are equipped to see the purpose behind      INNOVATIVE
their work; they are more likely to gain    The study and work environments in which students
mastery of skills and concepts because      will find themselves after graduation will require
they feel a greater degree of investment    them to work together in teams and to have the
and ownership in their learning.            ability to solve problems in new ways. Learning
Whenever possible, students are asked       at MBCI is designed to equip students with this
to apply their work and learning to a       skill set as they collaborate with their peers, with
context outside of the classroom. When      students in other grades, and occasionally with
they look to an audience beyond the         industry experts. Students grow as innovators when
teacher, students have the opportunity to   they are given the opportunity, through projects, to
grow as communicators, in interpersonal     design their own solutions to real-world questions     REFINE
skills, and in creativity.                  and problems.
MBCI values each student’s unique
contributions to their collective learning
and growth. We are committed to                       SHARING OUR WORK WITH
maintaining our classrooms as spaces
where students of different skills and                A PUBLIC AUDIENCE
passions interact and where we value
the development of each student’s
character. Students will experience
a high level of expectation, but also a
high level of support. It is critical for
the success of our students - both now
and in the future - that they are able to
learn and work in a diverse community,
and where they experience a variety of
approaches to teaching and learning.         REVISE


                                                                        OF WORK

                                                                  Grade 11 Art students
                                                                     designed and built
                                                                     #HUGMUG for the
                                                                 annual Warming Huts:
                                                                  An Art + Architecture
                                                                    Competition on Ice
                                                                      at The Forks. This
                                                                     competition draws
                                                                   entries from across
                                                                 the globe and winning
                                                                     designs “push the
                                                               envelope of design, craft
                                                                               and art.”
Our middle school experience from grades 6 - 8 builds the foundation for students to face the
challenges of high school and beyond. Students learn through opportunities and in spaces
specifically designed to help them become learners who are curious, brave and resilient.
Most of our middle school students have one teacher for core subjects allowing for a natural flow of learning. The small class
size of our middle school homerooms cultivates a safe community environment that supports students in holistic ways -
teachers are able to keep a caring and careful eye on social dynamics, emotional needs and learning goals.

Our learning spaces are environments that inspire creativity, support collaboration, and are designed to meet different learning
needs and styles. Chromebooks and innovative furniture are just a couple of the ways that the classroom is being re-imagined.

Our middle school students participate in innovative programs which incorporate STEAM (Science Technology Engineering
Arts and Mathematics) learning, digital citizenship, coding, robotics, design process and service learning. These programs are
designed to foster a growth-mindset and a love of learning.

STAR 6                                     GENIUS HOUR                                   CONNECT 8
Once a month, all of our grade 6           Grade 7 students participate in Genius        Grade 8 students are introduced to
students gather for collaborative          Hour once a month. This is an opportunity     Multiple Intelligences theory as a
learning where they are challenged         for students to develop “passion projects”;   way of helping them appreciate and
to continue discovering what they          taking their problem-solving and design       understand the full range of abilities
are passionate about. Engaging and         skills to the next level. Students are        and talents that they, and their peers,
interactive, STAR 6 days are highly        coached by their teachers in applying         possess and can develop. Students
anticipated learning opportunities that    their own questions and design to topics      participate in activities designed to
equip students to become innovators        of their choosing; they grow as learners      help them discover more about how
and problem-solvers.                       who can collaborate, communicate, and         they learn and how they can grow their
                                           think critically and creatively about any     potential and contribute to the world.
                                           academic challenges that come their way.
MBCI’s high school experience from grades 9 - 12 is

                                                  designed to provide the challenges and opportunities
                                                  necessary for students to develop their passions while
                                                  practicing the skills and habits that will open doors
                                                  to their future.

GRADE 9                                    PROJECT BASED                             BELONGING
•   As an important transition year        LEARNING                                  MBCI is committed to shaping a school
    into high school, MBCI takes care                                                environment in which all students
                                           Throughout their MBCI experience,
    to design opportunities for grade 9                                              can find their place. Teachers are
                                           rigorous and relevant opportunities
    students that serve as a foundation                                              interested not only in successful
                                           for Project Based Learning will invite
    for the social and academic growth                                               academic outcomes, but also in the
                                           students to grow as resilient and
    yet to come.                                                                     cultivation and formation of character
                                           curious learners. Projects equip
•   Early in the school year students                                                and faith. Students have a wide range
                                           students to question and evaluate
    participate in a welcome retreat to                                              of options through which to build a
                                           information, take ownership of their
    help them build connections and a                                                sense of community and belonging:
                                           learning, and share their learning in a
    feeling of belonging.                                                            all students are members of School
                                           meaningful way. As students progress
•   We offer a wide range of grade 9                                                 Life Groups (SLGs); sports teams
                                           through grades 9 - 12, projects will
    course options so that students                                                  work hard together while also building
                                           increase in complexity in a way that
    can begin to explore their interests                                             relationships; co-curriculars such as
                                           equips students to develop the skills
    and gifts.                                                                       Model United Nations, Chess Club
                                           and understanding that are in demand
•   Knowing that technological                                                       and Jazz Band offer a safe place for
                                           after graduation.
    literacy will be critical to their                                               students to build community with
    academic success, all grade 9                                                    others who share their interests.
    students take ICT (Information and
    Communications Technology) as
    a foundation for their learning in
    high school and beyond.
MBCI is excited to bring Christian faith and the business
world together through the Business Ventures Program,
                                                                MBCI BUSINESS VENTURES
available to all grade 9 - 12 students. Students are
challenged to understand the fundamentals of business           CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS:
and leadership, while incorporating our faith and values.       Business Innovations
Ventures is a valuable option for high school students          Accounting Essentials
interested in pursuing a future career in a commerce-           Economic Principles
related field such as economics, entrepreneurship, business,    Ventures Portfolio
marketing, technology, finance or to develop valuable           Participation in Youth In Philanthropy Club
leadership skills applicable to any profession. Ventures
is offered in a newly renovated classroom designed to
complement the business learning experience.
                                                                   EARN A UNIVERSITY CREDIT!

THE VENTURES ADVANTAGE                                          Graduates of MBCI who are awarded the
Students graduating with a certificate in the Business          Business Ventures Certificate are eligible
Ventures Program will be equipped with the knowledge,           to receive a university credit from Canadian
skills and character necessary for business leadership roles.   Mennonite University for the Business and
                                                                Organizational Administration course.
Graduates of the program will develop an understanding of
Christian ethics and philanthropy in business.
                                                                This credit can be applied to the following
Students will have an opportunity to engage with, and           CMU programs*:
understand, emerging technologies used in business.             • Bachelor of Business Administration
                                                                • Business Organizational Administration
Students will be inspired to think differently through            majors within the Bachelor of Arts
partnerships with our constituent business leaders and post     • Bachelor of Science
secondary institutes for an experience that includes:           • Bachelor of Music
 • Interactive Classroom Learning                               • Bachelor of Music Therapy
 • On-site Tours
 • Leadership Conference                                        *Some exceptions apply, please reference the CMU
 • Interview Fair                                               course information for full details on course requirements
 • Ethics and Philanthropy Education
In our daily lives we strive for peaceful resolution of conflict, to make a positive impact in our community
and to serve others.

100% of our staff and teachers are Christian which is seen everyday in building relationships, community
they build with students, discipline and critical thinking.

Students of all faiths are welcome at MBCI.
FAITH                     Students are encouraged to look at every subject matter from a Christian
                          perspective and ask questions in a safe and caring environment.

Faith formation is intentional throughout our programs
at MBCI.

Our Biblical Studies courses invite students to see,
understand, and live in a new way. Students will
graduate well-rooted in biblical literacy and in the
history and life of the church. Bible classes place
a special emphasis on service, discipleship, and          Service learning happens throughout the school
community, rooted in our Anabaptist tradition, which we   year, both independently and within each grade
believe is important to share with our students.          level. Middle School students engage in service
                                                          as a class with their teachers, introducing them
As a part of our commitment to the faith formation of     to organizations through which they may be
our students, we invite them to lead chapels through      interested in serving as they transition into high
participation in worship teams, dramas, and sharing of    school and on in to adult life.
personal experiences and class projects.
                                                          High School students take their practice of
                                                          service a step further and are asked, as part of
                                                          their biblical studies requirements, to complete
                                                          15 hours of volunteer service during the year.
Every student has a voice. Our goal at MBCI is to walk alongside students in developing the
character and skills necessary to discover and raise their voices with integrity.

Alongside a staff mentor, students are    We encourage our students to             We expect more from our students, and
encouraged to explore starting a club,    practice listening and discernment,      we work to build in them the capacity to
coaching a team, organizing intramurals   knowing that effective leadership is     meet these expectations, confident that
and more. By helping to lead school       best communicated in the context         they can develop the resilience needed
events, students learn organization       of relationships and servanthood.        to take on difficult challenges and to
skills, develop character and discover    Within this environment, students can    make a difference both today and for
new ways of building community.           then grow as individuals who seize       the future.
In addition to involvement in Student     opportunities to speak for justice and
Council or League of Leaders (middle      the common good; who stand up for the
school leadership) all students are       things in which they believe; who call
encouraged to find a way to plug in!      forward and celebrate the voices
                                          of others.
COMMUNITY                                       The MBCI community is a place where students can connect
                                                and feel part of something bigger than themselves.

Our diverse school community promotes values of inclusion, understanding and learning. It is a source of support and
encouragement as well as a place to belong, share ideas and learn to live out the practices of Christian community.

STUDENTS                                    PARENTS                                    ALUMNI
Students will find community at MBCI        Parents play a central role in the MBCI    Over 6,000 MBCI alumni include
through meaningful opportunities to         community. From being active in the        professionals spanning the world,
join other students in clubs, activities,   Parent Advisory Council, Parents of        community leaders and successful
and special events. The teaching            Prayer, volunteering through the parent    entrepreneurs. Generations of graduates
and learning that happens in our            group Plugged In, and giving towards       have achieved their personal best and
classrooms, our weekly chapels, and         school-initiated fundraising projects,     are making meaningful contributions to
our school life groups is centered on       parents at MBCI are making a difference.   our community and the world.
understanding what it means to be a
community of learners, how to welcome       We welcome the parent voice at MBCI        Our thriving alumni community
others, and the importance of respect,      which adds a valuable perspective on       continues to strengthen our school. This
care and valuing one another despite our    how we can continue to work together to    is evident in the impact they have on our
differences.                                provide the best educational experience.   day to day activities and through their
                                                                                       support: both financially and at school
Getting involved beyond the classroom is key to making new
friends, learning new skills, growing confidence, having
life-changing experiences and expanding one’s worldview.

                    DEVELOP CHARACTER
                    THROUGH CO-CURRICULAR
                    Students at MBCI are taught to cultivate practices
                    that allow them to become life-long learners, deeply
                    engaged in understanding the world around them.
                    Learning beyond the classroom is an integral part of
                    our program where students have the opportunity to
                    be a part of clubs, study tours, competitive athletic
                    teams and music groups. In keeping with our learning
                    approach, these types of experiences foster the
                    connections we hope for our students and help to
                    develop their character and identity.
The tradition of music and
performing arts at MBCI runs
deep in our community and
being part of it offers a rich
and rewarding experience.

By participating in musical productions,
concerts and dramas, students develop
excellent performance skills. Getting
involved promotes teamwork, builds
confidence and gives students a life-long
appreciation of performing arts.

The bonds which develop over time
provide a strong community for students
and build friendships that last a lifetime.
Many students are part of unique
mentorship relationships which are
developed between our high school
and middle school students resulting
in authentic leadership and growth

 Each student is invited to
 explore the connection
 between artistic expression
 and the Christian faith
ATHLETICS                                  Each player discovers how to play with integrity and humility,
                                           recognizing that God is the giver of all gifts.

Our student athletes are challenged to put their love for their teammates,
their love for sport, and their love for God into action in the heat of
                                                                                7 AAAA MHSAA Varsity
competition.                                                                    Volleyball Provincial
As a student athlete at MBCI, you will experience a rich history of             Championships
excellence and outstanding performance. Each team is led by coaches
who are committed followers of Jesus and who are passionate and
competent in their sport.                                                       25% of MBCI students
Athletes are challenged to learn not only the technical and tactical aspects    are involved in
of a sport, but the dynamics of team play, the discipline of training and the   athletics
psychology of dealing with adversity.

Students begin building a strong foundation of athletic skills in grade 6.
This foundation is the key to success for varsity teams where many players
have been teammates for years.
Winnipeg is a growing, multi-cultural city with a population of about
720,000 and has a long history as being a place for trade and inter-
cultural relations. Winnipeg has both historic and modern buildings,
including the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

In Winnipeg, International students will experience four distinct
seasons; autumn, winter, spring and summer. People enjoy the outdoors
throughout the year. A short drive from the city will take you to sandy
beaches, picturesque lakes, dense forests and the rocky surface of the
Canadian Shield.

Winnipeg has safe neighbourhoods and is known for having friendly,
generous citizens.

International students are given learning support and tutoring in order
to be able to manage the demands of their academic courses. EAL/ESL
classes are offered for credit. TOEFL/IELTS preparation is available at no
extra cost.

MBCI offers comprehensive 3 or 4 year high school programs for
International students who are interested in attending a Canadian
University. International students who meet provincial credit
requirements may earn a Government of Manitoba High School Diploma.

International students graduating from MBCI have access to a full-time
Guidance Counsellor who is available to support students seeking
post-secondary studies.

iCON (International Connections) is a club where both international and
domestic students gather and learn about each other’s culture, the world
around them and explore the diverse cultural offerings around Winnipeg.

Students gather weekly during the school day to connect with each other,
practice their English and build community.

Once a month, after school, iCON ventures outside of the school to visit
Winnipeg and Manitoba landmarks in an effort to explore Canadian
Tuition Fee Includes:
 TUITION                                          • Course instruction
2020 - 2021 International tuition fee   $19,000   • EAL /ESL instruction
Non-refundable application fee 		       $200      • Instructional resources (including textbooks, handouts,
Medical insurance 			                   $600          lab materials etc.,)
                                                  • TOEFL/IELTS preparation
Homestay placement fee 		               $500      • Career and post-secondary planning support
                                                  • Homestay arrangement (if needed)
Homestay fees:                                    • International student cultural events and excursions
  Grade 9 -12: $7,500 ($750 per month)
  Grade 6 - 8: $10,000 ($1,000 per month)         Additional fees apply for music and optional study tours and
                                                  school trips.
All fees payable in Canadian Dollars.

                                                                  APPLY NOW AT MBCI.MB.CA

   “Everyone at MBCI is so kind and they would help you if you ask.
   Teachers are really unique and each class is interesting. I’m not a
   Christian, but I’m having fun at MBCI, it is a good opportunity and
   to learn about and experience another religion and culture.”

   - Akane, Japanese Student

                                     est. 1945

Call: 204.667.8210               MBCI is a Christ-centered
Website: mbci.mb.ca              middle and secondary school,
Facebook: facebook.com/mbci173   equipping students to learn, love and
Instagram: @MBCI173              engage with the world.
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