IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION

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IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021
                  Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs
                          Ghent, Belgium, September 22-24, 2021


IABSE Congress Ghent 2021
ICC Ghent
Ghent, Belgium
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Invitation from the Organizing Committee
                                           Invitation from the Organizing
Invitation from the Scientific Committee
The Congress
The City                                   Dear Industry Partners,
Corporate Sponsorship
Tired Sponsor deals                        We are pleased to announce that the IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 will
Item Sponsorship                           be held from 22 to 24 September 2021. The International Association of
Additional Sponsor Opportunities           Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) is a scientific / technical
Exhibition                                 association whose members include renowned and top-level engineers
                                           in more than 100 countries. The Congress is organized by the Belgian
                                           and Dutch Groups of IABSE in co-operation with Ghent University. This
                                           congress will be the first international IABSE event hosted in the
                                           BENELUX since the successful IABSE Conference 2013 in Rotterdam.
                                           The Congress will be held in the buildings of ICC Ghent. The International
           Foto Bert                       Convention Centre is a high facilitated Congress venue where durability
                                           is of great importance.
                                           Become a sponsor or an exhibitor of the congress and display your
                                           company to the expected 500+ delegates from all over the world.
       Hans De Backer
                                           Our Congress will be an outstanding opportunity to showcase your
                                           company and network with industry leaders. We look forward to
                                           working with our corporate contributors to develop an environment and
                                           program that ensures a great return on investment and an outstanding
                                           event for our delegates.

                                           Hans De Backer, Organizing Committee Chair, Belgium
                                           Bert Hesselink, Organizing Committee Vice-Chair, The Netherlands
       Bert Hesselink
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Scientific program                 Invitation from the Scientific
    Bridge structures
    All structural materials       Committee
   Seismic actions                The Scientific Committee of the IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 in Belgium consists of
   Structural health monitoring   members from all continents of the world. This committee is responsible for the quality
   Climate change impact          and reviewing of the technical and scientific papers and for the technical program of
   Structural strengthening and   the congress around the congress theme ‘Structural Engineering for Future Societal
    retrofitting                   Needs’. All written papers submitted are reviewed by the Scientific Committee and
   Innovative structures          who is responsible for preparing the Congress Proceedings, published electronically,
                                   containing all written contributions. The large majority of the presentations is
                                   delivered orally in normal presentation sessions but also poster sessions, poster
                                   ‘elevator pitch’ sessions, discussion sessions, a Pecha Kucha session and special
                                   sessions take place. Technical Task Groups of IABSE can apply for the latter special
                                   sessions and these special sessions may run without written papers in order to be as
                                   up-to-date as possible. In order to accommodate all sessions and speakers, 6 to 8
                                   parallel sessions run simultaneously on the three main congress days. Keynote
                                   speakers introduce relevant topics to the congress theme and/or give a state-of-the-
                                   art overview on these topics.
    Bert H.H. Snijder              These topics contribute to future societal needs such as building and maintaining safe
                                   and reliable buildings and infrastructures, coping with the effects of climate change in
                                   a world with scarcer resources and the ambition to reduce mankind’s CO2 footprint to
                                   which the building industry and the structural engineering profession can substantially
                                   contribute. The technical program promises to be very interesting, attracting all those
                                   involved and interested in the state of the art and the future of bridge and structural
                                   engineering in the broadest sense to gather in Ghent.

                                   Bert H.H. Snijder, Scientific Committee Chair, The Netherlands
                                   Bart De Pauw, Scientific Committee Vice-Chair, Belgium
    Bart De Pauw
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Preliminary Program
IABSE Annual Meetings

IABSE Annual Meetings

Congress Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speakers and parallel sessions
Welcome Reception
Young Engineer event
                                         The Congress
                                         The IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 is a large international structural engineering
Keynote Speakers and parallel sessions
                                         conference bringing together scientists, students, designers, contractors,
Conference dinner
                                         owners and experts from international organizations around the world. The
                                         Congress serves as an important event for stimulating industry discussion,
                                         exchange of cutting-edge knowledge and networking. IABSE’s aim as a
Keynote speakers and parallel sessions   technical society is to promote the advancement of structural engineering
Congress Closing ceremony                practice while taking into account technical, economic, environmental,
*Technical and social events to be       aesthetic and social aspects. IABSE Congresses are annual events held each
determined                               September and hosted in all parts of the world. The 3-day format of the
                                         technical Congress follows 2-days of the association’s annual meetings. In
                                         recent years the number of delegates to the technical Congress has ranged
                                         between 550 and 1000.

                                         The City
                                         It can’t be a coincidence that Ghent, the capital of East Flanders, was given
                                         several pretty names: medieval Manhattan, historical heart of Flanders, a
                                         city of all times, one of the most beautiful historical cities in Europe.
                                         According to National Geographic Traveler Ghent is “the most authentic
                                         Historic city in the World“. And Lonely Planet called Ghent “Europe’s best
                                         kept secret”. The city combines an impressive past with a vivid present. You
                                         will hardly ever find such a diversity of architectural styles and treasures of
                                         which most are protected as national heritage by UNESCO. Strolling
                                         through Ghent often coincides with an adventurous travel through history.
                                         But above all, Ghent is alive! Here pounds the young heart of a dazzling city
                                         of culture with music, theatre, film and visual arts. A city where cultural
                                         perspectives are constantly renewed and enlarged, where culture is a feast
                                         and where feasting is a form of culture. Not only art lovers but nearly
                                         everyone can find something here to suit his taste. Ghent offers over 500
                                         restaurants, numerous pubs, pleasant shopping streets and an exciting
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Reasons to become a
                                               Corporate Sponsorship
                                               Your organization can contribute to the continued success and
                                               advancement of Structural Engineering by supporting the IABSE
 Reinforce your relationships with existing
                                               Congress Ghent 2021. Our Corporate Sponsorship program has been
  clients and project partners
                                               designed to provide organizations with the opportunity to increase
 Interact with other key industry leaders
                                               their profile in the local and global markets, in addition to networking
 Enhance your brand or announce a new         with decision makers, industry leaders, design professionals and
  brand or acquisition                         other delegates.
 Identify potential new clients and project   Ranging from the Diamond to Bronze categories, each sponsorship
  partners and introduce your products,        tier has a specific set of exposure and benefits intended to elevate
  services and/or solutions                    your organization’s visibility and recognition at the Congress. In
 Create a new product launch                  addition, we offer sponsorship of Congress hand-outs on which your
 Identify new potential clients and           organization’s logo would be prominently displayed, including
  specifiers for your products and services    lanyards, the USB stick with proceedings, and the conference bags.
 Gain valuable feedback on your products      Sponsorship opportunities for special events and meals are also
  and services                                 available. Details on available sponsorship opportunities are given in
 Showcase your recent projects and            the tables on the following pages.
  innovations                                  Several prizes are awarded to authors and delegates at the Congress.
 Engage with professionals and academics      Please contact us for additional information on how your corporate
  concerning market trends                     support can help to support these initiatives.
                                               Note that all Corporate Sponsor rates are inclusive of applicable
                                               taxes (VAT).
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Tiered Sponsor deals
 Sponsorship type                                                                 Diamond        Platinum        Gold           Silver   Bronze
                                                                                  € 25 000       € 15 000        € 7500         € 2500   € 1000
 Sponsor’s Brochure in Conference Bag                                                X              X              X
 Prominent Display of Logo with Links at website                                     X              X              X
 Display of Logo with Links at website                                                                                             X       X
 Number of Project Slides on Sponsor Loop Slideshow                                  7              5              3               2       1
 Prominent display in Venue entrance (big) / online congress platform                X
 Prominent display in Venue entrance (small) / online congress platform                             X
 Display of Logo on Signage at Venue                                                big            big            big           small    small
 Pre-exposure on Conference Emails and Acknowledgement on Post-
                                                                                     X              X              X
 Event Email
 Verbal Acknowledgement of support and Display of Corporate Logos at
                                                                                     X              X              X
 Opening and Closing Ceremonies
 Display of Corporate Logos at Opening and Closing Ceremonies                                                                      X       X
 Complementary company profile in the Final Program                                  X              X
 Complementary company advert in the Final Program                                                               1 Page         ½ Page   ¼ Page
 Banner in Congress App / online congress website                                    X              X               X
 Event Related Benefits
 Complimentary Full Registration                                                     4              2              1
 Available booth                    6 m²                                                                           1
                                    9 m²                                                            1
                                   12 m²                                             1
*The booth space is only valid for an on-site exhibition, an online alternative will be offered in case of an online only event.

Item Sponsorship
                                                                                     Conference      Rotating        Wifi access
 Sponsorship type                                         Lanyard     USB Stick
                                                                                        bag         App Banner      personalised
                                                          € 4000       € 5000         € 2000             € 500          €2000
 Available number                                            1            1              1                 4              1
 Display of Logo with Links at website                     small       small             small           small          small
 Symposium Lanyard                                           X
 USB Sticks with Symposium Proceedings                                    X
 Conference Bag                                                                           X
 Displayed in app                                                                                         X
 Logo on the Welcome page, password with your
 company name
 Acknowledgement in the Final Program                        X            X               X               X               X
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
                                                                      Gala      Welcome                Technical               Coffee
   Sponsorship type*                                                 Dinner     reception
                                                                                            YE Event
                                                                     € 1500      € 750      € 750       €750       € 750       €500
   Available number                                                     4          4          4           4          8          12
   Display of Name with Links at website                               X           X           X          X          X           X
   Prominent display of logo with sponsored event
                                                                       X           X           X          X          X           X
   Name Listing on Venue Signage                                       X           X           X          X          X           X
   Verbal Acknowledgement of Sponsorship at Gala Dinner                X
   Prominent Display of Logo at Gala Dinner on Signage and
   Table Toppers
   Banquet Slideshow Loop                                              X
   Verbal Acknowledgement of Sponsorship and Display of Logo
   at Welcome reception
   Prominent Display of Logos at Welcome Reception on Signage                      X
   Verbal Acknowledgement of Sponsorship at Young Engineers
   Social Event on Signage
   Prominent Display of Logos at Young Engineers Social Event on
   Display of Logo At Sponsored Lunch on Signage and Table
   Display of Logo at Coffee Break on Signage and Table Toppers                                                                  X
   Event related Benefits
    Complimentary Tickets to Gala Dinner                                   2
    Complementary Tickets to Welcome Reception                                        2
    Complementary Tickets to Young Engineers Social Event                                        2
*If the organization is forced to cancel all on-site events, this will be replaced by an online promotion package instead of a refund.
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
For more Information on
Sponsorship & Exhibition
                                    The IABSE Congress Ghent gives the opportunity to leading
Contact the IABSE Congress Ghent:
                                    companies in the field of civil and bridge engineering to exhibit their
Hans De Backer                      products to engineers from all over the world. During the three-day
  Chair Organizing Committee        conference, companies can rent an exhibition space in the central
  IABSE@Ghent2021.org               venue hall between breakout rooms. In the event of an online only
                                    congress, virtual exhibition rooms will be created, where participants
Sissel Niggeler
                                    can have one-to-one chats with your company delegate.
    Events and Marketing Manager
    niggeler@iabse.org              The Exhibition fee: €600 (incl. VAT) per m²
                                    In addition to exposure during the congress, exhibitors will
                                    receive the following benefits:
                                         Name listing
                                         Exhibition space (6 m², 9 m² or 12 m²)
                                         Lighting
                                         Electrical supply
                                         1 table and 2 chairs
                                         Exhibitions booth walls
                                         Flag sign with name of the exhibitor
                                         Exhibitor company profile in the final program
                                         2 Exhibitor badges per 6 m² space, 1 additional badge
                                             for each additional 3 m² booked
                                         Access to Coffee Breaks (served in Exhibition Area),
                                             and Welcome Reception

                                    Exhibition Schedule
                                     Move-in Period       Tuesday, 21 September 2021              TBA
                                     Display Period       Wednesday, 22 September 2021            TBA
                                                          Thursday, 23 September 2021             TBA
                                                          Friday, 24 September 2021               TBA
                                     Move-out Period      Friday, 24 September 2021               TBA

                                    Exhibition registration: To secure your booth spot, please return
                                    the exhibition order form at your earliest convenience with
                                    payment information. DEADLINE June 29, 2021
Photo Credit
                                    Payment and cancellation conditons
@VisitGent                          Contributions for an amount above €2000 can be spread over
ICC Ghent
                                    multiple years. This should be negotiated with the correspondent of
                                    the Organizing Committee. Payments have to be executed according
                                    to the received invoice. Furthermore are all contributions irreversible
                                    and no refunds can be guaranteed in case of cancellation.
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Exhibition application form and contract
Please complete and send to:
UGent – Mr. Hans De Backer                                                       IABSE – Ms. Sissel Niggeler
Technologiepark 60,                                                              Jungholzstrasse 28
9052 Zwijnaarde – Belgium                                       Or:              8050 Zurich – SWITZERLAND
Phone:         +32-9-264 5434                                                    Phone:          +41-43-443 97 54
Email:         IABSE@Ghent2021.org                                               Email:          Niggeler@iabse.org
Web:           www.iabse.org/Ghent2021                                           Web:            www.iabse.org

  Company:                                                           Company VAT number:
  Contact Name:
  Postal Code:                                                       City:
  Exhibitor #1 name:                                                 Exhibitor #1 title:
  Mobile Phone:                                                      Email:
  Exhibitor #2 name:                                                 Exhibitor #2 title:
  Mobile Phone:                                                      Email:

  We wish to reserve an exhibition space:                              Special Notes:
           Scheme 6 m² (€3 600)
           Scheme 9 m² (€5 400)
           Scheme 12 m² (€7 200)

   Payment Schedule:                                      By Bank Transfer:                   Cancellation Policy
       All payment must be made in Euro                  All infomation will be              All exhibition contributions are
       50% of the total cost will be invoiced on the     provided together with the          irreversible and no refunds can be
        receipt of the completed order form unless        Invoice                             guaranteed in case of cancellation.
        otherwise negotiated
       The final balance is due by 1 june 2021
       For booking made after 1 june 2021, the full
        amount is due at the time of reservation

   We hereby agree to pay the required 50% deposit in Euro as soon    Exhibitor’s responsibility: At least one exhibitor must be present in
   as we receive the corresponsing invoice. Final balance of the      the booth at all times during each display period. Exhibitors shall
   payment is to be made at the latest by 1 June 2021                 observe all laws, rules and regulations of Belgium and ICC Gent
   Place and Date:                                                    Signature and Company stamp:
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs - CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION INVITATION
Sponsorship application form and contract
Please complete and send to:
UGent – Mr. Hans De Backer                                                       IABSE – Ms. Sissel Niggeler
Technologiepark 60,                                                              Jungholzstrasse 28
9052 Zwijnaarde – Belgium                                          Or:           8050 Zurich – SWITZERLAND
Phone:         +32-9-264 5434                                                    Phone:          +41-43-443 97 54
Email:         IABSE@Ghent2021.org                                               Email:          Niggeler@iabse.org
Web:           www.iabse.org/Ghent2021                                           Web:            www.iabse.org

  Company:                                                              Company VAT number:
  Contact Name:
  Postal Code:                                                          City:
  Mobile Phone::                                                        Email:

  We wish to book following sponsorships types:
         Diamond (€25 000)                        Lanyard (€4 000)                          Gala Dinner (€1 500)
         Platinum (€15 000)                       USB Stick (€5 000)                        Welcome reception (€750)
         Gold (€7 500)                            Conference Bag (€2 000)                   YE Event (€750)
         Silver (€2 500)                          Rotating App Banner (€500)                Technical Tour (€750)
         Bronze (€1 000)                          Wifi Access Personalised (€2 000)         Lunch (€750)
                                                                                              Coffee Break (€500)
  Special Notes:

      Payment Schedule:                                      By Bank Transfer:             Cancellation Policy
       All payment must be made in Euro                     All infomation will be        All exhibition contributions are
       100% of the total cost will be invoiced on the       provided together with the    irreversible and no refunds can be
        receipt of the completed order form unless           Invoice                       guaranteed in case of cancellation.
        otherwise negotiated

      We hereby agree to pay the required 50% deposit in Euro as soon
      as we receive the corresponsing invoice. Final balance of the
      payment is to be made at the latest by 1 June 2021
      Place and Date:                                                    Signature and Company stamp:
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