Important Things to Know - Kim Parker Wyoming DEQ/Water Quality

Important Things to Know - Kim Parker Wyoming DEQ/Water Quality
Chapter 5
Important Things to
        Kim Parker
 Wyoming DEQ/Water Quality
Working From Home?
Back at the Office!
 •Business as usual, except:
 •My phone is forwarded through 2 numbers,
  so let it RING!
 •Return calls will come from a private
 •Travel will be restricted until further notice.
 •Workload is heavier
Keep a Close Eye on the Website!
•It is now more important than ever to make
 sure you check the OpCert website.
  •Use for your login link.
  •Check for important announcements.
  •Check for new training opportunities!
  •Add it to your favorites or bookmark it!
Listserv Email Notifications
•One of the ways that I can get word out to a
 lot of people at once is a listserv email.
•The sender will be listed as:
•Not everyone can get these emails, so I
 always post the same info online! Do not
A Brief History of
Operator Certification
Operator Certification in Wyoming
•First Wyoming statute in July 1973
•First Wyoming guidelines in December 1973
•US Congress passes Safe Drinking Water Act
 in December 1974
•First Wyoming rule in February 1975
•Currently on Version 6 of the rule, 48 years
Federal Requirements to Meet
 •Federal guidelines published February 1999
  after OpCert inclusion in the Safe Drinking
  Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996
 •States required to meet the minimum
  standards, but program structure up to states.
 •Wyoming’s program was the 7 to be

  approved in 2000.
Federal Requirements
 • Operators required for C and NTNC PWS
    • No operators required for TNC or WW/C systems
 • Facility level based on health risk.
 • Operators licensed at/above facility level.
 • Certification dependent upon HSE, training,
   experience, and examination.
 • Continuing education, renewals every 1-3 years.
Public Water System (PWS) Types
 Community (C):
 •15 service connections or regularly provides
  water to 25 residents year-round, i.e.
  municipalities, water districts, subdivisions
 •(WSS 35-11-103)
Public Water System (PWS) Types
 Non-Transient Non-Community (NTNC):
 •25 of the same persons for more than 6
  months of the year, i.e. schools, mines, or
  office buildings
 •(WSS 35-11-103)
Public Water System (PWS) Types
 Transient Non-Community (TNC):
 •25 different people per day for a minimum of
  2 months, i.e. resorts, campgrounds, RV
  parks, etc.
 •(40 CFR 141.2)
 •Most waterborne disease outbreaks occur in
  this type of PWS!
Wastewater System Types
 Publicly Owned WW or C Systems:
 •Collect or treat more than 2,500 gpd of
  wastewater containing human waste.
 •City, county, state, federal facilities, districts,
  HOAs, etc.
 •(WSS 35-11-103)
Wastewater System Types
 Privately Owned WW or C Systems:
 •If owned by an individual or corporation,
  Wyoming does not require operators!
Chapter 5
 2018 Rulemaking
Important Changes
New Definition of Available
 •Operator must be able to be on site within 8
  hours and shall initiate the appropriate
  operational and technical actions within 1
  hour of being notified that there is a problem
  at the facility.
 •Operator’s responsibility and
 •Owner’s responsibility
New Definitions
 •Lagoon System: publicly owned wastewater
  collection and treatment system where
  primary treatment is a lagoon.

 •Well System: PWS consisting of well(s),
  disinfection, and distribution system.
New Facilities to Match
 •District Engineers reviewed and approved the
 •Switch-over happened in August 2018
 •250 Well Systems
 •100 Lagoon Systems
Switch-over Happened in August 2018
 •August 26, 2018 end date
 •August 27, 2018 start date for new
New Certifications to Match
 •Well System covers well(s), treatment,
  storage, distribution
 •Lagoon System covers sewer system and
 •Essentially the same as the old Water and
  Wastewater Systems certificates
 •Both are Level 1 certificates
Level 1 Certification Requirements
 •Certification requirements are the same for all
  Level 1 certifications:
   •High School Equivalency (HSE)
   •6 months operating experience
   •35 hours of training
   •Passing score on the matching exam
   •Wyoming residency (new)
Which Exams Are We Using?
•Well Systems:
  •ABC Very Small Water System Exam
  •50 questions
•Lagoon Systems:
  •DEQ/ABC developed exam
  •50 questions on Collection system
  •50 on Lagoon O&M
Other Changes Affecting Certification
 •Added a “residency” requirement, operators
  must now live in or work in Wyoming.

 •Limits how “other pertinent experience” can
  be used. Can no longer be used instead of
  plant experience on Levels 3 and 4.
“New” ABC Exams
2017 ABC Exams
 •Launched in May 2018.
 •Have 110 questions, only 100 of which are
 •You still have 3 hours to take the exam
 •Based on job description surveys
 •“Rule” questions were removed
Why Remove Rule Questions?!
 •Some really good reasons!
   •Because rules change frequently
   •Shift focus to emphasize rules training
 •Wyoming added rule continuing education
Which Exam Should I Take?!
•Check your Operator page. In which Areas do
 you work?
•Descriptions of all exams that Wyoming
 offers. Select the one that matches the
 facility where you work!
•Call or email me if you aren’t sure!
Exam Study Materials
 •Check the website or call/email me!
 •Each exam has a list of recommended study
 •Click on the link for your exam.
New ABC Need-To-Know
 •New NTK documents are MUCH better!
 •Shows number of questions in each content
 •Shows how many questions are recall,
  application, or analysis questions
 •Shows number of ‘math’ questions on exam!
New ABC Need-To-Know
New ABC Formula Sheets
 •Be sure to use the new formula sheets!
 •Use conversions/values listed on formula
  sheets for best answer.
 •Example: they use  = 3.14, so using your
  calculator  button will not give the best
 •Use the formula sheets when you study!
Correspondence Courses
•Correspondence courses from California State
 University Sacramento (Ken Kerri)
•Best bang for your buck!
  •Prepares you for the exam
  •Makes sure you have enough hours to qualify
  •Takes care of your first renewal (except the rule
   class), IF you complete it in the same year that I
   issue your certificate.
D&C Exam Pass Rates Between
October 8, 2018 and October 28, 2020
Water Exam Pass Rates Between
October 8, 2018 and October 28, 2020
Wastewater Exam Pass Rates Between
October 8, 2018 and October 28, 2020
Study Materials for the Lagoon Exam
•Check the website or call/email me!
•50 sewer O&M questions: take the California
 State correspondence course!
•50 lagoon O&M questions: study the FREE EPA
•Working on a Need to Know list
Operator Responsibilities
Operator Responsibilities
 •Maintain training documentation! Not just 3
 •Ensure that your employment list is current
  and accurate
 •Be available to all facilities where you are
  listed as a responsible or substitute
  responsible charge operator.
Operator Responsibilities
•“Available”: capable of being on site within 8
 hours and shall initiate the appropriate
 operational and technical actions within 1
 hour of being notified that there is a problem
 at the facility.
•Notify your employer or responsible charge
 operator if you are/will not be available.
Operator Responsibilities
 •Notify your customers if anything
  substantially out of the ordinary is happening
  with their water or wastewater!
   •Lift station out?
   •Chlorinator on the fritz?
Facility Responsibilities
Facility Responsibilities
 •Ensure that a responsible charge or a
  substitute responsible charge operator is

 •This has been a requirement since about
Facility Responsibilities
 •Facilities must immediately replace
  responsible charge operators.
   •Substitute responsible charge operator
   •Contract operator
 •Shall not allow uncertified or inadequately
  certified individuals to operate or maintain
  any facility!
Facility Responsibilities
 •Certified operator clause has impact on
  “paper operators”!
 •If you are caught, DEQ will enforce!
 •Revoke or suspend operator’s certifications
 •Enforce against facility
Contractor Responsibilities
Contractor Responsibilities
 •Owner can request permission to have
  contract operator come less often than once
  per week IF the facility is:
   •Remote or
 •Does not give owner permission to do “stuff”
  without the operator!
Certificate Renewals
Certificate Renewals
 •Still need 24 hours continuing education
 •Still need 8 hours of core training
 •Added a requirement to take 2 hours of
  “rule” training for each renewal.
 •10 hours out of the 24 are now “spoken
What are Rule Hours?
 •Rule hours are a type of core hours
 •They are trainings on RULES.
   •SDWA (TCR, Nitrate, L&C, SWTR, CCR, etc.)
   •CWA (Pretreatment, NPDES)
   •WYPDES, Permitting, Inspections, eDMRs
   •Construction permitting (Chapters 3, 11,
    and 12).
   •Chapter 5
Core and Rule Hour Counter
If You Don’t Use Course Numbers…
Use Course Numbers to Add Training!
Adding Training Records
•Search for the course number
  •Use blue search bar (less is better)
  •Check list of approved trainings online
•Ask me to issue a number.
  •Send me a copy of the certificate or link to
   the training.
  •You still need to add it to your training
   history and keep your certificate.
Training Opportunities Webpage
•Upcoming approved trainings and webinars (If
 you find out about a good one, I’ll add it!)
•Find a list of all approved online, webinar and
 correspondence courses!
If Your Certificate Expires…
•Certificates expire due to a lack of continuing
  •Look for the Yes or No in the ‘Will Renew’
  •I send out a couple of reminders, too.
•You have 3 months to renew your certificate
 without penalty, but your certificate is still
April Fools?!
•To renew after December 31st:
  • Take the training,
  • Add it to your training history,
  • Apply it to your renewal, and
  • Let me know you are done before COB on the last
    business day of March.
•To renew AFTER that date, you must take an
 additional 8 hours of training and retake your
Annual Audits
Why An Audit?
•Operators have entered their own training
 records since 2012.
•A spot-check to verify that operators are
 recording the training that they have taken
 correctly is required.
•Also need to check that core and rule training
 requirements were met.
Audits Are Random!
•Every operator that renews a certificate is
 “eligible” for an audit!
•Audits are completely random.
•There is an equal chance that you may be
 selected for an audit EACH year that one of
 your certificates renews.
Audits Happen Every February
•Audits are conducted from early to mid
•Audits last 2 weeks.
•You only have 2 weeks to get your
 documents to me!
•Your renewal will be approved or denied as a
 result of the audit.
Where Will You Be In February?
 •If you anticipate being on furlough, vacation,
  or medical leave during this time period,
  make sure I can get the documents!
  •Send me copies of your training certificates,
  •Upload the documents to your account, or
  •Leave the documents with a supervisor or
What Gets Checked?
 •Each renewal has 2 rule hours in addition to
  the 8 core hours
 •Match certificates with what you entered:
   •Date(s). Use the last day of the training if the
    training is longer than one day.
   •Number of hours match, no double-dipping
   •Title matches
 •Training is in the appropriate area
How Does it Work?
 •After selecting a percentage of renewals to
  audit, the database sends you an “invitation”
  email which lists the documents I need.
 •I review each document and mark each as
  verified or not, and I notify you if there are
  any problems.
 •If your renewal is rejected, I will contact you
  and advise you what needs to be done.
 •I evaluate the number of renewals approved,
  the number rejected, primary reasons for
 •I calculate the average number or core, rule,
  and total hours.
 •Apply all the training that you can!
New Login Process
New Login Procedure in Place
 •We switched AWAY from the old egov logins
  last September!
 •Now you will use an email as your user
 •Easier for you to login on mobile devices.
 •You won’t have to remember the egov login
  or get locked out of your account anymore!
Disconnected From Your Account?
 •The egov logins no longer work, so if you
  have not yet set up your new login, I will
  inactivate your account soon.
 •You can reactivate it by contacting me or
  submitting an access request.
Important Things to Know
 •Do NOT use Internet Explorer
 •Each person must have a
  unique email.
 •Delete your old Login page
  shortcuts! Instead, add the
  OpCert homepage to your
  favorites or bookmark it.
Sign In With An Email Account
 •Click on Sign Up
 •Select an account
  • Apple ID
  • Facebook account
  • Google account (e.g. gmail)
  • Microsoft accounts (e.g. hotmail,
    live, Office365)
 •Click on Sign Up at the
  bottom of the screen
Create an Auth0 Account
• Enter your email and set up a
• Click on Sign Up
• Auth0 will send you an email to
  verify your email address.
   • Open your email and click on the
     ‘Verify Email’ link in that email.
• Open a new login screen and click
  on the Log In side to proceed…
Requesting Access
                    • Existing Users
                      already have a
                      Wyoming Operator
                      Certification account
                      and Operator ID
                    • New Users will not
                      have an Operator
                      Certification account
                      and don’t have an
                      Operator ID number.
Requesting Access-Existing Users
                           •Enter your
                            First, Last
                            and Middle
                            Name and a
                           •Click ‘Submit’
                            (red circle).
Requesting Access-New Users
                          • Fill out the
                            information and
                            select your user
                          • Most will only
                            select the
                            ‘Operator’ role.
                          • Click ‘Submit’ (red
Logging In From Now On
• You will get an email when DEQ has
  approved or denied your access.
• Select ‘Login’ and the sign-in you
  selected to log in.
• Click ‘Log In’ at the bottom of the
• Do not create a new access request,
  unless you wish to change your
  login email!
Changing Your Login Email
•Submit a new access request by
 going through the Sign Up side
 again and use your new email.
•I will approve your new request
 and deny your old one, so don’t
 be confused by the two
A List of Violations
 •No responsible charge operator (RC)
 •No substitute responsible charge operator
 •Allowing uncertified individuals to operate
 •Stagnant operators
 •WYPDES compliance
Conference and Conciliation Efforts
 •Begin immediately, sometimes even before
  the violation occurs.

 •Continue until the violation is resolved or two
  weeks have elapsed.
Letters of Violation (LOVs)
 •Require the facility to obtain a certified
  operator within one week.
 •Hiring a contract operator is usually the best
  way to accomplish this
 •If your facility does not return to
Notices of Violation (NOVs) with an Order
 •Considered formal enforcement
 •Will be heard by the Environmental Quality
 •Carries the same weight as a court order.
 •DEQ will require the facility to hire a contract
  operator within one day.
 Should a facility not comply with the
 NOV and Order and return to
 compliance, DEQ will refer the violation
 to the State of Wyoming Attorney
 General for prosecution.
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