Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in the muscle of wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in the Anzali Wetland

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Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in the muscle of wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in the Anzali Wetland
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences           17(1) 244-250                      2018
                                                                   .DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.118782

                                                                    Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel,
                                                                    zinc and lead) in the muscle of wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in
                                                                                          the Anzali Wetland

                                                                                    Khanipour A.A. 1*; Ahmadi M.1; Seifzadeh M.1
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                                                                                  Received:August 2015               Accepted: December 2016

                                                                   1-Inland Water Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute
                                                                    (IFSRI), Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Anzali, Iran
                                                                   *Corresponding author's Email:

                                                                   Keywords: Wels catfish, Heavy metals, Muscle edible tissue, Wetland

                                                                   Introduction                                    the type of ecosystem that embraces
                                                                   After entering aquatic ecosystems,              water from 11 rivers from one side and
                                                                   heavy metals accumulate in the organs           passes water into the Caspian Sea
                                                                   and tissues of aquatics including fish          through a second outlet on the other
                                                                   and finally enter the food chain. These         side. The rivers passing through urban
                                                                   heavy metals can enter the human body           and rural areas and forests carry
                                                                   through eating contaminated fish.               different types of organic matter,
                                                                   Absorbance values and accumulation of           minerals, sediment, and industrial
                                                                   heavy metals in aquatics especially the         sewage (Taheri, 2013). The Anzali
                                                                   fish depend on ecological conditions,           Wetland is one of the valuable wetlands
                                                                   physical, chemical and biological               registered in the Ramsar International
                                                                   factors of water, the element type, and         Convention the contamination of which
                                                                   the physiological state of the aquatic          has become the main challenge for the
                                                                   (Oryan et al., 2010). Among aquatic             people and officials during the past two
                                                                   ecosystems, wetlands and rivers are             decades (Khosravi, 2011). Wels catfish
                                                                   considerably important from the point           with the scientific name Silurus glanis
                                                                   of ecology. Rivers act as carriers of           belongs to the family wels catfish
                                                                   nutrients and non–nutrients and                 (Siluridae) and is distributed in Eastern
                                                                   wetlands act as sinks for these                 Europe, Asia Minor and Central Asia.
                                                                   substances. Now this effect will be             Wels catfish is found in the Anzali
                                                                   more apparent if the wetland is an              Wetland, but in spite of the high food
                                                                   intermediary between a river and a              variety it mostly feeds on low-value
                                                                   static ecosystem. The Anzali Wetland is         creatures such as insects, crustacean
245 Khanipour et al., Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in …

                                                                   (Macrobrachium                rosenbergii),           (S. glanis) collected from the Danube
                                                                   amphibian (frog) and low-value fish                   river of Europe (Peycheva et al., 2014).
                                                                   (Carassius carassius, Rhinogobius
                                                                   similes, Gambusia). Wels catfish is one               Materials and methods
                                                                   of the fishes of economic importance of               The Anzali International Wetland is
                                                                   the Anzali Wetland, and can be used for               located on the southern coast of the
                                                                   meat production in terms of its                       Caspian Sea at 37° 28′ northern latitude
                                                                                                                         and 49° 25′ eastern longitude in the
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                                                                   commercial fishing and satisfactory
                                                                   growth (Abbasi, 2005). Many studies                   Guilan Province (Sadeghi Rad, 1997).
                                                                   have been done to measure heavy metal                 In this research 30 wels catfish were
                                                                   concentrations in wels catfish in various             caught using boats and gillnets from 3
                                                                   environments in the world and Iran.                   stations (Abkenar, Hendekhaleh and
                                                                   Some of these studies include the                     Shaykhan) of the Anzali Wetland in
                                                                   accumulation       of     copper,    zinc,            2012 (Fig. 1). The samples were gutted,
                                                                   chromium, zinc and lead was studied in                peeled and filleted. Then the fillets of
                                                                   the muscle tissue of the species                      muscle tissue from each station were
                                                                   Pseudoplatystoma corruscans caught                    homogenized by a bone-consuming
                                                                   from two Paraopeba River stations in                  device. For the assessment of cadmium,
                                                                   Brazil     (Fábio      et    al.,   2015),            nickel, lead and zinc approximately 20-
                                                                   Determination       of     heavy     metal            30 g of homogenized samples of fish
                                                                   concentrations in muscle, liver,                      were freeze       dried (CHRIST-LCG
                                                                   intestine and gills of wels catfish                   Model, Germany) at -55°C for 10
                                                                   (Clarias gariepinus) sampled from                     hours. The samples were made soft and
                                                                   Nigerian waters (Adegunloye et al.,                   smooth using an electric mill.
                                                                   2015), Investigation of the amount of
                                                                   heavy metal contaminants in edible
                                                                   tissues of

                                                                                      Figure 1: Location of research stations in the Anzali Wetland.
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 17(1) 2018                 246

                                                                   Chemical digestion of samples was                 calculated. The results of standard
                                                                   done by wet digestion method using                addition to fish samples and percent
                                                                   acid mixture (HNO3/ HClO4). After                 recovery of heavy metals (98.3-92.8)
                                                                   cooling the digested samples were                 showed an appropriate confidence level
                                                                   passed through Whatman filter paper               of the method used for the
                                                                   (number 42) and made up to a volume               determination of heavy metals. The
                                                                   of 25 mL in a volumetric flask using              standard used in this method for
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                                                                   double-distilled water. The samples               calculating the percent recovery and
                                                                   were poured into polyethylene bottles             calibration curve was "Standard
                                                                   with labels and sample codes. The                 Reference Materials" (SRM). Normal
                                                                   obtained sample solution was injected             distribution of data was shown using
                                                                   into the device and concentration of              Kolmogorov - Smirnov, and the
                                                                   heavy metals including cadmium,                   statistical analyses of the obtained data
                                                                   nickel, lead and zinc was determined by           were      computed     using     SPPS-17
                                                                   flame atomic absorption spectrometry              software. One way analysis of variance
                                                                   (AA/680, Model Shimadzu Company,                  (ANOVA) was used to determine
                                                                   Japan) (Roger, 1994, MOOPAM,                      whether there were any statistically
                                                                   1999). To draw a calibration line,                significant differences between the
                                                                   standard solutions with different                 means of two groups and Tukey’s test
                                                                   concentrations that was prepared from a           was used to determine differences
                                                                   stock standard solution of 1000 ppm               between means at significance level
                                                                   concentration. All laboratory reagents            (pPb>Ni. This
                                                                   recovery. In this study, 10 mL of                 increase was significant at a statistical
                                                                   standard solution of the metals to be             confidence level of 95% (p0.05). Also average
                                                                   solution was added to just one of them.           concentrations of heavy metals were
                                                                   Then the concentration of the metal was           compared to standard guidelines on the
                                                                   determined separately and the percent             World Health Organization (WHO).
                                                                   recovery percentage of each metal was             The mean cadmium concentration in
247 Khanipour et al., Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in …

                                                                   wels catfish in the west and central                   regions were well below the
                                                                   wetland were 0.05 and 0.02 µg g-1 dry                 permissible levels set by WHO. Mean
                                                                   weight,      respectively    and      its             concentrations of lead wels catfish
                                                                   accumulation in east wetland wels                     samples from the west, central and east
                                                                   catfish was below the detection limit                 wetland were 0.49, 0.5, 1.11 µg g-1 d.w,
                                                                   set. The mean nickel concentrations in                respectively. Compared to WHO
                                                                   wels catfish samples from the west,                   guidelines (0.5), toxicity level of Pb
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                                                                   central and east wetland were                         observed in the west and central
                                                                   equivalent to 0.44, 0.37 and 0.22 µg g-1              wetland samples were close to
                                                                   d.w, respectively. Also mean zinc                     allowable levels for this metal, while Pb
                                                                   concentrations in wels catfish collected              levels in the East wetland samples
                                                                   from west, central and east wetland                   exceeded the recommended limit (Table
                                                                   were 22.35, 20.25, 22.35 µg g-1 d.w,                  1).
                                                                   respectively.    Toxicity levels      of
                                                                   cadmium, nickel, and zinc in all three

                                                                   Table 1: Accumulation (Mean±standard error) of heavy metal (mg g-1 dry weight) in edible muscle
                                                                           of wels catfish caught from three stations in the Anzali Wetland (p>0.05).
                                                                       Heavy metal              West wetland       Central wetland      East wetland  WHO
                                                                        Cadmium                 0.05±0.07          0.02 ±0.07           ND                   0.2
                                                                        Nickel                  0.44±0.38          0.37± 0.07           0.22±0.03            0.38
                                                                        Zinc                    22.35±1.90         20.25±1.23           22.35±1.27           100
                                                                        Lead                    0.49±0.47          0.5± 0.47            1.11±1.11             0.5

                                                                   The results this study showed that the                from the River Cross Nigeria. The
                                                                   accumulation pattern of Cd, Ni, Zn and                accumulation of metals based on their
                                                                   Pb in edible muscle tissue of wels                    concentrations    was    reported    as
                                                                   catfish in the three stations (west,                  ZnNi>Cd. These results are                   of C. nigrogitatus, sampled from the
                                                                   similar to the study conducted by                     Yamuna river of Delhi metal
                                                                   Peycheva et al. (2014) on the                         accumulation      was    reported    as
                                                                   accumulation pattern (Pb
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 17(1) 2018                 248

                                                                   metals such as nickel in oil, aquatic               further research should be done to
                                                                   animals are always exposed to these                 determine the sources of this metal in
                                                                   heavy metals. In addition, nickel has               the east basin of the wetland. In this
                                                                   been found in car smoke, industrial                 study, no significant differences were
                                                                   wastes, burning wastes, crust and                   reported in metal accumulation levels in
                                                                   fertilizers. Due to the proximity of the            wels catfish in the three stations in the
                                                                   wetland to gas stations, and agricultural           Anzali Wetland. Ashja Ardalan and
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                                                                   fields,     untreated    industrial    and          Sohrabi (2009) measured Zn and Pb
                                                                   municipal wastewater enters aquatic                 levels in muscle tissue of Perca
                                                                   environments        and    the     wetland          fluviatilis in two regions Abkenar and
                                                                   (Khanipour and Seifzadeh, 2016). In                 Sheyjan of the Anzali Wetland. The
                                                                   this study, nickel toxicity level was               results     showed      no     significant
                                                                   below permissible limits in all three               differences (p>0.05) in lead amounts
                                                                   regions. Values higher than standard                between samples of Abkenar area and
                                                                   levels of the other heavy metals that are           Sheyjan. In another study (Askari Sari
                                                                   required in small amounts can lead to               et al, 2010) the accumulation levels of
                                                                   bad effects. Zinc belongs to this                   heavy metals was investigated in tissues
                                                                   category (Ebrahimi et al., 2012). High              of Liza abu of Karoon and Bahmanshir
                                                                   accumulation of zinc can be connected               Rivers. No differences were found in
                                                                   to its critical role in enzymatic                   metal concentrations in the studied fish
                                                                   processes, and metabolic processes of               tissues between the two rivers. Also
                                                                   aquatic animals, as well as to its                  Khalifi (2013) studied contamination
                                                                   geological origin and natural presence.             levels in liver tissue in silver carp
                                                                   In addition, Zn excretion rate is slower            (Hypophthalmichtys moltrix) to Pb in 6
                                                                   compared to its bioaccumulation (Selda              stations in the Anzali Wetland. The Pb
                                                                   Tekin et al., 2005). Accumulation rates             levels did not show significant
                                                                   of lead in the west and central wetland             differences between all stations. These
                                                                   and near the eastern wetland were                   findings agree with the results of the
                                                                   higher than the standard levels set by              present research. It is suggested that a
                                                                   WHO. The most polluted river entrance               comprehensive research be carried out
                                                                   to the East wetland is Pir Bazar River              on rivers in the wetland catchment area,
                                                                   that receives municipal and industrial              and human activities on the margin of
                                                                   wastewater.       Different     industries,         the wetland. We also need to find ways
                                                                   interface trunks, steel making, ceramics,           to remove non-biological resources in
                                                                   plastics, and milk industries in the cities         the wetland, and continuously monitor
                                                                   of Rasht, Bandare Anzali, Foman and                 industrial pollutants and wastewater.
                                                                   Somesara are the main sources of Pb.
                                                                   The waste from all these industries is              Acknowledgments
                                                                   emptied in this river which eventually              We are sincerely grateful to the experts
                                                                   enters the (east) wetland. Therefore                at National Research Center for Fish
249 Khanipour et al., Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in …

                                                                   Processing for their cooperation and to                 and Zn) contamination in muscle
                                                                   the   Inland     Waters    Aquaculture                  tissue of Esox lucius from the Anzali
                                                                   Research Center for their unwavering                    International Wetland: Accumulation
                                                                   support.                                                and risk assessment. Journal of
                                                                                                                           Mazandaran University of Medical
                                                                   References                                              Sciences, 22(87), 57-63 (In Persian).
                                                                   Abbasi, K. and Valipour, A.R., 2005.                  Fábio, P. Arantes Lourenço, A.,
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