Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences

Page created by Zachary Estrada
Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences

     14 june 2022
     — 5 march 2023
Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
A WORD FROM OUR CEO                                                                                                                                                 FOREWORD

        The "Industrial Revolution" – generally accepted                                                                                From 14 June, the Cité des Sciences et de
        as a historical truth, has become part of our                                                                                   l’Industrie presents Industrial Evolutions, a
        everyday language and refers to the idea that                                                                                   temporary exhibition that explores the "new
        there was an abrupt change in production                                                                                        industrial world" and its impact on mankind.
        methods. It has played a key role in constructing
        a collective narrative that begins with the                                                                                     Industrial Evolutions reflects on the process
        "invention" of the steam engine by James Watt                                                                                   of industrialisation, a vast and complex
        in Great Britain in 1769.                                                                                In partnership with    subject, spanning the past, present and
                                                                                                       the École des Hautes Études      future and touching on all areas of human
        When we take a closer look, we can see that                                                   en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)      activity, which are now more interdependent
        industrialisation is a slow phenomenon that                                                     and with the support of the     than ever. The artistic and educational
        began well before the 18th century and is not                                                Union des Industries et Métiers    installations give visitors a contemplative
        tied to any particular region. It has very little                                                 de la Métallurgie (UIMM).     experience that allows them to understand
        to do with a revolution... rather it’s all about                                                                                the changes occurring today by comparing
        "industrial evolutions". This is what the exhibition                                                                            them with those of yesterday. They are then
        at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie aims                                                                                 invited to question the duality of an industry
        to show, focusing as much on permanence as                                                                                      that helps people live better but at the same
        on change.                                                                                                                      time causes concern.
        For centuries, industry has been transforming
        raw materials on a large scale through work and
        energy, and organising the mass production
        of objects, networks, systems and services.
        We are intimately connected to the products
        of industry: they surround us, extend us,                                                               Trilingual exhibition
        contain us, and we even ingest them. Nothing                                                      (French, English, Spanish)
        can escape their influence, since industry                                                                Age 14 and above
        shapes human labour, but also landscapes,
        cities and our societies. A world in itself.
        The exhibition explores this with an original
        reflection on the process of industrialisation,                                                                                 Industrial Evolutions is part of the
        viewed through the lens of our relationship                                                                                     "Societyscience / The way our world
        with technical objects, work and discourse.                                                                                     is changing" editorial line.
        The time has come to deconstruct a myth.                                                                                        This thematic line features exhibitions
                                                                                                                                        dealing with changes in science and
        Bruno Maquart,                                                                                                                  technology and their impact on our
        Chairman and CEO of Universcience                                                                                               individual and collective lives.
                                                               CONTENTS                                                                 They therefore offer a valuable insight
                                                                                                                                        into social sciences and other major
                                                               The exhibition experience      p. 4                                      issues affecting society.
                                                               To accompany the exhibition   p. 12
                                                               Project team                  p. 14
                                                               Partners                      p. 15

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences

          A global,
approach through
      7 highlights
     FROM FOG TO CLOUD                                Two installations then reveal the
                                                      increase in production and consumption
     Images projected on five large screens           and the changing face of industry:
     set the scene and situate us in time.            • AN AUGMENTED APARTMENT*
     From London’s historic pea-soupers               demonstrates the enormous scale of
     – a mixture of fog and coal smoke –              the production lines and the complexity
     to a digital cloud represented against           of the technical sectors behind everyday
     a blue sky, the contrast is striking. Both       objects.
     these images share the same metaphor             * Design : Tetsuo /nObrain, set decor:
     though. Whether against a black or a             Atelier Veroliv.
     blue background, it is just as difficult         • A LENTICULAR INSTALLATION
     to see clearly, as the changes etched            entrusted to the artist Thierry Verbeeck
     on the face of industry are so profound          shows the transformations over a century
     and have affected all areas of human             of a major site in French industrial history,
     activity. Five themed slide shows                PSA-Sochaux.
     (transformed landscapes, standardisation
                                                      While manufacturing employment is
     and accumulation, industrial locations,
                                                      declining in Europe and the United
     images of workers and networks),
                                                      States, it is increasing worldwide and
     accompanied by an original soundtrack
                                                      now employs 310 million people. Industry
     from Cirque Électrique, show us the
                                                      is not declining – it is thriving, moving
     complexity of today’s industrial world
                                                      and constantly evolving, feeding an
     and the lack of clarity that surrounds
                                                      economy based on the accumulation
     situations of great change.
                                                      of objects. Today, our planet is being

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
        OF OBJECTS
        Seven themes, represented by seven
        symbolic objects, are presented in 3 x 3
        metre rooms that form the backbone
        of the exhibition. Each of these scenes
        includes a radio play complemented
        by other media (audiovisuals, graphics,
        tangible objects, sets and staging).
        The presence of these technical objects
                                                       4   HOMO FABER
                                                           This highlight reveals the transformations
        reminds us that their production is both           in the organisation of work and the
        the purpose and reason for the existence           metamorphosis of industry through the
        of industry. We transform the world                question of work, while demonstrating
        by making objects, which in turn                   the coexistence and proliferation
        transform us.                                      of production methods.
        Themes and objects presented:                      Three representative locations
        • ENERGY: the myth of energy transi-               provide structure for the subject:
        tions / James Watt’s condenser engine              • THE MINE: the extraction of minerals
        • OBSOLESCENCE: from disposability                 is the basis of industrial activity.
        as a way of life to programmed obsoles-
        cence / the rotor of the L’Increvable              • THE FACTORY: as a symbol of the way
        washing machine                                    in which people organise themselves
        • INTERNET OF THINGS: digitisation                 around the production of objects.
        of the physical world / the smartphone             • THE DIGITAL PLATFORM, which
        and integrated circuits                            demonstrates the transfiguration of
        • CANNING: food preservation as a                  work through digital technology.
        factor in improving living conditions
                                                           This highlight presents:
        and human longevity / the tin can
        • SURVEILLANCE: links between civil                • a display of work clothes, illustrating in
        and military industry / the drone                  particular the merger of the manufacturing
        • BIRTHS: gender, demography and                   industry with the service industry;
        industry / the contraceptive pill                  • five audio testimonies of industrial
        • IMPORT-EXPORT: textile industry,                 operators talking about different
        colonialism and fast-fashion / Barbie dolls        modern-day jobs;
        Energy transitions, gender issues,                 • a large-scale audiovisual installation
        the digitisation of the physical world, the        (Testuo/nObrain) based on three
        political dimension of our technological           arthouse documentaries: The Coal
        choices and the duality of industry (which         Miner’s Day, directed and produced by
        allows us to live better as much as it             Gaël Mocaër (Ukraine, 2013), C’est quoi
        threatens us), colonialism and environmental       ce travail? by Luc Joulé and Sébastien
        impacts are all addressed here.                    Jousse, produced by Shellac Sud,
        The radio plays, with their offbeat and            Travail et Culture (France, 2015),
        incisive tone, were written by author              The Republic’s Couriers by Badredine
        Luigi Cerri (Canopée).                             Haouari, produced by Les Ateliers Varan
                                                           (France, 2018).

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
                                               6   THE REBOUND
                                                                                                WHAT IS THE JEVONS PARADOX?
    What if Karl Marx talked to Steve Jobs?
                                                   (Jevons paradox)
                                                                                                In the middle of the 19th century,
    And Elon Musk to René Descartes?
                                                   This phenomenon, known as the                English coal producers became
    A humorous film, written by Luigi              rebound effect, has been observed for        concerned. As steam engines became
    Cerri using genuine quotes, stages             a long time and has never been refuted,      more efficient, they were using less and
    a debate between historical figures            but it remains little known to the general   less of their precious fuel. Would there
    whose ideas and speeches have marked           public and is often «forgotten» when it      still be enough demand for coal? The
    the history of industrial activity.            comes to both individual decisions and       English economist Jevons reassured
    These narratives correspond to two             political choices. It can be summed up       them: because machines are more
    recurring visions, depending on the            like this: an innovation that is aimed at    efficient, production will increase
    teller: technology and industrialisation       a more efficient use of energy or            (cotton, cast iron, etc.), prices will fall
    are either perceived as threats to             resources leads, in turn, to an increase     and, in the end, coal will be used more
    mankind or as solutions to all our             in the consumption of this resource          and more. And that’s just what happened.
    problems, as sources of subjugation            and energy.                                  Each machine uses fewer resources,
    or emancipation.                                                                            but total consumption increases – it
                                                   The installation on display is a literal,
    Film directed by Résonance Films.                                                           rebounds. This pattern is at the heart
                                                   physical, monumental and contempla-
                                                                                                of industrial growth and is repeated
                                                   tive expression of this rebound effect.
                                                                                                systematically for all innovations.
                                                   It was designed and produced by digital
                                                   craft collective Les Arts Codés (Sonia
                                                   Laugier and François Brument).

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
     The exhibition ends by lifting the curtain
     on the new hyperindustrialised world.
     This highlight presents the gigantic, invisible
     infrastructures of digital technology:
     satellites, undersea cables and data centres.
     A spectacular 270° video projection reveals
     these new infrastructures and shows how
     the Earth has become a ball of cables
     supporting almost instantaneous commu-
     nication, surrounded by satellites through
     which everything is geolocated, where
     data is stored in increasing numbers of
     data centres whose existence we barely
     even notice. Our Earth, diminished in terms
     of resources, is at the same time augmented
     by a digital continent that we have not yet
     mapped. Hidden from view by their sheer
     size, concealed by the vocabulary used to
     describe them (network, cloud, demateria-
     lisation), digital infrastructures nevertheless
     occupy a physical reality within our global
     industrial machine that is unprecedented
     in human history.
     This installation, designed by Ilusio and, is completed by an
     original composition by Cirque Electique.

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences

                                                                                                                                       INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTIONS
                                                                                                                                       EXHIBITION JOURNAL

                               PUBLICATIONS                                                                                            Author of texts and interviews: Olivier Quezada.
                                                                                                                                       Interviews with Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, professor of modern history
                                                                                                                                       at the Université Paris-Cité and director of studies at the École des
                                                                                                                                       Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Thierry Weil, doctor of
                                                                                                                                       physics, professor at Mines Paris, Pierre Veltz, sociologist and econo-
                                                                                                                                       mist, and Astrid Fontaine, exhibition curator and museographer.
                                                                                                                                       Designed as a souvenir of the exhibition, this journal deconstructs the
                                                                                                                                       notion of the "industrial revolution" that appeared with James Watt’s
                                                              BOOK   HEROES                                                            steam engine, in favour of a series of progressive evolutions. Three
                                                                     OF THE CLOTH                                                      scientific experts question the collective narrative of the "Industrial
                                                                                                                                       Revolution" in a concise way by focusing on a series of emblematic
          SÉVERINE LALIBERTÉ   AUDREY MILLET   NICOLA GOBBI          The fabulous history of textiles                                  characters and places.
                                                                     Written by Séverine Laliberté and                                 Available from 10 June 2022. On sale only at the Cité des Sciences
                                                                     Audrey Millet, illustrated by Nicola                              et de l’Industrie and on Format 21.5 X 42 cm /
                                                                     Gobbi.                                                            24 pages / €5.95.
                                                                     Imagine a textile trade fair that crosses
                                                                     space and time: Karl Lagerfeld, Michael
                                                                     Jordan, Colbert, Otzi, an influencer,
            LES HÉROS DE L’ÉTOFFE                                    Adam Smith, an Indian textile worker,
            LA FABULEUSE HISTOIRE DU TEXTILE                         King Arthur... Guided by Pétronille, an
                                                                     archaeologist, and Audrey, a fashion
                                                                                                                   ONLINE GAME: LE PARADOXE
                                                                     historian, the reader is plunged into a       "Le Paradoxe" is an interactive digital game that gives you
                                                                     story that is also the history of humanity,   a better understanding of the rebound effect, also known as
                                                                     from the Palaeolithic to fast fashion.        the Jevons paradox. The player takes on the role of the new
                                                                     The industrialisation of the world was a      mayor of a small village where a threatening cloud is growing
                                                                     long-term process, shaped by inequalities,    in the sky. This cloud, which the worried inhabitants call the
                                                                     access to natural resources, social and       Paradox, puts the holding of their beloved Chestnut Festival
                                                                     political struggles. No other field is more   at risk!
                                                                     representative of this than textiles.         Age 15 and over. Purchase from the online ticket office of
                                                                     This book gives the anonymous the             the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.
                                                                     place they deserve in the history of          More information to come.
                                                                     textiles and puts its evolution into
                                                                     New joint publication Steinkis / Cité des
                                                                     Sciences et de l’Industrie. Available from                                            DATE FOR YOUR DIARY
                                                                     bookshops and online from 9 June 2022.
                                                                                                                                                           "Industry Tomorrow" event week
                                                                     Format 190 x 250 mm / 144 pages / €19.
                                                                                                                                                           from 15 to 20 November 2022.
                                                                                                                                                           More information to come.

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
PROJECT TEAM                                                                                                                                                             PARTNERS

        EXHIBITION BOARD                                 Antoine Picon, director of research at
                                                         the École des Ponts ParisTech and             IN PARTNERSHIP WITH                            WITH THE SUPPORT OF
        Astrid Fontaine, exhibition curator              professor at the Graduate School of
        Evanthia Ioannidou, Sophie Manoff,               Design at Harvard University. Architect,
        Christelle Guiraud, museographers                doctor of history (EHESS), engineering
                                                         graduate from the École Polytechnique
        SCIENTIFIC ADVISERS                              Sophie Prunier-Poulmaire, lecturer
                                                         in work psychology and ergonomics,
        Serge Abiteboul, Director of Research at                                                                                                      The Union des Industries et Métiers
                                                         president of the Lumières sur le Travail      The École des hautes études en
        Inria, member of the French Academy of                                                                                                        de la Métallurgie (Union of Metallurgy
                                                         association, vice-president of the            sciences sociales (school of advanced
        Sciences, member of the Executive Board                                                                                                       Industries or UIMM) is a professional
                                                         University of Paris-X-Nanterre                studies in social sciences or EHESS),
        of the Autorité de Régulation des Commu-                                                                                                      organisation whose vocation is to
                                                         Pierre Veltz, engineer, sociologist and       created in 1975, is one of the main
        nications Électroniques et des Postes                                                                                                         support the companies in the sector
                                                         economist. Professor emeritus at the          centres for human and social sciences
        Vincent Bontems, philosopher of                                                                                                               at all stages of their development, to
                                                         École des Ponts ParisTech, member of          in Europe. It is unique in the French
        science and technology, researcher at                                                                                                         represent them and to promote their
                                                         the French Academy of Technologies.           higher education and research
        Larsim (CEA) and associate researcher                                                                                                         interests, whatever their size and sector
                                                         Former president of the Paris-Saclay          landscape, both because of its interdis-
        at the CGS (Mines ParisTech), member
                                                         public planning authority                     ciplinary intellectual programme and           of activity (metallurgy, metal processing,
        of the Centre international des Études
                                                         Thierry Weil, doctor of physics,              because of its training-through-research       mechanics, automotive, shipbuilding,
        simondoniennes (Cides)
                                                         engineering graduate of the Corp des          model, its international roots and its         aeronautics, space, railways, nuclear,
        Guillaume Carnino, former computer
                                                         Mines, member of the French Academy           openness to society. EHESS is playing a        electrical and electronics). The UIMM
        engineer, lecturer in the history of science
                                                         of Technologies, professor at Mines                                                          represents 42,000 industrial compa-
        and technology at the University of                                                            leading role in the revival of industrial
                                                         ParisTech (Centre for Industrial Economics)                                                  nies, which employ 1.6 million people.
        Technology of Compiègne                                                                        history thanks to its interdisciplinary
                                                         and former delegate of the Fabrique de                                                       It relies on a network of 59 territorial
        Florence Hachez-Leroy, business,                                                               approach, which enables it to grasp the
                                                         l’Industrie. Futures of Industry and Work                                                    trade union chambers, including
        science and technology historian, lecturer                                                     complexity of economic processes and
                                                         Chair (Cerna, I3, CNRS)                                                                      the GIM in Île-de-France, as well as
        and research supervisor at Artois University,                                                  the diversity of social and political issues
        Centre for Research and Studies in                                                             linked to industry. In addition, EHESS, as     10 professional federations. It also runs
        History and Society (UR 4027)                    SCENOGRAPHY                                   host institution and co-organiser of the       the leading private association network
        Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, professor of modern       Exhibition scenography workshop: Pascal       19th World Economic History Congress,          offering technical and industrial training
        history at the Université Paris-Cité (Labora-    Payeur, Sylvie Jausserand, Samuel Mola        wishes to encourage the international          that is as close as possible to the skills
        toire ICT – les Europes dans le monde),                                                        influence of research and innovative           needs of companies. The UIMM and
        director of studies at the EHESS (Alexandre                                                                                                   the GIM have been committed for
        Koyré Centre), senior member of the
                                                         ASSOCIATE ARTISTS                             achievements in economic and industrial
                                                                                                       history.                                       many years to promoting the industry
        Institut Universitaire de France                 Le Cirque Électrique                                                                         and its trades. Together, they wanted
        Thomas Le Roux, researcher in envi-                                                                            to be partners associated with the
        ronmental history at CNRS, former                Les Arts Codés                                                                               Universcience exhibition in order to
        director of the Centre de Recherches                                                                                make the industry in all its dimensions
        Historiques (CRH) at the EHESS                                                                                                                known to young people, their teachers
        Manuela Martini, professor of contem-            Luigi Cerri and la compagnie Canopée
                                                                                                                        and their families, and more widely
        porary history, University of Lyon-2 and                                                                                                      to the general public.
        Institut Universitaire de France                 Thierry Verbeeck
        Pierre Musso, philosopher, doctor of   
        political science, honorary professor in
        information and communication sciences                                                         WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF
        at the University of Rennes-II and at Télé-
        com ParisTech, associate researcher at the
        Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation (I3)

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Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
© EPPDCSI/COM – mai 2022. Couverture : Doc Levin Studio / Jeanne Triboul, Léo Quetglas. Photo : Véronique Pêcheux. Usine de Noisiel / Bnf département Estampes et photographies. Pages intérieures : p. 2-3 : J. Castro/Getty Images ; p. 4-5 : Wellcome Collection-CC BY 4.0 ; Remy-Pierre Ribière/EPPDCSI ; p. 6 : droits réservés ; Ricky A. Villareal/

                                                                                                                                           Eyeem/Getty Images ; p. 7 : Shellac Sud/Travail et Culture ; Gaël Mocaër ; Les Ateliers Varan ; p. 8 : collections Universcience ; K. Pinkau / IISG, Amsterdam ;Photo12/Picture Alliance/Zentralbild ; p. 9 : André-Philippe Côté ; p. 10-11 : Cnes/Mira Productions/Remy Parot, 2018.2018 ; Peter Garritano ; Orange Marine.

Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie
30 avenue Corentin-Cariou
75019 Paris
  Porte de la Villette      3b
  139, 150, 152, 71
Open every day, except Mondays, 10 am - 6 pm,
and Sundays 10 am - 7 pm.

Full price: €12
Concession: €9 (over 65s, teachers, under 25s,
large families and students).
Free for under 2s, job seekers and people on a low
income, disabled persons and their carers

Entirely designed and produced by the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, this exhibition
has been configured to meet the health and hygiene requirements for Covid-19

 PRESS CONTACTS                                            ASSOCIATE COMMUNICATION                       HEAD OF COMMUNICATION
                                                           DIRECTOR                                      AND AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT
 Laure-Anne Le Coat
 +33 (0)1 40 05 75 04 / +33 (0)6 17 44 56 24               Karine Emonet-Villain                         Romain Pigenel                        +33 (0)1 40 05 74 67 / +33 (0)6 11 66 91 05
 Aurore Wils
 +33 (0)1 40 05 70 15 / +33 (0)6 46 66 18 97
Industrial evolutions - exhibition 14 june 2022 - 5 march 2023 - Cité des Sciences
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