IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page

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IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
ISSUE #38 : OCTOBER / NOVember 2014

              P r a c t i c a l I n f o r m at i o n f o r T o d a y ’ s C o m m u n i t y P h a r m a c i s t

              • Building Efficiencies                        •	CPD – Dose Administration
                and Services                                   Aids
              • Business Profiles                            •	The Power of the Gold Cross
IN THE KNOW   • Patient Engagement                           •	Training and Education
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
What can
Tony Ferguson
do for your TOTALLY
Growing pressure on dispensary means that now is
the best time to be looking for options to:

  ✓ Increase front of shop sales and margins
  ✓ Expand your range of professional services
  ✓ Attract New Customers

Tony Ferguson is an iconic weight loss program that
is being relaunched for 2014. The key changes to the
program are:

  ✓ Completely redesigned program, based on
     the latest Australian Dietary Guidelines
  ✓ Renewed focus on Consulting
  ✓ Expanded Product Range
  ✓ National Relaunch Advertising Campaign
  ✓ Backed by Terry White Chemists and Symbion

Terry White Chemists automatically qualify to have
a Tony Ferguson Weight Loss Clinic in their store,
but they are also available in limited numbers, in
certain locations, to independent pharmacies too.

To enquire about becoming a Terry White
Chemist franchisee, call (07) 3238 0222.
To see if your independent pharmacy
qualifies for a Tony Ferguson Clinic,
contact Julie-Ann Wharley on 0410 417 135.
For more information about the new Tony Ferguson Program go to
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page

THE VALUE                                          Special Feature

OF A BRAND                                         Centre: MPS Australia – Your key

                                                   to better health outcomes

                                                   10   CPD – Dose Administration Aids
                  BY SEAN TUNNY
                  Editor, Gold Cross Products
                  & Services Pty Ltd               Training and Education
As this edition of ITK is distributed to           38   Coco – Scalp
Pharmacies, we are excited to announce the
endorsement by Gold Cross of MPS Australia.        39	Optifresh
As we put together key elements of the
publication, including our featured Gold           30	Hydralyte
Cross booklet, one of the key underpinnings
in business is brand value or equity.              41   Murine                                              10
     Who do you think has the most powerful
and valuable brand in the World? Well, if you
answered Apple then you were correct.              Business Profile
This brand is worth $104.3 billion, with brand
revenue of $156.5 billion, which is astonishing.
                                                   6    MPS Australia
So what is brand value? A brand includes the
name, logo, image, and overall perceptions
                                                   18	Tony Ferguson
that identify the product, service and owner
of the brand in the minds of customers.
                                                   32   PARA’KITOTM
     This takes the shape of advertising,                                                                   22
packaging, and other marketing
communications, and becomes a focus of
the relationship with consumers. In time,          Down to Business
this brand comes to encapsulate a promise
about the goods it identifies—a promise about      22	Building Efficiencies and Services
quality, performance, or other dimensions
of value, which can influence consumers’           28   Patient Engagement
choices among competing products. In dealing
with dozens of direct and indirect partners        36	Using Personal Selling Skills
in our profession each week through ITK,
we strive together to ensure that the brand
and the value attached to it is accurate           After Hours
and promoted.
     MPS, founded in 1997 is a company who         50   Melbourne Cup Day
has strived tirelessly to build and represent
a brand that delivers high quality solutions
that create efficiencies and market leading
incident-free rates of dose administration.
     Fittingly, this edition has a key focus       44   Product Spotlight
on dose administration aids extending
to continuing professional development along
with a host of independent editorials. We also
feature informative Business Profiles, including   PLEASE USE THIS PUBLICATION TO KEEP YOUR PHARMACY IN THE KNOW.
the pharmacy exclusive Tony Ferguson weight
loss program. Thank you to all the contributors,   EDITOR:              Sean Tunny
partners and supporters of ITK, wishing you                             0457 029 052
an enjoyable read of this edition.                            
    Best of Health.                                DESIGN:              Megan Hibberd
                                                                        0408 452 133
         Sean Tunny                                           
                                                   PRINT & DISTRIBUTION: APN Print
                                                                         1300 134 628
                                                                         PUBLISHED BY: Gold Cross Products & Services. PO Box 505 Spring Hill Qld 4004.
                                                                         Contact Jessica O’Connor – Email: In The Know is
                                                                         produced for the information of Australian Pharmacists. The presence of the logo of
                                                                         the Pharmacy Guild does not constitute endorsement of a product. The Pharmacy
                                                                         Guild of Australia accepts no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Opinions
                                                                         and views expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect those of Gold Cross.
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
DOWN TO BUSINESS                       3

Are you hiring the
best employees?
                       Graham Howard
                       Agency Owner, Frontline Health

It all starts at the interview                          •• Give me an example of a time when you
Behavioural interviewing is a style                         had to make a split-second decision.
of interviewing that was developed                      •• What is your typical way of dealing with
in the 1970s by industrial psychologists.                   conflict? Give me an example.
Behavioural interviewing asserts, “the most             •• Tell me about a difficult decision you have
accurate predictor of future performance                    made in the last year.
is past performance in a similar situation”.
Behavioural interviewing, in fact, is said
                                                        The ‘Performance-based’
to be 55 percent predictive of future on-the-job
                                                        While the behavioural interview is able to
behaviour, while traditional interviewing
                                                        focus on the way in which the candidate dealt
is only 10 percent predictive.
                                                        with situations in the past, indicating how
    Unlike traditional interviews, which                they would deal with similar situations in the
include such questions as:                              future; there still needs to be a way for the
•• Tell me about yourself?                              interviewer to determine how the candidate
•• What are your strengths and weaknesses?              will react in a future situation. This is where the
•• Why are you interested in working for us?            ‘performance-based’ interview comes in.
behavioural interviewing emphasises past                     Rather than focusing purely on questions
performance and behaviours where candidates             that guide the candidate through a review
must rely on past experiences as opposed                of their skills and experience, the performance-
to predicting how they would behave.                    based interview asks the candidate to describe
   Typical behavioural-based interview                  two or three of their accomplishments,
questions include:                                      and, with the aid of the interviewer, discuss
                                                        these accomplishments in detail. By allowing
•• Describe a situation in which you were
                                                        the candidate to choose the accomplishments
     able to use persuasion to successfully
                                                        to discuss, the interviewer is effectively asking
     convince someone to see things your way.
                                                        the candidate to discuss those aspects of their
••   Describe a time when you were faced with
                                                        working lives that they feel they achieved the
     a stressful situation that demonstrated
                                                        most, and have the greatest pride.
     your coping skills.
••   Give me a specific example of a time                    This discussion, however, should not
     when you used good judgement and                   be brief. While the candidate will be able
     logic in solving a problem.                        to give an indication of their performance
••   Give me an example of a time when                  within their accomplishment, it is up to the
     you set a goal and were able to meet               interviewer to actively listen to what is being
     or achieve it.                                     said, and delve into those areas where more
••   Give me a specific example of a time when          information is needed. Deep questioning
     you had to conform to a policy with which          should allow the interviewer to uncover
     you did not agree.                                 indications of candidate commitment,
••   Tell me about a time when you had                  motivation, cultural fit, interest, motivation,
     to go beyond the call of duty in order             experience, and willingness to learn; and allow
     to get a job done.                                 the interviewer to evaluate how the candidate
••   Tell me about a time when you had too              will work in a similar environment.
     many things to do and you were required               Further depth can be gained by asking the
     to prioritise your tasks.                          candidate to describe their accomplishments

IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page

    in chronological order. Again, through in-depth   is best for the business, rather than by how              The interview is one of the most
    questioning, the interviewer should be able       well the candidate was able to perform              powerful tools that you have to ensure
    to extract an understanding of the candidate’s    at the interview; a key factor in an increasingly   that the person you hire is suitable for the
    progression and improvement over time.            competitive industry. “In the competitive           role and for your business. While it is not
                                                      candidate market, it is crucial that employers      possible to gain the full measure of the
         By allowing the candidate to discuss
                                                      are able to make the best recruitment
    specific accomplishments or failures,                                                                 candidate’s ability as a result of the interview,
                                                      decisions for the organisation, particularly
    and by developing questions from these                                                                it is critical that the interviewer is able to
                                                      as a ‘bad’ hire can result in more than just
    examples, the interview is less likely to                                                             ensure that the interview process is as
                                                      the lost time spent in selection and training.
    follow a pre-determined format, removing          Matching the needs of the job to the skills and     vigorous as possible. By using an interview
    the smokescreen that can be thrown up by          behaviours of the candidate is clearly vital        technique that draws on both behavioural
    a well pre-prepared candidate. This sort of       so that your business can gain and maintain         and performance-based methodologies,
    questioning will allow the interviewer to make    a competitive edge,” says Peter Davis, Managing     you will have a better chance of securing
    the recruitment decision in light of what         Director, Frontline Recruitment Group.              the right person for your organisation.
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
NEWS FROM THE GUILD PRESIDENT                             5

The Power of
the Gold Cross
                                                                                                                     George Tambassis
                                                                                                                     National President of
                                                                                                                     The Pharmacy Guild of Australia

I am very pleased that the ‘Discover more. Ask your pharmacist.’ advertising campaign has such
a strong focus on the Gold Cross symbol. I believe – and significant research confirms – that
most Australians identify the Gold Cross with their local pharmacy, and therefore with trust
and professional care. We are building on a strength.

When the Guild decided to embark on a new        so we were starting from a point of strength        plays in health care, providing advice and
consumer advertising campaign, we were           in terms of public perceptions and familiarity.     guidance regarding medications. Yet many
shown a wide range of creative concepts –              The Guild worked with the creative            Australians are surprised when they discover
all of them focused on telling people that       Sydney agency, Jack Watts Currie, to build what     just how much their local pharmacy can do.
there is a lot more available to them at their   I believe is an engaging awareness campaign.        Now it is time to let everybody know how
local pharmacy beyond the dispensing             It is comprised of television and online            much more we can do.
of medicines. We were looking for a way          advertisements supported by a new website                A comprehensive suite of materials
to reinforce the already high perception         and Facebook page. Pharmacies around                for display in pharmacies, amplifying the
of the value of community pharmacy.              Australia have an opportunity to be involved,       campaign message, has been created and
    And the winning pitch focused very heavily   further informing their customers of what           is available to order and customise online.
on the power of the Gold Cross.                  is on offer.                                        The Gold Cross features prominently in the
   This is a symbol which has previously              It is well known that Australians appreciate   television commercial and other materials.
been the subject of branding campaigns,          the important role that community pharmacy              The Guild has been in regular contact
                                                                                                     with pharmacy banner groups, management
                                                                                                     groups and wholesalers about this campaign
                                                                                                     and is hoping for a strong level of support
                                                                                                     from across pharmacy.
                                                                                                          As part of the campaign, Guild Member
                “Many Australians are surprised when they                                            pharmacies were sent a new ‘tile’ version

               discover just how much their local pharmacy                                           of the Gold Cross for display in their pharmacy.
                                                                                                     I certainly hope it is being displayed with
                can do. Now it is time to let everybody know                                         pride, tying all participating pharmacies
                                                                                                     in with the national advertising campaign.
                                how much more we can do.”
                                                                                                           As we are now well into the final year
                                                                                                     of the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement,
                                                                                                     it is an important time to be spreading the
                                                                                                     word about the value of community pharmacy.

                                                         GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTY LTD : ITK ISSUE 38 : OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
6     Business Profile

    Editor, Gold Cross Products
    & Services Pty Ltd

                                                         Founded in 1997 by pharmacists, MPS (Medication Packaging
                                                         Systems Australia Pty Ltd) provides Medication Management
                                                         Solutions to pharmacists enabling them to better serve both
                                                         their community patients and Aged Care Facility residents.

                                                         MPS operates three, TGA licensed, Dose               the manual nature of the business meant it
                                                         Manufacturing Facilities nationally and is           was becoming ever harder, and we knew what
                                                         Australia’s leading provider of automated Dose       we were doing was not ultimately sustainable.
                                                         Administration Aid solutions. MPS has recently       We simply had to find another way, and after
                                                         received endorsement by the Pharmacy Guild           seeing some of machinery available, we knew
                                                         of Australia for its Community Medication            automation was the way to go.
                                                         Management System. In this edition of ITK,
                                                         we had the opportunity to speak with Chairman        The next significant consideration however
                                                         and Founder, George Castrisos, to outline a little   was how to get ‘clean’ information as with
                                                         about the company and its history, its interface     any automation clean data is absolutely
                                                         with the pharmacy profession and to also share       imperative, otherwise what is packed is not
                                                         some insights about the future of Medication         going to be accurate. We therefore identified
             “In 2008, we were                           Management in Australia.                             a need for an IT solution and began coding for
           the first to recognise                                                                             what became HealthstreamTM in 1997.

         that pharmacy needed                            Editor: MPS is Australia’s leading
                                                                                                              Editor: Can you highlight some of the
                                                         provider of automated Dose
          software to allow it to                        Administration Aids (DAAs). Can you                  key milestones to date for MPS and what
         lockdown its workflow                           outline a little of the MPS background?              do you believe are the key underpinnings
                                                                                                              for MPS that allows it to continue to
                                                         George: Prior to founding MPS, I had the
              processes to keep                          opportunity to go to the States in 1993 on           better serve community pharmacy?
            up with the demand                           a home health discovery tour with a number           George: In 2000, we opened our first
                                                                                                              3rd party packaging facility, the first ever
                  of patients and                        of pharmacists from various specialist areas.
                                                         The Aged Care Facilities that we were servicing      in Australia. Up until this point, DAA
                     customers.”                         at the time were extremely happy with us but         preparation was generally conducted in the

IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
Business Profile                    7

                                                         “It’s in our DNA that a process of constant
                                                         improvement increases efficiency and
back of pharmacy. That year we were also                 helps decrease medication incidents.”
the first to provide hard copy signing sheets
and charts that were from exactly the same
data set as our software. Until this point,
and often still to this day, most solutions
don’t use pharmacy controlled data and /
or are reliant on sending and receiving data
between different systems.

In 2002, we voluntarily elected to seek TGA         Editor: MPS Australia is the only                   Editor: MPS has enjoyed a privileged
approval for our facility as we required a set      provider with 12 consecutive years                  and professional relationship with
of standards that would set us apart and also       of Therapeutic Goods Administration                 Pharmacy. The Pharmacy Guild of
drive continuous quality improvement.               licensing. How significant is this to your          Australia recently announced that they
                                                    business and community pharmacy?                    have endorsed the MPS Community
In 2006, we were the first to introduce                                                                 Medication Management Aystem.
                                                    George: It’s hugely significant as you always
automated checking technology. This is                                                                  Appreciating the infancy of the
                                                    want your team to strive to be innovative,
where a machine, following packing, takes                                                               endorsement, how does this strengthen
                                                    to become more efficient and to progressively
a photograph of each and every Packette™,                                                               your relationship with Guild members?
                                                    decrease the number of potential medication
compares what it ‘sees’ versus the medication                                                           George: As a pharmacist I am extremely
                                                    incidents. In striving for good manufacturing
record, and then confirms that it is correct.                                                           proud of the endorsement. More so, I am
                                                    practice through the TGA, the annual audits
In 2008, we recognised that every pharmacy          just make sure it happens. You know you are         thrilled for the wider MPS team as they are
dealing with Aged Care needed software              going to get a visit and that you must be able      now being recognised for a system that we
to allow it to lockdown its workflow processes to   to demonstrate improvement on the                   know improves the lives of tens of thousands
keep up with paperwork associated with patient      previous audit.                                     of Australians. It is the result of 15 years
administration and script management.                                                                   of hard work and continued investment in
                                                    We also follow the Code of Good                     people, process and technology. We have
2013 saw the introduction of our Electronic         Manufacturing Practice, use a number                been through an exhaustive review process
Administration Interface called Dosedge™.           of lean Six Sigma principles and have               and we hope the Guild endorsement provides
What’s most unique about this product is            benefited from over 12 years of continued           confidence to Guild members that the product
that it still continues to use the one pharmacy     workflow improvements in all aspects                and service they receive from MPS is first class.
controlled data set, and loops back to that         of our production processes. It’s in our DNA        MPS is a proven and uniquely automated
single point of truth. Our philosophy has,          that a process of constant improvement              medication management solution and one
and continues to be, about striving for the         increases efficiency and helps decrease             that we believe pharmacy can embrace with
highest possible levels of compliance.              medication incidents.                               complete confidence.

                                                            GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTY LTD : ITK ISSUE 38 : OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014
IN THE KNOW - Guild Training NSW Payment Page
8    Business Profile

                                                                                                       Editor: George what are some of the
                                                                                                       goals and objectives for MPS as it
                     “MPS is a proven and uniquely automated                                           continues to strengthen its relationship
                            medication management solution,                                            with the profession in the future?
                                                                                                       George: Our primary objective is to work
                        and one that we believe pharmacy can                                           with the industry to meet the challenges
                         embrace with complete confidence.”                                            ahead. To continue to add value and
                                                                                                       develop our proprietary software solutions
                                                                                                       – Healthstream™, Quantum and DosEdge™
                                                                                                       - to help lock down workflow improvements.
                                                                                                       MPS long ago ceased to be just a “packing”
                                                                                                       solution for pharmacy and the fact we have
    Editor: At APP this year, you delivered           they do best. To do this, they need both the
                                                                                                       this technology means we are able to tailor
    a key note address titled “The future             experience and expertise to be able to provide
                                                                                                       our offer to key customers. This has provided
    of medication management – how it will            professional services but also the time and
                                                                                                       us with great traction in the market and
    impact your pharmacy and what you                 freedom to be able to provide the service.       allowed us to partner with a number of
    can do about it?” If there was just one           MPS automates, and allows the pharmacist to      key groups and deliver our medication
    key take home message from the many               delegate, unproductive administrative activity   management solution to their members.
    outlined that you would like to reinforce,        which in turn increases patient contact time.    If we can remove 70% of “unproductive”
    what would that be?                               In conjunction with the work being done by       administrative time in pharmacy and help
    George: I guess the headline would be –           the Guild, this allows community pharmacists     the pharmacists to spend that time improving
    let’s try and remove wasteful processes           to fulfil their primary role of providing        the lives of their patients, than that makes
    in the back of pharmacy. Ultimately, this would   professional services to the community.          it all worthwhile.
    enable the pharmacist to increase patient
    contact time which has to be the primary
    goal. If we look at the statistics we know that
    we are going to be asked to dispense more                                                          8 Clunies Ross Court
    prescriptions, albeit for less return.
                                                                                                       Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113
    That’s going to be a challenge for all of us.

    As a pharmacy owner I know that I need
                                                                                                       Tel: 1800 003 938
    to be continually reviewing my business
    to be as efficient as possible but also to                                Email:
    focus my key staff, my pharmacists, on what

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     The Right Dose, at the Right Time

                                                                                  In addition to providing patients with professional advice about their
                     Tim Roberts                                                  medications, one of the core tenants of the pharmacists’ role is to ensure
                     B.Pharm (Hons), AACPA, DipBusMgt                             that all patients are taking their medications safely and appropriately to
                                                                                  achieve optimal health outcomes – the right dose, at the right time with
                     Professional Development Manager;                            the right advice. As we know, many of our patients are taking a number
                     Pharmacy Guild of Australia QLD
                                                                                  of medications at once, with the complexity of medication regimes often
                                                                                  increasing as disease states progress. Dose Administration Aids (DAA’s)
                                                                                  are one of the most widely used tools in the professional services arsenal
                                                                                  of many pharmacies, both in Australia and abroad.
      Learning Objectives                                                               A systematic review of DAA’s published in the Bulletin of the World
      After reading this article, the learner should be able to:                  Health Organization in 2004 concluded that ‘DAA’s significantly improve
                                                                                  medication compliance and management of hypertension and diabetes1’.
      •• quantify the cost-benefits in optimising medication
                                                                                  While this review was only focused on two chronic disease states, the
         management and reducing medication related
                                                                                  published national and international evidence supports the use of DAA’s
                                                                                  in elderly patients and those on long-term therapy for several chronic
      •• describe the different types of Dose Administration Aids
                                                                                  conditions, as well as patients with unintentional poor compliance.2
         available, including the differences in properties between
                                                                                  It is this wealth of favourable evidence which led to the consideration for
                                                                                  community pharmacy funding for the provision of DAA’s across both the
      •• recognise and understand the eligibility requirements for
                                                                                  4th and 5th Community Pharmacy Agreements, recognising the valuable
         participation in the Pharmacy Practice Incentives for Dose
                                                                                  role that DAA’s may play in reducing medication-related hospitalisations
         Administration Aids
                                                                                  and adverse effects through improving medication management.
      •• identify the types of medications which may not be
         suitable for Dose Administration Aid packing due to                           In 2002, an Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in
         physical stability issues.                                               Healthcare report estimated that between 2 and 3 per cent of all hospital
                                                                                  admissions are related to problems with medicines which may originate
      Competencies Addressed                                                      in the community or in hospital – this includes over-use, under-use and
      1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 7.1, 7.2                       medication adverse effects.3 The cost impact of these medicine-related
                                                                                  hospitalisations in Australia is believed to be $660 million per year
                                                                                  in the public hospital system alone (from hospital admissions data)4,
                                                                                  representing a significant opportunity for healthcare-savings through
                                                                                  better management of medications in the community. On a global scale,
                                                                                  a Responsible use of Medicines report from IMS Health describes that
                                                                                  research estimates approximately 8% of total health expenditure
                                                                                  (or around US$500 billion) per year worldwide, can be avoided through
                                                                                  optimised use of medications.4 IMS Health identified a number of levers
                                                                                  by which these healthcare savings could potentially be made, specifically
                                                                                  including: non-adherence to medication, untimely medication use,
                                                                                  medication errors and mismanaged polypharmacy.4
                                                                                       Linking our patients into medication management initiatives such
                                                                                  as DAA’s is not just good for their health, but it can also contribute
                                                                                  to a more sustainable healthcare system in Australia – so let’s explore
                                                                                  our options and ensure our patients get the right dose, at the right time…

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                     11

DAA Basics – Options for
Medication Packaging
Compartmentalised plastic boxes
(e.g. Dosette boxes)5
Dosette boxes are re-usable stand-alone
units which allow the packing of medications,
often packed by the user (or sometimes
by a pharmacy). There are multiple
varieties available – some comprise of one
compartment, others spilt into AM–PM doses
and some have upwards of four compartments
for each day of the week. Some brands come
with additional features such as braille writing
for the vision impaired. These types of packing
options are typically not tamper-evident.

Blister or bubble packs
(e.g. Webster-Pak, MedicoPak)5
                                                   dispense pre-filled medications. Some devices       Identifying patients who might benefit
Blister packs are held within a plastic or         have additional functionality such as sms-text      from a DAA service can also be linked into
disposable cardboard device with four
                                                   or email notification messages to a designated      a number of opportunities which pharmacies
compartments for each day of the week.
                                                   person if the user does not respond to the          already participate in; the first and foremost
These are hermetically sealed packs (either
                                                   alarm reminder within a certain time period.        opportunity being the patient engagement
cold-seal or thermal seal foils), which are
                                                                                                       at the point of sale whilst counselling on
tamper-evident upon sealing. Typically, these
                                                   Getting started – Identifying                       medications. Making sure that pharmacy staff
are prepared by the pharmacy for use by the
                                                   Patients and Pharmacy                               are well educated on the benefits of a DAA
patient. Medication information (e.g. name/
                                                   Eligibility for Incentives                          service and having appropriate informative
active ingredient, strength, dose frequency,
tablet descriptions etc.) is typically printed     Who will benefit from DAA’s?                        collateral available are tried and tested
either on a header card for the pack or directly                                                       mechanisms of increasing awareness about
                                                   There are no specific criteria for who will
on to the foil (or both). Some variances in                                                            the service. Other opportunities to promote
                                                   ‘benefit the most’ from utilising a DAA service;
types may include options for patients with                                                            a DAA service may include:
                                                   some patients on a single prescribed medicine
low vision or multi-lingual varieties for those    may derive benefit from the service whilst          •• identifying patient need through existing
who don’t read English.                            other patients who are prescribed multiple               Medication Management Review (MMR)
                                                   medications may be able to handle them                   services, such as: MedsCheck/Diabetes,
Sachet Systems (e.g. MPS packettes,                                                                         MedsCheck and Home Medicines Reviews
                                                   quite effectively without a DAA!
APHS ‘My Sachets’)5
                                                       However, some studies that assessed             ••   linking in to Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Sachet systems are typically small, tamper-                                                                 such as Primary Health Care, and
                                                   the patient viewpoint on DAA’s report that
evident plastic packs which hold the                                                                        promoting good medication management
                                                   users often like the fact that the devices
medications required for a particular date                                                                  through Health Promotion activities and
                                                   simplify their medication-taking routine, and
and dosing time. These sachets can hold                                                                     also identifying DAA service candidates
                                                   reduce the stress associated with managing
multiple medications in the one sachet and                                                                  through Disease State Management
                                                   multiple medications. They generally improved
the medicine information (e.g. name/active
                                                   medication adherence in patients with                    initiatives for patients with major chronic
ingredient, strength, dose time/date, tablet
                                                   unintentionally poor compliance.2,6                      disease states (Respiratory, Mental Health,
descriptions) is printed on the front of the
                                                        With those patient perspectives in mind,            Diabetes and Cardiovascular)
sachet. These sachets come to the patient
                                                   pharmacists can take a proactive approach           ••   patients who identify as recently
as a roll (in chronological date and time order)
                                                   in identifying patients who may derive the               discharged from hospital – often multiple
and are often provided in a container for
                                                   most benefit from participating in a DAA                 medication changes occur, including the
storage and easy access. Sachets are prepared
                                                   service. Some patient characteristics which              prescribing of new medicines and the
using automated packing technologies, thus
usually these services are outsourced to large-    pharmacists may try to identify include:7                changing of medication regimes
scale packing facilities and then delivered        •• patients taking 5 (or more) medications          ••   promotion of the DAA service to
to patients through the community pharmacy.           daily (including non-prescriptions                    family members or carers who pick up
                                                      medications)                                          prescriptions. Also, ensure that all local
Automated dispensing devices                       •• patients with a medical history                       prescribers are aware of your DAA service
(e.g. Medido, TabTimer)5                              suggesting problems managing                          so that they may recommend it to patients
These devices dispense medications for                medications (e.g. prior hospitalisation          ••   target local seniors support groups,
a particular (user-nominated) dose-time,              due to poor adherence)                                Rotary/Probus clubs, RSLs and other
typically with a built-in alarm functionality      •• patients with complex medication regimes              relevant community organisations to
to alert users to when a dose is required          •• patients with signs of cognitive or physical          spread the word to your customers about
(or if a dose has been missed). Devices               impairment which may affect their ability             the medication management services
may need to be manually filled or they may            to manage medications.                                on offer in the pharmacy.

                                                           GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTY LTD : ITK ISSUE 38 : OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014

                                                                                               Pharmacy Practice Incentives:
                                                                                               Dose Administration Aids
                                                                                               The Pharmacy Practice Incentives (PPI), under
                                                                                               the 5th Community Pharmacy Agreement,
                                                                                               commenced in 2011 and recognised 6 priority
                                                                                               areas of practice with incentives for community
                                                                                               pharmacy participation. The DAA priority area
                                                                                               allows for an incentive payment for eligible
                                                                                               pharmacies to be paid four times per year, and
                                                                                               for the provision of DAA services to patients
                                                                                               residing in the community. For a pharmacy
                                                                                               to be eligible for these incentive payments,
                                                                                               they would need to meet the program
                                                                                               requirements and the Quality Care Pharmacy
                                                                                               Program (QCPP) accreditation requirements
                                                                                               for providing a DAA service (see QCPP Dose
                                                                                               Administration Aids Checklist – T3B).
                                                                                                    For the purposes of the PPI programme
                                                                                               the PPI Program Specific Guidelines defines
                                                                                               a DAA as: a sealed, tamper-evident device
                                                                                               that allows medicine doses to be organised
                                                                                               according to the prescribed dose schedule.8
                                                                                               As such, there are a number of suitable
                                                                                               packing options available commercially,
                                                                                               however, devices that are not ‘tamper-evident’
                                                                                               as described by the program guidelines
                                                                                               are not eligible for incentive claiming (e.g.
                                                                                               compartmentalised plastic boxes or ‘dosette’
                                                                                               boxes). The PPI program definition states
                                                                                               that DAAs are a Sheet of hermetically sealed
                                                                                               blisters or medicines set out in a calendar pack
                                                                                               which must be tamper-proof once packed.
                                                                                               Should a pharmacist choose to provide
                                                                                               a non-tamper-evident DAA, the service
                                                                                               provided must still meet the criteria in the
                                                                                               PSA Professional Practice Standards –
                                                                                               Standard 7: Dose Administration Aids Service.
                                                                                                   To claim incentive payments for the DAA
                                                                                               priority area under the PPI program, DAA’s
                                                                                               provided must meet the following criteria:8
                                                                                               •• The patient’s medicine/s in the DAA
                                                                                                  are dispensed and packed by the claiming
                                                                                                  Eligible Community Pharmacy
                                                                                                  in accordance with the quality Standard
     General Eligibility for Participation in the PPI                                             in the pharmacy; or
     Programs requires a pharmacy to:8                                                         •• The patient’s medicine/s in the DAA
                                                                                                  are dispensed by the claiming Eligible
     •• be a Section 90 Pharmacy
                                                                                                  Community Pharmacy but are packed
     •• be accredited by an approved Pharmacy Accreditation Program such as the QCPP
                                                                                                  at another site (DAA packing warehouse,
     •• agree to publicly display and comply with the Community Pharmacy Service                  another pharmacy, etc.) which meets the
        Charter and Customer Service Statement                                                    pharmacy approval authority requirements
     •• register for one or more of the PPI priority areas via the 5CPA Registration and          in the relevant state or territory as well
        Claiming portal                                                                           as the relevant quality Standard; and
     •• continue to meet the above eligibility criteria while participating in any priority    •• The DAA patient is not living in a
        areas of the PPI Programme                                                                Government funded Residential Aged Care
     •• deliver the PPI priority area services in accordance with the PPI Programme               Facility (RACF) or a correctional facility.
        Specific Guidelines.
                                                                                                 Further information about the eligible
       For more information about the PPIs and to register online for priority areas,            claiming periods and the procedures for
       please visit For QCPP support please visit                  claiming for payment can be accessed
       or contact your local state Guild branch.                                                 through

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                        13

Department of Veterans’
Affairs DAA service
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) DAA
service provides veterans, war windows and
other eligible DVA patients a DAA at no cost               “The PPI program definition states that DAAs
to the patient along with ongoing support and
care from both their pharmacist and doctor. For a          are a Sheet of hermetically sealed blisters or
veteran to be eligible for this service, they must:9       medicines set out in a calendar pack which
•• hold a Gold, White or Orange card
•• live in the community and not in a
                                                           must be tamper-proof once packed.”
     residential care facility
•• be likely to benefit from the DAA service.

As part of this service, GPs are able to prescribe
(on authority from VAPAC) a six month
prescription for one weekly DAA Service (written
as an original with 25 repeats). Pharmacists are
also eligible to receive a payment for a Veteran       Additionally, State and Territory pharmacy          DAA Dilemmas – Ensuring
Six Month Review (VSMR) after 20 weeks of              authority guidelines may require that               Best-Practice Protocols
DAA use, to assess whether the service is still        a pharmacy have a designated area                   Whilst the benefits for both patients
of benefit and identify if any further information     (or minimum space) to pack DAA’s and store          and pharmacies in instituting a DAA service
or assistance is needed. VSMR interviews may           patient medications in an assigned space            are quite evident, in order to ensure that
take place either in the pharmacy or in the            which is free from interruption and ensure          the service runs smoothly and meets the
patient’s home.9                                       that only suitably trained personnel (under         QCPP accreditation standards, it is imperative
                                                       the direct supervision of a pharmacist) be able     that robust protocols and procedures are
    The DVA DAA service is separate to the
                                                       to pack the DAA.                                    considered.
practice incentive payments available under
the 5CPA, so participation in this service                                                                      QCPP Dose Administration Aids Checklist
                                                       Third-Party Packaging
won’t preclude patients from being eligible                                                                (T3B) is a great starting point for developing
                                                       For pharmacies that feel they do not have
in PPI claims.                                                                                             store procedures that meet the quality
                                                       adequate space, staff or time to package
                                                                                                           standard and considering the personnel,
Pharmacy Considerations:                               medications for a DAA service, engaging with
                                                                                                           resource, space and time requirements that
Getting Set-up to provide DAA’s                        a third-party automated dose packing provider
                                                                                                           will be needed to run the service. Some major
                                                       may be a viable option. The Pharmacy
Alongside the PPI Program Specific Guidelines                                                              considerations to take into account while
                                                       Board Guidelines on Specialised Supply
and the QCPP accreditation standards for                                                                   putting together DAA procedures should
                                                       Arrangements state that pharmacists who use
DAA service provision, pharmacies should                                                                   include (but are not limited to) the following:7,10
                                                       an automated dose packaging system (packing
also refer to the Pharmaceutical Society of
                                                       pharmacist) to pack sachets on behalf of            •• Hygiene: Ensure that handwashing
Australia’s Dose Administration Aid Service
                                                       another pharmacist (supply pharmacist)                 facilities are accessible and that
– Guidelines and Standard July 2007 and the
                                                       may need licencing by the therapeutic goods            equipment such as gloves, tweezers
Professional Practice Standards – Standard 7:
                                                       administration in jurisdictions that have              and tablet counters are made available
Dose Administration Aids (available for
                                                       laws to complement the Therapeutic Goods               to ensure hygienic contact with packed
download from
                                                       Act 1989 (cwth).10 Some considerations that            medicines. Components of a DAA which
Prior to establishing a DAA service, the               should be addressed prior to engaging a third-         are re-usable should be regularly cleaned
following considerations are recommended               party packaging provider include:7                     and maintained.
for pharmacists providing the service to take                                                              •• Storage: Ensure that procedures
                                                       •• an agreement between both parties
into account:7                                                                                                and mechanisms are in place for the
                                                          (packaging and supply) describing
•• Understand the full extent of what is                  aspects such as dispensing, packing,
                                                                                                              appropriate storage of dispensed original
     required in a DAA service, including the                                                                 packs of medicines used for patient DAA’s
                                                          and compliance with relevant legislation
     consumer expectations.                            •• the right of the consumer to privacy is             and the storage of completed DAA’s
••   Determine if there are consumers for                 understood by each party                            awaiting receipt. After packing, DAA’s
     whom the provision of a DAA service               •• consent is obtained from the consumer               should be stored in a cool, dry place and
     would provide benefits over existing                 for this arrangement.                               protected from light
     methods of supplying medications.                                                                     •• Labelling: The label on a DAA should
••   Estimate the number and type of                   The ultimate responsibility and liability for          maximise compliance, promote usability
     consumers for who the DAA service may             the integrity of the DAA process, however,             and minimise error. It should clearly
     be provided and plan appropriately for            will rest with the pharmacist who accepts              identify the name of the patient,
     packing facilities and requirements.              the prescription from the consumer.7 As per            pharmacy name/address and the name,
••   Anticipate (as far as practicable) the            the eligibility criteria for the PPI incentive         strength and dose form of the medicines.
     demand a DAA service will have on                 payments for the DAA service, a third-party            Best practice is to include both the
     pharmacy resources and the expected               packaging service does not preclude a                  active ingredient and brand name of
     number of DAA’s likely to be supplied.            pharmacy for claiming the incentive payments           medications, but when space is limited
••   Ensure that adequate time and resources           for DAA’s provided that the other patient              the active ingredient/Australian approved
     are allocated for the packing of DAA’s.           eligibility criteria are met.                          name should be used.10

                                                               GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTY LTD : ITK ISSUE 38 : OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014

                                                                                                                 effervescent, dispersible, buccal and
                                                                                                                 sublingual preparations
                                                                                                              •• hygroscopic medications which absorb
                                                                                                                 moisture from the air when removed
              “A Medication Management Review (such as                                                           from packaging
                                                                                                              •• medicines that degrade when exposed
              a MedsCheck, Diabetes MedsCheck or Home                                                            to light or require significant protection
        Medicines Review) may be a valuable undertaking                                                          from light
                                                                                                              •• medications taken ‘when required’
                   for eligible patients, to make a suitable                                                     or in variable doses.
       determination of the patient’s suitability for a DAA.”
                                                                                                              Ideally, a DAA should be used within as short
                                                                                                              a time frame as possible, as the manufacturer
                                                                                                              cannot guarantee quality and safety after
                                                                                                              removal from the original packaging. As an
                                                                                                              example, some medications such as frusemide
                                                                                                              and prochlorperazine can be light-sensitive
                                                                                                              and may discolour if removed from the original
     •• Record Keeping: Records should be                  orderly and well lit, and providing freedom        packaging and placed in packaging exposed
        maintained of each DAA packing, including          from interruption, are necessary for safely        to light for a long period of time (e.g. longer
        the consumer’s name and date of packing,           performing the task and minimising the risks       than 4 weeks).11 This does not necessarily
        date of provision, details of the medication       of medication packing errors.10                    preclude the packing of these tablets into a
        provided (with cross reference to                       Maintaining effective collaboration and       DAA, however, consideration needs to be given
        prescription numbers where appropriate)            communication between the GP, Pharmacist,          for the time frames in which the medicines
        and some form of identification of the             patient and carer(s) is imperative in the          will be administered. A hygroscopic tablet,
        pharmacist involved.                               delivery of a safe and efficient DAA service.7     however, such as chewable sodium valproate,
     •• Staff Training: Staff involved in the packing      Putting in place a system which ensures good       undergoes significant changes to physical
        of DAA’s should have the necessary                 communication between these parties may help       stability (weight variation and change in
        training and practical experience.                 minimise the need for re-working DAA’s and also    dissolution profile) and could pose an issue
        Procedures for the service should also             reduce the chance of medication errors arising     when packed in a DAA11 – in this case an
        assist staff involved with understanding           through a DAA service. Providing regular patient   alternative dose form would ideally be used.
        DAA requirements. Pharmacists should               follow up is also imperative to ensure that any         For pharmacies utilising a heat seal
        have an understanding of the legal and             issues identified by the user of a DAA service     system from DAA packs, consideration should
        professional requirements of a DAA service         can be addressed and rectified if necessary.       also be given to the amount of heat (and time
        whilst all dispensary staff should have a
                                                                                                              applied) when sealing packs, so as to not
        general understanding of the overall DAA           Problematic Pills– The Suitability                 compromise the quality of packed medicines
        service offered by the pharmacy.                   of Medications for Packaging                       due to exposure to heat. Special consideration
                                                           When considering commencing a patient on           should be given to medications which may not
     For a more comprehensive list of QCPP
                                                           a DAA, it is prudent for a pharmacist to review    be suitable in a heat seal system, such as soft-
     considerations, consult QCPP Dose
                                                           the patient’s most current list of medications,    gel capsule-type medications.
     Administration Aids Checklist (T3B) and
                                                           medication history and their current
     the PSA Dose Administration Aid Service –                                                                     Ultimately, a pharmacist engaging in a DAA
                                                           medication management in order to ascertain
     Guidelines and Standards July 2007.                                                                      service should make informed judgements as
                                                           the benefits of a patient taking part in a DAA
                                                                                                              to the suitability of patient’s medications to
     Eternal Vigilance:                                    service. A Medication Management Review
                                                                                                              be included into a DAA pack, adopting a ‘risk-
     Reducing Medication Packing Errors                    (such as a MedsCheck, Diabetes MedsCheck
                                                                                                              assessment’ policy and weighing the risks of
                                                           or Home Medicines Review) may be a valuable
     Recent media attention placed a spotlight on                                                             poor compliance against the potential issues
                                                           undertaking for eligible patients, to make
     DAA services and dispensing errors (Medicine                                                             of medication instability.
                                                           a suitable determination of the patient’s
     Mix-Up, A Current Affair; Air date – Friday 20                                                                 Cytotoxic Medicines in DAA’s:
                                                           suitability for a DAA. Additionally, there are
     June 2014), describing a pharmacy error in the                                                           If a cytotoxic medication is to be included
                                                           a number of considerations that a pharmacist
     DAA packaging of methotrexate. The report                                                                in a DAA pack the medication should be
                                                           may take into account in regards to the
     highlighted the need for robust protocols                                                                handled in a manner which avoids skin
                                                           medications which are packed into a DAA.
     in pharmacy to minimise packaging errors                                                                 contact and the contamination of other
     and also prompted a re-issuing of guidance                 Stability of Medications in DAA’s:
                                                                                                              drugs (e.g. all equipment used in handling
     from the Pharmacy Board of Australia (PBA)            Because the transfer of medicines into
                                                                                                              should be labelled and used solely for that
     surrounding the dispensing of medicines               a DAA pack is outside the individual product
                                                                                                              purpose).7 Ideally, cytotoxic medications
     with a narrow therapeutic index, such as              licence registration terms from medicine
                                                                                                              should be packed in a separate unit dose pack
     methotrexate.                                         manufacturers, pharmacists must consider
                                                                                                              (and labelled appropriately), unless there
                                                           the drug stability impacts of medicines in
         The task of filling DAA’s is repetitive, yet it                                                      is significant enough compliance concern,
                                                           a DAA.7 Typically, non-solid dosage forms
     requires significant and focused concentration                                                           warranting inclusion in a multi-dose pack.
                                                           would not be packable in a DAA; other
     to minimise error. The role may be delegated                                                             Relevant state occupational health and safety
                                                           commonly used medications that may not be
     to suitably trained pharmacy students, interns                                                           standards should be observed when cytotoxic
                                                           suitable for inclusion in a DAA could include:
     and dispensary assistants – with the work                                                                substances are handled.
     subjected to checking by a pharmacist.10              •• medicines that deteriorate when
                                                                                                                  Controlled Drugs in DAA’s: The dispensing
     Ensuring that the DAA packing area is tidy,               removed from manufacturer packaging;
                                                                                                              and packing of Controlled Drugs (Schedule 8

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                            15

medicines) and the storage of DAA containing
Controlled Drugs must be in compliance                    ASSESSMENT
with relevant State/Territory legislation.
The pharmacy conditions in which DAA’s                    QUESTIONS
containing Controlled Drugs are stored must
meet relevant legislative requirements and
should accommodate the packed DAA without
physical damage.7
                                                          QUESTION 1
Taking the plunge:                                        What is the estimated annual cost of medicine-related hospitalisations
Implementing a DAA Service                                in Australian public hospitals?
While DAA’s are a commonplace service in
                                                          a. $60 million
many community pharmacies, their benefits
to our patients in effectively managing their             b. $660 million
medications cannot be underestimated! By                  c.   3% of total health expenditure
proactively identifying the patients who will             d. 8% of total health expenditure
derive the most benefit from medication
management services such as DAA’s,
community pharmacy can continue to                        QUESTION 2
contribute to the betterment of patient health            a. Which one of the following types of Dose Administration Aids is NOT considered
and the optimisation of medication taking.                   to be ‘tamper-evident’ once packed?
    So, take the plunge, offer your patients              b. Hot-Seal Blister Pack
a medication management solution that is not
                                                          c.   Disposable Blister Pack
only good for their health, but can also grow
goodwill and loyalty in your pharmacy.                    d. Dosette Box
Give your patients the right dose, at the                 e. Plastic Sachet
right time…
                                                          QUESTION 3
                                                          a. Which one of the following patients would be eligible for payment, claiming under
                                                             Dose Administration Aids priority area of the Pharmacy Practice Incentives?
                                                          b. A patient on a cold-seal blister pack, living in an aged care facility.
1 Connor, J., N. Rafter, et al.”Do fixed dose
  combination pills or unit-of-use packaging improve      c.   A patient who receives a roll of sachet packs, in a correctional facility.
  adherence? A systematic review.” Bulletin of the
  World Health Organisation. 2004. 82: 935-939.           d. A patient who lives at home (community) and is delivered a weekly dosette box that
2 Quality Medication Care Pty Ltd and Therapeutics
                                                             is prepared by the pharmacy (using their prescriptions on file).
  Research Unit. Effectiveness and cost effectiveness     c.   A patient who receives a roll of sachet packs, picked up from their local pharmacy,
  of dose administration aids (DAA’s). Final Report.
  2004. Brisbane, University of Queensland and                 who dispenses the prescriptions but utilises a third-party packaging provider.
  Princess Alexandra Hospital.
3 Australian Council for Safety and Quality in            QUESTION 4
  Healthcare. Second National Report on Patient
  Safety-Improving Medication Safety. July 2002           a. Which of the following statements about Dose Administration Aids is CORRECT?
4 IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. Advancing     b. Dose Administration Aids guarantee an improvement in compliance in all patients using
  the Responsible Use of Medicines: Applying Levers
  for Change. October 2012
                                                             more than 5 medications.

5 Elliott R. Appropriate use of Dose Administration       c.   When space on a Dose Administration Aid label is limited, it is preferable to use the active
  Aids. Australian Prescriber. 2014; 37:2                      ingredient name of the medications in the pack.
6 Nunney J, Raynor DK, Knapp P, Closs SJ. How             d. Dispensary technicians and Intern Pharmacists can be delegated to check Dose
  do the attitudes and beliefs of older people and
  healthcare professionals impact on the use of              Administration Aids, provided they have undertaken appropriate training.
  multi-compartment compliance aids?: a qualitative
                                                          e. Patients who hold an orange, white or gold repatriation card are not eligible to be included
  study using grounded theory. Drugs Aging
  2011;28:403-14.                                            in claiming for Dose Administration Aid PPI payments.
7 Pharmaceutical Society of Australia – Dose
  Administration Aid Service, Guidelines for
  Pharmacists July 2007
                                                          QUESTION 5
8 Program Specific Guidelines – Pharmacy Practice         a. Which one of the following tablet properties makes chewable sodium valproate
  Incentives – February 2014                                 physically unstable in a Dose Administration Aid?
9 Dose Administration Aid Service – the right dose:       b. Tablet discoloration when exposed to light
  Pharmacist information booklet. Accessed from (20/8/2014)                              c.   Tablet degradation when exposed to light
10 Pharmacy Board of Australia. Guidelines on             d. Tablet degradation when exposed to heat
   Specialised Supply Arrangements. 2012
                                                          e. Tablet degradation when exposed to moisture in air
11 Haywood A, Llewelyn V, Robertson S, Mylrea M,
   Glass BD. Dose Administration Aids: Pharmacists’
   Role in Improving Patient Care. AMJ 2011, 4, 4, 186-
   192 http//                            ANSWERS: Question 1 – b / Question 2 – c / Question 3 – d / Question 4 – b / Question 5 – d

                                                               GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTY LTD : ITK ISSUE 38 : OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014

     Software Solutions
                      BY ROMA CECERE
                      General Manager –
                      Strategic Business
                      Performance, GuildCare

     It is apparent that most community pharmacies in Australia are feeling the financial effects
     of the PBS reforms. Aligning with one of GuildLink’s core strategies, enhancing sustainability
     of pharmacy, GuildLink provides pharmacy with business tools and software solutions
     designed to optimise their front of shop and professional services by identifying opportunities
     with real-time insights.

     GuildCare programs is a purpose-built software     address patient compliance issues. GuildCare       5CPA Medication Management which
     solution assisting Australian community            works with the pharmacy’s dispensing software      covers MedsChecks/Diabetes MedsChecks
     pharmacies in identifying, recording, and          and triggers a prompt at dispense for patients     (also available on iPad) and Home
     reporting of professional services. GuildCare      that may meet the program criteria. This feature   Medication Reviews.
     was originally designed to support pharmacies      ensures busy pharmacists are spending less              GuildLink’s technology is aligned with
     in meeting the requirements of the 5th             time analysing a patient’s potential fit and       the future needs of pharmacy, including
     Community Pharmacy Agreement (5CPA)                focusing on delivering the service.                development of new 6CPA programs that may
     Pharmacy Practice Incentive and Medication                                                            require technology for recording the service.
     Management Programs. GuildCare has                                                                    As always we will enhance the GuildCare
                                                        Program Streams
     expanded its offering profoundly since its                                                            platform to accommodate any new initiatives
                                                        5CPA Pharmacy Practice Incentives –
     humble beginnings in July 2011, with many new                                                         that arise.
                                                        Programs designed to unlock funding under
     programs developed since launch. During this
                                                        the 5CPA. GuildCare programs cover five out             Patient Services are also a perfect way
     time, GuildCare pharmacies have accumulated
                                                        of the six categories offered by 5CPA PPIs:        to gain patient loyalty to your pharmacy.
     over 6 million recorded pharmacy-led
                                                                                                           GuildCare offers pharmacies an easier way
     interactions through the software.                 •• Clinical Interventions – also available
                                                                                                           of recording patient services which they have
         Through GuildCare, pharmacists can                  on iPad                                       been delivering for many years such as blood
     identify patients who may be eligible for a        ••   Dose Administration Aids Patient Detect       pressure, lipid and blood glucose monitoring,
     professional service, whether it is a 5CPA         ••   Staged Supply                                 baby weight recording, and vaccinations.
     program such as MedsChecks, or a patient           ••   Inter-Professional Collaboration
                                                                                                                Patient Adherence Programs are tailored
     adherence program which is designed to             ••   MedScreens (Primary Health Care)              to the needs of the molecule to ensure that
                                                                                                           patients are provided specific information
                                                                                                           about their medication/condition that will help
                                                                                                           to improve their knowledge and adherence
                                                                                                           to treatment. Our figures show that when a
                                                                                                           patient has been enrolled in one of GuildCare’s
      “GuildSmart allows managers to set profit generating                                                 adherence programs, their adherence
       goals for their pharmacy, track progress in real-time                                               increases by 1.5 to 2 additional scripts per
                                                                                                           year. Most of these programs are sponsored
     and maximise the pharmacy’s’ profitability by utilising                                               which means the pharmacy will be reimbursed
                            opportunities as they happen.”                                                 for the additional time spent on counselling
                                                                                                           the patient.
                                                                                                               Admin Module is a new section available
                                                                                                           in GuildCare. Patient Plan is designed to help

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