Minutes for the ORDINARY MEETING OF - Location: 9:00 AM - NET

Minutes for the ORDINARY MEETING OF - Location: 9:00 AM - NET
Minutes for the
COUNCIL - 30 June 2021

Date:                30 June 2021
Location:            Council Chambers
Time:                9:00 AM

                                COUNCIL WEBSITE
MINUTES                                                 ORDINARY MEETING
                                                        OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                        30 June 2021

     Ordinary Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers, Bellingen on
     Wednesday, 30 June 2021 commencing at 09:10 AM.
     Council meetings are livestreamed in accordance with NSW legislation.
     Please adhere to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice

     Mayor Dominic King, Cr Garry Carter, Cr Toni Wright-Turner, Cr Desmae
     Harrison, Cr Jennie Fenton, Cr Steve Jenkins arrived at 11:00am

     General Manager Liz Jeremy, Deputy General Manager Operations Ashley
     Greenwood, Acting Deputy General Manager Corporate and Community
     Chris Hodge & Executive Assistant Rebecca Fieldes

     Bellingen Shire Council acknowledges the Gumbaynggirr people as the
     Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and learn. We pay
     our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


     RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Carter)

     That an apology be received from Cr Klipin & Cr Jenkins and a leave of
     absence granted.




Item             4.1
Subject          Minutes for Confirmation - 26 May 2021 and 7 June 2021
Presented by
MINUTES                                                  ORDINARY MEETING
                                                         OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                         30 June 2021

RESOLVED (Cr Carter / Mayor King)

That the Minutes from the Ordinary Meeting of Council 26 May 2021 and the
Minutes from the Extraordinary Meeting of Council 7 June 2021 be confirmed.





Item              7.1
Subject           Future Mining and Mining Exploration in the Clarence
                  Valley Catchment.
Presented by      Mayor

RESOLVED (Mayor King / Cr Harrison)

That Council
1. Supports the Clarence Valley Council community in seeking a moratorium on
future mining and mining exploration in the Clarence Valley Catchment.
2. Advocate to the Premier Gladys Berejiklian MP, Deputy Premier John Barilaro
MP and the Minister for Energy & Environment Matt Keen MP.




Item              9.1
Subject           Bellingen Shire Inclusive Tourism Strategy
MINUTES                                                    ORDINARY MEETING
                                                           OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                           30 June 2021

                  Michael Grieve, Manager Economic & Business
Presented by

RESOLVED (Cr Fenton / Cr Carter)

That Council:
1 Adopt the Draft Bellingen Shire Inclusive Tourism Strategy which will then be
placed on public exhibition for a period of 21 days.
2 Receive a further report on the results from the engagement process which is
outlined in this report.



Item                10.1
Subject             Ratification of Changes to Section 355 Management
                    Committee Membership
Presented by        Anna Joy, Community Wellbeing Officer

RESOLVED (Cr Harrison / Cr Wright-Turner)

That Council:
1. Ratifies the appointment of Laurell Woolhouse, Cathryn McGuire and Amanda
Jones to the Hickory House and Neighbourhood Bus Management Committee
2. Ratifies the appointment of Michelle Adams, Libby Ussher, Peter Ussher, Kerrie
Fittock, Cathryn McGuire, Shona Maguire and David Gibson to the North Dorrigo
Recreation Reserve Management Committee
3. Ratifies the appointment of Helen Gould to the Raleigh Hall and Recreation
Reserve Management Committee
4. Ratifies the appointment of Scott Beaumont and Kylea Cavanagh to the Dorrigo
Saleyards Management Committee
5. Accepts the resignation of Alison Raymond, Grahame Holden, Arnold Duckett,
Alan Grace, Florence McQuilty and Joyce Whelan from the North Dorrigo
Recreation Reserve Management Committee
6. Accepts the resignation of Stephen Beelitz from the Dorrigo Saleyards
Management Committee
7. Accepts the resignation of Edithe Piggott from the Bellingen Citizens Centre
Management Committee
8. Accepts the resignation of Robert Murcott and Robyn Hawkshaw from the Thora
Hall Management Committee
MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

9. Accepts the resignation of Ellie Luhr and Delma Parker from the Hickory House
and Neighbourhood Bus Management Committee
10. Advises new members and committee secretaries in writing of the new
members appointment to the committee, provides a copy of the Section 355
Committee Guidelines Manual for their information and reference and advises of the
requirement for Code of Conduct training
11.Writes to the retiring members acknowledging them and thanking them for their
contribution to Section 355 Management Committees


Item               10.2
Subject            Minutes of the Clarence Regional Library Committee
                   Meeting 14 May 2021
                   Jill Haynes, Shire Librarian
Presented by
                   Alison Pattinson, Manager Community Wellbeing

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Harrison)

That Council receive and note the attached minutes of the Clarence Regional
Library (CRL) Committee meeting held on 14 May 2021 and endorse the


Item         10.3
Subject      Community Wellbeing Progress Report
             Alison Pattinson, Manager Community Wellbeing
             Anna Joy, Community Wellbeing Officer
Presented by
             Jill Haynes, Shire Librarian
             Carol Ruigrok, Dorrigo Support Centre Coordinator

RESOLVED (Cr Fenton / Cr Wright-Turner)

That Council receive and note the Community Wellbeing Quarterly Progress Report.


Item            10.4
MINUTES                                                      ORDINARY MEETING
                                                             OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                             30 June 2021

Subject          Memorial Hall Project Update - June 2021
Presented by     Liz Jeremy, General Manager

RESOLVED (Cr Harrison / Cr Wright-Turner)

That Council receive and note this update report in relation to the Bellingen
Memorial Hall Project




Item             12.1
Subject          Sustainable Environment and Waste Unit Quarterly Report
Presented by     Alex Waldron, Manager Sustainable Environment & Waste

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Harrison)

That Council receive and note the Sustainable Environment and Waste Unit
quarterly report.


Council recess at 10:40am and resumed at 10:56am

Cr Jenkins arrived to the meeting 11:00am.

Item                  12.2
Subject               Proposed projects and allocation of the 2021-2022
                      Environmental Levy
                      Alex Waldron, Manager Sustainable Environment &
Presented by

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Fenton)
MINUTES                                                     ORDINARY MEETING
                                                            OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                            30 June 2021

That the proposed 2021-22 Environmental Levy projects and funding allocations be
adopted as per the table below.

 Project Name                                     Environmental Levy 2021-22
 Environmental Levy Community Fund                $32,000
 River & Biodiversity Community support,          $28,000
 assistance and grant application/scoping time
 Weeds Action Program                             $40,000
 Sustainability and Climate Change Projects       $15,000
 Past project maintenance                         $35,000
 Bellinger Landcare Incorporated                  $28,000
 Bellingen Urban Landcare                         $8,000
 Bellingen Shire Council Herbicide Review         $25,000

 As resolved by Council at its Ordinary meeting

 Riverbank Erosion Plan                           $11,000
 Riverwatch Partnership and Adopt a River          $11,000

 Further Grant Funded projects/
 Seed Funding                                     $25,296
 TOTAL                                            $258,296



Item             13.1
Subject          IP&R - Adoption of Operational Plan 2021/2022
                 Todd Williams, Executive Manager Organisational Strategy
Presented by
                 & Communication

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Harrison)

That Council in accordance with Section 405 of the Local Government Act
MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

1993, adopt the 2021/22 Operational Plan.


Item         13.2
Subject      IP&R - Adoption of 2021/22 - 2030/31 Long Term Financial Plan
Presented by Chris Hodge, Chief Financial Officer

RESOLVED (Cr Harrison / Cr Fenton)

That Council adopt Model 1 of the 2021/22 – 2030/31 Long Term Financial Plan.


Item                   13.3
Subject                IP&R - Adoption of Revenue Policy and Schedule of
                       Fees and Charges 2021/22
Presented by           Chris Hodge, Chief Financial Officer

RESOLVED (Mayor King / Cr Fenton)


   1. In accordance with the provisions of the NSW Local Government Act 1993
      Council adopt the Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges for the year
      commencing 1 July 2021.
   2. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 493, 494, 496, 501, 502, 503,
      542, 552 and 553 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 Council make the
      rates and charges for the rating year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 as follows:

1. Interest on overdue rates:

The interest rate on overdue amounts applicable to outstanding rates and charges
for 2021/22 will be 6%, which is the maximum rate per annum accruing on a daily
basis, as set by the NSW Minister for Local Government.

2. Ordinary Rates (Section 494)

   1. A Residential Rate of 0.391347 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
MINUTES                                                    ORDINARY MEETING
                                                           OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                           30 June 2021

     Value of all rateable land in the town of Dorrigo categorised “Residential”,
     with a base amount of Four Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($490.00), in respect
     of any separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the
     “Ordinary Rate – Residential Dorrigo”.

  2. A Residential Rate of 0.264782 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
     Value of all rateable land in the town of Bellingen categorised “Residential”,
     with a base amount of Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in
     respect of any separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the
     “Ordinary Rate – Residential Bellingen”.

  3. A Residential Rate of 0.266120 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
     Value of all rateable land in the town of Urunga categorised “Residential”,
     with a base amount of Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in
     respect of any separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the
     “Ordinary Rate – Residential Urunga”.

  4. A Residential Rate of 0.234498 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
     Value of all rateable land in the village of Mylestom categorised “Residential”,
     with a base amount of Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in
     respect of any separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the
     “Ordinary Rate – Residential Mylestom”.

  5. A Residential Rate of 0.291127 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
     Value of all rateable land categorised “Residential”, with a base amount of
     Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in respect of any separate
     parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary Rate –
     Residential Rural”.

  6. A Residential Rate of 0.263253 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land
     Value of all rateable land categorised “Residential”, with a base amount of
     Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in respect of any separate
     parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary Rate –
MINUTES                                                     ORDINARY MEETING
                                                            OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                            30 June 2021

   7. A Business Rate of 0.557347 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land Value
      of all rateable land in the town of Dorrigo categorised “Business”, with a base
      amount of Five Hundred and Twelve Dollars ($512.00), in respect of any
      separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary
      Rate – Business Dorrigo”.

   8. A Business Rate of 0.390121 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land Value
      of all rateable land in the town of Bellingen categorised “Business”, with a
      base amount of Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in respect of
      any separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary
      Rate – Business Bellingen”.

   9. A Business Rate of 0.425309 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land Value
      of all rateable land in the town of Urunga categorised “Business”, with a base
      amount of Five Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in respect of any
      separate parcel of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary
      Rate – Business Urunga”.

   10. A Business Rate of 0.301284 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land Value
       of all rateable land categorised “Business”, with a base amount of Five
       Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars ($562.00), in respect of any separate parcel
       of rateable land. The Rate to be known as the “Ordinary Rate – Business”.

   11. A Farmland Rate of 0.267169 cents in the dollar on the Rateable Land Value
       of all rateable land categorised “Farmland” with a base amount of Five
       Hundred and Forty Seven Dollars ($547.00).The Rate to be known as the
       “Ordinary Rate – Farmland”.

3. Annual Water Availability Charges (Section 501):
An annual charge for all land rateable and connected to the water system, the
charge being as listed below. The Charge to be known as the “Water Annual
MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

   1. An annual charge of One Hundred and Forty Five Dollars ($145.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 20mm connection to the water main.

   2. An annual charge of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($225.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 25mm connection to the water main.

   3. An annual charge of Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($370.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 32mm connection to the water main.

   4. An annual charge of Five Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars ($575.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 40mm connection to the water main.

   5. An annual charge of Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine Dollars ($899.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 50mm connection to the water main.

   6. An annual charge of One Thousand, Five Hundred and Twenty Dollars
      ($1,520.00) per meter for all land which has a 65mm connection to the water

   7. An annual charge of Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Two Dollars
      ($2,302.00) per meter for all land which has an 80mm connection to the
      water main.

   8. An annual charge of Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifteen Dollars
      ($2,915.00) per meter for all land which has a 90mm connection to the water

   9. An annual charge of Three Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety Eight Dollars
      ($3,598.00) per meter for all land which has a 100mm connection to the
      water main.

   10. An annual charge of One Hundred and Forty Five Dollars ($145.00) per
       meter for services provided and used solely for firefighting purposes.

   11. An annual charge for all land rateable which is able to be connected to the
       water system but is not connected, the charge being One Hundred and
       Twenty Eight Dollars ($128.00) per assessment. The Charge to be known as
       the “Water Annual Charge – Not Connected”.

4. Annual Sewer Availability Charges (Section 501):
An annual charge for all residential land rateable and connected to the sewerage
system, the charge being listed as below. The Charge to be known as the “Sewer
Annual Charge - Residential”.
MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

   1. An annual charge of One Thousand and Sixty Seven Dollars ($1,067.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 20mm connection to the water main.

   2. An annual charge of One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars
      ($1,664.00) per meter for all land which has a 25mm connection to the water

   3. An annual charge of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty Dollars
      ($2,730.00) per meter for all land which has a 32mm connection to the water

   4. An annual charge of Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty Six Dollars
      ($4,266.00) per meter for all land which has a 40mm connection to the water

   5. An annual charge of Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars
      ($6,664.00) per meter for all land which has a 50mm connection to the water

   6. An annual charge of Eleven Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty One Dollars
      ($11,261.00) per meter for all land which has a 65mm connection to the
      water main.

   7. An annual charge of Seventeen Thousand and Sixty Two Dollars
      ($17,062.00) per meter for all land which has an 80mm connection to the
      water main.

   8. An annual charge of Twenty One Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety Four
      Dollars ($21,594.00) per meter for all land which has a 90mm connection to
      the water main.

   9. An annual charge of Twenty Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars
      ($26,660.00) per meter for all land which has a 100mm connection to the
      water main.

   10. An annual charge for all land rateable which is able to be connected to the
       sewerage system but is not connected, the charge being Nine Hundred and
       Sixty Six Dollars ($966.00) per assessment. The Charge to be known as the
       “Sewer Annual Charge – Not Connected”.

An annual charge for all non-residential land rateable connected to the sewerage
system, the charge being as listed below. The Charge to be known as the “Sewer
Annual Charge – Non-Residential”.
MINUTES                                                  ORDINARY MEETING
                                                         OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                         30 June 2021

   1. An annual charge of One Thousand and Sixty Seven Dollars ($1,067.00) per
      meter for all land which has a 20mm connection to the water main.

   2. An annual charge of One Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars
      ($1,664.00) per meter for all land which has a 25mm connection to the water

   3. An annual charge of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty Dollars
      ($2,730.00) per meter for all land which has a 32mm connection to the water

   4. An annual charge of Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty Six Dollars
      ($4,266.00) per meter for all land which has a 40mm connection to the water

   5. An annual charge of Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars
      ($6,664.00) per meter for all land which has a 50mm connection to the water

   6. An annual charge of Eleven Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty One Dollars
      ($11,261.00) per meter for all land which has a 65mm connection to the
      water main.

   7. An annual charge of Seventeen Thousand and Sixty Two Dollars
      ($17,062.00) per meter for all land which has an 80mm connection to the
      water main.

   8. An annual charge of Twenty One Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety Four
      Dollars ($21,594.00) per meter for all land which has a 90mm connection to
      the water main.

   9. An annual charge of Twenty Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars
      ($26,660.00) per meter for all land which has a 100mm connection to the
      water main.

5. Annual Liquid Trade Waste Charges (Section 501)

An annual charge for non-residential land rateable connected to the sewerage
system, the charge being Two Hundred and Fifty One Dollars and Fifty Cents
($251.50). This charge to be known as the “Liquid Trade Waste Annual Charge –

6. Annual Charges for Waste Management Services (Section 496 or Section 501)
MINUTES                                                                  ORDINARY MEETING
                                                                         OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                                         30 June 2021

    1. An annual charge of Seven Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars ($764.00) per
       service, for the collection, disposal, recycling and management of Domestic
       Waste generated on all residential properties receiving or situated in a
       location where the collection service is available. The charge is for each
       separate occupancy, per land parcel/assessment. This charge to be known
       as “Domestic Waste Service”.

    2. An annual charge of Seven Hundred and Eighty Four Dollars ($784.00) per
       service, for the collection, disposal, recycling and management of Domestic
       Waste generated on residential properties receiving or situated in a location
       where the collection service is available. This collection service consists of 1
       x 240lt red bin, 1 x 240lt green bin and 1 x 360lt yellow bin. The charge is for
       each separate occupancy, per land parcel/assessment. This charge to be
       known as “Domestic Waste Service – 360lt Yellow”.

    3. An annual charge of Seven Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars ($764.00) per
       service, for the collection, disposal, recycling and management of
       Commercial Waste generated on property categorised “Business” receiving a
       service similar to that as above. This charge to be known as “Commercial
       Waste Management”.

    4. An annual charge of Two Hundred and One Dollar ($201.00) for all parcels of
       rateable vacant property which would receive a collection service when
       becoming occupied or located where the service is available. This charge to
       be known as “Domestic Waste – Vacant Waste Service”.

    5. An annual charge of Two Hundred and One Dollar ($201.00) for a waste
       facility access charge for those rateable parcels of land for which a waste
       collection service (domestic or non-domestic) is not available. This charge to
       be known as “Waste Facility Access Charge”.

    6. An annual charge for domestic waste management service for extra bins or
       extra bins size services as stated below:

Existing 240L Bin Kept

           No of                                                        No of   Cost of Fortnightly
            240                  Cost of Weekly                          240       Service for
           Litre                                                        Litre
Bin Size   Units            Service for a Year $             Bin Size   Units        a Year $

                         Mixed      Recycling     Organics                       Mixed     Recycling
MINUTES                                                                           ORDINARY MEETING
                                                                                  OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                                                  30 June 2021

   240ltr         1                                     130.00          240ltr       1     154.00          45.00

   360ltr                                                               360ltr      1.5                    67.00

   660ltr      2.75        1050.00         420.00                       660ltr             524.00       211.00

  1100ltr      4.58        1742.00         669.00                      1100ltr             862.00       334.00

Existing 240L Bin Returned
              No of                                                               No of    Cost of Fortnightly
               240                   Cost of Weekly                                240        Service for
               litre                                                              Litre
Bin Size      units             Service for a year $                 Bin Size     Units         a Year $

                             Mixed      Recycling     Organics                              Mixed    Recycling

360ltr                                                                   360ltr      1.5                   21.00

660ltr          2.75        959.00         373.00                        660ltr                         162.00

1100ltr         4.58       1634.00         621.00                1100ltr                                287.00

    7. An annual charge for commercial waste management service for extra bins
       or extra bins size services as stated below:

 Existing 240L Bin Kept

                No of                                                             No of    Cost of Fortnightly
                 240                   Cost of Weekly                              240        Service for
                Litre                                                  Bin        Litre
  Bin Size      Units                Service for a Year $              Size       Units         a Year $

                              Mixed       Recycling     Organics                            Mixed    Recycling

     240ltr            1                                    130.00     240ltr         1    154.00          45.00

     360ltr                                                            360ltr       1.5                    67.00

     660ltr      2.75       1050.00         420.00                     660ltr              524.00       211.00
    1100ltr      4.58       1724.00         669.00                    1100ltr              862.00       334.00
MINUTES                                                               ORDINARY MEETING
                                                                      OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                                      30 June 2021

Existing 240L Bin Returned
             No of                                                   No of    Cost of Fortnightly
              240            Cost of Weekly                           240        Service for
              litre                                                  Litre
 Bin Size    units         Service for a year $          Bin Size    Units         a Year $

                        Mixed    Recycling    Organics                         Mixed    Recycling

    360 ltr                                                360 ltr      1.5                   21.00

    660 ltr   2.75     959.00       373.00                 660 ltr            435.00       162.00

   1100 ltr   4.58   1,634.00       621.00               1100 ltr             771.00       287.00

7. Water Usage Charges (Section 502):

   1. A Water Consumption charge of Two Dollars and Thirty Cents ($2.30) per
      kilolitre for all residential properties, applying to the daily average water
      consumption below 1 kl/per day per billing period. This charge to be known
      as the “Water Usage Residential”.

   2. A Water Consumption charge of Three Dollars and Forty Five Cents ($3.45)
      for all residential properties, applying to any daily average water consumption
      exceeding 1 kl/per day, per billing period. This charge to be known as the
      “Water Usage - Residential”.

   3. A Water Consumption charge of Two Dollars and Thirty Cents ($2.30) per
      kilolitre for all non-residential properties. This charge to be known as the
      “Water Usage Non-Residential”.

   4. A water consumption charge of Five Dollars and Sixty Cents ($5.60) for
      water consumption from a fire hydrant meter where consumption is not for
      firefighting purposes.

8. Sewer Usage Charges (Section 502)

A Sewer Usage Charge on all non-residential properties of One Dollar and Forty
Cents ($1.40) per kilolitre. This charge will be based on water consumption of the
previous quarter and affected by a Sewerage Discharge Apportionment Factor.
MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

9. Liquid Trade Waste Charges (Section 502)
   1. Category 1 – Compliant

      There is no consumption charge for Compliant Category 1.

   2. Category 1 – Non-Compliant

      A Consumption Charge of One Dollar and Eighty Cents ($1.80) per kilolitre
      will be charged on all Commercial properties. This charge will be based on
      water consumption of the previous quarter and affected by the strength and
      volume of waste and a Trade Discharge Factor. This charge is to be known
      as Liquid Trade Waste Usage Category 1 Non-Compliant.

   3. Category 2 – Compliant

      A Consumption Charge of One Dollar and Eighty Cents ($1.80) per kilolitre
      will be charged on all Commercial properties. This charge will be based on
      water consumption of the previous quarter and affected by the strength and
      volume of waste and a Trade Discharge Factor. This charge is to be known
      as Liquid Trade Waste Usage Category 2 Compliant.

   4. Category 2 – Non-compliant

     A Consumption Charge of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per kilolitre will be
     charged on all Commercial properties. This charge will be based on water
     consumption of the previous quarter and affected by the strength and volume
     of waste and a Trade Discharge Factor. This charge is to be known as Liquid
     Trade Waste Usage Category 2 Non-Compliant.


Item             13.4
Subject          Bellingen Shire s7.12 Contributions Plan - 2021
Presented by     Luke Perry, Group Leader Planning

RESOLVED (Cr Jenkins / Cr Carter)

That Council adopt the Bellingen Shire Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2021 to
commence on 1 July 2021.
MINUTES                                                    ORDINARY MEETING
                                                           OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                           30 June 2021


Item             13.5
Subject          Mayoral And Councillor Fees:2021-22
Presented by     Michael Cox, Governance & Property Officer

RESOLVED (Mayor King / Cr Harrison)

1. The report from the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal dated 23 April
2021 be noted.
2. Effective from 1 July 2021 there be a 2% percentage increase to the fees payable
to elected members.


Item             13.6
Subject          Report on Investments as at 31 May 2021
                 Phillip West, Senior Accountant
Presented by
                 Chris Hodge, Chief Financial Officer

RESOLVED (Cr Jenkins / Cr Carter)

That the report indicating Council’s investment position as at 31 May 2021 be
received and noted.


Item         13.7
Subject      Planning Services Quarterly Progress Report
Presented by Luke Perry, Group Leader Planning

RESOLVED (Cr Harrison / Cr Jenkins)

That Council receive and note the Planning Services Progress Report.

MINUTES                                                         ORDINARY MEETING
                                                                OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                                30 June 2021

Item                 13.8
Subject              Community Engagement Policy, Strategy & Toolkit
Presented by         Shaun Hammond

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Harrison)

That Council:

   1. Note and endorse this report detailing the engagement activities undertaken
      to explore community sentiment regarding the Draft Community Engagement
      Policy, Strategy and Toolkit refresh.
   2. Adopt the revised Community Engagement Policy, Strategy and Toolkit
      which are provided as attachments to this report.


Item                 13.9
Subject              Public Exhibition of Proposed Road Naming - Sheridan
                     Close Fernmount
Presented by         Michael Cox, Governance & Property Officer

RESOLVED (Cr Wright-Turner / Cr Fenton)

That Council:

1. Adopt the Road Name Sheridan Close as the preferred naming of road within the
59 Old Brierfield Rd Fernmount Development.

2. Undertake the community engagement actions in accordance with the
Engagement Strategy of public exhibition of the proposal for a period of 28 days.

3. That a further report be presented to Council following the exhibition period.

4. That a road naming policy be developed including provisions in relation to gumbaggnirr

MINUTES                                                   ORDINARY MEETING
                                                          OF COUNCIL - 30 June
                                                          30 June 2021

Item               13.10
Subject            Planning Agreement between Bellingen Shire Council
                   and Urunga Developments Pty Ltd ACN 616 362 433
Presented by       Luke Perry, Group Leader Planning

RESOLVED (Cr Jenkins / Cr Harrison)

That Council resolves to publicly exhibit the Draft Planning Agreement between
Bellingen Shire Council and Urunga Developments Pty Ltd ACN 616 362 433.


The meeting concluded at 12:30 PM

Cr Dominic King,

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