Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO

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Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro


Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO

O’, Milano
September 20th 2016

Ten artists rendered the work of ten au-
thors through performative readings. Se-
lected poets contributed with new works
the artists could draw from.
Building up to the event, NERO hosted
unpublished poems by each author.

    Enrico Boccioletti • Niina Pollari
  Andrea Magnani • Jennifer Kronovet
    Fenêtreproject • Daniel Borzutzky
        Elena Radice • Jeff Dolven
    Lorenza Longhi • Susan Wheeler
      CM Gratitude • Ana Bozicevic
  Real Madrid • David Tomas Martinez
        Axelle Stiefel • CAConrad
 Venturi & Vasiljevic • Matthew Dickman
 Alessandro Di Pietro • Monica McClure
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
A series of actions takes place in a mo-
onlike scenario. The atmosphere is rari-
fied and the pace is suspended. An invisi-
ble dog takes a walk; a pillow starts talking;
the spectre of the late David Duchovny ap-
pears and waltzes to Elton John’s “Rocket

                                                 Actor Lorenzo Gentilini navigates this
                                                 landscape as an astronaut. His actions di-
                                                 rect the audience’s attention through the
                                                 disseminated happenings.
                                                 Interventions were sequenced according
                                                 to a loose dramaturgy, a balancing of mo-
                                                 ods, and the space was treated as in an
                                                 expanded choreography.
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Beyond the walls of this house others will be nice to you.
They will not ridicule you every day.
And if you’ve something to say, they’ll say okay.

I will put a nickel in the penny pot at Joe’s,
I will make like Roxanne’s saying something new.
And if I’m stuck with Lame C crew, I’ll make do.

He’s spinning, sponging and the man in the street –
He’s sponging the worst off the man in the street –
The hawk’s got a pigeon and it’s slamming its steak –
It wasn’t my fault –
It wasn’t my fault –

So for Pete’s sake go make breakfast and then wake me up.
Wake Louise and me when you’ve seen J Z twice;
When it’s ready everything is new, you’ll make nice, you’ll make do.

Susan Wheeler
Penny Lane

                                                  dear boy scouts of the
                                                      great illusion with
                                                            hard-ons for
                                                                must not
                                                           the friends to
                                                       prove beauty and
                                                   kindness can succeed
                                              snicker all you want at his
                                      asking price but come to know his
                                                            ejaculate will
                                                                   rip the
                                                                  back of

                                                             CA Conrad
                                                        Earth poem n°21
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO

     LGG$B: Billion Balances

     Agalma, Milano
     November 25th 2016

     Billion Balances was a one-day solo show
     by Geneva collective LGG$B. Idioletta cu-
     rated Billion Balances on invitation     by
     SPRINT Independent Publishers and Arti-
     sts’ Books Salon.

     Loren Kagny, Gaia Vincensini, Giulia
     Essyad and Sabrina Röthlisberger presen-
     ted collective and individual pieces. Alon-
     gside with the exhibition, which featured
     sculptures, drawings and textiles, they set
     up a parallel booth to the fair where they
     sold fanzines, customized jewels, candles,
     earrings and cakes. Craft is rooted in their
     practice as much as language is inscribed
     in it: Giulia’s poems, which can be found
     engraved, carved, scratched and embossed
     in most of their works, were recited by the
     artist in a reading.
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Talking about foot bathing with friends,
                                               we came to the conclusion that the stri-
                                               ctly feminine practice of laying one’s
                                               feet into saltwater, originates from mer-
                                               maids. Feet - the human reminiscence of
                                               the fish’s tail - must reconcile with their
                                               original saltwater environment. Howe-
                                               ver odd, this theory was useful to me
                                               over time in order to explain a series of
                                               phenomena that, otherwise, would have
                                               just appeared alien, inscrutable.
                                               Loren, Gaia, Giulia, Sabrina’s work and
                                               foot bathing speaks to us of how, through
                                               daily practices, one can access a recon-
                                               dite past and pass it on, how this process
                                               is driven by the necessity of founding a
                                               personal cosmology, a personal lineage
                                               that doesn’t have much to do with actual

LGG$B are the daughters of the Kahi-
na, of Tori Amos and Tony Montana.
Writing becomes constant, continuous
(it isn’t reduced to the mere act of wri-
ting), it is a process in which all their
work is involved, because in this way,
they tend to the construction of a paral-
lel dimension.
This world in miniature, this affective
network, fits into their backpacks, in their
bedrooms and even in an exhibition.
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Idioletta - Mattia Capelletti & Costanza Candeloro - PORTFOLIO
Idioletta participated to SPRINT fair
with a booth where to host books by
the poets we collaborated with back
in September, along with publica-
tions by LGG$B and bookends desi-
gned by Costanza based on doodles
found in Sylvia Plath’s diary.

Dispersed Holdings, New
December 3rd, 2016

Invited to contribute to a programme
described as a “celebration of reading”
by poet Jeff Dolven, Idioletta participa-
ted with an original short film. Dolven
curated the event at Manhattan’s artist
run space Dispersed Holdings (former
ly the studio of Eva Hesse). At that time,
Lisa Dalfino had just showed us a toilet
paper roll she had been painting over for
five years. She animated the characters
printed on the paper to depict an ab-
stract origin story mixing Christian co-
smogony with sci-fi and fantasy folktales
imagery, in the mode typical of Italian
magical realism.
We filmed the scrolling of the roll and
asked sound artist Francesco Cavalie-
re, whose work is driven by a similar
mythopoeic drive as Lisa’s, to record a
soundtrack to accompany it.

Flash Art Italia: In residence
July 2017
Quadriennale di Roma: Fuori
October 2020 - May 2021

Throughout history and among different
cultures and societies, idiosyncratic lyri-
cism and performative use vocality have
always been defining attributes for desi-
gnating magicians, shamans, charmers,
storytellers – and poets. In Malelingue,
we pay hommage to these spellbinders
of vocality with transcriptions of their
oral accounts that never before appeared
in weitten form. This ongoing antholo-
gy project takes the form of graphic in-
terventions appearing in different con-
texts – most recently at Quadriennale di
Roma 2020 on invitation by queer artist
collective TOMBOYS DON’T CRY.
DJ Balli: The 8-bit Prometheus

Archivio Primo Moroni,
C.S.O.A. Cox18
December 21st 2018

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is now a bi-
centennial creature. To celebrate the an-
niversary, Idioletta presents “The 8-Bit
Prometheus”, a performance by DJ Balli
& McShell8Bit.
Balli adopts Shelley’s creature as a pro-
ductive figuration through which we can
rethink the history of monstruous musi-
cal creation. The assemblage of uneven
samples, an internal struggle of confli-
cting parts, is animated by the DJ/Dr. In
Balli’s hands, lo-fi technology becomes
the only possible solution to the inhe-
rent cohesion of the different organs,
compressed by an infernal machine that
flattens differences.
Shelley’s Frankenstein is transmogrified into
Balli’s own Frankenstein Goes to Holocaust,
which collects the DJ’s research. Idioletta
encounters this “book remix” in the form
of a séance, aimed at the reanimation and
resignification of the canonical body/text.
The Archivio Primi Moroni – collecting
the books, zines and documents of Primo
Moroni, anarchist librarian, alternative in-
formation agitator and counterculture ad-
vocate – offers the perfect setting for this
clandestine meeting.
COSTANZA CANDELORO (b. 1990) is an artist ba-
sed between Milano, Bologna and Genéve.
She graduated in 2014 a the ’Haute Ecole d’Art et
Design (HEAD) in Genéve. In 2016 she took part of
the exhibition Ehi, Voi! curated by Michele D’Au-
rizio fot the Quadriennale di Roma. Other recent
collective exhibitions include Erba Voglio (Wallriss,
Freiburg), Le leggi dell’Ospitalità, curated by Antonio
Grulli (Galleria P420, Bologna), and Pocari Swea-
ts (Truth and Consequences, Genéve) of which she
was also co-curator.
   Together with artist Marion Goix she was part of
the duo CM Gratitude. The project took part in va-
rious manifestazioni like How to show up (SanSeriffe,
Amsterdam), ZeZeZe (Forde, Genéve) and Curbit Fe-
stival. In 2016 they performed Three Little Rooms at
the Theatre de L’Usine in Genéve.
   Her artistic practice consists of plural or indivi-
dual actions that deal with the particular knowledge
produced by the experience of groups of people or
singularities. Subcultures and alternative cultures
are understood by the artist as the subjects of narra-
tions where memory and personal history become
redefining elements of cultural contexts and histo-
rical facts.

MATTIA CAPELLETTI (b. 1991) is a writer and in-
dependent curator. Along with Simone Bertuzzi,
he co-curates Palm Wine, a website dedicated to
post-global visual and sonic cultures. As a resear-
cher, he is interested in the ontology and politics of
the human voice. His recent writing has appeared
on Flash Art, while books he curated have been pu-
blished by Mousse and NERO.

MATTIA and COSTANZA work together as Idiolet-
ta since 2016.
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