Implementation for The Revised Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology
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Key Components o Planning With the End in Mind o Integration of Instruction and Assessment o Assessment for Learning Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 2
What Do We Want Students To Learn?? Fundamental Concepts, Big Ideas, Overall Expectations STSE’s (relationship between science and technology and society and the environment), Specific Expectations, Investigation Skills Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 3
How Will We Know They Have Learned It?? Difference between Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment OF Learning, Performance (Culminating) Tasks Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 4
Planning With the End in Mind 1. What do you want students to learn? 2. How will you know they have learned it? 3. How will you design instruction for learning? Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 5
Connecting with the LKDSB unit planner UNIT CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT PLAN Unit/Strand: Topic: Timeline: END OF UNIT CULMINATING TASK(S) Expectations/Big Ideas: Description of Task: Assessment Tool/Instrument: Assessment Criteria/ (i.e., project, presentation) (i.e., rubric, checklist) Look Fors: Write Say Do (check one) Expectations/Big Ideas: Description of Task: Assessment Tool/Instrument: Assessment Criteria/ (i.e., project, presentation) (i.e., rubric, checklist) Look Fors: Write Say Do (check one) 6
UNIT CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT PLAN (continued) ENABLING LESSONS LEADING UP TO CULMINATING TASK(S) Assessment Diagnostic or Tool/Instrument How will you know when each child Lesson Goal(s) and/or Focus of Description of Student Task: Formative (i.e., anecdotal has reached the goals? Instruction Assessment record, Assessment Criteria/Look Fors: checklist) 1 Write Say Do (check one) 2 Write Say Do (check one) 3 Write Say Do (check one) 4 Write Say Do (check one) 5 Write Say Do (check one) 6 Write Say Do (check one) 7 Write Say Do (check one) 7
What Do We Want Them To Learn?? o Fundamental Concepts o Key ideas that provide a framework for the acquisition of knowledge o Help students to integrate in other subject areas o Understanding of concepts deepens through grades 1-12 8
What Do We Want Them To Learn?? o Big Ideas o Broad, important understandings o Describe aspects of the fundamental concepts o Deeper understanding of basic concepts, development of investigation skills, making connections to new and unfamiliar contexts 9
FCs, BIs, Goals, OEs and SEs 6 FUNDAMENTAL Systems Structure Sustainability and Change and Matter Energy and and CONCEPTS Stewardship Continuity Interactions Function Fundamental Concepts BIG IDEAS Goal 2 Goal 1 To develop the skills, Goal 3 To understand the To relate science strategies, and habits of mind required for basic concepts of 3 BIG IDEAS and technology to society and the scientific inquiry and science and environment technological problem technology solving 3 OVERALL EXPECTATIONS Overall Overall PER STRAND Expectation 1 Expectation 2 Overall Expectation 3 Specific Specific Specific Expectations Expectations SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS Expectations Developing Understanding Relating Science Investigation and Basic Concepts CORRELATE WITH OVERALLS and Technology to Communication Skills Society and the Environment 10
STSEs ……. o Engage students in examining a variety of current world issues. o Consider impacts o Enable students to develop a deep understanding of the connections between science, technology, and society. Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 11
Where Is the Link Between STSEs And A&E?? o Application category o Application of knowledge in familiar and unfamiliar contexts oMaking connections among science, technology, society, and and the environment oProposal ways to deal with problems involving science, technology, society, and the environment Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 12
Relating Science and Technology to Society and and the Environment 1.1 assess effects of strong and stable structures on on society and the environment (e.g., reliable load bearing structures are essential in all areas of life for shelter, transportation, and many other everyday purposes; strong and stable structures can endure for long periods of time and provide a historical record of other societies and cultures; strong and stable structures can be hard to dispose of when their usefulness is ended and may may then have a negative effect on the environment) 13
Skills of Investigation and Communication “One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it – you you have no certainty till you try.” Sophocles Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 14
Investigation reflecting selecting gathering proposing evaluating planning recording recounting experimenting predicting describing researching questioning designing observing reviewing discussing building Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 15
Investigation o The process of using inquiry, (experimentation, research), and/or problem solving to gather facts and information in order to solve a problem or resolve an issue. o Involves students’ carrying out a fair test to explore their own ideas on how the natural and/or human- made world works o Hands on, minds on science and technology, learn by doing and by thinking about it before, during, and after Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 16
Investigation Skills o Scientific inquiry/experimentation o Scientific inquiry/research o Technological problem solving Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 17
Technological Problem Solving Technological problem solving involves: o identifying a need or a problem o determining a possible product or solution o implementing the chosen solution o evaluating the solution o communicating the process Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 18
Inquiry “Scientific inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 19
The Skills Continua o Scientific Inquiry/Experimentation o Scientific Inquiry/Research o Technological Problem Solving o “an ordered series of descriptive statements that mark out students’ development along the road to mastery of these specific skills” o “(to) provide teachers with a way of looking at what students can do so that they can plan for further development of students’ skills.” o Can be used as an achievement chart and as a rubric 20
Combined Grades o Students work towards achievement of their grade-specific curriculum expectations o Find the common elements – fundamental concepts, big ideas, skills o Instruction, assessment, evaluation Planning o Lay out science and technology topics for the year first. o Focus on fundamental concepts and “big ideas” – look for commonalities commonalities o Common culminating task o Make connections o Specific examples will be posted on the Elementary Program website Ministry of Education Spring, 2008 21
MOET has provided samples of year long, unit and individual individual lesson plans Grades 6/7 Science and Technology Science and Technology Language Connections Math Connections Other Connections Topics and Skill Focus Performance Tasks September- Gr. 6 Space Scientific Inquiry: Media-Literacy/Creating Number Sense and Gr. 7&8: The Arts - Nove Gr. 7 Pure Substances and Research Media Texts Numeration Drama (Particle mber Mixtures Scientific Inquiry: Reading-Variety of Texts Measurement Theory) Experimentation November- Gr. 6 Properties of Air Technological Problem Writing- Informational Measurement Gr. 7&8: The Arts - Febr and Principles of Solving text Geometry Visual Arts uary Flight Scientific Inquiry: Reading- Informational Gr. 7 Form and Function Research text February- Gr. 6 Biodiversity Scientific Inquiry: Media Literacy, Data Management Gr. 7: Geography - April Gr. 7 Interactions in the Research Writing (create a child’s Natural Resources Environment Scientific Inquiry: book for Earth Experimentation Day) April-June Gr. 6 Electricity and Scientific Inquiry: Reading Number Sense and Gr.7: Geography – The Electrical Devices Research Oral Communication- Numeration Themes of Gr. 7 Heat in the Scientific Inquiry: Debate Geographic Environment Experimentation Inquiry, Natural Technological Problem Resources Solving 22
What do you need to know now? Science and Technology is a more balanced program: Balanced Science and Technology Program Understanding Basic STSE Investigation Concepts 23
What’s next? o After school networking sessions by division/ one strand per term o Teachers come together with other teachers of the same grade to build plans plans using the LKDSB unit planner o Sharing/posting of all MOET plans o Direct links to SEP kits 24
And further… o Just in time professional learning: unit planning example on the net (like the TWebEA video training) o Enhanced web links to other resources o Goal of LKDSB video lesson library… Science and Technology looks like this in the LKDSB! 25
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