Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born - 1975 'Endangered Atmosphere' Conference
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SPECIAL REPORT 1975 ‘Endangered Atmosphere’ Conference Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born by Marjorie Mazel Hecht ly reduce population—were “Global Warming” is, and always was, a policy for genocidal reduc- Conference had settled this question: At Bucharest it was affirmed that con- defeated.2 tion of the world’s population. The pre- The North Carolina conference, which tinuing, unrestricted worldwide popu- posterous claim that human-produced took place Oct. 26-29, 1975, was co- lation growth can negate any socio- carbon dioxide will broil the Earth, melt sponsored by two agencies of the U.S. economic gains and fatally imperil the the ice caps, and destroy human life, National Institutes of Health: the John E. environment.... The earlier extreme came out of a 1975 conference in Fogarty International Center for Advanced views that social and economic jus- Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Study in the Health Sciences and the tice alone can somehow offset popu- organized by the influential anthropolo- National Institute of Environmental Health lation increase and that the mere pro- gist Margaret Mead, president of the Sciences. (Mead had been a Scholar in vision of contraception can sufficient- American Association for the Residence at the Fogarty Center Advancement of Science in 1973.) (AAAS), in 1974. It was at this government- Mead—whose 1928 book on sponsored conference, 32 years the sex life of South Pacific ago, that virtually every scare Islanders was later found to be a scenario in today’s climate hoax fraud—recruited like-minded took root. Scientists were anti-population hoaxsters to the charged with coming up with the cause: Sow enough fear of man- “science” to back up the scares, caused climate change to force so that definitive action could be global cutbacks in industrial taken by policy-makers. activity and halt Third World Global cooling—the coming development. Mead’s leading of an ice age—had been in the recruits at the 1975 conference headlines in the 1970s, but it were climate scare artist Stephen could not easily be used to sell Schneider, population-freak biol- genocide by getting the citizens ogist George Woodwell, and the of industrial nations to cut back current AAAS president John on consumption. Something Holdren—all three of them disci- more drastic and more personal ples of Malthusian fanatic Paul was needed. Ehrlich, author of The Popula- Eugenics and tion Bomb.1 Guided by luminar- The Paradigm Shift ies like these, conference discus- Mead’s population-control sion focussed on the absurd policy was firmly based in the choice of either feeding people post-Hitler eugenics movement, or “saving the environment.” which took on the more palat- Mead began organizing for her able names of “conservation” conference, “The Atmosphere: and “environmentalism” in the Endangered and Endangering,” post-World War II period. As shortly after she had attended Julian Huxley, the vice president the United Nations Population of Britain’s Eugenics Society Conference in Bucharest, (1937-1944), had announced in Romania, in August 1974. She 1946, “even though it is quite Jack Manning/NYTimes Pictures had already bullied American true that radical eugenic policy scientists with her Malthusian Anthropologist Margaret Mead gave global warming its start, will be for many years political- view that people were imperil- as part of a movement to curb population growth. Here she ly and psychologically impossi- ing the environment. She wrote poses at the Museum of Natural History in front of an Easter ble, it will be important for in a 1974 Science magazine Island stone figure. Mead is famous for saying, “Instead of UNESCO to see that the eugenic editorial that the Population needing lots of children, we need high-quality children.” problem is examined with the 64 Fall 2007 21st CENTURY Science & Technology SPECIAL REPORT
greatest care and that the public mind is protect the peoples of the world from informed of the issues at stake so that dangerous and preventable interfer- much that now is unthinkable may at least ence with the atmosphere upon which become thinkable.” Huxley was then all life depends.... director-general of the United Nations What we need from scientists are Educational, Scientific, and Cultural estimates, presented with sufficient Organization (UNESCO). conservatism and plausibility but at By the 1970s, the paradigm shift that the same time as free as possible from obliterated the optimistic development internal disagreements that can be policies of Franklin Roosevelt and of exploited by political interests, that Dwight Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” will allow us to start building a system program, was in full swing. The Club of of artificial but effective warnings, Rome’s Limits to Growth, which warnings which will parallel the removed the role of scientific advances, instincts of animals who flee before was drummed into the public con- the hurricane, pile up a larger store of sciousness. Nuclear energy, in particu- nuts before a severe winter, or of lar, was under attack, because of its caterpillars who respond to impending Stuart Lewis/EIRNS promise of virtually unlimited cheap climatic changes by growing thicker energy to support a growing population. Paul Ehrlich, a 20th Century Malthus, coats [sic]. In the guise of protecting the world from author of the prophetically wrong book, potential terrorism, the Nuclear Non- The Population Bomb. Ehrlich’s ideology Mead deplored the fact that some scien- Proliferation Treaty prohibited develop- is shared by the leading global warming tists might be so cautious to “protect their ing countries from acquiring civilian scientists who attended Mead’s 1975 reputations” that they would not act. She nuclear technologies. conference. described this as the “modern equivalent In the United States, where nuclear of fiddling while Rome burns.” As for the plant construction was poised for takeoff, The Endangered Atmosphere? thinking population, she deplored “those the dream of a nuclear-powered economy Mead’s keynote to the 1975 climate who react against prophets of doom, was under ferocious attack from the top conference set the agenda: Mankind had believing that there is not adequate scien- down. The real “Dr. Strangelove,” RAND advanced over the years to have interna- tific basis for their melancholy prophecies, nuclear strategist Albert Wohlstetter, tional laws governing the sea and the [for they] tend to become in turn prophets counseled U.S. Presidents on his strategy land; now was the time for a “Law of the of paradisical impossibilities, guaranteed for winning a nuclear war, at the same Atmosphere.” It was a naked solicitation utopias of technological bliss, or benign time that he advocated an end to civilian of lying formulations to justify an end to interventions on behalf of mankind that nuclear energy. In one report after anoth- human scientific and industrial progress. are none the less irrational just because er, “experts” paid by the Ford Foundation, Mead stated: they are couched as ’rational.’ They among others, argued that nuclear power express a kind of faith in the built-in Unless the peoples of the world can was not economical, not safe, and just human instinct for survival, or a faith in begin to understand the immense and plain no good. Thus was scientific opti- some magical technological panacea.” long-term consequences of what mism ushered out. What Scientists Need to ’Invent’ appear to be small immediate choic- The rock-sex-drugs counterculture of Here’s what Mead wanted the atmos- es—to drill a well, open a road, build the ’68ers lapped it up. Man was seen as pheric scientists to do: a large airplane, make a nuclear test, just another animal, but an exceedingly install a liquid fast breeder reactor, What we need to invent—as responsi- greedy one, using up Mother Nature’s release chemicals which diffuse ble scientists—are ways in which far- resources and making a mess in the throughout the atmosphere, or dis- sightedness can become a habit of the process. The unique cognitive ability of charge waste in concentrated amounts citizenry of the diverse peoples of this the human being, with its power to create into the sea—the whole planet may planet. This, of course, poses a set of new resources, to develop more become endangered.... technical problems for social scien- advanced science and technology, and At this conference we are proposing tists, but they are helpless without a thus to provide better living standards that, before there is a corresponding highly articulate and responsible was trashed.3 Scientific pessimism invad- attempt to develop a “law of the air,” expression of position on the part of ed the scientific organizations. the scientific community advise the natural scientists. Only if natural sci- Mead played a central role in this United Nations (and individual, pow- entists can develop ways of making degeneration, from her obsession with erful nation states or aggregations of their statements on the present state of spreading the “free love” message, to her weaker states) and attempt to arrive at danger credible to each other can we participation in mind-control projects some overview of what is presently hope to make them credible (and (the Cybernetics group at MIT) with her known about hazards to the atmos- understandable) to social scientists, third husband, Gregory Bateson, intellec- phere from manmade interventions, politicians, and the citizenry. tual author of the infamous MK-Ultra and how scientific knowledge cou- ...I have asked a group of atmos- drug-brainwashing program. pled with intelligent social action can pheric specialists to meet here to con- SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Science & Technology Fall 2007 65
sider how the very real threats to humankind and Three of Mead’s scientists life on this planet can be who have preached global stated with crediblity and warming and population persuasiveness before the control since the 1975 con- present society of nations ference. All have worked begins to enact laws of closely with Paul Ehrlich, the air, or plan for “inter- who thinks the the U.S. national environmental population should be cut impact statements.” in half (not starting with his family and friends, of Throughout her presenta- course). tion, Mead stressed the need George Woodwell IISD for consensus, an end-prod- Stephen Schneider uct free from any troubling “internal scientific controversies” that governmental Panel clusions, the AAAS stated, might “blur the need for action.” on Climate Change “reflect the scientific consen- Mead and her co-organizer William W. (IPCC), and setting the sus represented by, for exam- Kellogg (a climate scientist from RAND standards by which it ple, the Intergovernmental and later NCAR, the National Center for presents its opinions Panel on Climate Change....” Atmospheric Research), edited a report to the public without Holdren is one of a small on the proceedings of the conference into any hint of uncer- group of anti-nuclear “nuclear a little book published a year later.4 (The tainty. At Stanford experts” who push technolog- Mead-Kellogg team also came up, in University he has ical apartheid—the doctrine 1976, with the idea that carbon dioxide trained new genera- that poorer nations cannot be emissions should be controlled “by tions of climate scare John Holdren allowed to gain knowledge of assigning polluting rights to each clones. He is also a nuclear science. nation”5—an early version of the cap- close friend of The • Dr. George Woodwell, a and-trade program of Al Gore.) Population Bomb’s Paul Ehrlich and wife, member of the National Academy of The conference proceedings identify Anne Ehrlich, both at Stanford, whose Sciences and a Fellow of the Academy of the presenters and the rapporteurs for the anti-population philosophy he fully Arts and Sciences, is a global warming sessions, but there is no list of all the par- shares. He and Paul Ehrlich co-authored fanatic whose stated beliefs indicate that ticipants. Some discord is reported in the articles on the “limited carrying capacity” he abhors human beings in general, and audience (more than is “allowed” today of the Earth, and challenged population whose zealousness in this cause leads him in climate change circles!), and Margaret advocate Julian Simon with a bet on how to bend the truth. Woodwell works close- Mead steps in to push for “consensus.” fast man would exhaust certain resources. ly with John Holdren at the Woods Hole The editors note in their initial comment • John Holdren, another Ehrlich collab- Research Center, which Woodwell found- on the proceedings, “... we believe that orator at Stanford, is now a Harvard-based ed and of which Holden is a director. we have captured something very close energy specialist, and the president of the To get the flavor of Woodwell’s views: to consensus.” AAAS. Holdren has co-authored several In a 1996 interview, he proclaimed: “We Mead’s Propagandist Scientists articles and books with Paul Ehrlich, elab- had an empty world that substantially ran A few of the 1975 conference presen- orating on their formula (I = PAT) that the itself as a biophysical system, and now ters stand out today as leading spokes- impact of an increase in population and that we have filled it up with people, and men for global warming: consumption (affluence), although modi- the sum of human endeavors which is • Climate scientist Stephen Schneider, fied by technology, is degrading the envi- large enough to affect global systems, it who was promoting the global cooling ronment. Therefore, population growth no longer works properly.”8 He attributes scare scenario in the 1970s, made him- should stop. Their underlying assumption, climatic changes and warming to “the self notorious by telling Discover maga- like Mead’s, was that technology cannot crowding of people into virtually every zine in 1989: “To capture the public solve the problems created by “limitless” corner of the Earth.” “How will his plan imagination, we have to offer up some population growth. (Ehrlich’s view, in fact, for a 50 percent cut in [carbon dioxide] scary scenarios, make simplified dramat- is that the United States can sustain only emissions happen?” the interviewer asks. ic statements and little mention of any 150 million people; there are now 302 Woodwell says it will require “a concert- doubts one might have. Each of us has to million of us.) ed effort on the part of the scientific and decide the right balance between being In December 2006, Holdren shepherd- scholarly community; the public will effective, and being honest.”6 ed a radical global warming resolution have to be sufficiently enraged....” He Schneider has been one of the most through the AAAS board of directors, stresses that the scientific community is visible and voluble scientist-lobbyists for which was announced at the organiza- going to have to exert pressure on the global warming, testifying to Congress, tion’s annual meeting in February 2007, government to act. playing a prominent role in the Inter- the first ever of such resolutions.7 Its con- Woodwell’s 1989 article on global 66 Fall 2007 21st CENTURY Science & Technology SPECIAL REPORT
warming in Scientific American was illus- “What will happen to the trated with a drawing that showed sea- mean sea level and the water lapping at the steps of the White coastal cities around the House. world?” Kellogg asks. Another example of his “bending” the Increased carbon dioxide truth: During the environmentalist cam- was high on the list of man- paign against DDT, Woodwell wrote a related climate change dis- technical article for Science magazine in asters. It was admitted that 1967 purporting to show that there were there might be other factors 13 pounds of DDT per acre of soil. He involved, but, “It is con- neglected to mention, however, that he cluded that, in cases where measured the soil at the spot where the the societal risk is great, DDT spray trucks washed down! This one should therefore act as detail came out in his sworn testimony at if the unaccounted-for the official EPA hearings on DDT in 1972, effects had been included, but neither Woodwell nor Science maga- James Lovelock, a global warming alarmist, has since we have no way of zine issued a retraction.9 advocated nuclear energy as a preventative measure, dismissing the very possi- • Dr. James Lovelock is best known as which has grieved his fellow greens. Behind him is bility that the calculated the inventor (in the 1970s) of the Gaia a statue of Gaia, the Earth goddess for whom he effect will prevail.” thesis, which views the Earth as a whole named his theory of the Earth as a biological being. In the Conference sum- as a living biological being. Lovelock’s mary of recommendations, worry about global warming has led him for scientists there is no possibility for Kellogg’s thrust is repeated: Scientists and to make dire predictions about what will inaction, except to stop being scientists.”) policy-makers must act now on man- happen: “Before this century is over, bil- ‘Anticipating’ Global Warming caused climate change. “To ignore the lions of us will die, and the few breeding Mead’s co-editor of the proceedings, possibility of such changes is, in effect, a pairs of people that survive will be in the climatologist William Kellogg, notes that decision not to act.” Arctic where the climate remains tolera- “the main purpose of this conference is to John Holdren repeated this idea: “How ble,” according to one of his scenarios.10 anticipate the call that will be made on close are we to the danger point?” of eco- But unlike the three other scientists scientists and leaders of government logical collapse, he asked. But then he above, who attended the 1975 Mead con- regarding the need to protect the atmos- went on to say that it doesn’t matter, ference, Lovelock has called for nuclear pheric environment before these calls are because we need to act now. He stated: power to slow the disaster that he warns is made.” We already have reached the scale of coming. Again, unlike the three others, Kellogg outlines the difficulties of com- human intervention that rivals the Lovelock sees mankind as a “resource” for puter modelling of climate change and scale of natural processes.... the planet, its “heart and mind.” man’s role because of the nonlinearities Furthermore, many of these forms of During the 1975 Mead conference, involved in climate, but he concludes intervention will lead to observable Lovelock occasionally pooh-poohed that climate models “are really the only adverse effects only after time lags, some of the more hysterical suggested tools we have to determine such things.” measured in years, decades, or even disasters of man-made warming. In a dis- He then states, “The important point to centuries. By the time the character of cussion on ozone depletion, for example, bear in mind is that mankind surely has the damage is obvious, remedial Lovelock strongly criticized the National already affected the climate of vast action will be difficult or impossible. Academy of Sciences report of the com- regions, and quite possibly of the entire Some kinds of adverse effects may be ing danger of skin cancers from increased earth, and that its ever escalating popula- practically irreversible.... ultraviolet radiation. “To speak of ultravi- tion and demand for energy and food will olet radiation as analogous to nuclear produce larger changes in the years Should We Feed People? radiation is most misleading,” he said. ahead.” One of the most telling discussions (During this discussion, the report of Kellogg reviews the potential global concerned the view of man as just anoth- the proceedings says, Mead called for a warming disaster scenarios, which are er species competing for resources. The “ ’ceasefire’ in an attempt to avoid a pre- actually what then became the scientific report of the summary session of the first mature polarization of the participants.” research agenda for the next 30 years. He day of the conference stated “that we as a Referring to the uncertainty of potential himself had put forward arguments that species are trying to maintain ourselves at effects, she stated, “The time interval the release of the energy necessary to the expense of other species; there seems required before we begin to see clear evi- support a “large, affluent world popula- to be a conflict between preserving dence of a particular manmade effect on tion could possibly warm up the earth nature and feeding the rapidly increasing the environment may be long compared excessively.” population. Is our major objective really to the time in which society has to act.... The issues Kellogg laid out are all too to feed the population, or do we realize A decision by policy-makers not to act in familiar today: warming that will melt we cannot continue to feed the world at the absence of scientific information or “the Arctic Ocean ice pack and the ice any price? Where do we strike a balance expertise is itself a policy decision, and sheets of Greenland and the Antarctic.” between preserving nature and feeding SPECIAL REPORT 21st CENTURY Science & Technology Fall 2007 67
the world?” fact that the toxic effects of human become little else than vain attempts to revive exploded superstitions, or sophisms like those Stephen Schneider’s presentation, activities are spreading worldwide and of Mr. Malthus.” (Author’s introduction to “The “Climatic Variability and Its Impact on reducing the structure of the biota is Revolt of Islam,” 1818.) Food Production,” sounds the alarm: an indication that human activities at 2. Margaret Mead, “World Population: World Responsibility,” Science, Sept. 27, 1974 (editori- present exceed the capacity of the There is a further fear that mankind’s al), Vol. 185, No. 4157. The only opposition to biosphere for repairing itself. the Rockefeller/Club of Rome policy presented industrial and energy production at the Bucharest conference came from Helga activities may affect the climate and Zepp-LaRouche. The Noösphere to the Rescue lead to enhanced probabilities of 3. See, for example, “The New Environmentalist Thirty-two years after this 1975 confer- Eugenics,” by Rob Ainsworth, EIR, March 30, 2007, extreme variability. Thus the food- ence, the world’s population, its science www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2007/2007_10- climate crisis could be very near-term 19/2007-13/pdf/36-46_713_ainsworth.pdf and technology, and its industry are dan- and of major significance.... The 4. The Atmosphere: Endangered and gerously in the grasp of Margaret Mead’s Endangering, Margaret Mead, Ph.D. and smallest impact, and one we have minions, including those on the IPCC. A William W. Kellogg, Ph.D., eds. Fogarty already seen, is the triggering of high- International Center Proceedings No. 39, 1976 good part of the population is scared, as er prices for food by crop failures in (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing planned, by the potential effects of Office, DHEW Publication No. [NIH] 77-1065). one nation, such as the USSR in 1972, human-caused global warming. They are 5. Cited in P.C. Sinha, Atmospheric Pollution and which had to be made up by North Climate Change (Anmol Publications PVT, ready to react, as Mead demanded, to America.... Simultaneous crop failures 1998). “warnings which will parallel the in North America and the USSR could 6. Schneider made this statement in an interview instincts of animals who flee before the with Discover magazine, October 1989. lead to even higher prices and wide- hurricane,” and in the process tear down 7. The text of the shamefully unscientific AAAS spread starvation throughout the the very institutions and technologies that resolution, which closely follows Mead’s 1975 world. Some estimates predict that prescription, reads in part: “The scientific evi- can obviate the perceived “limits to dence is clear: global climate change caused by upwards of 100 million people in growth.” human activities is occurring now, and it is a developing countries could starve, growing threat to society. Accumulating data In the intervening 32 years, most of our while the more affluent countries from across the globe reveal a wide array of scientific institutions have been taken effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilization would be just inconvenienced by a over by an anti-science ideology, typified of major ice sheets, increases in extreme significant crop failure in North weather, rising sea level, shifts in species by the views of a Stephen Schneider or a America. ranges, and more. The pace of change and the John Holdren. How can there be a sci- evidence of harm have increased markedly over As a gauge of the immorality of the con- ence when the mind and its capacity for the last five years. The time to control green- house gas emissions is now. ference participants, Schneider felt com- creativity is denied, when man is put “The atmospheric concentration of carbon pelled to assert that “national energy and equal to beast, and when man’s advance- dioxide, a critical greenhouse gas, is higher than food policies must start with the assump- ments are perceived as ruining the pris- it has been for at least 650,000 years. The aver- age temperature of the Earth is heading for lev- tion that population control by mass star- tine confines of a limited world? Such els not experienced for millions of years.... As vation or nuclear war is untenable”! pessimism is a formula for a “no future” expected, intensification of droughts, heat waves, floods, wildfires, and severe storms is Like the other presenters at the confer- world. occurring, with a mounting toll on vulnerable ence, and the global warming faction The question remains, will the reser- ecosystems and societies. These events are today, Schneider fails to see how curbs voir of sanity, in particular in today’s early warning signs of even more devastating damage to come, some of which will be irre- on science and industry will kill people youth, who did not live through the versible. by preventing the economic develop- greenwashing of the 1970s and 1980s, be “Delaying action to address climate change ment that permits a higher relative poten- able to force reality—climate reality and will increase the environmental and societal consequences as well as the costs.... tial population density. Advances in sci- financial reality—on the rest of the popu- Developing clean energy technologies will pro- ence and technology are mentioned, but lation? Will the Noösphere, man’s cre- vide economic opportunities and ensure future energy supplies. usually in the context of better energy ative ability to change the Biosphere, pre- “The growing torrent of information presents a savers and conservation, not in allowing vail? clear message: we are already experiencing more people to be supported at a better global climate change. It is time to muster the Notes ___________________________________ political will for concerted action. Stronger lead- standard of living on a given amount of ership at all levels is needed. The time is now. 1. The Population Bomb, published in 1968, was a land. campus bestseller among the 1968er genera- We must rise to the challenge. We owe this to Woodwell’s presentation, “The Impact future generations.” tion. Ehrlich employs the repeatedly discredited argument of the British East India Company’s 8. www.annonline.com/interviews/961217/ of Environmental Change on Human Parson Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) that popu- 9. Woodwell’s original article is “DDT Residues in Ecology,” is even more alarmist. He lation increases geometrically while food supply an East Coast Estuary: A Case of Biological writes: increases only arithmetically. Malthus was Concentration of a Persistent Insecticide,” proved wrong in his own lifetime by the devel- Science, May 12, 1967, pp. 821-824. His admis- A careful analysis of the extent to opment of fertilizers and scientific farming, and sion that there was only 1 pound of DDT found which the earth’s net primary produc- repeatedly thereafter by the application of suc- per acre appears in the transcript of the EPA’s cessive advances in mechanization, chemistry, 1972 hearings on DDT, p. 7,232. He also man- tion is being used directly in support and biochemistry to agriculture. aged to measure DDT in the forests at a site near of man leads to the conclusion that, at Describing the spirit of “gloom and misan- an airstrip where crop-dusting airplanes tested thropy” into which the English population had and calibrated their DDT spraying equipment. present, as much as 50 percent of the fallen following the dashing of their hopes for 10. Lovelock’s commentary in the Independent, net production is being used in sup- progress in the French Revolution, Malthus’s Jan. 16, 2006, summarizes his views. http://com- port of human food supplies.... The opponent Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote: ment.independent.co.uk/commentat o r s / “Inquiries into moral and political science, have article338830.ece 68 Fall 2007 21st CENTURY Science & Technology SPECIAL REPORT
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