ICE OUT Waiting for - New ...

Page created by Tyrone Jones
ICE OUT Waiting for - New ...
Waiting for
     ICE OUT
Trolling for Landlocked Salmon                 by Scott Biron
          s March approaches and the days grow longer, the chatter
            among many Granite State anglers centers on landlocked
             salmon. An anticipated ice-out date on New Hampshire
lakes becomes the topic of debate because April 1 marks the official
start of landlocked salmon season.

16   n   New Hampshire WILDLIFE JOURNAL
ICE OUT Waiting for - New ...
s March approaches and the days grow longer, the
           chatter among many Granite State anglers centers on
            landlocked salmon. An anticipated ice-out date on
New Hampshire lakes becomes the topic of debate because
April 1 marks the official start of landlocked salmon season.

    Anglers organize the flies they tied during the winter             either a fly or a lure to entice the fish to strike. Trolling
to troll or cast for these fish, boats come out of storage,            also allows anglers to cover more water than casting from
and fly lines, motors, and personal flotation devices all get          a fixed location on shore. While patience is part of the
double-checked in preparation for the season. Just after the           chase, there are some tricks to success that may prove
ice clears, schools of smelt begin to gather near the surface          helpful to experienced anglers and novices alike. Let’s
of many lakes. Smelt are a favorite food of landlocked                 break down a landlocked salmon fishing outing and some
salmon, and their presence brings the fish up to within                of the gear, flies, and fishing tips that will make for a fun
striking distance of trolling streamer flies. Traditionally,           and fruitful day on the water.
early spring is one of the
most popular times of the                                                                               Setups for Success
year to fish for salmon,                                                                                    My preference for salmon
which spend summer’s                                                                                    trolling is a 6-weight fly
warmer months in deeper                                                                                 rod because it can handle
lake depths since they are a                                                                            the stress of most any fish
coldwater species.                                                                                      I catch. I use a level sinking
    In the Granite State,                                                                               trolling fly line that is 150
fishing for landlocked                                                                                  feet long, which I spool
salmon often seems                                                                                      onto a size IV reel, allowing
shrouded in mystery. I                                                                                  me some room for fly-line
refer to it as the “secret                                                                              backing as well as the
society of salmon,” and                                                                                 trolling line itself. I use 4- to
many techniques for early                                                                               8-pound test fluorocarbon
                                                Smelt tandem salmon fly by Scott Biron
spring success are closely                                                                              line to make my own leaders
guarded. In this article I am                                                                           that are 10 to 20 feet long. I
going to let you in on some of these secrets.                          sometimes add a small barrel swivel to the leader, usually
    My favorite way to chase salmon is to troll with flies             placed 3 feet above the fly, which prevents the fly from
from a boat, which is often a very successful method of                twisting the leader.
early-season fishing. Simply put, trolling for any fish                    Trolling line is weighted, which causes it to sink.
involves dragging a line behind a moving boat using                    Anglers can adjust how deep they troll their flies by

                                                                                                                         March / April 2022   n   17
ICE OUT Waiting for - New ...
Below is a selection of               letting out more or less line. Because spring    and turn to troll with the wind, you will
                                                salmon are often just under the surface of       automatically increase your pace. If your
     effective salmon flies for                 the water, anglers won’t need to let out too     boat has a speedometer, you can make
                                                much line. I have always believed in the         adjustments as needed.
     trolling. These fly patterns               adage that “less is more,” which also applies
     are essential additions to                 when trolling flies for salmon. It’s all about   Finding the Perfect Pattern
                                                the basics when the salmon are near the              Picking the right fly is key to salmon
      any landlocked salmon                     top of the water. I usually let out about 20     success, and the best patterns are closely-
                                                to 30 yards of line, and my initial strategy     guarded secrets. I remember coming off
             angler's arsenal.                  is to keep the fly in the wake of the boat’s     the water once and running into an angler
                                                prop wash. Once the line is out and in the       friend who was infuriated. He explained
                                                water displaced by the vessel, I begin to add    that he had been fishing with someone
                Tied by Scott Biron
                                                some action to the fly.                          to whom I had given a secret trolling fly
               Flies depicted are actual size
                                                    A pumping, angled motion will add            pattern. I was unable to get a word in edge-
                                                movement to the streamer fly, making it          wise because he was so upset. How could
                                                enticing to the salmon. When facing the          I have given that secret pattern away? I
                                                rear of the boat, you should point the rod’s     admitted I had shared the fly, but explained
                                                tip towards the trolling streamer (at 6:00       that I did not tell the recipient how or where
                                                o’clock) and let the line become taut. Next,     to fish it, after which he calmed down.
                                                try drawing the rod off to the side of the           Trolling flies are traditionally tied on
                                                boat (2:00 o’clock) by bending your arm          long, single hooks or as tandems, which are
                                                at the elbow. Follow this with a short pull      two smaller hooks connected by a coated
                      Blue Special              on the line, which causes the streamer to        wire that allows the tier to create a longer
                                                accelerate through the water. After a brief      fly. I have a tandem Jumbo Bronze Ghost
                                                moment, let the rod fall back down into          tied by the late Jim Warner, one of New
                                                the original position so that the rod tip is     Hampshire’s most renowned fly tiers, that
                                                pointing straight out behind the boat again.     is almost 8 inches long. The most historic
                                                The resulting slack in the line causes the       and productive pattern that I tie and troll
                                                streamer to settle back down in the water        with is Carrie Stevens’s Gray Ghost. It is a
                                                and wobble for a few seconds until the next      fantastic imitation of a smelt. While this
                                                pull on the rod starts it darting forward        pattern was developed in Maine, it fishes
                    Olive Empress               again.                                           well in New Hampshire’s lakes and can be
                                                    Ideally, the streamer should travel          tied in many different sizes.
                                                through the water just a few feet below              Flies such as the Winnipesaukee Smelt,
                                                the surface. The streaking, erratic move-        Canopache, and Red Gray Ghost are all
                                                ments of the fly will attract the attention      excellent patterns to try when targeting
                                                of a landlocked salmon on the hunt for           salmon. Deep, clear glacial lakes such as
                                                a meal. Many salmon strikes happen as            Sunapee and Newfound sometimes troll
                                                the streamer slows and flutters, with the        best with patterns including the Newfound
                                                pulling action of the next rod pump helping      Special, Purple Smelt, and the Olive
                                                to set the hook. Anglers need to be ready,       Empress. Some of these patterns have a
                      Red Ranger
                                                because strikes come fast—if you’re not          greenish hue and closely imitate the color
                                                ready, you might lose out on a nice fish.        of smelt schooling up near sandy outlets
                                                    Boat speed is an important consider-         during the early season.
                                                ation. Speeds of 0.8 to 1.5 miles per hour           Nature, like salmon, can be fickle. On
                                                often work best. However, faster speeds          days when most of the proven trolling
                                                can also attract the attention of a hungry       flies are not working, I switch to a fly that
                                                salmon. Use trial and error to experiment        incorporates the color blue. Ripogenus
                                                with the boat’s trajectory until you are         Smelt, Super Blue, or a pattern I have
                                                successfully catching fish. Wind condi-          created myself with cobalt tones often helps
                      Gray Ghost                tions will affect the boat’s speed as well; if   to salvage a slow day. One April on Lake
                                                you are trolling into the wind at 1.5 mph        Sunapee, a friend and I were having no luck,

18    n   New Hampshire WILDLIFE JOURNAL
ICE OUT Waiting for - New ...
Take the
                                                    Landlocked Salmon
                                                    Anglers’ Pledge
      Trolling for                                  By pledging to be dedicated stewards,
                                                    landlocked salmon anglers can make a critical
 landlocked salmon                                  difference in sustaining this valuable fishery.

 is a rite of spring in                             Dedicated stewards:
                                                    l   Demonstrate a commitment to conserving New Hampshire’s landlocked salmon resources.
                                                        Acquire and demonstrate skill in using best practices that minimize impacts to this fishery.
  the Granite State

                                                    l   Take the time to observe this valuable resource and reflect on its condition.
                                                    l   Hold themselves accountable and act in an informed, responsible manner.
and a challenge that                                l   Pursue opportunities to educate others about landlocked salmon resource issues.
                                                    l   Recognize that resource issues generate differing points of view; while they may not agree

  anglers of all skill                                  with someone else’s perspective, they respect their right to express it.

                                                     Take the pledge to be a dedicated steward and ensure the rich heritage
   levels should try.                                of New Hampshire’s landlocked salmon resources continue for future
                                                     generations. Visit

so we switched to a selection of flies that    opportunistic and instinctively know that                  wall that displayed all of the fly patterns.
had shades of blue incorporated into them.     right after ice out it is time to feast.                   He examined the Gray Ghosts, choosing the
Almost immediately we got busy with fish,         There are, however, no hard-and-fast                    one he thought was the best looking. After
and for over two hours we trolled a 400-yard   rules on what patterns to fish. Water                      his purchase, the angler took the fly out
stretch about 10 to 20 yards from shore in 8   temperature, wind, sun, and clouds all play                of its package, placed it on the floor, and
feet of water. In the end, we had caught and   into how the salmon will respond. One                      stepped on it. “Now that’s a perfect Gray
released over 20 landlocked salmon.            common rule holds true in most conditions:                 Ghost,” he proclaimed. He then left the
    The right fly is crucial, but never        bright days bright flies, dark days dark flies.            dock and began trolling when his rod bent
forget the importance of what the pattern      A slight chop on the surface of the water,                 and it was, “Fish on!” The fly looked beaten
is emulating—smelt. The healthier the          sometimes called a “salmon chop,” is often                 up and injured, and landlocked salmon
population of smelt in a lake, the healthier   an indicator that a successful salmon day is               often wound their prey only to come back
the salmon will be. Do                         at hand. I have landed salmon on days when                 around for their meal.
not be surprised to                            there were 2-foot rolling waves while my                       Trolling for landlocked salmon is a rite
land a salmon only to                          trolling companion had to keep both hands                  of spring in the Granite State and a chal-
find its mouth full of                         on the steering wheel!                                     lenge that anglers of all skill levels should
smelt. Landlocked                                                                                         try. With an understanding of the basics it
salmon are                                     A Customized Approach to Success                           is easy to get started, but whether you are a
                                                         I once heard the legendary Jim                   novice or an expert, as every angler
                                                        Warner tell a story about an angler               knows, in the end it is up to the fish.
                                                          who came into his fly shop on Lake
                                                                    Winnipesaukee. The
                                                                        customer walked up                Scott Biron is an active and passionate fly tying and
                                                                        to the board on the               Let’s Go Fishing instructor for the New Hampshire
                                                                                                          Fish and Game Department, and is a popular draw
                                                                                                          for people interested in fly tying instruction at
                                                                   When the salmon are fickle and         regional outdoor shows. Biron has an academic’s
                                                                    the fishing is slow, trolling a fly   mastery of historical New Hampshire’s fly tiers and
                                                              with cobalt tones, like a Blue Special,     their lost patterns, is a member of the Catskill Fly
                                                                 can mean the difference between          Tiers Guild, an ambassador for the American Fly
                                                            going home empty handed or landing            Fishing Museum, and a frequent contributor to the
              © JOHN VIA

                                                                                 a 5-pound beauty.        New Hampshire Wildlife Journal.

                                                                                                                                    March / April 2022   n   19
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