Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School

Page created by Bill Greene
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
Information For Parents
2021 - 2022

          Kittoe Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 4RZ
               Tel: (0121) 323 2221 Fax: (0121) 308 8033
              School Email:
           Admissions Email:

  Associate Headteacher: Samantha Kibble BA (Hons), PGCE, NPQH
 Executive Headteacher: Neil Warner, JP, BA (Hons), PGCE, NPQH, NLE
                CEO: Richard Gill, NPQH, NLE, FRSA
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to The Arthur Terry School.

Our school is a very special place. We want all of our students to feel cared for, loved, nurtured and
developed in a suppor>ve climate that strives to ensure they all reach their poten>al. Academic success is
extremely important, but so too is preparing our young people for a rapidly changing society and to become
responsible, caring, tolerant individuals with a love for life and a belief that they should reach for the stars.

We have extremely high expecta>ons of student behaviour and aAainment and will never seAle for second
best. Young people only get one chance and we take our responsibility in educa>ng your youngsters
extremely seriously. Our rela>onship with you as parents and carers is vital and we very much look forward
to beginning that special journey together.

Samantha Kibble
Associate Headteacher
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
General Information
Our website provides a central source of informa>on on the school and its ac>vi>es. It is clear and easy to use which
will enable you to navigate and find out more about our students’ successes, subject informa>on, exam >metables,
calendar, newsleAers etc.

Ini>al contact with the school should be via your child’s tutor. You should address your email to and this will then be forwarded to your child’s Progress Leader/Tutor. There is a 48
hours response >me to emails.

For general enquiries, please use

Please remember to inform the school of any change to your contact details, as if your child is injured or taken ill, we
must have a contact number to telephone you in an emergency. It is also important for parents/guardians to inform us
if informa>on needs sending to more than one address (because adults with parental rights are living separately).

AUTUMN TERM 2021                      SPRING TERM 2022                       SUMMER TERM 2022
Start: Thursday 2nd September         Start: Tuesday 4th January             Start: Monday 25th April
Half Term: Monday 25th October to Half Term: Monday 21st February to Half Term: Monday 30th May to
Friday 29th October               Friday 25th February               Friday 3rd June
Term Ends: Friday 17th December       Term Ends: Friday 8th April            Term Ends: Friday 22nd July

Training days will be confirmed separately.

Movement Bell                        8.45
Tutor Time                           8.50 - 9.10
Period 1                             9.10 - 10.10
Period 2                             10.10 - 11.10
Break                                11.10 - 11.30
Period 3                             11.30 - 12.30
Lunch                                12.30 - 1.05
Movement Bell                        1.00
Period 4                             1.05 - 2.05
Period 5                             2.05 - 3.05
Deten>ons                            3.05 - 3.35

Please note that these >mings are under review in line with government guidance related to Covid-19.
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
Our Repor>ng and Assessment Policy is a fundamental driver in improving the outcomes of our students. As a key
part of this policy, we are commiAed to making sure that parents are aware of how their child is progressing in
each subject against expecta>ons, as well as providing regular updates on their abtude to their studies.

You will receive >mely informa>on about your child’s progress and behaviour throughout the academic year. This
will come in the form of one ‘seAling in report’, a Parents’ Evening and another Report, which will include an
overview provided by the Form Tutor. You will also have access to our online system GO 4 Schools, which will
provide you with live informa>on on your child, including aAendance, behaviour, assessment, >metable
informa>on and more. We will provide you with an instruc>ons leaflet on how to log on to this system early in the
new academic year.

We will invite to meet with your child’s tutor online. This will allow you to discuss your child’s transi>on from
primary school. This will provide you with invaluable informa>on on how your child is seAling in to school, with
informa>on provided by their teachers in each subject.

A report will be made available online via GO 4 schools. You will be informed via text message when this report is
ready to view. This will provide you with an Abtude to Learning and Progress indicator for each subject informing
you of how your child is performing using the levels in the table below. Form tutors will also provide a wriAen

                  ARtude To Learning                                               Progress
Excellent abtude to learning                               Excellent progress towards target grade
Good abtude to learning                                    Good progress towards target grade
Improving needed regarding abtude to learning              Some concerns regarding progress towards target grade
Serious concerns regarding abtude to learning              Serious concerns regarding progress towards target

This system not only gives you access to the reports but also provides you with informa>on on your child about
their aAendance, praise points, nega>ve events, any homework that needs to be completed and any assessments
that they complete in the subjects they study.

A wealth of informa>on is available on Go 4 Schools. If you have any addi>onal queries, you can contact your Please refer to the website for the relevant house group email address.
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
Uniform List

Item                       Colour & Style
Blazer (for all students   Black with Arthur Terry Logo available from Clive Mark.
in years 7-10)
Year 11 (only)             School polo and sweatshirt for Year 11 students with Arthur Terry School Logo.

Trousers                   Black, formal plain in convenXonal style. Girl’s trousers should not be made of
                           stretchy lycra, but of a similar material to the boys' trousers.
Official School Skirt with   Available in 2 styles from Clive Mark. These are the only skirts girls will be permiAed
Arthur Terry Logo          to wear.
Shirt                      White, conven>onal school style, short or long sleeve.

Tie                        School >e - clip on. (Green for Year 7).

Jumper (op>onal)           Black, v-neck, with Arthur Terry Logo from Clive Mark. Other jumpers or cardigans
                           are not permiAed.
Socks/>ghts                Neutral colour, including black and white, plain style, not paAerned. Over the knee
                           socks are not permiAed.
Shoes                      MUST be plain black with a black sole, in polishable leather or leather effect.
                           Excessively high heels, sandals with no backs and wedges are dangerous and will not
                           be allowed. Please see aYached examples of permiYed footwear.
Outside coat               Any sensible style or colour suitable for school.
                           No denim or leather. No badges or emblems except maker's mo>f or Arthur Terry
                           logo. Sweatshirts, hooded tops and track suit tops are not acceptable as coats, and
                           should not be worn.
Jewellery                  Students are allowed one stud per ear. No other jewellery apart from a wrist watch is
                           allowed. No facial piercings whatsoever. Excessive make-up is not allowed.
Hats                       Students should not wear hats in school.

Apron/overall              Any clean, hygienic garment to provide adequate protec>on in prac>cal lessons.
(Food Tech, CDT)
New PE Kit for             Please see aAached PE Kit list. All Items are available from Clive Mark.
Both Sexes                 Students will be expected to wear these specific garments for all PE lessons.
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
PermiYed Footwear Types - Boys

PermiYed Footwear Types - Girls

 Footwear Type Not PermiYed
Information For Parents 2021 2022 - The Arthur Terry School
Year 7 PE Kit
Compulsory Items
• Polo Top (Maroon/Black)
• Single Skin Rev Games Jersey (Maroon/Black)
• AT Panelled Shorts (Black/Maroon)
• Plain Black Sports Socks
• Appropriate sports trainers (please see examples)
• Football boots
• Shin pads
OpXonal Items
• Slim fit track pants (Plain Black)
• Base layer (Plain Black)
• Gum Shield

Compulsory Items
• Girls FiAed Polo Top or Standard Polo Top (Maroon/Blk)
• Mid-Layer ¼ Zip top (Maroon/Black)
• Plain Black Sports Socks
At least one of:
• Panelled Skort or Panelled Shorts (Black/Maroon)
• Appropriate Sports Trainers (please see examples)
• Shin Pads for Football
OpXonal Items
• Slim fit track pants (Black)
• Leggings (Black)
• Base layer (Plain Black)

Other informaXon
All compulsory aRre and opXonal garments can be purchased from the Clive Mark outlet store
11-13 Boldmere Road, SuYon Coldfield, B73 5UY.

It is important to note that all items (excluding socks and the op3onal base layer) will be embroidered with the Arthur
Terry School badge. All students will be expected to wear these specific garments for all PE lessons. Incomplete
incorrect kit items that are brought to lessons (without formal no3ce from parents/guardians) will mean that students
are subject to receive sanc>ons in accordance to the school behaviour policy.
All Weather Pitch
Astro Footwear Guidance

NB: These are NOT to be confused with moulded football studs as shown in the example images below. Whilst
the footwear seen in the images below may be used on 3G/5G football surfaces, this style is not permiYed on
the Arthur Terry AWP surface.
Equipment List
To help minimise contact between students, they will not be able to borrow equipment (pens, pencils, aprons
etc) when they come into school. We will be providing paper, textbooks and exercise books. Students will need
to carry all equipment and exercise books with them for the day, please make sure that students have an
appropriate bag to accommodate A4 books and all of their equipment.

We require all students to bring the following into school every day:

•   Pencils
•   Pencil sharpener
•   Biro or fountain pens – plus spares – black and green
•   Some different coloured pen e.g. red, purple, blue
•   Glue s>ck
•   Scissors
•   Ruler
•   Calculator - Casio Scien>fic (fx-85) or Casio Classwiz for A-Level and Higher GCSE
•   A pack of highlighters
•   Coloured pencil crayons
•   Ear phones (not wireless or flat ended apple style – 3.5mm end ones for use in music)
•   Dry wipe pen and small cloth (for use with mini whiteboards)
•   Rubber
•   Protractor
•   Pair of compasses
•   Hand gel with 70%+ alcohol content
•   Tissues

On days when students have a prac>cal lesson in technology they will need:

•   Food technology apron – any suitable washable apron
•   Design technology apron – plain unbleached coAon apron available on line or in Clive Marks

If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, and you need support with purchasing these items, please
It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure children aAend every day and on >me. In the event of an absence please
contact the school each day of the absence providing the reason. You must report absence by email to by 8.45am.

The school operates an automated text messaging system. If your child is not in school and we have no reason for
absence then you will receive the following message ‘Student Forename did not register at school his morning. Please
reply with a reason’.

Parents must no>fy the school every day and state the reason for absence. If your child has a prolonged period of
absence (between 3 and 5 days) you may be required to provide medical evidence on their return. In the event of
longer term absence due to illness or underlying medical condi>on, please contact your child’s Progress Leader and/or
the designated liaison person for AAendance, to discuss this.

Where possible, please arrange appointments outside of school hours awer 3.35pm, e.g. den>st, doctor. If this is not
possible, parents should no>fy the school by email by 8.45am prior to the
appointment. Parents are required to provide a copy of the Appointment Card or leAer.

When aAendance is a serious concern (less than 90%) school will collaborate with parent/carer and other
professionals. This will involve parental mee>ngs and/or other interven>ons.

The law requires parents to make sure their children receive full->me educa>on suitable to their needs. As a last
resort, schools and the Educa>on Authority (EA) have legal powers to prosecute parents for a child’s poor aAendance.
The educa>on Act 1996 Sec>on 444 (1) states that “if a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a
school fails to aAend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence”. If you fail to provide a reason for why
your child is not in school this will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised’ absence which may lead to a penalty no>ce and

The Headteacher will not authorise Leave of Absence for family holidays and trips during term >me unless there are
excep>onal circumstances. Requests for Leave of Absence should be made by comple>ng an applica>on form
available from the school office and returned for the aAen>on of the designated liaison person.

The school has a strict policy on the wearing of jewellery and body piercings implemen>ng guidance from BAALPE
(Bri>sh Associa>on of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Educa>on). The Health and Safety of students engaged in
school ac>vi>es is paramount and the school takes this responsibility seriously. The school rules state:

•   No facial piercings, including tongue piercings, are allowed.

•   Only studs may be worn in school as items of jewellery or as items of body piercings. Watches may be worn. All
    other jewellery must be lew at home.

•   No jewellery or items of body piercings may be worn for P.E. They must be removed. The taping of piercings is no
    longer an opXon and should not be done by a parent, child or adult in school. Tapings may come loose and
    become a danger to others. Parents have a responsibility therefore to ensure that their children clearly
    understand that studs must be removed for P.E. and we advise that they are lew at home on these days.

We thank you for your support with this maAer to ensure that the health and safety of all our students is maintained
in all our school environments.
The school site is very busy par>cular at the start and end of the school day and therefore we recommend, if possible,
your child walks to school with another student. If you have to bring your child on to the school site the vehicular
approach to enter school is via Beaton Road, entering a one-way system on site and leaving school via KiAoe Road.
There is no entry to the site from KiAoe Road and no exit via Beaton Road. Parking is available in the marked bays or
on overflow parking to the lew adjacent the all-weather pitch. Please be considerate to our neighbours by not parking
in front of their drive ways.

Our dining hall provides an environment influenced by sugges>ons from our students. Every minute of our lunch
break is u>lised to ensure that all students have an opportunity to spend an appropriate >me buying and ea>ng their
lunch with their friends.

To support this we operate a cashless system based on biometric recogni>on which, importantly, offers students high
levels of safety and security whilst allowing us to concentrate on the service to students rather than the administra>ve
issues associated with cash or Smart Cards.

We are very aware that the protec>on for personal data has received much media aAen>on and that some of you may
be concerned that school uses biometric recogni>on. We can assure you that no image of a fingerprint is stored on a
computer, rather a selec>on of data points from which a fingerprint cannot be regenerated. You may wish to reflect
on the personal data already held by school about you and your child which you might consider to be more sensi>ve
than a mathema>cal algorithm linked to your child’s name. All personal data is held subject to the provision of the
Data Protec>on Act, not passed to third par>es and this biometric data will be permanently deleted when your child
leaves school. The system is also used for library borrowings.

School works in partnership with Chartwells to deliver catering services. From September 2009 they have been fully
compliant with government nutri>onal guidelines and their Catering Manager, Julie Whitehouse, (0121 323 4385) is always happy to discuss any aspect of their service with you.
Since September 2016 The Arthur Terry School has been completely cashless.

For several years we have been using an online payment system called ParentPay which offers a quick, easy and more
convenient way to pay for school meals, trips, exam fees, >ckets & much more. The uptake of this service in previous
years has been so successful it has led to the decision for us to not accept any cash at all for any services

ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
(safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available), giving you peace of mind
that your payment has been made safely and securely.

Making a payment is straighzorward and ParentPay keeps an accurate record of payments made to every service for
every student and offers a more efficient payment collec>on process. It also allows for easy and quick refunds to be
made back to the payment card when necessary.

We will send you an ac>va>on leAer during the Summer break containing your ac>va>on username and password to
enable you to set up your ParentPay account. During the ac>va>on process you will be guided through changing your
username and password to something more memorable; if you have more than one child at a ParentPay school/s you
can also add children to a single account providing one login for all children at ParentPay Schools.

For further informa>on on ParentPay please visit


Could your Child Be Eligible?
Now it is quick and easy to find out. No form to fill in, no need to supply school with copies of your paperwork, no
wai>ng >me. We would encourage all parents to apply online to check your eligibility even if your child does not
want to take the free meals. The new online checking service will instantly advise you if your child is eligible to
receive free school meals. Your details are also updated automa>cally so there is no need for a formal review process;
everything is kept up to date awer your ini>al applica>on. Both parent and school are advised if you become eligible in
the future so the free school meal allowance can be applied straightaway to your child’s dinner account.

The benefits to you and your child are numerous, quick, easy, confiden>al, one->me applica>on. In addi>on for every
child on free school meals Arthur Terry School will also receive addi>onal funding (Pupil Premium) from the
Government which we use to support teaching and learning. It is therefore a wider benefit for everyone.

How do I apply?
Simply apply online at
You will need your na>onal insurance number or na>onal asylum support service reference number and your child’s
date of birth.

If your child is currently receiving fee school meals at their Primary school you must apply online to conXnue this
benefit when they join us. If you need any further support or informa>on please contact

Please see enclosed leAer >tled ‘Music Tui>on 2021-22’.
You can also read