HUGHENDEN PARISH COUNCIL - Full Council Meeting Council Offices, Great Kingshill, HP15 6EN Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 8pm
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HUGHENDEN PARISH COUNCIL Full Council Meeting Council Offices, Great Kingshill, HP15 6EN Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 8pm Confirmed Minutes Minutes Actions Present:- Cllr P Williams (Acting Chairman) Cllr S Jones Cllr M Burch Cllr B Swain Cllr P Gieler Cllr C Waterton Officer: Shona Hadwen (Clerk) 3 members of the public signed the visitors’ book. Jill Armshaw (Deputy Clerk) 1. Apologies for Absence 16718 Apologies were received from Cllrs Gilmour, Gould, Keegan and Nicholls and a reason for their respective absences having been given and considered, their apologies were ACCEPTED. Cllrs Crawford and Kearey were absent. 2. Declarations of Members’ Interests in Items on the Agenda 16719 Cllr Jones declared an interest in an item to be discussed under Confidential, item (29a) having an interest in HCST. 3. Minutes of the previous meetings 16720 The Council RESOLVED to ACCEPT the minutes of the Extraordinary Council th meeting dated the 10 October 2016 and which were then signed by the Chairman. 16721 The Council also RESOLVED to ACCEPT the minutes of the Full Council meeting th dated the 11 October 2016 and which were then signed by the Chairman. 4. Matters Arising Report to be noted 16722 The matters arising report which had had been distributed before the meeting was NOTED. 5. Public Participation 16723 A member of the public thanked the Council for the work it had done to secure the parking bays outside the Naphill Post Office and also for agreeing to fund the bollard proposal. 16724 A member of the public spoke on the subject of the trees at Walter’s Ash Pond. 16725 A third member of the public thanked the Council for their contribution towards the Hughenden Valley Village Shop which had now secured planning permission. 16726 Cllr Williams proposed to consider item 25b now as it related to ref: 16724 – the trees at Walters Ash Duckpond. This was AGREED by the Council. Following discussion, it was further AGREED for the Deputy Clerk to provide the resident with the details of three contractors in order to obtain quotes for the works needed. 6. Reports from County and/or District Councillors 16727 Cllr Carroll provided a report from both a district and county perspective on the following: Withdrawal of the planning application for the MUGA Approval of the planning application for the Hughenden Valley Village Shop Re-organisation of Local Government 1
White lines at New Road 7. Correspondence 16728 The Council noted the correspondence and the email log provided by the Clerk in Appendix 1. In respect of item 1127/16, it was AGREED that a response would be drafted by the Devolved Services Working Group and sent on behalf of Council. 8. Financial Report 16729 Council noted the report. In relation to an invoice for costs associated with the MUGA, it was AGREED by Council that the Clerk would write back to the payee explaining that he must give the invoices to the Village Hall who would then invoice us. The arrangement is that we pay the Village Hall. An additional invoice for a planning application fee was rejected as this did not fall within the terms of the agreement on which the grant was offered. 9. Chairman’s Report 16730 Council received and noted the report. 10. Clerk’s Report 16731 Council received and noted the report which included an update from the Deputy Clerk on outside spaces. 11. Standing Committee Reports Planning Committee 16732 In Cllr Gould’s absence, Cllr Gieler provided an update on the planning meeting of th 27 October. This was received and NOTED by the Council. 12. Reports from Working Groups 16733 Playgrounds – As there is a Health & Safety issue with some of the playground equipment the Council RESOLVED to contact the annual inspector to carry out a survey on all timber equipment in our playgrounds. Proposed by Cllr Gieler, Seconded by Cllr Swain 16734 Garden of Rest – Council have just received plans for potential improvements to be carried out at the Garden of Rest. These will be circulated at next Full Council meeting and will also be discussed at Precept meeting in December. 16735 Road Safety – The report was received and NOTED by the Council. 13. Reports from Associated Organisations 16736 There were none. 14. Systems Review Report 16737 The report was received and NOTED by the Council. It was RESOLVED by the Council that the Clerk should conduct a Risk Assessment of all points noted and report th back to Full Council at next meeting on 13 December. Proposed by Cllr Swain, Seconded by Cllr Jones. 16738 It was RESOLVED by Council to pay the invoice to Fish Associates. Proposed by Cllr Swain, Seconded by Cllr Gieler. 15 Out of Hours Arrangements 16739 The Council RESOLVED that an out-of-hours rota be created to include Cllr Williams & Cllr Burch. It was AGREED that Cllr Nicholls & Cllr Gould should be contacted with a view to remaining on the rota. 16. Devolved Services 16740 It was AGREED to move this item to December Full Council meeting. 17. Re-structuring of Local Government 16741 The Council NOTED the report submitted by Cllr Nicholls and acknowledged the plans for re-structuring at a local and county level. It was also acknowledged that there was not enough time for the Council to give this item due consideration. 2
18. New IT equipment for Office 16742 Further to the quotes provided it was RESOLVED by Council to authorise the purchase of a new lap-top and processor for the office up to the value of £700 with Cllr Williams to be responsible for the set-up of the equipment. Proposed by Cllr Williams, Seconded by Cllr Gieler. 19. Public Works Loan th 16743 It was AGREED to move this item to Precept Meeting on 6 December 2016. 21. Meeting Dates for 2017 16744 It was RESOLVED to accept the proposals for the meeting dates provided by the Deputy Clerk for 2017 with the exception of the Precept meeting. It was also RESOLVED th to move the Precept meeting from December 2017 to November 28 2017. Proposed by Cllr Gieler and Seconded by Cllr Waterton. 22. Training for Clerical Assistant & Clerk 16745 It was AGREED to discuss this item under Confidential. 23. Open Spaces 16746 It was AGREED to re-think the plan for parking barriers at Templewood Playground. 16747 It was RESOLVED by Council to go ahead with the work required at Cockpit Hole. Proposed by Cllr Swain and Seconded by Cllr Gieler. 16748 It was RESOLVED by Council to carry out the work required at Vincent’s Pond. Proposed by Cllr Swain, Seconded by Cllr Burch. 16749 The Council RESOLVED that it being 10pm the meeting should continue but not beyond 10.30pm. 23. Open Spaces (cont’d) 16750 It was RESOLVED by Council to go ahead with the work required at Walter’s Ash Pond. Proposed by Cllr Williams, Seconded by Cllr Jones. 16751 It was RESOLVED by Council to go ahead with the Road side clearing and cleaning throughout the Parish but to wait until February to start work and that the funding for this should come out of next year’s expenditure. Proposed by Cllr Swain, Seconded by Cllr Jones. 16752 It was AGREED by Council that the Deputy Clerk would obtain two further quotes from specific Tree Contractors for the cutting back of trees on Coombe Lane. This also refers to Item 25a on the Agenda. 24. Delegation of Powers regarding Planning 16753 It was RESOLVED by Council that the Chairman of the Planning committee and the Clerk be given the authority to make consultee comments regarding planning applications when it is not possible for a Planning Committee to meet to consider applications. Proposed by Cllr Swain, Seconded by Cllr Gieler. 25. Overgrown Vegetation 16754 Item 25a was discussed under Item 23 and minute ref 16751. 16755 Item 25b was discussed under Public Participation – Item 5 and minute ref 16724. 26. Christmas Social Event 16756 It was AGREED by Council for the Clerk & Deputy Clerk to organise dates and communicate to Full Council. 28. Any other matters to report which may be added to next Agenda. 16757 There were none. 3
29. Confidential Items 16758 Arrangements & Dates for the Complaints Panel. It was RESOLVED by Council th that the Complaints Panel would meet on Monday 28 November at 2pm in the HPC Offices to hear the complaint of a resident. The Complaints panel would consist of Cllr Swain, Cllr Burch, Cllr Gieler and Cllr Waterton as the Councillors available to attend the meeting. Complainant to be notified by email of this decision and relevant documentation to be submitted. 16759 Authorisation of payments to former Clerk. It was RESOLVED by Council to issue cheques for payments as discussed. 16760 Authorisation of payment for Recorder. It was RESOLVED by Council that a new Recorder be purchased with immediate effect. 16761 Contract of Employment for new Clerk. It was RESOLVED by Council that the terms and conditions of employment would be as that of the current NALC contract. 16762 ILCA Training for Clerk & Clerical Assistant. It was RESOLVED by Council to authorise the costs associated with the registering for ILCA training for both Clerk and Clerical Assistant. 30. Date of next meeting. th 16763 The next Full Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 13 December 2016 in the th HPC offices. The Precept meeting to be held on Tuesday 6 December in the HPC offices. Signed by the Chairman: Date: Commonly used abbreviations: Cllr(s) – Councillor(s) ASB – Anti Social Behaviour ACM – Annual Council Meeting ALC – Allotment Liaison Committee APM – Annual Parish Meeting BALC/BMKALC – Bucks (and Milton Keynes) Association of Local Councils BCC – Buckinghamshire County Council CDC – Chiltern District Council CIB – Community Impact Bucks CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy (replacement of S106) CPRE – Campaign to Protect Rural England DWG – Devolution Working Group ECM – Extraordinary Council Meeting F&S – Finance and Services (Committee) GKCC – Great Kingshill Cricket Club GKRA – Great Kingshill Residents Association HCST – Hughenden Community Support Trust HPC – Hughenden Parish Council HS2 – High Speed 2 HVRA – Hughenden Valley Residents Association HVDIG – Hughenden Valley Drainage Investigation Group (NWC)LAF – (North West Chilterns) Local Area Forum NAG – Neighbourhood Action Group NDVH – North Dean Village Hall NWARA – Naphill and Walters Ash Residents’ Association RA – Residents Association RBS – Rialtas Business Solutions – The Council’s Finance software SWG – Staffing Working Group TfB – Transport for Bucks TVP – Thames Valley Police VAS – Vehicle Activated Signage VAT – Value Added Tax VH – Village Hall WDALC – Wycombe District Association of Local Councils WDC – Wycombe District Council WE – Widmer End WERA – Widmer End Residents’ Association WP – Working party 4
Appendix 1 Correspondence Report 15th November 2016 Reference Received Description Format 1125/16 2nd Nov 2016 Note of Charges – Fish Associates Letter 1126/16 1st Nov 2016 Receipt – Royal British Legion Letter 1127/16 8th Nov 2016 Grass & Hedge Cutting – WERA E-mail Appendix 2 Financial Report 15th November 2016 Payments made since last meeting Invoice Received From Amount £ Cheque Information (inc VAT ) Number Clarity Copiers 31.74 106187 Photocopier charges 22/08-23/9/16 Mazars LLP 720.00 106188 External audit work FYE 31/03/16 Veolia ES UK Ltd 52.22 106189 Waste at GoR Sept 2016 Country Supplies 45.05 106190 Postcrete, green sawn post Country Supplies 86.70 106191 25x Pointed stakes Shred on Site 60.00 106192 Shredding charge for Sept 2016 John O’Conner Ltd 2042.94 106193 Grass cutting for Sept 2016 SSE 38.60 106194 Street lighting - Dusk to dawn energy 2/9-3/10/16 SSE 89.92 106195 Street lighting 13/7-4/10/16- office, quarterly charge SSE 4.32 106196 Street lighting - Continuous energy 2/9-3/10/16 Employee 1 846.01 106197 Not yet issued for payment (not included in totals) Employee 2 312.13 106198 Overtime for Sept 2016 (minus PAYE/NI) SLCC 250.00 106199 Membership & joining fee for new Clerk 2.00 106200 Overpaid for allotment by £2 (ND Plot 5a) Staples 13.92 106201 Office stationery Staples 74.88 106202 Office stationery Fisheye Film Festival 650.00 106203 Res No 16649 – donation for hall booking/licenses/publicity for festival 106204 CANCELLED cheque – made out in error Affinity Water 88.78 106205 Primrose Hill allotments water charge 18/03-15/09/16 Affinity Water 28.35 106206 Council Offices water charges 24/03-19/09/16 & standing charge to 31/3/17 RBL Poppy Appeal 50.00 106207 2 x poppy wreaths and £16 donation ARD Playgrounds 168.00 106208 Quarterly playground inspection for 6 x play areas (ABA Construction Ltd) ETI Services Ltd 69.00 106209 Office cleaning for Sept 2016 Buildbase 12.48 106210 Yacht varnish for Jubilee Plaques Clarity Copiers Ltd 64.28 106211 Photocopier charges 23/09-24/10/16 Spruced Up Ltd 870.00 106212 Maintenance for GoR Oct 2016 Member 120.55 106213 Allowance Employee 2 4.80 106214 Mileage claim for Oct 2016 Employee 2 20.40 106215 Expenses for Oct 2016 Country Supplies 41.54 106216 Postcrete & Gate Post for Common Road Allotments HMRC 1337.30 106217 PAYE & NI for month 7 October 2016 Public Works Loan Board 1356.25 DD Office building payment of loan Salaries October 3316.08 SO Standing Orders paid in October Nest Pensions 206.79 DD Pension contributions for October 2016 Mainstream Digital 5.71 DD Phone charges 01/09-29/09/16 5
HSBC 2.50 DR Text messaging service for Oct 2016 Heart Internet 10.79 DD Web Hosting Fee Oct 2016 TOTAL: £12,248.02 Money received since last meeting Wycombe District Council 6,727.46 CIL funding April – Oct 2016 Bucks County Council 5,705.10 Devolution payment Allotment Rents 2,496.50 Various Burial Fees 2,700.00 Various Memorial Fees 300.00 Various TOTAL £17,929.06 st Bank Balances 31 October 2016 £ HSBC Current 76,870.66 HSBC High Interest 103,516.40 HSBC Imprest 1,000.00 NS&I 80,938.87 Petty Cash 0.00 Unity Bank Imprest 330.04 Unity Bank Deposit 0.00 Unity Bank Debit Card (account closed) 0.00 TOTAL £262,655.97 Bank Reconciliation Statements Bank Reconciliation Statements for the month ending the 31st October 2016 have been prepared but not yet signed off. 6
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