IN GOOD COMPANY - SHIPPAXINFO - Shippax Ferry Conference
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SILJA SERENADE arrives in Stockholm Waiting for check-in and embarkation Welcome Coffee, sponsored by Stena RoRo Kai Knocke and Lazaros Charalmbous, FRS, Förde Reederei Seetouristik and Shipmanagement Jan Bagger, ForSea, Alastair Danabie and Alastair Fleming from Andreas Hammar, Hammarship and Mohamed Badaway, United Ville Parpala, The Switch, Heikki Suutari, Robert Hilden Northern Marine Group Marine Egypt Marioff and John Hemgård, United Technologies Tobias Ahlberg and Håkan Jönsson, TTS Marine, sponsors of John Kollander, Stena RoRo Asia NSO OASIS Good morning drink, sponsored by North Sea Offshore the badges Zhiwei Tian, North Sea Offshore, Nikos Karamoutas Aluminox Kenneth Lindblad and Fabian Lundgren, Bore Michael Nykjaer, Dampa , Dacheng Tong and Robert and Kristian Vidfar, NSO Rust, North Sea Offshore 2 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER TOPICAL ISSUES UNDER- SCORED SHIPPAX FERRY CONFERENCE 2019 TEXT: EERO MÄKINEN PHOTOS: GEORGE GIANNAKIS The 17th edition of the Shippax Ferry Conference was held on board Tallink Silja’s SILJA SERENADE during her scheduled Stockholm-Helsinki-Stockholm sailing between the 12th and 14th of March, 2019. This year’s gathering attracted a record attend- ance of about 500 delegates from various parts of the industry. Over a two-day-period they discussed and debated issues of the industry and mapped a way forward. Paavo Nõgene, Tallink Grupp JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 3
The Shippax team welcomes you all the to this year’s conference on board SILJA SERENADE Philippe, Elizabeth, Frederik, Victor, Göran, Charlotte, Annelie and Marko Jan Eliasson, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden and Deputy Secretary-General of the UN A t his opening speech, represent- future for the industry of tomorrow. – in their brief presentations spoke ing the conference’s host, Paavo In support of this stance, two of the vital role of telecommunica- Nõgene, CEO of Tallink Grupp, primary sponsors – Telenor Maritime, tion services on ships, booking and spoke of the importance of innovation represented by its Cruise & Ferry CSO distribution system, as well as future and digitalisation as well as the need Jan Erik Norli, and Liknoss, represent- prospects and requirements in this to work together in ensuring a better ed by its MD George P apastamatiou connection. KEYNOTE MESSAGES Setting the scene for the conference, Jan Eliasson, Former Minister for Foreign A ffairs of Sweden and Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, spoke extensively on general global issues, including the shifting of economic power to the East, militarisation of re- lationships between countries, weak- ening of the transatlantic link, refugee problems, and the issue of Brexit, etc. He pointed out that the Brexit was one of the biggest tragedies of the EU. He also spent a lot of time discussing the roles and positions of women and young people in future societies. Eliasson had been party to many negotiations on international and local issues. He gave an interesting analysis on reasons for failures and successes in these negotiations. In conclusion, he painted an optimistic Jan Erik Norli, Telenor Maritime George Papastamatiou, Liknoss picture of the future. 4 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Alastair Fleming, Northern Marine Group Robin Meech, Marine and Energy Consulting Ingemar Gustavsson, Actemium The conference then continued in phur emission limit. Meech told the nine in Sweden and two in Norway. earnest with an informative speech by conference that this regulation could The key objective of this product is Alastair Fleming, General Manager/ cost global sea transport industry the reduction of emissions and pollu- DPA of Northern Marine, a Stena an additional USD 45 billion, as the tion. Group company. He outlined the average bunker expenditure would business of his company, which had a increase by 25%. A degree of chaos SUSTAINABLE MARKET special focus on the human resources was expected, but exhaust gas clean- services. Fleming also spoke of the ing systems would help smoothing Under the title ‘Capacity, performance, importance of leadership, reflective the transition. His key message to the outlook and challenges’ Philippe learning, and learning engagement. industry was: “if you are not preparing Holthof, Shippax’s editor-in-chief and He stipulated that zero incident today for 2020 you are too late”. the conference’s lead moderator, in his should be a goal of the industry. Closely connected to the sub- presentation gave a general overview “Energy for the ro-pax industry ject under discussion, Ingemar of the state of the ferry industry and post 2019” was the title of the presen- Gustavsson, BU Manager of a forecast based on its 2018 financial tation by Robin Meech, MD of Marine Actemium, spoke of his company’s and volume performance. and Energy Consulting. The main onshore power systems, which was According to the Shippax and issue discussed here was related to the already installed at 24 locations, both individual ferry company data, in 2018 upcoming IMO 2020 global 0.5% sul- low and high voltages, in eleven ports: the fleet capacity increase acceler- JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 5
The executive’s view: 2019 ro-pax & ro-ro panel debate ated. Altogether 46 ro-pax newbuilds Better economic performance struggle to maintain or improve prof- were delivered, with a freight capac- is needed to support the industry’s itability and to increase volumes. ity totalling 20,000 lanemetres and a recovery, even at a moderate pace. The session entitled ‘2019 ro-pax & passenger capacity totalling 30,000. Holthof anticipated that the three ma- ro-ro panel debate’ consisted of panel- China consolidated its position as the jor European ferry groups – Grimaldi, lists from five European and Canadian biggest ro-pax builder in the world. Stena, and DFDS – were expected to ferry companies. Financial performance of top ferry further increase their market shares. Janette Bell, CEO of P&O Ferries, groups continued to be mixed, with Competition in Europe was expected outlined the development in P&O freight volumes rising and passenger to remain particularly fierce. Further Ferries. Not surprisingly, she spoke numbers stagnating. consolidation of activities was ex- of the big concerns over Brexit, as the Looking forward, Holthof predict- pected. business of P&O Ferries might be seri- ed that in 2019, assuming there would As to challenges and opportunities, ously affected by its final outcome. be no major delays or cancellations of the Brexit and oil price development Brexit certainly was also a big issue deliveries, over 60 ro-pax newbuilds were among the major uncertainties. to DFDS. Torben Carlsen, the group’s were expected, with the freight capac- While the former was a challenge for CFO, believed that the company was ity totalling 25,000 lanemetres and a many, it might also be an opportunity well-prepared for all the eventuali- massive passenger capacity of 35,000. for others. ties. DFDS has other equally pressing This would represent another accel- In summing up, he warned that concerns, such as sustainability and eration. many operators would continue to digitalisation. Its priorities for 2019 Janette Bell, P&O Ferries Torben Carlsen, DFDS Mark Collins, BC Ferries Emanuele Grimaldi, Grimaldi Group Harri Hanschmidt, Tallink Grupp 6 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Torben Carlsen, DFDS Vesa Marttinen, Wärtsilä Finland Emanuele Grimaldi, Grimaldi Group Mark Collins, BC Ferries were broadly based, including adapt- weekend just before the conference yond human vision bringing together ing to the market conditions, deliv- sparked some discussion. While no augmented reality, sensor fusion and ering the selected five performance casualties were reported, the financial machine learning on board in real drivers, customer satisfaction, value losses were immense. The need for time’. In it he ‘remotely’ demonstrated creating, and investments. shipping companies to have access to the so-called Marine Pilot Vision Grimaldi Group seemed to have information on the cargo they carried system in operation on board SILJA similar priorities, but it presented a was called for. SERENADE from the conference au- longer-term view. According to its MD Tallink was represented by Harri ditorium. It clearly showed the multi- Emanuele Grimaldi, they included Hanschmidt, a member of the group’s ple benefits of the system in terms of the target of 50% reduction in CO2 management board. For the premier safety, efficiency, and ergonomics. emissions by 2050, zero emission in Estonian ferry company, the key word ports, and sustainability in general. for the future was ‘innovation’. REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT The company has a EUR 500-million The company recently signed a investment programme. firm contract with Rauma Marine The second day of the conference Most notably Grimaldi is imple- Constructions (RMC) for a modified was kicked off by the presentation of menting a comprehensive list of en- sister vessel to the MEGASTAR. Cen- Edwin Pang, Senior Naval Architect of vironmental protection measures. As tral to the future development of the Leadership, entitled ‘What’s coming examples, Mr Grimaldi mentioned the sector, according to Hanschmidt, was up? New rules & regulations for the lengthening of two CRUISE ROMA “Smart Ships, Smart Ports, Smart Cus- ferry & ro-ro industry’. Pang expound- Class vessels and the fact that 100 of tomers”. Availability of Wi-Fi at sea ed extensively on the most pressing the group’s ships would be equipped was a must to support digitalisation issues relating to the development of with scrubbers. He also defended his and wider onboard payment options. rules and regulations. view that the use of open-loop scrub- The first day of conference was He presented several recommen- bers was not a major environmental concluded by the presentation of Peik dations on how to tackle the issues issue. Jansson, Global Sales Manager of of today and of the near future. They In this connection, the GRANDE ABB Marine and Ports, entitled ‘ABB included measures introduced to look AMERICA accident during the Ability Marine Pilot Vision – looks be- into the inventory of hazardous mate- rials as an element in ship recycling, the 0.5%-sulphur-emissions-limit- compliant fuels, SOLAS 2020 vs. EU regulations, cold ironing, underwater noise regulations, greenhouse gas emissions and the 2030 goal. Pang’s overall recommendation was to ‘get involved’ in the process of the regulatory development and inter- pretations via various industry bodies. His blunt advice was “educate your flag state”, as many of them did not have adequate resources to handle the progressively complicated regulatory environment. Peik Jansson, ABB Marine & Ports Edwin Pang, Leadship Engineering & Consulting As a departure from the regulatory JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 7
Willem-Jan Hamers, Redwise Martin Hedman, Marine Profile Koert Grever, IESE Vahur Ausmees, Tallink Grupp theme, the title of the next presenta- TALENT AVAILABILITY psychological assessments. He spoke tion, by Willem-Jan Hamers, MD of of the changes in the landscape of hir- Redwise, was ‘An outsider’s perspective ‘How to find, train and retain tomor- ing people and the need to understand on passenger experience and econom- row’s onboard talents?’ was the sub- what kept people in the company. ics’, which covered three areas of the ject of the second conference panel New approaches were called for. He company services: global ship delivery, that had a focus on human resources. also emphasized the importance of crew management, and pilots & VTS. This was considered to be a criti- emotional stability. Hamers spelt out the benefits of using cal issue for the viable future of the Koert Grever, Director of Neth- the services like those provided by industry. erlands and Nordic Countries, IESE Redwise were in the areas of economy, Martin Hedman, Senior Consult- Business School, spoke about the saving potentials, passenger experi- ant & Partner with Marine Profile, requirement of continuous learning ence, and maintenance and spares. discussed the needs and values of because of the changing nature of the jobs. Vahur Ausmees, HR Director at Tallink Grupp, spoke of ‘people’ as a strategic cornerstone of the company. The key points relating to finding, training and retaining people were or- ganisational culture, values, physical working environment, and leadership. NEW SHIPS Entitled ‘Newbuildings and projects’, the third panel, consisted of four presentations, covered the more tradi- tional topic of tonnage supply. Kristian Lind, Chief Technical Of- Pierre Mattei, Corsica Ferries and Ralph Axelsson, Nordic HSC ficer of OSK-ShipTech, and William Zhou, Vice President of Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI), dis- cussed the subject of the recently de- livered VISBORG, which had suffered a considerable delay. GSI is building another VISBORG Class unit, the THJELVAR, for Rederi AB Gotland, designed by OSK-ShipTech, due for delivery later this year. GSI and OSK- ShipTech have established a design joint venture in China under the name SinoDane in order to promote passen- ger shipbuilding business. GSI is also building a ferry for Algérie Ferries. Peter Rea, Liferaft Systems Australia, Bernard Dwyer, Spirit of Tasmania and Mike Grainger, Liferaft Systems Australia Much of the subsequent presenta- 8 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Kristian Lind, OSK-ShipTech and William André Powilleit, Flensburger Schiffbau- Håkan Enlund, Rauma Marine Jesper Aagesen, DFDS Zhou, GSI Gesellschaft Constructions tion by André Powilleit, Head of Sales energy source. Enlund also spoke an example of what can be achieved in & Design at Flensburger Schiffbau- about the background of shipbuilding a Chinese yard. Gesellschaft (FSG), was centred upon in Rauma and the present operation In addition to the series from the recently delivered W. B. YEATS of of RMC, with a special emphasis on Jingling Shipyard, DFDS has recently Irish Ferries. He candidly told the au- the unorthodox business practices of taken delivery of two 4,076-lanemetre dience of the hick-ups relating to the delegating works to the local ship- ro-ros from FSG. It has a contract construction of the vessel, in particu- building network. for two 4,500-lanemetre ro-paxes lar the issues concerning the cost. The last presentation of the panel with GSI and has reached a bareboat FSG’s focus is exclusively on ro- was delivered by Jesper Aagesen, charter deal with Stena RoRo for a ro and ro-pax vessels. The yard has Director of Newbuilding & Major 3,100-lanemetre E-Flexer unit, to be developed a series of ro-pax vessel Conversions at DFDS. He described built by AVIC Weihai in China. classes of seven different ship sizes, the construction of the 6,700-lanem- Beyond the newbuilding plan, three different variants for LNG etre GOTHIA SEAWAYS, the first of Aagesen spoke of DFDS’s major refit fuel concepts, and a standardisation the series of six identical ro-ro vessels, and conversion programmes. After philosophy. Powilleit was convinced at China’s Jinling Shipyard. having completed the lengthening of of the positive development of the The project started in 2015 with PRIMULA SEAWAYS, the company market in the future and the role of the conceptual design. The tender embarked upon the refurbishing of FSG would play in industry. package was issued in April 2016. The various other ro-pax ferries, ballast ‘Wasaline, the new Kvarken yard was selected in July 2016 and water treatment plant retrofits, and Project’ was the title of the presenta- the initial contract for two vessels twelve scrubber retrofits. tion by Håkan Enlund of RMC. The was signed in September 2016. Four Next, the MD of Knud E. Hansen company recently won the contract additional vessels were added to the Finn Wollesen gave a somewhat for the construction of the new order in 2017 and 2018. Steel cutting philosophical discourse on the EEDI 24,300-gross-ton Vaasa-Umeå ferry. of the first vessel took place in August issue. Knud E. Hansen is the principle The new ice class 1A Super vessel will 2017. The ship was launched in July designer of various DFDS vessels. be dual fuel, with LNG as the primary 2018. Aagesen presented this case as The Newbuildings and Projects session Finn Wollesen, KNUD E. HANSEN JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 9
LIFELINE FERRIES solidation, digitalisation, marketing and tidal problems. strategies, and onboard spending. Alexander Bard, a renowned Swed- A special session – entitled ‘2019 life- The four panellists – Kevin George, ish cyberphilosopher, music producer, line ferry sector panel debate’ – was Chairman of Red Funnel, Trine television star, write and lecturer, dedicated to discussing the lifeline Heinemann, Project Coordinator for looked into his crystal ball and talked ferry services. It began with Fredrik ELLEN E-ferry Project, Jaak Kaabel, about digitalisation in his typical Erdmann Shippax correspondent CEO of TS Laevad, and Carl-Ulfert entertaining way. He reflected on the and co-moderator outlining the 2018 Stegmann, CEO of AG Reederei ferry industry and how different a performance and megatrends of the Norden-Frisia – then went on to dis- ship like SILJA SERENADE may look lifeline ferry operations. He listed cuss a great variety of issues specific in a world dominated by digitalisation. a number of issues concerning this to their respective operations and The session was concluded by Ljubo segment of the ferry business, such as communities they served, including Jurisevic, President of Cruise Division those relating to new ships, second- community involvement, electric cars and Managing Director of EVAC, who hand vessels, electric propulsion, con- as cargo, Wi-Fi as human right, draft, introduced his company’s range of ser- Kevin George, Red Funnel Trine Heinemann, Ærø ferry Alexander Bard Jaak Kaabel, TS Laevad Carl-Ulfert Stegmann, AG Reederei Norden-Frisia Ljubo Jurisevic, EVAC 10 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
George Anagnostou, Iosif Kouroupis, Spiros Paschalis and Charalambos Katzourakis from Attica Group vices and products aiming at decreasing Shipmanagement, AS Tallink Grupp, Alessandro Onorato, Vice Presi- the environmental footprint by saving described how the company man- dent of Onorato Armatori, spoke energy, recycling waste, and purifying aged ageing vessels. Tallink’s oldest about the 1975-built MOBY KISS. As wastewater, etc. ferry was 47 years. In addition, the the result of a recent refurbishment, company had a few large cruise fer- the ship, although old from the com- OLDER VESSELS ries, like SILJA SERENADE, SILJA mercial point of view, is no longer SYMPHONY, and SILJA EUROPA, old from the technical perspective. Aptly named ‘Managing ro-pax lifecy- which were between 28 and 31 years Onorato elaborately described the cles’, the last panel of the conference old. The issues for the future of their comprehensive refurbishment of the was dedicated to discussing subjects operations were sustainability, which vessel in 2016. He also mentioned that relating to older vessels. included cold ironing, waste energy Moby had opted for scrubbers only for Per Westling, Managing Director management, operational perfor- younger vessels and that the company of Stena RoRo, spoke about plan- mance, and preventive maintenance. was in the process of ordering two ning and management of older fleets. Progress had been made in opera- large new ships from GSI. Stena’s slogan in this connection was tional performance over the years, as Finally, in his presentation, en- ‘Our ships should be built and main- fuel consumption per passenger had titled ‘Performance based services tained to such a standard that they been reduced by 44.7% since 2009. for shared success’, Tage Klockars, will have an eternal life’. Care, inno- Tallink had not chosen the scrubber General Manager of Marine Service vation, and performance were key to option for its fleet. Tuulik highlighted Agreements at Wärtsilä, outlined achieving this goal. the risk of increasing weight on the Wärtsilä’s services to maintaining old- Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik, CEO of HT old vessels. er vessels, especially its performance- Per Westling, Stena RoRo Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik, AS Tallink Grupp Alessandro Onorato, Onorato Armatori Tage Klockars, Wärtsilä JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 11
Hans-Jürgen Breitz, Sternenfrucht Mike Corrigan, Interferry Bruce Peter, Glasgow School of Art based services, life-cycle solutions, summary of the activities of Interferry, Ferry Conference is now entering its smart maritime digital integration, including information on its next an- 18th edition. It has become the defini- and big data utilisation. He stressed nual gathering in London from the 5th tive platform for discussing issues and the importance of optimised mainte- to the 9th of October, 2019. exchanging ideas. By way of closing nance, optimised operations, and asset Before the Shippax Award 2019 the 2019 conference, Philippe Holthof performance resulting in matching ceremony, under the title ‘How announced the date and place for the solutions to the customers’ businesses. franchising became a hotel industry Shippax Conference 2020, which will megatrend’, Professor Bruce Peter of be held on board PEARL SEAWAYS SHIPPAX PLATFORM Glasgow School of Art gave a presen- between the 1st and the 3rd of April tation on the similarities and differ- 2020. DFDS will be the honoured At the end of another successful ences between the hotel and cruise/ host. Shippax Ferry Conference, Mike ferry industries. Corrigan, CEO of Interferry, gave a The well-established Shippax 12 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
The 23rd annual Shippax Awards Zhongqian Chen and Li Hao, Guangzhou Kristian Lind, OSK-ShipTech, Philippe Holthof and Elizabeth André Powillet, Flensburger Schiffbau, Philippe, Andrew Sheen, Irish Shipyard International Mandersson, Shippax Ferries, Elizabeth, Camilla Horn, Steen Friis Design Arild Austrheim and Christine Hammesvik, Fjord1 and Mikael Johansen, Multi Maritime Philippe, Shippax, Jan Bagger and Jens Ole Hansen both from Forsea and Elizabeth, Shippax Mark Collins, BC Ferries Kevin Puzicha, Rina, Afttu Korpela, Meyer Werft and Pino Spadafora, Rina Trine Heinemann, Ærø Ferry, Philippe, Elizabeth and Frederik, Shippax Roberto Prever, Naos Ship & Boat Design Some of the Shippax Award winners JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 13
Coffee break, sponsor Stena RoRo Pawel Wojdalski, Unity Line Jaroslaw Kotarski, Unity Line Paul Harper, Kiwirail Argo Sildvee and Mart Lankots, Velvet The team of Rauma Marine Constuctions Anders Bergh, Möller Data Dacheng Tong, North Sea Offshore Guldar Kivro, TS Laevad Workflow Systems Perttu Kurvinen and Jonas Teir, NLC Jarek Majdanski, JDA and Frode Teigen, Fjord Line Mamdouh Oraby, UME Shipping Stephen Weaver, P&O Ferries and Paul Davies, Ferry / WASALINE TT-Line / Spirit of Tasmania Herman Klungsöyr, Eltorque and Moritz Henning, KfW Bank and Jan H. Ian Richardson, ICE Support and William Alvaro Garcia, Hijos De J. Barreras and Cyril Börge Skeide, Rolls-Royce Marine Telseth, Schottel MacLachlan, HFW, Holman Fenwick Willan Jarnet, Parimar Brokers LLP Appie Boorsma, Nicolas Lehl, Frank Berger, Alan Arent, Oliver Sanquer, Ingemar Gustavsson, Meri Rigby, Niclas Blomström, Maria Åkersten & Jennie Hinz, Hogia Ferry Systems all from Actemium & Barillec 14 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Bernard Dwyer, TT-Line / Spirit of Tasmania, Tanya Mika Rytkönen, MikMek and Laurens van Eck, The team of EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Daniele Bottino, ABS Baluk and Alex Morcos, UES Seating TLS-Boca Systems and Sarah Deall, UES Seating Kommunikation Rolf Petter Almli and Kristian Saetre, Ulstein Werft Geir Nielsen, OSM Maritime Oscar Anchér, Simsonship Kristian Eikre, Ferd AS, Rickard Ternblom, Fjord Line AS and visited Gerflor’s stand Group Shipbrokers Marcus Pettersson, Truepayers Selcuk Bakanoglu, Sefine Christer Johansson, Godby Shipping and Bart Knut Frömming, Flensburger Schiffbau and Mario D’Angelo, Versonix and Luca Marini, Direct Shipyard Vandedrinck, Victualic Lukas Johansson, Macgregor Ferries The back of the STI Marine team James Stahl, Carlo Luisi, Ruben Wansink Öyvind Sundgot and Carl-Henrik Jan Rombach and Arno Ahrens Boehm, Moltumyr, Metizoft Steripower Thomas Högberg, Ehrenborg Monika Breitz, Sternenfrucht Alexandra Rolland Andersson and Suljo Sahbegovic Kenneth Påvall, Rederi AB Eckerö from Scanmarine JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 15
Main Sponsor Telenor Maritime with part of the team on board, Jan Erik Norli, Knut Fjellheim, Henrik Lindqvist, Roger Vimme, Kate Smeland Knudsen, Morten Martens Breivik and Joakim Weide Claudio Natalini and Nicola Cammarota, Alberto Mazzali, Mathias Sandil and Staffan Christer Ahlback and Kristofer Piber, FLIR Johan Andersson, Ozon Tech Systems and E-Dea Magnusson Maritime Bengt Sangberg, Bureau Veritas Andres and Carol Ludmar, Eiseman-Ludmar Nils Brovold. Ole Martin Sleten and Alexis Foucauld Watine and Etienne Spehler, Thomas Pedersen, Tage Klockars and Jonas Rene, Bazeport Technology Gerflor Bergring, Wärtsilä Ertug Yasar, Elkon Daniel Wikström, Rolls-Royce Kamewa and Kelly Edwards and Matthew Humphreys, Thomas Halvorsen, Bridgehill Jonas Bäckström, Rolls-Royce Sweden Intellian Mike Corrigan, Interferry Gencay Ok, Sedef Shipbuilding Juvi Hämäläinen, LG Electronics Jelle Grijpstra & Wietse Bandstra, C-Job Naval Architects 16 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Janne Tulivuori and Henrik Hansen, Halton Marko Sibakov, Reaktor and Joonas Wilhelm Penders, Daspos Vincent Frontzek and Florian Solleder, Marine Heinonen, Dsign Vertti Kivi & Co Wincard Global Sales Zbigniew Szyca and Stanislaw Domagallo, Axel Meynköhn, Wyker Dampschiffs Stephen Tunks and Björn Johnny Nybakk, Martin C Kviteberg and Bertine Kviteberg, NED-Project Reederei and Carl-Ulfert Stegmann, AG Newtec Adonis Reederei Norden-Frisia Marcus Högblom and Muhammad Yasir, ABB Marine & Ports David Wendel and Hans Eivind Siewers, DNV GL and Christer Schoug, BoCS Consulting Main Sponsor Liknoss, George Papastamatiou, Eleni Kolokythia, Katia Cok and Yiannis Loussidis Peter Ståhlberg, NLC Ferry / WASALINE Robin Weiss, Eckerö Group Helen Xiaoyun Zhao, North Sea Offshore Edmund Sweetman, Meana Green Maura JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 17
Mie Jakobsen, Danish Cruise and Ferry Group Archipelago Philippine Ferries, Erik Klöve, BRS Hugo Modderman, TOS Shipdelivery, Rolf Kievits and Hans-Juul Jacobsen, Saint-Gobain Marine Christopher and Mary Ann Pastrana Dolfinance Applications Chiel de Leeuw, Damen Shipyards and Finn Ann-Sofie Forss, Stena RoRo, Klas Hedelin, Anders Larsson, Oresund Drydocks Nina Savijoki, Deltamarin and Angela Nieder, Arne Rognstad, Rolls-Royce Marine MacGregor, Constantinos Goudis, Seacore Macholl & Sprecht Shipbrokers and Fotis Poulides, BRS Wolfgang Schüler, Flensburger Schiffbau, Happy Hour; Kevin George, Peter Rea, Mike Bent Hansen, Mantec, David McGibbon from Steve Thurlow, Incat/Maatsuyker and Peter Anders Agnell-Olsen, Color Line and Knut Grainger, Mike Corrigan, Mark MacDonald David MacBrayne, Frode Teigen Fjord line Frölich, Fjord Line AS Frömming, Flensburger Schiffbau and Robert Clifford and Brian Fulton, CalMac Ferries Vegard Gjerde, Fjord Line AS and Robert Lars Hallengren and Johan Brax, Brax Shipping welcome all to the Dinner drink. Sponsored Hahmann, Aecorlink by Brax Shipping Pierre Mattei, Corsica Ferries and Frédéric Götz Becker, Förde Reederei Dan Bridgett, P&O Ferries Bo-Gustav Donning, Patrik Almqvist, Stena Line, Julie Stuit, Bolidt, Pouget, Brittany Ferries Seetouristik Rederi AB Eckerö and Gudmund Holte, Speedcast and Mario Fuduli, Suleyman Akin, Sefine Grimaldi Group Shipyard Tomaz Bianga, Derek Bryans and Oscar Dan Mikkola, Godby Shipping and Juan Pablo Katia Cok, Liknoss and Jukka Suominen, Emanuele Grimaldi, Grimaldi Group and Rivella, all from Eaton Marrero, Naviera Armas Eckerö Group Christophe Mathieu, Brittany Ferries 18 SHIPPAXINFO – JUNE 19
Janette Bell, P&O Ferries and Torben Carlsen, Leo Hugo Lagström, Fosen Ulstein Design & Matteo Catani, GNV and Xin He, Telenor “The Port table”; Nina Liljeqvist, Port of DFDS Engineering and Egil Monsen, Fosen Yard Maritime Helsinki, Christian Ramberg, Port of Turku, Ronny Eriksson, Port of Långnäs and Tomasz Zaryzcji, Port of Gdynia Morten Larsen, Fjord Line, Tage Klockars, Johan Brax, Brax Shipping and Vicki Rose, Morten Leknes, Glamox, Öyvind Sundgot, Metizoft, Bruce Peter, James P Mason, Mason Wärtsilä and Fredrik Moliis, Wasaline Marine Atlantic Shipbroker and Eugenio Grimaldi, Grimaldi Group Bernhard Johannes Termühlen, TT-Line and William Xuhui Zhou, Zhingquian Chen, GSI and Markus Mikael West, NLC Ferry / Ben Marland, Austal, Tor-Egil Tinderholt, Baze Jens Vind Jensen, Jensen & Partners Matthiessen, EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation Wasaline Technology, Bruno Jourdan-Barry, BRS and Mohamed Elalfy, United Marine Egypt Tommaso Scolaro, Enrico Scolaro James Anderson, Caledonian Maritime Marcus Risberg, Silja Line, Eva Mikkola- Susanne MacKillop, Pressreader and Torbjörn Shipbrokers, Matteo Catani and Matteo Della Assets and Camilla Caroline Horn, Steen Karlström, Godby, Lars Erik Lunöe,Telenor Johnsson,Telenor Satellite Communications Valle, GNV Friis Design Maritime and Eleni Kolokythia, Liknoss John Bertell, Carus Pierre Denneulin, Dino Jugov and Tvrtko Coric all Jason Cohn, Speedcast, Olga Liebkind, Sebastian Jaggi, Telenor Maritime, Christine from Brodosplit Norsepower and Kevin Hobbs, Caledonian Malmros, Stena Line, Charalambos Katzourakis, Maritime Assets Attica Group, Martin Hedman, Marine Profile, Joe Lindblom, Sea Lines and Pia Röder, KfW Bank The big team from Telenor Maritime, one of Maria Åkersten, Hogia Ferry Systems and Maj-Britt Hoff, Assa Abloy, Donald Barnes, Jose Larragan, Alta Shipping Brokers, Jose the Main Sponsors Brett Chamberlain, Seastreak LLC Marine Atlantic, Jennie Hinz, Hogia and Jelle Rodriguez, Carus and Ruben Navas, Naviera Grijpstra, C-Job Armas JUNE 19 – SHIPPAXINFO 19
Carus, sponsor of the Happy Hour April 13th Anders Rundberg, Carus Hanns Heinrich Conzen, TT-Line and John Marios Illiopoulos and Ilas Bezas, Seajets Garner, P&O Ferries Iacopo Sintini, Rosetti Marino and Nikias Sergey Kotenev, St. Peter Line/Moby, Victor Dinner drink sponsored by Hydro. Chris Moyle welcomes all delegates to the Dinner drink Ioannidis, LMG Marin France Velton and Regina Velton, Versonix April 13th. Chander Arora, Star Ferries and Angel Ariel The Speedcast team! The guys from Armatore Interestate; Marko Brian McKenna and Andrew Sheen, both Pozo, Baja Ferries Cicin-Sain, Franco Napp, Guideo Giambuzzi from Irish Ferries and Aris Slama Mike Corrigan, Interferry, Mark MacDonald, Johan Hellman, ABB Marine, Daniel Olsén, Bruce Xu, North Sea Offshore and Philippe Frederik Erdmann, Shippax, Christine Bay/Northumberland Ferries & Robert Rederi AB Eckerö, Frank Berger, Actemium Holthof, Shippax Malmros, Stena Line, Ann-Sofie Forss, Stena Clifford, InCat and Max Wilhelmson Thörn, Brax Shipping RoRo and Gilbert Walter, BRS Jan-Olof Grönhult, DNV GL and Mattias Jannik Svahnström and Jukka Nikula, Paf Poul Örsted Bredesgaard, Navitaship and Jesper Aagesen, DFDS, welcomes everyone Hansson, Caterpillar Marine Casino. Sponsor of the Night cap April 12th Jesper Hartvig Nielsen, DFDS to next year’s conference on board PEARL SEAWAYS Thank you for this conference! See you next year! Last but not least, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the sponsors of the event, including: Main sponsors: Sponsors & exhibitors: Redwise
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