Page created by Sue Wagner

COLOR MAGIC arrives in Oslo       Check in starts

The event starts with a show...

                                  ...which was appreciated among the delegates

             ­ ESPONSIBLE

The 16th Shippax Ferry Conference took place on board Color
Line’s COLOR MAGIC between April 18 to 20 on the route Oslo-
Kiel-Oslo. The event attracted a record number of over 440 del-
egates. The overall theme of the conference was ‘The Future is
Green’. The title of this text summarises the industry’s current
key focus areas.

          he Shippax Ferry Shipping          small stands. The stands adjacent to the
          Conference is traditionally or-    conference auditorium seem to make
          ganised on board a cruise ferry,   the exhibiting function very effective.
resulting in many benefits. One of those     All in all, the event was supported by 56
is the ‘integrity’ throughout the two-day    companies – including those exhibiting.
exercise, something that most attendees           At the end of the conference it was
seem to value very highly. Compared to       announced that the 17th Shippax Ferry
a traditional conference at an onshore       Conference will be held on Tallink Sil-     Trond Kleivdal, Color Line , opens the conference by ring-
                                                                                         ing the ship’s bell, a tradition since the onboard confer-
facility, the onboard event facilitates      ja’s SILJA SERENADE on March 12-14,         ence started year 2003.
effective communication between the          2019 on the route Stockholm-Helsinki-
delegates. That’s because delegates          Stockholm. Please note: the conference      tive of the hosting shipping company,
typically stay in different hotels when      is scheduled for March, not April, as has   this time by Trond Kleivdal, CEO of
attending conferences on land.               been the case for many years.               Color Line. Mr Kleivdal noted that this
    As always, the event also included an         In accordance with tradition, the      was the fourth time the conference was
exhibition, this time counting over 50       conference was opened by a representa-      held on board a Color Line ferry.

                                                                                                                   JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO               3
Jan-Erik Norli, Telenor Maritime, the main sponsor of the event   Keynote speaker Anders Borg, former two-term Swedish Minister of Finance and Member of
                                                                  the board of Stena International, talked about the global recovery and technological disruption

Top ferry executives panel debate

Top ferry executives panel debate

KEYNOTE: GLOBAL RECOVERY AND                                throughout the conference offered a                      sively covers issues related to the future
TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTION                                       perfectly working, free internet service                 business environment. Issues like 3D
                                                            without limits to the delegates. The                     printing, big data, emerging consumer
After the brief note by Jan Erik Norli,                     quality of the service was high and                      trends etc. were among the outcomes
CSO Marcom of Telenor Marine (the                           undisturbed.                                             of that analysis. She made a remark that
main sponsor of the event), covering the                                                                             Brexit is just one of many elements af-
history and future of connectivity at sea,                  PANEL DEBATE                                             fecting the future of the company that
the keynote speech was given by Anders                                                                               she heads.
Borg, the former Swedish Minister of                        In line with previous years, this panel is                   Paul Griffin, President/CEO of
Finance and a board member of Stena                         a kind of the State of the Industry ses-                 Marine Atlantic, Canada emphasised
International. Mr Borg gave a very                          sion, with several high-profile industry                 environmental issues, technology de-
professional and balanced summary of                        representatives expressing their views                   velopment, ice issues on the East Coast
the overall economic development in                         of the situation today, challenges etc.                  of Canada, and the need to better serve
the world, also mentioning its impact                       Trond Kleivdal from Color Line empha-                    clients.
on the ferry industry. Not surprisingly,                    sised sustainability and digitalisation                      Bernard Dwyer, CEO of Spirit of Tas-
the picture was by-and-large positive.                      as key future elements. He anticipates                   mania, Australia, was proud of the fact
Worth repeating here are the following                      a productivity increase as a result of                   that Spirit of Tasmania now has decided
excerpts from his speech:                                   digitalisation. Surprisingly, Color Line                 to build two new vessels that will be
- 75 % of the countries in the world                        currently has 1,000 employees fewer                      considerably larger than the existing
    are doing ok;                                           than ten years ago – with no change in                   two vessels built about twenty years ago.
- Inflation is very low and continues to                    annual revenue. An important issue for                   LNG will be the name of the game.
    be low;                                                 the future is the quality of the employ-                     Peter Arvidsson, COO of Stena Line,
- US tax cuts will boost the economy;                       ees: companies do have to invest in                      Sweden, explained Stena Line’s busi-
- Labour markets are becoming more                          training. An interesting milestone will                  ness philosophy in detail. This very
    flexible;                                               be the delivery of COLOR HYBRID, a                       much relies on a fleet with ultimate
- E-commerce is growing rapidly,                            ship that will be battery-powered only                   flexibility. The Stena E-Flexer series
    leading to major cuts in costs in                       in the areas near and at the ports. The                  under construction at the AVIC Weihai
    many areas;                                             ship will operate between Norway and                     yard in China is an illustrative example.
- France is changing many things;                           Sweden, with delivery scheduled for the                  Looking at long-term issues, he men-
- Good environment for shipping;                            summer of 2019.                                          tioned the need for new technology that
- Artificial Intelligence represents a                          Paul Kyprianou from the Grimaldi                     has to be viable beyond 2060, systems
    major potential to the ferry shipping                   Group, Italy, listed major challenges that               for electricity storage, digitalisation for
    industry;                                               the industry is facing today and in the                  more efficient operations, automatic
- US and China: no trade war in the                         future. One of the trade-related chal-                   port operations, clean energy, business
    cards, as that would be too negative                    lenges is the ageing of the fleet. Other                 optimisation etc.
    for China;                                              challenges iclude relations to the states,                   For the debate, a positive element
- 2018 and 2019 will be good years                          further concentration of the industry,                   was that the panellists discussed many
- Challenges: oil price, Middle East,                       competition from low-cost airlines, and                  different issues in their introductory
    China’s indebtedness, Brexit, Russia                    also Brexit, of course. In addition, there               statements. In the discussion that fol-
    (“no hope with their present ap-                        is the trend towards digitalisation, regu-               lowed the introductory notes, environ-
    proach”), the world population will                     latory framework (and specifically the                   mental pollution was highlighted, and
    increase – but Europe’s population                      IMO/EU issues), EEDI, decarbonisa-                       comments were given that the industry
    will not rise.                                          tion, the 2020 sulphur cap, zero emis-                   has to react faster than what the rules
                                                            sion in ports, investments in ever larger                will require. A 50% reduction of CO2 by
Mr Borg’s presentation was highly                           units etc. All in all, a really comprehen-               2050 is not enough! The industry will
appreciated, as it also resulted in the                     sive list of challenges.                                 lose passengers if it does not act faster.
whole conference having a positive                              Janette Bell, CEO of P&O Ferries,                        Another issue discussed vividly was
atmosphere.                                                 UK, put focus on the comprehensive                       the need for and the quality of employ-
   The message from the main sponsor                        PESTLE analysis undertaken on behalf                     ees. A good employer requires a good
was specifically appreciated, as Telenor                    of P&O Ferries. The analysis exten-                      environment. Many are worried about

Paul Kyprianou, Grimaldi Group Janette Bell, P&O Ferries   Bernard Dwyer, Spirit of   Trond Kleivdal, Color Line   Paul Griffin, Marine Atlantic     Peter Arvidsson, Stena Line

                                                                                                                                                   JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO            5
Ingemar Gustavsson, Actemium                Marcus Högblom, ABB Marine                   Ari Huttunen, Foreship

the availability of quality employees       Swedish ports. Actemium offers a turn-       technical issues like the hull form. In
down the road.                              key package with its installations, cover-   that particular case, the power savings
     Paul Kyprianou strongly suggested      ing the whole system. It has already been    of the pod version over the conventional
that an age limit for ferries should be     introduced in eleven Scandinavian ports,     shaft line was 5.8%. The figure is quite
established and that this would also be     with more to come in e.g. Oslo, Visby,       impressive and is certainly confirmed by
very much in the interest of shipbuild-     and Antwerpen. There is no doubt that        the market, with the increasing popular-
ers. That idea did not receive common       shore connection is the way to go in the     ity of the pod concept – particularly in
support as, obviously, the second-hand      future, albeit the development seems to      medium- and large-size cruise vessels.
value of ships is critically important to   be surprisingly slow. The benefits are       However, it seems likely that it will also
all shipowners.                             obvious: less emissions, less noise etc.     gain popularity in the ferry segment.
                                            The introduction of hybrid and all-elec-     It should come as no surprise that also
NEW CONCEPTS AND IDEAS FOR                  tric ships puts further emphasis on the      ABB is very active in hybrid and all-
THE INDUSTRY                                relevance of shore connections.              electric power concepts. Operating in a
                                                Marcus Högblom, Vice President           green mode when entering the port and
Shore connections for electricity           Global Sales at ABB Marine & Ports, and      also whilst being in the port seems to be
is something that is slowly gaining         Ari Huttunen, Head of Ferry Design at        the future.
popularity, particularly in many ports in   Foreship, Finland, gave a very detailed
Northern Europe. Ingemar Gustavsson,        technical presentation of a hypothetical     NICHE AND EMERGING MARKETS
Business Unit Manager at Actemium,          ferry concept with capacity for 2,000
gave a summary of the company’s tech-       passengers and a length of 140m. The         This session covered three unique busi-
nical concept and the history of their      emphasis was on different propulsion         ness cases in different areas of Europe.
cases – most of which have concerned        concepts, pod/shaft line, and related        All three are small operators working

Peter Ståhlberg, NCL/ Wasaline                Joakim Lindblom, Sea Lines                                Roman Morgenstern, Ukrferry

under very special business conditions –      geographic area was very active. How-                     tive. Already for some time the owners
very different from the environment of        ever, the tax-free status on the routes                   – the two towns – have been working on
the large, well-established operators who     disappeared when abolished within the                     a project to acquire a dedicated purpose-
have decades of history. Worth mention-       EU in mid-1999. As a result, business                     designed newbuilding for the route. A
ing is also that these three pre-sentations   conditions changed drastically.                           shipbuilding contract is expected during
were highly entertaining, as the speakers     After that, business in the area was                      the autumn of 2018. Like many others,
explained the history, the operation and      struggling right up until the bankruptcy                  Peter Ståhlberg also emphasised the
the unusual business circumstances in an      of the operator on the Vaasa-Umeå                         instrumental importance of the quality
interestingly sarcastic way.                  route. That’s when the towns on both                      of the crew to support the growth of the
     Peter Ståhlberg, CEO of NLC/Wasa-        sides of the Gulf took the initiative to                  business.
line had a fascinating presentation of the    re-establish today’s Wasaline operation                       Sea Lines’ operation in the Black
ferry operations in the Gulf of Bothnia       with one ship in service year-round.                      Sea was another niche case, presented
between Finland and Sweden (Vaasa-            The development has been positive                         by Joakim Lindblom, CEO of Sea Lines.
Umeå and some other routes in the same        and a steady growth has been recorded.                    The title of the presentation was ‘Bridg-
area in earlier years). It is claimed that    During tax-free times, the top number                     ing the Black Sea’. The company has had
the Vaasa-Umeå route is the northern-         of passengers was 1.1 million per year.                   one ro-pax in service since 2011. Because
most ro-pax ferry route in the world.         Currently, the passenger count is only in                 of political issues and many incidences,
It is also a route that is considerably       the range of 200,000 per year. The elimi-                 the business environment has been
affected by the presence of sea ice every     nation of tax-free probably affected this                 very challenging. There has been the
winter. Up until when Finland and             route more than any other ferry route in                  Crimean issue, the invasion of Eastern
Sweden joined the European Union, the         Europe.                                                   Ukraine, terrorist incidents in Turkey,
traffic on the routes in this particular          Today, the development is very posi-                  tension between Turkey and Russia etc.

                                                                           Mohamed Farag, United
                                                                           Marine Egypt,
                                                                           Medhat Badawy and
                                                                           Mohammed Badawy, UME
                                                                           Shipping, Andreas Hammar,
                                                                           Hammarship and Shippax
                                                                           correspondent Eero Mäkinen

                                                                                                                                JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO   7
Kari Granberg, Viking Line                   Roberto Prever, NAOS Ship & Boat Design    Jan Helge Pile, Color Line

However, the company is today profit-        room for new niche operators – and also    measures 63,800gt and will run primar-
able and is looking to the future with       showed that through hard work success      ily on LNG as is also the case with the
optimism.                                    is not out of reach.                       VIKING GRACE. Viking has already
    A competitor to Sea Lines on the                                                    accumulated 108,000 operating hours
Black Sea market is Ukrferry. The com-       BUILDING GREEN                             of LNG operation with the VIKING
pany’s story was told by Roman Morgen-                                                  GRACE. As a unique speciality, VIKING
stern, Marketing and Project Director.       Green is a word that currently seems to    GRACE is being equipped with a rotor
Ukrferry has been in the market since        be in focus for each and every one. The    sail in order to improve energy efficien-
1995. Today, 21 ships from eight compa-      pressure comes from many directions        cy. The next vessel will have two such
nies are serving the area. Ukrferry even     but, interestingly, also more and more     units. Viking expects an energy saving of
tested the market with a cruise ferry        from the anticipated expectations of       5% thanks to the rotor sails.
some time ago, but that quickly failed.      passengers. This is something that can         Naval architect Roberto Prever,
Mr Morgenstern made an interesting           be seen already today, but the trend is    President and Senior Designer at NAOS
comparison between the operations and        also expected to grow in the future.       Ship & Boat Design discussed extensive-
business environments in the Baltic Sea          Kari Granberg, Manager Newbuild-       ly the alternative methods to improve
and in the Black Sea. These two areas        ing Project & Technical Development at     energy efficiency and green solutions.
are currently very different, but the Bal-   Viking Line, gave an overview of Viking    This covered batteries, scrubbers, LNG
tic Sea services serve as good examples      Line’s approach to the issues of green.    (which, so far, is a very difficult solution
to Ukrferry as they provide a picture of     The title of his presentation was ‘Red     in the Mediterranean), methanol etc.
what the operation could potentially         hull – green ship: Viking Line’s new-          Color Line, the conference’s host
develop towards in the years to come.        building from Xiamen (China)’. Five        company, has contracted Ulstein Verft to
A common denominator for the three           years ago, Viking Line took delivery       build a battery-hybrid ferry for the line’s
presentations was the entrepreneurial        of VIKING GRACE from STX Finland           route between Sandefjord in Norway
attitude and the strong belief in their      (now Meyer Turku). It was a major          to Strömstad in Sweden. The presenta-
business concepts. A lot of patience has     milestone in the cruise ferry concept,     tion was given by Jan Helge Pile, SVP
been required in order to overcome           on many technological fronts. Viking       Marine & Technical Operations at Color
unexpected challenges. In the end, this      Line now has an even larger ship under     Line. The pressure to opt for green solu-
is something that has led to success. The    construction at Xiamen Shipbuilding in     tions came from the requirements of the
three cases demonstrated that there is       China, to be delivered in 2020. The ship   ports, particularly on the Norwegian

Gjermund Johannessen, Multi Maritime         Eva Kristensen, Ulstein Group              Peik Jansson, Eniram

Kristian Eikeland Holmefjord, Rolls-Royce    Robin Merus, Marioff                       Robert Karjel, Keynote speaker

side. The issues are obviously pollution     As mentioned, Norway clearly takes the     on board – also presenting COLOR
and noise. Based on a couple of pres-        lead – currently being the only country    MAGIC as a case study. Robin Merus,
entations at the conference, Norway          in Europe that can afford to take such a   Senior Sales Manager at Marioff, em-
clearly takes a lead role in environmen-     radical position.                          phasised the importance of training
tal friendliness of ferry operations in          Eva Kristensen from Ulstein gave a     when it comes to firefighting. Marioff
Europe – actually in the whole world.        summary of Ulstein’s activities in the     offers training packages to shipping
Color Line selected a battery-hybrid         ferry- and small cruise vessel markets.    companies. Carnival Cruise Lines was
solution for the new ferry which will be     In addition to being a shipbuilding        mentioned as an example of a company
named COLOR HYBRID (which is also            company, Ulstein also offers design and    for which training is regularly organised
the ship’s project name). In port, and for   system packages for ships to be built      for the fleet of 26 vessels Joakim Möller
a certain distance to and from the ports,    elsewhere – including China.               of EONav talked about route optimisa-
the ship is expected to run on batteries                                                tion to further reduce the fuel bill.
only.                                        GREEN TECH SOLUTIONS                       Tomas Michelsson, Offshore & Merchant
     Multi Maritime is a naval architec-                                                Business Area President EVAC, exten-
ture company based in Norway, specifi-       The Green Tech Solutions session gave      sively covered the all-encompassing
cally known for their designs of double-     an opportunity for five exhibitors to      cleantech solutions offered by EVAC.
ended ferries for coastal operation in       discuss their technological concepts in
Norway. Such ferries are being built not     depth. This idea of combining the pres-    KEYNOTE: PIRATE HUNTER OFF
only in Norway but also in Poland and        entations with an opportunity to discuss   SOMALIA
Turkey. Gjermund Johannessen, Manag-         issues of interest more in depth in the
ing Director of Multi Maritime, exten-       exhibition area seems to be welcomed       As a special keynote Robert Karjel,
sively discussed the green ferry market      both by the audience and exhibitors.       Swedish Air Force helicopter pilot and
in Norway. According to the policy of        This time the presentations included:      pirate hunter, gave a fascinating speech
the Norwegian Government, all coastal            Peik Jansson, Senior Sales Manager     on the international pirate hunting op-
ferries have to be completely green in a     at Eniram, covered route optimisation.     eration off the Somalian Coast. He man-
not too distant future. By 2025, all fer-    Kristian Eikeland Holmefjord, Techni-      aged the Swedish helicopter operation
ries must be zero emission vessels. LNG      cal Specialist – Product Introduction at   and had a first-hand experience in the
is not acceptable, as this is not really     Rolls-Royce, discussed digital systems,    field operation. Mr Karjel’s experience
considered a ‘low emission technology’.      energy management and optimisation         of the operation was – fortunately – not

Joakim Möller, EONav                         Tomas Michelsson, EVAC                     Hajo Gerkens, DNV GL

                                                                                                                  JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO   9
Morten Kristmoen, Propel                   Rickard Ternblom, Fjord Line                 Andrew Alexander, Ferguson Marine Engineering and James
                                                                                         Andersen, Caledonian Maritime Assests

very close to the day-to-day operation          Finally, Captain Jamie Marshall, VP      long-term development of high-speed
of ferries, but the presentation gave a     Business Development and Innovation          ferries. In the future, it is likely that we
very realistic view of the international    at BC Ferries, discussed the safety issues   will see even 130m long catamarans/
operation undertaken in the hostile en-     in his company’s operation. As an exam-      trimarans with a deadweight of 1,500
vironment. Luckily, the outcome of the      ple of a special feature in his geographic   tonnes, capacity of 1,500 passengers and
exercise has been quite successful.         area, the interference with whales and       650 lanemetres for cars.
                                            dolphins was mentioned.                          As is well-known, there are only two
SAFETY AND SECURITY UPDATE                                                               designers/builders of truly large high-
                                            FERRIES FOR THE FUTURE                       speed and light structure units: Incat
Hajo Gerkens, Principal Engineer at                                                      and Austal, both from Australia. The
DNV GL, provided detailed statistics of     Altogether five presentations were           friendly competition seems to be fierce.
deaths and injuries in shipping opera-      given, representing very different seg-      Also, the issue of aluminium versus steel
tions. In his presentation, he mentioned    ments of the industry.                       is a reason for a hot debate. To what
that it has become clear that operation-        Rickard Ternblom, CEO at Fjord           type and size of ferries is aluminium the
and management cultures are the keys        Line, covered the company’s high-speed       most feasible material? The discussion
to fight work related deaths and injuries   operation between Norway and Den-            did not lead to any convincing conclu-
in shipping. The presentation was an        mark. The company’s new ferry will be        sion, though.
eye opener to many attendees, stressing     delivered in January 2020. The crossing          James Anderson, Director of Ves-
the importance of the issue.                time is 2 hours and 15 minutes, with six     sels at Caledonian Maritime Assets,
    Morten Kristmoen, Partner at Pro-       daily one-way crossings offered. The         explained the investment plan of the
pel, also addressed the safety culture.     capacity will be 1,200 passengers and        company – particularly the details of the
He emphasised that in the area of safety,   404 vehicles (530 lanemetres). When it       two vessels with LNG propulsion that
the issues are not only regulations and     comes to certain service elements, ship-     the company has under construction.
compliance: culture and management          ping is 15 to 20 years lagging behind,           The large 42,400gt newbuilding
must also be seen as key elements. The      Ternblom said. He added that the new         under construction in Germany for Brit-
three important areas are: preventing       high-speed craft will offer an outstand-     tany Ferries was described in detail by
failures, managing threats and failures,    ing onboard experience.                      Frédéric Pouget, the company’s Group
and, as the most important area, han-           Mike Wake, European Sales Man-           Maritime Director. Also that vessel will
dling crisis situations.                    ager at Austal, discussed extensively the    use LNG, taking advantage of a novel

Jamie Marshall, BC Ferries                  Mike Wake, Austal                            Frédéric Pouget, Brittany Ferries

Håkan Enlund, Rauma Marine Constructions   Luca Martini, Direct Ferries                                   Mike Corrigan, Interferry

solution with portable LNG tanks.          was underway. Actually, the merger                             CLOSING
    Håkan Enlund, EVP Sales & Mar-         would be the result of Armas acquir-
keting at Rauma Marine Constructions       ing Trasmaditerranea. The transaction                          This year’s Shippax Ferry Conference
(RMC) gave an overview of the recent       was still subject to the approval by the                       was clearly a success by any measures.
history and the present status of his      competition authorities, but as there                          A full audience, high quality presenta-
yard, also detailing the characteristics   was very little overlap between the two                        tions and panels with a great amount
of the ferry that the yard will deliver    companies a smooth approval process                            of professional substance, an extensive
to Bornholmslinjen/Molslinjen early        was anticipated.                                               exhibition and, of course, a lot of time
this summer. RMC was re-established            In total, the two companies today cov-                     for delegates to exchange views with
as a shipbuilding company after STX        er 57 routes – indicating the significance                     colleagues and to find new contacts.
Finland, the previous owner, decided to    of the two companies. Jose Rodriguez                           The satisfaction level was obviously
close the yard a few years back.           from the Maritime Consulting Group                             uniquely high. To this should of course
                                           gave a comprehensive overview of the                           also be added the overall positive mood
IT SOLUTIONS FOR THE INDUSTRY              two operators.                                                 of the industry. The next Shippax Ferry
                                               Before closing the conference, Mike                        Conference will be held in March 2019.
Digitalisation, online travel agencies,    Corrigan, CEO of Interferry, provided a                        Janek Stalmeister welcomes all dele-
the effect of new IT solutions to busi-    briefing on the Interferry operation and                       gates on board Tallink Silja’s SILJA
ness planning etc. were issues discussed   informed the audience about the next                           SERENADE.
by the team of Global Eagle and Luca       Interferry conference. This will be held
Marini, Commercial Director of Direct      in Mexico this upcoming autumn. Ship-
Ferries. Changes and challenges are on     pax and Interferry are the two leading
the way.                                   ferry conferences in the world, comple-
                                           menting their operations in the ferry
NAVIERA ARMAS - NEWBUILDING                business segment.
AND TRASMED TAKEOVER                           Closing the final session of the con-
                                           ference, Bruce Peter from the Glasgow
In Spain, a merger process between         School of Art gave a philosophical
the two largest ferry operators,           speech under the title Marketing Ferries
Naviera Armas and Trasmediterranea,        as an Ethical Form of Transport.
                                                                                                          Bruce Peter, Glasgow School of Art

Andreas Luteberget, Global Eagle           Jose Rodriguez, Maritime Consulting Group on behalf of Armas   Janek Stalmeister, Tallink Grupp, welcomes all delegates to
                                                                                                          the next year’s conference on board SILJA SERENADE

                                                                                                                                      JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO              11
Welcome coffee, sponsored by Stena RoRo                        Kjell Ove Hatlem, Norled              Kristian Eikre, Ferd/Fjord Line

                                                                                                                                                                           Frode Teigen, Fjord Line

                                    Ari Huttunen, Foreship, Massimo Soprano, Spirit of               Per Asle Fiskerstrand, Fiskerstrand Verft, Gjermund Johannessen,
                                    Tasmania and Paul Davies, TT-Line Company                        Multi Maritime and Olav Fiskerstrand, Fiskerstrand Verft

                                                                                                                                                                           Torbjörn Helmfrid, Clarksons Platou

 Iraklis Simitsedellis and George Clas Hedelin, MacGregor                 Lars Jacob Engelsen, Norled          Yvonne Ahlendorf, NORD/LB and Tim Kötting,
 Anagnostou, Attica Group                                                                                      EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation

                                                                                                                                                                           Anders Höfnell, Lljoyd´s Register
                                                                                                                                                                           and Mattias Gunnarsson,

                                                                                                                                              Knut Frömming and
 Mika Rytkönen, Mikmek and Cezary Grzywacki              Daniel Olsen, Eckerö Group, Martin Andtfolk,          Hideaki Watanabe,              Wolfgang Schüler, both
 ,Laurens van Eck from TLC-Boca Systems                  We Tech Solutions and Peik Jansson, Eniram            Mitsubishi Shipbuilding        from Flensburger Schiffbau

                                                                                                               Harri Sjöblom and Lars-Ove Bäckänger from Elmo              Ingemar Andersson, Port of Ystad

 Pierre Mattei, Corsica Ferries, Alvaro Garcia, Hijos de J. Barreras and Cyril Jarnet, Parimar Brokers         Alan Klanac and John Steen-Mikkelsen, Faergen               Nina Savijoki, Deltamarine

Peter Cortie and Odd Wataker from SRC Group at the
                                                                                                                                            Red Bull bar with the sponsor, Paolo Facchetti from
                                                                                                                                            Red Bull

The team of Telenor Maritime, the main sponsor                     Erik Midthun, Geir Leirvik, Henrik Lindqvist, Rune Eriksen and Xin Hee

                                                                                                                                            Henk Grunstra and Chiel de Leeuw from Damen

Marco Pavoncelli, E-dea                      Javier Suárez, KNUD E. HANSEN                  Petteri Ojamo, LG Electronics                   Mario D’Angelo and Marina Moks from Versonix,
                                                                                                                                            exhibitor and also the sponsor of the breakfasts

Nils Brovold and Espen Björnes        Matt Fyvie, SMC Design                 Erienne Spehler, Gerflor                Bart Vandedrinck from Victaulic      Cinzia Pacor and Luca Lapenna from
from Philips                                                                                                         shaking hands with Tomas Michelsson, Arti Grafiche Julia

Martin Christensen, Orskov Yard       Dag Lunde and Matthew Cleverly         Martin C. Kviteberg and Bente           The team of Actemium group , Alan Arent , Olivier Sanquer from Vinci, Ingemar
                                      from Global Eagle                      Kviteberg from Adonis                   Gustavsson, Bertil Carlberg, Appie Boorsma and Thomas Hoffman

                                                                                                                                                              JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO             13
Jelle Grijpstra and Wietse Bandstra, C-Job

                                                                                                                    UES Seating - Sarah Deall , Alex Morcos and Tanya Baluk

Thomas Högberg, Ehrenborg & Co         Göran Österdahl and Patrik Silfer       Jörgen Sörensen and Vagner K.
                                       from Wärtsilä                           Jensen from Norisol

                                                                                                                    Arno Ahrens Boehm, Steripower           Dennis Niklasson, Gordion

Heikki Suutari, Robert Hilden Marioff and John Hemgård ,      John Bertell and Anders Rundberg, Carus               Hydro representatives Chris Moyle and               Alexandra Rolland
United Technologies                                                                                                 Svein Erik Brenna                                   Andersson, Scanmarine

                                                                                                  Lars Koehler and Frank Wraage from SKF Marine Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Sofia-Maria
                                                                                                                                                Papoutsi and Panagiotis Chronopoulos, APT
                                                                                                                                                Information Systems

The Hogia team - Niclas Blomström, Jennie Hinz, Maria Åkersten and Meri Rigby together with
Jamie Marshall, BC Ferries

                                                                                                  The team of Baze Technology, Alexis Daniel Arnaud René, Thorstein Rinker, Karoline Aafos, Ole
                                                                                                  Martin Sletten, Petter Robertsen and Joseph Williamson
                                       Jakob Tolsgaard and Sofus Gedde-Dahl, Cavotec Moor

 Thomas Hackman, ABB Marine            David Xuereb, Brent Horwitz, Kerry Pettitt and Gudmund Holte Georg Fischer Piping Systems´ Staffan          Gencay Ok and Fahri Arisoy, Sedef Shipbuilding
                                                                                                    Magnusson and Roberto Chiesa

Ulf Hårderup and Robert Hahmann,                 Sergey Kotenev, St. Peter Line/Moby and Oscar Anchér,           Donald Barnes, Marine Atlantic            Stephen Weaver, P&O Ferries
Aecorlink                                        Simsonship shipbrokers

Time for lunch sponsored by Actemium

Jukka Nikula and Jannik Svahnström, Paf Casino, the sponsor of a night cap

                                                                                                Jan-Erik Norli , Telenor Maritime and             Mats Olsson and John Lillvall, TTS Marine
                                                                                                Marianne Gade Görbitz, Color Line

Julie Philpott, Calmac Ferries, David McGibbon, David MacBrayne, Stephen Francis, Blumarine,
Derek Rae, PDMS                                                                                 Mikko Törne and Andreas Ullrich, Bureau           Margaret Hepburn, Hepburn Bio Care

Pierre Mattei, Corsica Ferries                   Catherine Querne, Brittany Ferries             Anders Örgaard, OSK-Ship Tech and John            Per Westling, Stena RoRo
                                                                                                Garner, P&O Ferries

Fotis Poulides, Barry Rogliano Salles and        Kjetil Andre Röed, Oslo Shipbrokers            Carlo Kahya, Banchero Costa                       Angelika Nieder, Macholl & Specht
Giuseppe Falsetti, Banchero Costa

                                                                                                                                                              JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO            15
Alessandro Onorato, ONORATO ARMATORI                          Johan Eklund, Sea Lines                                   Dan Mikkola, Eva Mikkola-Karlström, Godby Shipping and Erik Klöve,
                                                                                                                        Barry Rogliano Salles

Arkadiusz Skierkowvski, Pawel Wojdalski, Krzysztof Urbas, Unity Line          Daniel Berrebi, Baja Ferries               Bruno Jourdan-Barry,             Pierre-Antoine Villanova and Alain Mistre from
                                                                                                                         Barry Rogliano Salles            Corsica Linea, Paul Kyprianou, Grimaldi Group

                                                         Shippax Awards ceremony                             Cheers to the winners

 Hiroyuki Ohira, Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Joonas Heinonen, Dsign Vertti Kivi, Sami Kouvonen, Meyer Turku, Andres Hunt Ryoichi Takei, Mitsubishi Shipbuilding        Giorgio Arena, Fincantieri
                                         and Janek Stalmeister, Tallink Grupp and Samuli Hintikka, Dsign Vertti Kivi

 The winners of the Shippax Awards

Lars Hallengren, Brax Shipping   Ruben Wansink, Sti Marine, Richard    Robin Tomren, Color Line and Esa Takkinen, Napa                    Jan Schubert, Nauticor, Kristin Wilhelmsen, DNV GL and
                                 Nilsson, Figura Arkitekter                                                                               Andrea Piccione, Volvo Penta

Matteo Catani, GNV, surroundend by Wärtsilä people, Giammario    Henrik Tidblad, DFDS
Meloni, Vesa Marttinen and Andrzej Buczkowsko

                                                                                                       Mason Shipbrokers, James R.G. (left) and James Mason (right) and in the middle stand Bernard
                                                                                                       Dwyer and Massimo Soprano, both Spirit of Tasmania

Naviera Armas, Juan Pablo Marrero                   Naviera Armas, Ruben Navas and
                                                    Jose Rodrigues , Carus

                                                                                                       Peter Frankel, Marine Learning Systems and Dan          Pino Spadafora, Rina, sponsor of the
                                                                                                       Bridgett , P&O Ferries                                  pre-dinner drink

Morten Haure-Petersen, Scandlines and Jens Vind     Aldo Frulio, Unitramp, Benjamin John Marland and
Jensen, Jensen & Partners                           Simon Smith, Austal

                                                                                                       Olav Lindqvist and Arnt-Ove Skoge from Eltorque         Fridtjof Erichsen, Norwegian Electric
                                                                                                                                                               System and Tina Åkerlund, Thunship

Saint-Gobain Marine Application, Hans-Juul Jacobsen and Mie Jakobsen, Danish Cruise & Ferry Group

Birger Erstadt and Klaasjan Lautenbach, Morten Leknes, Glamox                 Callenberg Technology, Christer Johansson, Godby Shipping, Ulf Hagström, Viking Line, Johan Mattsson and
Saint-Gobain Marine                                                           Per-Erik Larsson       Tomas Lindqvist from Qtagg R&D

                                                                                                                                                                JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO               17
Kristian Vidfar, North Sea Offshore    Johan Röstin, HH Ferries , Marcus Högblom,      Daniel Garden, Saint-Gobain and Bruce
and Torbjörn Johnsson , Telenor        ABB Marine, the sponsor of the happy hour and   Xu, North Sea Offshore
Satellite Communications               Jens-Ole Hansen, HH Ferries

                                                                                                                                                   Egil Monsen, Fosen Yard and Leo Hugo
                                                                                                                                                   Lagström, Fosen Ulstein Design & Engineering

Fabio Mazza, Tom Ruelens and Vincenzo Sassanelli – all from Eaton             Marek Miecznikowski and Bartlomej Mazuruk from Polish Baltic         Welcome Drink sponsored by Brax Shipping
                                                                              Shipping and José Manuel Lechiguero Lahiguera, Milano Teleport

                                                                                                  Danny Caffa, Hasytec Electronics and Tom          Johan van Stee, Redwise and Jane Jenkins,
                                                                                                  Kokkeler, Fibersol                                Lloyd´s Register

Mark MacDonald, Northumberland/Bay Ferries, Justin Turner and Matt Hannfaord, both from
Hannaford Turner, and Shari Corrigan, Interferry

                                                                                                  John Bertell, Carus, Victor Mandersson, Shippax, Joakim Dahlberg, Brax Shipping and Anders Borg

 Anders Larsson and Rami Savolahti from Loipart Gavin Menzies and John Shock, Caterpillar

                                                                                                  Rolls-Royce Marine, Finn Arne Rognstad and Ferd AS,         Geir Ranneberg Nilsen, OSM Group
                                                                                                  Håkon Kristiansen

                                                                                                  Stefan Axberg, Navicon and Ann-Sofie Forss,       Thierry Passolunghi, Aferry, Robin Mérus, Marioff
                                                                                                  Stena RoRo                                        and Paolo Parente , E-dea, in the background
                                                                                                                                                    Robert Clifford, Incat, Matteo Della Valle, GNV and
 Oceanic à la carte, dinner sponsored by Telenor Maritime                                                                                           Henrik Lindqvist, Telenor Maritime

Robert Hildén, Marioff, Anne Lüdtke, FRS and Björn Boström from
                                                                           Port of Ystad

                                                                                                                                             Appie Boorsma, Actemium, Wilco van der Linden, Wärtsilä,
                                                                                                                                             Corinne Storey, BC Ferries, Daniel Berrebi, Baja Ferries, Alain
                                                                                                                                             Mistre, Corsica Linea, Paul Kyprianou Grimaldi Group and Paul
                                                                                                                                             Griffin, Marine Atlantic

Speakers Gift, sponsored by Forth crs. Katia Cok, Forth crs, and Nikos     Cecilia Kinnison, Kinnison Design and Iina Forsblom and           David McGibbon, David Mac Brayne, Jerry Lindskog,
Karamoutas, Aluminox and Eleni Kolokythia , Forth crs                      Bente Medelbye Hansen                                             Consilium Marine and Clare Shanahan, KfW IPEX Bank

                                      Johanna Långskog, NCL/ Wasaline, Johan Röstin, HH Ferries and             Harri Suistio, Rauma Marine Constructions, David Wendel, DNV GL, Magnus Ehrenberg,
                                      Josefine Ågren, Brax Shipping                                             EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation and Peter Ståhlberg, NCL Wasaline
Eva Donalds, Cainby

                                      Mike Grainger, Liferaft and Maggie Long, Mason       John Kollander, Stena RoRo Asia and Dan            Ali Tuskan, Cenk Denizcilik Ve Liman Hizmetleri, Allan Sonne
                                      Shipbrokers                                          Mikkola, Godby Shipping                            Sørensen, EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation,
                                                                                                                                              Stanislav Naumov, Sovfracht

Jaak Kaabel, TS Laevad

                                      TT-Line GmbH, Hanns Heinrich Conzen         Port of Rostock, Uwe Baessger and Alan Arent, Actemium       Anders Angell Olsen, Color Line and Offir Karni, Assa Abloy

Dag Christoffersen, V.Ships Norway    Mira and Kalle Sandelin, Sance Ltd                    Ronald Krantz and Robert Magnusson, Gislaved Folie               Jonas Teir, NCL/Wasaline

                                                                                                                                                                       JUN 18 – SHIPPAXINFO                19
Lunch in Grand Buffet, sponsored by ONORATO ARMATORI             Torgny Nilsson, Port of Trelleborg      Dariusz Czajkowski, Unity Line                                     Happy smiles!

Mattias Hansson, Caterpillar and Sven Åsberg, Oresund            Happy hour sponsored by Wärtsilä. Wilco van der                                      Dinner at Oceanic, sponsored by Color Line
Drydocks                                                         Linden, Wärtsilä and Jan-Olof Grönhult, DNV GL

Björn Blomqvist, Eckerö Group and Ralph Axelsson , Nordic HSC and Jörgen Warsell and Thomas Högberg, Ehrenborg,
Bo-Gustav Donning, Eckerö Group                                   Christopher Thomassen and Patrik Almqvist,
                                                                  Stena Line Scandinavia                                                                     Cheers from all of us to all of you!

Krisztina Horvath, Ferd Capital, Kristian Eikre, Ferd/   Morten Larsen, Peter Frölich and Rickard Ternblom – all Fjord Line
Fjord Line and Frode Teigen, Fjord Line                                                                                                                      The team of Color Line and the sponsor of the farewell dinner

                                                                                                                                                      Thank you for this
                                                                                                                                                      See you next year!
The Shippax team: George Giannakis, photographer, Frederik Erdmann, co-moderator, Elizabeth,
Victor, Philippe, Charlotte and Göran. Thank you all for making this conference a success!

Last but not least, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the sponsors of the event, including:
Main sponsor:                                               Sponsors & exhibitors:

                                                                                                         BALT EC MARINE
                                                                                                         T r i d e n t M a r i t i m e Sy s t e m s

                                                                                                                                                                                   Professional        VERSONIX
                                                                                                                                                                                   Display Solutions
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