Innovation Tour Singapore 2021 - Smart City - Singapore - 14th to 18th June 2021 Company Products and Services Catalogue -
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Innovation Tour Singapore 2021 - Smart City Singapore – 14th to 18th June 2021 Company Products and Services Catalogue In collaboration with Project of
The Innovation Tour to Singapore is a funding project of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with 8 selected German companies and suppliers in the field of Smart City solutions in the fields of mobility, safety, IT security and digitalization. The project is German Companies carried out by SBS systems for business solutions in cooperation with the SGC Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Cuculus GmbH ........................................................................ We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming online event on innovative Detack GmbH ........................................................................... solutions for Smart Cities of the future and an inspiring exchange betwe- en outstanding and Singaporean and German players of this sector. Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH, Smart City ............................. Come and join our Virtual Innovation and Tech Forum online on ERICH UTSCH AG .................................................................... Wednesday, 16th June 2021, 3.30pm-5.15pm SGT to discover FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH ................................................. exciting products and solutions by outstanding German companies and exchange about opportunities of collaboration in the wide field of Smart HydroMapper GmbH ............................................................... City concepts. IABG mbH ................................................................................. The digital pitch presentation event is taking place in the framework of the five-day virtual Innovation Tour of German companies to Singa- Vitronic GmbH ......................................................................... pore from June 14th to June 18 th, 2021, under the auspices of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology and with the purpose of an inspiring innovation exchange with small and medium-sized German companies and the excellence of the Singaporean Smart City ecosystem. This is a great opportunity for Singaporean institutions and companies to explore new business and collaboration opportunities and to discover potential synergies with the German participants. We cordially invite you to join the Innovation and Tech Forum and to contact us for the scheduling of individual meetings. Smart City
Dear participants, I am delighted to welcome you to the Innovation Tour Singapore – Smart City. Singapore is an important partner country for Germany. In 2019, our bilateral trade surpassed 13 billion Euro, making Singapore one of Germany’s top 3 partner countries in the South East Asia region. German companies favour using Singapore as a regional hub because of its excellent business conditions. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, 2020 has been a rather difficult year. What the pandemic cannot impair, though, are the good economic relations between Singapore and Germany and our willingness to work together even closer. The Innovation Tour Singapore itself is proof of that: As part of the Market Development Programme which was launched in 2012 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to support German companies in exploring foreign markets, it was originally planned as a visit to Singapore. Due to the current circumstances, the tour has now been transformed into a virtual format so that we will not miss out on this chance of exploring ways and opportunities for further and closer cooperation. Now more than ever before, we need innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. And Singapore offers many possibili- ties for fresh and creative ideas in areas like “Industrie 4.0”, medical technology, mobility and green technologies, to name a few. Together, Singapore and Germany can overcome the current challenges and rebuild better. I wish you all interesting insights and discussions, many inspiring ideas for future cooperation and every success! And of course: Please stay safe and healthy! Dr. Adrian Bothe Head of Division, South and Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Smart City
Smart Cities are no longer just a dream or a vision of the future. It is now a reality. Virtually every aspect of “live, work and play” are integrated into digital ecosystems – creating new relationships and cooperation between machines, data and humans. Singapore has already been named the “Smartest City in the World” by the 2020 Smart City Index. Many smart city technologies and initiatives have already been rolled out in areas such as urban planning, transportation, logistics, education and more. Since becoming independent, Singapore developed into an impressive metropolitan city state. Decades of long-term planning, commitment and innovative thinking encapsulates Singapore’s drive and success. However, Singapore as a “Smart City” is not just about the infrastructure, it is also about the people. Dr Tim Philippi Executive Director Innovative technologies are used to harness a “Smart Nation”, where people and communities are actively and seamlessly Singaporean-German engaging with technology. The adoption of intuitive automated and digitalised systems brings about many benefits for Chamber of Industry and people, institutions and businesses, due to the optimisation of processes to increase flexibility and productivity. More Commerce importantly, it can help us to solve some of the most critical challenges faced by cities around the world. Likewise, Germany is a world leader in research and innovation. Industrie 4.0 and technological advancements form the backbone of the German economy and have contributed to its position as one of the most innovative economies in the Sebastian Zeitler world. Head Trade Promotion As we embark on this bilateral exchange, you will see how efficiency gains, new revenue streams and a fully connected Singaporean-German working and living environment are just some benefits of this revolution. Chamber of Industry and Commerce The German delegation organised by the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) and SBS Systems for Business Solutions, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), is a pilot project as part of the foreign market entry programme by the BMWi. It includes an Innovation and Tech Forum, Thomas Nytsch virtual site visits, workshops and group meetings that will provide practical support and a networking platform for the SBS Systems for Business innovative German companies. It targets to foster innovation cooperation between Singaporean and German Solutions companies/institutes. Smart City
ry Summa h highly scalable edge co mpa n Leading s for the ener y w it gy secto r. enterprise software for critical infrastructure. on IT solu�
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es Cuculus GmbH is a privately held company headquarte- Cuculus GmbH has implemented numerous projects red in Ilmenau, Germany and operates globally in the worldwide with different complexity and size, on its own area of Enterprise so�ware for cri�cal infrastructure. and in strong coopera�on with globally or locally ac�ng partners. Whether small pilot project as a cloud solu�on Since its founding in 2007, Cuculus has implemented Cuculus GmbH or full roll out, our solu�ons ensure short �me to market numerous projects worldwide with different complexity Lindenstraße 9-11 and easy opera�on. Our major customers are in North and size, on its own and in strong coopera�on with 98693 Ilmenau Western Europe, Middle East and Asia (e.g. DEWA, Dubai; globally or locally ac�ng partners thanks to which Germany E.ON, Germany; Ericsson, Brunei). Cuculus won several mul� million Euro contracts for the supply of AMM(HES), MDM and/or integrated AMM/MDM solu�ons. 1. Contact person René Böringer Geschäftsführer Target customer group and ideal local partner Phone: +49 3677 686 000 0 · Meter and communication solution manufacturers · Energy suppliers Languages: English, German Products / Services · Utilities (power, water, gas) We develop, implement, operate and support · IT companies server-based Smart Metering and Energy Management · Integrators and Grid operators solu�ons for the energy sector and beyond in the most of · Real estate companies the regions in the world. Active companies participating in Singapur projects in the ZONOS™ IoT Pla�orm, our core product, enables us to area of smart metering, smart grid, smart city. Project: control millions of devices and process their incoming data. Innova�onstour Singapore Smart ZONOS™ IoT Pla�orm for cri�cal infrastructures is used Main areas of interest / innova�on needs City for: 14.-18. Juni Mobilität, Logistik, Green City, E-Government · Residen�al smart metering projects ZONOS™ IoT Pla�orm is high performant, flexible, scalable, open, proven, safe and secure, vendor · Industrial smart metering projects independent. This industrial-scale IoT pla�orm is the basis Supported by: · Distribu�on Management Systems – Smart Grid for tailor-made solu�ons, which we develop in close · Submetering – real estate projects/compounds coopera�on with our customers. · Other apps like e-mobility integra�ons and advance home energy. The ZONOS™ IoT Pla�orm is currently being used by Project par�cipa�on objec�ves Project of: u�li�es in 13 countries. · New business opportunities in Singapur · Expand our business · Find new partners
ry Summa r v ice s �ons. and solu ince se as s n d IT security e company h assist High-e h 2001, t �se in order to ing hed in r s Establis raging its expe g and addres d been le ve ete c � n em an s m er s with d s in IT syst 27001: custo bili� e O/IEC vulnera bH is IS security ns. Detack Gm �o applica fied. c er� 2013 h�ps://
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es · Privately held (2001~) · Some of our customers/references · HQ: Ludwigsburg, Germany (2005~) · Insurance companies: AXA Global (30+ countries), XL, · R&D Arm: Praetors AG, Beckenried, Switzerland (2010~) HUK-Coburg, Equitable Holdings · Financial services: UniCredit, Piraeus Bank, Boursorama Detack GmbH · Interna�onal Partners: Singapore, Australia, UK, Hong Kong, UAE, USA · Industry: Evonik, Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) Königsallee 43 71638 Ludwigsburg · Exper�se: High-end IT security services and solu�ons · Business ac�vi�es/partners: Singapore, USA, Australia, Germany · Product por�olio: Premium IT security audits, Hong Kong, Japan, and UAE h�ps:// consul�ng / R&D & solu�ons 1. Contact person · Cer�fica�on: ISO 27001 Mr. Cos�n Enache · Ac�vity: 70% in solu�ons, 30% in services Target customer group and ideal local partner Managing Director · Customers: Finance, Insurance, Industry , Transport, Phone: +49 7141 69 62 65 0 Target market: banking and insurance companies, state cos� Health sector institutions, transport sector (maritime, public transport), health sector, energy. 2. Contact person Mrs. Iuliana Enache Ideal partners: cybersecurity institutions and organizations, Products / Services BDM MSPs, system integrators; large consulting companies. Phone: +49 7141 69 62 65 0 Products: EPAS is a scalable, mul�-datacenter, mul�-tenant solu�on Languages: English, German for password analy�cs and compliance proof. It simulates a�acks to recover passwords from hashes by standardized Main areas of interest / innova�on needs mechanisms with comparable output metrics, in a privacy Coopera�on with ins�tu�ons, clusters and other compliant manner (GDPR, PDPA, HIPAA, etc.). stakeholders in order to be�er customize our offering; to Project: be informed about the role of IT-security in the It uses patented technology in order to produce objec�ve Singaporean Smart City development. Innova�onstour password metrics and KPIs to facilitate con�nuous Singapore Smart security monitoring and compliance verifica�on. It City 14.-18. Juni Mobilität, Logistik, Green City, E-Government detects and reports weak or reused passwords, or passwords already compromised and leaked by hackers. Project par�cipa�on objec�ves Supported by: EPAS is deployed in 35+ countries, for 4+ million accounts, for global enterprises, SOCs, small and medium firms, in Smart cities have changed the connection between produc�ve environments and cri�cal infrastructure. physical and cyber worlds. Digital transformation tries to integrate new technologies with mandatory legacy Services: systems. This can create significant risks and hidden Detack GmbH specializes in providing coverage in all security vulnerabilities. With more than 20 years Project of: aspects of IT security: experience in IT security, Detack has all necessary 1) audi�ng (incl. mainframe, IoT, and industrial systems) expertise to support the digital transformation in 2) incident response Singapore. Detack is searching for technological and 3) vulnerabili�es and product security assessment. commercial partners for its high-end solutions offering.
ry Summa te c t s c i� es, regio ns ake C it y U nit conn z a � o n we m ar t ig i� Our Sm As leaders in d d a�rac�ve. d at a . ab n le a and e sustain s m o r ci�e h�ps://
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es Our Smart City Unit is a por�olio unit of Deutsche Telekom End customers are german and interna�onal (EU) ci�es. IoT Gmbh. The unit was founded in April, 2019 and bundles all Smart City solu�ons of Deutsche Telekom AG. Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH, Smart City Our mission is to create smart solu�ons and services that connect people, ci�es, regions and data. To make ci�es Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 71-77 more sustainable, more a�rac�ve for businesses and a Target customer group and ideal local partner 53113 Bonn Germany be�er place to live for ci�zens. The Smart City Unit supports cities and local authorities h�ps:// to faciliate the life of their citizens. We mainly work with customers of the public sector, such as cities and 1. Contact person municipalities, but we also offer solutions directly for Frank, Michael citizens. Senior Vice President Smart City Phone: +49 171 6717 588 2. Contact person Kasivajjula, Shrikanth Products / Services Main areas of interest / innova�on needs Vice President - International Sales. Smart City Unit. Our Smart City Unit offers a fi�ng solu�on for every city. Phone: +49 160 9605 2922 We differen�ate between our following different fields of While the Smart City ac�vi�es globally are very much excellence where we offer various solu�ons: fragmented, it is clear that ci�es have started to realize the Languages: German, English importance of having a Smart City pla�orm, integrated 1. Clean Environment: One of our solu�ons here is the with data aggrega�on / Analy�cs. We as Smart City Unit CityTree, world's first biotech air filter to improve air would be very keen to know more about Singapore's quality. Na�on pla�orm, and their use cases u�lizing data for the Project: 2. Efficient Ressource Management: Smart street ligh�ng be�er. enables ci�es to implement environmentally responsive /ŶŶŽǀĂƟŽŶTour ligh�ng in order to reduce costs. Singapore Smart June 14 -18 th th City 3. Urban Mobility: Our parking solu�on Park and Joy helps ci�zens find parking spots and reduces urban traffic. Project par�cipa�on objec�ves Supported by: 4. Best Ci�zen Services: With OSCA, our city app, we offer an open tool that enables the management of Singapore is one of the world's smartest cities. eGovernment. Participating, learning and potentially collaborating with the key stakeholders in this project means expanding our 5. CoCrea�on: Together with ci�es we develop new horizons and discovering new ways and technologies for solu�ons. making cities smarter. Project of: In addition to that we are also interested in meeting new business partners to have a better networking with them.
UTSCH License Plates. Secure, proven and used all over the world. ry Summa n a m e UTSCH has es, the adership v e r fi ve decad h technology le r the For o wit fo sy n o n ymous m s o lu�ons on and been syste gistra� mplete �on, re . and co n, personalisa license plates u c � o e h ic le prod ca�on o fv iden�fi
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es UTSCH is one of the worldwide leading companies in the Singapore: Supply of blank license plates, raw materials license plate business and technology leader in the range for final produc�on, machinery and other accessories. of secure license plates and license plate manufacturing Sri Lanka: Introduc�on of new security plates with impro- engineering. Opera�ng in 130 countries, UTSCH offers the ved an�-counterfei�ng security features. Introduc�on of Erich Utsch AG know-how of almost 60 years from successful projects a digital signature to make the na�onal registra�on Marienhue�e 49 with private and public en��es like companies, govern- system forgery-proof through so�ware. 57080 Siegen ments, authori�es or mints on all five con�nents, Germany combined with comprehensive a�er-sale-service and Thailand: Delivery of a worldwide unique automa�c competent, quick and flexible support on-site and remote embossing press for 600 three-line number plates per by experienced employees. hour, including an automa�c packaging system. Contact person Emloyees: 1000 people worldwide Simil Bedi Phone: +49 271 31 91 192 Turnover: Unconsolidated total turnover exceeding 200 Mobile: +49 175 85 08 598 Million Euros since 2020 Languages: English Target customer group and ideal local partner Goverment and Land Transport Authority Products / Services The name UTSCH is synonymous with technology leadership and complete system solu�ons for the produc�on, personalisa�on, registra�on and iden�fica�on of vehicle license plates. This includes basic Main areas of interest / innova�on needs Project: products such as license plate blanks, hot stamping foils, Digi�sa�on and new innova�ons especially in the field of Innova�onstour clapper dies and counter embossing tools, compact and transport technology and smart city. New approaches of Singapore Smart modular embossing presses with a range of performance modern business models in the field of so�ware and City 14.-18. Juni specifica�ons, low foil consump�on hot stamping Mobilität, Logistik, Green City, E-Government hardware. machines, laminators and laser coding equipment. UTSCH also supplies tailor-made computer-controlled and Supported by: sensor-monitored systems for automa�c blank manufacturing in large quan��es and fully automated license plate produc�on lines. Self-developed security features for license plates offer best-possible protec�on Project par�cipa�on objec�ves against fraud and criminal missuse while the UTSCH Ge�ng to know new technologies. At the same �me, windshieldlabel as a 3rd license plate in combina�on with offering and expanding "Smart City" innova�ons using Project of: dual-chip technology and digital signature based UTSCH license plate technology bundled with other verfica�on makes processes in vehicle registra�on and technology companies for Singapore. vehicle iden�fica�on even more effec�ve and efficient.
ry Summa inn ova� v c�ve fir e and a as for ns e urer of plica�o d in g m anufact for special ap frastructures, Lea �ons und in . on solu ndergro carriers protec� hicles, IT and u d new energy ve n railway dings a h ig h -r ise buil ver y www.fogtec-interna�
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es FOGTEC is the world leading manufacturer of ac�ve fire Worldwide active with an export grade of more than 70%. protec�on solu�ons for rolling stock applica�ons as well References Rail: more than 14.000 systems worldwide and as underground infrastructure facili�es such as tunnels several applications in Latin America as Metro Sao Paulo, LRV and subway sta�ons. Furthermore FOGTEC´s 100% trains of BomSinal or CPTM, supplied to OEMs as Alstom, FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH environmentally friendly and life cycle cost op�mized Bombardier, CAF, Hitachi, Kawasaki, Siemens, Stadler, Talgo etc. systems are used e.g. to protect high-rise buildings, Schanzenstraße 19A References Tunnel: Autostrada del Brennero, Dartford 51063 Cologne libraries, archives and data and server room applica�ons. Tunnel, Newcastle, Eurotunnel, Madrid, Port Said, Ismailia Germany With its well-known FOGTEC high pressure water mist (Suez Channel Crossings, Egypt) technology FOGTEC is one of the global market leaders www.fogtec-interna� References Stationary: Singapore Cable Tunnel, Elbphilar- for innova�ve fire protec�on solu�ons in buildings and Contact person monie - Hamburg, Madrid City Hall, Mecca Clock industrial applica�ons in general. A specific department Mr. Roger - A. Dirksmeier called "New Energy Carriers" is addi�onally taking care Tower, National Archives – Paris and many more like the Muna Member of the Board about the risks and the protec�on of alterna�ve energy Museum in Lima, Peru, and engine test cells for Bosch Brazil Managing Director Rail Systems solu�ons for trac�on, energy storage etc. Phone: +49 221 96223-0 FOGTEC employs 170 people and had an approximate Target customer group and ideal local partner Languages: English annual turnover of 40 million euros last year. Railway operators, railway contractors, Rolling stock OEM · Public Transporta�on operators and authori�es · Public Transporta�on consultants · Fire protec�on experts and consultants · Building and industrial planners, engineers and Products / Services architects · Firefigh�ng corps · New Energy (ba�eries, · Consul�ng hydorgen) users and developers · Infrastructure managers · IT-/Data-Room operators Project: · Design · Development Main areas of interest / innova�on needs Innova�onstour · Valida�on Singapore Smart · Manufacturing most effec�ve in performance and use of resources · City 14.-18. Juni partner over complete Life Cycle of system · Highly reliable Mobilität, Logistik, Green City, E-Government · Supply and and safe (up to SIL2) · Complete product range for several · Services applica�ons · extensive verifica�on and tes�ng exper�se · Supported by: of/for innova�ve and ac�ve fire protec�on solu�ons for a Experienced and know-how all over the world since more wide range of applica�ons, if than 20 years · effec�ve · 100% environmentally friendly Project par�cipa�on objec�ves · life cycle cost op�mized Increasing our network in Singapore market · Introduction Project of: · highly reliable and available of our innovative solutions to potential users · searching · safe for local service partner for railway application · understanding new ideas and solutions from one of the are required. most innovative cities in the world to make use for us or to understand new applications
ry Summa sta r t u p which offers g of po rt e te c hnology on 3D scannin water: v � er Innova� r high resolu ver and und d r v ic e s fo il d in g s o e c h n o logy an se r e b u e n t t uctu urem infrastr ge 3D meas n g -e d s . cu� �on ata-Solu Smart-D
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es HydroMapper was founded 2017 as a joint venture of · German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administra civil engineering company WKC Hamburg and measure- �on WSV ment specialist Dr. Hesse and Partners Engineers. · Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG In 2018 the company was awarded a mul�-year research · Jade-Weser-Port, Wilhelmshaven HydroMapper GmbH project by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital · Public Agency of Roads, Bridges and Water (LSBG), Hamburg Veritaskai 8 Infrstructure for further developing technologies to scan · Hamburg Port Authority 21079 Hamburg high density 3D data of port and harbour infrastructure, · HHLA, Hamburger Hafen und Logis�k AG Germany especially under water. · Luebeck Port Authority HydroMapper offers cu�ng edge technology for 3D high · Va�enfall AB 1. Contact person resolu�on underwater scanning as well as smart-da- · Wayss & Freytag (BAM Group) Chris�an Hesse ta-solu�ons for our customers to maximize the benefit of Dr., CEO digital port infrastructure solu�ons. Phone: +49 40 5229 9190-20 Target customer group and ideal local partner chris� Customers opera�ng or supervising port infrastructure with 2. Contact person a clear focus on digitaliza�on, 3D data and smart services e.g. Karsten Holste CEO · Port operators (Wordwide) Phone: +49 40 79000-125 · Terminal operators (Worldwide) Products / Services · Port authori�es (Worldwide) Languages: German, English We offer three main products for underwater scanning · Construc�on companies for port and water and a data-as-a-service concept for our clients: infrastructure (Worldwide) 3D HydroScanning of large underwater infrastructure like Project: terminals, quai walls, locks at water depths of up to 70 Main areas of interest / innova�on needs feet. We deliver best-in-class 3D data with unparalleled Innova�onstour Innova�ve companies and authori�es interested in Singapore Smart resolu�on and accuracy. City digi�zing their port and harbour infrastructure as well as 14.-18. Juni Mobilität, Logistik, Green City, E-Government 3D Ver�calScanning of excava�on pits, bridge founda�ons in smart-digital services. over waterways and any underwater construc�on site not We are also highly interested in partnering with civil Supported by: accessible by boat. We deliver high-resolu�on 3D data of construc�on companies in the field of water infrastructure founda�ons and objects at depths of up to 150 feet. who like to monitor their contruc�on progress. All scanned data can be enriched with conven�onal 3D laser scans, drone images, 360 degree HDR panos and provided via our data-as-a-service portal. Project par�cipa�on objec�ves HydroMapper technologies are backed by several patents. Our goal is to build up partnerships and establish Project of: networks to companies and authorities in the field of building, operating and supervising water infrastructure (harbours, ports, terminals, quai walls, locks, bridges) around the globe.
IABG. The Future. Making Smart Cities a Safer Place ry Summa es, m ak er even ing be� cure se safe ci� at. Our city is about es our heartbe Wh e n it ak nn ed ec t � e r is what m protect the co rs to meet be to cto oncepts and private se a�ons and urban c u bli c o p er the p ly. Wh ile ted to enable r e li a b vic es adap their t a s ks vid e s er cri�cal e n ters pro yber-secured s situa� o n c , c facili�e c s it ua�ons d industrial . specifi an rowth uctures nomic g infrastr ustainable eco ensure s
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es IABG offers integrated, ground-breaking solu�ons in the Some of the world's Safe City "nerve centers," e. g., the sectors Automo�ve • InfoCom • Mobility, Energy & integrated security, and situa�on center of Punjab / Pakistan Environment • Aeronau�cs • Space • Defense & Security. Safe City Authority, including traffic flow management, Independent and intelligent technology and process video surveillance of public loca�ons/venues, interven�on IABG mbH consul�ng are our core business in the public and private control, and video analysis, are supported by us. Germany's Einsteinstrasse 20, 85521 O�obrunn, Germany sector. Implementa�on happens with future viability and largest civic joint opera�ons center that coordinates police-, target orienta�on, reliably and sustainably. Our fire- and rescue emergency services across the na�onal customers and business partners trust our exper�se capital is also powered by our consul�ng exper�se. 1. Contact person concerning market trends, requirements exper�se, and Dr. Willfried Wienholt technological excellence to make secure digi�za�on VP Marketing and Sales IABG / InfoCom happen. Target customer group and ideal local partner Phone: +49 89 6088 2264 Mobil: +49 151 74431308 We are looking for well positioned local partners with solid access to the public sector stakeholders. Let us tap into the following customer groups together to establish 2. Contact person secure digitalization: Constan�n Schlachetzki Program Manager Security IABG / InfoCom · Public and private owners of critical infrastructure Products / Services Phone: +49 89 6088 2790 · Industry and manufacturing Mobil: +49 160 98132514 "Making Smart Ci�es a Safer Place" is what drives our · Government IT and telecommunications institutions as daily business for ci�es. So, accept our invita�on to well as security organizations Languages: German, English develop secure urban concepts together so that communica�on networks are future-proof, and technical Main areas of interest / innova�on needs migra�on concepts enable your architecture to meet and exceed your challenges. We design and set up control- For decades, IABG delivered projects with reliable and Project: and situa�on centers for Smart & Safe Ci�es, thus objec�ve exper�se, including many high-end projects for urban security stakeholders. With our pragma�c enabling urban stakeholders (interven�on forces, traffic end-to-end consul�ng approach, we support our /ŶŶŽǀĂƟŽŶTour management, cri�cal infrastructure owners, and Singapore Smart operators) to benefit from our comprehensive urban customers across the en�re lifecycle ("cradle to grave") of City June 14th-18th analy�cs exper�se. We provide some of the most vital any digitaliza�on challenge. Let us join forces to power an founda�ons for safe ci�es and cyber-secure industrial era of opportuni�es. Supported by: assets, e.g., by conceptualizing, integra�ng, building, and opera�ng Security Opera�on Centers to minimize risks. Project par�cipa�on objec�ves Our customers rely on us because we provide the know-how needed to protect the connected city – from Secure digitalization is what makes our heart beat. That is cyberspace, cri�cal urban infrastructure, and industrial why we want to assets to commanding first responders and security · get to know local partners in Singapore Project of: forces. · establish beneficial business relationships · showcase our portfolio, expertise, and international references · expand our independent technology- and process consulting business
ry Summa RDS MO OGY RE G TO W A L IBUTIN ECHNO Our CONTR NT TRAFFIC T our roads E g a INTELLIG an eye on in ensurin s. ro le d Keeping ies play a our roa n o lo g o f t ra ffic on c la s s ify tech s afe r flow � f y and e r, id e n and smooth ct vehicles, e ir posi�on ith et e t h way w They d d determine g in any m , a n te r fe r in the t in withou speed – c flow. traffi
Company profile References and interna�onal business ac�vi�es VITRONIC is a world leader in industrial machine vision. Vitronic has installed more than 10.000 Lidar based The owner-managed group of companies develops systems for traffic enforcement and free flow tolling worl- products and customized solu�ons in the growth dwide. Amongst other markets the we are market leader industries of industrial automa�on, logis�cs automa�on in Germany, Denmark, Luxemburg, UAE, KSA, Oman, VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein and traffic technology. Morrocco, Rwanda and have significant market share in Bildverarbeitungssyste Australia, different European countries, North America With more than 35 years of experience VITRONIC offers a Hasengartenstraße 14 and also Hong Kong. unique por�olio of systems and so�ware, covering 65189 Wiesbaden image- and sensor-based quality inspec�on, iden�fica- Germany �on, traffic enforcement as well as tolling. VITRONIC offers support to interna�onal customers Contact person through its subsidiaries in North America, Europe, Asia Target customer group and ideal local partner Boris Wagner and Australia, as well as through a global network of sales Phone: +49 611 7152 157 Traffic Authorities, Mobility Agencies, Tolling Operators, and service partners. Police Languages: German, English Main areas of interest / innova�on needs Products / Services Traffic Safety Efficient Data Collec�on Tolling Enforcement Traffic technology from VITRONIC helps you gain insights License Plate Reading Project: from traffic and environmental data. Smart Infrastructure Traffic data: Modern traffic safety solu�ons record the Traffic Management /ŶŶŽǀĂƟŽŶTour City Tolling Singapore Smart number of vehicles per hour, average speed per lane, and June 14 -18 th th City number of trucks per hour. Air data (environmental data): The crucial added value of POLISCAN systems is the ability to capture environmental Supported by: data. This includes the measurement of nitrogen dioxide, Project par�cipa�on objec�ves nitrogen monoxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and We would like to pay the attention to the added value of par�culate ma�er. smart traffic management: Vehicle data: Capturing vehicle parameters is a classic · Sound traffic safety applica�on. Vehicle class can be captured in addi�on to · Reduced congestion Project of: speed. · Better air quality We offer solu�ons reg. speed enforcement, tolling etc. · Efficient traffic control
The Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) is With its distinct service unit and trade fairs arms - DEinternational and part of a network of 140 offices of the German bilateral Chambers of Fairs & More respectively - the SGC builds a primary source for receiving Industry and Commerce abroad (AHKs) in 92 countries. The AHKs are reliable information on the German and Singapore business environment institutions of German foreign trade promotion. as well as bilateral trade relations. 3 The SGC is one of the largest national Business Chambers in Singapore DEinternational serves clients in their business needs e.g. searching for with a membership of close to 550 representatives from a variety of business partners, organizing business missions and business trips, industries from Germany and Singapore. The SGC is a valuable and finding staff members and providing market analysis. well-established networking platform and well connected with authorities in Singapore and Germany. Through its active industry DEinternational has worked in many areas such as Energy Efficiency, committees SGC gives a voice to businesses. Start-Ups, Education, Industrie 4.0, Finance, Research and Development and many more. Moreover, the SGC provides services in SBS systems for business solutions is a 1999 established private institutions. In addition, SBS has been honored by the Italian Ministry of consulting agency, with two decades of experience in the planning, Economic Development with the title of “Temporary Export Manager”. A development and implementation of international projects. Moreover, highly-skilled team of project managers with multinational backgrounds, the company offers services such as workshops, events and individually based in Berlin and Rome, is sensitized for the topic of cultural differences organized B2B-meetings, as well as individual strategies for market and therefore knows how to approach difficult cultural issues. In fact, SBS entries and assistance for the coordination of international teams for the applies cross-cultural thinking and designs custom-made solutions that German-speaking and Italian market. overcome intercultural borders to find the right partners for their clients. Thanks to a strong partner network and more than 600 German and Since 2006, SBS has been organizing hundreds of internatio- international clients, SBS is able to facilitate a successful market entry in nalization projects from delegation trips abroad to big virtual conferences the most emerging and attractive markets worldwide. on behalf of several German ministries and other foreign governmental Smart City
In collaboration with
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