IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19

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IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
                                                     Special issue
                                                     Candlemas 2020
From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory     vol. 1 • no. 19

                                                    Brother Placid McKee
                                                     at the ruins of Fore
                                                    Abbey, Co. Westmeath
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19

                ear friends & oblates of silverstream
                Priory, it hardly seems possible that a year has gone
                by since the last issue of In Cœnaculo. This silent in-
                terlude in no way means that life at Silverstream
                Priory has been uneventful. Quite the contrary!
    Advent 2018 was marked by the vestition of Br Isaias on 8 De-
cember. We opened 2019 with the Simple Profession of D. Chrys-
ostom on 6 January and the oblation of his mother on the following
day. The feast of the Assumption on 15 August saw the Simple Pro-
fession of D. Thomas Aquinas.
    Summertime is always marked by the arrival of young men eager
to experience our monastic life for an initial three months; 2019 was
particularly fruitful in this regard. We await the return of five men as
postulants early in 2020. More recently, October saw a very success-
ful “Vocations Weekend” requested by five fine lads from Cork; it is a
heartening thing to see young men respond with enthusiasm to their
first exposure to Benedictine life at Silverstream.
    Throughout the year we are blessed by the frequent visits of
the Bishop of Meath, Dr Tom Deenihan, and by an uninterrupted
stream of priest visitors from all over Ireland and from abroad. See
                                                                           IN THIS ISSUE
the Chronicle for details.
    The monastery walls in no way alienate us from the life of the               •4•
wider Church, both locally and universally. We are aware of the joys
and sorrows of the Body of Christ and, by remaining in ceaseless            Becoming Christ’s
prayer at the heart of Church, we bring the people and events en-              Pure Bread
trusted to our intercession before the Face of God.                           Homily at the vestition of
    In his recently published book, The Day Is Now Far Spent, Robert         Br Isaias, 8 December 2018.
Cardinal Sarah writes eloquently of the place of monasteries in the
life of the Church today:
  There is another place where we can have the experience of God
  who gives himself in the Church: the monasteries. We find there
  a concrete actualization of what the whole Church ought to be. I            Thy sons shall
  have often said so and I am not afraid to repeat it. The renewal            come from afar
  will come from the monasteries. [...] [Monasteries] are the present      Homily at the simple profession
  and the future of the Church. God dwells there: he fills the hearts      of D. Chrysostom, 6 Jan. 2019.
  of the monks and the nuns with his silent presence, and all of life
  there is liturgical. It is nourished by faith and the Divine Office
  and on fire with love and the burning bush of the Divine Presence.              •8•
   With regard to the construction of our monastic church: the
architectural plans are completed; we have obtained the requisite              Choosing the
approval from the Meath County Council; the ground has been                     Better Part
cleared and is ready for construction. One thing alone delays the           Homily at the simple profes-
beginning of work: the lack of sufficient funds. We are, nonethe-           sion of D. Thomas Aquinas,
less, determined to go forward, trusting in Divine Providence and                   15 Aug. 2019.
in your support and prayers. I am confident that the next issue of In
Cœnaculo will contain photographs of the construction in progress.
In Our Lord & His Most Holy Mother,
                                                                                 • 10 •
                                                                           Monastic Chronicle;
                                                                            Refectory Reading
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
Adapted from a Sermon preached by Father    forehead. Father R. extended his         the One whose Face all the world desireth
Prior at the Vestition of Br Isaias Maria   stole over you and said, “Come           to see, as we shall sing at the First
Kwasniewski, Feast of the Immaculate Con-   into God’s sanctuary, Peter Julian,      Vespers of Christmas, a Face veiled

ception, 8 December 2019.                   where you will be given a share          to the ken of sight as men see, but
           ulian, my dear son,              with Christ in everlasting life”.        resplendent to the eyes of faith.
           nineteen years ago today,            Today, dear son, I say to you            Come to spend yourself in
           in Gaming, Austria, the          again, “Come into God’s sanctu-          singing the praises of God by day
           saving waters of Holy            ary.” For what is the monastery          and by night. Come to practice the
           Baptism flowed over your         if not the sanctuary of God? You         good zeal which will keep you from
           head. To the question, “Pe-      have waited for this day. Your soul      vice and lead you to God and to
           ter Julian Mariusz, what         has been longing and pining for          life everlasting. Prefer the least of
are you asking of God’s Church?”            the courts of the Lord. Your heart       your brothers to yourself. Patiently
your godparents answered, “Faith”.          and your flesh have tasted joy in        endure our infirmities, whether
    It is in the strength of this gift      the living God. The Holy Ghost           of body or of mind. Vie with your
of faith, received from God, and            has taught you in a short time what      brothers in obedience. And always,
                                            men twice and three times your age       at every moment and in every
lovingly cultivated by your dear
                                            take years to learn: that one day        place, prefer nothing whatever to Christ.
mother and father, that you have
                                            in the courts of the Lord is better          Nineteen years ago, Father R.
grow up in wisdom, and age, and
                                            above thousands.                         touched your ears and nostrils
grace. It was in the strength of this           You have chosen wisely. The          with spittle, saying, “Ephpheta, be
gift of faith that you crossed the          pinch of salt placed on your tongue      opened, and perceive the fragrance
sea to Ireland and, like many of            nineteen years ago has penetrated        of God’s loving ways”. Julian, you
your elder brothers, you have come          you deeply, causing you to choose        have perceived the fragrance of
here today asking for the mercy of          abjection in the house of God over       God’s loving ways in your life, and
God, for a place in this house of the       all of those passing things that glit-   with the bride of the Canticle, you
Lord and of the Immaculate Virgin           ter in the abode of sinners, and that    have said, Draw me: we will run after
Mary, Our Lady of the Cenacle,              leave the children of this age empty     thee to the odour of thy ointments (Can-
and for the holy habit of Saint             and disillusioned.                       ticle 1:3).
Benedict.                                       Come into God’s sanctuary,               Again, nineteen years ago, you
    Nineteen years ago today, Ju-           then. Come to be hidden with             were anointed with the oil of cate-
lian, you received your first taste         Christ in God. Come to enter into        chumens for a lifetime of spiritual
of the salt of wisdom. The sign             the obedience, and silence, and hu-      combat. You have come to the mon-
of the Cross was traced over your           mility of the Host. Come to adore        astery for this: to follow the glorious
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
example of Saint Antony of the               a daily round that is unchanging,           Dear son, much of what was
Desert, of Saint Benedict at Subiaco         relentless, and humble. It is by the     enacted in mystery nineteen years
and at Monte Cassino, and of all our         joyful gift of yourself given once,      ago in Gaming, Austria, is mir-
fathers among the saints. You have           never retracted, and ground over         rored today in what we are doing
come to the cloister not to escape           and over again in the terrible quo-      here and now. What we are doing
from combat, but to put yourself in          tidian of the cloister, that you, Ju-    here and now will, by God’s grace
the front lines. About this, have no         lian, will be refined into a eucharis-   and by the intercession of the Im-
illusions. “Your adversary the devil, as a   tic flour, and so become a pure host     maculate Virgin Mary, be brought
roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he    fit for the altar, and for the white     to completion in due time by mo-
may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).                    corporal that rests upon it.             nastic profession and, then, by your
    Then, dear son, you were car-                Finally, Julian, a burning candle    consecration as a monk.
ried to the baptismal font, the              was entrusted to your godparents.           Until then, Julian, tend carefully
tomb of the old man and the vir-             Today, another candle given you          the flame ignited in your soul to-
ginal womb of Mother Church,                 on the day of your Baptism, burns        day by the fire of Divine Love. Do
made fruitful by the Holy Ghost.             here. In entrusting the candle to        nothing to grieve the Holy Spirit
The pure waters flowed over your             your godparents, Father R. said:         of God. Seek rather to be the joy
head. You were baptized in the               “Take this burning candle as a           of God. This you will do if you live
name of the Father, and of the Son,          reminder to keep your baptismal          with the Immaculate Virgin, allow-
and of the Holy Ghost. The Father            innocence. Obey God’s command-           ing her to be, at every hour and so
recognised in you the radiant im-            ments, so that when our Lord             often as the sun rises, the cause of
age of His First-Born, a member of
                                             comes for the joyous wedding             your joy. Thus, dear son, will the
His Body, a sharer in His death and
                                             feast, you may go forth to meet          prophecy of Isaias be fulfilled in
                                             Him with all the saints in the halls     you: Et gaudebit super te Deus tuus: And
    The old inherited corruption
was washed away. A divine newness            of heaven, and be happy with Him         thy God shall rejoice over
shone out of you: the refulgence of          forevermore.”                            thee (Isaias 62:5). >
the indwelling Trinity. You were
anointed with Holy Chrism, a
pledge of the seal of the gift of the
Holy Ghost, marking you for the
day when you would, for the first
time, taste the sweetness of the
Body and Blood of Christ.
    What happened next, dear son?
You were clothed in a white robe.
Giving you this white robe, Father
R. said, “Take this white robe, and
keep it spotless until you arrive at
the judgment seat of our Lord Je-
sus Christ, that you may be reward-
ed with everlasting life.”
    Today, Julian, you will receive
not a white robe, but a black tunic
and a hooded scapular: these too the
symbols of a new life in Christ. The
tunic and scapular are black like the
soil, rich and fertile, that hides and
envelopes the grain of wheat in a
death at once mysterious and fruit-
ful. Today, you become the grain
of wheat. You, no less than Saint
Ignatius of Antioch, can say, Frumen-
tum Christi sum: “I am the wheat of
Christ: and shall be ground by their
teeth so that I may become Christ’s
pure bread” (Ad Rom. 4)
    You come to the monastery to be
ground into flour, not by the teeth
of beasts, but by the millstones of
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
    Adapted from a Sermon preached by Father Prior at the Simple
    Profession of Dom Chrysostom Maria Gryniewicz, Feast of the

    Epiphany, 6 January 2019.
                        y dear son, Brother Chrysostom,
                        you know well what our father Saint
                        Benedict says concerning the admis-
                        sion of men to the monastery: To him
                        that newly cometh to change his life, let not an
    easy entrance be granted, but, as the Apostle saith, Try the spirits if
    they be of God (ch. 58). Shortly after you first knocked at
    the door of Silverstream, I wrote you an honest and
    hard-hitting letter. Do you remember it? I wrote:
        “Men coming to Silverstream to be monks must
    not expect to find the tranquility of an established
    abbey with gleaming cloisters, spacious precincts, and
    well-established routines. A vocation to Silverstream
    is more than an ordinary monastic vocation; it is a call
    to enter generously into the hardships and sacrifices
    of living as monastic pioneers. Men who cling obsti-
    nately to their own conceptions of what Benedictine
    life ought to be will not do well at Silverstream. The
    will of God comes to us not in what ought to be,
    but in what is. Holiness, for us, here and now, lies in
    trusting abandonment to all that Divine Providence
    wills or permits. Men who are looking for the calm
    and security of a well-ordered life in which there are
    no surprises, no setbacks, and no interruptions, should
    not think of entering at Silverstream.”
        You, dear son, were not daunted by what I wrote
    you. Quite the contrary. You replied to me:
        “I am undissuaded by the material poverty of Sil-
    verstream, the lack of gleaming cloisters or spacious
    precincts, because it is not any of those things that
    have attracted me, but ability to do the one thing I
    have always longed to do, to give myself entirely to
    God, in complete union with the Host.”
        I wanted to make certain that you were not delud-
    ed about what Silverstream had to offer you. And so,
    I wrote to you:
        “We are poor at Silverstream, even as the Sacred
    Host is poor. We are fragile at Silverstream, even as
    the Sacred Host is fragile. We choose to be hidden
    at Silverstream, even as the Sacred Host is hidden.
    We try to be silent at Silverstrean, even as the Sacred
    Host is silent. Our Benedictine life is to be offered
    and immolated, even as the Sacred Host is offered
    and immolated. The offering is joyful, and the im-
    molation is a sacrifice of praise.”
        Still you were not daunted, Brother Chrysostom.
    Your treasure and your heart were in the same place.
    This is, of course, the beginning of the making of a
    monk: the letting go of one’s most cherished attach-
    ments and accessories, and the unification of a man
    around The One Thing Necessary. You replied to me
    on 20 August 2016:
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
“You say that the host is poor,
fragile, hidden, silent, offered, and
immolated: I would be those things
as well. If I could [I would] be
hidden in the rock with Moses or
immolated with Saint Ignatius, be-
coming God’s pure wheat, ground by
the teeth of beasts. If God permits, I
would be all these things, because I
have never known success in medioc-
rity, half-heartedness, or lukewarm-
ness, and I have only ever found joy
in giving without limits. . . .”
    Today, three years later, Broth-
er Chrysostom, after having been
tested, and after having shared our
life, you are here, ready to sing what
generations of monks have sung be-
fore you: Suscipe me, Domine, secundum
eloquium tuum et vivam: Et non confundas
me ab expectatione mea. “Take Thou         to call “the liturgical providence of          mystically addressed to the Virgin
me unto Thyself, O Lord, and               God”. You reminded me that you                 Mother who, like a living mon-
I shall live: and let me not be            arrived here in Ireland and crossed            strance, holds her Son and shows
confounded in my expecta-                  the threshold of Silverstream on 31            Him to all whom come to adore
tion” (Psalm 118:116).                     May 2017. It was the feast of Mary,            Him (Matt. 2:11).
    Last evening, dear son, you came       Mediatrix of All Graces, and you                   There is a sense, then, dear son,
to me after Vespers — missal in            walked into the oratory during the             in which the words that you heard
hand — to share an extraordinary           celebration of Holy Mass. The Al-              on the very day of your arrival here,
discovery. What you had to share           leluia Verse of that particular Mass           31 May 2017, and that you hear
left me grateful and amazed. It was        was the very same passage that we              again today on the day of your mo-
striking evidence of what we like          heard just a few moments ago in the            nastic profession are addressed to
                                           Lesson from Isaias given us for this           you: Thy sons shall come from afar, and thy
                                           feast of the Epiphany:                         daughters shall rise up at thy side.
                                               Lift up thine eyes round                       You will, by Our Lord’s grace —
                                           about, and see: all these are                  and this is my prayer for you today
                                           gathered together, they are                    — grow as a man and as a monk
                                           come to thee: thy sons shall                   into a spiritual fatherhood that, al-
                                           c ome from afar, and thy                       though it be hidden, and silent, and
                                           daughters shall rise up at                     lowly, like the Host on the corporal
                                           thy side (Isaias 60:4).                        and in the tabernacle, will be none-
                                               No amount of human planning                theless generative, that is, myste-
                                                                                          riously life-giving for the Church.
                                           or foresight could have made this
                                                                                          Thy sons shall come from afar. Already,
                                           happen. If ever a confirmation you
                                                                                          there are brothers who have come
                                           needed of the providence of God                after you. Each one has his part to
                                           guiding your steps and bringing you            play in the Church’s procession to-
                                           to the place where He wants you                wards the glory of the Lord.
                                           to be, I think you have it. And, as is             You are ready, dear son, to make
                                           always the case, when God speaks to            your offering. Give Christ the gold
                                           us through the sacred liturgy, He does         of your heart’s love. Give him the
                                           so not merely by means of a text, but          frankincense of your liturgical
                                           also by means of the context.                  prayer, of your faithful presence in
                                               The prophet is singing of the              choir to sing His praises, of your
                                           restoration of Jerusalem, of the               silent adoration in the radiance of
                                           re-peopling of the Holy City, once             His Eucharistic Face. Give Him the
                                           forsaken, but called by God to                 myrrh of all that, in your monastic
                                           a great rejuvenation. Lift up thine            life, may prove bitter, or hard, or
                                           eyes and see ... they are gathered together,   costly because it involves a death to
                                           they are come to thee. The Church,             the old man. Arise and be enlightened,
                                           singing these words in the light of            for the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee
                                           the Epiphany, knows that they are              (Isaias 60:1). >
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
THE BETTER PART SHALL                                                                    Adapted from a Sermon preached by Father
                                                                                         Prior at the Simple Profession of D. Thomas

NOT BE TAKEN FROM HIM                                                                    Aquinas Maria Borders, Feast of Our Lady’s
                                                                                         Assumption, 15 August 2019.

                   y dear son,                   In Psalm 8 we heard this: What is            In Psalm 23 we heard this: This
                   Brother Thomas            man, that Thou art mindful of Him? or the   is the generation of them that seek Him, of
                   Aquinas, last eve-        son of man that Thou visitest Him? Know     them that seek the Face of the God of Jacob.
                   ning as we chanted        this, dear son, and never doubt it:         By making your monastic profes-
                   Matins, you were          Our Lord is mindful of you. You             sion today, you take your place in
very much in my heart. One of the            are never forgotten, never far from         the generation of those who, as St
things that you will have learned            the radiance of His Face. At every          Benedict says in ch. 58, truly seek God.
here thus far is, I think, that the          moment you are the object of His            The single great unifying desire of
Opus Dei is more about listening to          Heart’s attention. He visits you            your life is to see the face of God.
the Word of God than about pro-              by day and by night. You may not                 Psalm 44 began with an irre-
ducing sound.                                always recognise the guise under            pressible cry of jubilation: My heart
    It is not that the sound produced        which He visits you, but visit you          hath uttered a good word: I speak my works
is negligible; it is, rather, that the       He does, to lift you when you fall,         unto the king. Does not this “good
hearing and the receiving of the             to console you in sorrow, to correct        word” go to the heart of what it
Word of God is the inestimable               you when you stray, to feed you and         means to be a son of St Benedict?
grace, that by which the heart is            give you drink when you hunger and          “Benedicere.” Allow Our Lord
purified, and healed, and sanctified,        thirst for the sustenance that only         to fill the storehouse of your heart
and lifted up, even into the heav-           He can give, even the mysteries of          with His own utterances, and you
enly places where Christ is sitting at the   His adorable Body and Blood.                will never be at a loss for words of
right hand of God (Col. 3:1), and with           In Psalm 18 we heard this: The          blessing.
Him is His Most Holy Mother all              testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving        In Psalm 45 we heard this: Be
glorious in the mystery of her As-           wisdom to little ones. You have spent       still and see that I am God. You were
sumption.                                    your retreat in the company of              drawn, dear son, to our monastery
    Did not you hear in yesterday’s          St Thérèse. I rather suspect that           by adoration of the Most Blessed
Gospel of the Vigil of the Assump-           from her you will have learned              Sacrament. Something deep inside
tion, Yea rather, blessed are they who       something about choosing little-            you quickened at the prospect of
hear the word of God, and keep it (Luke      ness over greatness, weakness over          adoring stillness in the presence
11:28)?                                      strength, and confidence over fear.         of the hidden Jesus. Learn to say,
IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
more and more, with your patron,              And finally in Psalm 98 we
St Thomas Aquinas, Adoro te devote,       heard this: He spake to them out of the        SOME REFECTORY
latens Deitas. “Yearning, I adore You,    cloudy pillar. The cloudy pillar was            READING IN 2019
wondrous hidden God.”                     that mysterious sign by which God            BIOGRAPHIES ° Benedict Neenan
    In Psalm 47 we heard this: We         at once concealed His presence               OSB, Thomas Verner Moore: Psychia-
have received Thy mercy, O God, in the    and revealed His presence to Mo-             trist, Educator, Monk ° Anca Marti-
midst of Thy temple. By your mo-          ses, to Aaron, and to the children           nas, Vladimir Ghika: Prince, Apostle,
nastic profession today, dear son,                                                     Martyr ° René Laurentin, Bernadette
                                          of Israel. For you, dear son, and            of Lourdes ° Jean-Marie Élie Setbon,
you take your place among those           for all of us, there is more than the        From the Kippa to the Cross: A Jew’s
whom the Holy Ghost has brought           pillar of cloud; there is the Sacred         Conversion to Catholicism ° Mark
together to abide semper in templo,       Host — all fragile, hiding the pres-         Tierney OSB, Blessed Columba Marm-
laudantes et benedicentes Deum (“always   ence of God and revealing it, silent         ion: A Short Biography ° Jean-Jacques
                                                                                       Antier, Charles de Foucauld (Charles
in the temple, praising and bless-        and yet speaking to those who are            of Jesus) ° Ven. Fulton J. Sheen's au-
ing God,” Luke 24:53). The en-            content to tarry in Its presence.            tobiography, Treasure in Clay ° Aidan
closure of the monastery becomes          Have no doubt that He who spoke              Nichols OP, The Latin Clerk: The Life,
for you the place wherein mercy is        once to Moses and to Aaron will              Work, & Travels of Adrian Fortescue
always at hand, the place wherein         speak to you face to face as a man is wont   HISTORY ° John O’Neill, The Fish-
the praise of God draws you seven         to speak to his friend (Ex. 33:11).          erman’s Tomb: The True Story of the
times a day and once in the night                                                      Vatican’s Secret Search ° Godfrey E.
                                              It was, as I said, last night dur-       Phillips, The House of the Virgin Mary:
upward and out of yourself into           ing Matins, that this catena aurea           The Miraculous Story of Its Journey
the joy of Our Lady’s Assumption.         (“golden chain”) of verses began to          from Nazareth to a Hillside in Italy °
    In Psalm 86 we heard this: Glo-       emerge from the psalms we were               Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB, The Friars
rious things are spoke of thee. As you    singing in praise of the Most Holy           in Ireland: 1224-1540 ° Martin Mose-
grow, dear Brother Thomas Aqui-                                                        bach, The 21: A Journey into the Land
                                          Virgin assumed into heaven. I of-            of the Coptic Martyrs ° Msgr Ronald
nas, in the grace of your monastic        fer it to you, dear son, in this hour        Knox, Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the
profession, you will see ever more        of your first monastic profession.           History of Religion
clearly the glorious things that the      Hold fast to it in the three years           MONASTIC ° Pius Engelbert OSB,
Word of God and the witness of            that lie before you until the day            Sant’ Anselmo in Rome: College & Uni-
the saints speak concerning the           when, by Our Lord’s all-sufficient           versity ° Godfrey Siebert OSB, The
Mother of God. Never say, “I have         grace and the unfailing intercession         Benedictine Congregation of St Ottil-
learned, and seen, and repeated all                                                    ien ° Alban Hood OSB, From Repatri-
                                          of the Mother of God, I pray that            ation to Revival: Continuity & Change
that can be learned, and seen, and        we will say amidst great rejoicing:          in the English Benedictine Congrega-
repeated concerning the Mother                                                         tion, 1795-1850 ° Erik Varden OCSO,
of God.” For every monk there is             Dom Thomas Aquinas                        The Shattering of Loneliness: On
an inexhaustible spring of joy in           hath chosen for himself                    Christian Remembrance ° St John
                                           the best part: which shall                  Henry Newman's essay, “The Mission
the contemplation of the Blessed
                                                                                       of Saint Benedict”
Virgin Mary.                                 not be taken from him.

IN C NACULO From the Benedictine Monks of Silverstream Priory - Special issue Candlemas 2020 vol. 1 no. 19
the monastic chronicle
        ¶ 6-12 Nov. 2018 • Four priests of Se-     great number of guests for Vespers and
     attle, Washington—Frs Mel Strazicich,         Benediction on Sundays, including nu-
     Joseph Altenhofen, Cal Christiansen,          merous priests of the diocese. In order to
     and Ed White—make a retreat at Silver-        better accommodate visitors in the long
     stream, at the end of which, in the pres-     winter evenings, D. Finnian installs new
     ence of Fr Prior, they pledge themselves      outdoor lighting around the monastery.
     to a daily hour of Adoration.                   ¶ 2-7 Dec. • Frs James Bradley and
        ¶ 12 Nov. • Sister Nina, of the Mon-       Thomas Mason, of the Ordinariate of
     astery of St Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus,     Our Lady of Walsingham, Fr Lee Kenyon
     makes a brief visit to Silverstream, pro-     of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter,
     viding us with beautiful hand-carved          and Fr Gerard Deighan, of the Archdio-
     crucifixes for the new noviciate cells.       cese of Dublin, make retreats with us.
        ¶ 20 Nov. • D. Benedict, D. Hilde-           ¶ 3 Dec. • Sisters Camillus, Maria
     brand, and Postulant Br Julian visit St       Goretti, and Regina, of the Sisters of
     Kevin’s, Harrington Street, Dublin, to as-    Mercy, visit Silverstream to offer early
     sist with the celebration of Confirmation     Christmas greetings.
     in the usus antiquior by Raymond Leo            ¶ 6 Dec. • Feast of St Nicholas. Fr Pri-
     Cardinal Burke. Br Julian proudly pre-        or distributes gifts brought by St Nicho-
     sents His Eminence with one of the first      las for the community.
     samples of the monastery’s homemade             ¶ 8 Dec. • Feast of the Immaculate
     soap. The same evening, Christopher           Conception of the B.V. Mary. In the
     Suen arrives from Canada, en route to         Chapter Room after Prime, Julian
     the Holy Land.                                Kwasniewski is clothed in the holy habit
        ¶ 22 Nov. • Feast of Saint Cecilia. The    and given the name Brother Isaias Maria.
     community enjoys a festive meal in hon-         ¶ 10-17 Dec. • Christopher Suen re-
     our of American Thanksgiving. We are          turns to Silverstream bringing gifts from
     joined by several guests, including Rick      the Holy Land. Before returning to Can-
     Yoder, visiting from Oxford, and Fr John      ada, he is clothed as an oblate novice. Fr
     McKeever (Obl. Br John Fisher).               Prior names him Brother Pierre Célestin,
        ¶ 22-30 Nov. • Fr Christian Chisvasi,      in honour of St Peter Celestine and the
     from Romania, makes a retreat along           Chinese Benedictine, Pierre-Célestin Lu.
     with his good friend Alexis. He presents        ¶ 12 Dec. • Feast of St Finnian, Patron
     us with a precious relic of the priest-mar-   of the Diocese of Meath, and onomastico
     tyr, Bl. Vladimir Ghika (†1954).              of D. Finnian.
        ¶ 24 & 26 Nov. • The community and           ¶ 15 Dec. • His Lordship, Dr Deeni-
     guests celebrate the birthday of Br Placid,   han, Bishop of Meath, visits the monas-
     and two days later the birthday of Postu-     tery and assists at the Offices of None and
     lant Br Julian.                               Vespers. Along with Fr Prior and several
        ¶ 26-30 Nov. • D. Finnian and D.           of the monks, His Lordship meets with
     Elijah spend a week at Glenstal Abbey         Rev’d Mother Immaculata, Prioress of the
     in Co. Limerick, where they take part         Benedictine Nuns of Perpetual Adoration
     in a week-long course on early monastic       in Tegelen, Netherlands, to discuss possi-
     hagiography.                                  bilities for further collaboration between
        ¶ 28 Nov.—3 Dec. • Helen DeCant,           the two monasteries.
     mother of Dom John Baptist, visits              ¶ 19 Dec. • Ember Wednesday of
     bringing many gifts for the community.        Advent. The Gospel of the Annunciation
        ¶ 30 Nov. • His Lordship Dr Michael        (Missus est) is solemnly sung in Chapter,
     Smith, Bishop Emeritus of Meath, visits       and Fr Prior gives a homily about Our
     the monastery for the first time since his    Lady’s role in obtaining for souls a new
     retirement. All the brothers are happy        beginning in grace.
     to see him and to express their gratitude       ¶ 22 Dec. • D. Finnian and his brother
     for his fatherly solicitude in the founding   Tommy work to clear the land for the
     years of the community.                       construction of the new Oratory by
        ¶ 1 Dec. • A group of young mis-           removing trees around the site. In the
     sionaries from FOCUS (Fellowship of           evening, Bishop Deenihan again visits
     Catholic University Students), working        the monastery for Vespers, with the
     in Dublin, spend the morning in prayer        singing of the “O” Antiphon, and joins
     at Silverstream and speak with some of        the community for a festive supper in
     the monks. Andrej Kutarna (Oblate Br          anticipation of Christmas.
     Samuel) from Czech Republic arrives for         ¶ 24 Dec. • The coming of the Lord's
     a retreat of several days.                    Nativity is announced by the solemn
        ¶ 2 Dec. • First Sunday of Advent.         chanting of the Martyrology in Chapter
     Throughout the season, we welcome a           on Christmas Eve morning. The solem-
nities of the Holy Night begin at 9:00        for the Cistercian abbey of Vyšší Brod.
PM with Matins, which ends with the           They also visit Prague to give a day of
chanting of the Genealogy of Christ.          recollection for priests. The brothers
Holy Mass is sung by Fr Prior, ending         return to Silverstream greatly inspired
with a procession to the crêche. After 4      by the perseverance of the Czech monks
hours of contemplation and praise of the      in restoring monastic life in the wake of
Incarnate God, the community enjoys a         Communism. While they are away, back
festive collation before retiring.            at Silverstream the roof is removed from
   ¶ 25 Dec. • As all priests may celebrate   the old cattle shed, which will soon be
three Masses on Christmas Day, the early      demolished to make way for the con-
morning hours are filled with the repeated    struction of the Bethlehem Oratory.
offering of the Holy Sacrifice in the Low       ¶ 23-28 Jan. • Polish Fr Cesary Paciej
Mass Oratory. At 10:00, D. Benedict sings     visits Silverstream and tells the brothers
the Solemn Mass of the Day. At recrea-        about his ministry in Kazakhstan.
tion, the brothers and guests open Christ-      ¶ 1 Feb. • Feast of St Brigid, secondary
mas gifts, including both spiritual reading   patroness of Ireland. Fr Pawel Bandurski,
and useful clothing items.                    US Provincial of the Society of Christ,
   ¶ 28 Dec.—4 Jan. 2019 • Br Gregory’s       visits Silverstream.
mother Dianna and sister Chelsea make           ¶ 1-9 Feb. • Deacon Robert Healey
a post-Christmas visit.                       from the Diocese of Tulsa spends a week
   ¶ 31 Dec. • Br Chrysostom begins his       at the monastery.
retreat in preparation for profession. The      ¶ 2 Feb. • At the invitation of Bishop
same day, his parents, Tom and Ellen          Deenihan, the community travels to the
Gryniewicz, arrive at the monastery to        Cathedral of Christ the King in Mulling-
spend the week with us. After Vespers         ar for Vespers of Candlemas, attended by
the "Capitulum Pacis" is celebrated, in       religious communities from around the
which the brethren ask and exchange           diocese. The schola sings the Responsory
pardon for the faults of the past year.       Adorna thalamum during the service.
The community spends the evening in             ¶ 8-15 Feb. • Two seminarians from
adoration, singing Matins at 8 pm before      the Pontifical North American College,
beginning the new year with the Veni          Rome, make a retreat in preparation for
Creator and Benediction at midnight.          ordination as deacons. During the same
   ¶ 31 Dec.—7 Jan. 2019 • Abbé               week, Fr Jim Lowe, of the Companions
Marcelo de Oliveira, ICRSS, makes a           of the Cross, makes a retreat.
retreat, coinciding with the profession of      ¶ 11 Feb. • Workers begin dismantling
his old friend, Br Chrysostom.                the stone walls of the old cattle shed.
   ¶ 1 Jan. 2019 • Feast of the Lord's        Before the end of the month, the site of
Circumcision and Octave of his Nativity.      the former building and the surrounding
The professed monks of Silverstream           area have been cleared to prepare for the
renew their vows during Holy Mass.            construction of the new church.
Te Deum is sung before Benediction in           ¶ 15 Feb. • Amma Philomena and
thanksgiving for the graces of the past       Amma Gabriella, of the Coptic Ortho-
year. Fr John McKeever (Obl. Br. John         dox monastery in Delvin, visit Silver-
Fisher) and Fr Paul Murphy (Obl. Br.          stream for lunch and recreation with the
Columba) visit in the course of the day.      community. The brothers listen eagerly
   ¶ 6 Jan. • Feast of the Epiphany of the    as they share with us their experience of
Lord. At Holy Mass, in the presence of        monastic life as it continues to be lived in
Bishop Tom Deenihan, as well as of his        Christian Egypt.
parents and friends, Dom Chrysostom             ¶ 21 Feb. • Fr David Erickson visits
Maria professes his simple vows.              Silverstream along with his nephew Fr
   ¶ 13-19 Jan. • Fr David Abernethy,         Joshua Erickson. Fr David is pleasantly
CO, of the Pittsburgh Oratory, gives the      surprised to meet Br Isaias, who was his
annual community retreat, with a series       parishioner as a boy.
of conferences on St Isaac the Syrian           ¶ 21 Feb.—1 Mar. • Rev'd Mother
(†c. 700). He is accompanied by Fr Paul       Scholastica OSB, Prioress of the Ben-
Werley, CO. During the same week, Frs         edictine Nuns of Perpetual Adoration
Martin Pletts and Neil McGarrity, from        in Tororo, Uganda, spends a week at
Scotland, visit for a retreat.                Silverstream. Each night, she shares with
   ¶ 19 Jan. • Bishop Tom Deenihan vis-       the community some of her insights into
its Silverstream for Vespers, Supper, and     our Eucharistic Benedictine charism. She
Compline, accompanied by his secretary        also teaches the brothers some lively Af-
Fr Joe Campbell.                              rican hymns.
   ¶ 21-30 Jan. • Fr Prior, accompanied         ¶ 22-25 Feb. • D. Benedict visits Den-
by D. Cassian and D. John Baptist, trav-      mark, where he offers Holy Mass and the
els to Czech Republic to preach a retreat     sacraments in the usus antiquior for the
Society of St Canute. He makes a return       Mass about the role of Saint Benedict as
     visit at the end of March.                    our spiritual father.
       ¶ 25 Feb. • Second anniversary of              ¶ 25 Mar. • Feast of the Annuncia-
     the canonical erection of the monastery.      tion of Our Lady. The community has
     The community gives thanks with a             Solemn Exposition throughout the day,
     Votive Mass of St Benedict and Solemn         praying for an increase in fidelity to the
     Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.          grace of our vocation.
     After Vespers, a relic of Mother Cathe-          ¶ 31 Mar.—6 Apr. • Fr Prior, accom-
     rine-Mectilde of the Blessed Sacrament,       panied by D. Finnian, travels to Connect-
     Foundress of the Benedictines of Perpet-      icut to visit his ailing parents and other
     ual Adoration, is installed in a place of     friends of the monastery. They return in
     honour in the Chapter room.                   time for First Vespers of Passion Sunday.
       ¶ 26 Feb.—2 Mar. • Mother Immac-               ¶ 2 Apr. • Birthday of D. Benedict. D.
     ulata returns from Tegelen to visit Silver-   Hildebrand, accompanied by several nov-
     stream. We are blessed to have her with       ices, visits the Little Sisters of the Poor
     Mother Scholastica for the Feast of Rep-      to give a day of retreat for a gathering of
     aration, 28 Feb. (Thu. before Ash Wed.).      superiors. On the way, they stop at Holy
       ¶ 6 Mar. • Ash Wednesday. At the            Cross Church in Dundrum, where Bl.
     morning Chapter, Fr Prior distributes         Columba Marmion was curate.
     specially selected books for each member         ¶ 13 Apr. • Three seminarians from
     of the community to read during Lent.         the Pontifical N. American College arrive
     Ashes are blessed and imposed before          to spend Holy Week at the monastery.
     Holy Mass. Following Mass, the Blessed           ¶ 14 Apr. • Palm Sunday. Fr Prior cel-
     Sacrament is solemnly exposed to begin        ebrates the Blessing of Palms, Procession,
     forty days of continual adoration by          and Mass. The Tract from Ps. 21 is sung in
     members of the lay faithful from all over     full, and the Passion from St Matthew is
     Ireland. In the afternoon, Fr Michael         sung by D. Benedict, D. Hildebrand, and
     Duffy, OFM Cap, performs the solemn           Br. Gregory. The 40 Days of Adoration
     blessing and erection of the Stations of      which began on Ash Wednesday conclude
     the Cross in the newly-renovated corridor     after Vespers with the Act of Consecra-
     connecting the noviciate with the rest of     tion of Ireland to the Immaculate Heart
     the monastery.                                of Mary and Benediction.
       ¶ 10-18 Mar. • Five priests from Ger-          ¶ 17 Apr. • Spy Wednesday. The Sa-
     many make a retreat at Silverstream. On       cred Triduum begins in the evening with
     17 March, the Second Sunday of Lent,          the singing of Tenebræ, which will be
     they are clothed as novice oblates after      repeated for the next two nights.
     the Office of None. In naming them, Fr           ¶ 18 Apr. • Maundy Thursday. In the
     Prior entrusts them to the patronage of       morning Fr Prior performs the Manda-
     German Benedictines: Br Rupert (Fr            tum (Washing of the Feet) in the Chap-
     Daniel Kretschmar), Br Marianus (Fr           ter Room. The Last Supper discourse
     David Beckmann), Br Wolfhelm (Fr              from St John’s Gospel is read by D. Ben-
     Walter Simon), Br Rabanus Maurus (Fr          edict in the refectory. Fr Prior celebrates
     Robert Ginter), and Br Ulrich (Fr Jan         the Mass in Cena Domini, followed by a
     Gerrit Engelmann).                            procession outside to the Altar of Repose
       ¶ 12 Mar. • Feast of St Gregory the         in the Low Mass Oratory. Many of the
     Great and onomastico of Br Gregory.           community and guests remain in adora-
       ¶ 18 Mar. • Feast of St Patrick, prin-      tion until midnight.
     cipal patron of Ireland (transferred from        ¶ 19 Apr. • Fr Prior celebrates the
     Sunday). Before a large gathering at Holy     Mass of the Pre-Sanctified of Good Fri-
     Mass, Fr Prior speaks of the need for         day, which is preceded by the singing of
     a new generation of Irish saints. After       the Passion according to St John and the
     Mass, he blesses the community and            traditional “creeping to the Cross”, with
     guests with a relic of St Patrick.            the singing of the Improperia.
       ¶ 19 Mar. • Solemnity of St Joseph,            ¶ 20 Apr. • The Paschal Vigil is cel-
     Spouse of the Virgin Mary. We also cele-      ebrated by Fr Prior, with D. Benedict
     brate the birthdays of Dom John Baptist       chanting the Exsultet. Many guests join
     and Br Gregory.                               the community in keeping vigil as the
       ¶ 20 Mar. • Fr Michael Nevin visits         Prophecies are read and the Litanies are
     from Dublin and resumes his series            sung prior to the first Mass of Easter.
     of classes for the community on Irish            ¶ 21 Apr. • Before Conventual Mass
     Church History.                               of Easter Day, the monks go in proces-
       ¶ 21 Mar. • Feast of the Transitus          sion around the site of the future church
     (Passing) of Our Holy Father Benedict,        building, singing the triumphant Salve
     and onomastico of D. Benedict Maria.          festa dies. The community begin singing
     D. Benedict preaches at the Conventual        the ancient Greek chant Christos anesti
prior to the grace before meals through-       her monastic profession on the occasion
out the Paschal Octave.                        of her 60th jubilee.
   ¶ 22 Apr. • Easter Monday. Four dea-          ¶ 19-24 June • Fr Radim, OSB, of the
cons from the North American College           Abbey of Emmaus in Prague, visits Silver-
arrive for their retreat in preparation for    stream with Oblate Br Samuel (Andrej
priestly ordination. In the afternoon, Fr      Kutarna) and his son Matouš. Through-
Prior and the brothers take a long walk        out the week, Fr Radim inspires the com-
to the beach at Gormanstown Strand,            munity both by his example of prayer and
accompanied by our guests.                     humility and by his story of perseverance
   ¶ 24 Apr. • Sisters Shawn, Carolyn,         in monastic life throughout the years of
and Colleen, of the Apostles of the Sa-        Communist persecution. He tells us of
cred Heart, visit Silverstream, bringing       the books that sustained him: St Thérèse’s
with them a first-class relic of their Foun-   Story of a Soul and Bl. Columba Marmion’s
dress, Bl. Clelia Merloni.                     Christ the Ideal of the Monk.
   ¶ 10 May • Bishop Tom Deenihan                ¶ 21-28 June • Feast and Octave of
visits for Vespers and Benediction of the      Corpus Christi. After several days of
Most Blessed Sacrament.                        preparation, the feast is celebrated with
   ¶ 13-21 May • Hieromonk Gregory             all possible solemnity. The procession
Hrynkiw, from Saskatoon, Saskatche-            after Holy Mass goes through the mon-
wan, makes a retreat. During his stay, he      astery’s forest, stopping at two beautifully
celebrates the Byzantine Divine Liturgy        appointed outdoor altars. With the gen-
for the community and shares with us his       erous assistance of lay adorers, the Bless-
experiences as a Greek Catholic monk in        ed Sacrament is exposed continuously for
post-Communist Ukraine.                        adoration throughout the octave.
   ¶ 17-22 May • D. John Baptist’s moth-         ¶ 21-24 June • Oblate Br Luke (Ca-
er Helen makes a visit to her son and his      thal Steele) visits with several friends
monastic brothers. During the weekend          to undertake an intensive cleaning and
of 18-19 May, Br Thomas Aquinas’ sister        repainting of the monastery’s kitchen.
Elizabeth makes a brief visit.                   ¶ 23-30 June • Fr Sebastian Jones and
   ¶ 20-22 May • The oratory is tem-           Br Illtyd, from the Oratory-In-Forma-
porarily moved to the library while a          tion in Cardiff, make a retreat.
team of monks and enquirers, led by Br           ¶ 24 June • Feast of the Nativity of
Placid, gives the current oratory a bright     St John the Baptist, and onomastico of
new coat of paint. Shortly thereafter, the     D. John Baptist. The brothers spend the
Low Mass Oratory is also repainted. The        afternoon on a long walk to the beach at
sacristans simultaneously implement the        Gormanstown Strand.
use of higher quality candles which will         ¶ 24-28 June • Stephen, a seminarian
not blacken the walls with soot.               from the United States, visits Silver-
   ¶ 25 May • Feast of Pope St Gregory         stream. During the same week, Oblate Br
VII and onomastico of D. Hildebrand.           Martin ( Joseph Wood) makes a retreat,
Preaching at Conventual Mass, D. Hilde-        and Tom Murphy from Galway visits for
brand holds up his patron as a model of        several days.
zeal for the renewal of the Church exer-         ¶ 27 June—1 July • Fr Pius Mary
cised in the humility of the monastic life.    Noonan, OSB, Prior of Notre Dame Pri-
   ¶ 26 May • Bishop Deenihan visits ac-
                                               ory in the Archdiocese of Hobart, Tas-
companied by Dom Alban Hood, OSB,
                                               mania, visits with two junior monks, Br
Prior of Douai Abbey in Berkshire. The
                                               Bede and Br Gregory. The community is
two attend Vespers, followed by supper
                                               blessed by the presence in choir of these
outside with the community.
                                               brethren from the antipodes.
   ¶ 28 May—11 June • Di Aylward,
                                                 ¶ 28 June • Feast of the Sacred Heart.
mother of D. Cassian, visits from Syd-
                                               The number of monks in choir reaches
ney; from 31 May to 8 June Michael and
                                               an all-time high, as our guests from Tas-
Shirley Houser, parents of D. Hilde-
brand, visit the monastery along with his      mania are joined by D. Jean de Britto, D.
sister Mary and brother Anthony.               Jean Marie, and D. Basil from the Abbey
   ¶ 5-11 June • Msgr Kasteel visits from      of St Joseph de Clairval in Flavigny, who
Rome, accompanied by Fra Massimo               remain through the weekend.
Sansolini, and Madre Paola, formerly             ¶ 3 July • The community enjoys an
Prioress of the Benedictines of Perpetual      outing to the ruins of Fore Abbey, Co.
Adoration in Rome. The Tonsure and             Westmeath—destroyed in Henry VIII’s
the Minor Orders of Porter, Lector, Ex-        suppression of the monasteries. Spend-
orcist, and Acolyte are conferred upon D.      ing most of the day at this site made
Elijah and D. Cassian. On 6 June, Bishop       holy by our Benedictine “forefathers”, the
Deenihan visits and has lunch with our         monks sing Holy Mass in the ruins of
guests. On 9 June, Madre Paola renews          the abbey church. Bishop Tom Deenihan
and Bishop Emeritus Michael Smith             porary refectory is set up in the common
     join us for this historic occasion and for    room upstairs.
     a picnic lunch. Before departing in the          ¶ 29 July—2 Aug. • The guesthouse
     evening, we sing Vespers in the hermitage     is filled with more priest retreatants,
     long occupied by anchorites, concluding       including priests from Rochester, New
     with the Office of the Dead in the church     York, Norwich, Connecticut, and Lan-
     of St Fechin.                                 sing, Michigan. On some days, as many
       ¶ 6 July • Feast of St Isaias the Proph-    as eleven Masses are celebrated at the
     et. Br Isaias Maria celebrates his first      monastery’s altars!
     onomastico in the monastery.                     ¶ 5-8 Aug. • In the evening, Br Thom-
       ¶ 9-10 July • His Eminence Raymond          as Aquinas begins his retreat in prepara-
     Leo Cardinal Burke visits along with          tion for simple profession.
     Msgr James O’Brien (Cloyne) and Can-             ¶ 6 Aug. • Feast of the Transfigu-
     on Patrick McCarthy (Cork and Ross).          ration, and anniversary of the solemn
     After assisting at Vespers and sharing        professions of Fr Prior (1986) and D.
     supper with the community, the Cardinal       Benedict (2015), as well as the simple
     offers words of encouragement about the       profession of D. Hildebrand (2018).
     importance of the monastic vocation for          ¶ 10-11 Aug. • Over twenty young
     the Church in our time.                       French Catholics spend the night camping
       ¶ 9 July • Dom Benedict returns to          on the property of Silverstream, led by Fr
     Silverstream from a short residency at        Gaspar of the Society of St Jean Marie
     the parish of Ramsgate, Kent, where he        Vianney. Joining us for Mass on Sunday
     celebrates the traditional Mass in the        morning, they join energetically in the
     Shrine of St Augustine, A.W. Pugin's          singing of the Ordinary, as well as offer-
     neo-Gothic masterpiece.                       ing a beautiful rendition of Je vous salue
       ¶ 9-15 July • Dr Jennifer Donelson,         Marie after Mass. Preaching in English
     Professor of Sacred Music at St Joseph’s      and French, Fr Prior quotes the words
     Seminary, Dunwoodie, NY, visits with          of Scripture, “My house shall be called a
     her fiancé Jacek. During her stay, she        house of prayer for all nations.”
     offers musical training to the members of        ¶ 11 Aug. • After Vespers, D. Bene-
     the schola and other brothers.                dict receives the blessing for a monk on
       ¶ 11 July • Solemnity of Our Holy Fa-       a journey as he prepares to depart for a
     ther Benedict, and second onomastico of       short time of study in New York under
     D. Benedict Maria. The feast is prepared      the renowned patristics scholar, Arch-
     for by a novena each night in front of the    priest John Behr. Upon arrival, D. Bene-
     statue of St Benedict, and followed by        dict takes up residence in Annunciation
     an octave during which the Filial Com-        Church in Crestwood, and at the request
     mendation to St Benedict is prayed each       of the parish priest, begins to celebrate a
     night.                                        daily traditional Latin Mass.
       ¶ 13 July • D. Hildebrand and the              ¶ 14 Aug. • Fr Sebastian Hew, from
     members of the novitiate attend the           Sydney, arrives for a retreat. After First
     "Evangelium" Conference held at the           Vespers of the Assumption, in Chapter,
     historic campus of All Hallows, Dublin.       Br Thomas Aquinas makes his petition
     D. Hildebrand’s speaks of the Eucharistic     to be admitted to profession.
     doctrine of the Church as expressed in           ¶ 15 Aug. • Solemnity of the Assump-
     the Corpus Christi sequence, Lauda Sion       tion of the B.V. Mary. D. Thomas Aqui-
     Salvatorem, which the brothers sing for the   nas Maria makes his simple profession
     participants.                                 during Holy Mass. A number of local
       ¶ 20 July • Feast of St Elias (Elijah)      priests and other friends of the mon-
     the Prophet and onomastico of D. Elijah.      astery join us, followed by an outdoor
       ¶ 23 July • Feast of St John Cassian,       reception. We also give thanks for the
     and onomastico of D. Cassian Maria. Fr        first anniversary of solemn profession of
     Brendan Kilcoyne and Fr Shane Sulli-          D. Finnian and D. Elijah.
     van visit Silverstream. Fr Matthew from          ¶ 21-27 Aug. • Br Kevin De Cubber,
     Syracuse arrives to spend several weeks       postulant at the Abbey of Affligem in
     sharing our monastic life.                    Belgium, spends a week at Silverstream
       ¶ 24 July—1 Aug. • Frs Peter and            shortly before returning to Affligem to
     Cezar Winiarek, from Poland, make a re-       receive the holy habit.
     treat. Fr Peter Gruber, of the Pittsburgh        ¶ 29 Aug.—5 Sept. • D. Elijah travels
     Oratory, visits during the same days.         to Tulsa, Oklahoma to visit his family.
       ¶ 29 July • Work begins on a renova-           ¶ 31 Aug.—6 Sept. • Frs Jonathan
     tion of the monastery’s refectory. A tem-     Romanoski and Daniel Heenan, FSSP,
make a retreat at Silverstream. During         chosen for the canonization, provides           Throughout the past year, numerous
the same week, Tom Murphy from Gal-            homiletical inspiration: "Jesus began to      works have been conducted on the
way visits for several days.                   speak to the multitudes concern-              buildings and grounds of the monas-
   ¶ 7-15 Sept. • Fr Prior travels to Con-     ing John". (Matt. 11:7).                      tery. In addition to the renovation of
necticut to visit his ailing parents, accom-     ¶ 15-22 Oct. • Msgr Michael Palud,          the refectory, the summer and autumn
panied by D. John Baptist.                     CO, from the Oratory in Port Antonio,         saw extensive work on the electrical
   ¶ 8 Sept. • Feast of the Nativity of Our    Jamaica, makes a retreat at Silverstream.     wiring of the house, as well as the
Lady. Our guest, Msgr Arthur Calkins,          He recounts his experience at the canon-      installation of an up-to-date sewage
preaches eloquently at Holy Mass about         isation of St John Henry Newman and           treatment plant. Finishing touches
the place of Mary in the divine plan of        also gives a conference to the community      have been put on the noviciate build-
salvation.                                     on canon law for religious life.              ing, and a new laundry room has been
   ¶ 10 Sept. • As we prepare to begin the       ¶ 18 Oct. • The community returns           set up to meet the needs of the growing
“Monastic Lent” (starting on 14 Sept.),        to the refectory after several months of      community. The sacristies for the main
the community expands the hours of sol-        work. The improvements include the ad-        oratory and the low Mass oratory have
emn exposition of the Most Blessed Sac-        dition of several tables to accommodate       been equipped with suitable cabinetry.
rament. Henceforth there will be contin-       more monks and guests, a raised platform      Bookshelves have also been installed
uous exposition and adoration for most         for the Prior’s table, where special guests   in several spaces in order to allow for
of the day from Tuesday through Friday         can also be seated, and a raised pulpit for   proper storage of the library collection,
each week. The brothers eagerly embrace        the reader, adorned with a sculpture of       an important aspect of the monastery’s
this next step towards the establishment       the Agnus Dei, a gift of Fr Michael Cahill,   life. Meanwhile, the brothers have
of perpetual watches of adoration in the       PP of Johnstown.                              worked continually at clearing and
monastery.                                       ¶ 18-20 Oct. • Five young men from          beautifying the lands of the monastery,
   ¶ 14-17 Sept. • Ron Sliwa, father of Br     the "Juventutem" group in Cork visit          providing a suitable atmosphere for
Gregory, visits and joins the community        Silverstream for a vocation retreat, dur-     prayer and reflection for the commu-
in some of the outdoor work.                   ing which they participate in the Divine      nity and guests. We are grateful to all
   ¶ 17 Sept. • With the blessing of His       Office and outdoor work, as well as           whose generosity has enabled these
Excellency, Bishop Lopes of the Ordi-          hearing conferences by the Father Mas-        works for the house of God.
nariate of the Chair of St Peter, Dom          ter and testimonies of several brothers.
Benedict travels to New Britain, CT, to        The end of the retreat coincides with the
preside and preach at Solemn Evensong          visit of Bishop Tom Deenihan—a Cork
according to the Anglican liturgical rites     native—who joins the young men for tea
approved by Pope Benedict XVI.                 before Vespers and remains for supper
   ¶ 18 Sept. • A group of seminarians         with the community.
from St John Vianney Seminary in St              ¶ 21-25 Oct. • Fr Bernard and Br Ga-
Paul, Minnesota, make a brief visit before     briel, O. Cist., from the Abbey of Vyšší
beginning a semester in Rome.                  Brod, Czech Republic, spend the week at
   ¶ 22-28 Sept. • We welcome retreat-         Silverstream along with Oblate Br Sam-
ants Fr Tom Ryan from Tipperary and Fr         uel (Andrej Kutarna) and Fr Dominik
James Fleming from Newfoundland.               (Obl. Br Benedikt of Vyšší Brod).
   ¶ 24 Sept. — 8 Oct. • Rev'd Mother            ¶ 26-29 Oct. • Tom Murphy visits,
Immaculata of Tegelen, Netherlands,            bringing along his violin, which he uses
returns to Silverstream for her annual re-     to entertain us at recreation with music
treat. She is accompanied for the first few    of Mozart, Puccini, and others.
days by Sr Justine from her community.           ¶ 27 Oct. • Feast of Christ the King.
   ¶ 1 Oct. • Feast of St Thérèse, pa-         The Blessed Sacrament is solemnly ex-
troness of the noviciate. Priest-novice        posed throughout the week from Con-
Br Gregory celebrates the conventual           ventual Mass until 9 PM, to intercede for
Mass and preaches a moving homily in           the spiritual needs of the country.
the form of “A Novice’s Letter to Saint          ¶ 28-31 Oct. • Fr Bernardino, Fr Jo-
Thérèse”. At the end of the day, Fr Prior      seph Mary, Br Damien, and Br Seraphim
announces the appointment of D. Hilde-         Marie, CFR, visit Silverstream.
brand as Master of Novices.                      ¶ 1 Nov. • Feast of All Saints, fifth
   ¶ 2-10 Oct. • D. Chrysostom travels to      anniversary of D. Benedict’s priestly ordi-
Michigan to visit his family. While there,     nation, and first anniversary of profession
he speaks to the students of Gabriel           of D. John Baptist.
Richard Catholic High School about his           ¶ 2 Nov. • All Souls Day. After the
monastic vocation. He returns with his         Solemn Requiem Mass, the community
friend Peter, who stays at the monastery       goes in procession to the cemetery of the
for several days.                              Visitation nuns located on the monastery
   ¶ 13 Oct. • Dom Benedict again pre-         grounds, where Fr Prior performs the Ab-
sides at Anglican Ordinariate Evensong in      solutions. In the afternoon, the brothers
New Britain, Connecticut, and preaches         walk to the Stamullen, where they sing the
a homily on the occasion of the canoni-        Office of the Dead in the parish church
zation of St John Henry Newman. One            and visit the nearby cemetery with the
of the occurring scripture readings, not       ruins of a medieval chantry.
                n     Tuesday, 11 February 2020, the Feast of the Apparition
                   of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes, our Brothers
                   PLACID M. MCKEE of the Archdiocese of Armagh &
                   GREGORY M. SLIWA of the Diocese of Springfield in
                   Massachusetts will make Simple Profession under the Holy
Rule of Our Father Saint Benedict. We recommend Brothers Placid &
Gregory to your prayers. The Lord hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise
shall not depart out of the mouth of men (Antiphon, Office of 11 February).
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