Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...

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Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...
| NSW Department of Education

Bert Evans Apprentice
Scholarships Guidelines
Supporting apprentices
in New South Wales
March 2021
Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...
Bert Evans
The Bert Evans               The scholarships are named in honour
                             of the late NSW Apprenticeship
Apprentice Scholarships      Ambassador and patron of the NSW
initiative supports          Training Awards, Mr Bert Evans AO,
apprentices who have         in recognition of his outstanding
                             support for vocational education
demonstrated hardship        and training and for apprentices in
in their personal            New South Wales.
circumstances and            Bert started his career in the
aptitude for vocational      manufacturing industry and developed
education and training.      a keen appreciation of apprenticeship
                             training. He rose to become the head
                             of the Metal Trades Industry Association.
                             Bert was a strong advocate for
                             vocational education, skills and jobs.
                             Bert received the Lifetime Achievement
                             Award at the Australian Training Awards
                             in 2013.

                          Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines – March 2021   2
Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...
These guidelines outline the application, assessment
and payment processes for the Bert Evans Apprentice

1. Aim and objectives

A. Aim                                      B. Objectives
The aim of the Bert Evans Apprentice        The objectives of this program are to:
Scholarships is to assist NSW
                                            • support apprentices to progress
apprentices who have experienced
                                              through to completion of their
hardship in their life to successfully
                                              chosen trade calling
complete their apprenticeship.
                                            • encourage more apprentices to
                                              achieve their goals and make a
                                              valuable contribution to their local
                                            • invest in individual development to
                                              support employment outcomes.

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Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...
2. The Scholarships
Scholarships will be provided to
successful applicants for up to a
maximum of three years. Scholarships
are valued at $5,000 per annum.
Scholarships will only be paid while the
recipient is actively participating in an
approved apprenticeship in NSW.
Funding is subject to an annual review,
in line with apprenticeship progression,
to ensure the Scholarship holder is
making good progress in their training.
Scholarships may be suspended or            Applicants must be active in an
cancelled if:                               approved apprenticeship at the time
• the apprenticeship is suspended           of being awarded the Scholarship.
  or cancelled; or                          Scholarships are available to School
• the Scholarship holder fails to           Based Apprentices.
  meet their obligations under the
                                            There will be a maximum of
  Apprenticeship and Traineeship
                                            100 Scholarships awarded in 2021,
  Act 2001; or
                                            including up to 27 Indigenous
• the Scholarship holder fails to           apprentices under the Western Sydney
  meet their obligations under the          City Deal and up to 10 apprentices who
  terms of their Training Contract.         have completed one of the ‘Fit For
If a Scholarship holder loses their         Work’ programs under the NSW Police
apprenticeship as a result of the           Commissioner’s RISEUP strategy.
employer experiencing financial
difficulties or the business closing,
the apprentice will be given all            3. Eligibility criteria
possible assistance to find a new
employer. If necessary the Scholarship      Applicants for the Scholarship must
will be suspended and may be                meet all of the following requirements.
resumed if an apprenticeship is             The apprentice must:
recommenced within 6 months.                • be an Australian citizen or hold
Apprentices who leave their                   permanent resident status
apprenticeship for more than                • be a first year apprentice in an
6 months will lose the remainder              apprenticeship arrangement that
of the Scholarship.                           commenced between 1st March
                                              2020 and 28th May 2021
If a Scholarship is suspended or
cancelled the Department may                • be registered in NSW and employed
recommend a replacement recipient             by an employer based in NSW
to hold the Scholarship for the balance     • have experienced hardships in
of the term.                                  their life.

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4. S
    cholarships for
   Targeted Programs
Applicants may apply under separate
categories if they meet the above
eligibility criteria AND the following
targeted program criteria:

Western Sydney City Deal
The apprentices must:
• have an Aboriginal or Torres Strait
  Islander background
• work within the following council
  - Blue Mountains City Council
  - Camden Council
  - Campbelltown City Council
  - Fairfield City Council
  - Hawkesbury City Council              5. NSW funding
  - Liverpool City Council
  - Penrith City Council                 Funding for the Scholarships will be
                                         provided through the NSW Department
  - Wollondilly Shire Council
                                         of Education. A sum of $5,000 per
                                         annum up to a maximum of $15,000
NSW Police Commissioner’s                over three years will be paid to each
RISEUP strategy                          Scholarship holder.
The apprentices must:                    Continued funding is subject to
• have completed one of the              the Scholarship holder maintaining
  ‘Fit For Work’ programs                their eligibility during the life of the                    Scholarship as outlined in Section 2
  programs/police-programs               The Scholarships.
• provide a letter of support from       Consistent with the aim of the
  PCYC or the NSW Police Force           Scholarship, recipients are encouraged
  confirming the successful              to use the funds to assist them
  completion of the ‘Fit For Work’       in successfully completing their
  program.                               apprenticeship.

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6. Application process                          7. Assessment criteria
Application for the Scholarship may             Scholarships will be awarded on the
be made by the apprentice or another            basis of:
person on their behalf.
                                                • hardship
An application for the Scholarship              • aptitude for trade training
must be submitted via the Bert Evans
                                                • attitude and application in the
Apprentice Scholarships Application
                                                  workplace and during formal training.
Portal, which is available on the Training
Services NSW website: training.nsw.             Applicants who are in one or more                  of the following equity groups may
                                                receive priority consideration:
The Application Form can also be
obtained by contacting the local                • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Training Services NSW office on 13 28 11          background
(or see Appendix 1 for contact details).        • apprentices with a disability

The Application Form must be                    • females working in a non-traditional
endorsed by the apprentice, employer              trade for women
and Registered Training Organisation.           • apprentices working in regional NSW
The application should include all                (Appendix 2).
relevant factual details relating to            The following provides guidance on the
the applicant as specified by the               assessment criteria:
Application Form. The maximum
                                                Hardship may take into account
length is the completed Application
                                                issues such as financial circumstances,
Form and three attachments or
                                                family situation and/or generational
three additional A4 pages.
                                                unemployment, etc. Applicants need
The onus is on the applicant to                 to explain how the hardship they
ensure that the application meets the           experienced affects their ability to meet
eligibility criteria and addresses the          the requirements of their training, etc.
assessment criteria, including sufficient
                                                Aptitude for trade training may be
detail and supporting documentation
                                                demonstrated by past performance
to enable the Scholarship Assessment
                                                in the apprenticeship, participation
Panel to form an accurate opinion
                                                in trade skills competitions, written
of the applicant’s suitability and
                                                references from employers, referral to
merit for the Scholarship.
                                                school results or assessments in trade
Applications must be submitted online           subjects, examples of the applicant’s
or to the Manager of a Training Services        work and/or level of experience.
NSW office as outlined in Appendix
                                                Attitude and application to tasks in
1 of these guidelines by the specified
                                                the workplace and off-the-job training
closing date. There will be only one call
                                                may include employer’s and Registered
for applications each year.
                                                Training Organisation’s statements,
                                                providing assessment of the apprentice’s
                                                dedication to the trade training.
                                                Equity criteria may also be used
                                                to demonstrate hardship, such as
                                                Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                background, people with a disability,
                                                apprentices living/working in remote
                                                areas, mature- aged apprentices and/
                                                or women working in non-traditional

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9. Presentations
                                               and payments
                                            Presentations will be arranged in local
                                            areas to announce the winners of the
                                            Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships.
                                            Scholarship winners will be invited
                                            to attend.
                                            Payments will be made to Scholarship
                                            recipients via an annual electronic
8. Approval process                         funds transfer. Scholarship holders are
                                            encouraged to use the funds to assist
Once applications have been received        in pursuing their trade training.
there will be a selection process.
Those applications that do not meet
the eligibility criteria outlined in
                                            10. Support, advice
Section 3 will not be considered.               and assistance
Remaining applications will then be
                                            The Department of Education, through
reviewed in relation to the accuracy
                                            Training Services NSW’s statewide
of claims made in the Application
                                            network of regional offices, will provide
Form. This may involve contact with
                                            support and advice in the preparation
the employer, Registered Training
                                            of applications.
Organisation or applicant.
                                            Training Services NSW will review each
Inclusion of incorrect information
                                            application in terms of these guidelines
will result in the automatic rejection
                                            and provide advice and any assistance
of the application without further
                                            the panel may request to enable
                                            consideration of all applications.
Each application will then be assessed
                                            Contact details for the Training Services
by the Scholarship Assessment Panel
                                            NSW offices are provided in Appendix 1
against the assessment criteria
                                            to these guidelines.
outlined in Section 7. The successful
Scholarship winners will be
recommended to the Minister.
After endorsement by the Minister,
Scholarship winners will be announced.
Winners will be notified directly by
the Department of Education and/or
the Minister.

The Scholarship Assessment
The Scholarships Assessment Panel
comprises respected members of the
NSW VET community. They will assess
each application and consider advice
from the Department before making
a recommendation to the Minister.

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Appendix 1

Contact details
For all enquiries call your local Training
Services NSW Regional Office on 13 28 11
or email your local office as listed below.

Central and Northern Sydney

Southern and South Western Sydney

Western Sydney and Blue Mountains

Hunter and Central Coast

North Coast and Mid North Coast

New England

Western NSW


Illawarra and South East NSW

                                              Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines – March 2021   8
Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines - Supporting apprentices in New South Wales - NSW ...
Appendix 2

Local government boundaries for apprentices in the
category ‘Working in regional NSW’. (see Section 7
of these guidelines)

• Central West        • Murrumbidgee            • Hunter and Illawarra
• North Western       • Murray                    with the following
• Richmond-Tweed      • Northern
                                                   - Wollongong and
• Mid-North Coast     • South Eastern
• Far West
                                                   - Lake Macquarie and



                              North Western
      Far West                                                                                         Mid North


                                        Central West                                Surrounds
             Murray                                                                 Sydney
                      Murrumbidgee                                                  Sydney


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Appendix 2 (continued)

Detailed description of local government boundaries
for apprentices in the category ‘Working in regional
NSW’ (see Section 7):

Central West (CW)                         Illawarra (IL)
In the centre of the region is the        The Illawarra Region contains the
Bathurst-Orange area and to the east      urban areas of Nowra, and the
the Blue Mountains. The western area      Minnamurra and Shoalhaven river
extends to the Lachlan River and the      valleys. To the west of the coastal plain
town of Condobolin. The region also       is a long escarpment that leads to
contains the urban areas of Parkes,       very rugged terrain in the Shoalhaven
Forbes and Cowra and includes the         area. It includes the local government
local government areas of Lachlan,        areas of Kiama, Shoalhaven and
Bland, Parkes, Forbes, Weddin,            Wingecarribee.
Carbonne, Cowra, Orange, Blayney,
Bathurst, Oberon, Mid-Western and         Murrumbidgee (MG)
                                          The region is traversed by the
                                          Murrumbidgee River and contains
Far West (FW)                             the Murrumbidgee and other
This vast region containing the           irrigation areas. Wagga Wagga is the
unincorporated area of NSW is             major urban centre in the region. It
bounded by the Queensland and             includes the local government areas
South Australian borders. Included        of Carrathool, Griffith, Murrumbidgee,
is the City of Broken Hill and Central    Leeton, Narrandera, Lockhart, Wagga
Darling. The Darling River passes         Wagga, Coolamon, Temora, Junee,
through the region from the north-        Cootamundra and Gundagai.
east to the south.
                                          Murray (MR)
Hunter (HT)                               The Murray River on the NSW border
The Hunter Region contains the            forms the southern boundary of the
Hunter River and its tributaries with     region. The terrain varies from flat in
highland areas to the north and           the western and central areas to very
south. The Hunter Valley is one of        rugged on the eastern border. The main
the largest river valleys on the NSW      urban centre in the region is Albury.
coast. It includes the local government
                                          It includes the local government
areas of Upper Hunter, Gloucester,
                                          areas of Wentworth, Balranald,
Muswellbrook, Singleton, Cessnock,
                                          Wakool, Conargo, Deniliquin,
Port Stephens, Maitland, Dungog,
                                          Murray, Berrigan, Jerilderie, Urana,
Great Lakes and Gloucester.
                                          Corowa, Greater Hume, Albury and

                                                              Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines – March 2021   10
Appendix 2 (continued)

Mid-North Coast (NC)                           South Eastern (SE)
The Mid-North Coast Region covers              Comprises the far south coast of NSW,
a coastal strip of NSW and includes            the southern tablelands and the
the Manning, Hastings, Clarence and            Snowy Mountains. The region contains
Macleay river valleys. It includes the local   the Clyde, Moruya, Tuross and Bega
government areas of Clarence valley,           River Valleys. It includes the local
Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Nambucca,            government areas of Greater Argyle,
Kempsey, Hastings and Taree.                   Eastern, Eurobodalla, Bega Valley,
                                               Bombala, Cooma Monaro, Snowy
Northern (NR)                                  River, Queanbeyan, Tumut, Yass Valley,
                                               Harden, Young, Boorowa and Upper
The region contains the Northern
Tablelands, the northern slopes to
the west of the tablelands, and the
north central plains. It includes the
                                               Excluded for the purposes of
local government areas of Tenterfield,         the Bert Evans Apprentice
Glen Innes Severn, Guyra, Armidale             Scholarships in the category
Dumaresq, Walcha, Tamworth, Uralla,            ‘Working in regional NSW’
Inverell, Gwydir, Liverpool Plains,            are the following metropolitan
Gunnedah, Narrabri and Moree Plains.           areas (see Section 7)
North Western (NW)                             The exclusions are the following
                                               regions and local government areas:
This large region contains diverse
topography, with flat plains to the            • Inner Sydney (IS)
west, undulating slopes in the centre            - Inner Suburbs of Sydney
and elevated areas extending from
                                               • Outer Sydney (OS)
the Central Tablelands in the east. The
                                                 - Outer Suburbs of Sydney
region includes the Bogan, Macquarie
and Castlereagh river basins. It includes      • Sydney Surrounds (SS) Areas around
the local government areas of Bourke,            Sydney metropolitan region including:
Cobar, Brewarrina, Bogan, Walgett,               - Blue Mountains
Coonamble, Warren, Narromine,
                                                 - Gosford
Dubbo, Wellington, Gilgandra and
Warrumbungle.                                    - Hawkesbury
                                                 - Wollondilly
Richmond–Tweed (RT)                              - Wyong
The Richmond and Tweed coastal river           • Newcastle
basins and the Upper Clarence River            • Lake Macquarie
valley dominate this region. To the
                                               • Wollongong
west is the New England Plateau and
to the north the McPherson Range.              • Shellharbour
It includes the local government
areas of Tweed, Kyogle, Lismore,
Byron, Ballina and Richmond Valley.

                                                                  Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines – March 2021   11
We acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay our respect to Country.

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                                                                               GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001,
     @TrainingServicesNSW                                                      Australia
                                                                               T 1300 679 332


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                                                                                           Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships Guidelines – March 2021   12
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