Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio

Page created by Megan Rice
Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Gold Award
June 26, 2021
Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Mission                                              Welcome!
    Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence,   Across Northeast Ohio, members of the community are seeing great changes take
    and character, who make the world a better place.    place. Elementary schools are receiving valuable STEM resources. Places of worship
                                                         are seeing improvements to their buildings and to the safety of their congregations.
                                                         Animals have new habitats and resources to support their populations. These
    The Girl Scout Promise                               things were all made possible because of Gold Award Girl Scouts!
    On my honor, I will try:                             Girl Scouts are creating and implementing many incredible Take Action projects
    To serve God and my country,                         in order to effect meaningful and sustainable change to earn the Girl Scout Gold
    To help people at all times,                         Award, the highest achievement in Girl Scouting.
    And to live by the Girl Scout Law.                   For over a century, girls who have earned this distinction have shown that they are
                                                         not only enterprising and engaged young women—they are also courageous leaders
    The Girl Scout Law                                   and visionary change makers. This prestigious award is earned by only five percent
                                                         of eligible Seniors and Ambassadors nationwide. To earn the Gold Award, a girl must
    I will do my best to be                              meet a clearly defined set of criteria. Each girl carefully develops her project by
    honest and fair,                                     evaluating her community’s needs, choosing an issue she is passionate about, and
    friendly and helpful,                                creating an action plan to address the issue in a measurable and sustainable way.
    considerate and caring,                              Girls who have earned the Gold Award aren’t just creating positive change for
    courageous and strong, and                           others. They are also realizing incredible outcomes for themselves. According to
    responsible for what I say and do,                   the Girl Scout Research Institute’s report The Power of the Girl Scout Gold Award:
    and to                                               Excellence in Leadership and Life, award recipients have greater life benefits
    respect myself and others,                           than non-Girl Scout alumnae; 99 percent of them hold leadership roles in their
    respect authority,                                   everyday lives, 70 percent are active volunteers, and 94 percent feel they have been
    use resources wisely,                                successful in their educational endeavors. Of those surveyed, 98 percent agree that
    make the world a better place, and                   Girl Scouts has had a positive impact on their lives.
    be a sister to every Girl Scout.
                                                         Yours in Girl Scouting,

                                                         M. Jane Christyson        Judith Matsko
                                                         Chief Executive Officer   Chair, Board of Directors

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Margaret Mitchell        Keynote Speaker                                                          Gold Award Celebration Program
                 Margaret Mitchell anticipates trends and has a proven track record of creating
                 competitive breakthrough strategies. She communicates vision, purpose,
                 and core values. As a strong decision maker who builds consensus, she is
                 a consistent top performer who pursues growth with energy and drive.                 Pledge of Allegiance
                 Margaret strives for personal and organizational excellence. Recognized for
                 savvy in building relationships at all levels inside and outside the organization,
                 she guides an organization with a steady hand and maintains focus, even in
                                                                                                      Girl Scout Promise
                 challenging situations.
                 As President and CEO of YWCA Greater Cleveland, Margaret has more than
                                                                                                      Keynote Address
                 doubled the budget, the staff, and the services of YWCA Greater Cleveland
                 through her leadership, financial acumen, and fundraising. Among her                 Presentation of Awards
                 achievements, in 2019 she led the call to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis
                 in Cleveland and across the state through her leadership in the Ohio YWCA            Closing
                 Council. Additionally, Margaret led the acquisition of the Norma Herr Women’s
                 Center, Cleveland’s largest homeless emergency women’s shelter. She also
                 launched the transformation of the YWCA Greater Cleveland Early Learning
                 Center into a unique, unduplicated preschool that currently operates the only        Margaret Mitchell
                 trauma-informed preschool servicing children and families experiencing               President and CEO of YWCA Greater Cleveland
                 homelessness.                                                                        		   Keynote Address
                 Previously, Margaret was the President & CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters
                 Greater Cleveland and served as the VP of Business Development and Director          M. Jane Christyson
                 of Partnerships at Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas (now BBBS Lone            Chief Executive Officer
                 Star). In each of these roles, she expanded the reach and effectiveness of the            Welcome
                 organization – from board development, partnership recruitment, fundraising          		   Presentation of Awards
                 and organizational transformation focused on data. Earlier, Margaret held
                 senior leadership roles at Menttium, a for-profit industry leader in one-to-one      Judith Matsko
                 corporate mentoring, featuring cross-company programs serving the Fortune            Chair, Board of Directors
                 500. She began her career in publishing as an editor and writer.                     		   Presentation of Awards
                 Margaret received a BA with honors in Mass Communications from Hampton
                 Institute – a Historically Black College and recently attended Strategic
                 Perspectives in Nonprofit Management at Harvard Business School. In 2020,
                 The Cleveland Orchestra, in partnership with the City of Cleveland, honored
                 her with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Outstanding Service Award. In 2019,
                 YWCA Greater Cleveland, ranked in the “Top 10 of the Top 100 Workplaces” by
                 The Plain Dealer – Advance Ohio and was recognized as a “Business Longevity
                 Honoree” by Smart Business Magazine.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Arianna Allman, Ravenna, OH
    The Girl Scout Gold Award                                                                   RavNaz Refresh
    Since 1916, Girl Scouts have been making meaningful, sustainable change in their            Arianna “Annie” Allman, a 2020 graduate of Bio-Med Science Academy, has been a Girl
    communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor a Girl       Scout for 12 years and has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. The
                                                                                                Ravenna First Church of the Nazarene has benefited from Annie’s Gold Award project.
    Scout can earn, acknowledges the power behind each recipient’s dedication to not only       Her project, known as the RavNaz Refresh, addressed the minimal landscaping around
    empowering and bettering herself, but also to making the world a better place for others.   the church building, lack of landscaping and lighting around the church sign, and the
                                                                                                neglected prayer garden. Annie, along with church volunteers and two area Girl Scout
    These young women are courageous leaders and visionary change makers. They are our          troops, thinned out existing plants, planted new annuals and perennials, mulched, pruned
    future, and it looks bright!                                                                bushes and trees, and placed lights around the church sign. Annie even made a new
                                                                                                wooden bench for the prayer garden!
                                                                                                In addition to Girl Scouts, Annie is involved in Loaves and Fishes at the Ravenna
                                                                                                First United Methodist Church. She was also a competitive gymnast for nine years;
    Recipients                                                                                  a cheerleader for 12 years, earning four varsity letters; played varsity soccer for two
                                                                                                years; was an extra in the movie 25 Hill, performed in community theater; and had the
    Arianna Allman              Lucy Hanselman                   Amber Nedelka                  opportunity to travel to Ireland, Italy, Guatemala, and Costa Rica with Bio-Med.
    Jordan Anamasi              Katie Horn                       Alexis Ochi                    Annie currently works for a medical billing company and attends Kent State University
                                                                                                where she is majoring in chemistry. Upon graduation from Kent State, she plans to attend
    Jorja Bonar                 Olivia Johnson                   Paige Owsiany                  medical school and become a forensic pathologist.
    Allison Byron               Bea Jones                        Keira Oyen
    Diane Castner               Paige King                       Ayesha Qureshi
                                                                                                Jordan Anamasi, Avon, OH
    Hailey Edie                 Ava Kress                        Lauren Shearer                 Camp Fitch Equine Grooming and Care Program
    Elyse Ertel                 Mikenna Liebmann                 Kathryn Spinner                Jordan Anamasi, a student at Avon High School, has been a Girl Scout for 10 years, and
    Alexis Farran               Madelyn Low                      Marjorie Spinner               earned her Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Jordan, who has been riding horses for over
                                                                                                five years, was inspired to create her project after seeing the lack of education in the
    Alexandra Fox               Mary Frances Mahoney             Sam Tarolli                    equestrian program at Camp Fitch. She combined her passions for teaching and riding to
    Audrey Fuller               Meredith Mallon-Jeffrey          Trillian Vaughn                design her project. Those who participate in the new program will walk away with more
                                                                                                knowledge of horses and how to care for them. Outside of Girl Scouts, Jordan participates
    Isabelle Gibson             Francesca Marsicano              Regina Wolf                    in many clubs at her school, mainly as Community Outreach Liaison for the Herstory
    Alixandria Hall             Brigit Morgan                    Faith Wynn                     club. She also participates in the National Honor Society, SAVE club, and horseback riding.
                                                                                                After high school, she plans to attend college to study pre-med or education.

                                                                                                Jorja Bonar, Vienna, OH
                                                                                                Nurturing Creativity for Children in Liberia
                                                                                                Jorja Bonar, a Junior at Mathews High School, has been a Girl Scout for 10 years. The
                                                                                                inspiration for her Gold Award project came from her dad’s heartbreaking stories of
                                                                                                children in Liberia who only have basic necessities and no comforts. Her work with
                                                                                                Farmer-to-Farmer, a non-profit farming and education charity, and her mentors, Pastors
                                                                                                Ray and Cathy Ake, helped her discover how she could have a positive impact. Jorja
                                                                                                collected durable educational play items that target creativity and sent two 50-gallon
                                                                                                barrels full of toys to Harrisburg, Liberia. For all Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers, she
                                                                                                created a training packet to prepare them to help develop creativity and fine motor skills
                                                                                                in children. Besides Girl Scouts, Jorja is involved with 4-H; National Honor Society; and
                                                                                                received varsity letters in basketball, cross country, track, and band. After she graduates,
                                                                                                she hopes to attend The Ohio State University and study biology to become a pediatrician.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Allison Byron, Tallmadge, OH                                                                       Elyse Ertel, Mentor, OH
    Memorial Walkway                                                                                   Cubby Clean Up
    Allison Byron, a graduate of Tallmadge High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and         Elyse Ertel, a Lake Catholic High School graduate, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and
    has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Through the years, memorials            has earned her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. The Lake Catholic Performing
    were placed in various locations in the Tallmadge School District for students who had             Arts Department is benefiting from her Gold Award project. Elyse refurbished the
    passed away. For her Gold Award project, Allison created a space for the memorials of              instrument cubbies in their band room and set up an digital instrument catalog using
    students who had passed, so they would not be forgotten. Allison knew that the schools             Google Sheets, which allows for easy updates and management by the band director.
    where the original memorials sat were to be demolished and she worked with school                  By refurbishing the cubbies, Elyse revitalized the band room and is providing a more
    officials and volunteers to help create a space to commemorate the memories of the                 pleasant learning environment for the aspiring musicians. In addition to Girl Scouts,
    students. Outside of Girl Scouts, Allison enjoys playing multiple instruments and sewing.          Elyse was Drum Major, a Karios leader, and a member of the varsity golf team at her high
    She plans to attend Kent State University for fashion design and jazz studies.                     school. She is currently attending The Ohio State University where she plans to major in
                                                                                                       accounting with a minor in German.

    Diane Castner, Strongsville, OH
    Dementia Herb Garden                                                                               Alexis Farran, Strongsville, OH
    Diane Castner, a graduate of Strongsville High School, has been a Girl Scout for 13 years.
                                                                                                       Make a New Friend
    Her Gold Award project focused specifically on dementia patients in the Shurmur                    Alexis Farran, a graduate of Strongsville High School, has been a Girl Scout for 13 years.
    Memory Assisted Living Facility. She took her passion for gardening and researched how             She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. She based her project
    gardening could help to stimulate memories through the different senses. Diane worked              around wanting students to work on including one another and trying new things. Alexis
    through the COVID-19 pandemic on her project, implementing the physical project in the             added a buddy bench and a gaga pit to the recess area. Gaga ball, a game she enjoyed
    facility, as well as creating digital resources for other people to view. The garden is now in     playing as a child, was a fun new game for the students at Whitney to learn. She earned
    place for residents and families to enjoy and learn from.                                          money by having a summer fundraiser at the school, and collected donations from the
                                                                                                       community during the school’s open houses. In order to teach the students about her
    Outside of Girl Scouts, she works at a local horse stable where she helps and teaches
                                                                                                       project, she sent a video she made explaining how to use the gaga pit and buddy bench,
    younger riders. She plans to attend Otterbein University for equine pre-veterinary
                                                                                                       and had the school’s counselor present it to the students. Alexis hopes that the work
    medicine and go on to vet school.
                                                                                                       she put in for her gold award will impact the lives of students at Whitney Elementary
                                                                                                       for years to come, by students continuing to include one another at recess and enjoying
                                                                                                       the gaga pit with one another. She is currently finishing up her first year at Cuyahoga
    Hailey Edie, Bowerston, OH                                                                         Community College and enjoys spending her free time with her family. Her future plans
    Centerville’s Bird Watching Club                                                                   are to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management and travel the world.
    Hailey Edie, a graduate of Carrollton High School, has been a Girl Scout for 11 years and
    plans to become a Lifetime Member. She has earned her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and
    Gold Awards. For her Gold Award project, she had an aspiration to work with the senior             Alexandra Fox, Mentor on the Lake, OH
    citizens in her community, and she did that at Centerville Village. Hailey’s plan was to go        The Instrument Initiative
    to the retirement home and teach the residents about different kinds of birds, show them
                                                                                                       Alex Fox, a graduate of Lake Catholic High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and
    videos of birds, make birdhouses, and watch for birds outside. She assembled her team
                                                                                                       has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Young musicians attending
    and gathered her materials. Because COVID-19 impacted her ability to visit the center, she
                                                                                                       schools under the Music Alliance are benefiting from her Gold Award project, where she
    created a virtual bird watching club through Google Classroom, and was still able to pursue
                                                                                                       noted that students were not participating in band due to costs associated with owning
    her goal of teaching the residents about the birds. Hailey’s project required help, patience,
                                                                                                       and maintaining instruments, and a lack of education about the benefits of music. She
    and time when it came to technology, but Hailey and her team learned a lot and she
                                                                                                       held various instrument collection drives during the summer of 2019 to collect new and
    believes it will help them in the future. Her project is still in action at Centerville Village.
                                                                                                       gently used instruments. She felt that it was vital to give back to the schools that turned
    Outside of Girl Scouts, Hailey was active in many extra-curricular activities including:           her into the musician she is today and hopes that her Gold Award project makes the
    CHS Club, Blessings in a Backpack, National Honor Society, Youth to Youth Club, band and           ability to participate in band easily accessible to all students at her Alma Mater. Alex is
    more. Hailey is currently an Aircrew Flight Equipment Specialist in the Air Force and is           currently attending Cleveland State University.
    completing basic military training at Lackland Air Force base at San Antonio, Texas.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Audrey Fuller, Hudson, OH                                                                      Lucy Hanselman, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
     Birds to the Bench                                                                             Twin Falls Youth Room
     Audrey Fuller, a Senior at Hudson High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and          Lucy Hanselman, a rising Senior at Cuyahoga Falls High School, has been a very active
     has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. The native bluebird, wren,          Girl Scout since kindergarten. She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
     and other birds that enjoy birdhouses benefitted from the new and improved houses              Awards, and has participated in dozens of community service projects and Girl Scout
     in Cascade Park as part of Audrey’s Gold Award project. She identified a need in the           events. Lucy’s Gold Award project benefits community groups as well as the congregation
     community through nature by adding a new park bench in a shady resting spot near               and youth of Twin Falls United Methodist Church in Munroe Falls. She saw a need for a
     a butterfly garden. By establishing a bench, it provides a place to rest and enjoy the         dedicated meeting space for the church’s youth group and other small groups to meet.
     surrounding beauty and the birds now have a place to nest, creating a long-lasting impact      Lucy directed the renovation of an outdated, cluttered, and underused nursery, turning
     on bird population.                                                                            it into a bright, modern, and welcoming space that is being used frequently for Girl Scout
                                                                                                    and Scout BSA troops, youth activities, small group meetings, and much more.
     In addition to Girl Scouts, Audrey has been a part of Venture Crew for three years and
     Scouts BSA for two years, and is now working on completing her Eagle Rank. She also            In addition to Girl Scouts, Lucy is an enthusiastic member of the Cuyahoga Falls Black
     makes time for church, friends, and family. Audrey plans to graduate high school and           Tiger Marching Band’s trombone section, National Honor Society, symphonic band, and
     attend college with a major in psychology.                                                     volunteers frequently at her church. Lucy is currently exploring college options and career
                                                                                                    interests and is excited for her senior year.

     Isabelle Gibson, Vienna, OH
     Digitally Organizing Historical Data                                                           Katie Horn, Louisville, OH
     Isabelle Gibson, an upcoming Junior at Mathews High School, has been a Girl Scout for 11
                                                                                                    Preserving Constitution Town’s Pollinators
     years and has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Isabelle worked with      Katie Horn, a Senior at Louisville High School, has been a Girl Scout for 13 years and has
     the Vienna Historical Society for her Silver Award and was inspired to continue working        earned her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. For her Gold Award project, Katie
     with them for her Gold Award project. She worked with the society’s president to create a      was inspired to address the worldwide issue of the decrease of the honeybee population.
     digital database where donated historical items can be listed. This will help the historical   She constructed and placed a working honeybee hive, housed in a 8'x8'x6' chain link
     society keep better records of items they need donated as well as help the public search       fence, in Metzger Park. By having seminars and Google Meets, she created awareness of
     out historical artifacts for research or genealogical purposes.                                the necessity of pollinators and how they affect the worldwide food supply. As a benefit
                                                                                                    to the community, the honey from her hive was donated to the Louisville Community
     In addition to Girl Scouts, Isabelle is a member of the Akron German Family Society dance
                                                                                                    Cupboard. To complete the project with a cost of over $3,000, Katie made and sold
     and youth group, plays in the high school band, participates in color guard and flag line,
                                                                                                    COVID-19 masks, held snack sales, recruited sponsors, and applied for and received the
     is a member of her church’s youth group, and is active in American Heritage Girls. After
                                                                                                    Louisville Rotary Community Grant.
     graduation Isabelle would like to find a career where she works with young children,
     possibly as a pediatrician.                                                                    In addition to Girl Scouts, Katie is Vice President of the STEM Club, a group leader of
                                                                                                    Lady Leopard Mentors, and first chair in LHS marching and symphonic band. She plans
                                                                                                    to attend Kent State University to major in Aeronautics: Professional Pilot Concentration
                                                                                                    with a minor in Physics.
     Alixandria Hall, Twinsburg, OH
     Handicapped Accessibility
     Alix Hall, a graduate of Twinsburg High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and is
     continuing on as an adult Girl Scout. Her Gold Award project was building three handicap-
     accessible ramps for members of her community. She built a ramp for a gentleman with
     ALS who was unable to get into his home by himself, his wife would carry him into the
     house. The next ramp was for a gentleman who had his leg amputated from vascular
     issues. The final ramp was for an ice cream stand, which only had six steps up to the
     ordering window. People would avoid going because they would have to wait for the
     server to come outside for service. Her family was her main project team: her mom helped
     with the logistics and her mom, dad, papa, and uncle were her building assistants. Her
     troop had raised funds and saved to assist in funding with the projects.
     Outside of Girl Scouts she enjoys camping and being with her family. Alix plans to work
     and continue as an adult Girl Scout.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Olivia Johnson, North Canton, OH                                                               Paige King, Strongsville, OH
     Our Hometown Heroes                                                                            Tree of Life Mural
     Olivia Johnson, a graduate of homeschool, has been a Girl Scout for 14 years, has earned       Paige King, a 2021 graduate of Magnificat High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years
     her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, and was a recipient of the Leaders of          and has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. For her Gold Award
     Tomorrow Scholarship from GSNEO in 2020. After holding a job at a nursing home                 project, Paige painted a mural to inspire onlookers to work for positive change in society
     for several years, Olivia came up with the idea of collecting stories from local leaders,      from our roots to our branches. The “Tree of Life” mural is located in the basement of
     businessmen and women, and elderly, and compiling them into a book. She included               St. Joseph Catholic Church in Strongsville, where groups of all ages meet. The mural is
     pictures, quotes, and stories about each participant to make it more personal. She focused     bright and uplifting, featuring a stark black tree against a colorful background. The trunk
     the book on the knowledge that they could give and the experiences that they have              represents God, a pillar of strength, guidance, and love. Like branches, the faithful extend
     gone through. She also made a video for school-age children about the difference and           to reach new territory, to make positive change in the community. The new buds (the
     importance of generations and the wisdom that can be taken from them. The book was             younger members of the community) continue the tree’s story and life.
     published online, and the video was published and sent to many different groups in the
                                                                                                    Outside of Girl Scouts, Paige participates in the Magnificat High School crew team,
     United States and globally. She also recruited local school children and Girl Scouts to make
                                                                                                    Magnificat’s student council, St. Joseph’s youth group, and she works at Raising Cane’s
     and donate crafts and cards to local nursing homes.
                                                                                                    Chicken Fingers. She will attend the University of Dayton honor’s program and study
     Olivia is very active at work, passionate about music and crafts, and enjoys gourmet           pre-medicine.
     cooking for fun! She plans to attend a culinary arts school to earn a culinary degree with
     a minor in business.
                                                                                                    Ava Kress, Strongsville, OH
                                                                                                    Taking the Reigns: Helping Horses Help Kids
     Bea Jones, Bay Village, OH
                                                                                                    Ava Kress is a Senior honors student at North Royalton High School. A Girl Scout since
     Baking Buddies Club                                                                            the age of 5, Ava serves as the GSNEO Girl Director-at-Large. Ava has also received the
     Bea Jones, a graduate of Bay High School, has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten and         GSNEO Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship in 2020, the Jess & Lillia: Gifts from Above Gold
     has earned the Girl Scout Bronze and Gold Awards. Bea’s Gold Award project was created         Award Scholarship and the President’s Volunteer Award. She has volunteered with the
     to help the special needs classroom at her high school. She formed a baking club, called       Special Olympics, nursing homes, animal shelters, multiple camps for children who have
     Baking Buddies, which allowed the students to hone many life skills - from shopping            disabilities, the Ronald McDonald House, and a food pantry. The National Association of
     and following recipes, to interacting with other students and adults while selling and         Fundraising Professionals awarded her the Child Philanthropy Award in recognition of her
     making change at school bake sales and special events. The money raised was used to            Silver Award Snack Sack program. Ava’s Gold Award project, “Taking the Reins: Helping
     buy a specialized piece of equipment for their classroom. Hopefully, the program can be        Horses, Help Kids,” focused on facilitating the safety of children with disabilities who
     restarted after the COVID-19 pandemic, and the sensory chair/swing will be an impactful        receive therapeutic horsemanship services, and fundraising and building barn doors to
     addition to their school experience.                                                           help facilitate the children’s safety. This program focused on: the development of a horse
                                                                                                    mural to teach the children about horse anatomy so they can be safe in their presence;
     Outside Girl Scouts, Bea is involved in soccer, National Honor Society, community service,
                                                                                                    creating developmentally-appropriate signs that direct children where to stand in the
     and works at a local ice cream parlor. She plans to attend Miami University to study
                                                                                                    horse arena to avoid injury, providing training and education to children in the community
     biology and go on to medical school.
                                                                                                    about disability awareness; and fundraising, building, and installing two barn doors for
                                                                                                    the horses. A total of $5,000 in goods and services was raised to support this project.
                                                                                                    In the fall Ava will be attending Ohio University and she plans to become a nurse

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Mikenna Liebmann, Akron, OH                                                                  Meredith Mallon-Jeffrey, Chesterland, OH
     Raised Garden Beds                                                                           H2O at SFA
     Mikenna Liebmann, a graduate of Green High School, has been in Girl Scouts for 12 years.     Meredith Mallon-Jeffrey, a graduate of Gilmour Academy, has been a Girl Scout for 11
     She has earned her Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. The senior citizens of Greensburgh       years. She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Meredith worked
     Manor are benefiting from the raised garden beds that Mikenna contributed for her Gold       with Saint Francis of Assisi School to replace their old water fountains with new and more
     Award project. She was inspired to do this project by her respect and admiration for the     “conservation conscientious” water fountains. Since they include bottle fillers and a built-
     elderly, particularly her grandma, whom she looks up to. Mikenna was able to complete        in tracking mechanism that counts the ounces of water used, the fountains encourage
     this project through the generosity of the many businesses who donated materials, the        patrons to utilize refillable water bottles. Additionally, aside from the implementation
     team of volunteers who worked hard to build the boxes and spread the soil, as well as her    of the new fountains, she held presentations about the conservation of water, healthy
     Girl Scout leader who encouraged and challenged her every step of the way. Mikenna also      living, and recycling for the students (grades K-8) of Saint Francis of Assisi. Meredith is
     coordinated an event in which the residents of Greensburgh Manor could gather on the         continuing her education in the Honors Tutorial College for English at Ohio University and
     final day of the project to help plant vegetables and flowers as a way for them to claim     hopes to continue to “brave the big wide world” with her Girl Scout knowledge.
     the gardens as their own. The residents now have a new activity that will give them an
     opportunity to bond with each other and partake in an activity that may remind them
     of their youth without the physical strain of having to constantly bend down to tend to
                                                                                                  Francesca Marsicano, Hudson, OH
     the gardens. In addition to Girl Scouts, Mikenna was a member of National Honor Society,
     Fellowship of Christian Students, and band.
                                                                                                  The Butterfly Connection
                                                                                                  Francesca Marsicano, a graduate of Walsh Jesuit High School, has been a Girl Scout for
     Mikenna plans to attend Kent State University with a major in biology and minor in
                                                                                                  12 years. She has earned the Silver and Gold Awards. Students and teachers at Old Trail
     Spanish while continuing to work.
                                                                                                  School, Bath, OH are benefiting from her Gold Award project. Francesca created and
                                                                                                  taught a program to Old Trail students about the monarch butterflies found in Northeast
                                                                                                  Ohio. Her program helped to bring awareness to children about the importance of animals
     Madelyn Low, Rocky River, OH                                                                 being able to live in their natural habitats and how protecting these habitats is necessary
     Magnificat High School Shakespeare Club                                                      in an evolving world. Francesca created a program that provides the tools for a virtual or
     Madelyn Low, a senior at Magnificat High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years.         in-person experience that is now an educational tool for Old Trail School and is available
     She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Magnificat High School        for their educators to use and build on in the future. Her program includes lesson plans,
     students have benefited in their awareness and appreciation of William Shakespeare           virtual or printable activities, and supporting materials. In addition to Girl Scouting,
     and his works. Madelyn revitalized the Magnificat Shakespeare Club with her Gold             Francesca was involved in field hockey, rowing, and the Broadcasting Club. She plans to
     Award Project. She planned monthly meetings that creatively stimulated learning and          attend the University of Alabama where she will major in marketing.
     knowledge of Shakespeare’s literature in a fun and interactive atmosphere. Students
     engaged in Shakespeare monologue competitions, interactive fencing workshops, and
     attended a local production of Julius Caesar. Magnificat students will continue to have a    Brigit Morgan, Chardon, OH
     greater recognition of Shakespeare’s life, literary works, and accomplishments in both the   CMS Music Room Reno
     education and theatrical experiences offered in the extracurricular club. In addition to
     Girl Scouting, Madelyn is involved in her high school theater productions, show choir, and   Brigit Morgan is an upcoming Sophomore at Miami University in Oxford, OH. She has
     service outreach program. Outside of high school, Madelyn was involved in the Singing        been in Girl Scouts for 13 years and is now a Lifetime Member. Music has always been a
     Angels of Cleveland, and works as a princess for Ohio Princess Parties. Madelyn hopes to     part of her life, so she wanted to do something that would make the music program at her
     pursue a degree in English literature and musical studies in college.                        school better. The middle school band room had become a little run down over the years
                                                                                                  and the director had been wanting to update the room which made for the perfect project.
                                                                                                  She and her troop planned a pancake breakfast for their community to raise money for
                                                                                                  their Gold Award projects. Things became a little more complicated when COVID hit and
     Mary Frances Mahoney, Chagrin Falls, OH                                                      there was little communication and access to the school. Having these struggles led to
     From Shop to Shelter: Domestic Violence Awareness Bulletin Boards                            adjustments within the project to adhere to the safety guidelines.
     For her Gold Award, Mary wanted to foster a better connection between the local              Outside of Girl Scouts, Brigit was a gymnast for her high school and participated in every
     WomenSafe Green House and the WomenSafe Resale Shoppe, a thrift shop whose                   musical group that she could in the school and community. Now, Brigit is enrolled at Miami
     proceeds go towards the Green House women’s shelter. Many shoppers were not aware            University of Ohio, participating in women’s rugby as well as gymnastics, both club sports
     that their purchases helped fund WomenSafe! Mary constructed several informational           for the university. Brigit is studying kinesiology to become an athletic trainer one day.
     bulletin boards which were hung around the shop with information about domestic
     violence, WomenSafe’s mission, and opportunities in order for shoppers to learn about
     the organization and it’s mission. Her project helped raise awareness about the shelter
     and encouraged patrons to volunteer with the organization. She hopes that by making
     information about domestic violence more transparent and readily available it will
     encourage more conversation and reduce the stigma that surrounds it.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Amber Nedelka, Ravenna, OH                                                                     Keira Oyen, Chesterland, OH
     Educational Movie Kits                                                                         Tubes of Love
     Amber Nedelka, a graduate of Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy, has been a Girl Scout          Keira Oyen, a graduate of Hawken School, has been a Girl Scout for 13 years. She has earned
     for 13 years. She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Children that     the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Keira partnered with Fostering Hope to
     go to her local library will benefit from her Gold Award project. Amber partnered with the     supply activity packages to children when they first enter the foster system in Northeast
     Reed Memorial Library and created educational kits for the youth in her community. Each        Ohio. Her “Tubes of Love” contain simple crafts, puzzles, and coloring activities intended to
     kit includes a book and a movie combo with a lesson plan that goes along with it. The          reduce stress and anxiety during the difficult transition. They were decorated on the outside
     hope is that it will bring educational fun to families with young children. In addition to     with encouraging messages during workshops held with elementary and high school
     Girl Scouting, Amber also participated in dance since she was 3 years old and was also a       students in her community. She also used the opportunity to educate others about the
     member of the competition team during her high school years. In high school, Amber also        foster care system. Tube contents were supplied through donations and local fundraising
     was a member of the International Thespian Society, National Honor Society, and student        car washes. She organized remote and outdoor sessions during the pandemic to keep her
     council. She was also on the varsity cheerleading team all four years of high school. She      project moving forward to completion. Keira is so committed to this work that she has filed
     is now currently attending Kent State University where she is majoring in early childhood      for 501(c)(3) for Tubes of Love to continue beyond her Gold Award project. In addition to
     education.                                                                                     Girl Scouting, Keira is involved in community action projects and outdoor club activities at
                                                                                                    Elon University, where she is studying in an accelerated program for physical therapy.

     Alexis Ochi, Mayfield Heights, OH
     Mayfield Village Greenway Trail Bluebird Houses                                                Ayesha Qureshi, Uniontown, OH
     Alexis Ochi, a 2021 graduate of Mayfield High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years.
                                                                                                    ISNEO Kid’s Playroom
     She has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Alexis has always been          Ayesha Qureshi, a graduate of Green High School, has been a Girl Scout for 11 years.
     interested in animals. When researching a need for her Gold Award project, she knew            She has earned the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Members of the Islamic Society of
     that this was the direction she wanted to go. She was inspired by bluebird nesting boxes       Northeast Ohio are benefiting from her Gold Award. Ayesha used a spare room at her local
     that she observed while hiking a trail in Harrison county. Alexis researched locations in      mosque and created a babysitting room for mothers with younger children at different
     her home community where she could install a similar series of nesting boxes to help the       events hosted at the mosque. Ayesha started her project by presenting a proposal to
     birds with nest competition. She worked with officials in the Mayfield Village city hall to    the ISNEO board members. She then began collecting donations from her community
     get her project approved. Eventually, she built thirty bluebird nesting boxes and installed    members and began to construct the playroom with the help of other community
     them along the Greenway Trail in Mayfield Village. In addition to Girl Scouting, Alexis is     members. The next step was to educate potential volunteers to take care of the children.
     involved in youth group at church and was a member of her high school marching and             In order to do this, Ayesha created a virtual presentation where she gathered information
     concert bands, as well as the student council. She was also a four-year member of the          from different sources that revolved around how to properly babysit and take care of
     cross-country team. This fall she will attend Bowling Green State University, where she        children in emergency situations. In addition to Girl Scouting, Ayesha is also a member of
     plans to study exercise science.                                                               her band, in student government, and a volunteer at local hospitals. She plans to attend
                                                                                                    the University of Akron where she will major in biology on a pre-medical track.

     Paige Owsiany, Canal Fulton, OH
     Rails to Trails of Wayne County
     Paige Owsiany will be a senior this upcoming school year at Northwest High School. Paige
     has been a Girl Scout for over 12 years and has made so many memories throughout the
     years. Paige’s project was inspired by her love for nature, always going on walks, bike
     rides, and exploring; she also loves animal life. When thinking of a project she wanted
     to help both. Throughout the course of her project, Paige worked hard building over 20
     blue bird boxes. Almost half of these boxes were used as fundraising for her project. She
     also built a kiosk for the Heartland Trail. This project taught her about how important
     teamwork, determination, and perseverance truly is. When Paige is not with her Girl
     Scout troop, she enjoys playing soccer, skiing, and hiking. Paige plans on attending college
     with a finance major and communications minor.

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Gold Award Celebration - June 26, 2021 - Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Lauren Shearer, Strongsville, OH                                                               Marjorie Spinner, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
     Teens and Social Media: Combating and Identifying Stress                                       Cuyahoga Falls Wheels of Steel
     Lauren Shearer, a Senior at Magnificat High School in Rocky River, has been a Girl Scout       Marjorie Spinner is a 2020 graduate from Cuyahoga Falls High School and has enjoyed
     for 12 years. She has earned her Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. For her Gold Award,          being a Girl Scout for the past 12 years. Marjorie’s project, Wheels of Steel, was inspired
     Lauren researched the impacts of social media within her school; upon learning that            by a group called WAWAD, Wirecar Auto Workers Association of Detroit, who came to
     over 30% of students spend over 3 hours on social media a day, Lauren realized the true        her school and held a workshop on how to build mini cars made from wire. She saw this
     importance of social media in our culture today. When COVID-19 interrupted her original        as an opportunity to create an artistic outlet for her community as well as making an
     plan of “Wellness Workshops,” she decided to create a YouTube channel instead. When            organization that would bring artists from all over together. From in-person workshops
     she returned to in-person schooling in August, Lauren started the Wellness Club, because       to an online format, she taught artists how to problem solve, create, and build their own
     she saw that her high school lacked a safe space where students could freely discuss           wired cars in order to create a virtual “cruise”, or a parade, of all of the artists driving their
     issues that were bothering them, especially when many students were unable to interact         artwork. With donations made from local establishments, her project lives on through an
     with others outside a formal school setting. She also helped facilitate Magnificat’s school-   annual city-wide art show.
     wide Wellness Week and gave a talk on social media to the school community during
                                                                                                    Outside of Girl Scouts, Marjorie has completed her freshman year as a music education
     Wellness Week. Outside of Girl Scouts, Lauren loves being a faith mentor for her parish
                                                                                                    major at the University of Akron where she is a member of the UA marching band, UA
     youth group, writing for her school yearbook, and participating in Neuroscience Club,
                                                                                                    Blue and Gold Brass pep band, symphony concert band, and an active brother of the
     Marketing Club, Shakespeare Club, and Campus Ministry. She looks forward to graduating
                                                                                                    service fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi. She is currently working on her Eagle Rank through
     high school in the Spring of 2022, attending college, and volunteering with Girl Scouts in
                                                                                                    Scouts BSA’s troop 7153 in Silver Lake.
     the future.

                                                                                                    Sam Tarolli, Westlake, OH
     Kathryn Spinner, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
                                                                                                    Renovation of the Colors+ Youth Center
     Cuyahoga Falls Postcard Project
                                                                                                    Sam Tarolli, a graduate of Westlake High School has been a Girl Scout for 13 years. Over
     Kathryn Spinner is a 2020 graduate of Cuyahoga Falls High school and she’s been in Girl
                                                                                                    that time, she has had the privilege to earn her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards.
     Scouts for 12 years. Kathryn’s postcard project was inspired by her art teacher and will
                                                                                                    As a LGBTQ+ Girl Scout she saw the chance to give back to her community. With LGBTQ+
     live on through the CFHS Art Department. She distributed blank postcards throughout
                                                                                                    youth all around the country not having a safe space to express themselves, she took the
     the city to residents of all ages to be returned decorated and depicting a memory or
                                                                                                    opportunity to help renovate a local up-and-coming center to eventually reach its greatest
     favorite place in Cuyahoga Falls. Hundreds of the postcard were returned, and with the
                                                                                                    potential. The project started by earning money for the Colors+ Youth Center with an
     help of Downtown Cuyahoga Falls Partnership and the parks and recreation department,
                                                                                                    outdoor yoga event. Proceeds from the yoga activity were used to purchase the items that
     she was able to display the cards in the downtown pavilion windows. This afforded
                                                                                                    Colors+ needed the most. Sam was able to work with her team to refurbish the space to
     Cuyahoga Falls residents an opportunity to safely view the postcards and attracted many
                                                                                                    make it feel more like home. Along with new furniture, Sam got the kids that attend the
     visitors during the pandemic. On June 23rd, Fox 8 News highlighted her project in their
                                                                                                    center to help create a collage of their art, as well as creating a large canvas mural with a
     “Helping Cleveland’s Own” segment. The postcards were archived by the local historical
                                                                                                    team of other friends and scouts that displays the center’s name.
     society and live on through social media.
                                                                                                    In addition to Girl Scouts, Sam is involved with the LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland as a
     Katy is studying art education at The University of Akron, plays cymbals in the UA
                                                                                                    youth ambassador and was involved in Westlake Girls Soccer for over 10 years. She plans
     marching band, is a member of Tau Beta Sigma Music Sorority, serves on the board for
                                                                                                    to attend the University of Pittsburgh with a major in political science.
     Collide, and works full time in the summers as an area director for Camp Manatoc. She
     is also a member of Scouts BSA Troop 7153, based in Silver Lake, and is in the proposal
     stages of her Eagle Rank.
                                                                                                    Trillian Vaughn, Louisville, OH
                                                                                                    Wildwood Park Playground Equipment Installation
                                                                                                    Trillian Vaughn, a graduate of Louisville High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years. She
                                                                                                    has earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. . Trillian realized that Louisville’s
                                                                                                    Wildwood Park needed some rehabbing. She set her plan in motion to create a safe space
                                                                                                    for kids around the neighborhood. To make this happen, she collected $7,000 to purchase
                                                                                                    commercial playground equipment, and then installed the equipment with a team of
                                                                                                    Louisville high school students and scouts who volunteered their time and effort. Louisville
                                                                                                    residents now have something new for the children to enjoy. In addition to Girl Scouting,
                                                                                                    Trillian was a member of her high school marching band, Speech & Debate, honor’s society,
                                                                                                    and French Club. She is an honor’s program student at Kent State University where she is
                                                                                                    completing a Bachelor of Architecture with plans of a Master of Architecture.

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Regina Wolf, Amherst, OH
                        Change through Art                                                                                Board of Directors
                        Regina Wolf, a 2020 graduate of Amherst Steele High School, has been a Girl Scout for             Judith Matsko – The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma
                        13 years and is now a Lifetime Member of the Girl Scouts of the USA. She has earned               Chairperson
                        her Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Students, staff, church, and community
                        members will benefit from her Gold Award project. Prior to COVID, Regina had a plan to            Chris Venditti, MBA, CSSBB – Moen Incorporated
                        revamp a local dance studio. The pandemic may have derailed her initial plan, but she             Vice Chair
                        moved through it and worked with her local church. Regina worked with her team to
                        create a diverse mural that represented all kids everywhere in the preschool classroom.           Cindy Skelton-Becker – Nordson Corporation
                        Regina chose this particular mural to make the space more welcoming for everyone and              Secretary
                        to remind members that racial diversity is important. Her completed project will help to
                        create and promote awareness and dialogue about our country’s racial diversity.                   Kate Asbeck, Retired Finance Executive
                        Regina is going into her sophomore year at Bowling Green State University with a major
                        in music theatre and a minor in dance. She has been a member of the Bowling Green
                        State University Falcon Marching Band, University Dance Alliance and Falconettes. She
                        aspires to perform in Disney and Broadway shows. She hopes to be a professional dance             Members-at-Large
                        choreographer and own her own dance studio someday.
                                                                                                                          Allison Baker - Nestlé
                                                                                                                          Diana Bilimoria, PhD – Case Western Reserve University
                        Faith Wynn, Uniontown, OH                                                                         Tami Bolder, CPA/ABV, ASA, MBA, DBA - CBIZ Valuation Group, LLC
                        Lend a Life Vest
                                                                                                                          Robyn Gordon - NASA Glenn Research Center
                        Faith Wynn, graduate of Green High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12 years. She has
                        earned her Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Her Gold Award project was a Lend a Life              Joseph Gutkoski, Esq. – Signet Jewelers
                        Vest Station. The purpose of the Lend a Life Vest Station at Portage Lakes State Park boat
                        dock is to protect and help the boating community. Boating families can come, borrow a            Matthew Inks – KeyBank
                        life jacket, read about life jacket safety, and go out on the water safely. After their time on
                                                                                                                          Kathy Moock – Community Volunteer
                        the water, they return the life jacket to the station where it can hang and dry or be put into
                        the storage container. In addition to Girl Scouts, Faith is also involved with the local Sea      Sandra Rapp – TravelCenters of America
                        Scout Ship 5001 and NYLT Boy Scout camp. She is also fluent in French and is currently
                        attending the University of Cincinnati with a double major of international business and          Nicole Rodenfels – LifeAct
                        operations management. She is also completing a minor in French in hopes of being able            Laura Schultz, Esq. – Preservation Retirement Services
                        to live and work abroad.
                                                                                                                          Ellen Stephens, SHRM-SCP – The Sherwin-Williams Company
                                                                                                                          Karen Stock, PhD – Walsh University
     Thank you to our Gold Award Committee                                                                                Heather Valentino – Greater Cleveland RTA
     Elise Alexander                     Betsy Gorrell                            Abigail Richardson                      Vivian von Gruenigen, MD – NEOMED
     Julie Ash                           Kim Helms                                Chelsea Rodgers                         Christine Walker – FirstEnergy
     Carol Beasley                       Beth Herman                              Holly Sauder
                                                                                                                          Chris Young, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC – Akron Children’s Hospital
     Lisa Breier                         Christy Higbee                           Jackie Sosnowski
     Mary Lou Britton
     Joy DeMarco
                                         Kathi Kovacic
                                         Elizabeth Malloy
                                                                                  Marjorie Steele
                                                                                  Elaine Watson
                                                                                                                          Girl Members-at-Large
     Linda DeMarco                       Christine Michael                        Sandi Werbeck                           Shelby Bennett
     Linda Foy                           Kelly Nemetz                             Carol Williams                          Sydney Harbour
     Robin Gelet                         Karen Payne

20                                                                                                                                                                                          21
Juliette Gordon Low Society
          Palmer & Cay salutes                          The Juliette Gordon Low Society was established in memory of our founder, Juliette Gordon Low,
          the achievements of                           to thank and honor friends of Girl Scouts who choose to make Girl Scouts of North East Ohio part of

     Gold Award
                                                        their legacy and a beneficiary of their estate plans. With their foresight and planning, these donors are
                                                        crucial to ensuring that our council will be able to provide future generations of Girl Scouts with opportunities
                                                        to reach their fullest potential.

     Girl Scouts
                                                        Samuel E. Adams Sr.*           Tina Marie Collins             Lizbeth W. Kohler              Margaret A. Renwand
                                                        Erik and Eva Andersen-         Laura Bailey Culp              Carole A. Krupa                Susana L. Rogers
                                                         Girl Scout Movement-wide      Meredythe Gray Daley           Gabrielle Love                 Kathleen Scheutzow
                                                         Challenge Planned Gift
                                                                                       Donna M. DeFiore               Dot MacIntyre                  Laura and Tim Schultz
                                                        Mrs. Nancy D. Barker*
                                                                                       Gunta Douglas                  Lisa Maida                     Elsie Sickafoose*
                                                        Dianne Belk and Lawrence
       Girl Scouts of North East Ohio                    Calder-
                                                         Girl Scout Movement-wide
                                                                                       M. Elizabeth (Beth) Frank      Sharon Mathie                  M. Elizabeth “Liz” Smith*
                                                                                       Brenda Heidinger               Judith E. Matsko               Pamela Valentine
                                                         Challenge Planned Gift
                                                                                       Bette Mae Jirran*              Leslie R. McGinnis             G. June Van Dette*
                                                        Mary Lou A. Britton
                                                                                       Claudia W. Jones               Debbie Minerich                Joan P. Villarreal
                                                        Patricia A. Broughton
                                                                                       Nan P. Jubell*                 Sue Neff                       Ara Lou Waldock*
                                                        Amie & Phil Cajka
                                                                                       Mona Karoghlanian              Benjamin G. and Jane Norton    Marc and Julie Weagraff
                                                        Marian R. Calvin
                                                                                       Martha C. Kelly*               Mary W. Parker*                Michele L. Weilnau
                                                        Jane Christyson and Bob
                                                                                       Pam Kirik                      Joyce Randall*                 *deceased
                                                                                       Kimberly Klima                 Sandra L. Reid

                                                        To learn more about the Juliette Gordon Low Society, contact VP of Fund Development
                                                        Julie Weagraff at 330-983-0399 or

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Thank you to our generous sponsor:
Palmer & Cay

     GSNEO • One Girl Scout Way • Macedonia, Ohio 44056

                                     Girl Scouts   @gsneo   @gsneo   @gsneo
                                      of North
                                     East Ohio
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